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为了明确褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、 白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera和灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus 3种稻飞虱翅型分化的遗传规律与差异, 采用翅型筛选与杂交遗传的实验方法, 研究了3种飞虱在秧苗期水稻上的翅型选择响应与杂交遗传规律。结果表明: 3种稻飞虱的翅型具有较强的选择响应, 并且长翅型纯系在白背飞虱中最易筛选得到, 灰飞虱的次之, 而褐飞虱的最难。3种稻飞虱的长翅(M)雄虫与短翅(B)雌虫配对(M♂×B♀)筛选3~5代后, 95%~100%的雄虫和雌虫分别稳定为长翅型和短翅型。筛选和杂交实验结果表明, 褐飞虱的翅型决定基本符合常染色体上的一对等位基因调控的从性性状遗传规律, 雄虫中长翅为显性, 而雌虫中短翅为显性。翅型的表型还受除基因型外的其他条件的影响, 利用长翅雄虫与长翅雌虫后代中出现的极少数的短翅雄虫与短翅雌虫进行配对, 其后代中各翅型出现的比率与长翅雌虫和长翅雄虫配对的无显著差异; 同样, 在短翅雄虫与短翅雌虫配对的后代中也有相同的结果。白背飞虱和灰飞虱在该筛选条件下很少有短翅雄虫出现, 两者翅型的遗传调控较为相似, 可用由两对等位基因控制的性状来解释筛选和杂交实验的结果, 其中一对等位基因位于性染色体上, 调控雄性的翅型, 且长翅为显性; 另一对位于常染色体上, 调控雌性的翅型, 且短翅为显性。据此认为, 3种飞虱翅型决定基因的显隐性在不同性别间的差异, 以及翅表型与基因型的不一致性, 是稻飞虱种群在不同条件下均可灵活调控翅型的重要遗传机制。  相似文献   

褐飞虱翊型分化遗传规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王群  杜建光  程遐年 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):343-348
以褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)长翅型(macroptery,简称M)、短翅型(brachyptery,简称B)的遗传纯系为实验材料,进行亲本、稻株生育期、虫口密度三因子交互实验。结果表明:(1)在环境条件(指稻株生育期、虫口密度等)一致时,B♀×B、B♀×M、M♀×B、M♀×M四种亲本组合的F1代短翅型成虫百分率分别为:98%、92%、64%、29%,各亲本组合间差异极显著;(2)亲本相同时,将F1代褐飞虱初孵若虫多头词养(多于l0头/株)在黄熟期稻株上,其长翅型雌、雄成虫百分数均高于灌浆期稻株上;(3)单头饲养实验中发现,不论亲本组合、稻株生育期如何,雌虫绝大多数分化为短翅型,而雄虫则几乎全为长翅型。这表明褐飞虱的翅型分化遗传由一个受多种因子影响的调控体系决定,且调控作用与性别有关。  相似文献   

褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)属迁飞性水稻害虫,其成虫有短翅和长翅两种翅型。 褐飞虱迁入雌虫均未经过交配,其短翅型由一对显性等位基因控制。翅型分化同时受到遗传和内分泌系统的协调控制,外界条件如密度和寄主等因子通过内分泌系统来影响翅型的分化。褐飞虱翅型分化的敏感龄期雌虫为1~3龄,而雄虫为1-5龄;不同若虫蜜度处理对褐飞虱成虫的前翅形成有一定的影响。分蘖期水稻饲养的褐飞虱短翅型比例明显高于孕穗期水稻饲养的褐飞虱。不同密度下各生物型间的翅型分化差异不显著。迁入地的浙江各种群属温带型,其雌虫短翅率低且与密度呈显著负相关;菲律宾热带种群雌虫在不同密度下均为短翅型,而雄虫的短翅率随密度增加而上升。广西种群接近热带型,其雌虫短翅率高但不随密度而变化。试验各种群的雄虫在中等密度甚至高密度时其短翅率出现最高。  相似文献   

三种稻飞虱在恒定高温胁迫下的生态表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对揭飞虱、白背飞虱、灰飞虱等3种稻飞虱的不同虫态在38℃恒温下,暴露不同时间后的生存率进行了研究。结果表明,随高温处理时间的延长.卵孵化率明显下降,卵历期延长。褐飞虱、白背飞虱卵在38℃恒温下暴露12h后.卵孵化率比对照分别低34%和45%;暴露24h后,两种稻飞虱的卵孵化率均比对照低25%;致死中时值LT50分别为11h和10h。3种稻飞虱8日龄若虫及羽化后3天的雌雄成虫的生存率,随处理时间的延长而呈显著下降趋势,褐飞虱、自背飞虱和灰飞虱若虫的致死中时值LT50依次为15.6h、17.8h和25.9h,长翅型雌成虫依次为34.7h、17.1h和43.2h.长翅型雄成虫依次为28.9h、23.2h和54.5h。另外,高温处理过的若虫,其羽化出成虫的体重明显下降,在高温下暴露30h后,白背飞虱长趣型雌成虫的体重比对照低32%,褐飞虱短翅型雌成虫低50%;高温处理后存活的白背飞虱雌成虫产出的卵块较小,总产卵量也明显下降。  相似文献   

褐飞虱五龄若虫翅芽长度与成虫翅型关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
綦立正  丁宗泽 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):193-195
褐飞虱饲养于不同水稻品种、不同生育期以及不同种群密度条件下,5龄若虫翅芽长度与成虫翅型具有稳定的相关性:翅芽长于1.10mm羽化后为长翅型雌虫,介于0.96~1.09mm之间为长翅型雄虫或短翅型雌虫,小于0.95mm为短翅型雄虫。根据5龄若虫翅芽长度结合外生殖器特征,编制了成虫翅型检索表。由此,可在5龄若虫期预测成虫的翅型和种群盛衰的趋势。  相似文献   

【目的】地磁定向是昆虫远距离迁飞定向的重要机制之一。本研究以迁飞性害虫褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens长翅型和短翅型雌雄成虫为研究对象,系统开展虫体内磁性物质定量研究。【方法】本研究利用MPMS-7型超导量子磁强计检测褐飞虱长翅型和短翅型雌雄成虫体内的磁性物质,并将经普鲁士蓝染色后的虫体超薄石蜡切片于JEM-2100型透射电子显微镜下观察磁性物质的分布状况,最后利用原子发射光谱法对虫体内的磁性物质进行定量分析与比较。【结果】超导量子磁强计检测发现,仅在褐飞虱长翅型和短翅型雌雄成虫腹部的磁滞曲线有明显闭合现象,证明该部位存在磁性物质;经透射电镜观察发现,普鲁士蓝沉淀主要呈点簇状存在于虫体腹部,证明该部位存在铁磁性物质;通过等离子发射光谱检测发现,同一性别长翅型成虫体内铁离子含量显著高于短翅型成虫,且相同翅型雄成虫体内铁离子含量显著高于雌成虫。【结论】褐飞虱长翅型和短翅型雌雄成虫腹部普遍存在铁磁性物质,且不同翅型和性别间磁性物质含量差异显著。  相似文献   

三种稻飞虱在高温变温下的生态表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大型人工气候箱内模拟自然高温变温(27℃-38℃)下研究褐飞虱、白背飞虱、灰飞虱等3种稻飞虱种群的表现,并以恒温28.3℃为对照。发现3种稻飞虱的卵孵化率在变温下暴露5天,10天后,除白背飞虱卵孵化率在10天处理下比对照下降30%外,其他几种处理均和对照无显著差异;从发育历期来看,各虫种卵的发育速率随变温处理时间的延长而加快;3种稻飞虱若虫在变温处理5天后,褐飞虱,白背飞虱和灰飞虱的生存率依次为20%,30%和55%,明显低于对照;变温处理10天后,白背飞虱无一个体生存;褐飞虱比对照低75%.灰飞虱低50%;褐飞虱和白背飞虱雌成虫寿命明显比对照短;灰飞虱雌成虫的产卵量各处理间无显著差异,但白背飞虱和褐飞虱的产卵量在变温处理8天后,仅为对照的40%和80%,变温处理15天后,分别为对照的15%和54%。  相似文献   

褐飞虱体内保幼激素滴度变化及其与翅型分化的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
用高压液相色谱及放射化学法,分别测定了褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens 1~5龄若虫体内的保幼激素滴度与保幼激素酯酶活性变化,并用保幼激素类似物(ZR-515)进行体表点滴加以验证。结果表明,褐飞虱雌、雄4龄若虫期及雄虫的5龄若虫初期,短、长翅型间体内保幼激素滴度差异明显,可以认为该阶段是其翅型分化的关键时期。  相似文献   

【目的】地磁场(geomagnetic field,GMF)不是恒定不变的,而是随时间和空间时刻变化的。目前,动物对磁场变化的响应研究主要集中于迁徙性动物地磁定向导航中的磁感受方面,而迁徙性动物迁出地和迁入地之间地磁场强度差异对动物生理和行为潜在的磁场效应尚不明确。【方法】迁飞性昆虫褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens试虫采自江苏省农业科学院试验田。本文采用亥姆霍兹线圈室内模拟近零磁场(near-zero magnetic field,NZMF)和GMF,调查了褐飞虱成虫在NZMF和GMF下的翅型分化、趋光性和飞行能力。【结果】结果表明,与GMF相比,NZMF显著提高了褐飞虱雄成虫短翅型比例(6. 4%)(P <0. 05),但对雌成虫长翅型比例影响不显著(P> 0. 05);对于长翅雌成虫,NZMF显著提高了其2日龄成虫的上灯比例(55%)(P <0. 05),但显著降低了其4日龄成虫的上灯比例(22%)(P <0. 05),对趋光性的影响总体呈现出随着龄期先增强后减弱的效应。NZMF对长翅雄成虫趋光性的影响也呈现出相同的效应,但对各日龄成虫的影响不显著(P> 0. 05); NZMF显著缩短了2日龄长翅雄成虫的飞行时间(46%)(P <0. 05),并显著提高了长翅雌成虫(65%)和长翅雄成虫(101%)的飞行速度(P <0. 05)。此外,GMF对照组的褐飞虱长翅雄成虫飞行速度显著低于长翅雌成虫(96%),而NZMF处理组中二者无显著差异。【结论】结果说明,近零磁场可提高褐飞虱成虫短翅比例,对长翅成虫趋光性的影响呈现出基于龄期增长先增强后减弱的效应,并在未影响长翅成虫飞行距离的情况下,改变了其飞行策略,即提高飞行速度,同时缩短飞行时间。  相似文献   

本文报道了转SCK+cry1Ac双基因抗虫水稻MSA和MSB对非靶标害虫褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens 和白背飞虱Sogatella fucifera生物学及田间发生动态的影响。与亲本明恢86相比,MSA对两种飞虱若虫发育历期、初羽化成虫鲜重、羽化率、短翅率、成虫产卵量、卵受精率、单雌子代数及发育进度等生物学指标均无明显影响,而MSB虽然对多数指标影响不明显,但可以引起白背飞虱初羽化雌虫鲜重与短翅率显著下降,还引起褐飞虱初羽化雄虫鲜重明显减轻。在近距离(株间距约 8 cm)寄主选择实验中,褐飞虱对MSA和MSB无明显选择性,而白背飞虱若虫和成虫均明显趋向两种转基因水稻。田间小区实验表明MSB上的稻飞虱(主要为白背飞虱)密度一般低于亲本明恢86,但差异不显著,提示转基因水稻MSB引发非靶标害虫稻飞虱灾变的风险较小。  相似文献   

Transcriptome analysis of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Xue J  Bao YY  Li BL  Cheng YB  Peng ZY  Liu H  Xu HJ  Zhu ZR  Lou YG  Cheng JA  Zhang CX 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14233

Three different cultures of dimorphic bug,Pyrrhocoris apterus, were analyzed concerning diapause and its relation to wing morph pattern. The proportion of macropterous bugs was considerably higher (36%) in the Mediterranean culture from Israel than that (1.3%) in the temperate culture from the Czech Republic. The macropterous morph- and brachypterous morphrelated types of reproduction arrest, differing by the length of pre-oviposition period, were distinguished in cultures analyzed. The reproduction arrest with an average pre-oviposition period of 38.2 days in Mediterranean macropters and 18.5 days in macropters from selected macropterous strain, was found to be typical for macropterous morph. Two different photoperiodic conditions induced macropterous morph-related reproduction arrest, the long-day (18 h light-6 h dark) photoperiod in macropterous strain macropters and the short-day (12 h light-12 h dark) photoperiod in Mediterranean macropters. The brachypterous morph-related reproduction arrest, characterized by pre-oviposition period longer than 90 days, occurred predominantly in diapausing brachypterous bugs. While the hibernal diapause of brachypterous bugs was characterized by a very high level of the 78- and 82-kDa proteins in haemolymph, their content in haemolymph of macropters during macropterous morph-related reproduction arrest was almost as low as in the reproductive adults. The variation of reproduction arrest in relation to wing dimorphism represents an important feature in the life strategy ofP. apterus.  相似文献   

The white-backed planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera (Horváth), is one of the most destructive pests of rice crops in many Asian countries. Using long-PCR and shotgun library methods, we sequenced the entire mitochondrial genomes (mt-genomes) of two WBPH individuals. Total lengths of the mt-genome of the two WBPH individuals were 16,612 bp and 16,654 bp with an identical AT content of 76.19%. Among the 13 protein coding genes (PCGs), only nad5 used an atypical initiation codon GTG. Most of the tRNA genes had the typical cloverleaf secondary structure except that the dihydrouridine (DHU) arms in two trnS genes and the TΨC arm of trnG gene did not form a stable stem-loop structure. Similar to the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), and the small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén), some extraordinary features were observed in the WBPH mt-genome. These include similar gene rearrangement pattern, unusually short length of the atp8 gene and variable numbers of tandem repeat (VNTR) structure in control region. Interestingly, the same tandem repeat unit with stable secondary structure appeared in two different planthoppers, WBPH and SBPH, which belong to two different genera of the Delphacidae. This peculiar feature provides a direct evidence for the close relationship between the two planthoppers and updates our understanding of the evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial control region. Comparison with two other predominant rice planthoppers (BPH and SBPH) revealed that different PCGs of mitochondria exhibit different evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Flightin was initially identified in Drosophila melanogaster. Previous work has shown that Drosophila flightin plays a key role in indirect flight muscle (IFM) function and has limited expression in the IFM. In this study, we demonstrated that flightin is conserved across the Pancrustacea species, including winged insects, non-winged insects, non-insect hexapods and several crustaceans. The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), a long-distance migration insect with wing dimorphism, is the most destructive rice pest in Asia. We showed that flightin was one of the most differentially expressed genes in macropterous and brachypterous BPH adults. In female BPHs, flightin was expressed in the IFM of macropterous adults, no expression was detected in brachypterous ones; while in male BPHs, flightin was not only expressed in the IFM of macropterous adults, but also in the dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM) in the basal two abdominal segments of both macropterous and brachypterous ones. RNAi and transmission electron microscopy results showed that flightin played key roles in maintaining IFM and male DLM structure, which drive wing movements in macropterous adults and the vibration of the male-specific tymbal, respectively. Using Daphnia magna as an example of a crustacean species, we observed that flightin was expressed in juvenile instars and adults, and was localized in the antenna muscles. These results illustrate the functional variations of flightin in insects and other arthropod species and provide clues as to how insects with flight apparatuses evolved from ancient pancrustaceans.  相似文献   

Host-plant resistance is the most practical and economical approach to control the rice planthoppers. However, up to date, few rice germplasm accessions that are resistant to the all three kinds of planthoppers (1) brown planthopper (BPH; Nilaparvata lugens Stål), (2) the small brown planthopper (SBPH; Laodelphax striatellus Fallen), and (3) the whitebacked planthopper (WBPH, Sogatella furcifera Horvath) have been identified; consequently, the genetic basis for host-plant broad spectrum resistance to rice planthoppers in a single variety has been seldom studied. Here, one wild species, Oryza officinalis (Acc. HY018, 2n = 24, CC), was detected showing resistance to the all three kinds of planthoppers. Because resistance to WBPH and BPH in O. officinalis has previously been reported, the study mainly focused on its SBPH resistance. The SBPH resistance gene(s) was (were) introduced into cultivated rice via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Three QTLs for SBPH resistance detected by the SSST method were mapped and confirmed on chromosomes 3, 7, and 12, respectively. The allelic/non-allelic relationship and relative map positions of the three kinds of planthopper resistance genes in O. officinalis show that the SBPH, WBPH, and BPH resistance genes in O. officinalis were governed by multiple genes, but not by any major gene. The data on the genetics of host-plant broad spectrum resistance to planthoppers in a single accession suggested that the most ideally practical and economical approach for rice breeders is to screen the sources of broad spectrum resistance to planthoppers, but not to employ broad spectrum resistance gene for the management of planthoppers. Pyramiding these genes in a variety can be an effective way for the management of planthoppers.  相似文献   

The pattern of locomotor (walking) activity was studied in adult males and females of short‐winged (brachypterous) and long‐winged (macropterous) morph of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) under constant laboratory conditions. Walking activity was measured with a computerized video system and analysed with respect to sex, physiological status (reproduction, diapause and reproductive arrest of non‐diapause type) and wing dimorphism of the bugs. The largest duration was observed in the macropterous females with reproductive arrest of non‐diapause type (average 6 h per day) and the shortest duration in diapausing brachypterous females and males (average less than 2 h per day). This was reflected also in the overall time spent by walking during the first 14 days after imaginal ecdysis. The time spent by walking significantly increased in the macropterous morph as the bugs aged, whereas in diapausing brachypters the time spent by walking decreased with age. No linear relationship between walking activity and age was found in reproductive brachypterous morph. The bugs of all experimental groups moved mostly during the photophase and were almost inactive during the scotophase. Thus, walking activity in P. apterus is diurnal, irrespective of the wing morph, physiological status, sex and age. Contrary to the macropterous morph, where the locomotor activity of females during photophase was significantly higher than in males, no significant differences were found between the locomotor activities of brachypterous males and females. The observed differences in locomotor activity are discussed in relation to different roles of two wing morphs in the life history of this heteropteran.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 (750 vs. 375μl/l) on population abundances and metabolism enzyme of AChE and protective enzymes of SOD, POD and CAT in brown planthoppers (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens, and on size and abundances of yeast‐like endosymbiotes (YLES) were studied as BPH fed Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) rice expressing pure Cry1Ab after successively two generations in open‐top chambers. The results indicated that: (1) Brachypterous and macropterous subpopulations and total population increased with elevated CO2. Significant increases were found as BPH fed non‐transgenic rice while only significant increase as macropterous‐BPH fed Bt rice. (2) The responses of brachypterous and macropterous‐BPH to Bt rice were different. Brachypterous‐subpopulation significantly decreased (13.6%) while macropterous ones significantly increased (43.8%) as fed Bt rice relative to non‐transgenic rice at elevated CO2. (3) Elevated CO2 only significantly inhibited AChE activity as brachypterous‐BPH fed non‐transgenic rice. Significant increases in POD and SOD, and significant decrease in CAT were found as brachypterous‐BPH fed Bt rice, while significant increases in CAT and significant decrease in POD were also observed as fed non‐transgenic rice in elevated CO2 relative to ambient CO2. (4) Bt rice significantly inhibited POD and SOD activity at ambient CO2, while only significantly enhanced SOD activity at elevated CO2. (5) Elevated CO2 significantly decreased YLES per mg/head of brachypterous‐BPH females while only significantly decreased YLES per mg/head as brachypterous‐BPH males fed Bt rice. And there were significant differences in YLES width or length between females and males. Elevated CO2 can markedly affect the symbiosis relationship between YLES and BPH through the bottom‐up forcing on BPH physiological metabolism. And the damage inflicted by BPH on rice, irrespective of the presence of insecticidal genes, is predicted to be higher at elevated CO2. Furthermore, transgenic Bt rice can also exacerbate emigrating‐macropterous‐BPH occurring especially at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

The mermithid Agamermis unka, a parasite of the brown planthopper (BPH), was found in many rice paddies in Gyeongnam Province, Korea. Nematode parasitism of adult BPH varied from year to year, reaching as high as 50% in paddies not treated with an insecticide. Parasitism was lower in insecticide-treated paddies. Generally, mermithid parasitism was higher in BPH adults collected from the lower part (19%) compared with adults collected from the upper part (8%) of the rice plant and in brachypterous (57%) compared with macropterous forms (8%). No difference in parasitism between first (54%) and second (57%) generation was observed.  相似文献   

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