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葛玉珍  辛子兵  黎舒  符龙飞  温放 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1491-1504
在资料收集和实地调查的基础上,以已知广西现存分布的苦苣苔科24属236种珍稀特有植物(截至2018年底)为研究对象,通过对其评价指标定量化和权重分配处理,计算各物种的“濒危系数”和“优先保护值”,确定其濒危等级及优先保护次序。结果表明:236种广西苦苣苔科植物中有58种处于极危状态(CR),70种处于濒危状态(EN),72种处于易危状态(VU),31种处于近危状态(NT),5种处于无危状态(LC); 优先保护值范围为0.429~0.952,其中被划为I级保护植物107种,Ⅱ级保护植物75种,Ⅲ级保护植物28种,Ⅳ级保护植物26种。该研究结果与国家级、省级植物保护的种类和级别以及根据文献和IUCN物种红色名录所综合得出的濒危等级情况在部分种类上存在一定差异,但与目前广西分布的苦苣苔科植物所受保护与受破坏的现象基本一致,大部分苦苣苔科植物在广西所遭受的威胁程度在进一步加强,应当引起重视。  相似文献   

通过对湖北赛武当国家级自然保护区内的野生珍稀植物资源进行调查,运用濒危系数、遗传价值系数和物种价值系数,计算出物种优先保护值,以确定物种濒危等级和优先保护等级。结果显示:(1)该区内共有珍稀保护植物33种,隶属于26科33属,其中易危15种、近危11种、安全种7种;(2)该区珍稀植物优先保护值的范围为0.2631~0.6985,据此得出33种珍稀植物的优先保护等级为:Ⅰ级6种、Ⅱ级13种、Ⅲ级12种、Ⅳ级2种。(3)本研究结果与相关珍稀保护植物名录的濒危等级和优先保护级别存在较大差异,这可能是由于生境破碎化和人为干扰导致大部分植物在本区受威胁程度加重,因此应强化管理。  相似文献   

三江源自然保护区森林-草甸交错带植物优先保护序列研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用系统分析方法和原理,在资料收集和实地调查的基础上,借助专家咨询系统构建了三江源自然保护区森林一草甸交错带植物受威胁等级、优先保护定量分级评价指标体系以及相应的定量评价标准.评价体系包括物种濒危系数、遗传损失系数和利用价值系数3个评价系统层和10个评价指标层.利用专家咨询法和层次分析法,定量确定各个系统层和指标层的权重.通过数学模型和计算机程序计算,分别度量了三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带植物物种受威胁状况和优先保护序列状况的濒危系数和优先保护系数;对照植物濒危等级和优先保护序列区域性评价标准,定量评价了植物物种濒危等级和优先保护等级.评价结果表明,三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带的种子植物有濒危种4种,脆弱种68种,敏感种179种,安全种695种;该地区种子植物一级保护物种8种,二级保护物种78种,三级保护物种164种。暂缓保护物种696种.最后,针对植物物种优先保护序列评价的指标体系与权重分配问题。物种濒危等级与优先保护序列之间的关系,物种濒危等级评价的空间尺度问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

在对雅鲁藏布江下游地区兰科(Orchidaceae)植物资源进行调查的基础上,结合资料收集和标本查阅,利用多个评价指标定量计算各濒危植物的优先保护值,确定该区域珍稀濒危兰科植物的濒危等级和优先保护序列。结果表明:对雅鲁藏布江下游地区的60属156种濒危兰科植物濒危等级进行评价,其中处于极危(CR)状态的有15种,处于濒危(EN)状态的有46种,处于易危(VU)状态的有78种,处于近危(NT)状态的有17种;优先保护范围值为0.853 9~0.416 8,其中被划分为Ⅰ级保护植物有45种,Ⅱ级保护植物有72种,Ⅲ级保护植物有39种。该研究结果与各种保护植物名录的濒危程度和优先保护级别存在较大差异,大部分兰科植物在该区受威胁程度加强,与这些兰科植物在雅鲁藏布江下游地区现实生存状态基本保持一致,对该区域兰科植物的保护迫在眉睫,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

为制定江西庐山国家级自然保护区珍稀濒危植物的保护策略,采用濒危系数、遗传系数及物种价值系数等评价指标对58种珍稀植物的濒危程度和优先保护顺序进行评估。结果表明,自然保护区珍稀植物的综合评价值(VS)为0.153~0.742,濒危等级为安全的11种,占该区珍稀保护植物总数的19%;稀有的28种(48%);渐危的18种(31%);濒危的1种(2%)。优先保护顺序为Ⅰ级的8种,占该区珍稀保护植物总数的14%,急需保护;Ⅱ级的22种(38%),需要保护;Ⅲ级的23种(40%),可以一般保护;IV级的5种(8%),较为安全。生境破坏和人为干扰是该区珍稀植物保护面临的主要威胁。  相似文献   

国家重点保护野生植物受威胁等级的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物种受威胁等级的评估是确定物种优先保护顺序和制订濒危物种保护策略的重要依据,是生物多样性保护工作中的一个重要步骤.本研究以<国家重点保护野生植物名录>所列物种(包括即将发布的物种)为评估对象,采用IUCN红色名录受威胁等级和标准,从全国尺度上对我国重点保护野生植物的受威胁等级进行了评估.评估结果为:绝灭(EX)2种,野外绝灭(EW)3种,极危(CR)310种,濒危(EN)638种,易危(VU)911种,近危(NT)117种,无危(LC)162种,数据缺乏(DD)34种.将评估结果与国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ保护级别进行对比,发现两者之间存在较为明显的不一致性,其原因是物种的受威胁程度并不是确定受保护物种以及划分保护级别的唯一依据.该研究为建立我国重点保护野生植物受威胁等级体系、实施有效的保护策略提供了科学参考.  相似文献   

物种濒危状态等级评价概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
濒危等级是确定物种优先保护顺序和制订濒危物种保育策略的重要依据,《生物多样性公约》、相关国际组织和一些国家都把物种濒危状态的评价作为生物多样性保护工作中的一个重要步骤。本文对IUCN和美国、加拿大等国在物种濒危状态评价中有关等级标准、评价程序、数据信息采集管理及网络应用方面的问题进行了分析。国际上物种濒危状态评价工作呈现出以下几个方面的发展趋势:(1)物种濒危等级评价标准由定性指标向定量指标发展;(2)物种濒危状况评价程序逐步规范严格,评价过程透明,公众积极参与;(3)数据信息的采集逐步标准化,储存与管理更新采用计算机及网络技术;(4)物种濒危等级的公布与更新逐步以网络形式为主;(5)全球对物种濒危状态评价工作日益重视,物种濒危等级信息在物种资源利用、保护及其他方面的应用愈加广泛。在此基础上,作者提出了我国在物种濒危状况评价中急需加强的3个方面的工作:(1)建立我国的物种濒危等级评价标准;(2)建立完善的物种濒危等级评价程序并制定相关的指导性文件;(3)加强濒危物种评价中数据信息的规范采集、网络管理和数据共享。  相似文献   

江苏珍稀濒危植物的多样性、分布及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
掌握重点保护野生植物的濒危现状及评估濒危等级是制定科学保护策略的关键。根据江苏第二次重点保护野生植物资源调查(2012-2018)以及近年来相关调查资料, 我们采用世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)物种红色名录的濒危等级与评估标准, 对江苏分布的珍稀濒危植物的现状与濒危等级进行了评估与分析。结果表明: (1)江苏41种国家重点保护和濒危野生植物的濒危等级可以分为7个等级。包括地区灭绝(RE) 2种, 占总种数的4.88%; 极危(CR) 10种, 占24.39%; 濒危(EN) 6种, 占14.63%; 易危(VU) 13种, 占31.71%; 近危(NT) 2种, 占4.88%; 无危(LC) 2种, 占4.88%; 数据缺乏(DD) 6种, 占14.63%。其中, 受威胁物种(包括CR、EN和VU)有29种, 占总种数的70.73%。(2)建议的江苏重点保护野生植物有74种, 隶属于40科62属; 它们的受威胁比例较高, 达74.32%。江苏人口众多、环境资源压力较大, 近年来生产经营和土地利用方式的改变以及宣传教育不足很可能是导致这些原生物种濒危的主要原因。因此建议: (1)尽快制定江苏省级重点保护野生植物名录; (2)加强科学研究, 同时对部分濒危植物进行就地保护和迁地保护, 积极开展野外回归、近地保护和动态监测; (3)继续加大对重点保护野生植物的保护管理和宣传力度。  相似文献   

物种濒危等级划分与物种保护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了国际与国内濒危物种等级最新标准。探讨了濒危物处等级的划分标准存在的问题和物种的保护优先序。介绍了确定物种保护优先序时的两种不同观点。  相似文献   

针对我国野生动物保护的实情,为便于各省区有关部门制订野生濒危动物的保护等级,通过对国内外物种濒危等级标准的全面分析,建议省级保护物种濒危等级的数量标准为:濒危级En分布面积为1个县;易危级T分布面积小于3个县;关注级C分布面积小于5个县.结合贵州省两栖动物已有文献资料数据及作者近三十年来野外考察数据,按上述指标对贵州省已知的72种两栖动物的濒危等级进行了评估.  相似文献   

CITES(濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约)是一个通过控制贸易的方法来维护物种生存及其持续利用的国际法规,其附录中所列的物种是重点管理的对象,主要根据现有的Berne标准来确定。但是,长期的实践证明,它已不能满足实际的需要。1992年6月CITES常务委员会要求世界保护联盟协助制定一个简明、实用、科学和客观的新标准,本文对此作一简介和讨论。  相似文献   

生态系统受威胁等级的评估标准和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统受威胁等级评估是认识生物多样性丧失的重要手段.在2008年的第四次世界自然保护大会上,国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)成立专门工作组,着手建立类似于物种灭绝风险的定量评估方法,对生态系统受威胁等级进行评估.最终的目标是在局地、区域和全球尺度上确定生态系统的受威胁等级,建立生态系统红色名录.在制定生物多样性保护策略时,生态系统红色名录与物种红色名录可作为互补.目前,生态系统受威胁等级评估方案的评估依据包括4类:生态系统分布或生态系统功能短期衰退;生态系统分布或生态系统功能长期衰退;生态系统当前的分布狭窄、同时生态系统分布或生态系统功能衰退;生态系统当前的分布极狭窄.应用Rodríguez等(2011)建立的评估标准,基于文献记载的中国辽河三角洲4个生态系统1988年和2006年的面积,我们详细介绍了生态系统受威胁等级的评估过程.目前的评估方法面临挑战,生态系统分布范围和占有面积的估计应基于合理的空间尺度,同时还需建立合理的方法定量描述生态系统功能的变化.生态系统受威胁等级评估方案将提交2012年召开的世界自然保护大会讨论.  相似文献   

David Waugh 《Zoo biology》1988,7(3):269-280
Different types of training in zoo biology, captive breeding, and conservation are discussed and the availability of a variety of programs documented. Emphasis is given to the need for more training in general, and especially for less-developed countries where zoos have much potential yet to be realized. The aims, structure, content, and impact of the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust's International Training Program are examined.  相似文献   

The Hainan gibbon continues to survive in Bawanglin Nature Reserve in four social groups totalling 21 individuals. Twelve births have occurred since 1982, and 11 of these individuals survive in 1989. Only three of these 12 births have been females, however. The total female population consists of 6 adult females, two of which are at least 19 years old, and three juvenile females born since 1985. Two of the four social groups have only one adult female each and no juvenile females. All four groups are well protected, but their survival is precarious.  相似文献   

The endangered black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) reproduces naturally in the spring. The Black‐Footed Ferret Recovery Program would benefit from increased productivity in the captive population by manipulating photoperiod and temperature to create three artificial cycles in 1½ years. In the present study the photoperiod was set at 8 hr light:16 hr dark for 1–2 months, then switched to 16 hr light:8 hr dark for 4–5 months. The males' light was switched 1 month before the females' light. Three cycles were performed in 2 years. During the first cycle, 0% of the males bred, 17% of the females came into estrus and were bred through artificial insemination, and 0% of the females whelped. In the second cycle, 100% of the females came into estrus and were bred naturally, and 77% whelped. In the third cycle, all males showed testicular recrudescence but none bred; all females showed signs of estrus, 40% were bred using artificial insemination, and 0% whelped. Siberian polecats (Mustela eversmanii), the black‐footed ferrets' closest living relative, also were put on an artificial photoperiod, coinciding with the black‐footed ferrets' third cycle. All female polecats came into estrus and were bred naturally, and 33% whelped. All males showed testicular recrudescence, and 22% produced sperm and bred. The low rate of success in breeding and whelping suggests that multiple cues may be needed to induce estrus in ferrets and polecats. Zoo Biol 22:1–14, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for plantlet regeneration using embryonic explants of Juniperus cedrus Webb & Berth. An average of 6 adventitious buds were induced on whole excised embryos cultured for 15 days on Quoirin and LePoivre (QP) half-strength medium supplemented with 5 M N6-benzyladenine. For bud development, explants were transferred to phytohormone-free 1/2 QP medium. For shoot elongation, explants were cultured on 1/2 QP with 0.05% activated charcoal and 2% sucrose. Adventitious shoots were rooted successfully in peat-vermiculite-perlite (1:1:1) moistened with 1/4 QP containing 1% sucrose and 5 M -napthaleneacetic acid, pH 5.0. Axillary shoots elongated spontaneously in culture from leaf axils.Abbreviations AC activated charcoal - BA N6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - QP Quoirin & LePoivre - SH Schenk & Hildebrandt  相似文献   

Natural genetic variation present in two populations of the critically endangered legume C. longipes was revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Out of the 30 primers used to test the intra-specific genetic polymorphism (between individuals from isolated populations) only 21 gave amplification. Eight primers produced monomorphic bands and 13 primers produced polymorphism. But the range of percent polymorphism was only 0 to 33 %. There was close similarity between individuals within and between populations. Cluster analysis based on Nei's indices did not reveal any population differentiation and individuals of both populations clustered with each other. These results point to a very low genetic polymorphism in C. longipes populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were developed for conservation genetic studies of Lindera melissifolia (pondberry), a federally endangered shrub of southern bottomland ecosystems. Microsatellite sequences were obtained from DNA libraries that were enriched for the (AC)n simple sequence repeat motif. From 35 clone sequences, 20 primer pairs were designed and evaluated. Eleven primer pairs amplified polymorphic marker loci in pondberry while two did so in Lindera benzoin (spicebush). In 46 samples from a single pondberry site the number of microsatellite alleles ranged from two to 11 per locus with observed heterozygosity values of 0.07–0.91.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to determine if modifications of methods of estrous synchronization, superovulation, embryo recovery, and transfer used successfully in other ungulates, both domestic and nondomestic, could be applied to scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah). Donors were two parous females and recipients were one parous and two nulliparous females that were given a total of two cloprostenol injections at an interval of 0 and 13 or 12 days, respectively. Donors were treated with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH-P, Schering, Kenilworth, NJ) b.i.d. for 4 days and placed with a fertile male. Seven days after the last FSH-P injection, nonsurgical uterine lavages were performed on both donors. One good-quality embryo at the morula stage was recovered and nonsurgically transferred into the right uterine horn of the parous recipient. A healthy female calf born at 247 days post-transfer represents the first known live birth of scimitarhorned oryx following embryo transfer. These results provide additional evidence that estrous synchronization and embryo transfer techniques used in other ungulates can be applied to endangered antelopes such as the scimitar-horned oryx.  相似文献   

Ejaculated sperm from the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) were compared for differences in morphological abnormalities and argentophilic protein distribution. Thawed domestic ferret sperm was also compared to fresh sperm to determine whether there were any effects on cell morphology due to cryopreservation. There were statistically significant differences between the two species of ferret in two of the categories scored. The domestic ferret had a higher frequency of cells that were bent in the midpiece and in the principal piece, and a higher frequency of headless and tailless cells when compared to the black-footed ferret. There were no statistically significant differences in cell morphology between the fresh and cryopreserved ejaculates of the domestic ferret employing a standard egg yolk cryoextender. Silver nitrate staining distribution was different between the two species in both the head and tail region.  相似文献   

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