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Phenotypic plasticity describes an organism's ability to produce multiple phenotypes in direct response to its environmental conditions. Over the past 15 years empiricists have found that this plasticity frequently exhibits geographic variation and often possesses a significant heritable genetic basis. However, few studies have examined both of these aspects of plasticity simultaneously. Here, we examined both the geographic and genetic variations of the plasticity for diapause incidence (the proportion of eggs that enter an arrested state of development capable of surviving over the winter) relative to temperatures and photoperiods associated with long and short season environments across six populations of the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, using a half-sibling split brood quantitative genetic design. We found that plasticity, as measured by the slope of the reaction norm, was greater in the southern-low altitude region (where populations are bivoltine) relative to the southern-high and northern-low altitude regions (where populations are univoltine). However, the heritability of plasticity was only significantly different from zero in univoltine populations that experienced "intermediate" natal season lengths. These patterns suggest that selection may favor the plasticity of diapause incidence in bivoltine regions, but act against plasticity in regions in which populations are univoltine. Furthermore, our data suggest that under "intermediate" natal season length conditions, the interplay between local adaptation and gene flow may keep the plasticity of diapause incidence low (but still significant) while maintaining its genetic variation. As such, this study not only provides a novel observation into the geographic variation of phenotypic plasticity, but also provides much needed groundwork for tests of its adaptive significance.  相似文献   

两种热带树种在弱光条件下的生长和表型可塑性 根据耐荫性筛选热带雨林树种,对于在次生林富集区域中更有效地管理具有经济意义的本土树种非常重要。本研究旨在确定全株的光补偿点,比较弱光条件下Cariniana legalis和Gallesia integrifolia 幼苗生长和碳分配有关的表型可塑性。实验所用幼苗在5种光合有效辐射条件下(0.02、1.1、2.3、4.5 和5.9 mol photons m−2 day−1)培养77天,设置3个重复,并分析了生长和碳分配变量指标。结果显示,在 1.1 mol photons m−2 day−1 条件下,C. legalis 的生长速率高于G. integrifolia,而在5.9 mol photons m−2 day−1 条件下,C. legalis的生长速率低于G. integrifolia。不同物种间的光补偿点差异显著。根据耐阴分类标准对这两种热带树种进行分类,我们的研究结果表明,C. legalis相对较低的光补偿点和表型可塑性与生长速率有关,比G. integrifolia具有更强的耐荫性。从实际的角度来看,我们证明了两种树种之间生长和光合有效辐射变化的不同关系可以成为在森林丰富工程中比较和选择种植树种的可行工具  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity itself evolves, as does any other quantitative trait. A very different question is whether phenotypic plasticity causes evolution or is a major evolutionary mechanism. Existing models of the evolution of phenotypic plasticity cover many of the proposals in the literature about the role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution. I will extend existing models to cover adaptation to a novel environment, the appearance of ecotypes and possible covariation between phenotypic plasticity and mean trait value of ecotypes. Genetic assimilation does not sufficiently explain details of observed patterns. Phenotypic plasticity as a major mechanism for evolution--such as, invading new niches, speciation or macroevolution--has, at present, neither empirical nor model support.  相似文献   

Lindera melissifolia (Walt.) Blume seedlings were raised in a growth chamber to determine the effects of light availability on shoot growth pattern, and basic leaf and stem growth. Lindera melissifolia seedlings exhibited a sympodial shoot growth pattern for 3 months following emergence from the soil medium, but this pattern was characterized by a reduction in leaf blade area approximately 30 days after emergence, followed by increases in leaf blade area. Seedlings receiving low light were 76% taller than seedlings receiving high light. Seedlings receiving low light also had larger leaf blade dimensions, blade area, seedling leaf area, and greater mass. Seedlings raised in high light had a greater proportional distribution of biomass in the roots, suggesting possible water stress from greater vapor pressure deficits. Furthermore, these seedlings displayed sharp angles of blade inclination and blade folding – acclimation that reduces exposure to light and subsequent higher leaf temperatures in open environments. These differences in morphological response to light resulted in high phenotypic variability in L. melissifolia seedlings. Lindera melissifolia seedling development showed a brief period of phenotypic plasticity, followed by ontogenetic plasticity. The short period of phenotypic plasticity may, however, have profound ecological implications for the conservation and recovery of this federally endangered shrub. Further experimentation should take into account the development of ontogenetic standards for comparisons of plant traits in addition to temporal standards.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of linear and quadratic reaction norms on heritability and directional selection. Genetic variation for reaction norm parameters can alter the heritability of traits; the magnitude of the heritability depends upon both the environment and the correlation among the parameters. Genetic variation for reaction norm parameters can alter the response to directional selection. Selection on a trait in one environment can shift both the mean of the trait measured across environments and the plasticity of the trait; the signs and magnitudes of these responses depend on the correlations among the parameters of the reaction norm. Our model is consistent with the results of ten experiments for selection on a trait in a single environment. In all experiments, selection towards the overall mean of the population always resulted in a relatively lower plasticity than selection away from the overall mean. Our model was able to predict the results of two experiments for selection on a trait index calculated over more than one environment. Predictions were good for the direct response to selection but poorer for the correlated response to selection. Our results indicate the need for more data on the effects of environment on genetic parameters, especially correlations among reaction norm parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We examined the genetic architecture of plasticity of thorax and wing length in response to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster . Reaction norms as a function of growth temperature were analyzed in 20 isofemale lines in a natural population collected from Grande Ferrade near Bordeaux (southern France) in two different years. We found evidence for a complex genetic architecture underlying the reaction norms and differences between males and females. Reaction norms were negative quadratics. Genetic correlations were moderately high between traits within environments. Among characteristic values, the magnitudes of genetic correlations varied among traits and sexes. We hypothesized that genetic correlations among environments would decrease as temperatures became more different. This expectation was upheld for only one trait, female thorax length. For males for both traits, the correlations were large for both very similar and very different temperatures. These correlations may constrain the evolution of the shape of the reaction norms. Whether the extent of independence implies specific regulatory genes or only a specific allelic regulation of trait genes can not be decided from our results.  相似文献   

To understand the role of leaf-level plasticity and variability in species invasiveness, foliar characteristics were studied in relation to seasonal average integrated quantum flux density (Qint) in the understorey evergreen species Rhododendron ponticum and Ilex aquifolium at two sites. A native relict population of R. ponticum was sampled in southern Spain (Mediterranean climate), while an invasive alien population was investigated in Belgium (temperate maritime climate). Ilex aquifolium was native at both sites. Both species exhibited a significant plastic response to Qint in leaf dry mass per unit area, thickness, photosynthetic potentials, and chlorophyll contents at the two sites. However, R. ponticum exhibited a higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency and larger investment of nitrogen in chlorophyll than I. aquifolium. Since leaf nitrogen (N) contents per unit dry mass were lower in R. ponticum, this species formed a larger foliar area with equal photosynthetic potential and light-harvesting efficiency compared with I. aquifolium. The foliage of R. ponticum was mechanically more resistant with larger density in the Belgian site than in the Spanish site. Mean leaf-level phenotypic plasticity was larger in the Belgian population of R. ponticum than in the Spanish population of this species and the two populations of I. aquifolium. We suggest that large fractional investments of foliar N in photosynthetic function coupled with a relatively large mean, leaf-level phenotypic plasticity may provide the primary explanation for the invasive nature and superior performance of R. ponticum at the Belgian site. With alleviation of water limitations from Mediterranean to temperate maritime climates, the invasiveness of R. ponticum may also be enhanced by the increased foliage mechanical resistance observed in the alien populations.  相似文献   

The ability of individual organisms to alter morphological and life-history traits in response to the conditions they experience is an example of phenotypic plasticity which is fundamental to any population's ability to deal with short-term environmental change. We currently know little about the prevalence, and evolutionary and ecological causes and consequences of variation in life history plasticity in the wild. Here we outline an analytical framework, utilizing the reaction norm concept and random regression statistical models, to assess the between-individual variation in life history plasticity that may underlie population level responses to the environment at both phenotypic and genetic levels. We discuss applications of this framework to date in wild vertebrate populations, and illustrate how natural selection and ecological constraint may alter a population's response to the environment through their effects at the individual level. Finally, we present future directions and challenges for research into individual plasticity.  相似文献   

A modular concept of phenotypic plasticity in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on empirical evidence from the literature we propose that, in nature, phenotypic plasticity in plants is usually expressed at a subindividual level. While reaction norms (i.e. the type and the degree of plant responses to environmental variation) are a property of genotypes, they are expressed at the level of modular subunits in most plants. We thus contend that phenotypic plasticity is not a whole-plant response, but a property of individual meristems, leaves, branches and roots, triggered by local environmental conditions. Communication and behavioural integration of interconnected modules can change the local responses in different ways: it may enhance or diminish local plastic effects, thereby increasing or decreasing the differences between integrated modules exposed to different conditions. Modular integration can also induce qualitatively different responses, which are not expressed if all modules experience the same conditions. We propose that the response of a plant to its environment is the sum of all modular responses to their local conditions plus all interaction effects that are due to integration. The local response rules to environmental variation, and the modular interaction rules may be seen as evolving traits targeted by natural selection. Following this notion, whole-plant reaction norms are an integrative by-product of modular plasticity, which has far-reaching methodological, ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the primary mechanism of organismal resilience to abiotic and biotic stress, and genetic differentiation in plasticity can evolve if stresses differ among populations. Inducible defence is a common form of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and long‐standing theory predicts that its evolution is shaped by costs of the defensive traits, costs of plasticity and a trade‐off in allocation to constitutive versus induced traits. We used a common garden to study the evolution of defence in two native populations of wild arugula Eruca sativa (Brassicaceae) from contrasting desert and Mediterranean habitats that differ in attack by caterpillars and aphids. We report genetic differentiation and additive genetic variance for phenology, growth and three defensive traits (toxic glucosinolates, anti‐nutritive protease inhibitors and physical trichome barriers) as well their inducibility in response to the plant hormone jasmonic acid. The two populations were strongly differentiated for plasticity in nearly all traits. There was little evidence for costs of defence or plasticity, but constitutive and induced traits showed a consistent additive genetic trade‐off within each population for the three defensive traits. We conclude that these populations have evolutionarily diverged in inducible defence and retain ample potential for the future evolution of phenotypic plasticity in defence.  相似文献   

  • 1 An examination of phenotypic variation in colour pattern was carried out on four Eristalis hoverfly species using museum material.
  • 2 The amount of phenotypic variation varied substantially among the species with E.arbustorum being the most variable. The other species showed a wide colour pattern range but less variation within that range (E.abusivus and E.nemorum), or a narrow range of colour variation (E.horticola).
  • 3 Sexual colour dimorphism was apparent in all four species, but most pronounced in E.abusivus and E.nemorum.
  • 4 There were good phenotype-season relationships shown by both sexes in all species, except for female E.abusivus and E.nemorum, with paler insects being more abundant during the warmer summer months.
  • 5 Female, but not male, E.arbustorum collected at inland sites were on average paler than those collected at coastal sites. This observation is considered with respect to temperature during the developmental stages.
  • 6 The function of colour plasticity in hoverflies is discussed with reference to the need to maintain optimal thermal conditions for activity.

We examined the relationship of three aspects of development, phenotypic plasticity, genetic correlations among traits, and developmental noise, for thorax length, wing length, and number of sternopleural bristles in Drosophila melanogaster. We used 14 lines which had previously been selected on either thorax length or plasticity of thorax length in response to temperature. A half-sib mating design was used and offspring were raised at 19° C or 25° C. We found that genetic correlations were stable across temperatures despite the large levels of plasticity of these traits. Plasticities were correlated among developmentally related traits, thorax and wing length, but not among unrelated traits, lengths and bristle counts. Amount of developmental noise, measured as fluctuating asymmetry and within-environmental variation, was positively correlated with amount of plasticity only for some traits, thorax length and bristle number, and only at one temperature, 25° C.  相似文献   

Environmental variation in temperature can have dramatic effects on plant morphology, phenology, and fitness, and for this reason it is important to understand the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature. We investigated constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to a temperature gradient in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana by applying modern analytical tools to the classic data of Westerman & Lawrence (1970). We found significant evidence for two types of constraints. First, we detected numerous significant genetic correlations between plastic responses to temperature and the mean value of a trait across all environments, which differed qualitatively in pattern between the set of ecotypes and the set of mutant lines in the original sample. Secondly, we detected significant costs of flowering time plasticity in two of the three experimental environments, and a net pattern of selection against flowering time plasticity in the experiment overall. Thus, when explored with contemporary methods, the prescient work of Westerman & Lawrence (1970) provides new insights about evolutionary constraints on the evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

Changes in the environment are expected to induce changes in the quantitative genetic variation, which influences the ability of a population to adapt to environmental change. Furthermore, environmental changes are not constant in time, but fluctuate. Here, we investigate the effect of rapid, continuous and/or fluctuating temperature changes in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, using an evolution experiment followed by a split-brood experiment. In line with expectations, individuals responded in a plastic way and had an overall higher potential to respond to selection after a rapid change in the environment. After selection in an environment with increasing temperature, plasticity remained unchanged (or decreased) and environmental variation decreased, especially when fluctuations were added; these results were unexpected. As expected, the genetic variation decreased after fluctuating selection. Our results suggest that fluctuations in the environment have major impact on the response of a population to environmental change; in a highly variable environment with low predictability, a plastic response might not be beneficial and the response is genetically and environmentally canalized resulting in a low potential to respond to selection and low environmental sensitivity. Interestingly, we found greater variation for phenotypic plasticity after selection, suggesting that the potential for plasticity to evolve is facilitated after exposure to environmental fluctuations. Our study highlights that environmental fluctuations should be considered when investigating the response of a population to environmental change.  相似文献   

Reaction norms across three temperatures of development were measured for thorax length, wing length and wing length/thorax length ratio for ten isofemale lines from each of two populations of Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii. Means for thorax and wing length in both species were larger at 24 °C than at either 18 °C or 31 °C, with the reduction in size at 18 °C most likely due to a nutritional constraint. Although females were larger than males, the sexes were not different for wing length/thorax length ratio. The plasticity of the traits differed between species and between populations of each species, with genetic variation in plasticity similar for the two species from one locality, but much higher for D. aldrichi from the other. Estimates of heritabilities for D. aldrichi generally were higher at 18 °C and 24 °C than at 31 °C, but for D. buzzatii they were highest at 31 °C, although heritabilities were not significantly different between species at any temperature. Additive genetic variances for D. aldrichi showed trends similar to that for heritability, being highest at 18 °C and decreasing as temperature increased. For D. buzzatii, however, additive genetic variances were lowest at 24 °C. These results are suggestive that genetic variation for body size characters is increased in more stressful environments. Thorax and wing lengths showed significant genetic correlations that were not different between the species, but the genetic correlations between each of these traits and their ratio were significantly different. For D. aldrichi, genetic variation in the wing length/thorax length ratio was due primarily to variation in thorax length, while for D. buzzatii, it was due primarily to variation in wing length. The wing length/thorax length ratio, which is the inverse of wing loading, decreased linearly as temperature increased, and it is suggested that this ratio may be of greater adaptive significance than either of its components.  相似文献   

Summary The formulation of Kawecki and Stearns (1993) adapted for sexual populations is used to characterize lifehistory evolution in spatially heterogeneous environments comprising a number of distinct habitats. Three types of evolutionary outcome/optimal strategy are distinguished, appertaining to populations with phenotypic plasticity, populations without it (here called aplastic) and to populations that are reproductively isolated. In general plastic and isolated optima differ, but do not differ if none of the habitats provide source or sink populations. Plastic, aplastic and isolated optima are calculated and compared in three numerical examples representing trade-offs involving reproductive effort, egg size and defence. Locating the aplastic optimum involves numerical construction of a fitness landscape showing how allelic fitness depends on aplastic strategy and on the relative frequencies of the habitats. In all three examples the aplastic optimum lies between or almost between the plastic optima. In two cases the aplastic optimum switches abruptly between the plastic optima as the relative frequencies of the habitats change, and in the third case the switch is gradual. The abruptness or otherwise of the switch depends on the position and structure of the valleys in the fitness landscape and this in turn depends on how sharply the fitness peaks are differentiated.  相似文献   

Physiological processes vary widely across individuals and can influence how individuals respond to environmental change. Repeatability in how metabolic rate changes across temperatures (i.e. metabolic thermal plasticity) can influence mass-scaling exponents in different thermal environments. Moreover, repeatable plastic responses are necessary for reaction norms to respond to selective forces which is important for populations living in fluctuating environments. Nonetheless, only a small number of studies have explicitly quantified repeatability in metabolic plasticity, and fewer have explored how it can impact mass-scaling. We repeatedly measured standard metabolic rate of n = 42 delicate skinks Lampropholis delicata at six temperatures over the course of four months (N[observations] = 4952). Using hierarchical statistical techniques, we accounted for multi-level variation and measurement error in our data in order to obtain more precise estimates of reaction norm repeatability and mass-scaling exponents at different acute temperatures. Our results show that individual differences in metabolic thermal plasticity were somewhat consistent over time (Rslope = 0.25, 95% CI = 2.48 × 10−8 – 0.67), however estimates were associated with a large degree of error. After accounting for measurement error, which decreased steadily with temperature, we show that among individual variance remained consistent across all temperatures. Congruently, temperature specific repeatability of average metabolic rate was stable across temperatures. Cross-temperature correlations were positive but were not uniform across the reaction norm. After taking into account multiple sources of variation, our estimates for mass-scaling did not change with temperature and were in line with published values for snakes and lizards. This implies that repeatable plastic responses may promote thermal stability of scaling exponents. Our work contributes to understanding how energy expenditure scales with abiotic and biotic factors and the capacity for reaction norms to respond to selection.  相似文献   

A multivariate selection analysis has been used to test the adaptiveness of several Iris pumila leaf traits that display plasticity to natural light conditions. Siblings of a synthetic population comprising 31 families of two populations from contrasting light habitats were grown at an open dune site and in the understory of a Pinus nigra stand in order to score variation in phenotypic expression of six leaf traits: number of senescent leaves, number of live leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf angle, and specific leaf area. The ambient light conditions affected the values of all traits studied except for specific leaf area. In accordance to ecophysiological expectations for an adaptive response to light, both leaf length and width were significantly greater while the angle between sequential leaves was significantly smaller in the woodland understory than at the exposed dune site. The relationship between leaf traits and vegetative fitness (total leaf area) differed across light habitats as predicted by functional hypotheses. The standardized linear selection gradient (β′) for leaf length and width were positive in sign in both environments, but their magnitude for leaf length was higher in the shade than under full sunlight. Since plasticity of leaf length in the woodland shade has been recognized as adaptive, fitness cost of producing plastic change in leaf length was assessed. In both of the available methods used, the two-step and the multivariate regression procedures, a rather high negative association between the fitness value and the plasticity of leaf length was obtained, indicating a cost of plasticity. The selection gradient for leaf angle was weak and significant only in the woodland understory. Genetic correlations between trait expressions in contrasting light environments were negative in sign and low in magnitude, implying a significant genetic variation for plasticity in these leaf traits. Furthermore, leaf length and leaf width were found to be genetically positively coupled, which indicates that there is a potential for these two traits to evolve toward their optimal phenotypic values even faster than would be expected if they were genetically independent.  相似文献   

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