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In the process of monoclonal antibody (mAb) production against the 38kDa protein which is lacking in the gastrula arrested mutant embryos in Xenopus we incidentally obtained two kinds of mAb (designated as B11 and 2D10 antibodies, respectively) recognizing tropomyosin (TM) proteins in Xenopus embryos. The characterization of the corresponding antigens to those mAb was performed by immunoblotting and silver staining for two-dimensional (2-D) gels in the present study. The localization of the antigens in Xenopus embryos was also investigated by fluorescent microscopy.
By 2-D immunoblots with those mAb, three distinct protein spots or TM isoforms were recognized in Xenopus embryos; a 38 kDa spot with a pl of approximately 4.8 reacted with both antibodies in embryos at stages later than the mid-tailbud (stage 28) and two 30 kDa spots, which are probably isomers, with a pl of approximately 4.8 were detected with 2D10 antibody in embryos at stages extending from the fertilized to the mid-neurula (stage 20). By immunofluorescent microscopy, B11 antibody was shown to react mainly with muscle cells and their precursor cells. In contrast, 2D10 antibody stained the cytoplasm of almost all cells in embryos at stages from the fertilized to the tadpole.
Judging from the results obtained with immunoblotting and fluorescent microscopy, it is likely that the 38 kDa spot is a skeletal muscle TM isoform and the two 30 kDa spots are non-muscle TM isoforms.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the turtle Emys orbicularis , sexual differentiation of gonads is temperature-dependent. Oestrogens have been shown to be involved in this phenomenon and temperature has been expected to act, directly or indirectly, on regulation of synthesis or activity of cytochrome P-450 aromatase (P-450 arom). We have studied the effects of temperature shifts and of exposure at female- or male-producing temperatures for different times on gonadal aromatase activity and gonadal structure. In a first series of experiments, eggs were incubated at 25°C (masculinizing temperature) up to stage 18 and then exposed for 1 to 8 days at 35°C, a highly feminizing temperature. The response was exponential: aromatase activity increased clearly only after 4 day exposure at 35°C, then it was considerably enhanced. After 1 and 2 days at 35°C, the structure of gonads was not modified. With longer exposures at 35°C, gonads were progressively feminized: medullary epithelial cords disappeared, whereas an ovarian cortex was forming. In another type of experiment, eggs incubated at 30°C (feminizing temperature) until stage 19 were transferred at 25°C for 6 days. In embryos of these shifted eggs, gonadal aromatase activity was about ninefold lower than that in control embryos (maintained at 30°C). However, this activity did not fall to the level measured in embryos of the same stage incubated at 25°C from egg-laying and was about twofold higher than that measured at the time of transfer. Gonads exhibited a cortex anlage but the medulla was more voluminous than that of controls and epithelial cords were beginning to form within. Together these results show that changes in gonadal aromatase activity and in gonadal structure are correlated, and that temperature acts on regulation of P-450 arom synthesis. Amplification of this synthesis during the thermosensitive period at higher temperatures could reflect amplification of expression of the P-450 arom gene.  相似文献   

The cAMP signaling system has been postulated to be involved in embryogenesis of many animal species, however, little is known about its role in embryonic axis formation in vertebrates. In this study, the role of the cAMP signaling pathway in patterning the body plan of the Xenopus embryo was investigated by expressing and activating the exogenous human 5-hydroxytryptamine type 1a receptor (5-HT(1a)R) which inhibits adenylyl cyclase through inhibitory G-protein in embryos in a spatially- and temporally-controlled manner. In embryos, ventral, but not dorsal expression and stimulation of this receptor during blastula and gastrula stages induced secondary axes but were lacking anterior structures. At the molecular level, 5-HT(1a)R stimulation induced expression of the dorsal mesoderm marker genes, and downregulated expression of the ventral markers but had no effect on expression of the pan mesodermal marker gene in ventral marginal zone explants. In addition, ventral expression and stimulation of the receptor partially restored dorsal axis of UV-irradiated axis deficient embryo. Finally, the total mass of cAMP differs between dorsal and ventral regions of blastula and gastrula embryos and this is regulated in a temporally-specific manner. These results suggest that the cAMP signaling system may be involved in the transduction of ventral signals in patterning early embryos.  相似文献   

1. Proteolytic activities in early embryos of Xenopus laevis exhibited maximum levels at pH 3.2, 5.6 and 7.2 when 3H-BSA was used as substrate, and the maximum proteolytic activity at pH 3.2 was several thousand-fold higher during the tail bud stage than in the unfertilized egg. 2. The proteolytic activity at pH 3.2 was separated into two fractions by gel chromatography. One fraction corresponded to a mol. wt of about 40,000 and its activity was inhibited by thiol protease inhibitors. The other appeared to be a protease of much higher mol. wt. 3. The maximum activities at pH 5.6 and 7.2 appear to correspond to proteins of mol. wt greater than 1,000,000.  相似文献   

A wide variety of modified oligonucleotides have been tested as antisense agents. Each chemical modification produces a distinct profile of potency, toxicity, and specificity. Novel cationic phosphoramidate-modified antisense oligonucleotides have been developed recently that have unique and interesting properties. We compared the relative potency and specificity of a variety of established antisense oligonucleotides, including phosphorothioates (PS), 2'-O-methyl (2'OMe) RNAs, locked nucleic acids (LNAs), and neutral methoxyethyl (MEA) phosphoramidates with new cationic N,N-dimethylethylenediamine (DMED) phosphoramidate-modified antisense oligonucleotides. A series of oligonucleotides was synthesized that targeted two sites in the Xenopus laevis survivin gene and were introduced into Xenopus embryos by microinjection. Effects on survivin gene expression were examined using quantitative real-time PCR. Of the various modified oligonucleotide designs tested, LNA/PS chimeras (which showed the highest melting temperature) and DMED/phosphodiester chimeras (which showed protection of neighboring phosphate bonds) were potent in reducing gene expression. At 40 nM, overall specificity was superior for the LNA/PS-modified compounds compared with the DMED-modified oligonucleotides. However, at 400 nM, both of these compounds led to significant degradation of survivin mRNA, even when up to three mismatches were present in the heteroduplex.  相似文献   

Genes involved in differentiation of notochord or muscle are expressed in specific regions of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula Xenopus embryo. The presumptive notochord or the presomitic mesoderm have been cultured either in isolation or recombination to investigate whether these tissues have been determined. Cell differentiation was checked by specific markers of notochord (Shh) or muscle cell (desmin, myosin). The results show that the presumptive notochord can differentiate into vacuolated notochord with a weak expression of Shh, while the presomitic mesoderm differentiate into muscle cells with a normal expression of desmin and myosin in vitro. The same result was obtained when the two tissues have been cocultured. These data suggest that the cell fate of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula has been determined, cells can differentiate according to their fates without further signals from the adjacent tissues, but no functional structures can be formed by these tissues in vitro.  相似文献   

We have adapted a non-radioactive technique to detect localized mRNAs in whole-mount Xenopus embryos. Synthetic antisense RNA transcribed in the presence of digoxygenin-UTP is used as a probe and is detected via an anti-digoxygenin antibody. We show that localized mRNAs can be detected from late gastrula to tadpole stages and that high as well as low abundance RNAs can be detected. The method was tested on muscle actin and alpha-globin RNAs, whose localization has previously been characterized. In addition, we used the method to determine the distribution of XA-1 RNA, an anterior ectoderm-specific RNA, which we show is expressed in the periphery of the cement gland as well as in the region of the hatching gland. The sequence of an XA-1 cDNA predicts a protein rich in proline and histidine.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have further characterized the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos. Xenopus embryos respond to heat shock by consistently synthesizing four major heat shock proteins (hsps) of 62, 70, 76, and 87 kilodaltons. In addition to these hsps, heat-shocked embryos also exhibit the synthesis of several minor hsps. The synthesis of these hsps is often variable. We have monitored the effects of different temperatures and lengths of heat shock on the pattern and intensity of hsp synthesis. In general, the four major hsps are induced more strongly at higher temperatures and during increasing intervals of heat shock. The temperature and duration of heat shock can affect the synthesis of the minor hsps, however. Some hsps are synthesized at lower temperatures only (i.e., below 37 degrees C), whereas others are synthesized only at higher temperatures (i.e., above 37 degrees C). We have extensively examined the characteristics of hsp 35 synthesis, one of the most variably synthesized hsps. This hsp is characteristically synthesized at temperatures above 35 degrees C and usually during the first 40 min of heat shock, after which it becomes undetectable. In some experiments, its synthesis is restimulated during later intervals of heat shock. Hsp 35 is also under developmental regulation. It is not synthesized by heat-shocked embryos until the late blastula to early gastrula stage. After this brief period of inducibility, its synthesis is dramatically reduced in mid- to late gastrulae, but reappears in heat-shocked neurulae. We have previously demonstrated that hsp 35 is related to the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The induction of hsp 35 synthesis is inversely correlated with the constitutive levels of GAPDH specific activity. In this paper we document further correlations between the synthesis of hsp 35 and GAPDH specific activity during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

The levels of genomic DNA methylation in vertebrate species display a wide range of developmental dynamics. Here, we show that in contrast to mice, the paternal genome of the amphibian, Xenopus laevis, is not subjected to active demethylation of 5-methyl cytosine immediately after fertilization. High levels of methylation in the DNA of both oocyte and sperm are maintained in the early embryo but progressively decline during the cleavage stages. As a result, the Xenopus genome has its lowest methylation content at the midblastula transition (MBT) and during subsequent gastrulation. Between blastula and gastrula stages, we detect a loss of methylation at individual Xenopus gene promoters (TFIIIA, Xbra, and c-Myc II) that are activated at MBT. No changes are observed in the methylation patterns of repeated sequences, genes that are inactive at MBT, or in the coding regions of individual genes. In embryos that are depleted of the maintenance methyltransferase enzyme (xDnmt1), these developmentally programmed changes in promoter methylation are disrupted, which may account for the altered patterns of gene expression that occur in these embryos. Our results suggest that DNA methylation has a role in regulating the timing of gene activation at MBT in Xenopus laevis embryos.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated Xenopus HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) cDNA and showed in Xenopus embryos that expression of this gene starts at the late gastrula stage mainly in the ventral mesoderm, and furthermore that the expression is induced in animal cap by activin A and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor). Here we have cloned the Xenopus HGF gene, covering a 14 kb 5-upstream region and a 0.2 kb 5-coding region. Within about 0.5 kb of the 5-flanking region, the Xenopus HGF gene contained a TATA-like element AATGAAA, one putative NF-1 binding site, two NF-IL-6 binding motif sequences, one putative TGF--dependent inhibitory element (TIE) and one AP-1 binding site. A recombinant circular plasmid consisting of a 1.7 kb HGF promoter region and the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene was first expressed at the late gastrula stage in the ventral mesoderm, as was the endogenous HGF gene. The expression of the fusion gene was induced in animal cap cells by activin A and bFGF although induction by the latter was not so strong. Using a series of 5-deletion constructs introduced into animal caps, silencer elements, which seem to be essential for the gene's regionally correct expression, and the element responsible for induction by activin were found. The results show that the HGF gene promoter isolated here contains elements which may endow the gene with the regulative function for its temporally and spatially regulated expression, although the element necessary for induction by bFGF seems to be missing.  相似文献   

Eomesodermin is an essential early gene in Xenopus mesoderm formation and shows a morphogen-like response to activin. Here we define the regions of the Eomesodermin promoter required for mesodermal expression and for concentration-dependent response to activin. We find an activin response element (ARE) located between -5.6 and -5.0 kb which contains two critical FAST2 binding sites. The ARE alone is necessary and sufficient for concentration-dependent response to activin. A 5.6 kb promoter recapitulates Eomes expression in normal mesoderm cells. A repressor element extinguishes Eomes expression in the endoderm. We relate our results to mesoderm patterning in early Xenopus development and to a mechanism of morphogen gradient response.  相似文献   

J Stalder 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(23):11027-11045
Insertion of 1.5 kb of the 5' flanking region of the adult alpha-globin gene of X. laevis in front of the CAT structural gene promotes synthesis of CAT in transiently transfected X. laevis kidney cells. Fusion of transiently transfected kidney cells with erythroblasts isolated from anaemic frogs stimulates CAT expression 3-4 fold in the resulting transient heterokaryons. The stimulation is specific for the alpha-globin promoter and is obtained after fusion with erythroid cells but not with hepatocytes or kidney cells. Stably transfected kidney cells express drastically reduced CAT activity as compared with transiently transfected cells. Nevertheless, fusion of stably transfected kidney cells with erythroblasts leads to a 10-17 fold stimulation of CAT expression. The experiments suggest that erythroid specific transacting factors stimulate expression of CAT controlled by the adult alpha-globin promoter.  相似文献   

M Méchali  S Kearsey 《Cell》1984,38(1):55-64
We examined the controversial question concerning DNA sequences required for replication in Xenopus eggs. First we used yeast to isolate ARS elements from the Xenopus genome. They show a striking sequence homology with the yeast ARS consensus sequence. The cloning vector and the ARS-containing plasmids replicate equally after injection into Xenopus eggs. Second, we compared a wide range of DNA templates from procaryotes and eucaryotes. All DNA molecules tested replicate as monomeric molecules, and the efficiency is proportional to their size for templates between 4 and 12 kb. Third, we re-examined two reports of replication origins from the Xenopus genome. In both cases, the vector and the recombinant molecules replicate equally under all conditions tested. The apparent lack of sequence specificity for replication in Xenopus eggs does not prevent the injected molecule from being under cellular temporal control of replication. These results are compared with those from yeast.  相似文献   

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