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Human NBC3 is an electroneutral Na+/HCO3 cotransporter expressed in heart, skeletal muscle, and kidney in which it plays an important role in HCO3 metabolism. Cytosolic enzyme carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) catalyzes the reaction CO2 + H2O HCO3 + H+ in many tissues. We investigated whether NBC3, like some Cl/HCO3 exchange proteins, could bind CAII and whether PKA could regulate NBC3 activity through modulation of CAII binding. CAII bound the COOH-terminal domain of NBC3 (NBC3Ct) with Kd = 101 nM; the interaction was stronger at acid pH. Cotransfection of HEK-293 cells with NBC3 and CAII recruited CAII to the plasma membrane. Mutagenesis of consensus CAII binding sites revealed that the D1135-D1136 region of NBC3 is essential for CAII/NBC3 interaction and for optimal function, because the NBC3 D1135N/D1136N retained only 29 ± 22% of wild-type activity. Coexpression of the functionally dominant-negative CAII mutant V143Y with NBC3 or addition of 100 µM 8-bromoadenosine to NBC3 transfected cells reduced intracellular pH (pHi) recovery rate by 31 ± 3, or 38 ± 7%, respectively, relative to untreated NBC3 transfected cells. The effects were additive, together decreasing the pHi recovery rate by 69 ± 12%, suggesting that PKA reduces transport activity by a mechanism independently of CAII. Measurements of PKA-dependent phosphorylation by mass spectroscopy and labeling with [-32P]ATP showed that NBC3Ct was not a PKA substrate. These results demonstrate that NBC3 and CAII interact to maximize the HCO3 transport rate. Although PKA decreased NBC3 transport activity, it did so independently of the NBC3/CAII interaction and did not involve phosphorylation of NBC3Ct. pH regulation; bicarbonate transport; metabolon  相似文献   

Basolateral Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport is essential for intestinal anion secretion, and indirect evidence suggests that it may be stimulated by a rise of intracellular cAMP. We therefore investigated the expression, activity, and regulation by cAMP of the Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter isoforms NBC1 and NBCn1 in isolated murine colonic crypts. Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) transport rates were measured fluorometrically in BCECF-loaded crypts, and mRNA expression levels and localization were determined by semiquantitative PCR and in situ hybridization. Acid-activated Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport rates were 5.07 +/- 0.7 mM/min and increased by 62% after forskolin stimulation. NBC1 mRNA was more abundant in colonic crypts than in surface cells, and crypts expressed far more NBC1 than NBCn1. To investigate whether the cAMP-induced Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport activation was secondary to secretion-associated changes in HCO(3)(-) or cell volume, we measured potential forskolin-induced changes in intracellular pH and assessed Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) transport activity in CFTR -/- crypts (in which no forskolin-induced cell shrinkage occurs). We found 30% reduced Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) transport rates in CFTR -/- compared with CFTR +/+ crypts but similar Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransport activation by forskolin. These studies establish the existence of an intracellular HCO(3)(-) concentration- and cell volume-independent activation of colonic NBC by an increase in intracellular cAMP.  相似文献   

Several acid/base-coupled membrane transporters, such as the electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1), have been shown to bind to different carbonic anhydrase isoforms to create a "transport metabolon." We have expressed NBCe1 derived from human kidney in oocytes of Xenopus leavis and determined its transport activity by recording the membrane current in voltage clamp, and the cytosolic H(+) and Na(+) concentrations using ion-selective microelectrodes. When carbonic anhydrase isoform II (CAII) had been injected into oocytes, the membrane current and the rate of cytosolic Na(+) rise, indicative for NBCe1 activity, increased significantly with the amount of injected CAII (2-200 ng). The CAII inhibitor ethoxyzolamide reversed the effects of CAII on the NBCe1 activity. Co-expressing wild-type CAII or NH(2)-terminal mutant CAII together with NBCe1 provided similar results, whereas co-expressing the catalytically inactive CAII mutant V143Y had no effect on NBCe1 activity. Mass spectrometric analysis and the rate of cytosolic H(+) change following addition of CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) confirmed the catalytic activity of injected and expressed CAII in oocytes. Our results show that the transport capacity of NBCe1 is enhanced by the catalytic activity of CAII, in line with the notion that CAII forms a transport metabolon with NBCe1.  相似文献   

Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC)e1 catalyze the electrogenic movement of 1 Na(+):2 HCO(3)(-) into cardiomyocytes cytosol. NBC proteins associate with carbonic anhydrases (CA), CAII, and CAIV, forming a HCO(3)(-) transport metabolon. Herein, we examined the physical/functional interaction of NBCe1 and transmembrane CAIX in cardiac muscle. NBCe1 and CAIX physical association was examined by coimmunoprecipitation, using rat ventricular lysates. NBCe1 coimmunoprecipitated with anti-CAIX antibody, indicating NBCe1 and CAIX interaction in the myocardium. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) pull-down assays with predicted extracellular loops (EC) of NBCe1 revealed that NBCe1-EC4 mediated interaction with CAIX. Functional NBCe1/CAIX interaction was examined using fluorescence measurements of BCECF in rat cardiomyocytes to monitor cytosolic pH. NBCe1 transport activity was evaluated after membrane depolarization with high extracellular K(+) in the presence or absence of the CA inhibitors, benzolamide (BZ; 100 μM) or 6-ethoxyzolamide (ETZ; 100 μM) (*P < 0.05). This depolarization protocol produced an intracellular pH (pH(i)) increase of 0.17 ± 0.01 (n = 11), which was inhibited by BZ (0.11 ± 0.02; n = 7) or ETZ (0.06 ± 0.01; n = 6). NBCe1 activity was also measured by changes of pH(i) in NBCe1-transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells subjected to acid loads. Cotransfection of CAIX with NBCe1 increased the rate of pH(i) recovery (in mM/min) by about fourfold (12.1 ± 0.8; n = 9) compared with cells expressing NBCe1 alone (3.1 ± 0.5; n = 7), which was inhibited by BZ (7.5 ± 0.3; n = 9). We demonstrated that CAIX forms a complex with EC4 of NBCe1, which activates NBCe1-mediated HCO(3)(-) influx in the myocardium. CAIX and NBCe1 have been linked to tumorigenesis and cardiac cell growth, respectively. Thus inhibition of CA activity might be useful to prevent activation of NBCe1 under these pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Ion transporters such as Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE), Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger (AE), and Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC) are known to contribute to the intracellular pH (pH(i)) regulation during agonist-induced stimulation. This study examined the mechanisms for the pH(i) regulation in the mouse parotid and sublingual acinar cells using the fluorescent pH-sensitive probe, BCECF. The pH(i) recovery from agonist-induced acidification in the sublingual acinar cells was completely blocked by EIPA, a NHE inhibitor. However, the parotid acinar cells required DIDS, a NBC1 inhibitor, in addition to EIPA in order to block the pH(i) recovery. Moreover, RT-PCR analysis detected the expression of pancreatic NBC1 (pNBC1) only in the parotid acinar cells. These results provide strong evidence that the mechanisms for the pH(i) regulation are different in the two types of acinar cells, and pNBC1 contributes to pH(i) regulation in the parotid acinar cells, whereas NHE is likely to be the exclusive pH(i) regulator in the sublingual acinar cells.  相似文献   

The maintenance of intracellular pH is important in neuronal function. Na+/HCO3 cotransporter (NBC), a bicarbonate-dependent acid–base transport protein, may contribute to cellular acid–base homeostasis in pathophysiological processes. We examined the alterations of NBC immunoreactivity and its protein levels in the hippocampal CA1 region after transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils. In the sham-operated group, moderate NBC immunoreactivity was detected in CA1 pyramidal neurons, and, 12 h after I/R, the immunoreactivity in the pyramidal neurons was markedly increased over controls. Three days after I/R, NBC immunoreactivity nearly disappeared in the CA1 pyramidal neurons. However, NBC immunoreactivity was detected in the non-pyramidal neurons of the ischemic CA1 region at 3 days after I/R. From double immunofluorescence study with glial markers, NBC immunoreactivity was detected in astrocytes, not in microglia, at 4 days after I/R. NBC protein level in the CA1 region was significantly increased at 12 h post-ischemia and significantly decreased at 2 days post-ischemia. Thereafter, NBC protein level was again increased and returned to the level of the sham-operated group at 4 days post-ischemia. On the other hand, treatment with 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate (DIDS), an inorganic anion exchanger blocker including Cl-bicarbonate exchanger, protected CA1 pyramidal neurons from I/R injury at 4 days post-ischemia. These results indicate that changes in NBC expressions may play an important role in neuronal damage and astrocytosis induced by transient cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Corneal transparency and hydration control are dependent on HCO3 transport properties of the corneal endothelium. Recent work (13) suggested the presence of an apical 1Na+-3HCO3 cotransporter (NBC1) in addition to a basolateral 1Na+-2HCO3 cotransporter. We examined whether the NBC1 cotransporter contributes significantly to basolateral or apical HCO3 permeability and whether the cotransporter participates in transendothelial net HCO3 flux in cultured bovine corneal endothelium. NBC1 protein expression was reduced using small interfering RNA (siRNA). Immunoblot analysis showed that 5–15 nM siRNA decreased NBC1 expression by 80–95%, 4 days posttransfection. Apical and basolateral HCO3 permeabilities were determined by measuring the rate of pHi change when HCO3 was removed from the bath under constant pH or constant CO2 conditions. Using either protocol, we found that cultures treated with NBC1 siRNA had sixfold lower basolateral HCO3 permeability than untreated or siCONTROL siRNA-treated cells. Apical HCO3 permeability was unaffected by NBC1 siRNA treatment. Net non-steady-state HCO3 flux was 0.707 ± 0.009 mM·min–1·cm2 in the basolateral-to-apical direction and increased to 1.74 ± 0.15 when cells were stimulated with 2 µM forskolin. Treatment with 5 nM siRNA decreased basolateral-to-apical flux by 67%, whereas apical-to-basolateral flux was unaffected, significantly decreasing net HCO3 flux to 0.236 ± 0.002. NBC1 siRNA treatment or 100 µM ouabain also eliminated steady-state HCO3 flux, as measured by apical compartment alkalinization. Collectively, reduced basolateral HCO3 permeability, basolateral-to-apical fluxes, and net HCO3 flux as a result of reduced expression of NBC1 indicate that NBC1 plays a key role in transendothelial HCO3 flux and is functional only at the basolateral membrane. corneal endothelium; sodium bicarbonate cotransporter; small interfering RNA; bicarbonate transport  相似文献   

Espie GS  Kandasamy RA 《Plant physiology》1994,104(4):1419-1428
The effect of monensin, an ionophore that mediates Na+/H+ exchange, on the activity of the inorganic carbon transport systems of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus UTEX 625 was investigated using transport assays based on the measurement of chlorophyll a fluorescence emission or 14C uptake. In Synechococcus cells grown in standing culture at about 20 [mu]M CO2 + HCO3-, 50 [mu]M monensin transiently inhibited active CO2 and Na+-independent HCO3- transport, intracellular CO2 and HCO3- accumulation, and photosynthesis in the presence but not in the absence of 25 mM Na+. These activities returned to near-normal levels within 15 min. Transient inhibition was attributed to monensin-mediated intracellular alkalinization, whereas recovery may have been facilitated by cellular mechanisms involved in pH homeostasis or by monensin-mediated H+ uptake with concomitant K+ efflux. In air-grown cells grown at 200 [mu]M CO2 + HCO3- and standing culture cells, Na+-dependent HCO3- transport, intracellular HCO3- accumulation, and photosynthesis were also inhibited by monensin, but there was little recovery in activity over time. However, normal photosynthetic activity could be restored to air-grown cells by the addition of carbonic anhydrase, which increased the rate of CO2 supply to the cells. This observation indicated that of all the processes required to support photosynthesis only Na+-dependent HCO3- transport was significantly inhibited by monensin. Monensin-mediated dissipation of the Na+ chemical gradient between the medium and the cells largely accounted for the decline in the HCO3- accumulation ratio from 751 to 55. The two HCO3- transport systems were further distinguished in that Na+-dependent HCO3- transport was inhibited by Li+, whereas Na+-independent HCO3- transport was not. It is suggested that Na+-dependent HCO3- transport involves an Na+/HCO3- symport mechanism that is energized by the Na+ electrochemical potential.  相似文献   

The sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (NBC1) is essential for bicarbonate transport across plasma membranes in epithelial and nonepithelial cells. The direction of the NaHCO3 movement in secretory epithelia is opposite to that in reabsorptive epithelia. In secretory epithelia (such as pancreatic duct cells) NBC is responsible for the transport of bicarbonate from blood to the cell for eventual secretion at the apical membrane. In reabsorptive epithelia (such as kidney proximal tubule cells) NBC is responsible for the reabsorption of bicarbonate from cell to the blood. In nonepithelial cells this transporter is mainly involved with cell pH regulation. Recent molecular cloning experiments have identified the existence of four NBC isoforms (NBC1, 2, 3 and 4) and two NBC-related proteins AE4 and NCBE (Anion Exchanger 4 and Na-dependent Chloride-Bicarbonate Exchanger). All but AE4 are presumed to mediate the cotransport of Na+ and HCO3 under normal conditions and may be functionally altered in certain pathologic states. NBC1 shows a limited tissue expression pattern, is electrogenic and plays an important role in bicarbonate reabsorption in kidney proximal tubule. In addition to the kidney, NBC1 is expressed in pancreatic duct cells, is activated by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and plays an important role in HCO3 secretion. NBC2 and NBC3 have a wider tissue distribution than NBC1, are electroneutral, and are involved with cell pH regulation. The characterization of NBC4 is incomplete. The NBC-related protein called NCBE mediates Na-dependent, Cl/Bicarbonate Exchange. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent advances on the cloning of NBC isoforms and related proteins and their role and regulation in physiologic and pathologic states. Received: 26 February 2001/Revised: 14 May 2001  相似文献   



The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is widely-used as a model organism for the study of a broad range of eukaryotic cellular processes such as cell cycle, genome stability and cell morphology. Despite the availability of extensive set of genetic, molecular biological, biochemical and cell biological tools for analysis of protein function in fission yeast, studies are often hampered by the lack of an effective method allowing for the rapid regulation of protein level or protein activity.


In order to be able to regulate protein function, we have made use of a previous finding that the hormone binding domain of steroid receptors can be used as a regulatory cassette to subject the activity of heterologous proteins to hormonal regulation. The approach is based on fusing the protein of interest to the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the estrogen receptor (ER). The HBD tag will attract the Hsp90 complex, which can render the fusion protein inactive. Upon addition of estradiol the protein is quickly released from the Hsp90 complex and thereby activated. We have tagged and characterised the induction of activity of four different HBD-tagged proteins. Here we show that the tag provided the means to effectively regulate the activity of two of these proteins.


The estradiol-regulatable hormone binding domain provides a means to regulate the function of some, though not all, fission yeast proteins. This system may result in very quick and reversible activation of the protein of interest. Therefore it will be a powerful tool and it will open experimental approaches in fission yeast that have previously not been possible. Since fission yeast is a widely-used model organism, this will be valuable in many areas of research.  相似文献   

To analyze the cardiac functions of AE3, we disrupted its gene (Slc4a3) in mice. Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange coupled with Na+-dependent acid extrusion can mediate pH-neutral Na+ uptake, potentially affecting Ca2+ handling via effects on Na+/Ca2+ exchange. AE3 null mice appeared normal, however, and AE3 ablation had no effect on ischemia-reperfusion injury in isolated hearts or cardiac performance in vivo. The NKCC1 Na+-K+-2Cl(-) cotransporter also mediates Na+ uptake, and loss of NKCC1 alone does not impair contractility. To further stress the AE3-deficient myocardium, we combined the AE3 and NKCC1 knock-outs. Double knock-outs had impaired contraction and relaxation both in vivo and in isolated ventricular myocytes. Ca2+ transients revealed an apparent increase in Ca2+ clearance in double null cells. This was unlikely to result from increased Ca2+ sequestration, since the ratio of phosphorylated phospholamban to total phospholamban was sharply reduced in all three mutant hearts. Instead, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger activity was found to be enhanced in double null cells. Systolic Ca2+ was unaltered, however, suggesting more direct effects on the contractile apparatus of double null myocytes. Expression of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 was increased in all mutant hearts. There was also a dramatic reversal, between single null and double null hearts, in the carboxymethylation and localization to the myofibrillar fraction, of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, which corresponded to the loss of normal contractility in double null hearts. These data show that AE3 and NKCC1 affect Ca2+ handling, PLN regulation, and expression and localization of major cardiac phosphatases and that their combined loss impairs cardiac function.  相似文献   

It is still uncertain whether the Na+-dependent Cl--HCO3- exchanger (NCBE) is expressed in mammalian astrocytes. Using fluorescent indicators to monitor the intracellular pH (pHi) and intracellular Na+ or Cl- levels, the NCBE in cultured rat cerebellar astrocytes was examined in detail. In nominally bicarbonate-free (Hepes-buffered) medium, a marked pHi recovery from internal acid load was seen which could be blocked completely by 30 microM HOE 694, a specific Na+-H+ exchanger isoform 1(NHE-1) inhibitor, at a pHi above 6.9. These conditions were therefore used to block NHE activity in CO2/HCO3-buffered media when the NCBE was being studied at pHi above 6.9. After internal acid loading in completely Cl--free bicarbonate-buffered medium (containing HOE 694), the rates of pHi recovery and transient Na+ influx were considerably slowed, and the Cl--dependent acid extrusion was both Na+- and 4,4-diisothiocyano-stilbene-disulphonic acid (DIDS)-sensitive. Moreover, a HCO3-dependent Cl- efflux during internal acid injection was seen. These results suggest that the NCBE is present in astrocytes. Following repetitive internal acid loading by addition of 5% CO2 to internal Cl- depleted cells, a similar rate of pHi recovery was consistently seen, suggesting Cl--independent pHi regulation also occurred in astrocytes. Moreover, this pHi recovery was completely blocked in the absence of sodium or on addition of DIDS, confirming that the Na+-HCO3 cotransporter (NBC) is present. Thus, the present study provides evidence that both the NCBE and NBC play important roles in acid extrusion in cultured mammalian astrocytes.  相似文献   

We examined molecular and electrophysiological properties of the electroneutral sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCn1) that is present in rat hippocampal neurons. By PCR, a deletion variant (NBCn1-E) that lacks 123 amino acids in the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain was found in adult neurons. The previously characterized NBCn1-B, which does not have the deletion, was detected in embryonic neurons. In Xenopus oocytes, NBCn1-E raised the intracellular pH in the presence of HCO(3) without significantly affecting the membrane potential. Despite this electroneutral cotransport activity, the transporter mediated a steady-state current that positively shifted the resting potential by almost 30 mV. The mean reversal potential of the steady-state current was -21.2 mV, close to the resting potential of -21.4 mV. The reversal potential shifted 26 mV in response to a 10-fold increase of external Na(+) for concentrations above 10 mm. The current activity mediated by the transporter was unaffected by K(+), Mg(2+), Ca(2+), or Cl(-). Stable expression of NBCn1-E in human embryonic kidney cells also evoked an inward current that shifted the resting potentials more positive compared with the sham-transfected controls. In primary cultures of embryonic hippocampal neurons, the NBCn1 protein was localized in somatodendrites and synapses. NBCn1 protein was partially colocalized with the postsynaptic density protein PSD-95. Single-cell PCR showed that NBCn1 mRNA expression was present in both gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and non-GABAergic neurons. We propose that NBCn1 in hippocampal neurons may affect neuronal activity by regulating local pH as well as steady-state inward currents at synapses.  相似文献   

The effect of serum, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA), and forskolin on the activity Na+/H+ antiport and the Na(+)-coupled and Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport was studied in Vero cells by measuring 22Na+ and 36Cl- fluxes and changes in cytosolic pH (pHi). The Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport, which acts as an acidifying mechanism, is strongly pH-sensitive. In serum-starved cells it is activated at alkaline cytosolic pH, with a half-maximal activity at pHi approximately 7.20. Incubation with serum increased the activity of the Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport at pHi values from 6.8 to 7.2. Thus serum appeared to alter the pHi sensitivity of this antiporter such that the threshold value for activation of the antiport was shifted to a more acidic value. Na+/H+ antiport was somewhat stimulated initially by addition of serum, but further incubation with serum (greater than 45 min) decreased its activity. The activity of the Na(+)-coupled Cl-/HCO3- antiport, which is the major alkalinizing antiport in Vero cells, was not altered by short-term incubation with serum (less than 10 min) but decreased after prolonged incubation (greater than 45 min). Our findings with TPA and forskolin indicate that the effect of serum is partly mediated by the protein kinase C pathway, whereas the cyclic adenosine monophosphate pathway does not appear to play an important role. The net effect of serum on the pHi-regulating antiports was a slight decrease in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

The squid giant axon is a classic model system for understanding both excitable membranes and ion transport. To date, a Na(+)-driven Cl-HCO(3)(-) exchanger, sqNDCBE--related to the SLC4 superfamily and cloned from giant fiber lobe cDNA--is the only HCO(3)(-)-transporting protein cloned and characterized from a squid. The goal of our study was to clone and characterize another SLC4-like cDNA. We used degenerate PCR to obtain a partial cDNA clone (squid fiber clone 3, SF3), which we extended in both the 5' and 3' directions to obtain the full-length open-reading frame. The predicted amino-acid sequence of SF3 is similar to sqNDCBE, and a phylogenetic analysis of the membrane domains indicates that SF3 clusters with electroneutral Na(+)-coupled SLC4 transporters. However, when we measure pH(i) and membrane potential--or use two-electrode voltage clamping to measure currents--on Xenopus oocytes expressing SF3, the oocytes exhibit the characteristics of an electrogenic Na/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter, NBCe. That is, exposure to extracellular CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) not only causes a fall in pH(i), followed by a robust recovery, but also causes a rapid hyperpolarization. The current-voltage relationship is also characteristic of an electrogenic NBC. The pH(i) recovery and current require HCO(3)(-) and Na(+), and are blocked by DIDS. Furthermore, neither K(+) nor Li(+) can fully replace Na(+) in supporting the pH(i) recovery. Extracellular Cl(-) is not necessary for the transporter to operate. Therefore, SF3 is an NBCe, representing the first NBCe characterized from an invertebrate.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) and/or the Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC) were blocked during ischemia in isolated rat hearts. Intracellular Na(+) concentration ([Na(+)](i)), intracellular pH (pH(i)), and energy-related phosphates were measured by using simultaneous (23)Na and (31)P NMR spectroscopy. Hearts were subjected to 30 min of global ischemia and 30 min of reperfusion. Cariporide (3 microM) or HCO(3)(-)-free HEPES buffer was used, respectively, to block NHE, NBC, or both. End-ischemic [Na(+)](i) was 320 +/- 18% of baseline in HCO(3)(-)-perfused, untreated hearts, 184 +/- 6% of baseline when NHE was blocked, 253 +/- 19% of baseline when NBC was blocked, and 154 +/- 6% of baseline when both NHE and NBC were blocked. End-ischemic pH(i) was 6.09 +/- 0.06 in HCO(3)(-)-perfused, untreated hearts, 5.85 +/- 0.02 when NHE was blocked, 5.81 +/- 0.05 when NBC was blocked, and 5.70 +/- 0.01 when both NHE and NBC were blocked. NHE blockade was cardioprotective, but NBC blockade and combined blockade were not, the latter likely due to a reduction in coronary flow, because omission of HCO(3)(-) under conditions of NHE blockade severely impaired coronary flow. Combined blockade of NHE and NBC conserved intracellular H(+) load during reperfusion and led to massive Na(+) influx when blockades were lifted. Without blockade, both NHE and NBC mediate acid-equivalent efflux in exchange for Na(+) influx during ischemia, NHE much more than NBC. Blockade of either one does not affect the other.  相似文献   

Several different stoichiometries have been proposed for the Na(+)/monocarboxylate cotransporter SMCT1, including variable Na(+)/substrate stoichiometry. In this work, we have definitively established an invariant 2:1 cotransport stoichiometry for SMCT1. By using two independent means of assay, we first showed that SMCT1 exhibits a 2:1 stoichiometry for Na(+)/lactate cotransport. Radiolabel uptake experiments proved that, unlike lactate, propionic acid diffuses passively through oocyte membranes and, consequently, propionate is a poor candidate for stoichiometric determination by these methods. Although we previously determined SMCT1 stoichiometry by measuring reversal potentials, this technique produced erroneous values, because SMCT1 simultaneously mediates both an inwardly rectifying cotransport current and an outwardly rectifying anionic leak current; the leak current predominates in the range where reversal potentials are observed. We therefore employed a method that compared the effect of halving the external Na(+) concentration to the effect of halving the external substrate concentration on zero-current potentials. Both lactate and propionate were cotransported through SMCT1 using 2:1 stoichiometries. The leak current passing through the protein has a 1 osmolyte/charge stoichiometry. Identification of cotransporter stoichiometry is not always a trivial task and it can lead to a much better understanding of the transport activity mediated by the protein in question.  相似文献   

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