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The skeleton of the jaws and neurocranium of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) are connected only through the hyoid arch. This arrangement allows considerable protrusion and retraction of the jaws and is highly specialized among ray‐finned fishes (Actinopterygii). To better understand the unique morphology and the evolution of the jaw apparatus in Acipenseridae, we investigated the development of the muscles of the mandibular and hyoid arches of the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. We used a combination of antibody staining and formalin‐induced fluorescence of tissues imaged with confocal microscopy and subsequent three‐dimensional reconstruction. These data were analyzed to address the identity of previously controversial and newly discovered muscle portions. Our results indicate that the anlagen of the muscles in A. baerii develop similarly to those of other actinopterygians, although they differ by not differentiating into distinct muscles. This is exemplified by the subpartitioning of the m. adductor mandibulae as well as the massive m. protractor hyomandibulae, for which we found a previously undescribed portion in each. The importance of paedomorphosis for the evolution of Acipenseriformes has been discussed before and our results indicate that the muscles of the mandibular and the hyoid may be another example for heterochronic evolution.  相似文献   

The covering of the eggs in Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii consists of three envelopes (the vitelline envelope, chorion and extrachorion) and is equipped with multiple micropyles. The most proximal to the oocyte is the vitelline envelope that consists of four layers of filamentous and trabecular material. The structural components of this envelope are synthesized by the oocyte (primary envelope). The chorion encloses the vitelline envelope. The extrachorion covers the external surface of the egg. Examination of the arrangement of layers that comprise the egg envelopes together with the ultrastructure of follicular cells revealed that the chorion and extrachorion are secondary envelopes. They are secreted by follicular cells and are built of homogeneous material. During formation of egg envelopes, the follicular cells gradually diversify into three morphologically different populations: 1) cells covering the animal oocyte region (cuboid), (2) main body cells (cylindrical) and (3) micropylar cells. The apical surfaces of follicular cells from the first two populations form processes that remain connected with the oocyte plasma membrane by means of gap junctions. Micropylar cells are located at the animal region of the oocyte. Their apical parts bear projections that form a barrier to the deposition of materials for egg envelopes, resulting in the formation of the micropylar canal.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is a large member of Acipenseridae now found only in the Yangtze River and the Yellow and East China seas. The goal of this paper was to describe the skull of A. sinensis in the context of recent anatomical and systematic studies of sturgeons. Five specimens (354–670 mm standard length) were prepared as skeletons. The left and right parietals and frontals are broadly separated by a median fontanelle. The lateral‐most lateral extrascapular variably supports the confluence of the supratemporal, occipital and trunk lateral lines. There is no distinct ventral supraorbital process as found in other sturgeons. The anterodorsal portion of the snout is unique among Acipenseridae by having a single large anamestic dorsal rostral bone instead of a series of separate dorsal rostral bones. There are 0–2 lateral rostral bones on each side positioned anterior to but not in contact with the horizontal arm of the jugal. The dorsal surface of the neurocranium lacks a pineal opening, and its anterior tip is sharply pointed in the smaller specimens examined and gently curved in larger specimens. The anteromedial arm of the palatopterygoid is broad relative to other acipenserids. These new morphological data are discussed and compared among Acipenseridae.  相似文献   

We discuss results of the investigation into biological peculiarities of the juvenile Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) from the Aksay-Don Sturgeon Hatchery living in a natural riverine environment and migrating seaward. We supply data on the growth rate, geographic distribution, behavior and the feeding manner of the juvenile Russian sturgeon in the Don. We have estimated the survival rate of the industrially bred juvenile Russian sturgeon living in a natural environment. Apart from the nutritive base in the river and the predation pressure, we found that ecologically and physiologically determined biological characteristics mostly influence the survival rate in the juvenile Russian sturgeon released into the Don. The findings allow estimation of artificial propagation of the Russian sturgeon in the Azov Sea basin.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1438-1449
Ovaries of Acipenser baerii are of an alimentary type and probably are meroistic. They contain ovarian nests, individual follicles, inner germinal ovarian epithelium, and fat tissue. Nests comprise cystoblasts, germline cysts, numerous early previtellogenic oocytes, and somatic cells. Cysts are composed of cystocytes, which are connected by intercellular bridges and are in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase. They contain bivalents, finely granular, medium electron dense material, and nucleoli in the nucleoplasm. Many cystocytes degenerate. Oocytes differ in size and structure. Most oocytes are in the pachytene and early diplotene stages and are referred to as the PACH oocytes. Oocytes in more advanced diplotene stage are referred to as the DIP oocytes. Nuclei in the PACH oocytes contain bivalents and irregularly shaped accumulation of DNA (DNA‐body), most probably corresponding to the rDNA‐body. The DNA‐body is composed of loose, fine granular material, and comprises multiple nucleoli. At peripheries, it is fragmented into blocks that remain in contact with the inner nuclear membrane. In the ooplasm, there is the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, free ribosomes, complexes of mitochondria with cement, fine fibrillar material containing granules, and lipid droplets. The organelles and material of nuclear origin form a distinct accumulation (a granular ooplasm) in the vicinity of the nucleus. Some of the PACH oocytes are surrounded by flat somatic cells. There are lampbrush chromosomes and multiple nucleoli present (early diplotene stage) in the nucleoplasm. These PACH oocytes and neighboring somatic cells have initiated the formation of ovarian follicles. The remaining PACH oocytes transform to the DIP oocytes. The DIP oocytes contain lampbrush chromosomes and a DNA‐body is absent in nuclei. Multiple nucleoli are numerous in the nucleoplasm and granular ooplasm is present at the vegetal region of the oocyte.  相似文献   

Eleven of 34 sturgeons caught in the River Volga classified morphologically as Acipenser gueldenstaedtii were identified as Acipenser baerii from sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome- b gene. The Caspian Sea and its tributaries including the Volga are not native habitats of A. baerii . No A. baerii haplotype was observed in A. gueldenstaedtii from the Sea of Azov or the South Caspian Sea. Genetic contamination of A. gueldenstaedtii with A. baerii or A. baerii hybrids has occurred in the Volga. Crosses and backcrosses of these specimens with native A. gueldenstaedtii resulted in the loss of the morphological diagnostic A. baerii features. These findings are of special concern for conservation and management programmes, as well as for specimen identification for caviar trading control.  相似文献   

Contrary to the opinion of Kynard et al. (2002), the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii, does not belong to the Ponto-Caspian species. It inhabits Siberian rivers and Lake Baikal. Acipenser baerii is a typical potamodromous species and the comparison of the behavior of its embryos and larvae with those of the anadromous Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, should be done with understanding that these species have different life histories. The statement by Kynard et al. (2002) that larvae of the Russian sturgeon do not migrate contradicts results of previous studies.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the physicochemical properties of coelomic fluid (CF) in three sturgeon species, sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus (age 5–8 years), Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii (age 15–20 years), and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (age 13–18 years). For the study, CF was collected by plastic pipette from the eggs of mature female sterlet sturgeon (N = 10), Siberian sturgeon (N = 7) and Russian sturgeon (N = 4); osmolality, pH, ionic composition (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?), glucose, cholesterol and total protein of the CF were then analyzed. Mean concentration of K+ (4.4–6.11 mmol/L), Cl? (89.8–98.0 mmol/L), Ca2+ (0.87–0.96 mmol/L), Mg2+ (0.57–0.67 mmol/L), cholesterol (0.13–0.16 mmol/L), total protein (2.41–3.57 g/L), pH (7.92–7.98), and osmolality (190–213 mOsm/kg) of CF were not significantly different among these three species. However, the mean concentration of Na+ was significantly lower in sterlet sturgeon (104.6 ± 7.7 mmol/L; p < .05) than in the Siberian (126.4 ± 6.2) and Russian (123.0 ± 5.9) sturgeon. For these three species, Na+, K+, Cl?, and Mg2+ were the dominating ions; several significant correlations were observed among these ions and other physiochemical properties of CF. This is the first report on the ionic and biochemical composition of the CF of sterlet, Siberian and Russian sturgeon, which can be used as a reference point for further development of artificial media for the short‐term storage of unfertilized sturgeon eggs as well as for the standardization of the fertilization protocol for these species in controlled reproduction.  相似文献   

西伯利亚鲟仔鱼侧线系统的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Song W  Song JK 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):261-270
鲟鱼属软骨硬鳞鱼,在电感受器的进化中占据着极为重要的地位。该文以光镜和扫描电镜手段研究了西伯利亚鲟侧线系统早期发育,包括侧线基板发育及感觉嵴的形成、侧线感受器的发育和侧线管道的形成。1日龄,听囊前后外胚层增厚区域出现6对侧线基板;除后侧线基板细胞向躯干侧面迁移外,其他侧线基板均形成感觉嵴结构;每一侧线基板中均有神经丘原基形成。7日龄,壶腹器官在吻部腹面两侧出现,壶腹器官的发育比神经丘晚一周左右。9日龄,神经丘下的表皮略有凹陷,侧线管道开始形成。29日龄,在吻部腹面两侧可见少数个别的壶腹器官表皮细胞覆盖壶腹器官中央区域留下3~4个小的开口;壶腹管内可见大量的微绒毛存在,在其他鲟形目鱼类、软骨鱼类中也存在类似的结构。57日龄,躯干侧线管道已完全埋于侧骨板中;壶腹器官主要分布在吻部腹面,3~4个聚集在一起,呈"梅花状",分布紧密,并且该部分皮肤表面凹陷,形成花朵状凹穴;侧线系统发育完善。  相似文献   

Extant members of Acipenseridae are generally classified in four genera: Scaphirhynchus, Pseudoscaphirhynchus, Huso and “Acipenser,” which is widely recognized to be paraphyletic. Advances have been made in understanding the systematic relationships among sturgeons based on both morphological and molecular data. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA data suggested that Pseudoscaphirhynchus should be regarded as nested within “Acipenser,” specifically as sister group to the Stellate Sturgeon, A. stellatus. Recent morphological analyses also recovered this relationship, supported by a number of osteological synapomorphies, although these results were based on few and relatively small individuals. Here we describe the anatomy of the skull of A. stellatus based on newly prepared specimens of adult individuals, as well as examination of a large number of preserved individuals representing a broad range of ontogenetic stages. We present new anatomical data from all regions of the skull (dermatocranium, neurocranium, viscerocranium) and offer interpretations of these and other characters. In particular, we describe the allometry in the snout of A. stellatus, which undergoes substantial elongation relative to other sturgeons. Aspects of the skull of A. stellatus are compared to other members of the family, specifically the course of the occipital sensory canal and the morphology and distribution of cranial spines.  相似文献   

With reference to the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii of the Azov Population, it is demonstrated that the sex of acipenserids may be determined biometrically. A measurement scheme of the head is suggested, which gives the possibility to determine gender in live sturgeons. A discriminate equation is composed for the identification of the sex of individuals of the Russian sturgeon in a sufficiently wide size-age range, irrespective of the maturity stage of the gonads.  相似文献   

Behavioural modifications of Acipenser baeri were studied during early ontogeny at 18 °C by means of specific tests and general observations. During A. baeri ontogeny, several different periods could be clearly distinguished by behavioural patterns. From hatching to 3 days post hatch (p.h.), specimens exhibited swimming-up and drift behaviour. A transition from a pelagic to benthic behaviour occurred between 4–5 days p.h. and specimens were positively rheotactic. At 7–8 days p.h., prelarvae aggregated into schools of different shapes. During prelarval development, specimens were positively phototactic, preferred white bottoms and did not show any preference for bottom concealment. Between 9–10 days p.h. coinciding with the onset of the exogenous feeding, larvae were active bottom swimmers, schooling behaviour disappeared and larvae dispersed. During early ontogeny, changes in body coloration were observed among those specimens who swam over bottoms of different brightness and during the day/night cycle. From 9 to 12 days p.h., larvae were positively phototactic, denied bottom cover and showed preference for white substrates. At 13 days p.h., the percentage of fish exhibiting positive phototactism, preferring open to concealed bottom habitats and white bottoms started to decrease, while at 20 days p.h. specimens showed a clear preference for bottom concealment and black and greyish bottoms. The significance, use and evolution of the former behavioural patterns is deeply discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(1):50-61
Previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes in ovarian follicles from cultured Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii were examined. In previtellogenic oocytes, granular and homogeneous zones in the cytoplasm (the ooplasm) are distinguished. Material of nuclear origin, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, complexes of mitochondria with cement and round bodies are numerous in the granular ooplasm. In vitellogenic oocytes, the ooplasm comprises three zones: perinuclear area, endoplasm and periplasm. The endoplasm contains yolk platelets, lipid droplets, and aggregations of mitochondria and granules immersed in amorphous material. In the nucleoplasm, lampbrush chromosomes, nucleoli, and two types of nuclear bodies are present. The first type of nuclear bodies is initially composed of fibrillar threads only. Their ultrastructure subsequently changes and they contain threads and medium electron dense material. The second type of nuclear bodies is only composed of electron dense particles. All nuclear bodies impregnate with silver, stain with propidium iodide, and are DAPI‐negative. Their possible role is discussed. All oocytes are surrounded by follicular cells and a basal lamina which is covered by thecal cells. Egg envelopes are not present in previtellogenic oocytes. In vitellogenic oocytes, the plasma membrane (the oolemma) is covered by three envelopes: vitelline envelope, chorion, and extrachorion. Vitelline envelope comprises four sublayers: filamentous layer, trabecular layer 2 (t2), homogeneous layer, and trabecular layer 1 (t1). In the chorion, porous layer 1 and porous layer 2 are distinguished in most voluminous examined oocytes. Three micropylar cells that are necessary for the formation of micropyles are present between follicular cells at the animal hemisphere. J. Morphol. 278:50–61, 2017. ©© 2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

A study of motility was carried out on spermatozoa of the Siberian sturgeon ( Acipenser baerii Brandt) reared at the Cemagref experimental research station, St Seurin sur l'Isle, France. About 90% spermatozoa are activated within a few seconds after a double step dilution (final dilution 1/600) and the number of motile cells declines regularly to 10–20% after 2 mn. During the same period of time, the flagellum beat frequency remains stable at about 50 Hz for 30 sec and drops to 30 Hz after 60 sec. A morphological analysis of the movement of the flagellum shows that during the first 20 sec, waves are distributed on the entire length of the flagellum; later, they disappear progressively from the distal part within 1 mn in the case of 90% of the spermatozoa. Finally after 2 mn, most of the flagella are straight and devoid of wave. The ATP content declines very rapidly after activation from 7.58 ± 1.85 to 4.05 ± 1.51 nmol/108 spermatozoa within 5 sec (P=0.004). Spermatozoa left in the genital tract of the males over a period of 24 hrs (in vivo survival) do not show significant change in the percentage of motile cells (82 ± 14 vs 74 ± 15) nor in the ATP content (6.13 ± 2.37 vs 4.59 ± 1.42 nmoles/108 spermatozoa). An aliquot of these spermatozoa stripped from testis and stored during the same period of 24 hrs at 4°C shows a significant decrease in the percentage of motile cells from 82 ± 14 to 59 ± 30 (P<0.01) and in the ATP content from 6.15 ± 2.4 to 1.95 ± 1.37 nmoles/108 spermatozoa (P=0.001).  相似文献   

Zhang H  Fan CX  Song JK 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):158-164
Tbx3基因是一类重要的转录因子,在形态发生和器官形成中发挥着重要作用。该文克隆了西伯利亚鲟Tbx3基因(AbTbx3)cDNA的全长序列,该cDNA全长2908bp,包含一个2166bp的开放阅读框,编码721个氨基酸的多肽。分析表明:AbTbx3和人Tbx3的T-box结构域蛋白序列同源性达到95.2%,三维结构也具有高度的相似性。系统进化分析表明:AbTbx3与其他物种的Tbx3聚为一支,并在一个大的分支上与Tbx2聚类。半定量RT-PCR显示,AbTbx3基因从西伯利亚鲟囊胚早期即开始表达,且随着发育表达渐强,至尾芽早期表达量达到最大,随后稍有下降;在成体的眼、脑、鳃、肠、胸鳍和腹鳍中有表达,在肝、血液、心脏、肾和肌肉中均未检测到其表达。整体原位杂交表明,在37期和43期仔鱼的耳泡、后脑、松果体和后部脊索中表达量较高,同时在背鳍芽中也有表达。综上结果表明:西伯利亚鲟Tbx3与人Tbx3在结构上高度同源,在胚胎、仔鱼和成体中呈时空特异性表达。  相似文献   

Urocortin-3 (UCN3), one of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) family peptides, which was discovered in 2001, has a variety of biological functions. However, the researches of UCN3 in fish were scarce. In order to understand whether UCN3 play a role in regulating food intake in fish, we first cloned the ucn3 cDNAs sequence of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt), and investigated the ucn3 mRNA levels in 11 tissues. The Siberian sturgeon ucn3 cDNA sequence was 1044 bp, including an open reading frame (ORF) of 447 bp that encoded 148 amino acids with a mature peptide of 40 amino acids, a 5ʹ-terminal untranslated region (5ʹ-UTR) of 162 bp and a 3ʹ-terminal untranslated region (3ʹ-UTR) of 435 bp. The result of tissue distribution showed that ucn3 widely distributed in 11 tissues with highest expression in brain. We also assessed the effects of periprandial (pre- and post-feeding), fasting and re-feeding on ucn3 mRNAs abundance in brain. The results showed the expression of ucn3 mRNA in brain was significantly elevated after feeding, decreased after fasting 17 days and increased after re-feeding. To further investigate the food intake role of UCN3 in Siberian sturgeon, we performed intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of Siberian sturgeon UCN3 (SsUCN3) with three doses (60, 120 or 240 ng/g) and recorded the food intake. Acute and chronic i.p. injection SsUCN3 reduced the food intake in a dose-dependent pattern. In conclusion, this study indicates that SsUCN3 acts as a satiety factor to inhibit the food intake of Siberian sturgeon.  相似文献   

Overharvest and habitat alteration have led toa collapse of most commercial Atlantic sturgeon(Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus)fisheries while pushing the species to rarityor extirpation in most of its historical range. A biologically sound conservation program forthis species requires knowledge of its geneticdiversity and of the evolutionary relationshipsamong geographic populations. To address theseresearch needs, six microsatellite loci wereisolated from A. o. oxyrinchus. Pedigreeanalysis suggested that all are inherited in acodominant Mendelian pattern. The six lociwere tested in ten additional sturgeon speciesfrom three genera and three apparent ploidylevels (4n, 8n, 16n). Approximately 70% ofsuccessful locus-species amplifications werepolymorphic. Polysomy was observed most oftenin 8n and 16n species. Genetic diversity andpopulation structure of A. o. oxyrinchuswere assayed using three polymorphic Aoxmarkers and four markers developed from lakesturgeon (A. fulvescens). A. o.oxyrinchus were sampled from the AltamahaRiver, Georgia, USA north to the St. LawrenceRiver, Quebec, Canada. Gulf sturgeon, A.o. desotoi, were sampled from the SuwanneeRiver, Florida, USA, to assess differentiationbetween the subspecies. Seventy-seven alleleswere observed to segregate into uniquemultilocus genotypes for each of the 392individuals assayed. Mean diversity wasgreatest in the Chesapeake Bay (9.7 alleles perlocus) and Delaware River (7.4 alleles perlocus) collections, and lowest in the St.Lawrence River (4.6 alleles per locus). Meanheterozygosity across seven loci ranged from44.3% (St. Lawrence River) to 62.6% (Altamaha River). Significant allelic heterogeneity wasobserved in 82% of pairwise comparisons aswell as a global test (p < 0.0001) for A.o. oxyrinchus collections. Genetic distancesuggests the presence of at least sixsubpopulations in A. o. oxyrinchus: St.Lawrence River, St. John River, Hudson River,Delaware River, Albemarle Sound, and AltamahaRiver. Genetic and geographic distances werepositively correlated (r = 0.57, p < 0.03) amongA. o. oxyrinchus, suggesting isolation bydistance and philopatry. Hierarchical genediversity analysis indicated significantgenetic population structure at every level. Maximum likelihood assignment tests correctlyassigned individual fish to collection with ahigh rate of success (mean = 87.5%); this andother lines of evidence indicated that theChesapeake Bay collection represents a mixedpopulation of sub-adult sturgeon from northernand southern Atlantic coast populations. Population structure was correlated with thatsuggested by earlier mitochondrial (mt) DNAanalyses. Significant diversity was observedbetween two Canadian populations from whichonly a single mtDNA haplotype has beenreported.  相似文献   

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