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The USH2A gene is mutated in patients with Usher syndrome type IIa, which is the most common subtype of Usher syndrome and is characterized by hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa. Since mutation analysis by DNA sequencing of exons 1-21 revealed only ~63% of the expected USH2A mutations, we searched for so-far-uncharacterized exons of the gene. We identified 51 novel exons at the 3' end of the gene, and we obtained indications for alternative splicing. The putative protein encoded by the longest open reading frame harbors, in addition to the known functional domains, two laminin G and 28 fibronectin type III repeats, as well as a transmembrane region followed by an intracellular domain with a PDZ-binding domain at its C-terminal end. Semiquantitative expression profile analysis suggested a low level of expression for both the long and the short isoform(s) and partial overlap in spatial and temporal expression patterns. Mutation analysis in 12 unrelated patients with Usher syndrome, each with one mutation in exons 1-21, revealed three different truncating mutations in four patients and two missense mutations in one patient. The presence of pathogenic mutations in the novel exons indicates that at least one of the putative long isoforms of the USH2A protein plays a role in both hearing and vision.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome (US) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital hearing impairment and retinitis pigmentosa. It is the most frequent cause of deaf-blindness in adults and accounts for 3 to 6% of deaf children. Here, we report the genetic mapping of a gene for US type I (USH1A), the most severe form of the disease, to the long arm of chromosome 14, by linkage to probe MLJ14 at the D14S13 locus in 10 families of Western France ancestry (Z = 4.13 at theta = 0). Among them, 8 families originated from a small area of the Poitou-Charentes region (Z = 3.78 at theta = 0), suggesting that a founder effect could be involved. However, since not all US type I families were found to be linked to this locus, the present study provides evidence for genetic heterogeneity of this condition (heterogeneity versus homogeneity test HOMOG, P < 0.05; heterogeneity versus no linkage, P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type IIa (USHIIa) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss and progressive retinitis pigmentosa. This disorder maps to human chromosome 1q41. Recently, mutations in USHIIa patients were identified in a novel gene isolated from this chromosomal region. The USH2A gene encodes a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 171.5 kD and possesses laminin epidermal growth factor as well as fibronectin type III domains. These domains are observed in other protein components of the basal lamina and extracellular matrixes; they may also be observed in cell-adhesion molecules. The intron/exon organization of the gene whose protein we name "Usherin" was determined by direct sequencing of PCR products and cloned genomic DNA with cDNA-specific primers. The gene is encoded by 21 exons and spans a minimum of 105 kb. A mutation search of 57 independent USHIIa probands was performed with a combination of direct sequencing and heteroduplex analysis of PCR-amplified exons. Fifteen new mutations were found. Of 114 independent USH2A alleles, 58 harbored probable pathologic mutations. Ten cases of USHIIa were true homozygotes and 10 were compound heterozygotes; 18 heterozygotes with only one identifiable mutation were observed. Sixty-five percent (38/58) of cases had at least one mutation, and 51% (58/114) of the total number of possible mutations were identified. The allele 2299delG (previously reported as 2314delG) was the most frequent mutant allele observed (16%; 31/192). Three new missense mutations (C319Y, N346H, and C419F) were discovered; all were restricted to the previously unreported laminin domain VI region of Usherin. The possible significance of this domain, known to be necessary for laminin network assembly, is discussed in the context of domain VI mutations from other proteins.  相似文献   

Type 2 Usher syndrome (USH2) is a recessively inherited disorder, characterized by the combination of early onset, moderate-to-severe, sensorineural hearing loss, and vision impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa. From 74% to 90% of USH2 cases are caused by mutations of the USH2A gene. USH2A is composed of 72 exons, encoding for usherin, an extracellular matrix protein, which plays an important role in the development and maintenance of neurosensory cells in both retina and cochlea. To date, over 70 pathogenic mutations of USH2A have been reported in individuals of various ethnicities. Many of these mutations are rare private mutations segregating in single families. The aim of the current work was to investigate the genetic basis for USH2 among Jews of various origins. We found that four USH2A mutations (c.239-240insGTAC, c.1000C>T, c.2209C>T, and c.12067-2A>G) account for 64% of mutant alleles underlying USH2 in Jewish families of non-Ashkenazi descent. Considering the very large size of the USH2A gene and the high number of mutations detected in USH2 patients worldwide, our findings have significant implications for genetic counseling and carrier screening in various Jewish populations.  相似文献   

Type I autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) is a type of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) characterized by ataxia with other neurological signs, including oculomotor disturbances, cognitive deficits, pyramidal and extrapyramidal dysfunction, bulbar, spinal and peripheral nervous system involvement. The global prevalence of this disease is not known. The most common type I ADCA is SCA3 followed by SCA2, SCA1, and SCA8, in descending order. Founder effects no doubt contribute to the variable prevalence between populations. Onset is usually in adulthood but cases of presentation in childhood have been reported. Clinical features vary depending on the SCA subtype but by definition include ataxia associated with other neurological manifestations. The clinical spectrum ranges from pure cerebellar signs to constellations including spinal cord and peripheral nerve disease, cognitive impairment, cerebellar or supranuclear ophthalmologic signs, psychiatric problems, and seizures. Cerebellar ataxia can affect virtually any body part causing movement abnormalities. Gait, truncal, and limb ataxia are often the most obvious cerebellar findings though nystagmus, saccadic abnormalities, and dysarthria are usually associated. To date, 21 subtypes have been identified: SCA1-SCA4, SCA8, SCA10, SCA12-SCA14, SCA15/16, SCA17-SCA23, SCA25, SCA27, SCA28 and dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). Type I ADCA can be further divided based on the proposed pathogenetic mechanism into 3 subclasses: subclass 1 includes type I ADCA caused by CAG repeat expansions such as SCA1-SCA3, SCA17, and DRPLA, subclass 2 includes trinucleotide repeat expansions that fall outside of the protein-coding regions of the disease gene including SCA8, SCA10 and SCA12. Subclass 3 contains disorders caused by specific gene deletions, missense mutation, and nonsense mutation and includes SCA13, SCA14, SCA15/16, SCA27 and SCA28. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, physical examination, genetic molecular testing, and exclusion of other diseases. Differential diagnosis is broad and includes secondary ataxias caused by drug or toxic effects, nutritional deficiencies, endocrinopathies, infections and post-infection states, structural abnormalities, paraneoplastic conditions and certain neurodegenerative disorders. Given the autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, genetic counseling is essential and best performed in specialized genetic clinics. There are currently no known effective treatments to modify disease progression. Care is therefore supportive. Occupational and physical therapy for gait dysfunction and speech therapy for dysarthria is essential. Prognosis is variable depending on the type of ADCA and even among kindreds.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome encompasses a group of genetically and clinically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorders with hearing deficiencies and retinitis pigmentosa. The mechanisms underlying the Usher syndrome are highly variable. In the present study, a Chinese family with Usher syndrome was recruited. Whole exome sequencing (WES), Sanger sequencing, homozygosity mapping, short tandem repeat (STR) analysis and segregation analysis were performed. Functional domains of the pathogenic variant for USH2A were analysed. We identified a homozygous frameshift variant c.99_100insT (p.Arg34Serfs*41) in the USH2A gene in the proband that showed discordant segregation in the father. Further homozygosity mapping and STR analysis identified an unusual homozygous variant of proband that originated from maternal uniparental disomy (UPD). The p.Arg34Serfs*41 variant produced a predicted truncated protein that removes all functional domains of USH2A. The variant was not included in the 1000 Human Genomes Project database, ExAC database, HGMD or gnomAD database, but was included in the ClinVar databases as pathogenic. Although USH2A is an autosomal recessive disease, the effects of UPD should be informed in genetic counselling since the recurrence risk of an affected child is greatly reduced when the disease is due to the UPD mechanism. To test potential patients, WES, combined with STR analysis and homozygosity mapping, provides an accurate and useful strategy for genetic diagnosis. In summary, our discoveries can help further the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of Usher syndrome type IIA to advance the prevention, diagnosis and therapy for this disorder.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type I (USH1), the most severe form of this syndrome, is characterized by profound congenital sensorineural deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa. At least seven USH1 loci, USH1A-G, have been mapped to the chromosome regions 14q32, 11q13.5, 11p15, 10q21-q22, 21q21, 10q21-q22, and 17q24-25, respectively. Mutations in five genes, including MYO7A, USH1C, CDH23, PCDH15 and SANS, have been shown to be the cause of Usher syndrome type 1B, type 1C, type 1D, type 1F and type 1G, respectively. In the present study, we carried out a systematic mutation screening of these genes in USH1 patients from USA and from UK. We identified a total of 27 different mutations; of these, 19 are novel, including nine missense, two nonsense, four deletions, one insertion and three splicing defects. Approximatelly 35–39% of the observed mutations involved the USH1B and USH1D genes, followed by 11% for USH1F and 7% for USH1C in non-Acadian alleles and 7% for USH1G. Two of the 12 MYO7A mutations, R666X and IVS40-1G>T accounted for 38% of the mutations at that locus. A 193delC mutation accounted for 26% of CDH23 (USH1D) mutations, confirming its high frequency. The most common PCDH15 (USH1F) mutation in this study, 5601-5603delAAC, accounts for 33% of mutant alleles. Interestingly, a novel SANS mutation, W38X, was observed only in the USA cohort. The present study suggests that mutations in MYO7A and CDH23 are the two major components of causes for USH1, while PCDH15, USH1C, and SANS are less frequent causes.X.-M. Ouyang and D. Yan contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Usher syndrome (USH) is an autosomal-recessive disease characterized by neurosensory deafness and progressive retinitis pigmentosa. So far, three clinical types of Usher syndrome have been defined, and are caused by defects at more than eight loci. We report the linkage analysis of seven Lebanese families with Usher syndrome, two with type I (USH1) and five with type II (USH2). We demonstrate that one family is linked to the USH1C locus, a rare form of USH1 only reported in the French Acadian population. Linkage analysis of the five USH2 families with recently mapped loci allowed us to reduce the USH2A candidate region to a very small interval flanked by D1S2646/D1S2629 and D1S2827. Furthermore, haplotype comparison between the different families suggests a founder effect for the USH2A mutation among the different Lebanese ethnic groups, while a genetic heterogeneity is noted for Usher syndrome type I. Received: 9 January 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The retinoic acid (RA)-catabolizing enzyme Cyp26a1 plays an important role in protecting tailbud tissues from inappropriate exposure to RA. Cyp26a1-null animals exhibit caudal agenesis and spina bifida, imperforate anus, agenesis of the caudal portions of the digestive and urogenital tracts, and malformed lumbosacral skeletal elements. This phenotype closely resembles the most severe form of caudal agenesis in humans. In view of these findings, we investigated a potential involvement of the human CYP26A1 gene in the pathogenesis of caudal regression syndrome (CRS). METHODS: Mutational screening of 49 CRS patients and 132 controls was performed using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and sequencing. Differences in the genotype and allele frequency of each SNP were evaluated by chi(2) analysis. The biological significance of the intronic variants was investigated by transfection assays of mutant constructs and by analysis of the splicing patterns with RT-PCR. RESULTS: Mutational screening allowed us to identify 6 SNPs, 4 of which (447 C>G, 1134 G>A, IVS 1+10 G>C, and IVS 4+8 AG>GA) are new. In addition, we describe a novel 2-site haplotype consisting of the 2 intronic SNPs. Both single-locus and haplotype analyses revealed no association with increased risk for CRS. The consequences of the 2 intronic polymorphisms on the mRNA splicing process were also investigated. Moreover, using functional and computational methods we demonstrated that both of these intronic polymorphisms affect the intron splicing efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Our research did not provide evidence that CYP26A1 has implications for the pathogenesis of human CRS. However, the relationship between CRS risk and the CYP26A1 genotype requires further study with a larger number of genotyped subjects.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type II (USH2) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder with at least three genetic subtypes (USH2A, USH2B, and USH2C) and is classified phenotypically as congenital hearing loss and progressive retinitis pigmentosa. The VLGR1 (MASS1) gene in the 5q14.3-q21.1 USH2C locus was considered a likely candidate on the basis of its protein motif structure and expressed-sequence-tag representation from both cochlear and retinal subtracted libraries. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and direct sequencing of polymerase-chain-reaction products amplified from 10 genetically independent patients with USH2C and 156 other patients with USH2 identified four isoform-specific VLGR1 mutations (Q2301X, I2906FS, M2931FS, and T6244X) from three families with USH2C, as well as two sporadic cases. All patients with VLGR1 mutations are female, a significant deviation from random expectations. The ligand(s) for the VLGR1 protein is unknown, but on the basis of its potential extracellular and intracellular protein-protein interaction domains and its wide mRNA expression profile, it is probable that VLGR1 serves diverse cellular and signaling processes. VLGR1 mutations have been previously identified in both humans and mice and are associated with a reflex-seizure phenotype in both species. The identification of additional VLGR1 mutations to test whether a phenotype/genotype correlation exists, akin to that shown for other Usher syndrome disease genes, is warranted.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome is the most commonly recognized cause of combined visual and hearing loss in technologically developed countries. There are several different types and all are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. There may be as many as five different genes responsible for at least two closely related phenotypes. The nature of the gene defects is unknown, and positional cloning strategies are being employed to identify the genes. This is a report of the localization of one gene for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11q, probably distal to marker D11S527. Another USH1 gene had been previously localized to chromosome 14q, and this second localization establishes the existence of a new and independent locus for Usher syndrome.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type IIA (MIM: 27601) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by moderate to severe congenital deafness and progressive retinitis pigmentosa. We recently identified the human Usher syndrome type IIA gene (USH2A) on chromosome 1q41, which encodes a protein possessing 10 laminin epidermal growth factor and four fibronectin type 3 domains, both commonly observed in extracellular matrix proteins. To gain insight into the pathogenesis of Usher syndrome type IIA, we isolated and characterized the murine (Ush2a) and rat (rat Ush2a) orthologs of human USH2A. We mapped mouse Ush2a by fluorescence in situ hybridization to mouse chromosome 1 in the region syntenic to human chromosome 1q41. Rat Ush2a has been localized by radiation hybrid mapping to rat chromosome 13 between d13rat49 and d13rat76. The mouse and rat genes, similar to human USH2A, are expressed primarily in retina and cochlea. Mouse Ush2a encodes a 161-kDa protein that shows 68% identity and 9% similarity to the human USH2A protein. Rat Ush2a encodes a 167-kDa protein with 64% identity and 10% similarity to the human protein and 81% identity and 5% similarity to the mouse USH2A protein. The predicted amino acid sequence of the mouse and rat proteins, like their human counterpart, contains a leader sequence, an amino-terminal globular domain, 10 laminin epidermal growth factor domains, and four carboxy-terminal fibronectin type III motifs. With in situ hybridization, we compared the cellular expression of the USH2A gene in rat, mouse, and human retinas. USH2A mRNA in the adult rat, mouse, and human is expressed in the cells of the outer nuclear layer of the retina, one of the target tissues of the disease. In the developing rat retina, Ush2a mRNA expression appears in the neuroepithelium at embryonic day 17.  相似文献   

Kim JW  Hu JC  Lee JI  Moon SK  Kim YJ  Jang KT  Lee SH  Kim CC  Hahn SH  Simmer JP 《Human genetics》2005,116(3):186-191
The current system for the classification of hereditary defects of tooth dentin is based upon clinical and radiographic findings and consists of two types of dentin dysplasia (DD) and three types of dentinogenesis imperfecta (DGI). However, whether DGI type III should be considered a distinct phenotype or a variation of DGI type II is debatable. In the 30 years since the classification system was first proposed, significant advances have been made regarding the genetic etiologies of inherited dentin defects. DGI type II is recognized as an autosomal dominant disorder with almost complete penetrance and a low frequency of de novo mutations. We have identified a mutation (c.52GT, p.V18F) at the first nucleotide of exon 3 of the DSPP (dentin sialophosphoprotein) gene in a Korean family (de novo) and a Caucasian family. This mutation has previously been reported as causing DGI type II in a Chinese family. These findings suggest that this mutation site represents a mutational hot spot in the DSPP gene. The clinical and radiographic features of these two families include the classic phenotypes associated with both DGI type II and type III. Finding that a single mutation causes both phenotypic patterns strongly supports the conclusion that DGI type II and DGI type III are not separate diseases but rather the phenotypic variation of a single disease. We propose a modification of the current classification system such that the designation hereditary opalescent dentin or DGI type II should be used to describe both the DGI type II and type III phenotypes.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, variable vestibular dysfunction, and visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The seven proteins that have been identified for Usher syndrome type 1 (USH1) and type 2 (USH2) may interact in a large protein complex. In order to identify novel USH genes, we followed a candidate strategy, assuming that mutations in proteins interacting with this “USH network” may cause Usher syndrome as well. The DFNB31 gene encodes whirlin, a PDZ scaffold protein with expression in both hair cell stereocilia and retinal photoreceptor cells. Whirlin represents an excellent candidate for USH2 because it binds to Usherin (USH2A) and VLGR1b (USH2C). Genotyping of microsatellite markers specific for the DFNB31 gene locus on chromosome 9q32 was performed in a German USH2 family that had been excluded for all known USH loci. Patients showed common haplotypes. Sequence analysis of DFNB31 revealed compound heterozygosity for a nonsense mutation, p.Q103X, in exon 1, and a mutation in the splice donor site of exon 2, c.837+1G>A. DFNB31 mutations appear to be a rare cause of Usher syndrome, since no mutations were identified in an additional 96 USH2 patients. While mutations in the C-terminal half of whirlin have previously been reported in non-syndromic deafness (DFNB31), both alterations identified in our USH2 family affect the long protein isoform. We propose that mutations causing Usher syndrome are probably restricted to exons 1–6 that are specific for the long isoform and probably crucial for retinal function. We describe a novel genetic subtype for Usher syndrome, which we named USH2D and which is caused by mutations in whirlin. Moreover, this is the first case of USH2 that is allelic to non-syndromic deafness. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We present a mutational analysis of the iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) gene of 36 Russian patients with Hunter syndrome. Among 29 mutant alleles, there were 19 missense mutations, 1 nonsense mutation, 6 mutations affecting splice sites, and 3 major structural alterations resulting in deletions. Of the 25 different mutations, 15 are novel and unique. Most of the missense mutations result in intermediate or severe phenotypes. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) has proven to be a valuable vector for gene therapy. Characterization of the functional domains of the AAV capsid proteins can facilitate our understanding of viral tissue tropism, immunoreactivity, viral entry, and DNA packaging, all of which are important issues for generating improved vectors. To obtain a comprehensive genetic map of the AAV capsid gene, we have constructed 93 mutants at 59 different positions in the AAV capsid gene by site-directed mutagenesis. Several types of mutants were studied, including epitope tag or ligand insertion mutants, alanine scanning mutants, and epitope substitution mutants. Analysis of these mutants revealed eight separate phenotypes. Infectious titers of the mutants revealed four classes. Class 1 mutants were viable, class 2 mutants were partially defective, class 3 mutants were temperature sensitive, and class 4 mutants were noninfectious. Further analysis revealed some of the defects in the class 2, 3, and 4 mutants. Among the class 4 mutants, a subset completely abolished capsid formation. These mutants were located predominantly, but not exclusively, in what are likely to be beta-barrel structures in the capsid protein VP3. Two of these mutants were insertions at the N and C termini of VP3, suggesting that both ends of VP3 play a role that is important for capsid assembly or stability. Several class 2 and 3 mutants produced capsids that were unstable during purification of viral particles. One mutant, R432A, made only empty capsids, presumably due to a defect in packaging viral DNA. Additionally, five mutants were defective in heparan binding, a step that is believed to be essential for viral entry. These were distributed into two amino acid clusters in what is likely to be a cell surface loop in the capsid protein VP3. The first cluster spanned amino acids 509 to 522; the second was between amino acids 561 and 591. In addition to the heparan binding clusters, hemagglutinin epitope tag insertions identified several other regions that were on the surface of the capsid. These included insertions at amino acids 1, 34, 138, 266, 447, 591, and 664. Positions 1 and 138 were the N termini of VP1 and VP2, respectively; position 34 was exclusively in VP1; the remaining surface positions were located in putative loop regions of VP3. The remaining mutants, most of them partially defective, were presumably defective in steps of viral entry that were not tested in the preliminary screening, including intracellular trafficking, viral uncoating, or coreceptor binding. Finally, in vitro experiments showed that insertion of the serpin receptor ligand in the N-terminal regions of VP1 or VP2 can change the tropism of AAV. Our results provide information on AAV capsid functional domains and are useful for future design of AAV vectors for targeting of specific tissues.  相似文献   

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