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Hepatotoxins (microcystins) from seven freshwater Anabaena strains originating from three different Finnish lakes and one lake in Norway were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography and characterized by amino acid analysis and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. All strains produced three to seven different microcystins. A total of 17 different compounds were isolated, of which 8 were known microcystins. The known compounds identified from six strains were MCYST (microcystin)-LR, [D-Asp3]MCYST-LR, [Dha7]MCYST-LR, [D-Asp3,Dha7]MCYST-LR, MCYST-RR, [D-Asp3]MCYST-RR, [Dha7]MCYST-RR, and [D-Asp3,Dha7]MCYST-RR. With the exception of MCYST-LR and [D-Asp3]MCYST-LR, this is the first time that isolation of these toxins from Anabaena strains has been reported. Three of the strains produced one to three toxins as minor components which could not be identified. Anabaena sp. strain 66 produced four unidentified toxins. The other Anabaena strains always contained both MCYST-LR and MCYST-RR and/or their demethyl variants. Quantitative differences between toxins within and between strains were detected; at times MCYST-LR and at other times MCYST-RR or demethyl derivatives thereof were the most abundant toxins found in a strain.  相似文献   

A positive selection method for isolation of nitrogenase-derepressed mutant strains of a filamentous cyanobacterium, Anabaena variabilis, is described. Mutant strains that are resistant to a glutamate analog, L-methionine-D,L-sulfoximine, were screened for their ability to produce and excrete NH4+ into medium. Mutant strains capable of producing nitrogenase in the presence of NH4+ were selected from a population of NH4+-excreting mutants. One of the mutant strains (SA-1) studied in detail was found to be a conditional glutamine auxotroph requiring glutamine for growth in media containing N2, NO3-, or low concentrations of NH4+ (less than 0.5 mM). This glutamine requirement is a consequence of a block in the assimilation of NH4+ produced by an enzyme system like nitrogenase. Glutamate and aspartate failed to substitute for glutamine because of a defect in the transport and utilization of these amino acids. Strain SA-1 assimilated NH4+ when the concentration in the medium reached about 0.5 mM, and under these conditions the growth rate was similar to that of the parent. Mutant strain SA-1 produced L-methionine-D,L-sulfoximine-resistant glutamine synthetase activity. Kinetic properties of the enzyme from the parent and mutant were similar. Mutant strain SA-1 can potentially serve as a source of fertilizer nitrogen to support growth of crop plants, since the NH4+ produced by nitrogenase, utilizing sunlight and water as sources of energy and reductant, respectively, is excreted into the environment.  相似文献   

Anabaena is a filamentous, N(2)-fixing, and morphologically diverse genus of cyanobacteria found in freshwater and brackish water environments worldwide. It contributes to the formation of toxic blooms in freshwater bodies through the production of a range of hepatotoxins or neurotoxins. In the Baltic Sea, Anabaena spp. form late summer blooms, together with Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. It has been long suspected that Baltic Sea Anabaena may produce microcystins. The presence of microcystins has been reported for the coastal regions of the Baltic proper, and a recent report also indicated the presence of the toxin in the open Gulf of Finland. However, at present there is no direct evidence linking Baltic Sea Anabaena spp. to microcystin production. Here we report on the isolation of microcystin-producing strains of the genus Anabaena in the open Gulf of Finland. The dominant microcystin variants produced by these strains included the highly toxic MCYST-LR as well as [d-Asp(3)]MCYST-LR, [d-Asp(3)]MCYST-HtyR, MCYST-HtyR, [d-Asp(3),Dha(7)]MCYST-HtyR, and [Dha(7)]MCYST-HtyR variants. Toxic strains were isolated from the coastal Gulf of Finland as well as from the easternmost open-sea sampling station, where there were lower salinities than at other stations. This result suggests that lower salinity may favor microcystin-producing Anabaena strains. Furthermore, we sequenced 16S rRNA genes and found evidence for pronounced genetic heterogeneity of the microcystin-producing Anabaena strains. Future studies should take into account the potential presence of microcystin-producing Anabaena sp. in the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins, are specific inhibitors of serine/threonine protein phosphatases and potent tumor promoters. They have caused several poisonings of animals and also pose a health hazard for humans through the use of water for drinking and recreation. Different strains of the same cyanobacterial species may variously be nontoxic, be neurotoxic, or produce several microcystin variants. It is poorly understood how the amount of toxins varies in a single strain. This laboratory study shows the importance of external growth stimuli in regulating the levels and relative proportions of different microcystin variants in two strains of filamentous, nitrogen-fixing Anabaena spp. The concentration of the toxins in the cells increased with phosphorus. High temperatures (25 to 30 degrees C), together with the highest levels of light studied (test range, 2 to 100 mumol m-2 s-1), decreased their amount. Different structural variants of microcystins responded differently to growth stimuli. Variants of microcystin (MCYST)-LR correlated with temperatures below 25 degrees C, and those of MCYST-RR correlated with higher temperatures. Nitrogen added into the growth medium and increasing temperatures increased the proportion of microcystin variants demethylated in amino acid 3. All variants remained mostly intracellular. Time was the most important factor causing the release of the toxins into the growth medium. Time, nitrogen added into the growth medium, and light fluxes above 25 mumol m-2 s-1 significantly increased the concentrations of the dissolved toxins. According to the results, it thus seems that the reduction of phosphorus loads in bodies of water might play a role in preventing the health hazards that toxic cyanobacterial water blooms pose, not only by decreasing the cyanobacteria but also by decreasing their toxin content.  相似文献   

Two endonucleases, AvaI and AvaII, were isolated from Anabaena variabilis on the basis of their ability to make a limited number of breaks at specific points in bacteriophage lambda DNA. Neither enzyme has cofactor requirements beyond Mg2+. Endonuclease AvaI makes eight breaks in the phage lambda chromosome at which the 5'-terminal sequence is pPy-C-G-N. AvaII endonuclease cuts phage lambda DNA more extensively, yielding fragments with the 5'-terminal sequence G-T-C-N or G-A-C-N. Neither enzyme generates cohesive ends.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made on the pigment composition and nitrogenase activity of whole filaments and isolated beterocysts from a mutant strain of Anabaena CA. The whole cell absorption spectra of intact filaments and isolated heterocysts showed close resemblance especially between 550–700 nm region. On a quantitative basis the chlorophyll a content was found almost equal between the vegetative cell and heterocyst but the c-phycocyanin content in the heterocyst was about 1/2 that of the vegetative cell. The purification of the phycobiliprotein on DEAE-cellulose showed the presence of c-phycocyanin (max 615 nm) and allophycocyanin (max 645 nm, shoulder 620 nm). Isolated heterocysts under H2 showed acetylene reduction rates of 57 nmol C2H4/mg dry wt·min (342 mol C2H4/mg chl a·h), whereas intact filaments reduced at the rate of 18 nmol C2H4/mg dry wt·min (108 mol C2H4/mg chl a·h). This rate accounts for 30% recovery of nitrogenase activity in isolated heterocysts compared to whole filaments. The activity was strictly light dependent and was linear under H2 for more than 3 h. Addition of as little as 5% H2 under argon stimulated the C2H2 reductionseveral fold. The acetylene reduction (nitrogenase activity) also showed tolerance to 5% added O2 either under H2 or argon. The results suggest that the heterocyst of Anabaena CA-V is different in some characteristics (viz., higher endogenous C2H2 reduction rate, prolonged activity and higher levels of phycobiliproteins) than those reported in other Anabaena species.  相似文献   

Microcystins (cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins), isolated from 13 freshwater Oscillatoria agardhii strains from eight different Finnish lakes by high-performance liquid chromatography, were characterized by amino acid analysis, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS), and tandem FABMS (FABMS/collisionary-induced dissociation/MS). All strains produced two to five different microcystins. In total, eight different compounds, of which five were known microcystins, were isolated. The known compounds identified were [D-Asp3]MCYST (microcystin)-LR, [Dha7]MCYST-LR, [D-Asp3]MCYST-RR, [Dha7]MCYST-RR, and [D-Asp3,Dha7]MCYST-RR. This is the first time that isolation of these toxins from Oscillatoria spp., with the exception of [D-Asp3]MCYST-RR, has been reported. Three of the strains produced a new microcystin, and the structure was assigned as [D-Asp3,Mser7]MCYST-RR. The structures of two new microcystins, produced as minor components by one Oscillatoria strain, could not be determined because of the small amounts isolated from the cells. Four strains produced [Dha7]MCYST-RR as the main toxin, but [D-Asp3]MCYST-RR was clearly the most abundant and most frequently occurring toxin among these isolates of O. agardhii.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin from Anabaena sp. has been purified 800-fold with an assay based on the reduction of insulin disulfides by NADPH and the heterologous calf thymus thioredoxin reductase. The final material was homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had a molecular weight of 12,000; the NH2-terminal residue was serine and the COOH-terminal was leucine. Anabaena thioredoxin-(SH)2 is a hydrogen donor for the adenosylcobalamin-dependent anabaena ribonucleotide reductase and is equally active with the iron-containing ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli. Anabaena thioredoxin-S2 is a good substrate for E. coli thioredoxin reductase. We have compared the structure of Anabaena and E. coli thioredoxins. Clear structural differences between the proteins, compatible with the large evolutionary distance between the organisms, were seen with respect to total amino acid composition, isoelectric point, tryptic peptide maps, and a low immunochemical cross-reactivity. However, both thioredoxins contain a single oxidation-reduction active disulfide bridge with the amino acid sequence: Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys-Lys. The tryptophan fluorescence emission of Anabaena thioredoxin-S2 increases more than 3-fold on reduction to thioredoxin-(SH)2. This behavior is identical with that of E. coli thioredoxin, suggesting a very similar overall folding of homologous molecules.  相似文献   

Two thioredoxin fractions had previously been reported to occur in Anabaena 7119 by Buchanan and co-workers (Yee, B. C., dela Torre, A., Crawford, N. A., Lara, C., Carlson, D. E., and Buchanan, B. B. (1981) Arch. Microbiol. 130, 14-18). These proteins were detected by their ability to activate spinach fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2-ase). The partially purified proteins resembled similar thioredoxins found in spinach chloroplasts and were designated thioredoxin f (Tf) for the fraction most effective in activating spinach Fru-P2-ase and thioredoxin m (Tm) for the fraction most effective in activating spinach NADPH-malate dehydrogenase. Using the assay system of Yee and co-workers, we were able to separate and purify to homogeneity two thioredoxin fractions from Anabaena extracts. Tm corresponded to the thioredoxin fraction we had isolated and studied previously (Gleason, F. K., and Holmgren, A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 8301-8309). The other fraction, Tf, was characterized further. Unlike the thioredoxins found in higher plants, the cyanobacterial thioredoxins do not appear to be related. Anabaena thioredoxin f has a Mr = 25,500 as compared to the more usual Mr = 12,000 for Tm. From a comparison of the amino acid composition, Tf is not obviously a dimer or otherwise related to Tm. Tf has one active center cystine disulfide. Anabaena Tf activates spinach Fru-P2-ase very efficiently but has very little activity with spinach malate dehydrogenase. Anabaena Tf, unlike Tm, does not reduce the homologous ribonucleotide reductase. Anabaena Tf also does not activate a partially purified preparation of Anabaena Fru-P2-ase. We conclude that the cyanobacterial Tf is a unique protein with no structural or functional properties in common with other thioredoxins.  相似文献   

两株海洋蛭弧菌的分离及生物学性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭宗辉  蔡俊鹏  吴冰  袁尔东 《微生物学报》2008,48(11):1425-1431
[目的]从深圳湾海泥中分离鉴定蛭弧菌,并对其生物学性质进行初步研究.[方法]通过稀释营养肉汤(dilute nutrient broth,DNB)双层平板法分离蛭弧菌,对所分离的菌株进行电镜形态观测,并进行16S rDNA测序分析,之后结合1994年版伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册对菌株进行鉴定,最后通过生理试验对其生物学性质进行研究.[结果]从深圳湾海泥中分离出2株蛭弧菌,分别命名为5#-12和5#-sh06,它们可在20℃~35℃范围内生长,最适温度分别是25℃和30℃;生长pH范围6.1~8.6,最适pH均为7.2;2株蛭弧菌可分别裂解46和48株试验菌,各占总试验菌株数(58)的79.3%和82.8%;联合2株蛭弧菌,可裂解56株试验菌,占总试验菌株数的96.6%;同时,它们一起能将所有试验弧菌裂解.[结论]研究结果揭示了蛭弧菌作为一种生物净化因子具有极大的潜在应用价值.  相似文献   

T Thiel 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(15):4493-4499
The filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis fixes nitrogen in the presence of vanadium (V) and in the absence of molybdenum (Mo), using a V-dependent nitrogenase (V-nitrogenase) encoded by the vnfDGK genes. Downstream from these genes are two genes that are similar to the vnfEN genes of Azotobacter vinelandii. Like the vnfDGK genes, the vnfEN genes were transcribed in the absence of Mo, whether or not V was present. A mutant with an insertion in the vnfN gene lacked V-nitrogenase activity; thus, the vnfEN genes were essential for the V-nitrogenase system in A. variabilis. Growth and acetylene reduction assays with wild-type and mutant strains suggested that the V-nitrogenase reduced dinitrogen better than acetylene. The similarity of the vnfEN genes of A. variabilis and A. vinelandii was not strong. The vnfEN genes of A. variabilis showed greater similarity to the vnfDK genes just upstream than to the A. vinelandii vnfEN genes. Sequence comparisons provide support for the idea that if the vnf genes were transferred laterally among bacterial strains, the vnf cluster was not transferred intact. It appears likely that the structural genes were transferred before a duplication event led to the evolution of the vnfEN genes independently in the two strains. The divergence of the vnfEN genes from the vnfDK genes suggests that this duplication, and hence the transfer of vnf genes, was an ancient event.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of a temperate cyanophage N(S)1 of the genus cyanopodovirus which produces turbid plaques on the host Anabaena 77S15 isolated from tropical soil. Its properties have been compared to those of other well-characterized cyanophages. In addition, two strains of Anabaena 77S15 lysogenic for N(S)1 were isolated. N(S)1 seems to be integrated into the chromosome of the two lysogens, and a 2 kb plasmid present at a low copy number in the non-lysogenic strain is amplified significantly.  相似文献   

Three different strains of filamentous cyanobacteria, Tychonema, Limnothrix, and Pseudoanabaena, were selected among the fastest growing taxa collected in the salt marshes of Venice Lagoon and were grown in laboratory for growth rate determination and biochemical characterization of chlorophyll-a, total proteins, total carbohydrates, and exopolysaccharides. Experiments were carried out both in liquid medium and two different substrates: artificial plant protection fabric and ground indigenous shells. Cyanobacterial behavior was recorded to better understand colonization of natural and new artificial marshes.  相似文献   

Novel strains of rhamnolipid-producing bacteria were isolated from soils at a biodiesel facility on the basis of their ability to grow on glycerol as a sole carbon source. Strains were identified as Acinetobacter calcoaceticus , Enterobacter asburiae , Enterobacter hormaechei , Pantoea stewartii , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The strains of the former five species were found to produce rhamnolipids in quantities the same as, or similar to, coisolated strains of P. aeruginosa . Measurements of surface tension revealed that that emulsifying properties of these strains were similar to levels displayed by rhamnolipids produced by P. aeruginosa . Results of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS analyses revealed that the predominant compounds made by all strains were C10–C10 mono- and dirhamnolipids. Notably, E. hormaechei and one strain of A. calcoaceticus produced rhamnolipids in amounts similar to the pseudomonads. As all strains examined were from the same taxonomic class of Proteobacteria , further examination of this group may reveal many additional species not previously known to produce rhamnolipids in addition to novel strains of species currently known to produce rhamnolipids.  相似文献   

Enrichments capable of toluene degradation under O2-free denitrifying conditions were established with diverse inocula including agricultural soils, compost, aquifer material, and contaminated soil samples from different geographic regions of the world. Successful enrichment was strongly dependent on the initial use of relatively low toluene concentrations, typically 5 ppm. From the enrichments showing positive activity for toluene degradation, 10 bacterial isolates were obtained. Fingerprints generated by PCR-amplified DNA, with repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence primers, showed that eight of these isolates were different. Under aerobic conditions, all eight isolates degraded toluene, five degraded ethylbenzene, three consumed benzene, and one degraded chlorobenzene, meta-Xylene was the only other substrate used anaerobically and was used by only one isolate. All isolates were motile gram-negative rods, produced N2 from denitrification, and did not hydrolyze starch. All strains but one fixed nitrogen as judged by ethylene production from acetylene, but only four strains hybridized to the nifHDK genes. All strains appeared to have heme nitrite reductase since their DNA hybridized to the heme (nirS) but not to the Cu (nirU) genes. Five strains hybridized to a toluene ortho-hydroxylase catabolic probe, and two of those also hybridized to a toluene meta-hydroxylase probe. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA genes of all isolates showed substantial similarity to 16S rRNA sequences of Azoarcus sp. Physiological, morphological, fatty acid, and 16S rRNA analyses indicated that these strains were closely related to each other and that they belong to the genus Azoarcus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A set of 30 Anabaena strains, isolated from diverse geographical regions of India, were characterized using morphological and physiochemical attributes as well as molecular marker profiles. Significant differences were observed among the Anabaena strains with regard to the shape and size of trichomes and individual cells within a filament, besides qualitative and quantitative aspects of phycobiliprotein accumulation and activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism. Analyses of molecular polymorphisms in a selected set of 13 Anabaena strains, using primers based on repetitive sequences in the genome, led to unambiguous differentiation of the strains as well as understanding of their genetic relationships. Informative morphological, physio-chemical and molecular characters have been identified that could aid in differentiation and utilization of Anabaena strains as bioinoculants or as sources of pigments.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized nine new strains of cholesterol-reducing bacteria from feces and intestinal contents of baboons. Cholesterol-brain agar was used for the primary isolation, and subsequent biochemical tests were done in a lecithin-cholesterol broth containing plasmenylethanolamine and various substrates. All strains had similar colony and cell morphology, hydrolyzed the beta-glucosides esculin and amygdalin, metabolized pyruvate, and produced acetate and acetoin. Unlike previously reported strains, the nine new strains did not require cholesterol and an alkenyl ether lipid (e.g., plasmalogen) for growth; however, only two strains reduced cholesterol in the absence of the plasmalogen. These two strains also produced succinate as an end product. Carbohydrate fermentation was variable; some strains produced weak acid (pH 5.5 to 6.0) from only a few carbohydrates, whereas other strains produced strong acid reactions (pH less than or equal to 5.5) from a wide variety of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

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