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Some of the most perplexing disorders in medicine are each now known to arise from the conformational instability of an underlying protein. The consequence is a continuum of pathologies with typically a change in fold leading to ordered aggregation and tissue deposition. The serpins provide a structural prototype for these pathologies and give a perspective on the assessment of current proposals as to the conformational basis of both Alzheimer's disease and the transmissible prion encephalopathies.  相似文献   

Antithrombin, uniquely among plasma serpins acting as proteinase inhibitors in the control of the blood coagulation cascade, circulates in a relatively inactive form. Its activation by heparin, and specifically by a pentasaccharide core of heparin, has been shown to involve release of the peptide loop containing the reactive centre from partial insertion in the A sheet of the molecule. Here we compare the structures of the circulating inactive form of antithrombin with the activated structure in complex with heparin pentasaccharide. We show that the rearrangement of the reactive centre loop that occurs upon activation is part of a widespread conformational change involving a realignment of the two major domains of the molecule. We also examine natural mutants that possess high affinity for heparin pentasaccharide, and relate the kinetics of their interaction with heparin pentasaccharide to the structural transitions occuring in the activation process.  相似文献   

The conformational aspects of the binding of antithrombin III to thrombin were investigated by difference spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and optical rotatory dispersion. The CD and ORD studies indicate an increase of 6--8% in alpha-helix content at the expense of the beta structure, while the results from difference spectroscopy showed an increased exposure of approximately seven tyrosine residues. In the presence of heparin there is a slightly greater increase in helicity which is accompanied by exposure of an average of two tryptophan and one tyrosine residues. These spectral results indicate that the thrombin-antithrombin III complex formed in the presence of heparin differs in its conformation from that produced in its absence.  相似文献   

The serpins (SERine Proteinase INhibitors) are a family of proteins with important physiological roles, including but not limited to the inhibition of chymotrypsin-like serine proteinases. The inhibitory mechan- ism involves a large conformational change known as the S-->R (stressed-->relaxed) transition. The largest structural differences occur in a region around the scissile bond called the reactive centre loop: In the native (S) state, the reactive centre is exposed, and is free to interact with proteinases. In inhibitory serpins, in the cleaved (R) state the reactive centre loop forms an additional strand within the beta-sheet. The latent state is an uncleaved state in which the intact reactive centre loop is integrated into the A sheet as in the cleaved form, to give an alternative R state.The serpin structures illustrate detailed control of conformation within a single protein. Serpins are also an unusual family of proteins in which homologues have native states with different folding topologies. Determination of the structures of inhibitory serpins in multiple conformational states permits a detailed analysis of the mechanism of the S-->R transition, and of the way in which a single sequence can form two stabilised states of different topology.Here we compare the conformations of alpha(1)-antitrypsin in native and cleaved states. Many protein conformational changes involve relative motions of large rigid subunits. We determine the rigid subunits of alpha(1)-antitrypsin and analyse the changes in their relative position and orientation. Knowing that the conformational change is initiated by cleavage at the reactive centre, we describe a mechanism of the S-->R transition as a logical sequence of mechanical effects, even though the transition likely proceeds in a concerted manner.  相似文献   

The serpins (SERine Proteinase INhibitors) are a family of proteins with important physiological roles, including but not limited to the inhibition of chymotrypsin-like serine proteinases. The inhibitory mechan- ism involves a large conformational change known as the S-->R (stressed-->relaxed) transition. The largest structural differences occur in a region around the scissile bond called the reactive centre loop: In the native (S) state, the reactive centre is exposed, and is free to interact with proteinases. In inhibitory serpins, in the cleaved (R) state the reactive centre loop forms an additional strand within the beta-sheet. The latent state is an uncleaved state in which the intact reactive centre loop is integrated into the A sheet as in the cleaved form, to give an alternative R state.The serpin structures illustrate detailed control of conformation within a single protein. Serpins are also an unusual family of proteins in which homologues have native states with different folding topologies. Determination of the structures of inhibitory serpins in multiple conformational states permits a detailed analysis of the mechanism of the S-->R transition, and of the way in which a single sequence can form two stabilised states of different topology.Here we compare the conformations of alpha(1)-antitrypsin in native and cleaved states. Many protein conformational changes involve relative motions of large rigid subunits. We determine the rigid subunits of alpha(1)-antitrypsin and analyse the changes in their relative position and orientation. Knowing that the conformational change is initiated by cleavage at the reactive centre, we describe a mechanism of the S-->R transition as a logical sequence of mechanical effects, even though the transition likely proceeds in a concerted manner.  相似文献   

We studied the RNA aptamer Toggle-25/thrombin interaction during inhibition by antithrombin (AT), heparin cofactor II (HCII) and protein C inhibitor (PCI). Thrombin inhibition was reduced 3-fold by Toggle-25 for AT and HCII, but it was slightly enhanced for PCI. In the presence of glycosaminoglycans, AT and PCI had significantly reduced thrombin inhibition with Toggle-25, but it was only reduced 3-fold for HCII. This suggested that the primary effect of aptamer binding was through the heparin-binding site of thrombin, anion-binding exosite-2 (exosite-2). We localized the Toggle-25 binding site to Arg 98, Glu 169, Lys 174, Asp 175, Arg 245, and Lys 248 of exosite-2. We conclude that a RNA aptamer to thrombin exosite-2 might provide an effective clinical reagent to control heparin's anticoagulant action.  相似文献   

Protein misfolding and aggregation play an integral role in many diseases. The misfolding of the serpin (SERine Proteinase INhibitor) alpha1-antitrypsin results in the accumulation of insoluble polymers within hepatocytes and alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency in plasma, predisposing patients to liver cirrhosis and emphysema. We have examined the effect of three naturally occurring osmolytes, sarcosine, glycine betaine and trimethylamine N-oxide, on conformational changes in alpha1-antitrypsin. All three solutes protected native alpha1-antitrypsin against thermally induced polymerisation and inactivation in a concentration-dependent manner. Further spectroscopic analysis showed that sarcosine stabilises the native conformation of alpha1-antitrypsin, thus hindering its conversion to an intermediate state and subsequent polymerisation. On refolding in the presence of sarcosine, alpha1-antitrypsin formed a heterogeneous population, with increasing proportions of molecules adopting an inactive conformation in higher concentrations of the osmolyte. These data show that sarcosine can be used to prevent abnormal structural changes in native alpha1-antitrypsin, but is ineffective in facilitating the correct folding of the protein. The implications of these results in the context of conformational changes and states adopted by alpha1-antitrypsin are discussed.  相似文献   

Conformational changes studied by cryo-electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological processes involving movement, such as muscle contraction or the opening of an ion channel through a membrane, are mediated through conformational changes. These changes often occur in large and flexible macromolecular complexes. Cryo-electron microscopy provides a means of capturing different conformational states of such assemblies. Even if the resulting density maps are at low resolution, they can be combined with atomic structures of subcomplexes or isolated components determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR. This review presents a brief summary of the principles and recent advances in macromolecular structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The best-characterized biochemical feature of apoptosis is degradation of genomic DNA into oligonucleosomes. The endonuclease responsible for DNA degradation in caspase-dependent apoptosis is caspase-activated DNase. In caspase-independent apoptosis, different endonucleases may be activated according to the cell line and the original insult. Among the known effectors of caspase-independent cell death, L-DNase II (LEI [leukocyte elastase inhibitor]-derived DNase II) has been previously characterized by our laboratory. We have thus shown that this endonuclease derives from the serpin superfamily member LEI by posttranslational modification (A. Torriglia, P. Perani, J. Y. Brossas, E. Chaudun, J. Treton, Y. Courtois, and M. F. Counis, Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:3612-3619, 1998). In this work, we assessed the molecular mechanism involved in the change in the enzymatic activity of this molecule from an antiprotease to an endonuclease. We report that the cleavage of LEI by elastase at its reactive center loop abolishes its antiprotease activity and leads to a conformational modification that exposes an endonuclease active site and a nuclear localization signal. This represents a novel molecular mechanism for a complete functional conversion induced by changing the conformation of a serpin. We also show that this molecular transformation affects cellular fate and that both endonuclease activity and nuclear translocation of L-DNase II are needed to induce cell death.  相似文献   

The visible and near-uv absorption and circular dichroic spectra were determined for spinach and poplar plastocyanin under a variety of conditions. The visible spectra showed that the copper center was invariant to changes in species, chemical modification with ethylenediamine, and addition of high concentrations of salt [2.7 M (NH4)2SO4]. In contrast, the near-uv spectra were sensitive to these conditions. Reduction of plastocyanin also altered its near-uv absorption and circular dichroic spectra. It is unlikely that these spectral changes were due to charge transfer bands since the near-uv CD spectrum of apo-plastocyanin was almost identical to that of reduced plastocyanin. There were no corresponding changes in the far-uv spectra which monitor protein secondary structure. The most likely explanation is that the protein has a flexible tertiary conformation. Conformational changes may be important in regulating electron transport. If plastocyanin is a mobile electron carrier, differential binding of the oxidized and reduced forms of plastocyanin to its reaction partners cytochrome f and P700 could facilitate electron transport.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors (Serpins) are irreversible suicide inhibitors of proteases that regulate diverse physiological processes such as coagulation, fibrinolysis, complement activation, angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, neoplasia and viral pathogenesis. The molecular structure and physical properties of serpins permit these proteins to adopt a number of variant conformations under physiological conditions including the native inhibitory form and several inactive, non-inhibitory forms, such as complexes with protease or other ligands, cleaved, polymerised and oxidised. Alterations of a serpin which affect its structure and/or secretion and thus reduce its functional levels may result in pathology. Serpin dysfunction has been implicated in thrombosis, emphysema, liver cirrhosis, immune hypersensitivity and mental disorders. The loss of inhibitory activity of serpins necessarily results in an imbalance between proteases and their inhibitors, but it may also have other physiological effects through the generation of abnormal concentrations of modified, non-inhibitory forms of serpins. Although these forms of inhibitory serpins are detected in tissues and fluids recovered from inflammatory sites, the important questions of which conditions result in generation of different molecular forms of serpins, what biological function these forms have, and which of them are directly linked to pathologies and/or may be useful markers for characterisation of disease states, remain to be answered. Elucidation of the biological activities of non-inhibitory forms of serpins may provide useful insights into the pathogenesis of diseases and suggest new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

As shown by X-ray crystallography, horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase undergoes a global conformational change upon binding of NAD+ or NADH, involving a rotation of the catalytic domain relative to the coenzyme binding domain and the closing up of the active site to produce a catalytically efficient enzyme. The conformational change requires a complete coenzyme and is affected by various chemical or mutational substitutions that can increase the catalytic turnover by altering the kinetics of the isomerization and rate of dissociation of coenzymes. The binding of NAD+ is kinetically limited by a unimolecular isomerization (corresponding to the conformational change) that is controlled by deprotonation of the catalytic zinc-water to produce a negatively-charged zinc-hydroxide, which can attract the positively-charged nicotinamide ring. The deprotonation is facilitated by His-51 acting through a hydrogen-bonded network to relay the proton to solvent. Binding of NADH also involves a conformational change, but the rate is very fast. After the enzyme binds NAD+ and closes up, the substrate displaces the hydroxide bound to the catalytic zinc; this exchange may involve a double displacement reaction where the carboxylate group of a glutamate residue first displaces the hydroxide (inverting the tetrahedral coordination of the zinc), and then the exogenous ligand displaces the glutamate. The resulting enzyme-NAD+-alcoholate complex is poised for hydrogen transfer, and small conformational fluctuations may bring the reactants together so that the hydride ion is transferred by quantum mechanical tunneling. In the process, the nicotinamide ring may become puckered, as seen in structures of complexes of the enzyme with NADH. The conformational changes of alcohol dehydrogenase demonstrate the importance of protein dynamics in catalysis.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI; EC is the second enzyme in glycolysis, where it catalyzes the isomerization of D-glucose-6-phosphate to D-fructose-6-phosphate. It is the same protein as autocrine motility factor, differentiation and maturation mediator, and neuroleukin. Here, we report a new X-ray crystal structure of rabbit PGI (rPGI) without ligands bound in its active site. The structure was solved at 1.8A resolution by isomorphous phasing with a previously solved X-ray crystal structure of the rPGI dimer containing 6-phosphogluconate in its active site. Comparison of the new structure to previously reported structures enables identification of conformational changes that occur during binding of substrate or inhibitor molecules. Ligand binding causes an induced fit of regions containing amino acid residues 209-215, 245-259 and 385-389. This conformational change differs from the change previously reported to occur between the ring-opening and isomerization steps, in which the helix containing residues 513-521 moves toward the bound substrate. Differences between the liganded and unliganded structures are limited to the region within and close to the active-site pocket.  相似文献   

Rapid, polyamine-induced degradation of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase (L-ornithine carboxy-lyase, EC (ODC) is though to be controlled by the availability of a small, ODC-binding protein termed antizyme. In this study we have investigated the ability of antizyme to bind ODC protein in various altered physiological states. In particular, cold, NaCl, spermidine and deprivation of coenzyme and substrate enhance enzyme-antizyme complex formation and are all found to promote ODC homodimer dissociation. Conversely, conditions that maintain the active ODC homodimer state prevent antizyme binding and inactivation of ODC. Further, covalent modification of ODC near its active site by difluoromethylornithine or phosphate also increases its sensitivity to antizyme. These results suggest that the initial signal in ODC degradation may actually be a subtle conformational change in the enzyme that enables antizyme to bind to the enzyme and may subsequently facilitate its degradation.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in histone IV   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Conformational change of histone IV, induced by phosphate, have been investigated by observing the intrinsic fluorescence of tyrosine residues and circular dichroism (CD). There is a fast conformational change upon the addition of phosphate, followed by a slow process with time constants in the range of minutes to hours depending upon both the phosphate and histone concentrations. The CD results indicate α-helix formation in the fast process, and β-sheet formation in the slow one, although other secondary and tertiary structural changes also may occur. The histone concentration dependence of the fast process is consistent with dimerization. Divalent phosphate is about ten times more effective than monovalent phosphate in inducing conformational changes. All of the changes are reversible.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in concanavalin A   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Boudier C  Bieth JG 《Biochemistry》2001,40(33):9962-9967
When active serpins are proteolytically inactivated in a substrate-like reaction, they undergo an important structural transition with a resultant increase in their conformational stability. We have used microcalorimetry to show that this conformational alteration is accompanied by an important enthalpy change. For instance, the cleavage of alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor by Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase, Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase, or papain and that of antithrombin by leukocyte elastase are characterized by large enthalpy changes (DeltaH = -53 to -63 kcal mol(-1)). The former reaction also has a large and negative heat capacity (DeltaC(p)() = -566 cal K(-1) mol(-1)). In contrast, serpins release significantly less heat when they act as proteinase inhibitors. For example, the inhibition of pancreatic elastase, leukocyte elastase, and pancreatic chymotrypsin by alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor and that of pancreatic trypsin and coagulation factor Xa by antithrombin are accompanied by a DeltaH of -20 to -31 kcal mol(-1). We observe no heat release upon proteolytic cleavage of inactive serpins or following inhibition of serine proteinases by canonical inhibitors or upon acylation of chymotrypsin by N-trans-cinnamoylimidazole. We suggest that part of the large enthalpy change that occurs during the structural transition of serpins is used to stabilize the proteinase in its inactive state.  相似文献   

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