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The mutations in human mitochondrial DNA at nt8993 are associated with a range of neuromuscular disorders. One mutation encodes a proline in place of a leucine conserved in all animal mitochondrial ATPase-6 subunits and bacterial a subunits of F1F0 ATP synthases. This conserved site is leu-156 and leu-207 in humans and Escherichia coli, respectively. An aleu-207-->pro substitution mutation has been constructed in the E. coli F1F0 ATP synthase in order to model the biochemical basis of the human disease mutation. The phenotype of the aleu-207-->pro substitution has been compared to that of the previously studied aleu-207-->arg substitution (Hartzog and Cain, 1993, Journal of Biological Chemistry 268, 12250-12252). The leu-207-->pro mutation resulted in approximately a 35% decrease in the number of intact enzyme complexes as determined by N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive membrane associated ATP hydrolysis activity and western analysis using an anti-a subunit antibody. A 75% reduction in the efficiency of proton translocation through F1F0 ATP synthase was observed in ATP-driven proton pumping assays. Interestingly, the loss in F1F0 ATP synthase activity resulting from the leu-207-->pro substitution was markedly less dramatic than had been observed for the leu-207-->arg mutation studied earlier. By analogy, the human enzyme may also be affected by the leu-156-->pro substitution to a lesser extent than the leu-156-->arg substitution, and this would account for the milder clinical manifestations of the human leu-156-->pro disease mutations.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in mtDNA variants between generations have led to the bottleneck theory, which proposes a dramatic reduction in mtDNA numbers during early oogenesis. We studied oocytes from a woman with heteroplasmic expression of the mtDNA nt 8993 (T-->G) mutation. Of seven oocytes analyzed, one showed no evidence of the mutation, and the remaining six had a mutant load > 95%. This skewed expression of the mutation in oocytes is not compatible with the conventional bottleneck theory. A possible explanation is that, during amplification of mtDNA in the developing oocyte, mtDNA from one mitochondrion is preferentially amplified. Thus, subsequent mature oocytes may contain predominantly wild-type or mutant mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

The mutation in the mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit 6 gene (ATP6 T8993G) was identified in a male infant who died at age 15 months of Leigh syndrome. He had 94% mutated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in muscle and 92% in lymphocytes. His mother was healthy but had 37% mutated mtDNA in muscle and 38% in lymphocytes. The proband's brother, who was also healthy, had 44% mutated mtDNA in lymphocytes. No mutated mtDNA was detected in muscle and lymphocytes from the maternal grandmother of the proband or in lymphocytes from 15 other maternal relatives, showing that the first carrier of the ATP6 T8993G mutation in this family was the mother of the proband. This study shows that this point mutation may occur at substantial levels in a carrier of a de novo mutation and rapid segregation with high levels of mutated mtDNA causing neurodegenerative disease may occur in the second generation.  相似文献   

Unresolved repair of clustered DNA lesions can lead to the formation of deleterious double strand breaks (DSB) or to mutation induction. Here, we investigated the outcome of clusters composed of base lesions for which base excision repair enzymes have different kinetics of excision/incision. We designed multiply damaged sites (MDS) composed of a rapidly excised uracil (U) and two oxidized bases, 5-hydroxyuracil (hU) and 8-oxoguanine (oG), excised more slowly. Plasmids harboring these U-oG/hU MDS-carrying duplexes were introduced into Escherichia coli cells either wild type or deficient for DNA n-glycosylases. Induction of DSB was estimated from plasmid survival and mutagenesis determined by sequencing of surviving clones. We show that a large majority of MDS is converted to DSB, whereas almost all surviving clones are mutated at hU. We demonstrate that mutagenesis at hU is correlated with excision of the U placed on the opposite strand. We propose that excision of U by Ung initiates the loss of U-oG-carrying strand, resulting in enhanced mutagenesis at the lesion present on the opposite strand. Our results highlight the importance of the kinetics of excision by base excision repair DNA n-glycosylases in the processing and fate of MDS and provide evidence for the role of strand loss/replication fork collapse during the processing of MDS on their mutational consequences.  相似文献   

The leukocyte common (CD45) Ag is essential for normal T lymphocyte function and alternative splicing at the N terminus of the gene is associated with changes in T cell maturation and differentiation. Recently, a statistically significant association was reported in a large series of human thymus samples between phenotypically abnormal CD45 splicing and the presence of the CC chemokine receptor 5 deletion 32 (CCR5del32) allele, which confers resistance to HIV infection in homozygotes. We show here that abnormal splicing in these thymus samples is associated with the presence of the only established cause of CD45 abnormal splicing, a C77G transversion in exon A. In addition we have examined 227 DNA samples from peripheral blood of healthy donors and find no association between the exon A (C77G) and CCR5del32 mutations. Among 135 PBMC samples, tested by flow cytometric analysis, all those exhibiting abnormal splicing of CD45 also showed the exon A C77G transversion. We conclude that the exon A (C77G) mutation is a common cause of abnormal CD45 splicing and that further disease association studies of this mutation are warranted.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle mtDNA of three patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, characterized clinically by myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber (MERRF) syndrome, has been sequenced to determine the underlying molecular defect(s). An A-to-G substitution of nt 8344 in the tRNA(Lys) gene, a substitution suggested to be associated with MERRF encephalomyopathy, was detected in these patients. Abnormal patterns of mitochondrial translation products were observed in the skeletal muscle of patients, consistent with the expected consequential defect in protein synthesis. The genealogical studies of the three patients, as well as mtDNA from one published MERRF patient and from nine other normal and disease controls, revealed that the tRNA(Lys) mutations in the MERRF patients have arisen independently. These observations provided evidence that the base substitution is a causal mutation for MERRF.  相似文献   

We have investigated the morphology, cytogenetics, and the fraction of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) A-->G(8344) mutation in three lipomas in a carrier of this mutation. The son of the patient had myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers syndrome. The fraction of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation varied between 62% and 80% in cultured skin fibroblasts, lymphocytes, normal adipose tissue, and muscle. In the three lipomas the mean fraction of mutated mtDNA was 90%, 94%, and 94%. Ultrastructural examination of the lipomas revealed numerous mitochondria with changes such as electron-dense inclusions in some adipocytes. When considered cytogenetically, the lipomas were characterized by a mixture of karyotypically abnormal and normal cells. An identical del(6)(q24) was found in two tumors. The fraction of mutated mtDNA in cultured lipoma cells was the same as in the lipoma in situ, indicating that the cultured cells were representative of the primary tumor. These findings indicate that the lipomas have originated with a grossly normal stem line and subsequently have developed the 6q deletion. We conclude that the lipomas represent clonal growth of adipocytes with a high content of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation. The tRNA(Lys) mutation may be either the direct or the indirect cause of pertubation of the maturation process of the adipocytes, leading to an increased risk of lipoma formation.  相似文献   



Outer dense fiber protein 2, Odf2, is a major component of the outer dense fibers, ODF, in the flagellum of spermatozoa. ODF are associated with microtubule doublets that form the axoneme. We recently demonstrated that tyrosine phosphorylation of Odf2 is important for sperm motility. In the course of a study of Odf2 using Odf2 mouse knockout lines we observed that males of a high percentage chimaerism, made using XL169 embryonic stem cells, were infertile, whereas mice of low-medium percentage chimaerism were fertile.  相似文献   

Summary In autopsied brain tissue from three cases with Leigh disease (subacute necrotizing encephalomyelitis, SNE) and controls, the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) was determined under different conditions. It was found to be at the control level or increased, but not deficient. The activities of succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase, succinate cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome c oxidase, and glutamate dehydrogenase were measured as additional mitochondrial markers and showed no essential differences between SNE and control tissue. The metabolic defect in SNE remains unknown. According to the literature, the defect may be localized to the mitochondrial systems. However, the reported results indicate that it cannot be ascribed to PDHC function. Extensive biochemical studies are necessary for understanding of the pathogenesis in the fatal genetic metabolic disease.  相似文献   

NARP (neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa) and MILS (maternally inherited Leigh syndrome) are mitochondrial disorders associated with point mutations of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the gene encoding the Atp6p subunit of the ATP synthase. The most common and studied of these mutations is T8993G converting the highly conserved leucine 156 into arginine. We have introduced this mutation at the corresponding position (183) of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrially encoded Atp6p. The "yeast NARP mutant" grew very slowly on respiratory substrates, possibly because mitochondrial ATP synthesis was only 10% of the wild type level. The mutated ATP synthase was found to be correctly assembled and present at nearly normal levels (80% of the wild type). Contrary to what has been reported for human NARP cells, the reverse functioning of the ATP synthase, i.e. ATP hydrolysis in the F(1) coupled to F(0)-mediated proton translocation out of the mitochondrial matrix, was significantly compromised in the yeast NARP mutant. Interestingly, the oxygen consumption rate in the yeast NARP mutant was decreased by about 80% compared with the wild type, due to a selective lowering in cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) content. This finding suggests a possible regulatory mechanism between ATP synthase activity and complex IV expression in yeast mitochondria. The availability of a yeast NARP model could ease the search for rescuing mechanisms against this mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

We have studied the segregation and manifestations of the tRNA(Lys) A-->G(8344) mutation of mtDNA. Three unrelated patients with myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers (MERRF) syndrome were investigated, along with 30 of their maternal relatives. Mutated mtDNA was not always found in the offspring of women carrying the tRNA(Lys) mutation. Four women had 10%-33% of mutated mtDNA in lymphocytes, and no mutated mtDNA was found in 7 of their 14 investigated children. The presence of mutated mtDNA was excluded at a level of 3:1,000. Five women had a proportion of 43%-73% mutated mtDNA in lymphocytes, and mutated mtDNA was found in all their 12 investigated children. This suggests that the risk for transmission of mutated mtDNA to the offspring increases if high levels are present in the mother and that, above a threshold level of 35%-40%, it is very likely that transmission will occur to all children. The three patients with MERRF syndrome had, in muscle, both 94%-96% mutated mtDNA and biochemical and histochemical evidence of a respiratory-chain dysfunction. Four relatives had a proportion of 61%-92% mutated mtDNA in muscle, and biochemical measurements showed a normal respiratory-chain function in muscle in all cases. These findings suggest that > 92% of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation in muscle is required to cause a respiratory-chain dysfunction that can be detected by biochemical methods. There was a positive correlation between the levels of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation in lymphocytes and the levels in muscle, in all nine investigated cases. The levels of mutated mtDNA were higher in muscle than in lymphocytes in all cases. In two of the patients with MERRF syndrome, muscle specimens were obtained at different times. In both cases, biochemical measurements revealed a deteriorating respiratory-chain function, and in one case a progressive increase in the amount of cytochrome c oxidase-deficient muscle fibers was found.  相似文献   

SSCP analysis of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene in Israel Holstein dairy cattle uncovered five intragenic haplotypes, denoted A to E. Of these, Haplotype E differed from the others at six fragments; one of which corresponded to the polymorphic MspI site in intron III, at which haplotype E carried the disabled MspI (-) allele. Haplotype E was observed in a single sire only, carrying haplotype A as the second bGH allele. In 523 daughters of this sire genotyped for the MspI polymorphism, heterozygous (+/-) as compared to homozygous (+/+) daughters, showed a significant increasing effect on protein percentage and kg protein per year; and a decreasing effect (P < 0.10) on milk somatic cell counts (MSSC). None of the daughters were homozygous (-/-), indicating that the frequency of this allele in the general population was essentially zero. Calculated skewness (g1) values for the two daughter groups differed significantly with (+/-) daughters showing negative skewness (in the direction of lower protein percentage), and (+/+) daughters positive skewness (in the direction of higher protein percentage). The direction of skewness in each group is indicative of the presence of a QTL having an increasing effect on milk protein percentage in coupling linkage with the MspI (-) allele in this sire, but at some distance from it. Maximum likelihood estimates of the proportion of recombination (r) between the putative QTL and bGH, and the allele substitution effect at the QTL (d), were r = 0.33, a = 0.07% protein, with standard errors 0.058 and 0.009% protein, respectively.  相似文献   

MELAS is a common mitochondrial disease frequently associated with the m.3243A>G point mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR) of mitochondrial DNA and characterized by stroke-like episodes with vasogenic edema and lactic acidosis. The pathogenic mechanism of stroke and brain edema is not known. Alterations in the blood brain barrier (BBB) caused by respiratory chain defects in the cortical microvessels could explain the pathogenesis. To test this hypothesis we developed a tissue culture model of the human BBB. The MELAS mutation was introduced into immortalized brain capillary endothelial cells and astrocytes. Respiratory chain activity and transendothelial electrical resistance, TEER was measured. Severe defects of respiratory chain complex I and IV activities, and a moderate deficiency of complex II activity in cells harboring the MELAS mutation were associated with low TEER, indicating that the integrity of the BBB was compromised. These data support our hypothesis that respiratory chain defects in the components of the BBB cause changes in permeability.  相似文献   

We found intense myoliquefaction in vivo among specimens of wild and farmed South American flatfish Paralichthys orbignyanus Valenciennes, 1839. The soft flesh condition was attributed to Myxobolus sp. since the fish were not infected by myxosporeans which are usually associated with this condition (Kudoa spp.), and other causes (bacteria, fungi) were not found. The histopathology of the infection is described.  相似文献   

Three major forms (types I-III) of Gaucher disease (GD) have been identified. The largest group of patients with type III GD has been reported from the province of Norrbotten in Sweden. In the present study the genomes from two GD patients of Norrbottnian origin were examined for abnormalities in the glucocerebrosidase gene. In both individuals, a single nucleotide substitution was found in exon 10. This mutation, which results in the substitution of proline for leucine, is identical to the NciI mutation described by Tsuji and co-workers in GD patients of other ethnic origins. Nine additional patients with Norrbottnian GD were shown to be homozygous for the same mutation by restriction-enzyme digestion of DNA amplified by PCR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the DNA ploidy distribution in urothelial superficial (umbrella) cells and to assess the value of the image analysis operator's experience. STUDY DESIGN: DNA ploidy was assessed in 12 cytologically negative bladder washes stained with Feulgen stain. All 12 cases were evaluated independently by three operators with different levels of cytopathology experience and different goals. Operator 1 (experienced) selected only nuclei of urothelial cells, avoiding nuclei of superficial cells; operator 2 (experienced) selected only nuclei of superficial cells; operator 3 (inexperienced) selected the largest and most-atypical-looking nuclei. Each operator measured a total of 100 nuclei per case. RESULTS: Operator 1 found all cases to be diploid (97% of nuclei on average). Operators 2 and 3 showed a wide range of results. Almost half the nuclei (47%) analyzed by operator 2 were in the diploid region, a third (35%) were in the tetraploid region, and the remaining (18%) ones had a DNA index (DI) in the range of 1.2-1.8 or > 2.5. Operator 3 obtained the most abnormal results. Only 9% of the nuclei were diploid, while 37% were in the tetraploid region, 18% were in the hyperploid region, and 35% had a DI in the range of 1.2-1.8. Differences among results obtained by each operator were statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The nuclei of superficial (umbrella) cells often have abnormal DNA content, which may cause abnormal DNA ploidy results in cytomorphologically normal bladder washes. Consequently, the nuclei of superficial cells should be avoided in the evaluation of urine samples. DNA analysis of urine specimens requires selection of nuclei only of deep urothelial cells by an experienced operator.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized activity has been associated with the product of the BNLF-1 gene of Epstein-Barr virus. This gene encodes the latent membrane protein of Epstein-Barr virus. When the gene was expressed at high levels, it was toxic to all cell lines tested, which included six human B-lymphoid lines as well as BALB/3T3, 143/EBNA-1, and HEp-2 cells. The BNLF-1 gene was previously shown to induce anchorage-independent and tumorigenic growth in Rat-1 and BALB/3T3 cells. We demonstrate here that only those mutations in the BNLF-1 gene that score positively in the anchorage-independent growth assay were cytotoxic when expressed at high levels. It is therefore possible that the same activities of the latent membrane protein that are necessary to induce anchorage-independent growth of some rodent cell lines also confer toxicity to many cell lines when expressed at high levels.  相似文献   

The Belt mutation in pigs is an allele at the Dominant white (I/KIT) locus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A white belt is a common coat color phenotype in pigs and is determined by a dominant allele (Be). Here we present the result of a genome scan performed using a Hampshire (Belt)/Pietrain (non-Belt) backcross segregating for the white belt trait. We demonstrate that Belt maps to the centromeric region of pig Chromosome (Chr) 8 harboring the Dominant white (I/KIT) locus. Complete cosegregation between Belt and a single nucleotide polymorphism in the KIT gene was observed. Another potential candidate gene, the endothelin receptor type A gene (EDNRA), was excluded as it was assigned to a different region (SSC8q21) by FISH analysis. We argue that Belt is a regulatory KIT mutation on the basis of comparative data on mouse KIT mutants and our previous sequence analysis of the KIT coding sequence from a Hampshire pig. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed that Belt is not associated with a KIT duplication, as is the case for the Patch and Dominant white alleles. Thus, Belt is a fourth allele at the Dominant white locus, and we suggest that it is denoted I Be . Received: 5 May 1999 / Accepted: 3 August 1999  相似文献   

The Axd mutation in the mouse acts by an unknown mechanism to cause lumbosacral open neural tube defects and a variety of tail anomalies. Retinoic acid (RA) plays a number of different physiological and developmental roles and has been shown to affect neurulation in mice and other species. Indeed, reports have shown that this biologically active compound (or its metabolites) at low dose can alter the incidence of neural tube defects (NTD) in curly-tail (ct), splotch (Sp), and delayed splotch (Spd) mice, strains that are genetically predisposed to such abnormalities. The aim of the present study was to determine if RA administered under similar conditions would affect the penetrance or expression of the Axd mutation or survival of Axd homozygotes. Axd/+ and +/+ dams were exposed to RA intraperitoneally (5 mg/kg) on D9 postcoitus. No difference in incidence or extent of neural tube defects or other axial anomalies was detected among embryos of Axd/+ dams given RA compared with those administered vehicle only. This finding is consistent with the diversity of gene-controlled steps required for neurulation and the differing sensitivities of specific mutants to rescue by extrinsic agents.  相似文献   

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