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Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed in numerous taxa. In this study, we examine the effect of Quaternary climate instability on population genetic variability of a bumble bee pollinator species, Bombus huntii in western North America. Pleistocene and contemporary B. huntii habitat suitability (HS) was estimated with an environmental niche model (ENM) by associating 1,035 locality records with 10 bioclimatic variables. To estimate genetic variability, we genotyped 380 individuals from 33 localities at 13 microsatellite loci. Bayesian inference was used to examine population structure with and without a priori specification of geographic locality. We compared isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models to examine population differentiation within and among the Bayesian inferred genetic clusters. Furthermore, we tested for the effect of environmental niche stability (ENS) on population genetic diversity with linear regression. As predicted, high‐latitude B. huntii habitats exhibit low ENS when compared to low‐latitude habitats. Two major genetic clusters of B. huntii inhabit western North America: (a) a north genetic cluster predominantly distributed north of 28°N and (b) a south genetic cluster distributed south of 28°N. In the south genetic cluser, both IBD and IBR models are significant. However, in the north genetic cluster, IBD is significant but not IBR. Furthermore, the IBR models suggest that low‐latitude montane populations are surrounded by habitat with low HS, possibly limiting dispersal, and ultimately gene flow between populations. Finally, we detected high genetic diversity across populations in regions that have been climatically unstable since the last glacial maximum (LGM), and low genetic diversity across populations in regions that have been climatically stable since the LGM. Understanding how species have responded to climate change has the potential to inform management and conservation decisions of both ecological and economic concerns.  相似文献   

The study of the factors structuring genetic variation can help to infer the neutral and adaptive processes shaping the demographic and evolutionary trajectories of natural populations. Here, we analyse the role of isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by resistance (IBR, defined by landscape composition) and isolation by environment (IBE, estimated as habitat and elevation dissimilarity) in structuring genetic variation in 25 blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) populations. We typed 1385 individuals at 26 microsatellite loci classified into two groups by considering whether they are located into genomic regions that are actively (TL; 12 loci) or not (NTL; 14 loci) transcribed to RNA. Population genetic differentiation was mostly detected using the panel of NTL. Landscape genetic analyses showed a pattern of IBD for all loci and the panel of NTL, but genetic differentiation estimated at TL was only explained by IBR models considering high resistance for natural vegetation and low resistance for agricultural lands. Finally, the absence for IBE suggests a lack of divergent selection pressures associated with differences in habitat and elevation. Overall, our study shows that markers located in different genomic regions can yield contrasting inferences on landscape‐level patterns of realized gene flow in natural populations.  相似文献   

The isolation‐by‐distance model (IBD) predicts that genetic differentiation among populations increases with geographic distance. Yet, empirical studies show that a variety of ecological, topographic and historical factors may override the effect of geographic distance on genetic variation. This may particularly apply to species with narrow but highly heterogeneous distribution ranges, such as those occurring along elevational gradients. Using nine SSR markers, we study the genetic differentiation of the montane pollination‐generalist herb, Erysimum mediohispanicum. Because the effects of any given factor may depend on the geographic scale considered, we investigate the contribution of different environmental and historical factors at three different spatial scales. We evaluate five competing models that put forward the role of geographic distance, local environmental factors [biotic interactions (IBEb) and climatic variables (IBEa)], landscape resistance (IBR) and phylogeographic patterns (IBP), respectively. We find significant IBD regardless of the spatial scale and the genetic distance estimator considered. However, IBEa and IBP also play a prominent role in shaping genetic differentiation patterns at the larger spatial scales, and IBR is significant at the fine spatial scale. Overall, our results highlight the importance of combining different estimators, statistical approaches and spatial scales to disentangle the relative importance of the various ecological factors contributing to the shaping of genetic divergence patterns in natural populations.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics provides a valuable framework to understand how landscape features influence gene flow and to disentangle the factors that lead to discrete and/or clinal population structure. Here, we attempt to differentiate between these processes in a forest‐dwelling small carnivore [European pine marten (Martes martes)]. Specifically, we used complementary analytical approaches to quantify the spatially explicit genetic structure and diversity and analyse patterns of gene flow for 140 individuals genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. We first used spatially explicit and nonspatial Bayesian clustering algorithms to partition the sample into discrete clusters and evaluate hypotheses of ‘isolation by barriers’ (IBB). We further characterized the relationships between genetic distance and geographical (‘isolation by distance’, IBD) and ecological distances (‘isolation by resistance’, IBR) obtained from optimized landscape models. Using a reciprocal causal modelling approach, we competed the IBD, IBR and IBB hypotheses with each other to unravel factors driving population genetic structure. Additionally, we further assessed spatially explicit indices of genetic diversity using sGD across potentially overlapping genetic neighbourhoods that matched the inferred population structure. Our results revealed a complex spatial genetic cline that appears to be driven jointly by IBD and partial barriers to gene flow (IBB) associated with poor habitat and interspecific competition. Habitat loss and fragmentation, in synergy with past overharvesting and possible interspecific competition with sympatric stone marten (Martes foina), are likely the main factors responsible for the spatial genetic structure we observed. These results emphasize the need for a more thorough evaluation of discrete and clinal hypotheses governing gene flow in landscape genetic studies, and the potential influence of different limiting factors affecting genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence between populations is shaped by a combination of drift, migration, and selection, yielding patterns of isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) and isolation‐by‐environment (IBE). Unfortunately, IBD and IBE may be confounded when comparing divergence across habitat boundaries. For instance, parapatric lake and stream threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) may have diverged due to selection against migrants (IBE), or mere spatial separation (IBD). To quantitatively partition the strength of IBE and IBD, we used recently developed population genetic software (BEDASSLE) to analyze partial genomic data from three lake‐stream clines on Vancouver Island. We find support for IBD within each of three outlet streams (unlike prior studies of lake‐stream stickleback). In addition, we find evidence for IBE (controlling for geographic distance): the genetic effect of habitat is equivalent to geographic separation of ~1.9 km of IBD. Remarkably, of our three lake‐stream pairs, IBE is strongest where migration between habitats is easiest. Such microgeographic genetic divergence would require exceptionally strong divergent selection, which multiple experiments have failed to detect. Instead, we propose that nonrandom dispersal (e.g., habitat choice) contributes to IBE. Supporting this conclusion, we show that the few migrants between habitats are a nonrandom subset of the phenotype distribution of the source population.  相似文献   

Understanding landscape processes driving patterns of population genetic differentiation and diversity has been a long‐standing focus of ecology and evolutionary biology. Gene flow may be reduced by historical, ecological or geographic factors, resulting in patterns of isolation by distance (IBD) or isolation by environment (IBE). Although IBE has been found in many natural systems, most studies investigating patterns of IBD and IBE in nature have used anonymous neutral genetic markers, precluding inference of selection mechanisms or identification of genes potentially under selection. Using landscape genomics, the simultaneous study of genomic and ecological landscapes, we investigated the processes driving population genetic patterns of White‐breasted Nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis) in sky islands (montane forest habitat islands) of the Madrean Archipelago. Using more than 4000 single nucleotide polymorphisms and multiple tests to investigate the relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic or ecological distance, we identified IBE, and a lack of IBD, among sky island populations of S. carolinensis. Using three tests to identify selection, we found 79 loci putatively under selection; of these, seven matched CDS regions in the Zebra Finch. The loci under selection were highly associated with climate extremes (maximum temperature of warmest month and minimum precipitation of driest month). These results provide evidence for IBE – disentangled from IBD – in sky island vertebrates and identify potential adaptive genetic variation.  相似文献   

During the process of ecological speciation, reproductive isolation results from divergent natural selection and leads to a positive correlation between genetic divergence and adaptive phenotypic divergence, that is, isolation by adaptation (IBA). In natural populations, phenotypic differentiation is often autocorrelated with geographic distance, making IBA difficult to distinguish from the neutral expectation of isolation by distance (IBD). We examined these two alternatives in a dramatic case of clinal phenotypic variation in an Andean songbird, the Line‐cheeked Spinetail (Cranioleuca antisiensis). At its geographic extremes, this species shows a near threefold difference in body mass (11.5 to 31.0 g) with marked plumage differences. We analysed phenotypic, environmental and genetic data (5,154 SNPs) from 172 individuals and 19 populations sampled along its linear distribution in the Andes. We found that body mass was tightly correlated with environmental temperature, consistent with local adaptation as per Bergmann's rule. Using a PSTFST analysis, we found additional support for natural selection driving body mass differentiation, but these results could also be explained by environment‐mediated phenotypic plasticity. When we assessed the relative support for patterns of IBA and IBD using variance partitioning, we found that IBD was the best explanation for genetic differentiation along the cline. Adaptive phenotypic or environmental divergence can reduce gene flow, a pattern interpreted as evidence of ecological speciation's role in diversification. Our results provide a counterexample to this interpretation. Despite conditions conducive to ecological speciation, our results suggest that dramatic size and environmental differentiation within C. antisiensis are not limiting gene flow.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation weakens the connection between populations and is accompanied with isolation by distance (IBD) and local adaptation (isolation by adaptation, IBA), both leading to genetic divergence between populations. To understand the evolutionary potential of a population and to formulate proper conservation strategies, information on the roles of IBD and IBA in driving population divergence is critical. The putative ancestor of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) is endangered in China due to habitat loss and fragmentation. We investigated the genetic variation in 11 Chinese Oryza rufipogon populations using 79 microsatellite loci to infer the effects of habitat fragmentation, IBD and IBA on genetic structure. Historical and current gene flows were found to be rare (mh = 0.0002–0.0013, mc = 0.007–0.029), indicating IBD and resulting in a high level of population divergence (FST = 0.343). High within‐population genetic variation (HE = 0.377–0.515), relatively large effective population sizes (Ne = 96–158), absence of bottlenecks and limited gene flow were found, demonstrating little impact of recent habitat fragmentation on these populations. Eleven gene‐linked microsatellite loci were identified as outliers, indicating local adaptation. Hierarchical AMOVA and partial Mantel tests indicated that population divergence of Chinese O. rufipogon was significantly correlated with environmental factors, especially habitat temperature. Common garden trials detected a significant adaptive population divergence associated with latitude. Collectively, these findings imply that IBD due to historical rather than recent fragmentation, followed by local adaptation, has driven population divergence in O. rufipogon.  相似文献   

Estuarine organisms grow in highly heterogeneous habitats, and their genetic differentiation is driven by selective and neutral processes as well as population colonization history. However, the relative importance of the processes that underlie genetic structure is still puzzling. Scirpus mariqueter is a perennial grass almost limited in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent Qiantang River estuary. Here, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), a moderate‐high level of genetic differentiation among populations (range FST: 0.0310–0.3325) was showed despite large ongoing dispersal. FLOCK assigned all individuals to 13 clusters and revealed a complex genetic structure. Some genetic clusters were limited in peripheries compared with very mixing constitution in center populations, suggesting local adaptation was more likely to occur in peripheral populations. 21 candidate outliers under positive selection were detected, and further, the differentiation patterns correlated with geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history were analyzed with or without the outliers. Combined results of AMOVA and IBD based on different dataset, it was found that the effects of geographic distance and population colonization history on isolation seemed to be promoted by divergent selection. However, none‐liner IBE pattern indicates the effects of salinity were overwhelmed by spatial distance or other ecological processes in certain areas and also suggests that salinity was not the only selective factor driving population differentiation. These results together indicate that geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history co‐contributed in shaping the genetic structure of S. mariqueter and that their relative importance was correlated with spatial scale and environment gradient.  相似文献   

Patterns of isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) arise when population differentiation increases with increasing geographic distances. Patterns of IBD are usually caused by local spatial dispersal, which explains why differences of allele frequencies between populations accumulate with distance. However, spatial variations of demographic parameters such as migration rate or population density can generate nonstationary patterns of IBD where the rate at which genetic differentiation accumulates varies across space. To characterize nonstationary patterns of IBD, we infer local genetic differentiation based on Bayesian kriging. Local genetic differentiation for a sampled population is defined as the average genetic differentiation between the sampled population and fictive neighboring populations. To avoid defining populations in advance, the method can also be applied at the scale of individuals making it relevant for landscape genetics. Inference of local genetic differentiation relies on a matrix of pairwise similarity or dissimilarity between populations or individuals such as matrices of between pairs of populations. Simulation studies show that maps of local genetic differentiation can reveal barriers to gene flow but also other patterns such as continuous variations of gene flow across habitat. The potential of the method is illustrated with two datasets: single nucleotide polymorphisms from human Swedish populations and dominant markers for alpine plant species.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and loss of natural habitats are recognized as major threats to contemporary flora and fauna. Detecting past or current reductions in population size is therefore a major aim in conservation genetics. Statistical methods developed to this purpose have tended to ignore the effects of spatial population structure. However in many species, individual dispersal is restricted in space and fine-scale spatial structure such as isolation by distance (IBD) is commonly observed in continuous populations. Using a simulation-based approach, we investigated how comparative and single-point methods, traditionally used in a Wright-Fisher (WF) population context for detecting population size reduction, behave for IBD populations. We found that a complex 'quartet' of factors was acting that includes restricted dispersal, population size (i.e. habitat size), demographic history, and sampling scale. After habitat reduction, IBD populations were characterized by a stronger inertia in the loss of genetic diversity than WF populations. This inertia increases with the strength of IBD, and decreases when the sampling scale increases. Depending on the method used to detect a population size reduction, a local sampling can be more informative than a sample scaled to habitat size or vice versa. However, IBD structure led in numerous cases to incorrect inferences on population demographic history. The reanalysis of a real microsatellite data set of skink populations from fragmented and intact rainforest habitats confirmed most of our simulation results.  相似文献   

Water vole Arvicola amphibius populations have recently experienced severe decline in several European countries as a consequence of both reduction in suitable habitat and the establishment of the alien predator American mink Neovison vison. We used DNA microsatellite markers to describe the genetic structure of 14 island populations of water vole off the coast of northern Norway. We looked at intra‐ and inter‐population levels of genetic variation and examined the effect of distance among pairs of populations on genetic differentiation (isolation by distance). We found a high level of genetic differentiation (measured by FST) among populations overall as well as between all pairs of populations. The genetic differentiation between populations was positively correlated with geographic distance between them. A clustering analysis grouped individuals into 7 distinct clusters and showed the presence of 3 immigrants among them. Our results suggest a small geographic scale for evolutionary and population dynamic processes in our water vole populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of landscape heterogeneity on spatial genetic variation is a primary goal of landscape genetics. Ecological and geographic variables can contribute to genetic structure through geographic isolation, in which geographic barriers and distances restrict gene flow, and ecological isolation, in which gene flow among populations inhabiting different environments is limited by selection against dispersers moving between them. Although methods have been developed to study geographic isolation in detail, ecological isolation has received much less attention, partly because disentangling the effects of these mechanisms is inherently difficult. Here, I describe a novel approach for quantifying the effects of geographic and ecological isolation using multiple matrix regression with randomization. I explored the parameter space over which this method is effective using a series of individual‐based simulations and found that it accurately describes the effects of geographic and ecological isolation over a wide range of conditions. I also applied this method to a set of real‐world datasets to show that ecological isolation is an often overlooked but important contributor to patterns of spatial genetic variation and to demonstrate how this analysis can provide new insights into how landscapes contribute to the evolution of genetic variation in nature.  相似文献   

Neutral and selective processes can drive repeated patterns of evolution in different groups of populations experiencing similar ecological gradients. In this paper, we used a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, as well as geometric morphometrics, to investigate repeated patterns of morphological and genetic divergence of European minnows in two mountain ranges: the Pyrenees and the Alps. European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) are cyprinid fish inhabiting most freshwater bodies in Europe, including those in different mountain ranges that could act as major geographical barriers to gene flow. We explored patterns of P. phoxinus phenotypic and genetic diversification along a gradient of altitude common to the two mountain ranges, and tested for isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by adaptation (IBA). The results indicated that populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps belong to two well differentiated, reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages. Substantial genetic differentiation due to geographical isolation within and between populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps was also found using rapidly evolving AFLPs markers (isolation by distance or IBD), as well as morphological differences between mountain ranges. Also, morphology varied strongly with elevation and so did genetic differentiation to a lower extent. Despite moderate evidence for IBE and IBA, and therefore of repeated evolution, substantial population heterogeneity was found at the genetic level, suggesting that selection and population specific genetic drift act in concert to affect genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Empirical population genetic studies have been dominated by a neutralist view, according to which gene flow and drift are the main forces driving population genetic structure in nature. The neutralist view in essence describes a process of isolation by dispersal limitation (IBDL) that generally leads to a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). Recently, however, conceptual frameworks have been put forward that view local genetic adaptation as an important driver of population genetic structure. Isolation by adaptation (IBA) and monopolization (M) posit that gene flow among natural populations is reduced as a consequence of local genetic adaptation. IBA stresses that effective gene flow is reduced among habitats that show dissimilar ecological characteristics, leading to a pattern of isolation by environment. In monopolization, local genetic adaptation of initial colonizing genotypes results in a reduction in gene flow that fosters the persistence of founder effects. Here, we relate these different processes driving landscape genetic structure to patterns of IBD and isolation by environment (IBE). We propose a method to detect whether IBDL, IBA and M shape genetic differentiation in natural landscapes by studying patterns of variation at neutral and non‐neutral markers as well as at ecologically relevant traits. Finally, we reinterpret a representative number of studies from the recent literature by associating patterns to processes and identify patterns associated with local genetic adaptation to be as common as IBDL in structuring regional genetic variation of populations in the wild. Our results point to the importance of quantifying environmental gradients and incorporating ecology in the analysis of population genetics.  相似文献   

The populations of goitered gazelle suffered significant decline due to natural and anthropogenic factors over the last century. Investigating the effects of barriers on gene flow among the remaining populations is vital for conservation planning. Here we adopted a landscape genetics approach to evaluate the genetic structure of the goitered gazelle in Central Iran and the effects of landscape features on gene flow using 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Spatial autocorrelation, isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models were used to elucidate the effects of landscape features on the genetic structure. Ecological modeling was used to construct landscape permeability and resistance map using 12 ecogeographical variables. Bayesian algorithms revealed three genetically homogeneous groups and restricted dispersal pattern in the six populations. The IBD and spatial autocorrelation revealed a pattern of decreasing relatedness with increasing distance. The distribution of potential habitats was strongly correlated with bioclimatic factors, vegetation type, and elevation. Resistance distances and graph theory were significantly related with variation in genetic structure, suggesting that gazelles are affected by landscape composition. The IBD showed greater impact on genetic structure than IBR. The Mantel and partial Mantel tests indicated low but non-significant effects of anthropogenic barriers on observed genetic structure. We concluded that a combination of geographic distance, landscape resistance, and anthropogenic factors are affecting the genetic structure and gene flow of populations. Future road construction might impede connectivity and gene exchange of populations. Conservation measures on this vulnerable species should consider some isolated population as separate management units.  相似文献   

The multistep method here applied in studying the genetic structure of a low dispersal and philopatric species, such as the Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra, was proved to be effective in identifying the hierarchical structure of populations living in broad‐leaved forest ecosystems in Northern Italy. In this study, 477 salamander larvae, collected in 28 sampling populations (SPs) in the Prealpine and in the foothill areas of Northern Italy, were genotyped at 16 specie‐specific microsatellites. SPs showed a significant overall genetic variation (Global FST = 0.032, < 0.001). The genetic population structure was assessed by using STRUCTURE 2.3.4. We found two main genetic groups, one represented by SPs inhabiting the Prealpine belt, which maintain connections with those of the Eastern foothill lowland (PEF), and a second group with the SPs of the Western foothill lowland (WF). The two groups were significantly distinct with a Global FST of 0.010 (< 0.001). While the first group showed a moderate structure, with only one divergent SP (Global FST = 0.006, < 0.001), the second group proved more structured being divided in four clusters (Global FST = 0.017, = 0.058). This genetic population structure should be due to the large conurbations and main roads that separate the WF group from the Prealpine belt and the Eastern foothill lowland. The adopted methods allowed the analysis of the genetic population structure of Fire Salamander from wide to local scale, identifying different degrees of genetic divergence of their populations derived from forest fragmentation induced by urban and infrastructure sprawl.  相似文献   

Adaptation with gene flow across the landscape in a dune sunflower   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolation by adaptation increases divergence at neutral loci when natural selection against immigrants reduces the rate of gene flow between different habitats. This can occur early in the process of adaptive divergence and is a key feature of ecological speciation. Despite the ability of isolation by distance (IBD) and other forms of landscape resistance to produce similar patterns of neutral divergence within species, few studies have used landscape genetics to control for these other forces. We have studied the divergence of Helianthus petiolaris ecotypes living in active sand dunes and adjacent non-dune habitat, using landscape genetics approaches, such as circuit theory and multiple regression of distance matrices, in addition to coalescent modelling. Divergence between habitats was significant, but not strong, and was shaped by IBD. We expected that increased resistance owing to patchy and unfavourable habitat in the dunes would contribute to divergence. Instead, we found that landscape resistance models with lower resistance in the dunes performed well as predictors of genetic distances among subpopulations. Nevertheless, habitat class remained a strong predictor of genetic distance when controlling for isolation by resistance and IBD. We also measured environmental variables at each site and confirmed that specific variables, especially soil nitrogen and vegetation cover, explained a greater proportion of variance in genetic distance than did landscape or the habitat classification alone. Asymmetry in effective population sizes and numbers of migrants per generation was detected using coalescent modelling with Bayesian inference, which is consistent with incipient ecological speciation being driven by the dune habitat.  相似文献   

Gene flow among populations can enhance local adaptation if it introduces new genetic variants available for selection, but strong gene flow can also stall adaptation by swamping locally beneficial genes. These outcomes can depend on population size, genetic variation, and the environmental context. Gene flow patterns may align with geographic distance (IBD—isolation by distance), whereby immigration rates are inversely proportional to the distance between populations. Alternatively gene flow may follow patterns of isolation by environment (IBE), whereby gene flow rates are higher among similar environments. Finally, gene flow may be highest among dissimilar environments (counter‐gradient gene flow), the classic “gene‐swamping” scenario. Here we survey relevant studies to determine the prevalence of each pattern across environmental gradients. Of 70 studies, we found evidence of IBD in 20.0%, IBE in 37.1%, and both patterns in 37.1%. In addition, 10.0% of studies exhibited counter‐gradient gene flow. In total, 74.3% showed significant IBE patterns. This predominant IBE pattern of gene flow may have arisen directly through natural selection or reflect other adaptive and nonadaptive processes leading to nonrandom gene flow. It also precludes gene swamping as a widespread phenomenon. Implications for evolutionary processes and management under rapidly changing environments (e.g., climate change) are discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of isolation by distance (IBD) predicts that genetic differentiation between populations increases with geographic distance. However, gene flow is governed by numerous factors and the correlation between genetic differentiation and geographic distance is never simply linear. In this study, we analyze the interaction between the effects of geographic distance and of wild or domesticated status of the host plant on genetic differentiation in the bean beetle Acanthoscelides obvelatus. Geographic distance explained most of the among-population genetic differentiation. However, IBD varied depending on the kind of population pairs for which the correlation between genetic differentiation and geographic distance was examined. Whereas pairs of beetle populations associated with wild beans showed significant IBD (P < 10(-4)), no IBD was found when pairs of beetle populations on domesticated beans were examined (P= 0.2992). This latter result can be explained by long-distance migrations of beetles on domesticated plants resulting from human exchanges of bean seeds. Beetle populations associated with wild beans were also significantly more likely than those on domesticated plants to contain rare alleles. However, at the population level, beetles on cultivated beans were similar in allelic richness to those on wild beans. This similarity in allelic richness combined with differences in other aspects of the genetic diversity (i.e., IBD, allelic diversity) is compatible with strongly contrasting effects of migration and drift. This novel indirect effect of human actions on gene flow of a serious pest of a domesticated plant has important implications for the spread of new adaptations such as resistance to pesticides.  相似文献   

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