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The relationship between the circadian and homeostatic control of body temperature was studied in golden hamsters maintained under a 14:10 LD cycle. Telemetric records of body temperature showed that body temperature oscillates daily with a low phase during the light section of the LD cycle and a high phase during the dark section. The low phase of the temperature rhythm was found to start two hours after lights on and to last about 8 hours. The high phase was found to start immediately after lights off and to last about 8 hours also. Metabolic heat production was measured by indirect calorimetry during the high phase and the low phase of the body temperature rhythm. Heat production in a thermoneutral environment was higher during the high phase of the body temperature rhythm than during the low phase, but cold-induced thermogenesis was greater during the low phase than during the high phase. This finding suggests that the autonomic thermoregulatory system is more responsive to cold stress during the low phase than during the high phase. Consequently, the daily oscillation of body temperature cannot be explained by an elevation of the thermoregulatory set point during the high phase of the rhythm. The homeostatic and circadian control of body temperature seem to be exerted separately from each other.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to understand the relationship between the components of the three-process model of sleepiness regulation (homeostatic, circadian, and sleep inertia) and the thermoregulatory system. This was achieved by comparing the impact of a 40-h sleep deprivation vs. a 40-h multiple nap paradigm (10 cycles with 150/75 min wakefulness/sleep episodes) on distal and proximal skin temperatures, core body temperature (CBT), melatonin secretion, subjective sleepiness, and nocturnal sleep EEG slow-wave activity in eight healthy young men in a "controlled posture" protocol. The main finding of the study was that accumulation of sleep pressure increased subjective sleepiness and slow-wave activity during the succeeding recovery night but did not influence the thermoregulatory system as measured by distal, proximal, and CBT. The circadian rhythm of sleepiness (and proximal temperature) was significantly correlated and phase locked with CBT, whereas distal temperature and melatonin secretion were phase advanced (by 113 +/- 28 and 130 +/- 30 min, respectively; both P < 0.005). This provides evidence for a primary role of distal vasodilatation in the circadian regulation of CBT and its relationship with sleepiness. Specific thermoregulatory changes occur at lights off and on. After lights off, skin temperatures increased and were most pronounced for distal; after lights on, the converse occurred. The decay in distal temperature (vasoconstriction) was significantly correlated with the disappearance of sleep inertia. These effects showed minor and nonsignificant circadian modulation. In summary, the thermoregulatory system seems to be independent of the sleep homeostat, but the circadian modulation of sleepiness and sleep inertia is clearly associated with thermoregulatory changes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Evidence is presented for a circadian control of locomotory activity in the larval stadia of the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus Walker. Under light—dark cycles (LD), maximal activity occurs around the L/D transition and/or in the hours preceding it. Free-running rhythm patterns longer than 24 h are observed in constant light. Re-entrainment to phase advances in the LD cycle is also accompanied by several transient cycles. However, free-running rhythms under constant darkness or transients when exposed to LD cycle delays were not found. LD cycles during the eighth stadium set the phase of a free-running rhythm in the adult, even if the nymph does not show a rhythm. Nymphal activity is often erratic and is disrupted periodically by the moulting cycle, but moulting does not interrupt the operation of the circadian system. The daily timing of the moult itself is not under circadian control.  相似文献   

In a population of cycling female hamsters entrained to an LD 6:18 light cycle (lights 1000-1600 hours), preovulatory release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone occurred in some animals at 1300-1400 hours and in others at 1900 hours. In every case peak release was phase-locked (2-3-hour positive phase angle) to the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity. The pattern of entrainment of gonadotropin release on LD 6:18 is fully explicable in terms of the hamster's phase response curve to light. We conclude that periodic gonadotropin release in cycling females is timed by a circadian oscillator (biological clock) that is probably the same oscillator driving the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The interplay of homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity in the control of body temperature was studied in the fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi). In a first study, the body temperature rhythm of 8 gerbils maintained at 24 degrees C under a 14L:10D light-dark cycle was studied by telemetry. Data from 9 other species of small mammals were also obtained for comparison. The gerbils were found to exhibit a robust rhythm of body temperature (the most robust of the 10 species) with a high plateau during the dark phase of the light-dark cycle and a low plateau during the light phase. In a second experiment, 5 gerbils were allowed to select the temperature of their environment by moving along a thermal gradient. The animals consistently selected higher ambient temperatures during the light phase of the light-dark cycle (when their body temperature was at the low plateau). In a third experiment, the metabolic response of 8 gerbils to an acute cold exposure was determined by indirect calorimetry. Greater cold-induced thermogenesis was observed during the light phase. The fact that the animals selected higher ambient temperatures and displayed greater cold-induced thermogenesis when their body temperature was lower contradicts the hypothesis that the body temperature rhythm is caused by a rhythmic oscillation of the thermoregulatory set point.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in male rats to study the effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on circadian rhythms of (a) plasma corticosterone concentrations; (b) motor activity; and (c) metabolic patterns. Animals were entrained to LD cycles of 12: 12 hr and fed ad libitum.

A daily rhythm of plasma corticosterone concentrations was found in controls animals with peak levels at 2400 hr and low values during the remaining hours. This rhythm was statistically confirmed by the cosinor method and had an amplitude of 3.37μg/100 ml and the acrophase at 100 hr. A loss of the normal circadian variation was observed in diabetic animals, with a nadir at the onset of light period and high values throughout the remaining hours; cosinor analysis of these data showed no circadian rhythm, delete and a higher mean level than controls.

As expected, normal rats presented most of their motor activity during the dark period with 80+ of total daily activity; the cosinor method demonstrated a circadian rhythm with an amplitude of 60+ of the mean level and the acrophase at 0852 hr. Both diabetic and control rats showed a similar activity during the light phase, but diabetic animals had less activity than controls during the night and their percentage of total daily activity was similar in both phases of the LD cycle (50+ for each one). With the cosinor method we were able to show the persistence of a circadian rhythm in the motor activity of diabetic rats, but with a mesor and amplitude lower than in controls (amplitude rested at 60+ of the mean level) and its acrophase advanced to 0148 hr.

The metabolic activity pattern of diabetic rats also changed: whereas controls showed a greater metabolic activity during the night (70+ food; 82+ water; 54+ urine; 67+ faeces), diabetics did not show differences between both phases of the LD cycle. Water ingested and urine excreted by the diabetic group were higher than normal during light and dark periods; food consumed and faeces excreted were higher than controls only in the light phase.

These data suggest that alterations in circadian rhythms of plasma corticosterone and motor activity are consecutive to the loss of the feeding circadian pattern, due to polyphagia and polydipsia showed by these animals, which need to extend intakes during the light and dark phases.  相似文献   

目的:同步遥测棕色脂肪组织(BAT)产热与体核温度昼夜律变化的时间曲线,分析二者昼夜节律变化的时间关系。方法:实验用成年雄性SD大鼠,在22℃环境温度下,明暗时间各12h,昼光时间为06:00h-18:00h,同步无线遥测体核温度(TC)、BAT温度(T队T)、腋窝温度(Tax)和动物活动的昼夜节律变化。结果:①在昼光中,TBAT较TC低0.67%,而在暗光中二者则相似。大鼠从昼光进入暗光时,TBAT升高的速率较TC升高速率快,开始上升的时间较TC提前8min;而从暗光进入昼光时,TBAT开始下降的时间则较TC提前4min。②Tax的昼夜节律幅度与TC相似,但无论动物在明光期或暗光期中,Tax均低于同步测量的TC。③从昼光期转入暗光期时,动物的行为活动出现增加反应先于TBAT和TC开始上升的时间。结论:实验结果证明,在暗光期中大鼠TC升高与BAT产热增加有关,说明BAT昼夜节律性产热的变化在维持体温昼夜生理节律中有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the existence of intraocular pressure (IOP) rhythms in athletic thoroughbred horses maintained under a 24 h cycle of light and darkness (LD) or under constant light (LL) or constant dark (DD) conditions. We identified an IOP circadian rhythm that is entrained to the 24 h LD cycle. IOP was low during the dark phase and high during the light phase, with a peak at the end of the light phase (ZT10). The circadian rhythm of IOP persisted in DD (with a peak at CT9.5), demonstrating an endogenous component in IOP rhythm. As previously shown in other mammalian species, horse IOP circadian rhythmicity was abolished in LL. Because tonometry is performed in horses for the diagnosis of ophthalmologic diseases, such as glaucoma or anterior uveitis, the daily variation in IOP must be taken into account in clinical practice to properly time tests and to interpret clinical findings.  相似文献   


Endogenous and exogenous effects of light on adult eclosion in Hyphantria cunea were tested by exposure to various light regimes. Regression analysis showed that the position of the eclosion peak after lights on was proportional to the length of the photophase, and that the peak was influenced by the timing of both lights‐on and lights‐off. Under photoperiods of 2–12 hours LD cycle, the eclosion peak was situated after lights‐off, but moved into the light phase as the photophase increased to 22 hours. Pupae were exposed to 3 “skeleton”; photoperiods of LDLD2:2:6:14, 4:2:4:14 and 6:2:2:14. Under the first of these, most adults emerged at the start or just before the longest dark period. Under the second and third skeleton regimes, 20% and 70% respectively of pupae emerged during the shorter dark period. When the compound eyes of the pharate adults were covered, adults smerged 1–4 hours before lights‐off under LD10:14, compared to a control group which emerged just after lights‐off. When pupae were transferred from LD to LL or DD conditions, the eclosion peak occurred approximately every 24 hours after the last LD peak. Results suggest that light received by the compound eyes influences the eclosion rhythm, either through an exogenous masking effect, or by altering the phase of the pacemaker controlling eclosion.  相似文献   

Abstract. Along a stable temperature gradient and under a LD 12:12 h cycle, nurse workers of the ant Camponotus mus Roger 1863 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) select for the brood two different temperatures daily: 30.8°C at the middle of the light period (circadian phase = 90°), and 27.5°C 8 h later, during the dark period (circadian phase = 210°), this rhythm being of endogenous nature.When a 24 h temperature cycle was superimposed along the thermal gradient, so that the immobile brood experienced a temperature transition as they receive when translocated by nurses (8 h at 30.8°C and 16 h at 27.5°C), no brood translocations occurred.The thermal cycle masked the rhythm of brood translocation when temperature fitted the daily pattern expected by nurses.When the same temperature cycle was presented with a phase-advance, nurses did not tolerate the early thermal increase and removed the brood as temperature rose.However, when workers experienced this new phase relationship between light and temperature cycles for more than 10 days, brood translocations were suppressed.Records under constant conditions of light and temperature indicated that the overt rhythm was locked-on to the expected early increase in temperature, so that the temperature cycle dominated over the LD cycle in resetting brood-carrying activity.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the daily rhythms of locomotor activity and behavioural thermoregulation that have previously been observed in Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) under field conditions are true circadian rhythms that persist in constant darkness (DD) and whether these rhythms show similar characteristics. Lizards held on laboratory thermal gradients in the Australian spring under the prevailing 12-hour light : dark (LD) cycle for 14 days displayed robust daily rhythms of behavioural thermoregulation and locomotor activity. In the 13-day period of DD that followed LD, most lizards exhibited free-running circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and behavioural thermoregulation. The predominant activity pattern displayed in LD was unimodal and this was retained in DD. While mean levels of skin temperature and locomotor activity were found to decrease from LD to DD, activity duration remained unchanged. The present results demonstrate for the first time that this species’ daily rhythm of locomotor activity is an endogenous circadian rhythm. Our results also demonstrate a close correlation between the circadian activity and thermoregulatory rhythms in this species indicating that the two rhythms are controlled by the same master oscillator(s). Future examination of seasonal aspects of these rhythms, may, however, cause this hypothesis to be modified.  相似文献   

Prolonged food deprivation is known to cause a fall in the core body temperature of homeotherms. In various species of small birds and mammals (body mass up to 2–3 kg), it has been shown that starvation-induced hypothermia is modulated by the circadian system, in the sense that hypothermia is observed primarily during the inactive phase of the daily activity cycle (i.e., during the night for diurnal animals and during the day for nocturnal animals), whereas relatively normal temperatures are recorded during the active phase. To investigate whether this modulation occurs also in larger animals, we investigated the effects of 4d food deprivation on the body temperature rhythm of goats and sheep (body mass 30–40 kg). In goats, the body temperature rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.0°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.42°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted during the first day of fasting, but the rhythm was drastically damped, if not eliminated, over the next 3 d as body temperature descended from the baseline level of 39.0 to 38.2°C. In sheep, the rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.3°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.34°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted through the 4 d of food deprivation, even though the mean level of body temperature gradually fell. Temperature fell more during the third and fourth nights than during the third and fourth days. Thus, circadian modulation of starvation-induced hypothermia was observed in sheep but not in goats.  相似文献   

The effects of varying photophase and altitude of origin on the phase angle difference (Ψ) of the circadian rhythm of oviposition during entrainment to light‐dark (LD) cycles and the aftereffects of such photophases on the period of the free‐running rhythm (τ) in constant darkness (DD) were evaluated in two Himalayan strains of Drosophila ananassae, the high‐altitude (HA) strain from Badrinath (5,123 m above sea level=ASL) and the low‐altitude (LA) strain from Firozpur (179 m ASL). The Ψ (i.e., the hours from lights‐on of the LD cycle to oviposition median) of both strains was determined in LD cycles in which the photophase at 100 lux varied from 6 to 18 h/24 h. The HA strain was entrained by all LD cycles except the one with 6 h photophase in which it was weakly rhythmic, but the LA strain was entrained by only three LD cycles with photophases of 10, 12, and 14 h, but photophases of 6, 8, 16, and 18 h rendered it arrhythmic. Lights‐off transition of LD cycles was the phase‐determining signal for both strains as oviposition medians of the HA strain occurred~6 h prior to lights‐off, while those of the LA strain occurred~1 h after lights‐off. The Ψ of the HA strain increased from~2 h in 8 h photophase to~11 h in 18 h photophase, while that of the LA strain increased from~11 h in 10 h photophase to~15 h in 14 h photophase. The aftereffects of photophase of the prior entraining LD cycles on τ in DD were determined by transferring flies from LD cycles to DD. The τ of the HA strain increased from~19 to~25 h when transferred to DD from LD 8:16 and LD 18:6 cycles, respectively, whereas the τ of the LA strain increased from~26 to~28 h when transferred to DD from LD 10:14 and LD 14:10 cycles, respectively. Thus, these results demonstrate that the photophases of entraining LD cycles and the altitude of origin affected several parameters of entrainment and the period of the free‐running rhythm of these strains.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) coordinate the daily sleep-wake cycle by generating a circadian rhythm in electrical impulse frequency. While period and phase of the SCN rhythm have been considered as major output parameters, we propose that the waveform of the rhythm of the SCN also has significance. Using implanted micro-electrodes, we recorded SCN impulse frequency in freely moving mice and manipulated its circadian waveform by exposing mice to light-dark (LD) cycle durations ranging from 22 hours (LD 11∶11) to 26 hours (LD 13∶13). Adaptation to long T-cycles (>24 h) resulted in a trough in electrical activity at the beginning of the night while in short T-cycles (<24 h), SCN activity reached a trough at the end of night. In all T-cycle durations, the intensity of behavioral activity was maximal during the trough of SCN electrical activity and correlated negatively with increasing levels of SCN activity. Interestingly, small changes in T-cycle duration could induce large changes in waveform and in the time of trough (about 3.5 h), and accordingly in the timing of behavioral activity. At a smaller timescale (minutes to hours), we observed a negative correlation between SCN activity and behavioral activity, and acute silencing of SCN neurons by tetrodotoxin (TTX) during the inactive phase of the animal triggered behavioral activity. Thus, the SCN electrical activity levels appear crucially involved in determining the temporal profile of behavioral activity and controls behavior beyond the circadian time domain.  相似文献   

In rodents, the alternation of light and dark is the main synchronizer of circadian rhythms. The entrainment abilities of the LD cycle could be estimated by experimental modifications of the photoperiod and by following the subsequent temporal distribution of a circadian rhythm. The rate of reentrainment of a rhythm is determined by the nature of the studied variable, by the direction (advance or delay) and the magnitude (or value) of the phase shift. In rodents, core body temperature and motor activity are known to be well synchronized with each other under L:D 12:12 and under constant conditions (LL or DD). There are clear evidences that the circadian pattern of motor activity is generated by two oscillators, one from dusk signal and the other from dawn signal. Whether the circadian rhythms of body temperature and motor activity are generated by a common circadian mechanism or controlled by separate ones still remains unknown. The purpose of this review is to summarize the results obtained on the circadian rhythms of body temperature and motor activity throughout the daily cycle in order to clarify the relationships between these two functions.  相似文献   

Phase relationships of the circadian rhythms of blood ethanol clearance (metabolic) rates and body temperature were studied in rats successively exposed to 4 illumination regimens: LD (light from 0800-2000 hr), DL (light from 2000-0800 hr), constant darkness (DD) and, lastly, constant light (LL). After a 4-wk standardization to each regimen, body temperatures were taken at 9 × 4-hr intervals to establish baseline circadian profiles. One week later, groups (N = 8) received 1.5 g/kg ethanol (i.p.) at 6 equally spaced timepoints during a 24-hr span, when temperatures were again measured. Ethanol clearance rates were estimated from decreasing blood ethanol levels sampled every 20 min from 60-200 min after dosing, and the resultant elimination curves were subjected to cosinor analysis. These studies show for the first time that the high amplitude circadian rhythm in ethanol metabolism persists under constant conditions of illumination (DD and LL), demonstrating that it may well be a truly internal circadian rhythm and not a response to exogenous cues of the light/dark cycle. During both LD and DL, maximal and minimal ethanol clearance rates fell near the end of the dark and light phases, respectively, and followed circadian peak and trough control temperatures by approximately 6 hr. A fixed internal phase relationship between the core body temperature and the circadian rhythm in ethanol metabolism is demonstrated, thus establishing the rhythm in body temperature as a suitable and convenient internal marker rhythm for studies of the metabolism of low-to-moderate ethanol doses. These studies demonstrate that the phase relationships of blood ethanol clearance rate and body temperature can be manipulated by the illumination regimen selected, an observation of both basic and practical importance.  相似文献   

The daily rhythm in body temperature is thought to be the result of the direct effects of activity and the effects of an endogenous circadian clock. Forced desynchrony (FD) is a tool used in human circadian rhythm research to disentangle endogenous and activity-related effects on daily rhythms. In the present study, we applied an FD protocol to rats. We subjected 8 rats for 5 days to a 20h forced activity cycle consisting of lOh of forced wakefulness and lOh for rest and sleep. The procedure aimed to introduce a lOh sleep/ lOh wake cycle, which period was different from the endogenous circadian (about 24h) rhythm. Of the variation in the raw body temperature data, 68–77% could be explained by a summation of estimated endogenous circadian cycle and forced activity cycle components of body temperature. Free-running circadian periods of body temperature during FD were similar to free-running periods measured in constant conditions. The applied forced activity cycle reduced clock-related circadian modulation of activity. This reduction of circadian modulation of activity did not affect body temperature. Also, the effects of the forced activity on body temperature were remarkably small.  相似文献   

The daily rhythm in body temperature is thought to be the result of the direct effects of activity and the effects of an endogenous circadian clock. Forced desynchrony (FD) is a tool used in human circadian rhythm research to disentangle endogenous and activity-related effects on daily rhythms. In the present study, we applied an FD protocol to rats. We subjected 8 rats for 5 days to a 20h forced activity cycle consisting of lOh of forced wakefulness and lOh for rest and sleep. The procedure aimed to introduce a lOh sleep/ lOh wake cycle, which period was different from the endogenous circadian (about 24h) rhythm. Of the variation in the raw body temperature data, 68-77% could be explained by a summation of estimated endogenous circadian cycle and forced activity cycle components of body temperature. Free-running circadian periods of body temperature during FD were similar to free-running periods measured in constant conditions. The applied forced activity cycle reduced clock-related circadian modulation of activity. This reduction of circadian modulation of activity did not affect body temperature. Also, the effects of the forced activity on body temperature were remarkably small.  相似文献   

Six Mongolian gerbils were studied for 8-10d while housed in separate cages in a 12:12h light-dark (L-D) cycle (lights on at 07:00h). Recordings of body temperature, heart rate, and spontaneous activity were made throughout. The temperature and heart rate rhythms were “purified” to take into account the effects of activity, and then the rhythm of temperature was further purified to take into account other masking influences (“non-activity masking effects” or NAME,). The methods employed in the purification processes involved linear regression analysis or analysis of covariance, the latter using functions of activity and NAME as covariates. From these methods, it was possible to obtain not only an estimate of the endogenous component of the temperature rhythm but also a measure of circadian changes in the sensitivity of temperature to masking effects.

Even though all purification methods removed many of the effects of spontaneous activity from the temperature record, there remained temperature fluctuations at the L-D and D-L transitions that appeared to be independent of activity. The NAME was of only very marginal value in the purification process. Comparison of the purification methods indicated that the linear methods were inferior (both from a biological viewpoint and when the results were compared mathematically) to those that allowed the rate of rise of temperature due to increasing amounts of activity to become progressively less. The sensitivity of temperature and heart rate to the masking effects of activity showed a circadian rhythm, with sensitivities in the resting phase being greater than those in the active phase. These findings are compatible with the view that thermoregulatory reflexes are induced by spontaneous activity of sufficient amount, and that there is a circadian rhythm in the body temperature at which these reflexes are initiated and in their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Prolonged food deprivation is known to cause a fall in the core body temperature of homeotherms. In various species of small birds and mammals (body mass up to 2-3 kg), it has been shown that starvation-induced hypothermia is modulated by the circadian system, in the sense that hypothermia is observed primarily during the inactive phase of the daily activity cycle (i.e., during the night for diurnal animals and during the day for nocturnal animals), whereas relatively normal temperatures are recorded during the active phase. To investigate whether this modulation occurs also in larger animals, we investigated the effects of 4d food deprivation on the body temperature rhythm of goats and sheep (body mass 30-40 kg). In goats, the body temperature rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.0°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.42°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted during the first day of fasting, but the rhythm was drastically damped, if not eliminated, over the next 3 d as body temperature descended from the baseline level of 39.0 to 38.2°C. In sheep, the rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.3°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.34°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted through the 4 d of food deprivation, even though the mean level of body temperature gradually fell. Temperature fell more during the third and fourth nights than during the third and fourth days. Thus, circadian modulation of starvation-induced hypothermia was observed in sheep but not in goats.  相似文献   

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