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Bacterial abundance results from predatory losses of individuals and replacement of losses through growth. Growth depends on sustained input of organic substrates and mineral nutrients. In this work we tested the hypothesis that bacterial growth in two oligotrophic Canadian shield lakes was limited by nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). We also determined whether consumer-regenerated resources contributed substantially to net bacterial growth. Two types of dilution assays were conducted to determine the response of bacteria to nutrient enrichment: diluted whole water (DWW, 1:9 whole/filtered with 0.2 m of filtered lake water) and diluted fractionated water (DFW, 1.0 m prefiltered then diluted as above). Replicate bottles in each dilution assay received either N (50 m), P (10 m), or both N and P enrichments. Controls received no nutrients. Resource-saturated growth rates and grazing rates were estimated from a standard dilution-growth approach. Bacterial growth was stimulated by addition of P alone and in combination with N. Consumers regenerated sufficient resources to support up to half the bacterial growth rate, but the benefit derived from consumers was minor when compared to mortality.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of the coastal zone is now a well-established fact. However, there is still uncertainty about the mechanisms through which nutrient enrichment can disrupt biological communities and ecosystem processes in the coastal zone. For example, while some estuaries exhibit classic symptoms of acute eutrophication, including enhanced production of algal biomass, other nutrient-rich estuaries maintain low algal biomass and primary production. This implies that large differences exist among coastal ecosystems in the rates and patterns of nutrient assimilation and cycling. Part of this variability comes from differences among ecosystems in the other resource that can limit algal growth and production – the light energy required for photosynthesis. Complete understanding of the eutrophication process requires consideration of the interacting effects of light and nutrients, including the role of light availability as a regulator of the expression of eutrophication. A simple index of the relative strength of light and nutrient limitation of algal growth can be derived from models that describe growth rate as a function of these resources. This index can then be used as one diagnostic to classify the sensitivity of coastal ecosystems to the harmful effects of eutrophication. Here I illustrate the application of this diagnostic with light and nutrient measurements made in three California estuaries and two Dutch estuaries.  相似文献   

This paper describes the responses of three epilimnetic phytoplanktoncommunities to experimental nitrogen and phosphorus enrichmentas compared to the phytoplankton community in a fourth, unmanipulated,lake. Increased nutrient inputs increased total phytoplanktonbiomass, primary productivity, chlorophytes, cryptomonads andspecies turnover rates in all three enriched lakes; cyanobacteriaincreased in two of the three enriched lakes. However, nutrientaddition also led to declines in previously dominant dinoflagellatesand chrysophytes, and in species diversity. At the species level,there were large changes in community composition from yearto year in both enriched and reference lakes, suggesting thatphytoplankton community composition is highly dynamic even inthe absence of enrichment. Overall, changes in total biomass,productivity and species diversity were consistent among theenriched lakes, while changes in species composition differeddue to variation in the physical, chemical and biotic environmentof each lake. This suggests that aggregated variates are moreuseful for quantitative prediction of nutrient effects, whilespecies responses can be used to signal qualitative differencesin environmental conditions among lakes. 3Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, DartmouthCollege, 6044 Gilman Laboratory, Hanover, NH 03755-3576, USA  相似文献   

Three marine phytoplankton, Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin, and Thalassiosira pseudonana (3H) Hasle & Heindal, were grown on waste water-sea water mixtures in continuous-flow monocultures. P. tricornutum increased in biomass with increasing waste-water additions until a mixture of about 40 % waste water-60 % sea water was reached. The other species did not increase in biomass beyond a 20 % waste water-80 % sea water mixture and even showed some inhibition at higher waste water additions. The carbon/nitrogen (CN) ratio of the algae was consistently below 6 when nitrogen was not limiting growth, but increased with decreasing dilution rate under nitrogen-limiting conditions, depending on whether NH4+-N or NO3?-N was the main nitrogen source.Species dominance in enriched cultures is controlled by a complex interaction of environmental factors. By altering the chemical composition (CN ratio) of dominant phytoplankton such as P. tricornutum in mass culture through control of nitrogen source and concentration, it may be possible to increase the nutritional value of these organisms so that they represent a balanced diet for the growth of herbivorous shellfish.  相似文献   

Ocean temperature extreme events such as marine heatwaves are expected to intensify in coming decades due to anthropogenic global warming. Reported ecological and economic impacts of marine heatwaves include coral bleaching, local extinction of mangrove and kelp forests and elevated mortalities of invertebrates, fishes, seabirds and marine mammals. In contrast, little is known about the impacts of marine heatwaves on microbes that regulate biogeochemical processes in the ocean. Here we analyse the daily output of a near‐global ocean physical–biogeochemical model simulation to characterize the impacts of marine heatwaves on phytoplankton blooms in 23 tropical and temperate oceanographic regions from 1992 to 2014. The results reveal regionally coherent anomalies of shallower surface mixing layers and lower surface nitrate concentrations during marine heatwaves. These anomalies exert counteracting effects on phytoplankton growth through light and nutrient limitation. Consequently, the responses of phytoplankton blooms are mixed, but can be related to the background nutrient conditions of the study regions. The blooms are weaker during marine heatwaves in nutrient‐poor waters, whereas in nutrient‐rich waters, the heatwave blooms are stronger. The corresponding analyses of sea‐surface temperature, chlorophyll a and nitrate based on satellite observations and in situ climatology support this relationship between phytoplankton bloom anomalies and background nitrate concentration. Given that nutrient‐poor waters are projected to expand globally in the 21st century, this study suggests increased occurrence of weaker blooms during marine heatwaves in coming decades, with implications for higher trophic levels and biogeochemical cycling of key elements.  相似文献   

We conducted nutrient enrichment experiments and field sampling to address three questions: (1) is there nutrient limitation of phytoplankton accumulation within an estuary whose waters are exposed to relatively high nitrogen loading rates, (2) where in the salinity gradient from fresh to seawater (0 to 32‰) is there a shift from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton accumulation, and (3) is there a seasonal shift in limiting function of phosphorus and nitrogen anywhere in the estuarine gradient. Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment experiments in the Childs River, an estuary of Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, USA, showed that the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in brackish and saline water was limited by supply of nitrate during warm months. The effects of enrichment were less evident in fresh water, with short-lived responses to phosphate enrichment. There was no specific point along the salinity gradient where there was a shift from phosphorus- to nitrogen-limited phytoplankton accumulation; rather, the relative importance of nitrogen and phosphorus changed along the salinity gradient in the estuary and with season of the year. There was no response to nutrient additions during the colder months, suggesting that some seasonally-varying factor, such as light, temperature or a physiological mechanism, restricted phytoplankton accumulation during months other than May-Aug. There was only slight evidence of a seasonal shift between nitrogen- and phosphorus-limitation of chlorophyll accumulation. Phytoplankton populations in nutrient-rich estuaries with short flushing times grow fast, but at the same time the cells may be advected out of the estuaries while still rapidly dividing, thereby providing an important subsidy to production in nearby deeper waters. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sea water collected in mid-July was spiked with different combinationsof nutrients. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) became exhausted,while significant amounts of P-PO4 and Si-SiO3 remained available.NH4 was taken up before NO3, but, in some cultures, NO3 uptakeappears to have started in the presence of  相似文献   

A three-week mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of bottom sediment and nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea. The transparent polyethylene enclosures included the whole water column and varied in volume from 30 to 40 m3. There were two types of enclosures: some with natural sediment as a bottom and others with a plastic bottom. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial design with presence of sediment and nutrient enrichment as treatment factors. Both the sediment presence and nutrient enrichment significantly increased water nutrient concentrations and the rate of primary production. However, external nutrient enrichment and the presence of sediment stimulated the growth of different phytoplankton groups, indicating that the effect of sediment was not related to nutrient fluxes alone, but involved more complex interactions. External nutrient enrichment was primarily channelled to picoplanktonic cyanobacteria, the biomass of which increased four- to fivefold due to enrichment. The presence of sediment increased the biomass of cryptophytes, chrysophytes and prasinophytes, but decreased the biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Zooplankton biomass increased during the experiment, but was not affected by the treatments. The study shows that sediment plays a significant role in phytoplankton dynamics, underlining the importance of including sediment in shallow-water mesocosm experiments. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

We compared the results of phosphorus-enrichment bioassay experiments with alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) assays as indicators of phosphorus (P) limitation of in situ phytoplankton growth. In 4-d experiments, phytoplankton APA decreased or remained unchanged in P-enriched samples, but increased in unenriched samples, indicating a rapid alteration of the P status of the unenriched algae during the experimental incubations. In direct comparisons of enrichment bioassays and APA assays of reservoir phytoplankton samples, the results of the two methods corresponded in general, although contradictory results were not uncommon. Our data support the conclusion that enrichment experiments can indicate the potential for nutrient limitation of algal growth in the absence of other limiting factors, but do not necessarily demonstrate the occurrence of in situ nutrient limitation of phytoplankton production.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are an increasing threat to water quality and global water security caused by the nutrient enrichment of freshwaters. There is also a broad consensus that blooms are increasing with global warming, but the impacts of other concomitant environmental changes, such as an increase in extreme rainfall events, may affect this response. One of the potential effects of high rainfall events on phytoplankton communities is greater loss of biomass through hydraulic flushing. Here we used a shallow lake mesocosm experiment to test the combined effects of: warming (ambient vs. +4°C increase), high rainfall (flushing) events (no events vs. seasonal events) and nutrient loading (eutrophic vs. hypertrophic) on total phytoplankton chlorophyll‐a and cyanobacterial abundance and composition. Our hypotheses were that: (a) total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial abundance would be higher in heated mesocosms; (b) the stimulatory effects of warming on cyanobacterial abundance would be enhanced in higher nutrient mesocosms, resulting in a synergistic interaction; (c) the recovery of biomass from flushing induced losses would be quicker in heated and nutrient‐enriched treatments, and during the growing season. The results supported the first and, in part, the third hypotheses: total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial abundance increased in heated mesocosms with an increase in common bloom‐forming taxa—Microcystis spp. and Dolichospermum spp. Recovery from flushing was slowest in the winter, but unaffected by warming or higher nutrient loading. Contrary to the second hypothesis, an antagonistic interaction between warming and nutrient enrichment was detected for both cyanobacteria and chlorophyll‐a demonstrating that ecological surprises can occur, dependent on the environmental context. While this study highlights the clear need to mitigate against global warming, oversimplification of global change effects on cyanobacteria should be avoided; stressor gradients and seasonal effects should be considered as important factors shaping the response.  相似文献   

陈纯  李思嘉  肖利娟  韩博平 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5777-5784
浮游植物是水体生态系统敞水区最重要的初级生产者,其组成与多样性反映了群落的结构类型和存在状态。通过围隔实验,模拟水库春季发生的营养盐加富和鱼类放养的干扰,分析在这两种干扰下的浮游植物群落演替过程中优势种和稀有种的变化,并通过以丰度与生物量为变量的香农和辛普森多样性指数的计算,分析浮游植物群落演替过程中的多样性变化特征。结果表明,营养盐加富干扰下的浮游植物群落的优势种变化和演替更为明显,营养盐加富与鱼类添加对浮游植物群落多样性变化的影响符合中度干扰理论。在优势种优势度变化较大的浮游植物群落演替过程中,多样性指数与浮游植物生物量有较高的负相关性。在浮游植物群落演替过程中,香农和辛普森多样性指数的变化趋势基本一致,采用丰度与生物量为变量的两种多样性指数的计算结果对实验系统中浮游植物群落多样性的分析结果没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

Effects of nutrient enrichment on the biomass and communitycomposition of heterotrophic bacteria and picocyanobacteriawere studied in large (42 m3) mesocosms in the brackish-waterArchipelago Sea (Baltic Sea) in late summer 2000 using cellcounts and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) ofpolymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments.The identity of the major DNA bands was determined by sequencing.The obtained sequences were related to - and -proteobacteria,actinobacteria, verrucomicrobia and cyanobacteria. Nitrogenand phosphorus additions increased the biomasses of heterotrophicbacteria and picocyanobacteria and caused significant changesin their community composition judging from the DGGE bandingpatterns. Most verrucomicrobial bands had their highest relativeintensity in the control treatment and their lowest in the highernutrient addition treatment, whereas most Synechococcus-relatedbands had their lowest relative intensity in the lower nutrientaddition treatment. The responses of proteobacteria and actinobacteriawere more variable. The presence of both freshwater and marinesequences among the closest relatives to our sequences highlightsthe intermediate character of the Archipelago Sea between afreshwater and truly marine environment.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(2):277-289
Eutrophication in subtropical wetland ecosystems can lead to extensive displacements of vegetative communities and as a result changes in overall environmental conditions (loss of indigenous habitat, substrate quality, etc.). This has generated a demand for a set of sensitive indicator(s) that prelude these structural changes. The functional response of bacterial communities may indicate the effect and extent of the impact on the overall system. The effects of nutrient enrichment on the microbial community and its ecophysiology were measured in a subtropical marsh (Water Conservation Area 2a) in the northern Everglades, USA. We investigated the microbially mediated organic matter decomposition processes and nutrient cycling in three areas of the marsh, a nutrient enriched site, an intermediate site and a unimpacted (oligotrophic) site. We chose measures associated to the hydrolytic enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase, β-glucosidase and aminopeptidase. We also monitored microbial biomass carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and the associated elemental turnover rates (C, N and P). We found a significant (α = 0.05) spike in microbial biomass C, N, and P in the intermediate site. The elemental turnover rates (C, N and P) where significantly higher in the impacted and intermediate site when compared to the unimpacted site. The enzymatic profiles at the unimpacted site illustrate a system regulated for optimal use of P. In the intermediate zone between the overall P-limited and P-impacted areas, the nutrient inputs alleviates the stress imposed by the P-limitation. Microbial biomass increased dramatically without a decrease in the overall microbial metabolic efficiency. The metabolic coefficients (particularly q-Potentially Mineralizable P – qPMP and qCO2) indicated that after the disturbance, the impacted areas in the Everglades are characterized by relatively open, inefficient nutrient cycles. The nonlinear shifts (threshold behavior) in microbial parameters indicate that microbial indicators function effectively as early warning signals.  相似文献   

Nutrient control of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To determine whether positive correlations between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton growth in nutrient addition experiments are due to growth coupling or growth stimulation by the same nutrients, we examined phyto- and bacterioplankton growth in a series of eleven nutrient addition (N × P) and light/dark experiments. In mesotrophic Castle Lake, the phyto- and bacterioplankton growth responses to phosphorus (P) addition were strongly correlated (r2=0.59), while only a weak correlation (r2=0.10) was observed for the nitrogen addition treatments. After normalizing the N + P treatments for the growth stimulation observed in the respective P treatments, we found a substantial stimulation of the phytoplankton (e.g., costimulation by N + P) and no stimulation of the bacterioplankton. Bacteria growth rates were similar in both light and dark incubated P treatments. In these experiments, we found clear evidence suggesting the dynamics of bacteria and phytoplankton were correlated because they are often limited by the same resource (mainly inorganic phosphorus). We found only limited evidence that bacterioplankton growth coupling to algal dynamics was occurring in these experiments. However, we did not consider several factors such as dissolved organic nutrient availability, bacterivory, availability of physical substrates, and temperature which are also thought to influence the nature of bacterial/phytoplankton interactions. Based on the results of our experiments, we conclude the biomass of the bacterio- and phytoplankton covaried because they were stimulated by the same nutrients. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

南海北部浮游植物生长对营养盐的响应   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
彭欣  宁修仁  孙军  乐凤凤 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3959-3968
2004年夏季作者在南海北部海域研究了浮游植物生长的营养动力学,结合物理-化学过程对浮游植物生物量分布的影响与机制进行了研究,阐明了水平对流和中尺度涡对营养盐分布的影响及浮游植物生长和现存生物量对其的响应。受西南季风和东向沿岸流作用所形成的Ekman输送的影响,南海北部海岸带表层海水作离岸运动,使深层富含营养盐的冷水爬坡涌升到表层来补充,激发浮游植物生物量迅速增长。海区反气旋涡使海水辐聚下沉,造成水体具高温、低盐、高溶解氧浓度、低营养盐浓度和低浮游植物生物量。同时通过现场营养盐加富试验,发现该海域营养盐是浮游植物生长的主要限制因子,而且是多种营养元素共同限制了浮游植物的生长,添加单一的营养盐并不能促进浮游植物的生长。在生物量出现增长的试验组中,营养盐添加不仅促使浮游植物生物量的增长,而且也改变了浮游植物的粒级结构和群落结构。例如,在站S1008,培养前叶绿素a浓度为0.28 mg.m-3,加富培养60 h后浮游植物生物量在NP和NPSi的试验组中有显著的增加,叶绿素a浓度分别达1.07 mg.m-3和1.19 mg.m-3;培养前粒度分级叶绿素a主要以Pico级份占优势,而加富试验结束后,在NP和NPSi的试验组以Nano级份占优势,其它试验组仍以Pico级份占优势;同时,在培养后生物量出现增长的试验组,浮游植物群落的优势类群从甲藻向硅藻演替。  相似文献   

While many studies have measured effects of nutrient enrichment on higher trophic levels in grazing food webs, few such studies exist for detritus-based systems. We measured effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on growth of larval Eurycea wilderae in a heterotrophic headwater stream using a repeated mark-recapture design. Growth estimates for 208 recaptured larvae (control stream n = 92; treatment stream n = 116) resulted in a growth rate of 0.0027 d−1 in each stream prior to enrichment, whereas during enrichment treatment growth rates (g = 0.0069 d−1 [±0.0019, 95% C.I.]) were significantly higher than control (g = 0.0043 d−1 [±0.0007, 95% C.I.]). Results indicate that E. wilderae growth is tightly linked to the detrital resource and that growth may be indirectly affected by both quantity and quality of detritus. This study provides some of the first evidence that nutrient enrichment of detritus-based systems can influence multiple trophic levels in ways similar to autotrophic systems.  相似文献   

Communities of marine phytoplankton consist of cells of many different sizes. The size-structure of these communities often varies predictably with environmental conditions in aquatic systems. It has been hypothesized that physiological differences in nutrient and light requirements and acquisition efficiencies contribute to commonly observed correlations between phytoplankton community size structure and resource availability. Using physiological models we assess how light and nutrient availability can alter the relative growth rates of phytoplankton species of different cell sizes. Our models predict a change in the size dependence of growth rate depending on the severity of limitation by light and nutrient availability. Under conditions of growth-saturated resource supply, phytoplankton growth rate (mol C ) scales with cell volume with a size-scaling exponent of ; light limitation reduces the size-scaling exponent to approximately , and nutrient limitation decreases the exponent to as a consequence of the size-scaling of resource acquisition. Exponents intermediate between and occur under intermediate availability of light and nutrients and depend on the size-scaling of pigment photoacclimation and the size range examined.  相似文献   

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