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细菌性阴道病是妇科常见疾病,对女性、胎儿和新生儿的健康构成严重威胁.阴道微生物群落中产H2O2的乳酸杆菌与厌氧菌数量发生转换为其主要特征,具体机制不清.本文系统综述了近年来细菌性阴道病的细菌因素研究进展.  相似文献   

Novel variation associated with species range expansion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When species shift their ranges to track climate change, they are almost certain to experience novel environments to which they are poorly adapted. Otaki and co-workers document an explosion of wing pattern variation accompanying range expansion in the pale grass blue butterfly. This pattern can be replicated in the laboratory using artificial selection on cold shocked pupae, at temperature extremes typical of recently colonized environments. We discuss how this phenotypic plasticity may be associated with successful colonization and how significant local adaptation is likely to re-establish developmental control. Integrating knowledge of trait plasticity into current genetic models of adaptation is central to our understanding of when and where a colonising population will be able to persist and adapt in novel surroundings.  相似文献   

Patterns of moss and liverwort species diversity — species richness and species turnover (β‐diversity) — in three conifer‐dominated boreal forest stands of northern Alberta, Canada are described. We examined the relationship between bryophyte species diversity and micro‐environment at two sample grains, the microsite — substrate types for moss colonization: logs, stumps, tree bases, undisturbed patches of forest floor (dominated by feather moss species), and disturbed patches of forest floor — and the mesosite (25 m × 25 m plots). Microsite type and properties (e.g. decay class, hardwood vs softwood, pH) were the principal predictors of bryophyte species diversity and not micro‐environment variation among mesosites. Microsite type was the strongest predictor of microsite species richness and β‐diversity was higher among microsites and types and within microsites than among mesosites or stands. Microsite properties were significant predictors of species richness for all microsite types. Log and stump decay classes, influenced also by hardwood vs softwood predicted species richness of woody microsite types and soil pH and moisture predicted species richness of forest floor microsites. β‐diversity was highest for tree bases and disturbed patches of forest floor and lowest for logs. Mesosite β‐diversity was lower than that among microsites, and mesosite species richness was not well explained by measured environmental parameters. Results suggest that in conifer‐dominated boreal stands, species richness of microsites is only negligibly influenced by within‐stand variation at the mesosite grain and that substrate characteristics are the most important predictors of bryophyte species diversity in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

In restored peatlands, recovery of carbon assimilation by peat‐forming plants is a prerequisite for the recovery of ecosystem functioning. Restoration by rewetting may affect moss photosynthesis and respiration directly and/or through species successional turnover. To quantify the importance of the direct effects and the effects mediated by species change in boreal spruce swamp forests, we used a dual approach: (i) we measured successional changes in moss communities at 36 sites (nine undrained, nine drained, 18 rewetted) and (ii) photosynthetic properties of the dominant Sphagnum and feather mosses at nine of these sites (three undrained, three drained, three rewetted). Drainage and rewetting affected moss carbon assimilation mainly through species successional turnover. The species differed along a light‐adaptation gradient, which separated shade‐adapted feather mosses from Sphagnum mosses and Sphagnum girgensohnii from other Sphagna, and a productivity and moisture gradient, which separated Sphagnum riparium and Sphagnum girgensohnii from the less productive S. angustifolium, S. magellanicum and S. russowii. Undrained and drained sites harbored conservative, low‐production species: hummock‐Sphagna and feather mosses, respectively. Ditch creation and rewetting produced niches for species with opportunistic strategies and high carbon assimilation. The direct effects also caused higher photosynthetic productivity in ditches and in rewetted sites than in undrained and drained main sites.  相似文献   

Ecosystem controls on nitrogen fixation in boreal feather moss communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N fixation in feather moss carpets is maximized in late secondary successional boreal forests; however, there is limited understanding of the ecosystem factors that drive cyanobacterial N fixation in feather mosses with successional stage. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to assess factors in both early and late succession that control N fixation in feather moss carpets dominated by Pleurozium schreberi. In 2003, intact microplots of moss carpets (30 cm × 30 cm × 10–20 cm deep) were excavated from three early secondary successional (41–101 years since last fire) forest sites and either replanted within the same stand or transplanted into one of three late successional (241–356 years since last fire) forest sites and the transverse was done for late successional layers of moss. Moss plots were monitored for changes in N-fixation rates by acetylene reduction (June 2003–September 2005) and changes in the presence of cyanobacteria on moss shoots by microscopy (2004). Forest nutrient status was measured using ionic resin capsules buried in the humus layer. Late successional forests exhibit high rates of N fixation and consistently high numbers of cyanobacteria on moss shoots, but low levels of available N. Conversely, early successional forests have higher N availability and have low rates of N fixation and limited presence of cyanobacteria on moss shoots. Transplantation of moss carpets resulted in a significant shift in presence and activity of cyanobacteria 1 year after initiation of the experiment responding to N fertility differences in early versus late successional forests.  相似文献   

Relationships among the major branches of moss phylogeny are understudied compared with other major land‐plant groups. We addressed this by surveying 14–17 plastid genes from taxa representing the major lineages, using different phylogenetic methods (parsimony, likelihood) and codon‐ and gene‐based data partitioning schemes (likelihood). Our phylogenetic inferences generally corroborated the best supported clades across multiple recent studies, with comparable or higher levels of clade support here. We resolved persistent ambiguities with strong to moderate support across analyses, including several early nodes in subclass Dicranidae, and relationships among other subclasses of peristomate mosses. In particular, we resolved a sister‐group relationship between Bryidae and Dicranidae, between these subclasses and Timiidae, and between this entire clade and Funariidae. We consistently recovered Tetraphidopsida (a nematodontous class) as the sister group of arthrodontous mosses (Bryopsida), although with only weak support. Strongly conflicting arrangements at the base of moss phylogeny concerning Takakiopsida and Sphagnopsida, two non‐peristomate moss lineages, were inferred in parsimony and likelihood analysis, but this depended on how base‐frequency parameters were estimated and how data were partitioned in likelihood analysis. Relationships inferred for the remaining peristomate and non‐peristomate moss clades, and their associated support values, were otherwise broadly congruent across analyses.  相似文献   

CONTENTS: Summary 49 I. Mosses in the northern, high-latitude region 50 II. The role of moss in ecological resilience 51 III. Response of moss to disturbance 54 IV. Future research needs 60 V. Conclusions 62 Acknowledgements 62 References 62 SUMMARY: Mosses in northern ecosystems are ubiquitous components of plant communities, and strongly influence nutrient, carbon and water cycling. We use literature review, synthesis and model simulations to explore the role of mosses in ecological stability and resilience. Moss community responses to disturbance showed all possible responses (increases, decreases, no change) within most disturbance categories. Simulations from two process-based models suggest that northern ecosystems would need to experience extreme perturbation before mosses were eliminated. But simulations with two other models suggest that loss of moss will reduce soil carbon accumulation primarily by influencing decomposition rates and soil nitrogen availability. It seems clear that mosses need to be incorporated into models as one or more plant functional types, but more empirical work is needed to determine how to best aggregate species. We highlight several issues that have not been adequately explored in moss communities, such as functional redundancy and singularity, relationships between response and effect traits, and parameter vs conceptual uncertainty in models. Mosses play an important role in several ecosystem processes that play out over centuries - permafrost formation and thaw, peat accumulation, development of microtopography - and there is a need for studies that increase our understanding of slow, long-term dynamical processes.  相似文献   

We used a simulation model of forest dynamics to examine the ecological significance of the complex interactions among site conditions, tree growth, and the development of a thick forest floor moss layer found in many boreal forests. To examine the effect of site conditions on moss growth and forest dynamics, we simulated the dynamics of several different forest sites in the uplands of interior Alaska. Then we used a cold, wet permafrost site to examine the ecological consequences of direct moss and tree interactions. Our analyses revealed a tightly coupled system in which forest succession was highly sensitive to the interactions among site conditions, mosses, and trees. The effect of mosses on the soil thermal regime was a particularly important feedback. Direct interactions between mosses and trees that affected the development of a thick forest floor layer were also important. In particular, shading of moss by trees, reduced tree regeneration on moss-covered soils, and reduced moss growth with open forest canopies were also important determinants of forest succession. These complex feedbacks ensure that an ecosystem approach is needed to understand the ecology of boreal forests.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the factors that influence bacterial diversity and community composition in moss-associated bacteria, a study of bacterial communities in four moss species collected in three seasons was carried out via high-throughput sequencing of 16S rDNA and 16S rRNA. Moss species included Cratoneuron filicinum, Pylaisiella polyantha, Campyliadelphus polygamum, and Grimmia pilifera, with samples collected in May, July, and October 2015 from rocks at Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve. In total, the bacterial richness and diversity were high regardless of moss species, sampling season, or data source (DNA vs. RNA). Bacterial sequences were assigned to a total of 558 OTUs and 279 genera in 16 phyla. Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the two most abundant phyla, and Cellvibrio, Lapillicoccus, Jatrophihabitans, Friedmanniella, Oligoflexus, and Bosea the most common genera in the samples. A clustering algorithm and principal coordinate analysis revealed that C. filicinum and C. polygamum had similar bacterial communities, as did P. polyantha and G. pilifera. Metabolically active bacteria showed the same pattern in addition to seasonal variation: bacterial communities were most similar in summer and autumn, looking at each moss species separately. In contrast, DNA profiles lacked obvious seasonal dynamics. A partial least squares discriminant analysis identified three groups of samples that correlated with differences in moss species resources. Although bacterial community composition did vary with the sampling season and data source, these were not the most important factors influencing bacterial communities. Previous reports exhibited that mosses have been widely used in biomonitoring of air pollution by enriching some substances or elements in the moss-tag technique and the abundant moss associated bacteria might also be important components involved in the related biological processes. Thus, this survey not only enhanced our understanding of the factors which influence microbial communities in mosses but also would be helpful for better use and development of the moss-tag technique in the environmental biomonitoring.  相似文献   

To compare the bacterial communities residing in necrotic tissues of columnar cacti of the Sonoran Desert, isolates from 39 organ pipe, 19 saguaro, and 16 senita cacti were obtained. The isolates were clustered into 28 conspecific groups on the basis of their fatty acid profiles. The distributions of the individual bacterial isolates varied among cactus species. Seven of the 28 species groups were unique to a particular cactus species, whereas 8 species groups were found in all three cacti. The effective number of bacterial species for each cactus species was positively correlated with both the chemical complexity and glucose concentration of the plant tissues. The effective number of bacterial species and bacterial distribution patterns were compared with those known for communities of cactophilic yeasts. The observed bacterial distribution patterns are most likely due to differences in the chemical compositions of the three cactus species.  相似文献   

A model of the daily carbon balance of a black spruce/feathermoss boreal forest ecosystem was developed and results compared to preliminary data from the 1994 BOREAS field campaign in northem Manitoba, Canada. The model, driven by daily weather conditions, simulated daily soil climate status (temperature and moisture profiles), spruce photosynthesis and respiration, moss photosynthesis and respiration, and litter decomposition. Model agreement with preliminary field data was good for net ecosystem exchange (NEE), capturing both the asymmetrical seasonality and short-term variability. During the growing season simulated daily NEE ranged from -4 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon uptake by ecosystem) to + 2 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon flux to atmosphere), with fluctuations from day to day. In the early winter simulated NEE values were + 0.5 g C m-2 d-1, dropping to + 0.2 g C m-2 d-1 in mid-winter. Simulated soil respiration during the growing season (+ 1 to + 5 g C m-2 d-1) was dominated by metabolic respiration of the live moss, with litter decomposition usually contributing less than 30% and live spruce root respiration less than 10% of the total. Both spruce and moss net primary productivity (NPP) rates were higher in early summer than late summer. Simulated annual NEE for 1994 was -51 g C m-2 y-1, with 83% going into tree growth and 17% into the soil carbon accumulation. Moss NPP (58 g C m-2 y-1) was considered to be litter (i.e. soil carbon input; no net increase in live moss biomass). Ecosystem respiration during the snow-covered season (84 g C m-2) was 58% of the growing season net carbon uptake. A simulation of the same site for 1968–1989 showed = 10–20% year-to-year variability in heterotrophic respiration (mean of + 113 g C m-2 y-1). Moss NPP ranged from 19 to 114 g C m-2 y-1; spruce NPP from 81 to 150 g C m-2 y-1; spruce growth (NPP minus litterfall) from 34 to 103 g C m-2 y-1; NEE ranged from +37 to -142 g C m-2 y-1. Values for these carbon balance terms in 1994 were slightly smaller than the 1969–89 means. Higher ecosystem productivity years (more negative NEE) generally had early springs and relatively wet summers; lower productivity years had late springs and relatively dry summers.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity was determined for a microbial community obtained from an in situ growth chamber placed on a deep-sea hydrothermal vent on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23 degrees 22' N, 44 degrees 57' W). The chamber was deployed for 5 days, and the temperature within the chamber gradually decreased from 70 to 20 degrees C. Upon retrieval of the chamber, the DNA was extracted and the small-subunit rRNA genes (16S rDNA) were amplified by PCR using primers specific for the Archaea or Bacteria domain and cloned. Unique rDNA sequences were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and 38 different archaeal and bacterial phylotypes were identified from the 85 clones screened. The majority of the archaeal sequences were affiliated with the Thermococcales (71%) and Archaeoglobales (22%) orders. A sequence belonging to the Thermoplasmales confirms that thermoacidophiles may have escaped enrichment culturing attempts of deep-sea hydrothermal vent samples. Additional sequences that represented deeply rooted lineages in the low-temperature eurarchaeal (marine group II) and crenarchaeal clades were obtained. The majority of the bacterial sequences obtained were restricted to the Aquificales (18%), the epsilon subclass of the Proteobacteria (epsilon-Proteobacteria) (40%), and the genus Desulfurobacterium (25%). Most of the clones (28%) were confined to a monophyletic clade within the epsilon-Proteobacteria with no known close relatives. The prevalence of clones related to thermophilic microbes that use hydrogen as an electron donor and sulfur compounds (S(0), SO(4), thiosulfate) indicates the importance of hydrogen oxidation and sulfur metabolism at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The presence of sequences that are related to sequences from hyperthermophiles, moderate thermophiles, and mesophiles suggests that the diversity obtained from this analysis may reflect the microbial succession that occurred in response to the shift in temperature and possible associated changes in the chemistry of the hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

上海市地面藓类植物的分布格局分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
曹同  陈怡  于晶  宋国元 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1785-1791
在上海市选取20个公园和2个化工厂设立22个样点,对地面藓类植物进行野外样方调查、标本鉴定和数据统计.基于75种记录的藓类植物及其盖度数据,应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分析其分布格局.结果表明,上海市地面藓类植物可聚类为3个样点组,样点组1为市中心2个公园和2个化工厂,共有藓类23种,总盖度最小(21.29%);样点组2为部分市中心公园和外围公园,共有藓类44种,总盖度37.94%;样点组3主要为外围公园和市郊公园,共有藓类49种,总盖度为49.66%.结果反映了藓类植物分布与不同生境,环境污染及人为干扰有一定相关性.  相似文献   

Gametophore induction in moss by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was inhibited by addition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from A. tumefaciens. The LPS did not affect bacterial viability or appear to bind to bacterial cells. LPS from nonbinding Agrobacterium radiobacter was not effective in reducing gametophore formation. A. tumefaciens LPS, if added 24 hours after addition of viable bacterial cells, had no effect in reducing gametophore formation. The polysaccharide portion of the LPS was identified as the binding component necessary for attachment of agrobacteria for induction of gametophores in moss and tumors in higher plants.  相似文献   

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