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李乐  万冬梅  刘鹤  殷江霞  李其久  霍雅鹏 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7492-7499
杂色山雀(Parus varius)是一种分布区域极其狭窄的小型森林洞巢鸟类,种群数量稀少,在中国大陆仅见繁殖于辽宁省的东南部山区和毗邻辽宁的吉林省西南部山区,为当地留鸟.为了探讨巢址选择对杂色山雀繁殖的影响,找出影响杂色山雀繁殖成功率的巢址选择方面的主要因子,于2009-2011年3-7月,在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区通过悬挂人工巢箱,进行杂色山雀对人工巢箱的巢址选择以及不同的巢址对杂色山雀繁殖成功率的影响研究.研究表明:杂色山雀多在针阔混交林中活动和繁殖,对位于赤松与蒙古栎混交林中的巢箱有一定偏好.野外共发现24巢杂色山雀在人工巢箱中繁殖,其中15巢繁殖成功,9巢繁殖失败.对杂色山雀利用的巢址样方主成分分析表明,巢位因子( 19.826%)、乔木因子(17.571%)、灌木因子(13.11%)、光照因子(11.587%)、隐蔽因子(10.562%)和边缘效应因子(7.572%)是影响杂色山雀对人工巢箱选择的重要因子.利用巢箱与对照巢箱相比,两者在距水源距离、距路距离、乔木平均高度、灌木平均高度和植被类型这5个环境变量上存在显著差异.繁殖成功巢与繁殖失败巢相比,繁殖成功的巢箱所在位置距路稍远,坡度较高,乔木最大高度较高,灌木盖度略低于繁殖失败巢箱.人为干扰和天敌捕食是造成杂色山雀繁殖失败的主要原因.以上研究结果表明,巢向偏南、距地面2 m以上、周围乔木高大、灌木平均高度大于1.5m、盖度在45%-55%之间、距水源20 m左右、距路20 m以外的位于针阔混交林边缘的巢箱是杂色山雀繁殖的最优巢址.目前杂色山雀的种群数量还很稀少,希望本研究能对这一珍稀鸟类的保护提供重要参考.  相似文献   

人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖习性和巢址选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年2月—2006年7月,通过悬挂人工巢箱,对白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)的繁殖习性和巢址选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:2年间,共悬挂人工巢箱226个,其中25个巢箱被白眉姬鹟利用,以小型山雀式巢箱为主(96%),白眉姬鹟对巢大小有选择性;在人工巢箱条件下,白眉姬鹟的窝卵数为(6.00±0.17)枚,卵长径为(17.45±0.07)mm,卵短径为(13.20±0.06)mm,卵重为(1.54±0.02)g,孵化期为12~14d,孵化率为88.76%,育雏期为12~14d,出飞率为96.22%。影响白眉姬鹟巢址选择的主要因素有巢位因子(31.46%)、巢下隐蔽因子(24.67%)、光照因子(15.70%)和食物因子(11.32%)等,其中巢位因子是白眉姬鹟巢址选择中首要考虑的因素;其次是隐蔽性,它可以减少白眉姬鹟被捕食的几率;光照可以提高巢内温度,对于白眉姬鹟的孵化也起到重要作用;食物则保证了繁殖期亲、幼鸟的食物要求。白眉姬鹟的巢材较为广泛,与当地环境密切相关,反映了白眉姬鹟对生境有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

四种同域分布洞巢鸟的巢址特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洞巢鸟集团是中国东北地区温带次生林内鸟类群落的重要组成部分,对于其巢址特征的比较研究有助于深入了解鸟类群落动态的内在机制。作者于2008年4-7月,对吉林大岗林场4种主要洞巢鸟的巢址特征进行了调查,并从多尺度(巢树、巢址和活动区)比较分析,进而探讨了初级洞巢鸟与次级洞巢鸟的关系。共发现160个繁殖巢,其中初级洞巢鸟58巢,包括大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)24巢和灰头绿啄木鸟(Picus canus)21巢;次级洞巢鸟102巢,包括白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)38巢和普通?(Sitta europaea)45巢。初级洞巢鸟对巢树无显著选择性,而次级洞巢鸟对巢树有显著选择性,以白皮柳(Salix pierrotii)为主。灰头绿啄木鸟的洞口主要朝南,而其他3种洞巢鸟对洞口朝向没有显著的选择性。初级洞巢鸟巢址特征的差异主要表现在巢树和巢址尺度上,而次级洞巢鸟在3个尺度上均有显著差异。逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,区分大斑啄木鸟和灰头绿啄木鸟洞巢的关键因子为洞口直径和洞巢内径,即洞巢的大小;区分白眉姬鹟和普通?洞巢的关键因子为巢树树冠高度和洞口深度。也就是说,初级洞巢鸟之间以及次级洞巢鸟之间巢址特征的最主要差异均在巢树尺度上。判别分析表明,普通?倾向于选择灰头绿啄木鸟提供的洞巢,而白眉姬鹟偏好于大斑啄木鸟提供的洞巢。由于啄木鸟所凿洞巢的大小不同,导致了次级洞巢鸟对其巢址的差异性选择。因此,洞巢的大小是影响同域分布的洞巢鸟巢址利用的最重要因素。  相似文献   

2010~2011年4~7月,在四川省瓦屋山自然保护区对金色林鸲(Tarsiger chrysaeus)的繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。共发现26巢,金色林鸲2010年和2011年的繁殖成功率分别为43.8%和44.4%,孵化率分别为52.5%和60.0%;育雏成功率分别为85.7%和100.0%。主成分分析表明,影响金色林鸲巢址选择的主要因子包括巢位因素、苔藓盖度因素和乔木郁闭度因素。步道两侧的土坎为金色林鸲巢址选择提供了适宜条件。在瓦屋山,人类活动是影响金色林鸲繁殖、巢址选择、巢的分布和数量的重要因素,并存在两面性;人行步道的修建为金色林鸲提供了更多适宜的巢址,而游客的频繁活动限制了金色林鸲的繁殖活动。  相似文献   

为了解次生林中潜在洞巢资源(包括各种啄木鸟的啄洞和人工巢箱)的多寡对次级洞巢鸟集团及繁殖鸟类群落结构的影响, 2007年11月至2008年7月, 我们在吉林省吉林市大岗林场选择洞巢密度不同的样地, 对其次级洞巢鸟及鸟类群落结构进行了比较研究。根据洞巢资源密度我们将9块样地分为3组, 即巢箱区(啄洞密度最低, 悬挂人工巢箱使其潜在洞巢资源总密度大幅提高)、低密度区(啄洞密度较低, 无巢箱)和高密度区(啄洞密度较高, 无巢箱), 调查了3组样地内鸟类的组成和密度、潜在洞巢资源的利用情况等。3组样地中均调查到4种初级洞巢鸟, 其种类组成略有不同; 4种次级洞巢鸟在3组样地广泛分布, 分别为白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)、大山雀(Parus major)、沼泽山雀(P. palustris)和普通鳾(Sitta europaea)。巢箱区和高密度区的次级洞巢鸟总密度显著高于低密度区。巢箱区同高密度区一样, 大山雀和白眉姬鹟的密度显著高于低密度区, 这是由于大山雀和白眉姬鹟是人工巢箱的主要利用鸟种, 而沼泽山雀和普通鳾的密度在三组样地间差异不显著。初级洞巢鸟总密度与啄洞密度、次级洞巢鸟总密度与潜在洞巢资源总密度都呈显著正相关关系。潜在洞巢资源丰富的样地中鸟类群落多样性指数显著高于潜在洞巢资源贫乏样地中的鸟类群落多样性指数, 人为增加洞巢资源可以改变鸟类群落组成并显著提高群落的多样性指数。三组样地中鸟类群落的均匀性、丰富度指数和种间相遇率没有显著差异, 群落相似性指数也相近。高密度区和低密度区鸟类群落集团结构相似。次级洞巢鸟密度的增加短时期内未对群落内其他主要鸟种的密度产生显著影响。研究结果显示, 初级洞巢鸟的密度决定了啄洞的丰富程度, 而洞巢资源的差异会对次级洞巢鸟集团的分布模式产生影响, 进而影响整个繁殖鸟类群落的结构。  相似文献   

人工巢箱在鸟类研究与保护中的使用越来越广泛, 但是人工巢箱对鸟类群落的影响并不清楚, 人工巢箱在鸟类群落保护过程中所扮演的角色仍然值得商榷。我们于2007年3–8月, 在北京门头沟区小龙门国家森林公园选择两块海拔及植被情况相似的样地, 一块悬挂50个人工巢箱, 另一块作为对照。我们调查了巢箱利用情况、巢箱内鸟类的繁殖情况及两样地的植被群落和鸟类群落。50个巢箱中有20个分别被褐头山雀(Parus songarus)、白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)、普通鳾(Sitta europaea)及大山雀(Parus major)占用。通过比较分析得知, 人工巢箱使实验样地白眉姬鹟的种群密度显著增加, 使实验样地次级洞巢鸟类群落的多样性指数(H’)和群落种间相遇率(PIE)显著高于对照样地, 而优势度指数(λ)显著低于对照样地。同时, 繁殖鸟类群落的相应指数也呈现出相同变化。这种变化更多地应该归因于人工巢箱的调节作用。通过这次研究, 我们认为人工巢箱影响了一部分次级洞巢鸟的分布模式, 并通过影响鸟类多度影响了次级洞巢鸟的多样性, 增加了一部分利用巢箱鸟类的种群密度, 进而使得实验样地繁殖鸟类多样性增加, 个体数量差异降低, 而群落均匀性增加。巢箱的悬挂对次生林鸟类群落保护产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

巢捕食是影响鸟类繁殖成功率的一个重要因素,也是鸟类繁殖生态研究中的一项重要内容。确定鸟类的主要巢捕食者及影响巢捕食的因素对于了解鸟类繁殖成功率、种群增长率及种群数量等具有重要意义。2009—2012年,对辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区人工巢箱中繁殖的杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀(P.palustris)、大山雀(P.major)和白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)四种鸟类的巢捕食率及影响巢捕食的因素进行了研究。研究共记录到238个繁殖巢(杂色山雀74巢、沼泽山雀21巢、大山雀118巢、白眉姬鹟25巢),其中35巢被捕食,捕食率为14.7%,雏鸟期被捕食占91.4%。巢捕食率在4种鸟类之间无差异(x~2=0.429,df=3,P=0.934)。以锦蛇(Elaphe spp.)为代表的蛇类是该地区小型森林洞巣鸟类繁殖期主要捕食者,占总捕食率的94.3%。对影响巢捕食的22个相关因子进行二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析发现,坡度、地面裸露率、草本盖度对巢捕食具有显著性影响;出雏时间、坡位、距碎石块距离对巢捕食的影响接近显著水平;而巢高、树粗、巢箱年龄、窝卵数、距路距离等对巢捕食无显著影响。因此,处于坡度较陡,坡位较高,草本覆盖率较高,地面裸露率较低,距碎石块距离较近,且出雏时间较晚的巢更容易被捕食。  相似文献   

人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2006年,在吉林省左家自然保护区的次生林中,对人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟(Ficedulazanthopygia)的繁殖参数开展了初步研究.结果表明,人工巢箱中自眉姬鹟的窝卵数为5~7枚,平均6.0枚;卵重平均为1.6 g.卵大小平均为17.0 mm×13.1 mm.孵化期平均为13.1 d,每巢平均出雏5.4只,育雏期平均为12.8 d,每巢平均出飞雏鸟5.3只.白眉姬鹟的营巢成功率为70.0%,繁殖成功率为81.3%.  相似文献   

2011年5~7月对甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区(N40°21'~40°22',E96°13'~96°14',海拔1 306 m)荒漠伯劳(Lanius isabellinus)巢址选择和繁殖成功进行研究。调查了58巢的巢址因子,巢主要位于营巢树主枝上,巢距地面高度多为2.0~2.5 m。主成分分析结果表明,巢距地面高度、营巢树高度、营巢树胸径和营巢处树干直径是影响荒漠伯劳巢址选择的主要因素,这也是荒漠伯劳适应繁殖地大风天气的结果。既调查巢址数据又明确繁殖情况的49个巢中,红柳(Tamarix ramosissima)(5棵)上巢的繁殖成功率明显高于沙枣(Elaeagnus angusifolia)(43棵)和胡杨(Populus euphratica)(1棵)上的巢,原因可能是红柳郁闭度大。已知窝卵数和繁殖情况的30个巢中,窝卵数分别为2(1巢)、4(7巢)、5(18巢)、6(4巢)。卡方检验结果表明,窝卵数和繁殖成功率之间差异不显著(χ2=3.921,df=3,P0.05)。发现的63个巢中跟踪监测了54个巢(包括调查巢址数据的和未调查巢址数据的)的繁殖情况,54巢中37巢繁殖成功,成功率为68.52%。所有繁殖失败的巢均为产卵阶段或育雏早期阶段由于同类的破坏而导致繁殖失败,繁殖失败巢的数量随着相邻最近巢的距离的增加而减少,因而,繁殖失败可能与种群密度以及种内竞争有关。  相似文献   

迄今对洞巢鸟类生活史特征的纬度变异(特别是热带洞巢鸟类的繁殖)了解还十分有限。我们于2018年3至8月,分别在海南吊罗山(热带)、河南董寨(亚热带)和河北塞罕坝(温带)的林缘地带,悬挂相同规格的人工巢箱招引洞巢鸟类繁殖,用以比较不同地理区域的洞巢鸟类对人工巢箱的利用情况及其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。野外共悬挂577个木制巢箱,3个研究地的利用率在海南吊罗山为最低(32.6%),河南董寨最高(92.0%)。3个地点均有大山雀(Parus cinereus)入住(占总巢数的84.3%),其孵化成效和繁殖成功率在3个地点不存在显著差异(P > 0.05)。但在河北塞罕坝,大山雀的孵化成效(75.7%)和繁殖成功率(65.7%)显著低于同域繁殖的褐头山雀(Poecile montanus)(97.7% 和97.7%)和煤山雀(Periparus ater)(93.5%和90.3%)(P < 0.05)。研究表明,3个地理区域利用巢箱繁殖的洞巢鸟的种类、数量以及对巢箱的利用率均存在差异,但对于广布种大山雀来说,地理位置的差异并不影响其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

The home ranges of the Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina elisae) and the Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (F.zanthopygia) are measured by radio telemetry in a subalpine forest near Beijing,China.The home range is calculated by 100% Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP),and the area varies from 2,000 to 5,000 m2.The majority of flycatchers can be found in the bottom of valleys and the underside of mountains.It is fairly rare for both Flycatcher species to leave their nests more than 70 m.Individuals of the species in pair-banding and nest-detecting periods have larger home ranges than those in incubation and rearing periods.The levels of canopy coverage in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers are significantly higher than that of Yellowrumped Flycatchers.There are also more tall trees and stumps in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers than in that of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers.The dominant tree species in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers is Dahurian Birch (Betula dahurica),whereas Manchurian Walnut (Juglans mandshurica) is the dominant tree species in the home ranges of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers.  相似文献   

The home ranges of the Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina elisae) and the Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (F. zanthopygia) are measured by radio telemetry in a subalpine forest near Beijing, China. The home range is calculated by 100% Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP), and the area varies from 2,000 to 5,000 m2. The majority of flycatchers can be found in the bottom of valleys and the underside of mountains. It is fairly rare for both Flycatcher species to leave their nests more than 70 m. Individuals of the species in pair-banding and nest-detecting periods have larger home ranges than those in incubation and rearing periods. The levels of canopy coverage in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers are significantly higher than that of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers. There are also more tall trees and stumps in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers than in that of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers. The dominant tree species in the home ranges of Narcissus Flycatchers is Dahurian Birch (Betula dahurica), whereas Manchurian Walnut (Juglans mandshurica) is the dominant tree species in the home ranges of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers. Translated from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2006, 42(3): 295–299 [译自: 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

Gray Flycatchers (Empidonax wrightii) breed in a variety of habitats in the arid and semi‐arid regions of the western United States, but little is known about their breeding biology, especially in the northern portion of their range where they nest in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests. From May to July 2014 and 2015, we conducted surveys for singing male Gray Flycatchers along the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, U.S.A, monitored flycatcher nests, and quantified nest‐site vegetation. We used a logistic‐exposure model fit within a Bayesian framework to model the daily survival probability of flycatcher nests. During the 2 yr of our study, we monitored 141 nests, with 93% in ponderosa pines. Mean clutch size was 3.6 eggs and the mean number of young fledged per nest was 3.2. Predation accounted for 90% of failed nests. We found a positive association between daily nest survival and both nest height and distance of nest substrates from the nearest tree. Flycatchers that locate their nests higher above the ground and further from adjacent trees may be choosing the safest alternative because higher nests may be less exposed to terrestrial predators and nests in trees that are farther from other trees may be less exposed to arboreal predators such as jays (Corvidae) that may forage in patches with connected canopies. Nests in trees farther from other trees may also allow earlier detection of approaching predators and thus aid in nest defense.  相似文献   

Feral European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) has been identified as a potential nest competitor for Australian hollow nesting species, but few studies have investigated the impact of feral honey bee competition on Threatened species. Our study used data from Glossy Black‐cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) nests on Kangaroo Island, monitored and managed over an 11‐year period, and found 12% of nests became occupied by feral honey bees during that period. Our results indicate that feral honey bees were less likely to occupy nest boxes made of PVC (5%) compared with wooden nest boxes (24%) or natural hollows in Eucalyptus trees (14%). The removal of feral honey bee hives from nests is a priority for long‐term conservation of glossy black‐cockatoos on Kangaroo Island. We recommend that PVC nest boxes are chosen for future nesting habitat restoration, due to the more frequent use of wooden nest boxes by feral honey bees.  相似文献   

Breeding propensity of tree-cavity nesting bird species are often limited by a shortage of natural nesting sites. Artificial nests can be used to provide alternative nest sites. Cape Parrots Poicephalus robustus are nationally endangered and nest in existing tree-cavities in high-altitude fragmented Afromontane forests in South Africa, assumed to be in short supply due to historic and current logging practices. To increase nest site availability, 179 wooden bird boxes and 28 bee boxes (to ‘pull’ bees) were erected during 2011–2012 in Hogsback, Eastern Cape. In 2016, no bird boxes were occupied by Cape Parrots. A total of 43% were used by other species, 51% were unused and 6% could not be inspected due to tree instability and inaccessibility. Two bird boxes were inspected by two pairs of Cape Parrots, but were never occupied. Occupancy of boxes by birds was not associated with nest, tree or habitat characteristics. However, occupancy of boxes by bees was associated with habitat type and tree species. Future conservation efforts will include locating natural Cape Parrot nesting sites and reforestation efforts to ensure the long-term availability of natural nesting sites.  相似文献   

Using an electronic apparatus simulating a bird roosting in a nest at night, we examined the insulating qualities of Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) nests built in nest boxes under winter conditions. Nests of different construction were compared with an empty box, and with roosting in open air. Energy savings in an empty box accounted for 18%, in boxes with incomplete nests for 23% and in boxes with complete nests up to 36%. The insulating value of nests mostly depended on their completeness and the proportion of feathers in the lining.  相似文献   

Capsule Predation is a major factor influencing the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers under natural conditions.

Aims To examine the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers in relation to nest-site characteristics and time of breeding.

Methods Data were collected during seven breeding seasons under natural conditions in Bia?owie?a National Park. We used survival time analysis to estimate changes in survival probability over time and breeding success in relation to first-egg date and nest-site characteristics.

Results Offspring fledged successfully from 51% of clutches, but the Kaplan–Meier estimate of survival was lower at 0.43. Of the unsuccessful clutches, 82% were lost to predators. The highest probability of loss was during egg-laying and in the second half of incubation. Breeding success was influenced by the height of the nest above the ground, but no relation to other nest-site characteristics was found.

Conclusion To avoid predation Red-breasted Flycatchers build nests in various sites that are more open than most cavity-nesting species. The position of the nest-sites allows the sitting female to observe her surroundings and to escape rapidly from the nest, giving the chance for a replacement clutch.  相似文献   

Since dormice usually use natural tree hollows or artificial nest boxes as nest sites and these nests are reused from 1 year to another, the present study investigated how the parasite loads from old nests affected the behaviour of the forest dormouse Dryomys nitedula Pallas, 1778. Dormice were subjected to three different experiments: 1. They were given the choice of a nest box infected with ectoparasites and a new unused nest box; 2. Dormice were given the choice of a treated (uninfected) previously used nest boxes and previously used nest box that was infected; and 3. Using infrared motion sensor cameras, we tested weather they preferred to avoid nest boxes when only infected nests were available. The results revealed that the females with pups are pickier when choosing the nursery site. These preferred empty nest boxes or nest boxes with treated nests instead of the infested ones. However, non-breeding adults and sub-adults showed indifference to the flea infestation of the nest.  相似文献   

Nest site choice, and its influence on mating and breeding success were studied in a population of individually marked pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) for 7 years. Some nest boxes were used more frequently than expected from random choice of nest site. Flycatchers bred more successfully in such attractive boxes, irrespective of whether the brood was attended by the male or not. Arriving males and females settled at boxes in descending order of attractiveness. Boxes accepted by females were more attractive than alternative boxes advertised simultaneously by males. Secondary nest boxes of polygynous males tended to be more attractive than boxes at which monogamous males displayed, without success, for secondary mates. Returning males with local breeding experience started to sing at nest boxes earlier in spring than first season males, settled at more attractive boxes, and mated polygynously more often. The results indicate that male mating success should be closely dependent on the male's ability to monopolize attractive nest sites.  相似文献   

T. Mappes  J. Mappes  J. Kotiaho 《Oecologia》1994,98(2):147-149
It has recently been suggested that nest box studies might bias the measurement of behavioural and life-history traits, because the removal of old nests may reduce the load of ectoparasites. This experimental artefact may have notable effects on nest site choice and breeding success in cavity-breeding birds. We tested (i) if pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca prefer clean nest boxes and (ii) if old nest material affects the number of parasites and the breeding success of pied flycatchers. In the first experiment we offered birds one cleaned nest box and one nest box with old nest material from the previous year. The two nest boxes were placed in very similar sites near each other. In this experiment all pied flycatchers clearly preferred dirty nest boxes. In the second part of the study we distributed clean nest boxes and dirty ones on the same study area. After breeding was over we counted the number of fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae in the nest material. This flea species was the most abundant and probably the most hazardous parasite in the nests. Surprisingly, we found that there were significantly more fleas in the nest boxes with nests of the current year only than in the boxes with nests of both current and previous year. This might explain the preference for the dirty boxes. However, our results do not indicate that the number of fleas affects breeding success in the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

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