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The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, is a wide-ranging coastal species in tropical and temperate regions, and it is the most common species of shark in Hawaii, as in many locations where it occurs. Information on the diet and feeding habits of this species in the Pacific Ocean are extremely limited. For this study we quantified the diet of sandbar sharks in Hawaii based on records collected during the Hawaii Cooperative Shark Research and Control Program from 1967 to 1969. During this program a total of 565 stomachs were examined, of which 265 contained food. Sharks ranged in size from 59 to 190 cm total length. Teleosts were the most common prey group, but both cephalopods and crustaceans also occurred frequently. Ontogenetic changes in diet of sandbar sharks were apparent, with crustaceans forming a greater proportion of the diet of smaller sharks. Both cephalopods and elasmobranchs increased in importance with increasing shark size. Prey diversity also increased with size, with large, mobile, and reef prey species found more commonly in the diet of larger sharks. Mature male and female sharks appeared to segregate by depth, though major differences in the diet between the sexes were not apparent. However, there was some evidence of dietary differences between sharks caught in different depths and seasons. The results of this study suggest that sandbar sharks in Hawaii and throughout the world, are primarily piscivores, but also consume a variety of invertebrate prey, and that their diet varies with geographical location and stage of development.  相似文献   

The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, is a long-lived species with low lifetime fecundity that is heavily fished in the western North Atlantic. Inshore nursery grounds increase survivorship of sandbar shark pups and the principal nurseries are in the mid-Atlantic region. We calculated effective number of breeders (Nb) and effective population size (Ne) for adults utilizing the nursery grounds of the Delaware Bay and the Eastern Shore of Virginia by genotyping 902 animals across five cohorts at eight microsatellite loci. Estimates of Nb and Ne were compared to estimates of census size (Nc) of cohorts obtained from Delaware Bay. The estimated Ne/Nc and Nb/Nc ratios were 0.45 or higher whether the Delaware Bay cohorts were considered as distinct year classes or combined. This is in contrast to estimated Ne/Nc ratios in other exploited marine fishes, which are several orders of magnitude smaller. Instead, the Ne/Nc ratio of sandbar sharks is similar to that found in marine and terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   

We tested for presence or absence of multiple paternity in single litters from each of three congeneric shark species in Hawaii: the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, bignose shark, Carcharhinus altimus, and Galapagos shark, Carcharhinus galapagensis. Based on eight polymorphic microsatellite loci, we excluded paternity by a single sire in sandbar and bignose sharks, but could not exclude a single sire for the litter from the Galapagos shark. This study doubles the number of shark species tested for multiple paternity, and is the first demonstration of multiple paternity in sandbar and bignose sharks.  相似文献   

We investigated short-term movements of neonate and juvenile sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, on their nursery grounds in Delaware Bay. The majority of sharks tracked limited their movements to water less than 5m deep, remained within 5km of the coastline, and occupied oblong activity spaces along the coast. In addition to site-attached coastal movements observed, several sharks moved entirely across Delaware Bay or spent considerable time in deeper portions of the central bay. Sharks tracked on the New Jersey side of the bay tended to spend more time in deeper water, farther from shore than sharks tracked on the Delaware side. Observation-area curves estimated that optimal tracking time for sandbar sharks in Delaware Bay was 41h. Indices of site attachment showed that movement patterns of tracked sandbar sharks varied from nomadic to home ranging. There was no significant difference in rate of movement for day/night, crepuscular periods, or between juveniles and neonates. In general, young sandbar sharks patrolled the coast and appeared to be site attached to some extent, but were capable of making longer excursions, including movement entirely across Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

This experimental study focused on the possible deterrent effect of permanent magnets on adult sandbar sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus. Results showed that the presence of a magnetic field significantly reduced the number of approaches of conditioned C. plumbeus towards a target indicating that adult C. plumbeus can be deterred by strong magnetic fields. These data, therefore, confirm that the use of magnetic devices to reduce shark by‐catch is a promising avenue.  相似文献   

Synopsis Catch records from the Hawai'i Cooperative Shark Research and Control Program, which operated in Hawai'i from 1967–1969, were examined and data on the Galapagos shark,Carcharhinus galapagensis were analyzed. A total of 304 Galapagos sharks was caught, predominantly with longlines. More female sharks were caught than males, and the catch was skewed geographically. On the island of O'ahu the highest catch rates occurred along the north and south coasts. High catch rates also occurred near points of land, where longshore currents converge. Average depth of capture was greater for juveniles (45.1 m) and mature males (60.2 m), than for subadults (38.8 m) and mature female sharks (34.2 m). Males appear to reach maturity between 205 and 239 cm total length, and females between 215 and 245 cm. Litter size ranged from 4 to 16 pups, with an average of 8.7. In Hawaiian waters Galapagos sharks are born at just over 80 cm total length. Mating and parturition apparently occur early in the year, and gestation is estimated to be about 12 months. Stomach contents consisted mainly of teleosts and benthic prey, and ontogenetic changes in diet occurred as sharks increased in size. Sharks consumed a smaller proportion of teleosts and more elasmobranchs with increasing size. Dietary diversity also increased with increasing size of shark.  相似文献   

The reproduction of the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus in the U.S. south‐eastern Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico was examined using a combination of histological and morphological characteristics of C. plumbeus collected through fishery‐dependent and ‐independent sampling programmes (n = 1,567). Indices of maturity were constructed using measurements of gonads, reproductive tracts and claspers, and sandbar sharks exhibited 50% maturity sizes of 140 and 148 cm fork length for males and females respectively. Gonado‐somatic indices and variation in reproductive tract condition were used to determine seasonal trends in reproduction of mature C. plumbeus. Sandbar sharks have discrete seasonal reproductive cycles in which males produce sperm from January to May with a peak in May and females develop eggs from January to May with ovulation occurring in June. Females were shown to exhibit a >2 year reproductive cycle. Embryonic development was assessed through measurements of masses and lengths of uterine contents. Gestation was 12 months, from July to the following June, with parturition in late June. This research highlights a difference from previously reported data on the periodicity of female reproduction in C. plumbeus in the U.S. south‐eastern Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, which may have major effects on future C. plumbeus stock management.  相似文献   

Five dinucleotide markers were isolated and optimized from a microsatellite‐enriched genomic library obtained from the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus. Genotypic distributions of all markers were found to be in conformance with the expectations of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium with four to 39 alleles present per locus. We amplified these loci in two female sharks and their litters. A maternal allele was recovered at each locus in all progeny indicating reliable amplification. More than two paternal alleles were recovered across both litters indicating genetic polyandry. Additionally, these markers were amplified across 10 carcharhiniform species to examine their utility in other studies.  相似文献   

Age and growth estimates were determined for the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, from Oahu, Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean. Age estimates were obtained through vertebral centra analysis of 187 sharks. We verified our age estimates through marginal increment analysis of centra and oxytetracycline marking methods of at liberty sandbar sharks. Sizes of sampled sharks ranged from 46 to 147 cm pre-caudal length. Four growth models were fitted to length-at-age data; two forms of the von Bertalanffy growth model, the Gompertz growth model, and a logistic growth model. Males and females exhibited statistically significant differences in growth, indicating that females grow slower and attain larger sizes than males. Growth parameter estimates revealed slower growth rates than previously estimated (based on captive specimens) for Hawaiian sandbar sharks. The von Bertalanffy growth model using empirical length-at-birth provided the best biological and statistical fit to the data. This model gave parameter estimates of L = 138.5 cm PCL and k = 0.12 year−1 for males and L = 152.8 cm PCL, k = 0.10 year−1 for females. Male and female sandbar sharks mature at approximately 8 and 10 years of age, respectively.  相似文献   

This study examined the minimum force required of functional teeth and replacement teeth in the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier and the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus to penetrate the scales and muscle of sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus and pigfish Orthopristis chrysoptera. Penetration force ranged from 7·7–41·9 and 3·2–26·3 N to penetrate A. probatocephalus and O. chrysoptera, respectively. Replacement teeth required significantly less force to penetrate O. chrysoptera for both shark species, most probably due to microscopic wear of the tooth surfaces supporting the theory shark teeth are replaced regularly to ensure sharp teeth that are efficient for prey capture.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses have improved our understanding of food webs and movement patterns of aquatic organisms. These techniques have recently been applied to diet studies of elasmobranch fishes, but isotope turnover rates and isotope diet–tissue discrimination are still poorly understood for this group. We performed a diet switch experiment on captive sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) as a model shark species to determine tissue turnover rates for liver, whole blood, and white muscle. In a second experiment, we subjected captive coastal skates (Leucoraja spp.) to serial salinity reductions to measure possible impacts of tissue urea content on nitrogen stable isotope values. We extracted urea from spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) white muscle to test for effects on nitrogen stable isotopes. Isotope turnover was slow for shark tissues and similar to previously published estimates for stingrays and teleost fishes with low growth rates. Muscle isotope data would likely fail to capture seasonal migrations or diet switches in sharks, while liver and whole blood would more closely reflect shorter term movement or shifts in diet. Nitrogen stable isotope values of skate blood and skate and dogfish white muscle were not affected by tissue urea content, suggesting that available diet–tissue discrimination estimates for teleost fishes with similar physiologies would provide accurate estimates for elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

Recent studies on shark assemblages on the northeast Florida and southeast Georgia coast (hereafter referred to collectively as the “First Coast”) have demonstrated differences in species and age-class composition of catch from previously characterized estuaries and newly surveyed area beaches, demonstrating that these regions may provide a critical habitat to different segments (i.e., life stages) of local shark populations. In this study, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) from muscle tissue and blood plasma were used to examine trophic dynamics (and temporal variability thereof) of the three dominant co-occurring species found along First Coast beaches (the Atlantic Sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, Blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus and Blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus) to determine if they exhibit overlap in resource use along with spatial and temporal habitat use. Although considered spatially segregated from the beach species, a dominant, age-class species found in First Coast estuaries (juvenile Sandbar sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus) was also included in this analysis for comparison. Temporal variability of resource-use characteristics was detected at the species level. Resource-use overlap among species varied by tissue type and was generally higher for blood plasma, suggesting greater resource sharing over more recent time periods. Over longer time periods Atlantic Sharpnose and Blacktip sharks exhibited resource-use expansion, whereas Blacknose sharks exhibited a narrowing in resource use, suggesting a more specialized foraging strategy compared to the other species. The resource-use breadth of Sandbar sharks also expanded between blood plasma and muscle tissue. Significant size relationships were detected in Blacktip and Sandbar sharks, indicating ontogenetic resource shifts for both species. A diversity of highly productive resource pools likely support shark populations along the First Coast such that resource-use differentiation is not required to facilitate species co-occurrence. This work may shed light on understanding patterns of species co-occurrence as well as aid in future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic diet shifts are a widespread phenomenon among vertebrates, although their relationships with life history traits are poorly known. We analyzed the relative importance of body size, age and maturity stage as determinants of the diet of a marine top predator, the copper shark, Carcharhinus brachyurus, by examining stomach contents using a multiple-hypothesis modeling approach. Copper sharks shifted their diet as size and age increased and as they became sexually mature, incorporated larger prey as they grew, and had a discrete shift in diet with body size, with only individuals larger than ≈200 cm total length able to prey on chondrichthyans. Body size was the most important trait explaining the consumption of chondrichthyans, while age determined the consumption of pelagic teleosts. Pelagic teleosts were consumed mostly by medium-aged sharks, a result, probably, of a risk-reducing feeding strategy at young ages coupled with either a senescence-related decline in performance or a change in sensory capabilities as sharks age. Copper sharks of all sizes were able to cut prey in pieces, implying that gape limitation (i.e., the impossibility of eating prey larger than a predator’s mouth) did not play a role in producing the diet shift. Our results suggest that, contrary to the current practice of setting minimum but not maximum size limits in catches, any plan to conserve or restore the ecological function of sharks, through their predatory control of large prey, should aim to maintain the largest individuals.  相似文献   

During the spring and summer months of 1995, 1996 and 1997, gillnet and longline surveys were conducted in conjunction with tag and recapture experiments to outline spatial and seasonal distribution of young sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Delaware Bay for essential fish habitat mapping, to assess abundance of young sandbar sharks, and to quantify growth during the summer nursery season. Sandbar sharks (n = 943) ranging from 40 to 120cm fork length (48 to 130cm total length) were captured; yearly totals were 199, 314 and 430 in 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively. Individuals were captured between June and October in water temperatures ranging from 15.4° to 28.5°C and salinities ranging from 22.8 to 30.3 ppt. Presence of neonates and catch per unit effort data indicate that pupping begins in late June near the southwestern coast of the Bay. Juveniles were present from early June through September and their spatial distribution in the Bay appeared uniform. Of 782 sandbar sharks tagged and released during the three years, 50 were recaptured. Mean distance from tag to recapture location and mean days-at-liberty of sandbar sharks recaptured in Delaware Bay during the year of tagging were 10km and 18 days, respectively. Some sharks were recaptured as far as 957km from the release location. Length distributions show young-of-the-year sandbar sharks grow about 2–3cm in length during the nursery season.  相似文献   

Size, sex and seasonal patterns among Carcharhiniformes were examined in shallow regions of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. A total of 1259 sharks were caught, comprising 13 species. The Australian sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon taylori and the blacktip complex Carcharhinus limbatusCarcharhinus tilstoni comprised 55% of all shark individuals. Neonates were observed for five species including the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus, which contrary to previous reports was relatively abundant in shallow, predominantly estuarine waters. Three contrasting patterns of occurrence were observed: smaller species were abundant and present throughout much of their ontogeny, larger species were mainly caught as neonates or juveniles and vagrant species were only caught during the warmer months. The shark assemblage differed significantly among seasons. While many species were observed during the warmer months, species diversity was lower in winter when C. obscurus comprised 43% of the catch. Overall, the results indicated that spatial and temporal distribution patterns were not synchronous for all species. The capture of small numbers of neonate C. obscurus in late autumn and winter demonstrates that parturition among Carcharhiniformes is not confined to spring and summer in sub‐tropical waters.  相似文献   

The diet of the smooth-hound shark, Mustelus mustelus , from the Gulf of Gabès (southern Tunisia, central Mediterranean Sea) was investigated with respect to fish size and season. Stomach contents were analyzed from 540 specimens with total lengths ranging from 34 to 158.5 cm. Of the total number of stomachs examined, 63 were empty (11.67%). Smooth-hound shark fed mainly on crustaceans, fishes and cephalopods. Sipunculids, polychaetes and echinoderms were occasional preys. No differences were found between the diets of males and females. Ontogenetic changes in diet of M. mustelus were apparent, with crustaceans forming a greater proportion of the diet of smaller sharks. Both teleosts and molluscs increased in importance with increasing shark size. Consumptions of polycheates, sipunculids and echinoderms were not related to predator size. Prey diversity also increased with size, with large and mobile prey species found more commonly in the diet of larger sharks. The limited overlap in the dietary compositions of juveniles, subadults and adults suggests the possibility of resource partitioning. Seasonality in food habits was in accordance with the dynamics of the predator and the prey species.  相似文献   

Defining the location and habitat characteristics of areas of aggregation of Atlantic shark species has been identified as an important information need for current and future management efforts. The primary objective of this project was to investigate the depths and temperatures of the waters occupied by large juvenile sandbar sharks of the northwest Atlantic population during the winter months and the overwintering localities of these animals using a fishery independent method. During the summer of 2003, 21 sandbar sharks captured in the Eastern Shore of Virginia bays and lagoons were outfitted with satellite transmitters that were programmed to detach during the following winter. The sharks occurred in significantly colder and deeper waters during the winter period than during the summer nursery period with a mean depth and temperature recorded by the transmitters during the winter period of 19.9°C and 20.8 m and a mean depth and temperature recorded during the summer period of 24.0°C and 4.3 m. Despite this decrease in temperature and increase in depth of occurrence, the sharks remained in relatively warm waters and shallow depths throughout the overwintering period. Satellite pop-off locations during the overwintering period were concentrated in central North Carolina coastal waters, where a unique combination of shallow depths and warm temperatures may contribute to the survivorship of these animals while they overwinter in these waters.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic variations in shark diet are often qualitatively inferred from dietary analysis and hindered by high levels of unidentified prey or small sample sizes. This study focused on nursery bound lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris, n?=?396), enabling some control over the confounding variables of prey choice associated with ontogeny. Nursery bound lemon sharks exhibited weak ontogenetic variation in dietary composition with high levels of dietary overlap. Variation in prey preference of lemon sharks with ontogeny was complex, but revealed a continuous shift from predominantly opportunistic benthic foraging as neonates to more selective piscivory with increasing shark size while in the nursery. Lemon sharks demonstrated a discrete ontogenetic shift in the number of prey consumed and stomach content weight (Kruskal-Wallis tests p?<?0.01), as well as prey size (ANOVA, p?<?0.001). All sizes of sharks exhibited positive size selection of prey (Mann?CWhitney U tests, p?<?0.01). However, the lack of size preference by all but the largest lemon sharks for their major prey (yellowfin mojarra, Gerres cinereus), suggests neonate sharks, while capable of occasionally foraging on large prey, are relatively inept opportunistic foragers. This was evident in high diet breadth, low diversity of consumed prey and lower trophic level than larger sharks. This study represents the first quantitative analysis of ontogenetic variation in prey preference and size selection in sharks, indicating a flexible foraging tactic in lemon sharks and the importance of hunting ability and predator size in prey choice.  相似文献   

We examined the affects of selected water quality variables on the presence of subadult sharks in six of nine Georgia estuaries. During 231 longline sets, we captured 415 individuals representing nine species. Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terranovae), bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) and sandbar shark (C. plumbeus) comprised 96.1% of the catch. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to assess environmental influences on the assemblage of the four common species. Results of the CCA indicated Bonnethead Shark and Sandbar Shark were correlated with each other and with a subset of environmental variables. When the species occurred singly, depth was the defining environmental variable; whereas, when the two co-occurred, dissolved oxygen and salinity were the defining variables. Discriminant analyses (DA) were used to assess environmental influences on individual species. Results of the discriminant analyses supported the general CCA findings that the presence of bonnethead and sandbar shark were the only two species that correlated with environmental variables. In addition to depth and dissolved oxygen, turbidity influenced the presence of sandbar shark. The presence of bonnethead shark was influenced primarily by salinity and turbidity. Significant relationships existed for both the CCA and DA analyses; however, environmental variables accounted for <16% of the total variation in each. Compared to the environmental variables we measured, macrohabitat features (e.g., substrate type), prey availability, and susceptibility to predation may have stronger influences on the presence and distribution of subadult shark species among sites.  相似文献   

Small‐scale fisheries are generally promoted as a sustainable alternative to large‐scale industrial fisheries. However, there is recent growing evidence that small‐scale fisheries may be the largest threat to marine species of conservation concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of the trammel net fishery on elasmobranchs in the Gulf of Gabès, Southern Tunisia. Data are based on 191 shrimp trammel net set (40 mm stretched mesh size) surveys conducted aboard commercial fishing vessels from May to July 2009. Five species of the small coastal elasmobranchs (Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus, 1758), Mustelus punctulatus Risso 1827, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758), Dasyatis marmorata (Steindachner, 1892) and Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus, 1758)) and two species from the large coastal shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) and Carcharhinus brevipinna (Müller & Henle, 1839)) were recognized as by‐catch in this fishery. Elasmobranch by‐catch was dominated by sharks (90.3%), smoothhound sharks Mustelus sp. being by far the most important (88.9%) and reflecting their abundance in the area; 58% of the sets caught at least one specimen, with 4.8 ± 1.3 caught per set. Captures were composed essentially of neonate and juvenile sharks, while the batoids were dominated by mature individuals. This study shows that shrimp trammel nets represent a considerable source of mortality for early life stages of elasmobranch species in the Gulf of Gabès. Additionally, there was a high density of neonates and small juvenile M. mustelus in the Sfax zone, suggesting that these nearshore waters are a nursery grounds for smoothhound sharks. Further research should focus on the incidents of by‐catch and evaluate the potential solutions to allow trammel net fisheries to coexist alongside the elasmobranch species.  相似文献   

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