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A Holocene sediment sequence from Lake Seukokjaure, a subarctic lake at tree-line in northern Sweden, was analyzed to assess major changes in the structure and functioning of the aquatic ecosystem in response to climate change and tree-line dynamics. The compiled multi-proxy data, including sedimentary pigments, diatoms, chironomids, pollen, biogenic silica (BSi), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) elemental and stable-isotope records, and total lake-water organic carbon (TOC) concentration inferred from near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), suggest that the Holocene development of Lake Seukokjaure was closely coupled to changes in terrestrial vegetation with associated soil development of the catchment, input of allochthonous organic carbon, and changes in the light regime of the lake. A relatively productive state just after deglaciation around 9700 to 7800 cal years BP was followed by a slight long-term decrease in primary production. The onset of the local tree-line retreat around 3200 cal years BP was accompanied by more diverse and altered chironomid and diatom assemblages and indications of destabilized soils in the catchment by an increase in variability and absolute values of δ13C. An abrupt drop in the C/N ratio around 1750 cal years BP was coupled to changes in the internal lake structure, in combination with changes in light and nutrient conditions, resulting in a shift in the phototrophic community from diatom dominance to increased influence of chlorophytes, likely dominated by an aquatic moss community. Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of indirect effects of climate change on tree-line lake ecosystems and complex interactions of in-lake processes during the Holocene.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics, net photosynthetic rate (P N), water relations, and photosynthetic pigment contents were studied during acclimation of in vitro grown tobacco to higher irradiance (HL; 700 mol m–2 s–1). Plantlets were grown on medium containing sucrose in glass vessels (G-plants) or in Magenta boxes (M-plants) with better CO2 supply in the latter ones. The effect of HL was studied either (1) in plantlets grown under original in vitro conditions (closed vessels), (2) in in vitro plantlets exposed to ambient CO2 concentration (covers removed), or (3) in plantlets transplanted to ex vitro into pots with sand and nutrient solution. Higher P N, and fraction of closed photosystem 2 (PS2) centres (1 – qP), and lower content of xanthophyll cycle pigments were found in M-plants compared to G-plants. HL treatment caused photoinhibition particularly in plants kept in closed vessels. This was indicated by the decrease in the ratio of Fv/Fm and by the increase in non-photochemical quenching, 1 – qp, and content of xanthophyll cycle pigments. Better CO2 supply ensured by the removal of closure lead to the moderate reduction of symptoms of photoinhibition, although stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration rate (E), and P N were negatively affected. The main reason was the decrease in relative air humidity, which caused similar reduction of P N, E, and g s after the transfer of plantlets to ex vitro. Nevertheless, plant response to HL seemed not to be affected by any possible root injury caused by transfer to ex vitro. The differences in contents of xanthophyll cycle pigments, degree of de-epoxidation, P N, and quenching parameters between M- and G-plantlets were still significant 7 d after ex vitro transfer and HL acclimation.  相似文献   

Watershed 1 (W1) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, with chronically low pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in surface water, was experimentally treated with calcium silicate (CaSiO3; wollastonite) in October 1999 to assess the role of calcium (Ca) supply in the structure and function of base-poor forest ecosystems. Wollastonite addition significantly increased the concentrations and fluxes of Ca, dissolved silica (Si), and ANC and decreased the concentrations and fluxes of inorganic monomeric Al (Ali) and hydrogen ion (H+) in both soil solution and stream water in all sub-watersheds of W1. Mass balances indicate that 54% of the added Ca remained undissolved or was retained by vegetation during the first 6 years after treatment. Of the remaining added Ca, 44% was retained on O horizon cation exchange sites. The Ca:Si ratio in the dissolution products was greater than 2.0, more than twice the molar ratio in the applied wollastonite. This suggests that Ca was preferentially leached from the applied wollastonite and/or Si was immobilized by secondary mineral formation. Approximately 2% of the added Ca and 7% of the added Si were exported from W1 in streamwater in the first 6 years after treatment. Watershed-scale Ca amendment with wollastonite appears to be an effective approach to mitigating effects of acidic deposition. Not only does it appear to alleviate acidification stress to forest vegetation, but it also provides for the long-term supply of ANC to acid-impacted rivers and lakes downstream.  相似文献   

The abscission of debladed petioles of various ages in Ervatamiaand Coleus has been followed throughout the year. In general,the retention times for the two species were found to be maximalin the summer and minimal in the winter months. In both speciesolder petioles tended to abscise earlier. The occurrences ofan auxin-inhibitable stage-I and an auxin-promotable stage-IIwere clearly established. The sensitivity to auxin in both stagesdeclined with increase in age, particularly in the two-nodeand three-node twigs of Ervatamia and in the four-node twigsof Coleus. The durations of stage-I and stage-II were foundto be characteristically different in different seasons. Ingeneral, stage-I lasted longer both in younger petioles andduring the summer months. Auxin sensitivity in both stages wasgreater in summer than in winter. Intermediate results wereobtained in the other two seasons. In both the species the auxin-promotablestage-II weakened with time, as shown by a smaller promotionwith delayed auxin application.  相似文献   

In natural environments, predation risk varies over time. The risk allocation hypothesis predicts that prey is expected to adjust key anti‐predator behaviours such as vigilance to temporal variation in risk. We tested the predictions of the risk allocation hypothesis in a natural environment where both a species‐rich natural predator community and human hunters are abundant and where the differences in seasonal and circadian activity between natural and anthropogenic predators provided a unique opportunity to quantify the contributions of different predator classes to anti‐predator behaviour. Whereas natural predators were expected to show similar levels of activity throughout the seasons, hunter activity was high during the daytime during a clearly defined hunting season. According to the risk allocation hypothesis, vigilance should then be higher during the hunting season and during daytime hours than during the non‐hunting season and night‐time hours. Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) on the edge of Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest in Eastern Poland displayed vigilance behaviour consistent with these predictions. The behavioural response of roe deer to temporarily varying predation risks emphasises the behavioural plasticity of this species and suggests that future studies of anti‐predator behaviour need to incorporate circadian variation in predation pressure as well as risk gradients of both natural and anthropogenic predators.  相似文献   

Klipspringers Oreotragus oreotragus are small antelopes which use scent marks to demarcate and defend their territory. The strength of behavioural response to the introduction of unfamiliar scent was measured in order to estimate the effective lifespan of scent secretion. The total number of scent marks deposited during the experiment was higher than control levels when fresh scent was introduced, but not when older scent was introduced. However, the proportion of marks deposited on introduced twigs remained higher than control levels until scent was aged at least 7d. The probability of licking twigs immediately before scent-marking was much higher than control levels when scent aged up to 3d was introduced, but not when scent was aged 7d or more. These results indicate that preorbital gland scent retains at least some degree of efficacy for up to 7d. The decreasing level of response to scent aged 0-7d is most likely to be due to decay of the scent signal. However, in contrast to the total number of marks deposited and the probability of licking before scent-marking, which both consistently decreased in response to older scent, the proportion of marks deposited on scent aged 3d was higher than over fresh scent. It is suggested that, in view of the role that scent-marking plays in territory defence, this difference in the timing of peak response between the three variables may represent an adaptive response to the perceived threat of encounter with an adversary, which is mediated by the age of the scent marks.  相似文献   

Abstract Annual surveys of wildlife populations provide information about annual rates of change in populations but provide no information about when such changes occur. However, by combining data from 2 annual surveys, conducted in different parts of the year, seasonal components of population change can be estimated. We describe a hierarchical model for simultaneous analysis of 2 continent-scale monitoring programs. The Christmas Bird Count is an early winter survey, whereas the North American Breeding Bird Survey is conducted in June. Combining information from these surveys permits estimation of seasonal population variance components and improves estimation of long-term population trends. The composite analysis also controls for survey-specific sampling effects. We applied the model to estimation of population change in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Over the interval 1969–2004, bobwhite populations declined, with trend estimate of −3.56% per year (95% CI = [−3.80%, −3.32%]) in the surveyed portion of their range. Our analysis of seasonal population variance components indicated that northern bobwhite populations changed more in the winter and spring portion of the year than in the summer and fall portion of the year. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(1):44–51; 2008)  相似文献   

Vertebrate ectotherms often encounter rapid, large scale changesin body temperature. In this paper, I discuss the direct effectsof changing body temperature on physiological parameters, aswell as corrective responses initiated by the animal. For manybiological functions, mean body temperature provides a usefulmeasure of the thermal effects produced by an altered environmentaltemperature. Under most conditions, the fins and body surfaceof fish are more important avenues of heat exchange than thegills. The local thermal sensitivity of peripheral blood vesselsresults in vasomotor adjustments which can alter thermal conductivity.Acid-base balance is challenged by changes in body temperature.Shifts in body temperature also alter metabolic demands, enzymeconformation, ionic and osmotic relationships, spontaneous activitylevels and nervous system function. Compensatory mechanismsinclude behavioral thermoregulation, by which animals seek toavoid stressful thermal environments, and autonomic restorativeresponses such as high temperature panting in reptiles. Waterbreathers may initiate anticipatory responses to minimize arterialoxygen fluctuations during termperature change. The organizationof the central neuronal network underlying the above regulatoryresponses is unclear. Both air and water breathers are ableto initiate compensatory acid-base responses, but the strategiesutilized by the two groups are quite different. Altered bodytemperature initiates long-term acclimation responses, and ifrapid, can also trigger stress responses.  相似文献   

Social life is profitable, but it facilitates conflicts over resources and creates interdependence between individuals. Separating highly social animals triggers intense reactions aimed at re‐establishing lost connections. Less is known, however, about behavioural and physiological responses to separation in socially facultative species, where individuals temporarily form groups and may subsequently leave them. Non‐breeding common ravens (Corvus corax) gather in large numbers at feeding and roosting sites, but otherwise spend time seemingly solitary or in small subgroups. We here studied how ravens cope with being socially isolated, and investigated the life characteristics that might explain potential individual differences. For this, we individually separated captive subadult ravens (n = 25) and housed them in physical and visual isolation from their group members across 4 d. During the separation period, we collected behavioural data and measured the amount of immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites from bird droppings to assess the ravens’ physiological stress response. We found behavioural indicators of stress at the start of the separation, when ravens showed higher levels of tension than of comfort – a pattern that reversed at the end of the separation. Furthermore, we found that the upbringing of ravens affected their behaviour during separation. Hand‐raised birds produced more vocalisations in the beginning of the separation, and were less active at the end, while the reverse pattern occurred with parent‐raised ravens. Contrary to our predictions, we did not find differences in hormonal responses between the beginning and end of the separation period or any link between hormonal responses and behaviours. Ravens’ behavioural responses to social separation stress seem to be dependent on their arousal states, although possible links with hormonal reactions remain unclear. Our results show that behavioural reactions are not always linked with hormonal responses to stress, and further emphasise the importance of investigating effects of early‐life experiences.  相似文献   

It has long been concerned how crop water use efficiency (WUE) responds to climate change. Most of existing researches have emphasized the impact of single climate factor but have paid less attention to the effect of developed agronomic measures on crop WUE. Based on the long-term field observations/experiments data, we investigated the changing responses of crop WUE to climate variables (temperature and precipitation) and agronomic practices (fertilization and cropping patterns) in the semi-arid area of northern China (SAC) during two periods, 1983–1999 and 2000–2010 (drier and warmer). Our results suggest that crop WUE was an intrinsical system sensitive to climate change and agronomic measures. Crops tend to reach the maximum WUE (WUEmax) in warm-dry environment while reach the stable minimum WUE (WUEmin) in warm-wet environment, with a difference between WUEmax and WUEmin ranging from 29.0%-55.5%. Changes in temperature and precipitation in the past three decades jointly enhanced crop WUE by 8.1%-30.6%. Elevated fertilizer and rotation cropping would increase crop WUE by 5.6–11.0% and 19.5–92.9%, respectively. These results indicate crop has the resilience by adjusting WUE, which is not only able to respond to subsequent periods of favorable water balance but also to tolerate the drought stress, and reasonable agronomic practices could enhance this resilience. However, this capacity would break down under impact of climate changes and unconscionable agronomic practices (e.g. excessive N/P/K fertilizer or traditional continuous cropping). Based on the findings in this study, a conceptual crop WUE model is constructed to indicate the threshold of crop resilience, which could help the farmer develop appropriate strategies in adapting the adverse impacts of climate warming.  相似文献   

Year-round comprehensive study of fouling of the cooling system of the Vladivostok Heat Power Plant (VTETs-2) was carried out. The seasonal dynamics of pelagic larvae, their settling, and succession of fouling communities on test plates were analyzed in the intake scoop (Ussuriiskii Bay) and in Zolotoi Rog Bay (Amurskii Bay), which are subjected to thermal pollution by dump waters of VTETs-2. It was shown that the barnacles Balanus crenatus, B. improvisus, and B. amphitrite; bivalves Mytilus trossulus and Crassostrea gigas; polychaetes Polydora limicola and Hydroides ezoensis; and ascidians Molgula manhattensis and Diplosoma mitsukurii were background species in the plate fouling. A high correlation between the seasonal dynamics of larval plankton and the settling of spat was recorded only in some species. The total larval density in Zolotoi Rog Bay, despite the critical level of its pollution, more than 4 times exceeded that of the relatively clean Ussuriiskii Bay. The number of recorded species on the test plates was 2 times higher in Ussuriiskii Bay than in Zolotoi Rog Bay; however, the biomass and population density of settled spat of the dominant forms was several times lower in Ussuriiskii Bay. Thanks to thermal pollution, Zolotoi Rog Bay is an intermediate step for the introduction and acclimation of tropical species, such as B. amphitrite and M. manhattensis, brought by long-distance vessels. Measures aimed at the prevention of intensive settling of mytilids in the cooling system of VTETs-2 are suggested.  相似文献   

The seasonality of influenza virus infections in temperate climates and the role of environmental conditions like temperature and humidity in the transmission of influenza virus through the air are not well understood. Using ferrets housed at four different environmental conditions, we evaluated the respiratory droplet transmission of two influenza viruses (a seasonal H3N2 virus and an H3N2 variant virus, the etiologic virus of a swine to human summertime infection) and concurrently characterized the aerosol shedding profiles of infected animals. Comparisons were made among the different temperature and humidity conditions and between the two viruses to determine if the H3N2 variant virus exhibited enhanced capabilities that may have contributed to the infections occurring in the summer. We report here that although increased levels of H3N2 variant virus were found in ferret nasal wash and exhaled aerosol samples compared to the seasonal H3N2 virus, enhanced respiratory droplet transmission was not observed under any of the environmental settings. However, overall environmental conditions were shown to modulate the frequency of influenza virus transmission through the air. Transmission occurred most frequently at 23°C/30%RH, while the levels of infectious virus in aerosols exhaled by infected ferrets agree with these results. Improving our understanding of how environmental conditions affect influenza virus infectivity and transmission may reveal ways to better protect the public against influenza virus infections.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Fagus sylvatica (beech) dominates the montane forests of the Apennines and builds old-growth high-conservation value stands. However, recent severe drought-induced diebacks raise...  相似文献   

Precipitation changes such as more frequent drought and altered precipitation seasonality may impose substantial impacts on the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. A better understanding of tree responses to precipitation changes can provide fundamental information for the conservation and management of forests under future climate regimes. We conducted a 2-year seasonal rainfall redistribution experiment to assess the responses of tree transpiration and growth to manipulated precipitation changes in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Three precipitation treatments were administered including a drier dry season and wetter wet season treatment (DD), an extended dry season and wetter wet season treatment (ED), and an ambient control treatment, with the total amount of annual rainfall being kept the same among the three treatments. Our results showed that the DD and ED treatments reduced daily transpiration of Schima superba by 8–16 and 13–25%, respectively. The ED treatment also reduced the DBH increment of larger S. superba individuals. In contrast, neither treatment showed obvious effects on the transpiration and DBH increment of another dominant species Michelia macclurei. However, the transpiration of both species showed clear inter-annual differences between the 2 years with contrasting annual rainfall (2094 vs 1582 mm). S. superba had a lower transpiration-to-precipitation ratio (T/P) compared to M. macclurei and showed decreased sensitivities to total solar radiation and vapor pressure deficit under the DD and ED treatments. These results indicate the deep-rooted S. superba may be suppressed with a lower ability to obtain water and assimilate carbon compared to the shallow-rooted M. macclurei under the precipitation seasonality changes, which could potentially cause shifts in species dominance within the forest community.  相似文献   



In Africa, many areas are co-endemic for the two major Schistosoma species, S. mansoni and S. haematobium. Epidemiological studies have suggested that host immunological factors may play an important role in co-endemic areas. As yet, little is known about differences in host immune responses and possible immunological interactions between S. mansoni and S. haematobium in humans. The aim of this study was to analyze host cytokine responses to antigens from either species in a population from a co-endemic focus, and relate these to S. mansoni and S. haematobium infection.


Whole blood cytokine responses were investigated in a population in the north of Senegal (n = 200). Blood was stimulated for 72 h with schistosomal egg and adult worm antigens of either Schistosoma species. IL-10, IL-5, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production was determined in culture supernatants. A multivariate (i.e. multi-response) approach was used to allow a joint analysis of all cytokines in relation to Schistosoma infection.

Principal Findings

Schistosoma haematobium egg and worm antigens induced higher cytokine production, suggesting that S. haematobium may be more immunogenic than S. mansoni. However, both infections were strongly associated with similar, modified Th2 cytokine profiles.


This study is the first to compare S. mansoni and S. haematobium cytokine responses in one population residing in a co-endemic area. These findings are in line with previous epidemiological studies that also suggested S. haematobium egg and worm stages to be more immunogenic than those of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Burrow architecture enhances important animal functions such as food storage, predator avoidance, and thermoregulation. Occupants may be able to maximize fitness by remodeling burrows in response to seasonal changes in climate and predation risk. My objective was to examine how banner‐tailed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) modify the number of burrow entrances in response to seasonal conditions. For 3 yr, I monitored fluctuations in number of burrow entrances in kangaroo rat mounds. Individual kangaroo rats continually remodeled mounds in response to seasonal conditions. Compared to summer, mounds in winter had approximately 50% fewer entrances and plugged entrances were common. Monthly differences in number of entrances were closely linked with seasonal changes in soil temperature and precipitation. Number of entrances decreased as soil temperature and precipitation declined. Changes in burrow entrances likely reflect seasonal differences in the relative importance of burrow functions. Fewer burrow entrances during winter would create a warmer microclimate by reducing convective heat loss in mounds, resulting in thermoregulatory savings for occupants. During the summer, thermoregulatory costs of kangaroo rats are low, but risk of seed cache spoilage and predation from snakes increases. Adding burrow entrances after large summer rainfall events would increase the evaporation rate within mounds, reducing spoilage of seed caches. More burrow entrances would also reduce predation risk in the summer by providing additional escape routes.  相似文献   

Talling  J.F. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,524(1):215-227
A 2-year study was made, using continuous recording, of changes in thermal structure in the upper layer of an English lake during summer stratification. Diel, seasonal and irregular episodic events are related to weather variables. Marked diel change of temperature, with short-term stratification, is associated with high daily input of solar radiation and low daily wind-run. There is further correlation, probably mostly secondary, with high daily maximum air temperature. The diel cycles may be largely repetitive in appropriate weather episodes, or show progressive modification that can, by vertical heat transfer, extend the more persistent seasonal metalimnion and thermocline. Occasional inverse stratification can occur, especially around dawn, with an indication of subsequent penetrative convection. Examples are given in which regular diel patterns of thermal stratification are modified by increased wind stress, including the development of temperature oscillations. Such modification can disperse higher depth-maxima of the dinoflagellate Ceratium, that are capable of later re-formation. Metalimnetic maxima of Ceratium are more persistent.  相似文献   

The intertidal chiton Acanthopleura gemmata (Blainville) is a central place forager which rests in a dug scar and moves at nocturnal low tide. The fraction of chitons abandoning the home during each potential foraging phase is reduced after experimental overcrowding. On the contrary, reduced crowding in the natural population increases number of active chitons. Feeding excursions after increasing or reducing crowding are shorter than in control chitons. Also the orientation of migration is scattered after manipulation. Animals sharing their home with a conspecific suppress migrations, but local overcrowding when body-contact is lacking also reduces activity. Rest zonation in overcrowded areas shifts upward, and most imported chitons fail to home. Induced home co-ownership is followed by overt aggressive patterns and by a “waiting war”. Conflicts are resolved according to size ratio between contestants.  相似文献   

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