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MOTIVATION: One important application of gene expression microarray data is classification of samples into categories, such as the type of tumor. The use of microarrays allows simultaneous monitoring of thousands of genes expressions per sample. This ability to measure gene expression en masse has resulted in data with the number of variables p(genes) far exceeding the number of samples N. Standard statistical methodologies in classification and prediction do not work well or even at all when N < p. Modification of existing statistical methodologies or development of new methodologies is needed for the analysis of microarray data. RESULTS: We propose a novel analysis procedure for classifying (predicting) human tumor samples based on microarray gene expressions. This procedure involves dimension reduction using Partial Least Squares (PLS) and classification using Logistic Discrimination (LD) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA). We compare PLS to the well known dimension reduction method of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Under many circumstances PLS proves superior; we illustrate a condition when PCA particularly fails to predict well relative to PLS. The proposed methods were applied to five different microarray data sets involving various human tumor samples: (1) normal versus ovarian tumor; (2) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) versus Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL); (3) Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCLL) versus B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (BCLL); (4) normal versus colon tumor; and (5) Non-Small-Cell-Lung-Carcinoma (NSCLC) versus renal samples. Stability of classification results and methods were further assessed by re-randomization studies.  相似文献   



In discriminant analysis of microarray data, usually a small number of samples are expressed by a large number of genes. It is not only difficult but also unnecessary to conduct the discriminant analysis with all the genes. Hence, gene selection is usually performed to select important genes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Gene expression data often contain missing expression values. Effective missing value estimation methods are needed since many algorithms for gene expression data analysis require a complete matrix of gene array values. In this paper, imputation methods based on the least squares formulation are proposed to estimate missing values in the gene expression data, which exploit local similarity structures in the data as well as least squares optimization process. RESULTS: The proposed local least squares imputation method (LLSimpute) represents a target gene that has missing values as a linear combination of similar genes. The similar genes are chosen by k-nearest neighbors or k coherent genes that have large absolute values of Pearson correlation coefficients. Non-parametric missing values estimation method of LLSimpute are designed by introducing an automatic k-value estimator. In our experiments, the proposed LLSimpute method shows competitive results when compared with other imputation methods for missing value estimation on various datasets and percentages of missing values in the data. AVAILABILITY: The software is available at http://www.cs.umn.edu/~hskim/tools.html CONTACT: hpark@cs.umn.edu  相似文献   

In our article, only a set of random positions of missing valueswas used for each dataset. However, imputation methods may  相似文献   

Microarray gene expression data often contains multiple missing values due to various reasons. However, most of gene expression data analysis algorithms require complete expression data. Therefore, accurate estimation of the missing values is critical to further data analysis. In this paper, an Iterated Local Least Squares Imputation (ILLSimpute) method is proposed for estimating missing values. Two unique features of ILLSimpute method are: ILLSimpute method does not fix a common number of coherent genes for target genes for estimation purpose, but defines coherent genes as those within a distance threshold to the target genes. Secondly, in ILLSimpute method, estimated values in one iteration are used for missing value estimation in the next iteration and the method terminates after certain iterations or the imputed values converge. Experimental results on six real microarray datasets showed that ILLSimpute method performed at least as well as, and most of the time much better than, five most recent imputation methods.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Gene association/interaction networks provide vast amounts of information about essential processes inside the cell. A complete picture of gene-gene associations/interactions would open new horizons for biologists, ranging from pure appreciation to successful manipulation of biological pathways for therapeutic purposes. Therefore, identification of important biological complexes whose members (genes and their products proteins) interact with each other is of prime importance. Numerous experimental methods exist but, for the most part, they are costly and labor intensive. Computational techniques, such as the one proposed in this work, provide a quick 'budget' solution that can be used as a screening tool before more expensive techniques are attempted. Here, we introduce a novel computational method based on the partial least squares (PLS) regression technique for reconstruction of genetic networks from microarray data. RESULTS: The proposed PLS method is shown to be an effective screening procedure for the detection of gene-gene interactions from microarray data. Both simulated and real microarray experiments show that the PLS-based approach is superior to its competitors both in terms of performance and applicability. AVAILABILITY: R code is available from the supplementary web-site whose URL is given below.  相似文献   

Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) is a partial least squares regression of a set Y of binary variables describing the categories of a categorical variable on a set X of predictor variables. It is a compromise between the usual discriminant analysis and a discriminant analysis on the significant principal components of the predictor variables. This technique is specially suited to deal with a much larger number of predictors than observations and with multicollineality, two of the main problems encountered when analysing microarray expression data. We explore the performance of PLS-DA with published data from breast cancer (Perou et al. 2000). Several such analyses were carried out: (1) before vs after chemotherapy treatment, (2) estrogen receptor positive vs negative tumours, and (3) tumour classification. We found that the performance of PLS-DA was extremely satisfactory in all cases and that the discriminant cDNA clones often had a sound biological interpretation. We conclude that PLS-DA is a powerful yet simple tool for analysing microarray data.  相似文献   

Microarray experiments generate data sets with information on the expression levels of thousands of genes in a set of biological samples. Unfortunately, such experiments often produce multiple missing expression values, normally due to various experimental problems. As many algorithms for gene expression analysis require a complete data matrix as input, the missing values have to be estimated in order to analyze the available data. Alternatively, genes and arrays can be removed until no missing values remain. However, for genes or arrays with only a small number of missing values, it is desirable to impute those values. For the subsequent analysis to be as informative as possible, it is essential that the estimates for the missing gene expression values are accurate. A small amount of badly estimated missing values in the data might be enough for clustering methods, such as hierachical clustering or K-means clustering, to produce misleading results. Thus, accurate methods for missing value estimation are needed. We present novel methods for estimation of missing values in microarray data sets that are based on the least squares principle, and that utilize correlations between both genes and arrays. For this set of methods, we use the common reference name LSimpute. We compare the estimation accuracy of our methods with the widely used KNNimpute on three complete data matrices from public data sets by randomly knocking out data (labeling as missing). From these tests, we conclude that our LSimpute methods produce estimates that consistently are more accurate than those obtained using KNNimpute. Additionally, we examine a more classic approach to missing value estimation based on expectation maximization (EM). We refer to our EM implementations as EMimpute, and the estimate errors using the EMimpute methods are compared with those our novel methods produce. The results indicate that on average, the estimates from our best performing LSimpute method are at least as accurate as those from the best EMimpute algorithm.  相似文献   

A computer program is described for the rapid calculation of least squares solutions for data fitted to different functions normally used in reassociation and hybridization kinetic measurements. The equations for the fraction not reacted as a function of Cot follow: First order, exp(-kCot); second order, (1+kCot)-1; variable order, (1+kCot)-n; approximate fraction of DNA sequence remaining single stranded, (1+kCot)-.44; and a function describing the pairing of tracer when the rate constant for the tracer (k) is distinct from the driver rate constant (kd): (formula: see text). Several components may be used for most of these functional forms. The standard deviations of the individual parameters at the solutions are calculated.  相似文献   

Machine learning techniques offer a viable approach to cluster discovery from microarray data, which involves identifying and classifying biologically relevant groups in genes and conditions. It has been recognized that genes (whether or not they belong to the same gene group) may be co-expressed via a variety of pathways. Therefore, they can be adequately described by a diversity of coherence models. In fact, it is known that a gene may participate in multiple pathways that may or may not be co-active under all conditions. It is therefore biologically meaningful to simultaneously divide genes into functional groups and conditions into co-active categories--leading to the so-called biclustering analysis. For this, we have proposed a comprehensive set of coherence models to cope with various plausible regulation processes. Furthermore, a multivariate biclustering analysis based on fusion of different coherence models appears to be promising because the expression level of genes from the same group may follow more than one coherence models. The simulation studies further confirm that the proposed framework enjoys the advantage of high prediction performance.  相似文献   



Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has been introduced as an important method for mining biological data. Though there currently exists packages implemented in R and other programming languages, they either provide only a few optimization algorithms or focus on a specific application field. There does not exist a complete NMF package for the bioinformatics community, and in order to perform various data mining tasks on biological data.


We provide a convenient MATLAB toolbox containing both the implementations of various NMF techniques and a variety of NMF-based data mining approaches for analyzing biological data. Data mining approaches implemented within the toolbox include data clustering and bi-clustering, feature extraction and selection, sample classification, missing values imputation, data visualization, and statistical comparison.


A series of analysis such as molecular pattern discovery, biological process identification, dimension reduction, disease prediction, visualization, and statistical comparison can be performed using this toolbox.

A computational method is presented for minimizing the weighted sum of squares of the differences between observed and expected pairwise distances between species, where the expectations are generated by an additive tree model. The criteria of Fitch and Margoliash (1967, Science 155:279-284) and Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards (1967, Evolution 21:550-570) are both weighted least squares, with different weights. The method presented iterates lengths of adjacent branches in the tree three at a time. The weighted sum of squares never increases during the process of iteration, and the iterates approach a stationary point on the surface of the sum of squares. This iterative approach makes it particularly easy to maintain the constraint that branch lengths never become negative, although negative branch lengths can also be allowed. The method is implemented in a computer program, FITCH, which has been distributed since 1982 as part of the PHYLIP package of programs for inferring phylogenies, and is also implemented in PAUP*. The present method is compared, using some simulated data sets, with an implementation of the method of De Soete (1983, Psychometrika 48:621-626); it is slower than De Soete's method but more effective at finding the least squares tree. The relationship of this method to the neighbor-joining method is also discussed.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes models have been shown to be powerful tools for identifying differentially expressed genes from gene expression microarray data. An example is the WAME model, where a global covariance matrix accounts for array-to-array correlations as well as differing variances between arrays. However, the existing method for estimating the covariance matrix is very computationally intensive and the estimator is biased when data contains many regulated genes. In this paper, two new methods for estimating the covariance matrix are proposed. The first method is a direct application of the EM algorithm for fitting the multivariate t-distribution of the WAME model. In the second method, a prior distribution for the log fold-change is added to the WAME model, and a discrete approximation is used for this prior. Both methods are evaluated using simulated and real data. The first method shows equal performance compared to the existing method in terms of bias and variability, but is superior in terms of computer time. For large data sets (>15 arrays), the second method also shows superior computer run time. Moreover, for simulated data with regulated genes the second method greatly reduces the bias. With the proposed methods it is possible to apply the WAME model to large data sets with reasonable computer run times. The second method shows a small bias for simulated data, but appears to have a larger bias for real data with many regulated genes.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of predicting survival times of cancer patients from the gene expression profiles of their tumor samples via linear regression modeling of log-transformed failure times. The partial least squares (PLS) and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) methodologies are used for this purpose where we first modify the data to account for censoring. Three approaches of handling right censored data-reweighting, mean imputation, and multiple imputation-are considered. Their performances are examined in a detailed simulation study and compared with that of full data PLS and LASSO had there been no censoring. A major objective of this article is to investigate the performances of PLS and LASSO in the context of microarray data where the number of covariates is very large and there are extremely few samples. We demonstrate that LASSO outperforms PLS in terms of prediction error when the list of covariates includes a moderate to large percentage of useless or noise variables; otherwise, PLS may outperform LASSO. For a moderate sample size (100 with 10,000 covariates), LASSO performed better than a no covariate model (or noise-based prediction). The mean imputation method appears to best track the performance of the full data PLS or LASSO. The mean imputation scheme is used on an existing data set on lung cancer. This reanalysis using the mean imputed PLS and LASSO identifies a number of genes that were known to be related to cancer or tumor activities from previous studies.  相似文献   

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