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神经递质释放对维持生物体正常的生命活动有着重要的意义,它是由囊泡运输介导完成的.神经元细胞中囊泡运输涉及许多蛋白质间的相互作用,共同调控这一复杂的过程,可溶性小分子蛋白Complexin(Cpx)在这一过程中起着重要的作用,它同时具有抑制囊泡自发发放和促进囊泡诱发发放的功能.本文综合国内外近20年的研究,着重介绍了Cpx蛋白各部分结构域的功能,及其与一些囊泡分泌相关蛋白,如SNARE复合体、Synaptotagmin(Syt),间的相互作用机制及其最新进展.  相似文献   

Ca2 是促发囊泡胞吐的关键调节因子.最近的研究表明,分泌囊泡和通道之间的空间距离调节囊泡分泌的过程和性质.Ca2 通道开口附近形成的Ca2 微区和Ca2 钠区和囊泡快速递质释放有非常紧密的联系.SNARE蛋白和钙离子传感器synaptotagmins等在触发分泌中起调控作用.同时另有一类不依赖于Ca2 的囊泡分泌存在.Latrotoxin和mastoparan等可以激活这一类不依赖于Ca2 的信号通路,从而触发囊泡释放.本文主要从ca2 对囊泡胞吐的调控作用着手,综述了Ca2 依赖和Ca2 不依赖的囊泡分泌过程和可能的调控机制.  相似文献   

Liu ZJ  Chen NH 《生理科学进展》2007,38(4):343-346
神经递质合成酶、胞吐相关蛋白、神经递质受体,以及离子通道等蛋白的磷酸化和去磷酸化对神经系统的功能具有重要作用。神经递质的释放往往伴随众多蛋白的磷酸化或去磷酸化过程,包括突触蛋白磷酸化引起突触囊泡从细胞骨架上解离、突触囊泡通过复合体SNARE和Ca2 的介导与突触前膜发生锚靠、融合和神经递质释放,以及以网格蛋白依赖的形式实现突触囊泡从突触前膜上内陷、出芽和缢缩后,从膜上裂解到胞浆中重新形成突触囊泡。因此,蛋白磷酸化和去磷酸化对于神经系统完成神经信号传递具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin在神经递质释放过程中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
神经突触间递质的释放是神经系统完成其生理功能最重要的生物现象之一。在贮存递质的突触囊泡上存在一些神经细胞所特有的囊泡蛋白,如突触素(synapsin)、synaptobrevin和synaptotagmin等。其中synaptotagmins是膜转运蛋白中的一个家族,它们的特征是含有两个钙结合区:C2A和C2B。到目前为止,在哺乳动物中已经发现了15种synaptotagmin同形物(isoforms)。神经递质释放是由Ca^2+内流以诱导突触囊泡发生胞吐而引起的,Ca^2+需与细胞内部的Ca^2+感受器相结合来协同控制囊泡胞吐释放,SynaptotagminⅠ可能作为快速同步释放的Ca^2+感受器而发挥作用。现在已知synaptotagminⅠ在胞吐和胞吞两个过程中都扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

内膜系统构成了细胞及细胞器之间的天然屏障,保证重要的生命活动在相对独立的空间内进行。细胞内膜性细胞器之间的物质(如蛋白质、脂类)的运输主要是通过囊泡完成的。囊泡运输需要货物分子、运输复合体、动力蛋白和微管等的参与以及多种分子的调节,包括出芽、锚定和融合等过程。从上世纪60年代开始,人们认识到细胞分泌的蛋白需要先进入内质网,再到高尔基体,然后分泌到其作用部位。之后,信号肽假说被提出和证明。随后的研究完善了囊泡运输的过程,包括经内质网到高尔基体的蛋白质分泌运输过程中关键的调控基因及其作用环节、蛋白质复合物SNARE(可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感的融合蛋白附着蛋白受体)在囊泡锚定和融合中的作用机制等。在囊泡运输中的具有代表性的神经细胞突触囊泡中,触发突触囊泡融合的钙感受器(synaptotagmin)能快速准确地将钙信号传递到突触囊泡,通过与SNARE复合体等作用,实现与细胞膜融合并释放神经递质,最终完成神经信息的传递。该文从囊泡运输的研究历史回顾、已有研究成果以及未来展望等三个方面对囊泡运输分子细胞机制进行了阐述。  相似文献   

囊泡胞吐作用 (vesicleexocytosis)是由突触囊泡和突触膜蛋白之间复杂的相互作用最终导致的。参与此过程的很多膜蛋白是蛋白激酶的作用底物。外源性蛋白激酶激活剂能增加突触囊泡释放概率 (releaseprob ability)。但是 ,蛋白激酶如何激活并影响胞吐作用 ,却尚未知晓。一般认为 ,强直后增强 (post tetanicpotentiation ,PTP)是谷氨酸瞬间释放的结果 ,由短时高频刺激引发突触前膜内Ca2 +水平升高所致。但美国马里兰大学医学院的科研人员最近发现 ,蛋白激酶C也参与介导PTP。他们发现 ,大鼠海马苔藓纤维末端 (hippocampusmossyfiberterminal…  相似文献   

囊泡胞吐机制及与其相关的神经元可塑性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
突触前囊泡释放神经递质经历了磷酸化synapsin I使囊泡脱离细胞骨架,Rab3A导引囊泡进入突触前膜激活区,Rab3A与RIMl结合介导的囊泡锚定,Munc-13—1引燃SNARE中心复合体装配,最后Ca^2 结合到Ca^2 传感器synaptotagmin触发囊泡融合,融合后的囊泡通过SNAP和NSF的作用,使SNARE复合体解体后经内吞机制形成新的囊泡参与再循环。研究表明,参与囊泡融合的分子元件在神经元可塑性中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

神经末梢突触囊泡释放神经递质过程的调控蛋白   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经末梢突触囊泡释放神经递质是一个复杂且受到精细调控的过程,涉及多种蛋白质间的相互作用。位于突触囊泡膜上的突触囊泡蛋白/突触囊泡相关膜蛋白(synaptobrevin/VAMP),与位于突触前膜上的syntaxin和突触小体相关蛋白SNAP-25,三者聚合形成的可溶性N-甲基马来酰胺敏感因子(NSF)附着蛋白受体(SNARE)核心复合物是突触囊泡胞吐过程中的核心成分。本文主要围绕参与空触囊泡胞吐过程,以及调节SNARE核心复合物的形成,解离及其功能的蛋白质,并对突触囊泡胞吐过程的分子模型作一概述。  相似文献   

突触传递是脑功能最重要的一个环节。概略地讲,电冲动扩布至神经末梢,导致突触囊泡移向突触前膜,当囊泡膜与胞质膜融合时形成孔道,储存于囊泡中的神经递质通过该孔道呈量子式释放,随后囊泡膜塌陷入(collapse into)胞质膜并与之结合,此后,囊泡膜能被回收并重新利用,这一过程已得到人们的普遍认可。但是来自塌陷囊泡的膜成分的回收机制是复杂的,  相似文献   

研究Zn2+对Ca2+介导线粒体通透过渡孔道(PTP)开放和线粒体细胞色素c释放的影响,及其与线粒体膜电位(ΔΨm)和Ca2+介导的线粒体Ca2+释放(mCICR)之间的关系.提取大鼠肝线粒体,通过紫外分光光度仪检测不同浓度Zn2+作用下Ca2+介导的PTP开放状态;采用荧光分光光度仪测定不同浓度Zn2+作用下线粒体膜电位的变化;采用双波长双光束紫外分光光度仪检测不同浓度Zn2+作用下测试体系内Ca2+浓度的变化,以反映线粒体Ca2+的转运情况(即mCICR);通过免疫印迹法检测不同浓度Zn2+作用下Ca2+介导的线粒体细胞色素c的释放.高浓度Zn2+完全抑制Ca2+介导的PTP开放和细胞色素c释放.一定浓度的Zn2+部分抑制Ca2+介导的PTP开放和细胞色素c释放.适当浓度Zn2+自身介导PTP开放和细胞色素c释放.低浓度Zn2+加速Ca2+介导PTP开放和Ca2+释放;高浓度和一定浓度Zn2+分别完全或部分破坏ΔΨm;高浓度Zn2+完全抑制mCICR.当抑制mCICR时,Ca2+和Zn2+对PTP开放和细胞色素c释放的作用完全抑制.结果表明,Zn2+以浓度依赖方式双向调节PTP开放和细胞色素c释放.Zn2+的作用可能与Zn2+破坏ΔΨm和影响mCICR相关.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous Ca2+ sensor protein that plays a pivotal role in regulating innumerable neuronal functions, including synaptic transmission. In cortical neurons, most neurotransmitter release is triggered by Ca2+ binding to synaptotagmin-1; however, a second delayed phase of release, referred to as asynchronous release, is triggered by Ca2+ binding to an unidentified secondary Ca2+ sensor. To test whether CaM could be the enigmatic Ca2+ sensor for asynchronous release, we now use in cultured neurons short hairpin RNAs that suppress expression of ∼70% of all neuronal CaM isoforms. Surprisingly, we found that in synaptotagmin-1 knock-out neurons, the CaM knockdown caused a paradoxical rescue of synchronous release, instead of a block of asynchronous release. Gene and protein expression studies revealed that both in wild-type and in synaptotagmin-1 knock-out neurons, the CaM knockdown altered expression of >200 genes, including that encoding synaptotagmin-2. Synaptotagmin-2 expression was increased several-fold by the CaM knockdown, which accounted for the paradoxical rescue of synchronous release in synaptotagmin-1 knock-out neurons by the CaM knockdown. Interestingly, the CaM knockdown primarily activated genes that are preferentially expressed in caudal brain regions, whereas it repressed genes in rostral brain regions. Consistent with this correlation, quantifications of protein levels in adult mice uncovered an inverse relationship of CaM and synaptotagmin-2 levels in mouse forebrain, brain stem, and spinal cord. Finally, we employed molecular replacement experiments using a knockdown rescue approach to show that Ca2+ binding to the C-lobe but not the N-lobe of CaM is required for suppression of synaptotagmin-2 expression in cortical neurons. Our data describe a previously unknown, Ca2+/CaM-dependent regulatory pathway that controls the expression of synaptic proteins in the rostral-caudal neuraxis.  相似文献   

Mice carrying a mutation in the synaptotagmin I gene were generated by homologous recombination. Mutant mice are phenotypically normal as heterozygotes, but die within 48 hr after birth as homozygotes. Studies of hippocampal neurons cultured from homozygous mutant mice reveal that synaptic transmission is severely impaired. The synchronous, fast component of Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release is decreased, whereas asynchronous release processes, including spontaneous synaptic activity (miniature excitatory postsynaptic current frequency) and release triggered by hypertonic solution or α-latrotoxin, are unaffected. Our findings demonstrate that synaptotagmin I function is required for Ca2+-triggering of synchronous neurotransmitter release, but is not essential for asynchronous or Ca2+-independent release. We propose that synaptotagmin I is the major low affinity Ca2+ sensor mediating Ca2+ regulation of synchronous neurotransmitter release in hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Yang X  Kaeser-Woo YJ  Pang ZP  Xu W  Südhof TC 《Neuron》2010,68(5):907-920
Complexin activates and clamps neurotransmitter release; impairing complexin function decreases synchronous, but increases spontaneous and asynchronous synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Here, we show that complexin-different from the Ca(2+) sensor synaptotagmin-1-activates synchronous exocytosis by promoting synaptic vesicle priming, but clamps spontaneous and asynchronous exocytosis-similar to synaptotagmin-1-by blocking a secondary Ca(2+) sensor. Activation and clamping functions of complexin depend on distinct, autonomously acting sequences, namely its N-terminal region and accessory α helix, respectively. Mutations designed to test whether the accessory α helix of complexin clamps exocytosis by inserting into SNARE-complexes support this hypothesis, suggesting that the accessory α helix blocks completion of trans-SNARE-complex assembly until Ca(2+) binding to synaptotagmin relieves this block. Moreover, a juxtamembranous mutation in the SNARE-protein synaptobrevin-2, which presumably impairs force transfer from nascent trans-SNARE complexes onto fusing membranes, also unclamps spontaneous fusion by disinhibiting a secondary Ca(2+) sensor. Thus, complexin performs mechanistically distinct activation and clamping functions that operate in conjunction with synaptotagmin-1 by controlling trans-SNARE-complex assembly.  相似文献   

Synchronization of neurotransmitter release with the presynaptic action potential is essential for maintaining fidelity of information transfer in the central nervous system. However, synchronous release is frequently accompanied by an asynchronous release component that builds up during repetitive stimulation, and can even play a dominant role in some synapses. Here, we show that substitution of SNAP-23 for SNAP-25 in mouse autaptic glutamatergic hippocampal neurons results in asynchronous release and a higher frequency of spontaneous release events (mEPSCs). Use of neurons from double-knock-out (SNAP-25, synaptotagmin-7) mice in combination with viral transduction showed that SNAP-23-driven release is triggered by endogenous synaptotagmin-7. In the absence of synaptotagmin-7 release became even more asynchronous, and the spontaneous release rate increased even more, indicating that synaptotagmin-7 acts to synchronize release and suppress spontaneous release. However, compared to synaptotagmin-1, synaptotagmin-7 is a both leaky and asynchronous calcium sensor. In the presence of SNAP-25, consequences of the elimination of synaptotagmin-7 were small or absent, indicating that the protein pairs SNAP-25/synaptotagmin-1 and SNAP-23/synaptotagmin-7 might act as mutually exclusive calcium sensors. Expression of fusion proteins between pHluorin (pH-sensitive GFP) and synaptotagmin-1 or -7 showed that vesicles that fuse using the SNAP-23/synaptotagmin-7 combination contained synaptotagmin-1, while synaptotagmin-7 barely displayed activity-dependent trafficking between vesicle and plasma membrane, implying that it acts as a plasma membrane calcium sensor. Overall, these findings support the idea of alternative syt∶SNARE combinations driving release with different kinetics and fidelity.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter release depends on the fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane and the release of their contents. The final fusion step displays higher-order Ca2+ dependence, but also upstream steps depend on Ca2+. After deletion of the Ca2+ sensor for fast release – synaptotagmin-1 – slower Ca2+-dependent release components persist. These findings have provoked working models involving parallel releasable vesicle pools (Parallel Pool Models, PPM) driven by alternative Ca2+ sensors for release, but no slow release sensor acting on a parallel vesicle pool has been identified. We here propose a Sequential Pool Model (SPM), assuming a novel Ca2+-dependent action: a Ca2+-dependent catalyst that accelerates both forward and reverse priming reactions. While both models account for fast fusion from the Readily-Releasable Pool (RRP) under control of synaptotagmin-1, the origins of slow release differ. In the SPM the slow release component is attributed to the Ca2+-dependent refilling of the RRP from a Non-Releasable upstream Pool (NRP), whereas the PPM attributes slow release to a separate slowly-releasable vesicle pool. Using numerical integration we compared model predictions to data from mouse chromaffin cells. Like the PPM, the SPM explains biphasic release, Ca2+-dependence and pool sizes in mouse chromaffin cells. In addition, the SPM accounts for the rapid recovery of the fast component after strong stimulation, where the PPM fails. The SPM also predicts the simultaneous changes in release rate and amplitude seen when mutating the SNARE-complex. Finally, it can account for the loss of fast- and the persistence of slow release in the synaptotagmin-1 knockout by assuming that the RRP is depleted, leading to slow and Ca2+-dependent fusion from the NRP. We conclude that the elusive ‘alternative Ca2+ sensor’ for slow release might be the upstream priming catalyst, and that a sequential model effectively explains Ca2+-dependent properties of secretion without assuming parallel pools or sensors.  相似文献   

Ca2 +-triggered neurotransmitter release depends on the formation of SNARE complexes that bring the synaptic vesicle and plasma membranes together, on the Ca2 + sensor synaptotagmin-1 and on complexins, which play active and inhibitory roles. Release of the complexin inhibitory activity by binding of synaptotagmin-1 to the SNARE complex, causing complexin displacement, was proposed to trigger exocytosis. However, the validity of this model was questioned based on the observation of simultaneous binding of complexin-I and a fragment containing the synaptotagmin-1 C2 domains (C2AB) to membrane-anchored SNARE complex. Using diverse biophysical techniques, here we show that C2AB and complexin-I do not bind to each other but can indeed bind simultaneously to the SNARE complex in solution. Hence, the SNARE complex contains separate binding sites for both proteins. However, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy experiments show that C2AB can displace a complexin-I fragment containing its central SNARE-binding helix and an inhibitory helix (Cpx26-83) from membrane-anchored SNARE complex under equilibrium conditions. Interestingly, full-length complexin-I binds more tightly to membrane-anchored SNARE complex than Cpx26-83, and it is not displaced by C2AB. These results show that interactions of N- and/or C-terminal sequences of complexin-I with the SNARE complex and/or phospholipids increase the affinity of complexin-I for the SNARE complex, hindering dissociation induced by C2AB. We propose a model whereby binding of synaptotagmin-1 to the SNARE complex directly or indirectly causes a rearrangement of the complexin-I inhibitory helix without inducing complexin-I dissociation, thus relieving the inhibitory activity and enabling cooperation between synaptotagmin-1 and complexin-I in triggering release.  相似文献   

In cardiac myocytes, excitation-contraction coupling depends upon sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+ release triggered by Ca2+ influx through L-type Ca2+ channels. Although Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX) is essential for Ca2+ extrusion, its participation in the trigger process of excitation-contraction coupling is controversial. To investigate the role of NCX in triggering, we examined Ca2+ sparks in ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated from wild-type (WT) and cardiac-specific NCX knockout (KO) mice. Myocytes from young NCX KO mice are known to exhibit normal resting cytosolic Ca2+ and normal Ca2+ transients despite reduced L-type Ca2+ current. We loaded myocytes with fluo-3 to image Ca2+ sparks using confocal microscopy in line-scan mode. The frequency of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks was reduced in KO myocytes compared with WT. However, spark amplitude and width were increased in KO mice. Permeabilizing the myocytes with saponin eliminated differences between spontaneous sparks in WT and KO mice. These results suggest that sarcolemmal processes are responsible for the reduced spark frequency and increased spark width and amplitude in KO mice. When myocytes were loaded with 1 mM fluo-3 and 3 mM EGTA via the patch pipette to buffer diadic cleft Ca2+, the number of sparks triggered by action potentials was reduced by 60% in KO cells compared to WT cells, despite similar SR Ca2+ content in both cell types. When EGTA was omitted from the pipette solution, the number of sparks triggered in KO and WT myocytes was similar. Although the number of sparks was restored in KO cells, Ca2+ release was asynchronous. These results suggest that high subsarcolemmal Ca2+ is required to ensure synchronous triggering with short spark latency in the absence of NCX. In WT mice, high subsarcolemmal Ca2+ is not required for synchronous triggering, because NCX is capable of priming the diadic cleft with sufficient Ca2+ for normal triggering, even when subsarcolemmal Ca2+ is lowered by EGTA. Thus, reducing subsarcolemmal Ca2+ with EGTA in NCX KO mice reveals the dependence of Ca2+ release on NCX.  相似文献   

Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release requires synaptotagmins as Ca2+ sensors to trigger synaptic vesicle (SV) exocytosis via binding of their tandem C2 domains—C2A and C2B—to Ca2+. We have previously demonstrated that SNT-1, a mouse synaptotagmin-1 (Syt1) homologue, functions as the fast Ca2+ sensor in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here, we report a new Ca2+ sensor, SNT-3, which triggers delayed Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release. snt-1;snt-3 double mutants abolish evoked synaptic transmission, demonstrating that C. elegans NMJs use a dual Ca2+ sensor system. SNT-3 possesses canonical aspartate residues in both C2 domains, but lacks an N-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain. Biochemical evidence demonstrates that SNT-3 binds both Ca2+ and the plasma membrane. Functional analysis shows that SNT-3 is activated when SNT-1 function is impaired, triggering SV release that is loosely coupled to Ca2+ entry. Compared with SNT-1, which is tethered to SVs, SNT-3 is not associated with SV. Eliminating the SV tethering of SNT-1 by removing the TM domain or the whole N terminus rescues fast release kinetics, demonstrating that cytoplasmic SNT-1 is still functional and triggers fast neurotransmitter release, but also exhibits decreased evoked amplitude and release probability. These results suggest that the fast and slow properties of SV release are determined by the intrinsically different C2 domains in SNT-1 and SNT-3, rather than their N-termini–mediated membrane tethering. Our findings therefore reveal a novel dual Ca2+ sensor system in C. elegans and provide significant insights into Ca2+-regulated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Respiring rat liver mitochondria are known to spontaneously release the Ca2+ taken up when they have accumulated Ca2+ over a certain threshold, while Sr2+ and Mn2+ are well tolerated and retained. We have studied the interaction of Sr2+ with Ca2+ release. When Sr2+ was added to respiring mitochondria simultaneously with or soon after the addition of Ca2+, the release was potently inhibited or reversed. On the other hand, when Sr2+ was added before Ca2+, the release was stimulated. Ca2+-induced mitochondrial damage and release of accumulated Ca2+ is generally believed to be due to activation of mitochondrial phospholipase A (EC by Ca2+. However, isolated mitochondrial phospholipase A activity was little if at all inhibited by Sr2+. The Ca2+ -release may thus be triggered by some Ca2+ -dependent function other than phospholipase.  相似文献   

Yao J  Gaffaney JD  Kwon SE  Chapman ER 《Cell》2011,147(3):666-677
Synaptic transmission involves a fast synchronous phase and a slower asynchronous phase of neurotransmitter release that are regulated by distinct Ca(2+) sensors. Though the Ca(2+) sensor for rapid exocytosis, synaptotagmin I, has been studied in depth, the sensor for asynchronous release remains unknown. In a screen for neuronal Ca(2+) sensors that respond to changes in [Ca(2+)] with markedly slower kinetics than synaptotagmin I, we observed that Doc2--another Ca(2+), SNARE, and lipid-binding protein--operates on timescales consistent with asynchronous release. Moreover, up- and downregulation of Doc2 expression levels in hippocampal neurons increased or decreased, respectively, the slow phase of synaptic transmission. Synchronous release, when triggered by single action potentials, was unaffected by manipulation of Doc2 but was enhanced during repetitive stimulation in Doc2 knockdown neurons, potentially due to greater vesicle availability. In summary, we propose that Doc2 is a Ca(2+) sensor that is kinetically tuned to regulate asynchronous neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

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