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The bacteriophage P1 Cre—lox site-specific recombination system has been used to integrate DNA specifically at lox sites previously placed in the tobacco genome. As integrated molecules flanked by wild-type lox sites can readily excise in the presence of Cre recombinase, screening for mutant lox sites that can resist excisional recombination was performed. In gene integration experiments, wild-type and mutant lox sites were used in conjunction with two strategies for abolishing post-integration Cre activity: (i) promoter displacement of a cre-expression construct present in the target genome; and (ii) transient expression of cre. When the promoter displacement strategy was used, integrant plants were recovered after transformation with constructs containing mutant lox sequences, but not with constructs containing wild-type lox sites. When cre was transiently expressed, integrant plants were obtained after transformation with either mutant or wild-type lox sites. DNA rearrangements at the target locus were less frequent when mutant lox sites were used. DNA integration at the genomic lox site was usually without additional insertions in the genome. Thus, the Cre—lox site-specific recombination system is useful for the single-copy integration of DNA into a chromosomal lox site.  相似文献   

Site-directed DNA integration has been achieved by using a pair of mutant lox sites, a right element (RE) mutant lox site and a left element (LE) mutant lox site [Albertet al. (1995)Plant J., 7, 649-659], in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. We established ES cell lines carrying a single copy of the wild-type lox Por LE mutant lox site as a target and examined the frequency of site-specific integration of a targeting vector carrying a loxP or RE mutant lox site induced by Cre transient expression. Since our targeting vector contains a complete neo gene, random integrants can form colonies as in the case of a gene targeting event through homologous recombination. With our system, the frequency of site-specific integration via the mutant lox sites reached a maximum of 16%. In contrast, the wild-type loxP sites yielded very low frequencies (<0.5%) of site-specific integration events. This mutatedloxsystem will be useful for 'knock-in' integration of DNA in ES cells.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test whether or not cyclization recombination (CRE), the P1 phage site-specific recombinase, induces genome rearrangements in plastids. Testing was carried out in tobacco plants in which a DNA sequence, located between two inversely oriented locus of X-over of P1 (loxP) sites, underwent repeated cycles of inversions as a means of monitoring CRE activity. We report here that CRE mediates deletions between loxP sites and plastid DNA sequences in the 3'rps12 gene leader (lox-rps12) or in the psbA promoter core (lox-psbA). We also observed deletions between two directly oriented lox-psbA sites, but not between lox-rps12 sites. Deletion via duplicated rRNA operon promoter (Prrn) sequences was also frequent in CRE-active plants. However, CRE-mediated recombination is probably not directly involved, as no recombination junction between loxP and Prrn could be observed. Tobacco plants carrying deleted genomes as a minor fraction of the plastid genome population were fertile and phenotypically normal, suggesting that the absence of deleted genome segments was compensated by gene expression from wild-type copies. The deleted plastid genomes disappeared in the seed progeny lacking CRE. Observed plastid genome rearrangements are specific to engineered plastid genomes, which contain at least one loxP site or duplicated psbA promoter sequences. The wild-type plastid genome is expected to be stable, even if CRE is present in the plastid.  相似文献   

The Allee effect is a positive causal relationship between any component of fitness and population density or size. Allee effects strongly affect the persistence of small or sparse populations. Predicting Allee effects remains a challenge, possibly because not all causal mechanisms are known. We hypothesized that reproductive interference (an interspecific reproductive interaction that reduces the fitness of the species involved) can generate an Allee effect. If the density of the interfering species is constant, an increase in the population of the species receiving interference may dilute the per capita effect of reproductive interference and may generate an Allee effect. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of heterospecific males on the relationship between per capita fecundity and conspecific density in Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus. Of the two species, only C. maculatus females suffer reproductive interference from heterospecific males. Only C. maculatus, the species susceptible to reproductive interference, demonstrated an Allee effect, and only when heterospecific males were present. In contrast, C. chinensis, the species not susceptible to reproductive interference, demonstrated no Allee effect regardless of the presence of heterospecific males. Our results show that reproductive interference in fact generated an Allee effect, suggesting the potential importance of interspecific sexual interactions especially in small or sparse populations, even in the absence of a shared resource. It may be possible to predict Allee effects produced by this mechanism a priori by testing reproductive interference between closely related species.  相似文献   

Treatment with the base analogue, 5azaC, increases SCEs in CHO but not in mosquito cells. On the other hand, both types of cells show equivalent increases in exchanges when treated with other compounds, such as mitomycin C. Vertebrate DNA is heavily methylated while diptera DNA is heavily demethylated. The sequence of events leading to an increase in SCEs in CHO cells is as follows: first of all, Cs are replaced by 5azaC; in the next cell cycle, CG palindromic dinucleotides exhibit an asymmetric configuration, the Cs in the parental DNA strand being methylated and the Cs in the daughter DNA strand demethylated; after one more cycle, half of the chromosomes show symmetric methylation and the other half symmetric demethylation of both Cs in CG palindromes. The increase of SCEs occurs in the second cell cycle when the hemimethylated DNA enters replication. DNA hemimethylation is believed to be an intermediate stage in the process of demethylation that accompanies gene expression. If so, gene demethylation would be a cause of SCE increase in normal vertebrate cells.  相似文献   

Under the Red Queen hypothesis, outcrossing can produce genetically variable progeny, which may be more resistant, on average, to locally adapted parasites. Mating with multiple partners may enhance this resistance by further increasing the genetic variation among offspring. We exposed Potamopyrgus antipodarum to the eggs of a sterilizing, trematode parasite and tested whether this altered mating behaviour. We found that exposure to parasites increased the number of snail mating pairs and the total number of different mating partners for both males and females. Thus, our results suggest that, in host populations under parasite-mediated selection, exposure to infective propagules increases the rate of mating and the number of mates.  相似文献   

After intradermal genetic immunization, naked DNA is transported from the site of injection to regional lymph nodes. Little is known on how inflammation influences this process and whether DNA is transported beyond local lymph nodes. In the experiments herein reported, we injected naked DNA in the presence of adjuvant to address questions related to 1) the fate of naked DNA in the presence of inflammation; 2) the generation of immune responses to the encoded protein during inflammation; and, more in general, 3) the fate of ingested molecules beyond regional lymph nodes during inflammation. Two sites of inflammation were induced in vivo in mice. Naked DNA was injected in the nape together with adjuvant, and adjuvant only was injected at a distant peritoneal site. Injected DNA, uptaken at the primary dermal site of inflammation, was transported beyond regional lymph nodes to distant organs such as the spleen and to the distant peritoneal site of inflammation. This transport, mediated by CD11b+ cells, was cumulative during chronic inflammation. These results indicate a novel route of transport of DNA beyond regional lymph nodes and may have specific implications for DNA-based immune modulation.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that new Cre recombinase specificities can be developed for symmetrically designed lox mutants through directed evolution. The development of Cre variants that allow the recombination of true asymmetric lox mutant sites has not yet been addressed, however. In the present study, we demonstrate that a mixture of two different site-specific Cre recombinase molecules (wt Cre and a mutant Cre) catalyzes efficient recombination between two asymmetric lox sites in vitro, presumably via formation of a functionally active heterotetrameric complex. The results may broaden the application of site-specific recombination in basic and applied research, including the custom-design of recombinases for natural, asymmetric, and lox-related target sequences present in the genome. Future applications may potentially include genomic manipulations, for example, site-specific integrations, deletions or substitutions within precise regions of the genomes of mammalians and other organisms.  相似文献   

Some properties of the palindromic sequences in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius nuclear DNA have been studied. It was shown that the amount of "foldback HAP bound DNA" and the S1 nuclease resistant DNA depends on renaturation temperature and Na+ concentration in solution. The authentic fraction of inverted repeats comprises 10-15% of the total DNA. The complexity of the palindromic fraction is approximately 8,2 X 10(7) nucleotide pairs and the average number of inverted repeats approximates 5 X 10(5) per haploid genome. The renaturation kinetics of inverted repeats with excess of total homologous DNA indicates that these sequences are enriched with unique DNA. The possible function of palindromic sequences is discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Some otherwise promising selections of Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit) have fruit that are too small for successful commercialization. We have therefore made the first detailed study in diploid kiwifruit of the effects of chromosome doubling induced by colchicine on fruit size, shape and crop loading.


Flow cytometric analysis of young leaves and chromosome analysis of flower buds and root tips was used to confirm the stability of induced autotetraploids. Fruit weight, size and crop load were measured in the third year after planting in the field and for three consecutive years. DNA fingerprinting was used to confirm the origin of the material.

Key Results

There was a very significant increase in fruit size in induced autotetraploids of different genotypes of A. chinensis. With the commercially important diploid cultivar ‘Hort16A’, most regenerants, Type A plants, had fruit which were much the same shape as fruit of the diploid but, at the same fruit load, were much larger and heavier. Some regenerants, Type B plants, produced fruit similar to ‘fasciated’ fruit. Fruit of the autotetraploids induced from three female red-fleshed A. chinensis selections were also 50–60 % larger than fruit of their diploid progenitors. The main increase in fruit dimensions was in their diameters. These improved fruit characteristics were stable over several seasons.


Chromosome doubling has been shown to increase significantly fruit size in autotetraploid A. chinensis, highlighting the considerable potential of this technique to produce new cultivars with fruit of adequate size. Other variants with differently shaped fruit were also produced but the genetic basis of this variation remains to be elucidated. Autoploids of other Actinidia species with commercial potential may also show improved fruit characteristics, opening up many new possibilities for commercial development.  相似文献   

Cavities or packing defects in proteins may generally be related with the dynamics and function of a protein. In the c-Myb R2 subdomain, its single cavity has been shown to be crucial for its DNA recognition. Cavities are also considered important in determining the pressure stability of a protein. In the present work, high-pressure proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H NMR) spectroscopy at 750 MHz is used to study the effect of a cavity-filling mutation (V103L) on the stability of the c-Myb R2 subdomain in the pressure range between 1 and 3,700 bar at 5 degrees C. A dramatic increase in the pressure stability of the c-Myb R2 subdomain is attained, from which we estimate the cavity size to be 35.3 A(3), in good agreement with literature values. We also evaluated the increase in thermodynamic stability DeltaG(0)(1bar) from 5.35 kJ/mol to 7.34 kJ/mol by the mutation, giving a clear example of the effect of a cavity on the global stability of a globular protein.  相似文献   

Repair by recombination of DNA containing a palindromic sequence   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
We report here that homologous recombination functions are required for the viability of Escherichia coli cells maintaining a 240 bp chromosomal inverted repeat (palindromic) sequence. Wild-type cells can successfully replicate this palindrome but recA , recB or recC mutants carrying the palindrome are unviable. The dependence on homologous recombination for cell viability is overcome in sbcC mutants. Directly repeated copies of the DNA containing the palindrome are rapidly resolved to single copies in wild-type cells but not in sbcC mutants. Our results suggest that double-strand breaks introduced at the palindromic DNA sequence by the SbcCD nuclease are repaired by homologous recombination. The repair is conservative and the palindrome is retained in the repaired chromosome. We conclude that SbcCD can attack secondary structures but that repair conserves the DNA sequence with the potential to fold.  相似文献   

When the kinetics of Escherichia coli exonuclease III digestion of adenovirus 2 DNA were studied by DNA polymerase I-catalyzed repair synthesis at 5°C, there was an indication of the formation of hairpin structure in the single-stranded template, exposed by exonuclease III. The hairpin structure results from a sequence with an inverted repetition of the type, a b c d···d′ c′ b′ a′. The location of these sequences was determined to be about 180 nucleotides from each terminus of adenovirus 2 DNA with the use of specific restriction endonucleases. The possible role of this region in the replication of the adenovirus 2 genome is discussed.  相似文献   

Excision repair of ultraviolet damage in human fibroblasts was partially inhibited by drugs that block DNA polymerases alpha or beta (cytosine arabinoside, aphidicolin and dideoxythymidine) causing a reduction in unscheduled synthesis and an accumulation of single-strand breaks. The strand breaks accumulated in the presence of aphidicolin could be resealed within 30 min after removal of the drug, but those accumulated by cytosine arabinoside took many hours. Digestion of repaired DNA with exonuclease III or S1 nuclease revealed that even the highest concentration of polymerase inhibitors, singly or in combination, that produced maximal accumulation of single-strand breaks only blocked 37-86% of repair sites. Use of single-strand break frequencies to measure the number of repair events can therefore be in error by as much as a factor of 3. The blocked patches with free 3'OH termini were, on average, 22% of normal length, corresponding to between 6 and 17 bases (assuming a normal patch of 25-75 bases in length). Patches that remained unsealed in vivo were also resistant to sealing by T4 ligase in vitro. The data are more consistent with a mechanism of repair in which long single-strand gaps are first made by excision enzymes and subsequently filled in by DNA polymerase alpha. Strand displacement or nick translation mechanisms seem unlikely.  相似文献   

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