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Changes in the world's oceans have altered nutrient flow, and affected the viability of predator populations when prey species become unavailable. These changes are integrated into the tissues of apex predators over space and time and can be quantified using stable isotopes in the inert feathers of historical and contemporary avian specimens. We measured δ13C and δ15N values in Flesh‐footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) from Western and South Australia from 1936–2011. The Flesh‐footed Shearwaters more than doubled their trophic niche (from 3.91 ± 1.37 ‰2 to 10.00 ± 1.79 ‰2), and dropped an entire trophic level in 75 years (predicted δ15N decreased from +16.9 ‰ to + 13.5 ‰, and δ13C from ?16.9 ‰ to ?17.9 ‰) – the largest change in δ15N yet reported in any marine bird, suggesting a relatively rapid shift in the composition of the Indian Ocean food web, or changes in baseline δ13C and δ15N values. A stronger El Niño‐Southern Oscillation results in a weaker Leeuwin Current in Western Australia, and decreased Flesh‐footed Shearwater δ13C and δ15N. Current climate forecasts predict this trend to continue, leading to increased oceanic ‘tropicalization' and potentially competition between Flesh‐footed Shearwaters and more tropical sympatric species with expanding ranges. Flesh‐footed Shearwater populations are declining, and current conservation measures aimed primarily at bycatch mitigation are not restoring populations. Widespread shifts in foraging, as shown here, may explain some of the reported decline. An improved understanding and ability to mitigate the impacts of global climactic changes is therefore critical to the long‐term sustainability of this declining species.  相似文献   

In a novel, depauperate ecosystem, colonizing species may experience changes in their trophic niche as a result of a new resource base and fewer competitors and predators. To examine trophic niche shifts of recent colonists, we focused on three ecologically and phylogenetically divergent lizard species that inhabit both the geologically distinctive depauperate habitat of White Sands and the surrounding Chihuahuan ‘dark soil’ desert in New Mexico. In White Sands the three species comprise the entire lizard community, whereas in the dark soils habitat, they constitute less than half of the lizard community abundance. As a result, we hypothesized that the three focal species would collectively represent a greater variety of trophic positions in the White Sands habitat than in the dark soils habitat. We hypothesized that the extent of shifts in each species’ trophic position would parallel diet and ecomorphology differences between habitats. To test these hypotheses, we combined analysis of lizard stomach contents with carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in the context of previously published ecomorphology measurements. Stable isotope data indicated that as predicted, species were more different from one another in White Sands than in dark soils, suggesting community‐wide ecological release. Overall, all species were lower on the White Sands food chain; however, only one species decreased trophic level significantly, one increased trophic level variance, and one did not change significantly. Furthermore, stomach content data paralleled both stable isotope and ecomorphological data, showing different degrees of dietary overlap between habitats, depending on the species. That species’ differences in trophic ecology also correspond with ecomorphological differences suggests that these factors are either causally linked or collectively responding to similar ecological pressures, such as competition. By examining diet, trophic position, and ecomorphology of three colonist species, we demonstrate both species‐specific and community‐wide trophic differences in adjacent, but distinct habitats.  相似文献   

1. Flow variation can drive major abiotic changes in stream environments between seasons. Theoretically, disparate biotic communities could be maintained during different seasons at a single site if suitable refuges and colonist sources were available. Using isolated montane desert streams in south‐east Arizona as a model system, we hypothesised that two disparate aquatic insect faunas (montane temperate and neotropical) could be maintained at the same sites through strong seasonal variation in abiotic conditions. 2. We collected aquatic insects representing 59 families from seven streams during high‐flow (March–April) and low‐flow (June) sampling periods across two years. We assessed changes in aquatic insect community and functional feeding group composition by habitat (riffle, pool) and season (high flow, low flow). 3. Within sites, wetted stream area decreased by an average of 97% between high‐flow (predominately riffles) and low‐flow (predominately pools) seasons. Community composition likewise showed strong seasonal patterns; the montane temperate fauna was strongly associated with the high‐flow season while neotropical hemipterans and coleopterans were associated with the low‐flow season. Increased water temperature was significantly associated with this shift from temperate to neotropical assemblages. 4. Functional feeding group composition shifted dramatically by season. The proportion of predators increased from 24.5% (high flow) to 75.2% (low flow) while collector–filterers and shredders declined from 38.4% (high flow) to 1.7% (low flow). 5. We suggest that habitat ‘time‐sharing’ by disparate communities is facilitated via strong seasonal variation in temperature and flow and the presence of high elevation refuges or diapause stages for temperate montane taxa to survive the dry season.  相似文献   

Caution for the indiscriminate conversion of the isotopic niche into ecologic niche was recently advised. We tested the utility of the isotopic niche to answer ecological questions on oceanic islands. We compared the isotopic niches of black rats (Rattus rattus) on two islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico: Farrallón de San Ignacio (FSI) and San Pedro Mártir (SPM). Both islands maintained several species of marine birds, but FSI is devoid of terrestrial vegetation and SPM has several species of terrestrial plants. We tested the hypothesis that rats on FSI have a narrower trophic niche due to its lower diversity of food items. We predicted a smaller variance in δ13C and δ15N values of rat muscle on FSI, and a lower use of marine birds as food on SPM. We also examined stomach contents of rats on both islands to validate the isotopic information. Variances in δ13C and δ15N values of black rats were lower on FSI, and the contribution of marine birds to the diet of rats was smaller on SPM. Stomachs in most rats collected on FSI contained only one or two types of food items, mostly marine birds and terrestrial invertebrates. In contrast, stomachs with only one type of food item were rare on SPM, and in most cases they contained three or more food types. Our findings showed that isotopic variance is a good approximation for trophic niche when comparing populations with access to an assemblage of preys with contrasting biological and isotopic diversity.  相似文献   

Mark A. Chappell 《Oecologia》1983,56(1):126-131
Temperature regulation and oxygen consumption were examined in two species of grasshoppers: Melanoplus sanguinipes from cold alpine tundra at elevation 3,800 m, and Trimerotropis pallidipennis from hot desert habitats at elevation 250 m. Both species utilized behavioral thermoregulation to keep body temperature (T b ) more constant than environmental temperatures (T e ) during the day. The difference in average T b in the two species was much less than the difference in T e 's. Microclimate measurements indicate that temperature regulation is not difficult for M. sanguinipes, but T. pallidipennis must restrict activity for much of the day to avoid heat stress and can easily overheat if it moves into sunlit areas. Oxygen consumption ( \(\dot V{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} \) ) at average T b and total daily energy expenditures are higher in M. sanguinipes than in T. pallidipennis, as is the Q10 for \(\dot V{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} \) . These differences may be related to different strategies for energy utilization and predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Natural populations that evolve under extreme climates are likely to diverge because of selection in local environments. To explore whether local adaptation has occurred in redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) occupying differing climate regimes, we used a limited genome scan approach to test for candidate markers under selection in populations occurring in desert and montane streams. An environmental approach to identifying outlier loci, spatial analysis method and linear regression of minor allele frequency with environmental variables revealed six candidate markers (P < 0.01). Putatively neutral markers identified high genetic differentiation among desert populations relative to montane sites, likely due to intermittent flows in desert streams. Additionally, populations exhibited a highly significant pattern of isolation by temperature (P< 0.0001) and those adapted to the same environment had similar allele frequencies across candidate markers, indicating selection for differing climates. These results imply that many genes are involved in the adaptation of redband trout to differing environments, and selection acts to reinforce localization. The potential to predict genetic adaptability of individuals and populations to changing environmental conditions may have profound implications for species that face extensive anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Fish trophic niches reflect important ecological interactions and provide insight into the structure of mangrove food webs. Few studies have been conducted in mangrove fish predators to investigate interpopulation trophic niches and ontogenetic shifts. Using stable isotope analysis and two complementary approaches, the authors investigated trophic niche patterns within and between two ontogenetic groups (juveniles and sub-adults) of a generalist predator (Acentrogobius viridipunctatus) in four mangroves with heterogeneous environmental conditions (e.g., tidal regimes, salinity fluctuations and mangrove tree community). The authors hypothesized that the trophic niche between populations would vary regionally and trophic position would increase consistently from juvenile to sub-adult stages. The results revealed that both δ13C and δ15N values varied greatly across populations and between ontogenetic groups, and complex spatio-ontogenetic variations were expressed by Layman's metrics. They also found some niche separation in space, which is most likely related to resource availability in spatially diverse ecosystems. In addition, trophic niche position increased consistently from juveniles to sub-adults, indicating ontogenetic feeding shifts. The isotopic plasticity index and Fulton's condition index also showed significant spatial-ontogenetic variation, which is consistent with optimal foraging theory. The findings highlight that trophic plasticity has a high adaptive value for mangrove fish predators in dynamic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Neotropical frugivorous bats display a trophic structure composed of bat species with dietary preferences of core plant taxa (Artibeus-Ficus  +  Cecropia, Carollia-Piper, Sturnira- Solanum  +  Piper). This structure is hypothesized to be an ancestral trait, suggesting that similar diets would be observed throughout a species' range. However, most evidence comes from lowlands where data from montane habitats are scarce. In high mountain environments both diversity of bats and plants decreases with altitude; such decline in plant diversity produces less plants to feed from, which should ultimately affect the trophic structure of frugivorous bats in mountain environments. Here, we present a comprehensive review of the diet of frugivorous bats in Neotropical montane environments and evaluate their trophic structure in middle and higher elevations by combining a literature database with field data. We use the concept of modularity to test whether frugivorous montane bats have dietary preferences on core plant taxa. Our database revealed 47 species of montane bats feeding on 211 plant species. We find that the networks are modular, reflecting the trophic structure previously reported. We also found that in highlands the tribe Ectophyllini are Cecropia  +  Cavendishia-specialists rather than Ficus-specialists, and we describe new interactions reflecting 14 species of plants, including three botanical families previously not reported to be consumed by bats.  相似文献   

1. Using a subtidal marine food web as a model system, we examined how food chain length (predators present or absent) and the prevalence of omnivory influenced temporal stability (and its components) of herbivores and plants. We held the density of top predators constant but manipulated their identity to generate a gradient in omnivory prevalence. 2. We measured temporal stability as the inverse of the coefficient of variation of abundance over time. Predators and omnivory could influence temporal stability through effects on abundance (the 'abundance' effect), summed variance across taxa (the 'portfolio effect') or summed covariances among taxa (the 'covariance effect'). 3. We found that increasing food chain length by predator addition destabilized aggregate herbivore abundance through their cascading effects on abundances. Thus, predators destabilized herbivores through the overyielding effect. We also found that the stability of herbivore abundance and microalgae declined with increasing prevalence of omnivory among top predators. Aggregate macroalgae was not affected, but the stability of one algal taxon increased with the prevalence of omnivory. 4. Our results suggest that herbivores are more sensitive than plants to changes in food web structure because of predator additions by invasion or deletions such as might occur via harvesting and habitat loss.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether existing assumptions regarding the trophic ecology of a poorly‐studied predator guild, northwest (NW) Atlantic skates (family: Rajidae), were supported across broad geographic scales. Four hypotheses were tested using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope values as a proxy for foraging behavior: 1) species exhibit ontogenetic shifts in habitat and thus display a shift in 13C with differential use of the continental shelf; 2) species exhibit ontogenetic prey shifts (i.e. from smaller to larger prey items) and become enriched in 15N; 3) individuals acquire energy from spatially confined local resource pools and exhibit limited displacement; and 4) species exhibit similarly sized and highly overlapping trophic niches. We found some evidence for ontogenetic shifts in habitat‐use (δ13C) for thorny and little skate and diet (δ15N) of thorny and winter skate and hypothesize that individuals exhibit gradual trophic niche transition, especially in δ15N space, rather than a clear and distinct shift in diet throughout ontogeny. Spatial isoscapes generated for little, thorny, and winter skate highlighted distinct spatial patterns in isotopic composition across the coastal shelf. For little and thorny skate, patterns mimicked expected spatial variability in the isotopic composition of phytoplankton/POM, suggesting limited displacement and utilization of spatially confined resource pools. Winter skate, however, exhibited a much narrower range of δ13C and δ15N values, suggesting individuals may use resources from a more confined latitudinal range. Although high total trophic niche overlap was observed between some species (e.g. little and thorny skate), sympatric species (e.g. little and winter skate) exhibited a degree of trophic niche separation. These findings offer new insight into the trophic dynamics of a poorly‐studied, vulnerable group of predators, and highlight a need to re‐examine assumptions pertaining to aspects of their ecology.  相似文献   

Predators exert strong effects on ecological communities, particularly when they re‐occupy areas after decades of extirpation. Within species, such effects can vary over time and by sex and cascade across trophic levels. We used a space‐for‐time substitution to make foraging observations of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) across a gradient of reoccupation time (1–30 years), and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis to ask whether (a) sea otter niche space varies as a function of occupation time and (b) whether niche space varies by sex. We found that niche space varied among areas of different occupation times. Dietary niches at short occupation times were dominated by urchins (Mesocentrotus and Strongylocentrotus spp; >60% of diets) in open habitats at 10–40 m depths. At longer occupation times, niches were dominated by small clams (Veneroida; >30% diet), mussels (Mytilus spp; >20% diet), and crab (Decapoda; >10% diet) in shallow (<10 m) kelp habitats. Diet diversity was lowest (H′ = 1.46) but energy rich (~37 kcal/min) at the earliest occupied area and highest, but energy poor (H′ = 2.63, ~9 kcal/min) at the longest occupied area. A similar transition occurred through time at a recently occupied area. We found that niche space also differed between sexes, with bachelor males consuming large clams (>60%), and urchins (~25%) from deep waters (>40 m), and females and territorial males consuming smaller, varied prey from shallow waters (<10 m). Bachelor male diets were less diverse (H′ = 2.21) but more energy rich (~27 kcal/min) than territorial males (H′ = 2.54, ~13 kcal/min) and females (H′ = 2.74, ~11 kcal/min). Given recovering predators require adequate food and space, and the ecological interactions they elicit, we emphasize the importance of investigating niche space over the duration of recovery and considering sex‐based differences in these interactions.  相似文献   

The exceptional diversity of neotropical bat communities is sustained by an intricate partitioning of available resources among the member species. Trophical specialization is considered an important evolutionary avenue towards niche partitioning in neotropical phyllostomid bats. From an ancestral insectivorous condition, phyllostomids evolved into highly specialized frugivorous, carnivorous, nectarivorous, piscivorous and even sanguivorous species. Previously, correlations between cranial morphology and trophic ecology within this group have been documented. Here, we examine the evolutionary relationships between bite force and head shape in over 20 species of bats from a single tropical savannah bat community. The results show that bite force increases exponentially with body size across all species examined. Despite the significant differences between large dietary groups using traditional analysis (i.e. non-phylogenetic) and the strong evolutionary correlations between body mass and bite force, phylogenetic analyses indicated no differences in bite performance between insectivorous, omnivorous and frugivorous bats. Comparisons of three species with highly specialized feeding habits (nectarivory, piscivory and sanguivory) with the rest of the species in the community indicate that specialization into these niches comes at the expense of bite performance and, hence, may result in a reduction of the trophic niche breadth.  相似文献   

When present in sympatry, invasive species have the potential to amplify or mitigate their ecological impacts through their trophic interactions. Their trophic niches may overlap, limiting impacts to specific trophic levels or functional groups; alternatively, they may diverge, with this niche differentiation resulting in contrasting impacts between species on the ecosystem. Here, we tested the trophic consequences for the global freshwater invaders common carp Cyprinus carpio, signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva when their populations were in sympatry and under varying population biomass across six adjacent and identical ponds. Through using corrected values of δ13C and δ15N, stable isotope niche metrics revealed that when the species were analysed together across all of the ponds, the output indicated their potential to share trophic resources. This was because niche overlap was evident at the species level: P. parva shared 19.6 and 30.4 % of their isotopic niche with C. carpio and P. leniusculus respectively. At the population level, however, the invaders had no niche overlap when present in sympatry and, instead, diverged in their trophic niche space, with C. carpio occupying the highest trophic levels, followed by P. parva and then P. leniusculus. We suggest that at the population level within in each pond, niche differentiation was facilitated by each species being plastic in their resource use, allowing their co-existence in ponds that may otherwise have limited their ability to co-exist through resource limitation.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for the dynamics of a spatially heterogeneous predator-prey population system; a prototype is the Syamozero lake fish community. We show that the invasion of an intermediate predator can evoke chaotic oscillations in the population densities. We also show that different dynamic regimes (stationary, nonchaotic oscillatory, and chaotic) can coexist. The “choice” of a particular regime depends on the initial invader density. Analysis of the model solutions shows that invasion of an alien species is successful only in the absence of competition between the juvenile invaders and the native species.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. An understanding of the feeding relationships of organisms is fundamental to our capability to conserve and manage aquatic systems. At one extreme we must study the cyclic and erratic physical processes which govern the reproduction, survival and growth of consumers and their'prey'and at the other the rates of food consumption, the assimilation of nutrients and the energetic interactions of plants, animals and micro-organisms.
2. Since the commencement of freshwater science in this country, our understanding of the mechanisms by which producers and consumers interrelate has increased greatly. Information is required basically on three levels: (1) Short-term laboratory and field studies designed to provide detailed data on aspects such as habitat selection, growth, feeding behaviour, etc. (2) Investigation of patterns of change which show periodicities of weeks, months or even a few years associated with the life cycles of many plants and animals and with the seasonal variations in physical and chemical parameters. (3) Long-term surveillance and monitoring, often in a superficial manner, of particular aspects of river ecology in order to detect trends of change or patterns of variation over tens or hundreds of years and, if possible, to relate these to recorded climatic changes.
3. Long-term data collection, in the scale of human longevity, is most appropriate to phenomena which show readily indentifiable periodic maxima or minima or which occur at well defined times (for example the discharge of a river or the start and finish of flow in a winterbourne). Alternatively, information which is amenable to automatic or semi-automatic monitoring (temperature, water chemistry, fish migration) or integrated sampling (insect abundance, annual removal of cut water weeds) may also provide valuable evidence of long-term change.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that a generalist arthropod predator, Tenodera sinensis Saussure, could trigger a trophic cascade in an old-field ecosystem. These mantids had relatively weak effects on abundance and biomass of other carnivorous arthropods as a group. The effect of mantids on herbivores was stronger than on carnivores, mainly concentrated in Homoptera and Diptera. Herbivore load was reduced by mantids with the consequence that overall plant biomass (mainly grasses) was increased. Percapita interaction strengths between mantids and other arthropod taxa were, for the most part, weakly negative. Our study demonstrates that a significant trophic cascade can be triggered by a generalist predator even within the framework of a diverse community with relatively diffuse interactions. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

昆承湖优势种鱼类时空-营养生态位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈亚东  任泷  徐跑  凡迎春  徐东坡 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1655-1663
为了解昆承湖优势种鱼类资源利用情况,首先利用生态位方法计算了时间、空间及营养三个资源维度的生态位宽度及重叠值,然后根据时空-营养生态位宽度值将优势种鱼类划分为广位种、中位种和窄位种,最后讨论了生态位宽度及重叠的可能原因。结果显示:刀鲚Coilia nasus、蒙古鲌Chanodichthys mongolicus、似鱎Toxabramis swinhonis、似鳊Pseudobrama simoni、鳙Hypophthalmichthys nobilis、鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix、花鱼骨Hemibarbus maculatus、似刺鳊鮈Paracanthobrama guichenoti、大鳍鱊Acheilognathus macropterus和鲫Carassius auratus为优势种。在时间维度:鲢的生态位宽度最大,似鳊的最小;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有24对,占总的53.33%。在空间维度,似刺鳊鮈最大,鲢最小;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有36对,占总的80%。在营养维度,最大的为鲫,最小的为花鱼骨;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有8对,占17.78%...  相似文献   

Specialist true predators are expected to exhibit higher capture efficiencies for the capture of larger and dangerous prey than generalist predators due to their possession of specialized morphological and behavioral adaptations. We used an araneophagous spider (Lampona murina) and a generalist spider (Drassodes lapidosus) as phylogenetically related model species and investigated their realized and fundamental trophic niches and their efficacy with respect to prey capture and prey handling. The trophic niche of both species confirmed that Lampona had a narrow trophic niche with a predominance of spider prey (including conspecifics), while the niche of Drassodes was wide, without any preference. DNA analysis of the gut contents of Lampona spiders collected in the field revealed that spiders form a significant part of its natural diet. Lampona captured significantly larger prey than itself and the prey captured by Drassodes. As concerns hunting strategy, Lampona grasped the prey with two pairs of legs possessing scopulae, whereas Drassodes immobilized prey with silk. Lampona possess forelegs equipped with scopulae and a thicker cuticle similar to other nonrelated araneophagous spiders. Lampona fed for a longer time and extracted more nutrients than Drassodes. We show that specialized behavioral and morphological adaptations altogether increase the hunting efficiency of specialists when compared to generalists.  相似文献   

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