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Ecological attributes estimated from food web models have the potential to be indicators of good environmental status given their capabilities to describe redundancy, food web changes, and sensitivity to fishing. They can be used as a baseline to show how they might be modified in the future with human impacts such as climate change, acidification, eutrophication, or overfishing.


In this study ecological network analysis indicators of 105 marine food web models were tested for variation with traits such as ecosystem type, latitude, ocean basin, depth, size, time period, and exploitation state, whilst also considering structural properties of the models such as number of linkages, number of living functional groups or total number of functional groups as covariate factors.

Principal findings

Eight indicators were robust to model construction: relative ascendency; relative overhead; redundancy; total systems throughput (TST); primary production/TST; consumption/TST; export/TST; and total biomass of the community. Large-scale differences were seen in the ecosystems of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the Western Atlantic being more complex with an increased ability to mitigate impacts, while the Eastern Atlantic showed lower internal complexity. In addition, the Eastern Pacific was less organised than the Eastern Atlantic although both of these systems had increased primary production as eastern boundary current systems. Differences by ecosystem type highlighted coral reefs as having the largest energy flow and total biomass per unit of surface, while lagoons, estuaries, and bays had lower transfer efficiencies and higher recycling. These differences prevailed over time, although some traits changed with fishing intensity. Keystone groups were mainly higher trophic level species with mostly top-down effects, while structural/dominant groups were mainly lower trophic level groups (benthic primary producers such as seagrass and macroalgae, and invertebrates). Keystone groups were prevalent in estuarine or small/shallow systems, and in systems with reduced fishing pressure. Changes to the abundance of key functional groups might have significant implications for the functioning of ecosystems and should be avoided through management.


Our results provide additional understanding of patterns of structural and functional indicators in different ecosystems. Ecosystem traits such as type, size, depth, and location need to be accounted for when setting reference levels as these affect absolute values of ecological indicators. Therefore, establishing absolute reference values for ecosystem indicators may not be suitable to the ecosystem-based, precautionary approach. Reference levels for ecosystem indicators should be developed for individual ecosystems or ecosystems with the same typologies (similar location, ecosystem type, etc.) and not benchmarked against all other ecosystems.  相似文献   



To investigate associations between nurse work practice environment measured at department level and individual level work-family conflict on burnout, measured as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment among Swedish RNs.


A multilevel model was fit with the individual RN at the 1st, and the hospital department at the 2nd level using cross-sectional RN survey data from the Swedish part of RN4CAST, an EU 7th framework project. The data analysed here is based on a national sample of 8,620 RNs from 369 departments in 53 hospitals.


Generally, RNs reported high values of personal accomplishment and lower values of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. High work-family conflict increased the risk for emotional exhaustion, but for neither depersonalization nor personal accomplishment. On department level adequate staffing and good leadership and support for nurses reduced the risk for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Personal accomplishment was statistically significantly related to staff adequacy.


The findings suggest that adequate staffing, good leadership, and support for nurses are crucial for RNs'' mental health. Our findings also highlight the importance of hospital managers developing policies and practices to facilitate the successful combination of work with private life for employees.  相似文献   

The dynamics of in-host infections are central to predicting the progression of natural infections and the effectiveness of drugs or vaccines, however, they are not well understood. Here, we apply food web theory to in-host disease networks of the human body that are structured similarly to food web models that treat both predation and competition simultaneously. We show that in-host trade-offs, an under-studied aspect of disease ecology, are fundamental to understanding the outcomes of competing viral strains under differential immune responses. Further, and importantly, our analysis shows that the outcome of competition between virulent and non-virulent strains can be highly contingent on the abiotic conditions prevailing in the human body. These results suggest the alarming idea that even subtle behavioral changes that alter the human body (e.g. weight gain, smoking) may switch the environmental conditions in a manner that suddenly allows a virulent strain to dominate and replace less virulent strains. These ecological results therefore cast new light on the control of disease in the human body, and highlight the importance of longitudinal empirical studies across host variation gradients, as well as, of studies focused on delineating life history trade-offs within hosts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The study of microbial food webs is dominated by field measurements of microbial standing stocks and rate processes and to a lesser extent by laboratory studies. These approaches reflect the concerns of microbial ecologists to assess accurately the capabilities of microorganisms and to compare microbial processes to other ecosystem parameters. These approaches have led to enormous advances in understanding microbial food webs. Reconciling our expanding knowledge with general questions about the significance and representation of microbial food webs in ecosystem studies requires additional approaches including comparative studies and field experiments. Comparative studies, analyses of microbial stocks or rates across a wide range of ecosystems, lead to quantitative models of microbial processes. These models facilitate testing of hypotheses at a very general level, allow the comparison of different stocks or rate processes across a gradient of systems, and detect unusual situations or outlier systems. Field experimental manipulations offer the advantages of working with intact natural communities, of direct evaluation of results with statistical methods, and of testing important qualitative hypotheses. Both comparative and field manipulation studies have led to important advances in the study of microbial food webs and should be expanded.  相似文献   

Cyclical industrial networks are becoming highly desirable for their efficient use of resources and capital. Progress toward this ideal can be enhanced by mimicking the structure of naturally sustainable ecological food webs (FWs). The structures of cyclic industrial networks, sometimes known as eco‐industrial parks (EIPs), are compared to FWs using a variety of important structural ecological parameters. This comparison uses a comprehensive data set of 144 FWs that provides a more ecologically correct understanding of how FWs are organized than previous efforts. In conjunction, an expanded data set of 48 EIPs gives new insights into similarities and differences between the two network types. The new information shows that, at best, current EIPs are most similar to those FWs that lack the components that create a biologically desirable cyclical structure. We propose that FWs collected from 1993 onward should be used in comparisons with EIPs, given that these networks are much more likely to include important network functions that directly affect the structure. We also propose that the metrics used in an ecological analysis of EIPs be calculated from an FW matrix, as opposed to a community matrix, which, to this point, has been widely used. These new insights into the design of ecologically inspired industrial networks clarify the path toward superior material and energy cycling for environmental and financial success.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - The annual global loss of organic carbon from terrestrial ecosystems into rivers is similar to the organic carbon stored in soils each year. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) flows...  相似文献   

AJ Carter  WE Feeney 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e42440
Animal personality, repeatable behaviour through time and across contexts, is ecologically and evolutionarily important as it can account for the exhibition of sub-optimal behaviours. Interspecific comparisons have been suggested as important for understanding the evolution of animal personality; however, these are seldom accomplished due, in part, to the lack of statistical tools for quantifying differences and similarities in behaviour between groups of individuals. We used nine species of closely-related coral reef fishes to investigate the usefulness of ecological community analyses for the analysis of between-species behavioural differences and behavioural heterogeneity. We first documented behavioural carryover across species by observing the fishes' behaviour and measuring their response to a threatening stimulus to quantify boldness. Bold fish spent more time away from the reef and fed more than shy fish. We then used ecological community analysis tools (canonical variate analysis, multi-response permutation procedure, and permutational analysis of multivariate dispersion) and identified four 'clusters' of behaviourally similar fishes, and found that the species differ in the behavioural variation expressed; some species are more behaviourally heterogeneous than others. We found that ecological community analysis tools are easily and fruitfully applied to comparative studies of personality and encourage their use by future studies.  相似文献   

In mid-latitude mountains, snowbeds often consist of small, scattered alpine belt units that host many plants of high biogeographic interest. Because most snowbed species are weak competitors, it is important to study the dissemination and persistence of their seeds to better understand their population dynamics. This study analyzed the snowbed flora of the Central Pyrenees using 11 morpho-functional traits, mostly related to seed function. The seeds of most plants found in snowbeds are small or very small, they have ovoid to elliptical shapes, and have no attributes related to dispersal. When only snowbed specialists (i.e., with a phytosociological optimum in snowbed habitats) are considered, three strategy groups become apparent: i) annuals or pauciennials producing abundant small seeds prone to accumulate in the soil; ii) chamaephytes or hemicryptophytes that produce anemochorous seeds; and iii) other perennials – mainly hemicryptophytes – with no specific seed traits. In the first two groups, the extant populations are maintained either by permanent soil seed banks or by means of vegetative persistence and dispersal. The lack of specific traits in the third group suggests that these plants could be more sensitive to direct competitive exclusion from non-chionophilous species under a changing climatic scenario in which snowbeds tend to disappear.  相似文献   

A statistical method is proposed for recognition of a bacterial species or for differentiation of two groups of bacterial strains. Comparison between two groups is done by the “t”-test. When the mean S-values (similarity value) of two groups are A and B, and the mean S-value for all possible combinations between strains of both groups is S, a condition necessary for defining the two groups as different species is to demonstrate the existence of equations A > S and B > S. Unless this condition is fulfilled, the two groups should be considered unseparable. The condition necessary for recognition of two groups as one species is to demonstrate the existence of equations A:= S and B = S. A few examples of the test were shown using the mycobacteria, and it was suggested that this statistical method is useful in the recognition of a species.  相似文献   

Systems biology is now recognized as a needed approach to understand the dynamics of inter- and intra-cellular processes. Redox processes are at the foundation of nearly all aspects of biology. Free radicals, related oxidants, and antioxidants are central to the basic functioning of cells and tissues. They set the cellular redox environment and, therefore, are the key to regulation of biochemical pathways and networks, thereby influencing organism health. To understand how short-lived, quasi-stable species, such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide, connect to the metabolome, proteome, lipidome, and genome we need absolute quantitative information on all redox active compounds as well as thermodynamic and kinetic information on their reactions, i.e., knowledge of the complete redoxome. Central to the state of the redoxome are the interactive details of the superoxide/peroxide formation and removal systems. Quantitative information is essential to establish the dynamic mathematical models needed to reveal the temporal evolution of biochemical pathways and networks. This new field of Quantitative Redox Biology will allow researchers to identify new targets for intervention to advance our efforts to achieve optimal human health.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of a severe drought in 1999 upon stream morphology and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations in seven headwater streams in the Greenbrier and Potomac River watersheds, West Virginia. During the drought, stream discharge was 96% lower than in years of normal precipitation. As a result, habitat availability and quality over all study streams was significantly lower. Riffle area was greatly reduced (?54%) relative to available pool area (?2%). Fine sediment levels (<0.063 mm) significantly increased within spawning substrate (p=0.01). Water temperature and dissolved oxygen were adequate (mean 15.8?°C, >6.0 mg l?1, respectively) for brook trout survival in all streams during the drought. Brook trout populations were significantly reduced (adult 60%, Young-of-the-year 67%), and individual fish had significantly lower body condition during the drought relative to the post-drought period. Reductions in brook trout density and population condition during, and in the-post drought period, were related to spatially-limited food resources and/or increased fine sediment levels, but not to degraded water quality. Fisheries managers should consider the effect of periodic drought on brook trout populations and consider short-term harvest restrictions to abet recovery after such stochastic events.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes represent a major public health concern. The former is the most frequent cause of death and disability in patients with type 2 diabetes, where left ventricular dysfunction is highly prevalent. Moreover, diabetic retinopathy is becoming a dominant cause of visual impairment and blindness. The complex relation between cardiovascular disease and diabetic retinopathy as a function of ageing, obesity and hypertension remains to be clarified. Here, we investigated such relations in patients with diabetes type 2, in subjects with neither overt heart disease nor advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We studied 47 patients and 50 controls, aged between 45 and 65 years, equally distributed according to gender. From the 36 measures regarding visual structure and function, and the 11 measures concerning left ventricle function, we performed data reduction to obtain eight new derived variables, seven of which related to the eye, adjusted for age, gender, body mass index and high blood pressure using both discriminant analysis (DA) and logistic regression (LR). We found moderate to strong correlation between left ventricle function and the eye constructs: minimum correlation was found for psychophysical motion thresholds (DA: 0.734; LR: 0.666), while the maximum correlation was achieved with structural volume density in the neural retina (DA: 0.786; LR: 0.788). Controlling the effect of pairwise correlated visual constructs, the parameters that were most correlated to left ventricle function were volume density in retina and thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layers (adjusted multiple R2 is 0.819 and 0.730 for DA and LR), with additional contribution of psychophysical loss in achromatic contrast discrimination. We conclude that visual structural and functional changes in type 2 diabetes are related to heart dysfunction, when the effects of clinical, demographic and associated risk factors are taken into account, revealing a genuine relation between cardiac and retinal diabetic phenotypes.  相似文献   

We emphasize the necessity of a complex approach to evaluating vegetation change at various levels of abstraction. The analytical steps include comparisons at the data, derived variable, distance, ordination and classification levels. A variety of data randomization methods incorporated in testing the significance of changes in raw data are introduced and compared. It is shown that these are true alternatives to Procrustean comparisons, which offer an apparently unfortunate choice in the presence/absence case. We propose to evaluate nearest neighbor relationships among quadrats in a new method, called adjacency analysis, to detect temporal trends that may remain unrevealed, should our attention be paid to full distance structures only. As an illustration, compositional and structural changes in the rock grassland vegetation of the Sas-hegy Nature Reserve (Budapest, Hungary), intensively sampled by quadrats in 1977 and 2000, are evaluated. Permutation tests show that differences between the 2 years are much smaller than expected by chance alone. Such an overall stability in community structure, however, does not mean that minor aspects of vegetation pattern are invariant over the years. Changes in life form and seed mass spectra are explained by the fluctuation of hemicryptophytes and the slight but detectable expansion of annuals and woody species. Classification is slightly rearranged in time, with clearly detectable within-cluster changes, also depicted in ordination scattergrams.  相似文献   

In the second half of the 20th century, investigations of indigenous environmental knowledge have been the subject of broader anthropological debates over how knowledge and experience are formed. Many such approaches have focused on environmental nomenclature and taxonomy, or what Roy Ellen has called “formal lexical knowledge” (1999). Such knowledge is readily available to an ethnographer and also more easily transmitted through language between subjects. These characteristics of formal lexical knowledge have led to considerable attention given to differences in environmental knowledge between cultures and have possibly resulted in the inflation of the efficacy of language in forming knowledge. However, if a different form of environmental knowledge is examined are there differences that emerge within communities and other processes beyond symbolic systems that shape knowledge? To address these questions, individuals in two Balinese agricultural communities were asked to construct food webs by linking photos of plant and animal species according to ecological interaction. The results showed significant variation in subjects’ knowledge by gender, which corresponds to labor experience in Balinese wet rice agricultural systems. By shifting attention toward emic models of ecological interactions, this article attempts to demonstrate (1) that environmental knowledge differs within a single community; and, (2) the role of labor experience or praxis has in forming environmental knowledge.  相似文献   

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