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Monkeys inflicted with specific unilateral electrolytic lesions in the upper brain stem developed extrapyramidal disorders. Hypokinesia of the limbs was associated contralaterally with a lesion of the substantia nigra and depletion of striatal dopamine. Choreiform movements were observed in animals that had, contralaterally, a lesion severing the most dorsomedial fibres of the cerebral peduncle and the rubro-tegmentospinal tract, associated with depletion of striatal serotonin. Monkeys showing sustained postural tremor and hypokinesia had lesions affecting these three tracts contralaterally and loss of striatal dopamine and serotonin on the lesion side. Of many drugs tested, only harmaline and harmine affected the dyskinesias. The nigrostriatal fibres appear to be dopaminergic; the cerebral peduncular (dorsomedial) fibres, serotoninergic. The role of striatal dopamine and serotonin in the control of normal movements and posture of the limbs represents the first directly demonstrated function of these amines in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

When studying the dynamics of brain electric activity (BEA) in the course of botulinum toxin (Incobotulinumtoxin A) injections into all hypertonic muscles of 16 patients suffering from post-coma longterm consciousness disorders, BEA changes were observed to start within the first minutes after the first intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin, while not being associated with any pain stimulus response. Despite the diversity of brain lesions in these patients, the dynamics of BEA reorganisation during botulinum toxin therapy showed the presence of pathological sensorimotor integration involving the whole brain in case of long-term consciousness disorders. In our opinion, it is expressed in a pathological state developing in the brain, which affects the polyfunctional capabilities of neurons. This state is unbalanced due to destabilizing effect at the beginning of the reduction by pathological hyperafferentation from muscles and, in principle, can be disrupted at a complete reduction. It is, however, maintained by memory matrix, which manifests itself in the shape of oscillation process during its disruption when the newly build-up BEA is occasionally displaced by the previous one. During the reduction of sensory hyperafferentation, BEA reorganisation initially involved the motor cortex (in 15 out of 16 patients) and then spread to other brain areas, including those responsible for the higher mental functions, vision, and hearing. The first transiently decreased muscle tone (in all patients) and improvement of neurological signs of awareness (in some patients) were observed immediately after injecting all hypertonic muscles with widespread BEA changes. The appearance of high-frequency EEG activity in the frontal areas was considered as a universal marker of an improved functional state of the brain during the disruption of pathological sensorimotor integration even before clinical signs, suggesting neuronal readiness to maintain various activities. In view of data obtained, the first-stage clinical measures in patients with disorders of consciousness should focus on disrupting pathological sensorimotor integration, opening a way for restoring neuronal functional activity, provided that all “pathological afferents” are reduced.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine and dopamine have important role in movement disorders but their role in movement disorders associated with Japanese encephalitis (JE) has not been evaluated. Therefore, in the present study, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) catecholamine levels and its metabolites in JE patients with movement disorders were compared with those without JE. CSF was collected by lumbar puncture and analyzed by HPLC-ED. Norepinephrine, dopamine and homovanillic acid concentrations were significantly (P<0.005) lower in JE patients compared to control groups. Low levels of catecholamines in JE associated movement disorders compared to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and other extrapyramidal symptoms may be due to severe structural damage to thalamus, basal ganglia and brainstem in JE patients as revealed by MRI findings.  相似文献   



Functional (psychogenic) movement disorders (FMD) have features associated with voluntary movement (e.g. distractibility) but patients report movements to be out of their control. One explanation for this phenomenon is that sense of agency for movement is impaired. The phenomenon of reduction in the intensity of sensory experience when movement is self-generated and a reduction in sensory evoked potentials (SEPs) amplitude at the onset of self-paced movement (sensory attenuation) have been linked to sense of agency for movement.


We compared amplitude of SEPs from median nerve stimulation at rest and at the onset of a self-paced movement of the thumb in 17 patients with FMD and 17 healthy controls.


Patients showed lack of attenuation of SEPs at the onset of movement compared to reduction in amplitude of SEPs in controls. FMD patients had significantly different ratios of movement onset to rest SEPs than did healthy controls at each electrode: 0.79 in healthy controls and 1.35 in patients at F3 (t = -4.22, p<0.001), 0.78 in healthy controls and 1.12 at patients C3 (t = -3.15, p = 0.004) and 0.77 in healthy controls and 1.05 at patients P3 (t = -2.88, p = 0.007).


Patients with FMD have reduced sensory attenuation as measured by SEPs at onset of self-paced movement. This finding can be plausibly linked to impairment of sense of agency for movement in these patients.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of soil type on carrot weevil, Listronotus oregonensis, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), movement behavior we conducted a series of laboratory arena experiments with the use of three soil types: mineral soil, organic soil and pure sand. We found that soil type influences carrot weevil burrowing activity and movement and showed that carrot weevil is more inclined to burrow into mineral and organic soils than pure sand and displays avoidance of the latter. While barriers constructed out of pure sand induced burrowing activity only in 3% of tested weevils, mineral and organic soil barriers initiated burrowing in 67% and 38% of tested weevils respectively. All weevils crossed pure sand barriers, whereas 18% (mineral soil) and 6% (organic soil) were arrested and engaged in burrowing activities. In addition, carrot weevil movement behavior at the border of two substrates, revealed high edge permeability of mineral and organic soils and reduced permeability of pure sand edges. Over 70% of weevils released on organic soil ended up not crossing the border with another substrate. All tested weevils released on pure sand crossed the border within less than 1 min. Replication of the experiments with autoclaved soil suggested that the observed differences in carrot weevil movement behavior were largely due to soil texture and not strongly influenced by micro-organisms or odor.  相似文献   

In clinically healthy kinsmen of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, we studied the amplitude/frequency characteristics of EMG activity recorded from flexors and extensors of the elbow joint in order to reveal symptoms of extrapyramidal insufficiency (EPI) in these persons and to propose necessary recommendations to such a risk group. We examined four groups of persons: group 1 consisting of 37 healthy kinsmen of patients with clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease; control group 2 consisting of 20 tested persons whose age was analogous to that of persons of group 1; group 3 including 33 Parkinsonian patients; and group 4 of 24 virtually healthy persons of elderly age, i.e., the group considered to be the control one with respect to group 3. In Parkinsonian patients, the main EPI correlates were the following: (i) significantly increased amplitude of EMG recorded from the arm muscles in the resting state, (ii) bursting discharges in such EMGs generated with a 4-9 sec–1 frequency (type III of EMG), and (iii) abnormally increased coefficients of reflex involvement (CRI) for the muscles of the opposite arm at retention of a load by one arm. One symptom of EPI or another were found in 20 (54.1%) kinsmen of the Parkinsonian patients; in this case, increased EMG amplitudes were observed in 13 persons (35.1%). We also observed significant correlation of the level of rise in the amplitude of the resting EMG with the age of the tested persons. In 29.7% kinsmen of the Parkinsonian patients, burst discharges with a 5-10 sec–1 frequency were present in their EMGs, while in 16.2% of these persons we observed increased CRIs at retention of a load. For comparison, in the corresponding control group, increased amplitudes of the resting EMG, generation of burst EMG dischargers, and increased CRIs were observed in 15, 5, and 10% of the tested persons, respectively. Therefore, in kinsmen of the Parkinsonian patients, some EMG EPI manifestations were observed 2.3 to 5.9 times more frequently that those in the corresponding control group. For the members of the risk group, recommendations concerning the daily routine (mode of life) and the dietary intake, as well as a list of drugs to be avoided for long-term administration, were proposed.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the genetics of movement disorders has advanced significantly in recent years. It is now recognized that disorders of the basal ganglia have genetic basis and it is suggested that molecular genetic data will provide clues to the pathophysiology of normal and abnormal motor control. Progress in molecular genetic studies, leading to the detection of genetic mutations and loci, has contributed to the understanding of mechanisms of neurodegeneration and has helped clarify the pathogenesis of some neurodegenerative diseases. Molecular studies have also found application in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, increasing the range of genetic counseling and enabling a more accurate diagno-sis. It seems that understanding pathogenic processes and the significant role of genetics has led to many experiments that may in the future will result in more effective treatment of such diseases as Parkinson’s or Huntington’s. Currently used molecular diagnostics based on DNA analysis can identify 9 neurodegenerative diseases, including spinal cerebellar ataxia inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, dentate-rubro-pallido-luysian atrophy, Friedreich’s disease, ataxia with ocu-lomotorapraxia, Huntington''s disease, dystonia type 1, Wilson’s disease, and some cases of Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   

抗运动性疲劳剂作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗疲劳研究是当下研究的热点.本文结合目前抗疲劳研究中最常使用的方法:游泳实验(weight-loaded swimming test or forced swim test)、旋转棒实验(rotarod test)以及各种生化指标如血乳酸、血尿素氮、肌糖元、肝糖原等含量的测定,总结目前抗疲劳物质活性组分的基本作用机制,...  相似文献   

Line transect sampling is a distance sampling method for estimating the abundance of wild animal populations. One key assumption of this method is that all animals are detected at their initial location. Animal movement independent of the transect and observer can thus cause substantial bias. We present an analytic expression for this bias when detection within the transect is certain (strip transect sampling) and use simulation to quantify bias when detection falls off with distance from the line (line transect sampling). We also explore the non-linear relationship between bias, detection, and animal movement by varying detectability and movement type. We consider animals that move in randomly orientated straight lines, which provides an upper bound on bias, and animals that are constrained to a home range of random radius. We find that bias is reduced when animal movement is constrained, and bias is considerably smaller in line transect sampling than strip transect sampling provided that mean animal speed is less than observer speed. By contrast, when mean animal speed exceeds observer speed the bias in line transect sampling becomes comparable with, and may exceed, that of strip transect sampling. Bias from independent animal movement is reduced by the observer searching further perpendicular to the transect, searching a shorter distance ahead and by ignoring animals that may overtake the observer from behind. However, when animals move in response to the observer, the standard practice of searching further ahead should continue as the bias from responsive movement is often greater than that from independent movement.  相似文献   

The interaction between language and motor action has been approached by studying the effect of action verbs, kinaesthetic imagery and mental subtraction upon the performance of a complex movement, the squat vertical jump (SVJ). The time of flight gave the value of the height of the SVJ and was measured with an Optojump® and a Myotest® apparatuses. The results obtained by the effects of the cognitive stimuli showed a statistically significant improvement of the SVJ performance after either loudly or silently pronouncing, hearing or reading the verb saute (jump in French language). Action verbs specific for other motor actions (pince = pinch, lèche = lick) or non-specific (bouge = move) showed no or little effect. A meaningless verb for the French subjects (tiáo = jump in Chinese) showed no effect as did rêve (dream), tombe (fall) and stop. The verb gagne (win) improved significantly the SVJ height, as did its antonym perds (lose) suggesting a possible influence of affects in the subjects’ performance. The effect of the specific action verb jump upon the heights of SVJ was similar to that obtained after kinaesthetic imagery and after mental subtraction of two digits numbers from three digits ones; possibly, in the latter, because of the intervention of language in calculus. It appears that the effects of the specific action verb jump did seem effective but not totally exclusive for the enhancement of the SVJ performance. The results imply an interaction among language and motor brain areas in the performance of a complex movement resulting in a clear specificity of the corresponding action verb. The effect upon performance may probably be influenced by the subjects’ intention, increased attention and emotion produced by cognitive stimuli among which action verbs.  相似文献   

Effect of Ophiobolin A on Stomatal Movement: Role of Calmodulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ophiobolin A enhanced stomatal opening of Commelina communisand partially abolished the inhibitory effect of calcium chloride.The same results were obtained by the phenothiazine drug, chloropromazine.The possibility of calmodulin involvement in stomatal responseto both materials is discussed. (Received March 15, 1987; Accepted February 9, 1987)  相似文献   

壳寡糖诱导烟草对TMV长距离移动的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用ELISA-DSM法和半叶枯斑法,测定了壳寡糖(50μg/mL)诱导后普通烟(Nicotiana tabacum)植株体内TMV浓度的变化.ELISA-DSM测定显示,在接种后10 d,仅在接种叶的上位叶和新生叶片中检测到病毒,且病毒浓度仅为不诱导对照的52.7%和38.8%,在下位叶中未检测到病毒;同时,接种叶内病毒增殖严重受抑,接种后10 d,病毒浓度仅为不诱导对照的23.52%.半叶枯斑法检测获得了相同结果,以壳寡糖处理植株的不同叶位的叶片为毒源,产生的枯斑数目都大幅度低于不诱导对照.以上结果证明,壳寡糖处理后TMV的上行和下行长距离移动均明显延迟和减少,下行移动受到的影响更大.透射电镜检查发现,处理植株接种叶的下位叶片韧皮部细胞中没有病毒晶体和病毒粒子,在上位叶片筛管伴胞中仅见少量病毒粒子,两者都未发现任何诱导新生物,也未见其他细胞结构变化.结果表明,壳寡糖处理使烟草对TMV病毒侵染产生了诱导抗病性,系统侵染症状明显减弱;壳寡糖处理对病毒长距离移动的不利影响可能是接种叶片病毒增殖减少所造成的.  相似文献   

The spinal superreflexia state was modeled in experiments on rats using preliminary transection of the spinal cord and injection (in the course of the acute experiment) of 4-aminopyridine. An extremely high (reaching 15–20 mV) amplitude of monosynaptic reflex discharges (MRs) evoked by stimulation of the dorsal root and recorded from the ventral root (VR) L 4 and the presence of an additional component in the above discharges were phenomena indicative of the development of the above state. Under such conditions, the amplitudes of the discharges evoked in the VR by electrical stimulation of the round window of the labyrinth (vestibular stimulation) and of the discharges elicited by stimulation of the motor cortex under conditions of bilateral transection of the pyramids increased several times. Thresholds of the VR responses to vestibular and cortical stimulations demonstrated an about threefold drop; latencies of the mass responses and responses of single spinal moto-and interneurons decreased about twofold, on average. The pattern of vestibular conditioning effects on the VR MRs changed: in intact animals vestibular stimulation induced inhibition of the VR MRs, while in animals with superreflexia such stimulation led to facilitation of the MRs. Cortical stimulation under conditions of pyramidotomy in both intact animals and animals with superreflexia resulted in facilitation of the VR MRs of a nearly the same intensity. The levels of convergence of the segmental and supraspinal effects on interneurons and motoneurons of the rat spinal cord dramatically increased under superreflexia conditions. The possible mechanisms of augmentation of the descending influences on spinal neuronal systems under the above conditions are discussed. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 140–149, March–April, 2006.  相似文献   

人口流动性对感染性疾病扩散与传播的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究人口流动性对具有斑快结构的感染性疾病传播与扩散的影响,讨论了具有斑块结构感染性疾病SIS模型的全局稳定性,得到了该模型基本再生数的倍增效应.  相似文献   

The in vivo storage relationship between catecholamines and ATP in chromaffin vesicles of cultured bovine adrenal medulla cells was investigated using drugs that block vesicular catecholamine uptake. Three-day treatments with reserpine and tetrabenazine causing 85-90% depletion of catecholamines resulted in 41-46% reductions in cellular ATP content. Subcellular fractionation of reserpine-treated cells indicated that the ATP is lost from the chromaffin vesicle pool. This was confirmed in experiments using metabolic inhibitors to differentiate the vesicular and extravesicular ATP pools. The vesicular ATP loss was not proportional to that of catecholamines, resulting in a reduction by 50% in the chromaffin vesicle mole ratio of catecholamines to ATP after 48 h of treatment. In metabolic labeling studies, it was found that reserpine treatment reduced the incorporation of [3H]adenosine into vesicular ATP selectively, but it reduced the incorporation of 32Pi into both the vesicular and extravesicular pools. The reduction of the [3H]adenosine incorporation was not due to diminished vesicular nucleotide uptake resulting from low catecholamine levels, because when the catecholamines were depleted by tetrabenazine pretreatment followed by removal of the drug before labeling, no reduction in [3H]adenosine incorporation was observed. When present during the labeling, tetrabenazine was found to be a reversible inhibitor of plasma membrane adenosine uptake. The observed loss of adenine nucleotides from catecholamine-depleted chromaffin vesicles in vivo provides evidence that interactions between ATP and catecholamines are important in the vesicular storage of high concentration of these compounds.  相似文献   

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