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Human activity can dramatically affect biodiversity, often by introducing non-native species, or by increasing the abundance of a small number of native species. Management strategies aimed at conserving biodiversity need to be informed by the actual impacts of highly abundant species, whether native or introduced. In this study we examined characteristics of two bird species, introduced common mynas and native noisy miners, both of which are highly abundant in urbanised areas along the East coast of Australia. Current managerial practices have a strong focus on eradication of common mynas, while noisy miners are largely ignored. However, in this study noisy miners were found in a broader range of habitats, and in greater abundance, than common mynas; displayed more aggressive behaviour; and were linked to a decline in the diversity and abundance of other species where common mynas were not. We suggest that the adaptability of a species and the variety of habitats it can colonise may be a better predictor of its potential impact, than whether it is native or introduced.  相似文献   

Hybridization between native and non‐native species has consequences for survival and growth rates of hybrid offspring, but the influences on their functional roles such as habitat use are little studied and poorly understood. The Japanese native common carp Cyprinus carpio coexist and hybridize with non‐native domesticated carp in natural Japanese lakes. We have combined stable isotope and molecular information to examine whether habitat use of carp varies depending on the degree of hybridization between native and non‐native carp. We sampled 69 carp from Lake Kasumigaura where hybrid swarms between native and non‐native carp are advancing, evaluated the degree of hybridization for each individual by genotyping five single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, and analyzed their carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Although we did not find any genetically pure native carp in the lake, the results showed that carp δ13C increased with increasing frequency of non‐native alleles but that δ15N did not change. This indicates that non‐native carp use the littoral zone more frequently than native carp. This difference in habitat use was supported by a multisource mixing model, showing that the contribution of limnetic primary consumers to the diets of non‐native carp was lower than that of individuals with the highest frequency of native alleles. By combining two very different methods, our results thus suggest that multiple‐generation hybridization can influence habitat and resource use. Habitat partitioning should be considered when evaluating the genetic impacts of invasive species and races on native species and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Understanding behavioral differences between intraspecific genotypes of aquatic animals is challenging because we cannot directly observe the animals underwater or visually distinguish morphologically similar counterparts. Here, we tested a new monitoring tool that uses environmental DNA (eDNA), an assemblage of DNA in environmental water, to specifically detect Japanese native and introduced non‐native genotypes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Biwa, Japan, and estimated differences between the two genotypes in the use of inland habitats. We monitored the ratios of native and non‐native single nucleotide polymorphism alleles of a mitochondrial locus of common carp in a lagoon connected to Lake Biwa for 3 years using eDNA. We observed seasonal dynamics in the allele frequency showing that the native genotype frequency peaked every spring, suggesting that native individuals migrated to the lagoon for spawning and then returned to the main lake, whereas non‐native individuals tended to stay in the lagoon. The estimated migration patterns corresponded with the estimates of a previous study, which were based on commercial fish catch data. Our findings suggest that eDNA‐based monitoring can be useful tool for addressing intraspecific behavioral differences underwater.  相似文献   

Cold shocks: a stressor for common carp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stress response of common carp Cyprinus carpio was studied by evaluating plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate after single or multiple rapid temperature drops (ΔT: 7, 9 or 11° C). All three amplitudes used induced a significant rise in plasma cortisol levels. Peaks occurred within 20 min after onset of the cold shock. No stress-related secondary metabolic changes were observed in any of the experiments described: plasma glucose levels remained unaffected and plasma lactate levels dropped. Carp of 60 days old showed a significant stress response, although plasma cortisol levels were lower than those observed in carp of 120 days. Furthermore, fish that had experienced multiple cold shocks showed an overall lower cortisol response than fish experiencing a single cold shock, indicating that habituation to this stressor occurred.  相似文献   

Food of sterile triploid bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis , was examined in ponds receiving water from a hypereutrophic take in Florida. No distinctive seasonal changes in food composition were found. The fish fed selectively on Botryococcus braunii Kuetzing, a large nuisance algal species, which constituted 61% of the volume and 50% of the dry weight of the food. Zooplankton was highly selected, but constituted only 3% of the food volume because of the low zooplankton density in the ponds. The remaining proportion of food consisted mainly of blue-green algae. Final fish biomass was low, ranging from 60 to 97 kg ha−1 in individual ponds. Low biomass was due to slow fish growth and high fish mortality. Despite low biomass, the fish lowered the ratio of blue-green/green algae in the ponds and tended to lower phyto- and zooplankton abundance.  相似文献   

Lake Ziway harbours indigenous and exotic fish species including Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Nile tilapia was the dominant and preferred fish. However, its contribution to total catch has dramatically declined from 89.3% in 1994 to 27% in 2014 while the introduced common carp has increased from 0% before 2012 to 25% in 2014. Common carp potentially compete with Nile tilapia for available resources and could be a cause for the decline. Thus, the study explored the dietary overlap of the two species from April to August 2017. Schoener's overlap index (α) revealed significant dietary overlap between the two species (α = 0.84, between juveniles and α = 0.63, between adults). Juveniles fed mainly on animal origin (zooplankton and insects), while adult Nile tilapia have consumed plant origin (macrophyte and phytoplankton), and adult common carp fed on macrophytes and detritus. The presence of significant dietary overlap between the two species, particularly due to intense competition among juveniles, might cause the reduction of Nile tilapia stock because the native species has shown a competitive disadvantage for food in the presence of common carp. This study provides baseline information to researchers and decision makers working towards the sustainable resource utilisation of the system.  相似文献   

We discuss a diversity measure combining information of relative abundances and taxonomic distinctiveness suggested by Ricotta (2004). We show that Ricotta's measure violates weak species monotonicity, a condition that requires that the addition of a species should always increase a diversity index if abundances change only marginally. We suggest an alternative index satisfying weak species monotonicity and apply it to the 'Zeesserveld' forest reserve in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Plant stress resulting from soil freezing is expected to increase in northern temperate regions over the next century due to reductions in snow cover caused by climate change. Within plant communities, soil spatial heterogeneity can potentially buffer the effects of plant freezing stress by increasing the availability of soil microsites that function as microrefugia. Moreover, increased species richness resulting from soil heterogeneity can increase the likelihood of stress‐tolerant species being present in a community. We used a field experiment to examine interactions between soil heterogeneity and increased freezing intensity (achieved via snow removal) on plant abundance and diversity in a grassland. Patches of topsoil were mixed with either sand or woodchips to create heterogeneous and homogeneous treatments, and plant community responses to snow removal were assessed over three growing seasons. Soil heterogeneity interacted significantly with snow removal, but it either buffered or exacerbated the snow removal response depending on the specific substrate (sand vs. woodchips) and plant functional group. In turn, snow removal influenced plant responses to soil heterogeneity; for example, adventive forb cover responded to increased heterogeneity under ambient snow cover, but this effect diminished with snow removal. Our results reveal that soil heterogeneity can play an important role in determining plant responses to changes in soil freezing stress resulting from global climate change. While the deliberate creation of soil microsites in ecological restoration projects as a land management practice could increase the frequency of microrefugia that mitigate plant community responses to increased freezing stress, the design of these microsites must be optimized, given that soil heterogeneity also has the potential to exacerbate freezing stress responses.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yingqiu  Yu  Zonghe  Xu  Qinzeng  Li  Xinhui  Zhu  Shuli  Li  Jie 《Aquatic Ecology》2022,56(3):525-541
Aquatic Ecology - The grass carp is one of the most important herbivore consumers in aquatic ecosystems and plays key roles in controlling macrophyte abundance. To assess the trophic role of grass...  相似文献   

Tang W  Chen Y 《Zoological science》2012,29(5):311-318
Hybridization with introduced fish species is an important threat to native fish species. Here we investigated hybridization between native barbless carp (Cyprinus pellegrini) and introduced common carp (C. carpio) in Xingyun Lake in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau of China. A total of 203 individuals of Cyprinus from Xingyun Lake were studied by combination of morphological and genetic analyses. Most individuals were strictly intermediate between the two parental species in morphology, strongly suggesting that extensive hybridization has occurred. Bayesian model-based clustering of the genetic data suggests that there are two distinct genetic groups corresponding to barbless and common carp respectively. Many individuals in the two genetic groups showed intermediate morphology, suggesting that both groups actually contain massively introgressed genes. Only two individuals were identified as barbless carp both morphologically and genetically, hinting that this native species is at risk of genetic extinction in Xingyun Lake.  相似文献   

Carbon isotopic abundances have been measured for more than one hundred samples of fossil plants ranging in age from middle Triassic to late Tertiary. Most of the plant fossils were identified at the specific or generic level and were selected as representing a variety of continental environments, including xeric and humid habitats. Material analysed included numerous fragments of flowers, seeds, fruits, leaves and wood, as well as a single amorphous lignite sample. The analyses performed for the plant fragments indicate relatively constant isotopic compositions during this time interval, with plant δ13C values ranging between -28 and -20%. These values are within the range for living terrestrial plants with C3, photosynthesis, although values more positive than -23% are rare in C3 plants and typically found in plants growing under environmental stress. Lower δ13C values might have been expected owing to the much higher CO2, levels of the Cretaceous atmosphere that have been inferred from marine carbonates. No fossils with values indicating C4, photosynthesis were discovered. Fossil plants from inferred mesic environments showed δ13C values ranging between -26.7 and -24.1%. Highest δ13C values in angiosperms (up to -20.1%) were measured for Late Cretaceous combretaceous flowers from Portugal. Some cheirolepidiaceous conifers from the Early Cretaceous also showed high δ13C values. Values measured for Pseudofrenelopsis varians and Glenrosa taxensis were -21.9%, and values of gymnosperm wood, probably of cheirolepidiaceous affinity, were -19.0%. These high values are in accordance with inferred ecological conditions for the fossil plants. They may suggest a tendency for C4,-like photosynthesis, although the data are equivocal. Higher values (-17.3%) clearly falling outside the C3, range were, however, obtained from a single lignite fragment of Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) age. The nature of this plant fragment is unknown, but the result suggests that C4-like photosynthesis was present at least in some latest Cretaceous vegetation. A hadrosaurian dinosaur with well-preserved collagen-like organic matter from the same deposit showed δ13C values around-16%, which also suggests the presence of CAM or even C4 plants in the latest Cretaceous. □Carbon isotopic abundances, δ13C values, dinosaurs, plants, photosynthetic pathways, Mesozoic.  相似文献   

We investigated the factors controlling the relative abundancesof two Daphnia species, D.pulex and D.laevis, in a small Wisconsinpond. D.pulex was the dominant Daphnia species in fall 1977and summer-fall 1978; D.laevis was the only Daphnia speciespresent in summer 1979. The abundance of D.laevis was positivelycorrelated with the abundance of the notonectid, Buenoa confusa.In predation trials, notonectides exhibited a distinct preferencefor D.pulex over similarly-sized D.laevis, but Chaoborus larvaefed at similar rates on both Daphnia species. Behavioral observationsrevealed that Buenoa adults were much less efficient at capturingD.laevis than D.pulex. Quantitative results of these predationtrials were combined with estimates of predator and prey densityand distribution to evaluate the effect of predation on thedaphnid populations. The effect of predation varied throughtime and microhabitat, and only infrequently could predationaccount for total prey mortality. D.laevis was most abundantat times and in places where Buenoa predation was most intense.Competition experiments illustrated the competitive superiorityof D.pulex over D.laevis. D.pulex was able to competitivelyexclude D.laevis in long term experiments, and D.pulex's fecunditywas higher than that of D.laevis in shorter experiments. Inlong-term experiments, Chaoborus larvae at natural densitieswere able to keep both Daphnia species at low, constant levelsand neither species clearly dominated when Chaoborus was present.The relative abundances of D.pulex and D.laevis were controlledby a complex of biotic and abiotic factors. Pond depth and predatordensity determined the intensity of predation on daphnid populations.When notonectid predation was intense, D.laevis dominated; whenthe intensity of predation by notonectids was low, D.pulex dominateddue to its superior competitive abilities. At different timesselective predation or high resource levels promoted the co-existenceof these two species. 1Current address of both authors: Department of Biological Sciences,University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The western honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been introduced to many parts of the world and is sometimes purported to be detrimental to native bees because it reduces their food base. It is seldom viewed in this light in Europe; however, when beekeepers maintain very high bee densities, the species could also be displacing insects in its native European range by reducing the resource base. 2. In England, populations of bumblebees (Bombus Latr. Hym.) have been decreasing both in terms of diversity and abundance, mainly because of a loss of habitat resulting from agricultural intensification. The impact of competition from other flower feeders is largely unknown. 3. Nineteen dry lowland heaths in southern England were sampled once for honeybees and bumblebees. Honeybee abundance varied from 4 to 81 bees per 100 m2 (mean = 30.89, median = 23), whereas bumblebees varied from 2 to 17 individuals per 100 m2 (mean = 8.26, median = 7), belonging to between one and five species. There was a negative association between honeybee and bumblebee abundance but there was no apparent relationship between honeybee abundance and bumblebee diversity. 4. The Bray–Curtis coefficient was used to compare the similarity in honeybee and bumblebee floral host breadth at these 19 sites. The coefficient was negatively associated with honeybee abundance: thus where honeybees were most abundant, bumblebees were fewer and/or foraged on different flower species. 5. Foraging host breadth was also examined at four heathlands over a field season (April to September). No association between honeybee abundance and foraging host breadth was found for short‐tongued bees, although there was some evidence for a change in floral host breadth for long‐tongued bees. 6. It is concluded that the impact of honeybees on bumblebees is complex. Although competition between the two species cannot be ruled out, it is perhaps equally likely that bumblebees decline in response to other factors, and that honeybees move independently of this decline.  相似文献   

对26尾三倍体湘云鲫的线粒体tRNA-Thr基因、tRNA-Pro基因和部分控制区的核苷酸序列进行了测定,获得26条长度为837—839 bp的同源基因序列,共发现65个多态性核苷酸变异位点,多态位点比例为0.077,定义了8种单元型。在湘云鲫8种单元型中确认了DNA复制终止相关的序列TAS、中央保守区序列(CSB-F、CSB-E和CSB-D)和保守序列CSB1,8种单元型含有3—5个TAS序列。在65个变异位点中,大部分序列变异为转换,8种单元型之间的序列差异在0.1%—6.3%之间。该研究为三倍体湘云鲫的繁殖和遗传改良提供了一些有价值的信息。  相似文献   

Altered hydrology of southwestern United States rivers has led to a decline in native cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Areas historically dominated by cottonwood have been replaced by invasive saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis). Restoration of historic hydrology through periodic flooding of riparian areas has been a means of restoring native species. However, due to similarity in germination requirements of cottonwoods and saltcedars, flooding may create an unwanted increase in the number of saltcedar seedlings. Therefore, we evaluated competitive aspects of these co-occurring species in an extant riparian habitat in the arid southwestern US. We measured effects of competition between cottonwood and saltcedar seedlings and among cottonwood seedlings during the first growing season following seedling establishment in 360, 0.5 × 0.5-m plots at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. We used five interspecific density treatments and five intraspecific density treatments. Cottonwood seedling biomass and height were twice that of saltcedar seedlings across all density treatments. As density of cottonwood increased, intraspecific competition increased in severity and biomass of cottonwood seedlings decreased. At 4 plants/0.25 m2, cottonwood seedlings had the greatest biomass; whereas, survival was highest at 10 plants/0.25 m2. Our results support greenhouse studies and suggest that if favorable germination conditions are established for cottonwood in floodplains, saltcedar seedlings that cogerminate could be outcompeted by native cottonwood seedlings.  相似文献   

Traditional diversity measures such as the Shannon entropy are generally computed from the species' relative abundance vector of a given community to the exclusion of species' absolute abundances. In this paper, I first mention some examples where the total information content associated with a given community may be more adequate than Shannon's average information content for a better understanding of ecosystem functioning. Next, I propose a parametric measure of statistical information that contains both Shannon's entropy and total information content as special cases of this more general function.  相似文献   

About a third of microsatellite primers designed for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was successfully amplified in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). These markers, inherited in Mendelian mode, are of potential applications in cypinid genetics.  相似文献   

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