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北柴胡分泌道的发育及组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用植物解剖学和组织化学的方法对北柴胡根、茎和叶中分泌道的分布、发生发育过程以及组织化学进行了研究.研究结果表明,分泌道分布在根中柱鞘组织和次生韧皮部、茎韧皮部和髓,以及叶脉韧皮部内和木质部上方.根中柱鞘中的分泌道来源于中柱鞘细胞,次生韧皮部中的分泌道来源于维管形成层切向分裂向外形成的衍生细胞;茎和叶脉韧皮部内的分泌道起源于原形成层束原生韧皮部外侧的2~3层细胞;茎髓中和叶脉木质部上方的分泌道来源于基本分生组织.这些分泌道腔隙的形成都属于裂生型.组织化学结果表明分泌道是挥发油积累的重要场所.  相似文献   

利用光镜及透射电子显微镜技术研究了杭白芷根中分泌道结构及其挥发油的分泌,并重点探讨分泌道中挥发油的分泌过程。结果显示:(1)杭白芷的分泌道是由上皮细胞围绕着的伸长的胞间隙,腔道内贮存着挥发油。(2)分泌道细胞的质体、细胞基质以及线粒体参与挥发油或其前体物质的合成。(3)在分泌道发育的后期,大量小泡与分泌细胞的液泡膜和细胞质膜融合,将其内的物质释放进入空腔。研究认为,杭白芷分泌道中挥发油主要合成部位为质体及细胞基质,之后以扩散渗透或通过膜质小泡与液泡及质膜融合这两种方式分泌到空腔内,丰富的线粒体可能为这一系列过程提供能量。  相似文献   

李博园  王娟  高静  陈旋勐  陈莹 《广西植物》2020,40(4):471-481
为探明杭白芷(Angelica dahurica var.formosana)根中分泌道发生方式、分布及其挥发油转运积累特征,该研究利用光镜及透射电子显微镜技术观察分泌道发生过程及挥发油转运特征,结合组织化学定位确定挥发油的主要积累部位。结果表明:杭白芷根中分泌道由中柱鞘细胞最先发生,次生结构中分泌道主要分布在韧皮部和皮层中;挥发油的合成不仅与分泌细胞中质体及细胞质有关,而且还与周围细胞关系密切;分泌细胞内高尔基体和内质网丰富,可能先通过形成小泡参与转运,再经由细胞壁向腔道内转移;相邻分泌细胞靠近角隅处的细胞壁分泌活动活跃,腔道内积累大量电子致密物质;成熟分泌道中分泌细胞及其腔道内积累大量油滴,因此挥发油主要积累场所为分泌细胞及其腔道。该研究明确了杭白芷根中分泌道的发生方式、分布及其挥发油积累部位,揭示了分泌道发育过程中挥发油的转运积累特征,为进一步阐明分泌组织生长发育与有效成分积累关系提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

臭椿茎中分泌道的发育及其组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用植物解剖学方法研究臭椿茎和叶柄中分泌道的结构、分布和发育过程.结果表明:臭椿茎和叶柄中的分泌道分布于髓的周缘,次生木质部中无分泌道.分泌道是由一层分泌细胞围绕分泌腔而构成,分泌细胞外有1~2层鞘细胞.分泌道以裂生方式形成,其发育过程可分为3个阶段:原始细胞阶段、形成阶段和成熟阶段.在原始细胞阶段,一群原始细胞具浓厚细胞质,细胞核清晰可见;形成阶段,原始细胞的中央细胞间细胞壁中层降解,细胞壁分离,形成腔隙,随着分泌细胞数量的增加,分泌腔体积扩大;成熟阶段的分泌道具有12~16个分泌细胞,1~2层鞘细胞,分泌腔直径为30~50μm.组织化学研究表明,分泌细胞及分泌道内含物中含大量的萜类、多糖和脂类物质.机械创伤能够诱导次生木质部中产生创伤分泌道.臭椿茎中的分泌道和创伤性分泌道在抵御生物和非生物胁迫中起重要作用.  相似文献   

慈菇匍匐茎中分泌道的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慈茹匍蔔茎的分泌道是裂生的胞间道,分布于匍匐茎的基本组织中。单个分泌道原始细胞起始于离茎端约1毫米处的基本分生组织中,原始细胞经分裂形成5—7个上皮细胞包围着中央的裂生腔隙,成为管道系统。上皮细胞无鞘细胞包围。上皮细胞中高尔基体和内质网发达,并溢出小囊泡向着分泌道腔隙面壁的质膜附近迁移,乳汁中亦存在大量完整的小囊泡。上皮细胞和外围薄壁细胞之间的壁层具有大量胞间连丝,小囊泡和内质网的膜结构与胞间连丝末端相接,同时可见上皮细胞的质膜在数处反折内陷,形成袋状结构,在与上皮细胞相对的薄壁细胞内也有同样现象出现,袋状结构内含小形颗粒或囊泡,并在结构上显示出上皮细胞与相邻薄壁细胞间存在着活跃的物质交流。由此认为。代谢物质以整体小囊泡的形式经胞间连丝或内陷的质膜向分泌道迁移是物质运输和分泌的可能方式之一。在电镜下观察,液泡中的积聚物与乳汁十分相似,液泡可能是乳汁的贮存场所之一。  相似文献   

漆树(Rhus verniciflua)乳汁道分泌细胞含有丰富的质体、内质网和嗜锇物质。电子显微镜的现察结果表明,嗜锇的生漆成分合成的可能场所是质体和内质网,并且通过内质网分子和小泡群与质膜相互接触并融合以及质膜内褶包被等三种形式释放到质膜和细胞壁之间的间隙中;再经过细胞壁中乳汁道腔形成时断裂了的胞间连丝通道和扩散渗透两条途径,越过细胞壁分泌到乳汁道腔中。细胞核、线粒体、高尔基体以及细胞质基质或多或少也参与了上述过程。  相似文献   

随着贯叶金丝桃( Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构、多膜结构和嗜锇滴.同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡.然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失.表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体.出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运.  相似文献   

贯叶金丝桃叶中分泌细胞团的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着贯叶金丝桃(Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构,多膜结构和嗜锇滴。同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡。然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失。表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体。出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运。  相似文献   

北柴胡根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用常规石蜡切片方法对北柴胡(Bupleurum chinense DC.)1年生主根的中部和2年生主根的根尖和中部进行了横向与纵向解剖观察,研究根的发育过程,并对其1年生与2年生主根中部的结构进行了比较分析。结果表明,北柴胡根的发育包括原分乍组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长4个发育阶段。原分生组织由3群原始细胞组成,其细胞具有典型分生组织的细胞学特征;初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原。初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱组成。初生木质部为二原型。次生生长主要是依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层的活动来完成。其木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞恢复分裂能力而形成。2年生北柴胡主根的基本结构与1年生的相同,但与1年生的相比,其周皮、次生韧皮部和木质部面积均增加。不同点具体表现在:2年生主根的周皮增厚;分泌道数量增加;次生木质部中木纤维成群分布,在横切面上连接成一个圆环,其维管射线明显。多为多列射线。分泌道主要分布在中柱鞘薄壁组织和次生韧皮部中,均是裂生方式发生,属次生分泌道,初生结构中无分泌道存在。  相似文献   

北柴胡(Bupleurum chinese)花序分化进程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了了解造成北柴胡(Bupleurum chinese)种子发芽率低、无胚率高等种子质量问题的原因,本文对北柴胡花序分化进程的各个时期以及不同位置花序分化进程的差异进行了研究.根据观察结果,将北柴胡花序分化进程划分为初生期、小伞原基分化期、小花原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期、生殖结构分化始期和花粉粒完熟期6个时期.同时,发现各级次级花序均比上一级花序在分化进程上落后至少1个时期.不同位置花序分化进程的不同步性是导致北柴胡种子质量问题的一个重要原因.通过人工措施促进早分化的主茎及Ⅰ和Ⅱ级花序发育,抑制晚发育的Ⅲ和Ⅳ级花序发育,可望提高北柴胡的种子质量.  相似文献   

北京东灵山地区不同海拔柴胡居群的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用ISSR技术对北京东灵山地区不同海拔的6个柴胡居群进行分析,观察不同海拔柴胡居群的遗传多样性。结果表明,东灵山地区不同海拔柴胡居群的遗传多样性差异较大,海拔1135m居群表现出较高的遗传变异水平,高海拔居群遗传多样性较低;遗传距离与海拔差距有一定的相关性,相邻海拔的不同柴胡居群间具有相对较低的遗传距离;柴胡具有较强的遗传分化趋势,且大部分变异存在于居群内。不同海拔导致的异质生境及基因流是影响柴胡居群遗传多样性的主要原因。  相似文献   

M. Whitear    G. Zaccone  S. Fasulo    A. Licata 《Journal of Zoology》1991,224(4):669-676
The axillary glands of Ictalurus are lobulated invaginations of the epidermis, opening at a pore between the pectoral spine and the cleithrum. Holocrine cells lining a false lumen form a viscous secretion. The secretory cells originate in the tenuous basal layer of the gland wall. Secretion is initiated by the formation of compound vesicles in cells that become very large and have complex cytoplasm of a varied appearance. Golgi systems are well developed and the perinuclear cytoplasm may contain many mitochondria and sacs of ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum; some tracts of cytoplasm are vesicular and contain free ribosomes. Some cells contain numerous large lysosomes, and some have extensive contents of fibrillar masses imperfectly separated by membranes, that recall the appearance of the mucous secretion of goblet cells. The secretory cells break down, releasing the degenerating organelles, including the nuclei, into the false lumen. Some structures are still recognizable in the secretion even after it has been expelled, but the main part of the formed secretion consists of the mucus-like masses. Various leucocytes are found in the gland walls and embedded in the secretion. The fine structure differentiates the holocrine cells of the axillary gland from the club cells of the epidermis, and from the venom glands associated with the fin spines of catfishes. The function of the axillary gland secretion remains unknown.  相似文献   

Formation of secretory vesicles in the noncellular secretory cavity of glandular trichomes of Cannabis saliva L. was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Two patterns of vesicle formation occurred during gland morphogenesis. 1) During initial phases of cavity formation small hyaline areas arose in the wall near the plasma membrane of the disc cell. Hyaline areas of elongated shape and different sizes were distributed throughout the wall and adjacent to the secretory cavity. Hyaline areas increased in size, some possibly fusing with others. These hyaline areas, possessing a membrane, moved into the cavity where they formed vesicles. As membraned vesicles they developed a more or less round shape and their contents became electron-dense. 2) During development of the secretory cavity and when abundant secretions were present in the disc cells, these secretions passed through the wall to accumulate as membraned vesicles of different sizes in the cavity. As secretions emerged from the wall, a membrane of wall origin delimited the secretory material from cavity contents. Vesicles released from the wall migrated in the secretory cavity and contacted the sheath where their contents permeated into the subcuticular wall as large or diffused quantities of secretions. In the subcuticular wall these secretions migrated to the wall–cuticle interface where they contributed to structural thickening of the cuticle. This study demonstrates that the secretory process in glands of Cannabis involves not only secretion of materials from the disc cell, but that the disc cell somehow packages these secretions into membraned vesicles outside the cell wall prior to deposition into the secretory cavity for subsequent structural development of the sheath.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The fine structure of female accessory reproductive gland (FARG) of the adult mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor is studied with light and electron microscopes. The FARG is a simple tubular organ that composed of two kinds of cells-secretory epithelial cells and duct forming cells. The lumen of FARG is lined with a thin cuticle and filled with secretory materials. Each secretory epithelial cell has its peculiar end apparatus in addition to well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), mitochondria, and secretory vesicles. They are forming basal infolding along the plasma membrane. Along the inner surface of the plasma membrane, numerous secretory vesicles are seen. The glandular secretions of the epithelial secretory cells are synthesized via rER to Golgi apparatus, and are stored in the extracellular cavity in the epithelial cell. These secretions are drained to the lumen through the end apparatus and this type of glandular secretion in the insects is type III. Histochemical reactions reveal the major component of these glandular secretions is an acid mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Chai-Hu is one of the most popular Chinese traditional drugs used ever since the ancient time and is prescribed principally in the treatment of fevers and influenza. In this article, the authors report a new species, Bupleurum luxieuse Y. Li et S. L. Pan which was discovered in Yunnan Province and used as Chinese drug under the name of Chai-Hu. The morphology was analysed and preliminary phytochemical tests of B. luxiense were carried out. The thin layer chromatograms and gas chromatograms of the essential oil and the qualitative analysis of the saikosaponin of this new species are similar to those of Bupleurum chinense DC., a standard material medica of Chai-Hu. Moreover, the roots of B. luxiense is discovered to have saikoside 2 times more than B. chinense. The results suggest that the new species be used as a substitute of high quality for Chai-Hu.  相似文献   

Bupleurum is a genus largely distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In China 36 species, 17 varieties and 7 forms have hitherto been reported and most of them are used as Chinese traditional drugs under the name of Chai-Hu. Chai-Hu is one of the most popular drugs used ever since the ancient time and is prescribed principally in the treatment of fevers and influenza. In this article, the authors report two new species, B. kunmingense Y. Li et S. L. Pan and B. polyclonum Y. Li et S. L. Pan which were discovered in Yunnan Province based on morphological studies and preliminary phytochemical tests. The ultraviolet spectrums and thin layer chromatograms of the essential oil and the crude saikosaponins of the two new species are similar to those of B. chinense DC., the standard material medica of Chai-Hu. Moreover, two new saikosaponin spots located between saikosaponin a and c in TLC were discovered in the two new species, and this could be served as a chemical evidence for identification purpose. In the histochemistry examination, the reaction of saikosaponin with color developing agent in parenchyma of the roots of the two new species is obviously more significant than that of B. chinense DC. and this phenomenon has also been proved to be true by TLC of the crude saikosaponin extracts of these two new species. It is suggested that the two new species be used as a substitute ofhigh quality for Chai-Hu.  相似文献   

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