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卧龙自然保护区与当地社区关系模式探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对目前国内外广泛出现的保护区与当地社区的矛盾冲突,研究以四川卧龙国家级自然保护区(以下简称卧龙保护区)为例,从就业机会、野生动物的破坏及补偿、对资源利用的限制、旅游的开展、社区参与、家畜的饲养和放牧、非木林产品的采集、狩猎、农业活动和传统保护等10个方面,向卧龙保护区内的农户、管理人员、个体经营者和游客等4类人群发放调查问卷,对卧龙保护区与当地社区之间的关系模式(包括发展协调型、社区不利型、保护区不利型和冲突竞争型)及其管理现状和存在的问题进行深入探讨.结果表明,4类人群对卧龙保护区与当地社区关系模式的界定有显著差异(P<0.05),但皆以发展协调型为主导模式.卧龙保护区对当地社区的影响主要是:提高当地知名度、发展旅游业提高收入、限制资源的利用等;当地社区对卧龙保护区的影响主要是:协助保护野生动植物、参加联防工作、放牧破坏生物生境等.影响卧龙保护区与当地社区之间关系的主要因素是:政策、旅游和社区活动.建议建立专职的社区共管部门,聘请当地居民参与生态旅游,并设立野生动物破坏补偿委员会.对卧龙保护区与当地社区关系的评价便于管理人员整体把握各项社区管理措施的管理成效,从关系模式的主要影响因素着手,提高保护区的社区管理水平.  相似文献   

自然保护区与当地社区关系的典型模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着全球自然保护区数量以及保护区内部及周边人口的与日俱增,保护与发展的和谐问题引起了学者们的广泛关注。本文将自然保护区与当地社区看作两个互相作用的系统,从自然保护区对当地社区经济发展、生活质量和文化教育的影响以及当地社区对自然保护区生物多样性的影响两方面剖析了自然保护区与当地社区的关系,并在此基础上提出了自然保护区与当地社区关系的3种典型模式:发展平衡型、发展失衡型和冲突竞争型,其中发展失衡型又分为社区不利型和保护区不利型。然后从就业机会、野生动物对农作物和家畜的破坏及补偿、对资源利用的限制、旅游的开展、社区参与、家畜的饲养和放牧、非木林产品的采集、狩猎、农业活动以及传统保护等10个方面对3种模式加以识别。这种模式的划分以及关键行为特征的识别便于保护区为社区管理工作定位,有助于保护区与社区的和谐发展。  相似文献   

保护区与周围社区村寨的发展问题是影响保护区安全的大事。本文以西双版纳国家级自然保护区周边的基诺族社区巴卡小寨为例 ,通过市场调查和对巴卡小寨村民的问卷访谈 ,探讨保护区与周边村寨的关系问题 ,特别关注村民由于保护区的保护而获得的经济收益和经济损失的数额。结果发现 ,当地居民可以从保护区中获得非常重要的一部分经济收入 ,2 0 0 1年占总收入的 2 1 2 4 %。但当地村民因为保护区占用土地而蒙受较大数量的机会成本损失。根据调查结果对保护区的进一步管理和发展提出相应建议。  相似文献   

四川九顶山保护区周边社区经济及环境意识调查和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PRA方法对四川九顶山自然保护区周边社区5个乡镇的经济状况及居民的环境意识进行了调查,结果表明:1)居民的主要经济来源是经济林木产品和矿山务工收入,对森林资源的依赖性不强;2)当地大量的采矿业破坏了自然环境;3)在调查居民的发展愿望时,37%的人认为应大力发展种植业。由于社区经济发展不平衡,居民的发展愿望差异明显;4)各乡镇居民对保护区的认识和环境保护的看法有显著差异,经济发展地区的环境意识较强;5)保护区对居民的宣传教育偏少。保护区应加大对居民的宣教工作,积极开展社区共管;同时也应该注意到经济发展的滞后可能影响社区的环境保护工作的开展,所以在推动保护区的工作同时,实现当地经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

应用参与式乡村评估方法(PRA)对四川九顶山自然保护区周边社区5个乡镇的经济状况及居民的环境意识进行了调查,结果表明:(1)居民的主要经济来源是经济林木产品和矿山务工收入,对森林资源的依赖性不强;(2)当地大量的采矿业破坏了自然环境;(3)在调查居民的发展愿望时,37%的人认为应大力发展种植业,由于社区经济发展不平衡,居民的发展愿望差异明显;(4)各乡镇居民对保护区的认识和环境保护的看法有显著差异,经济发展地区的环境意识较强;(5)保护区对居民的宣传教育偏少.保护区应加大对居民的宣教工作,积极开展社区共管;同时也应注意到经济发展的滞后可能影响社区的环境保护工作的开展,所以在推动保护区的工作同时,应实现当地经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区社区居民政策响应研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
自然保护区与当地社区居民之间具有长期的相互依存关系,二者协调发展是自然保护区管理的核心内容之一。保护区政策是联结保护区和社区关系的纽带,通过调查和分析社区居民对保护区政策的响应,可以获得改善两者关系的有、效信息。本研究通过对卧龙自然保护区内社区居民的问卷调查,分析了影响自然保护区和社区协调发展的因素。研究结果表明:(1)保护区的主要生态保育政策和工程对改善保护区和社区的关系具有显著影响,其中有两个问题需要特别注意:一是退耕还林政策的实施,减少了农业就业人口,出现了大量剩余劳动力,对生物多样性保护将产生潜在威胁;二是天然林保护工程和以电代柴政策与居民用电消费和补偿的切身利益直接相关,需要制定科学的用电消费和补偿机制。(2)社区居民对自然保护区的认知响应在不同社会特征的群体之间存在明显差异,其中教育水平和性别影响社区居民对保护区现行政策的认知响应,教育水平和居住地点影响社区居民对移民政策的响应,根据上述调查和分析结果,本文提出了加强公众参与,提高教育水平,增加居民就业,科学确定电价以及逐步移民等相应对策。  相似文献   

生物圈保护区的概念及内涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物圈保护区是一个开放的资源管理基地。它将保护区的管理与当地的经济建设和人民生活的提高紧密结合在一起。除具有一般保护区所具有的保护功能以外,生物圈保护区还具有促进对资源的可持续利用的发展功能以及开展科学研究,教育,监测,培训,示范,信息交流等后勤支持功能,它最鲜明的特色在于实施的过程中强调当地社区和居民的参与,与当地经济的可持续发展紧密结合。  相似文献   

野猪对农作物的危害是当前人与野生动物冲突的典型案例,分析其危害特征,掌握当地居民对野猪危害与保护管理的态度,对于自然保护区社区共管与野生动物保护管理决策尤为重要。对贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区的调查研究发现,野猪一年四季均危害农作物,危害高峰期在 2-4 月与10-12 月,主要受作物收获期影响;农耕地在保护区的位置、距道路距离及距水源距离显著影响野猪对农耕地的危害,农耕地距道路(< 55 m)和水源越近(< 270 m),遭受危害程度越高。保护区的实验区和周边区域人居活动强烈,但野猪危害较其他区域严重,野猪危害农地时对水源因素较距居民点距离、距林缘距离、隐蔽因素更为敏感。70% 的当地居民认为野猪危害是由于种群数量过多引起。55% 的当地居民不赞同国家保护野猪的政策,62% 的赞同猎杀野猪控制其种群数量增长。受访者年龄与野猪危害程度两因素显著影响居民对野猪的容忍度,50 - 70 岁是当地社区居民的主要人群,也是态度中立及容忍度较高的人群。为有效减少野猪危害损失,调和人与野生动物冲突矛盾,建议保护区管理者根据野猪危害特征,帮助当地居民建立有效防控措施和有效快速的危害评估与损失补偿机制,同时根据当地居民的态度特征,做好保护政策的宣教工作。  相似文献   

保护区与社区关系协调:方法和实践经验   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
保护区的持续存在和发展必须得到当地居民的支持和认可。从理论上讲,保护区和社区之间的关系在区域尺度上表现为保护成本和收益分配不均衡,在保护区内表现为保护和发展之间的冲突。在实践上,保护区的管理模式已经从以前传统的强制性保护转向比较公开、民主的保护模式,比较典型的方法包括生物圈保护区、综合保护和发展项目(ICDPs)以及基于社区的自然资源管理(CBNRM)。通过多年的实践,上述方法取得了许多经验和教训.目前已在三个方面达成共识:社区和社区行为在理论和实践中不一致、社区居民与其他利益群体之间的协调机制以及项目实施所必需的支持/保障机制。本文对国内外协调保护区与社区关系的方法和实践经验等进行分析和总结,以期为改善我国自然保护区的管理,实现可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1997年9月16日至22日,“第三次中国生物圈保护区网络大会暨武夷山生物圈保护区评估会”在武夷山市石开。来自全国26个自然保护区及有关主管部门、科研院所、新闻单位、当地政府及社区共60余名代表出席了会议。会议以“社区参与自然保护区管理”为主题,对武夷山生物圈保护区进行了考察和研讨评估。生物多样性保护与经济发展之间的矛盾是自然保护区普遍面临的一大问题。当地社区参与保护区管理将是解决这一矛盾的有效途径之一。然而,对于各级管理者和决策者来说这是一项新的课题。代表们从实施参与管理的目标(为什么要实行社区参与管理?)、参与管理的主体(谁来参与?)、参与管理的内容(管理什么?)、管理机制(如何动作?)、管理方式(采取什么组织形式与制度?)等不同角度对武夷山生物圈保护区进行了考察,展开了广泛的讨论,并做出如下评估意见。  相似文献   

大部分保护机构只有能力在特定种群层面上保护大型食肉动物, 而物种的灭绝风险却是在全球尺度进行评估的。因此, 要填补这一尺度断层, 多机构的工作与意见汇总非常必要。本研究综合了文献和18家中国雪豹(Panthera uncia)研究与保护机构共24位一线工作人员提供的信息, 经过两次集体讨论和填写评分表格的方式, 识别出21种威胁因素, 在全国层面和青海、西藏、新疆、四川和甘肃5个主要雪豹分布省区层面对威胁进行了排序, 并汇总了各保护机构实施的17项保护行动, 以及各项行动所应对的威胁。全国评分前三的威胁依次是基层保护部门能力不足(9.5分)、气候变化(8.0分)、当地社区保护动力不足(6.8分), 不同省区的威胁排序则体现出很大差异性。其中, 目前仍没有任何行动措施应对气候变化。虽然已有一些保护行动来应对基层保护能力不足和当地社区保护动力不足的问题, 如保护区能力建设、开展社区监测等, 但行动的覆盖尺度仍远远不够。  相似文献   

Local communities often conserve nearby natural areas to support recreational activities and other benefits these areas provide. Areas protected by local communities could contribute to wider efforts to achieve large-scale conservation goals, such as biodiversity protection, provided the ecological conditions on-site are compatible with achieving these goals. To explore the potential contribution of locally established protected areas, we focus on areas protected by local communities in California, USA, using ballot initiatives, a form of direct democracy. We compare the ecological condition of wooded habitat on protected areas funded by local communities through the ballot box to that of similar habitats on protected areas funded by a state conservation agency. As an indicator of ecological condition, we focus on coverage by exotic plant species. We examine whether protected area characteristics or aspects of human-mediated onsite disturbance related to recreational use explain exotic plant cover found on each type of protected area. Exotic plant cover did not differ between areas protected by local communities and those protected by our larger scale conservation actor. Instead, elevation was the best predictor of exotic plant cover. Our results suggest protected areas established by local communities may be in no worse a condition than those established by a state public agency and warrant inclusion when tracking progress towards large-scale conservation goals for protected areas.  相似文献   

Arthropods provide ecosystem services upon which humans depend, yet are declining across the globe. Arthropods are neglected from conservation efforts due to many factors that include a lack of understanding of their roles and conservation need. Knowledge gain of arthropod roles could therefore increase support for their conservation, albeit indirectly through attitude changes. Evidence suggests knowledge and attitudes are more highly correlated in children and that environmental attitudes are shaped before age 12 years. Differences in the connection between knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward arthropods may also be different in children from different cultures or from urban versus rural locations due to varying experiences with arthropods. We sought to understand if different types of knowledge increased positive attitudes and stated conservation-based behaviors toward insects in children in both urban and suburban schools. We conducted either a basic biology lesson or a conservation lesson on ecosystem services in both urban and suburban 4th and 5th grade classes, and used pre- and post-questionnaires to detect changes in knowledge, attitudes, and stated behavior toward arthropods. We found that urban students had significantly lower knowledge of, less positive attitudes toward, and fewer stated conservation behaviors toward arthropods but also exhibited the greatest positive changes when presented the conservation-based lesson. In addition, we found that being able to identify the type of arthropod correctly was related to more positive attitudes and stated behaviors. Finally, we found that while attitudes did not change toward some species, stated conservation behaviors did increase with knowledge of the arthropod’s role in the ecosystem. Education in urban schools, with a focus on both distinguishing arthropods as well as ecosystem services, provides the most change per effort for conservation. Arthropod lessons could be done by local professors and undergraduate students in urban classrooms or local green spaces.  相似文献   

This article considers the conservation of relict natural habitat in West Africa, especially habitat preserved in traditional sacred groves. Government-sanctioned conservation is contrasted with local grassroots efforts of conservation. Evidence for the ecological value of sacred groves is based on results of a field study of small mammal communities conducted on the Accra Plains of Ghana and on published sources on the conservation and use of sacred groves from various countries. The study employed standard mark-and-recapture techniques for the sampling for terrestrial small mammals, and mist netting for the sampling of bat communities. Pragmatic approaches combining conservation and sustainable use are considered, as are traditional values that have preserved the sacred groves in the past for up to several hundred years in some cases. In part because these groves shelter unique small mammal and plant communities, traditional values and protection mechanisms should be integrated into the newly emerging cultural and religious contexts. The issues encountered during this study reveal that effective conservation involving local peoples requires a concerted interdisciplinary effort. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Local knowledge systems are not considered in the conservation of fragile seagrass marine ecosystems. In fact, little is known about the utility of seagrasses in local coastal communities. This is intriguing given that some local communities rely on seagrasses to sustain their livelihoods and have relocated their villages to areas with a rich diversity and abundance of seagrasses. The purpose of this study is to assist in conservation efforts regarding seagrasses through identifying Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) from local knowledge systems of seagrasses from 40 coastal communities along the eastern coast of India. We explore the assemblage of scientific and local traditional knowledge concerning the 1. classification of seagrasses (comparing scientific and traditional classification systems), 2. utility of seagrasses, 3. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of seagrasses, and 4. current conservation efforts for seagrass ecosystems. Our results indicate that local knowledge systems consist of a complex classification of seagrass diversity that considers the role of seagrasses in the marine ecosystem. This fine-scaled ethno-classification gives rise to five times the number of taxa (10 species = 50 local ethnotaxa), each with a unique role in the ecosystem and utility within coastal communities, including the use of seagrasses for medicine (e.g., treatment of heart conditions, seasickness, etc.), food (nutritious seeds), fertilizer (nutrient rich biomass) and livestock feed (goats and sheep). Local communities are concerned about the loss of seagrass diversity and have considerable local knowledge that is valuable for conservation and restoration plans. This study serves as a case study example of the depth and breadth of local knowledge systems for a particular ecosystem that is in peril.  相似文献   

Can democratic processes favour conservation outcomes in the tropics? This study focuses on local viewpoints within a forested landscape of high conservation significance in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Stakeholders received posters displaying results from a previous study; these posters emphasised local priorities and views regarding local biodiversity. We assess local attitudes to this information, and consider some implications. Knowledge of, and agreement with, poster content increased among villagers, townspeople and civil servants after they received posters. All respondents appreciated the posters and all supported some form of forest conservation. All respondents agreed that biodiversity conservation and local views are vital in land-use planning. All agreed that logging companies need to be better controlled, while 80% consider them a “major environmental threat”. These results bolster our belief that involving communities is not only an ethically defensible way to achieve conservation outcomes, but also a pragmatic opportunity to do so.  相似文献   

Conservation programmes of recent decades aimed to adopt an approach that addresses biodiversity conservation goals through socio-economic tools and to better integrate the human dimension into biodiversity conservation. Yet, to analyse this complex conservation-development nexus, studying conservation perceptions of local populations are crucial to understand the dynamics and establish sound conservation-development management policies. Therefore, we aim to identify the key determinants of conservation perceptions in the Central African context in order to implement successful local and regional conservation strategies. Conservation perceptions of two national parks’ adjacent populations were examined through household surveys, adapted from the Poverty-Environment Network (PEN), in Rwanda and Republic of Congo. Outcomes were statistically analysed to identify the most important factors affecting perceptions about conservation measures. Using a nonlinear canonical correlation analysis, we found that economic factors (e.g. salary, savings, cattle size) and education positively affect conservation perceptions while ecosystem-dependent factors such as hunting and gathering other non-timber forest products have negative effects. Though, we identified a significant difference between two sites, whereby, conservation perceptions are negatively affected by bushmeat factors in Republic of Congo, and NTFP in Rwanda. In addition, our study showed that resource use and rights play a major role in communities’ perceptions and that revenue-sharing projects have a key impact on the perceptions. To ensure sound conservation and development measures, revenue-sharing schemes focusing on material benefits and alternative livelihoods may provide the best approach if participation of communities in the decision-making process is ensured. In this optic, improving education levels will raise awareness and positive perceptions of conservation measures. Development measures should target poor households as they appear to be more conservation-adverse. We conclude that in depth research on local demands for ecosystem products, relationships among stakeholders and community decision power are crucial factors to understand the complexity of the conservation-development nexus.  相似文献   

Although conservation efforts are traditionally based on species red lists or similar documents, recent initiatives are starting to shift this scope to include other biodiversity structures and biological classifications. Plant communities have been indicated as being among the most promising categories for setting conservation priorities but their importance and potential is still underestimated. In this study we develop a conservation priority list based on aquatic plant communities of the Iberian Peninsula. Four criteria were used to perform a cumulative point-scoring ranking: regional responsibility, local rarity, wealth of its endangered flora, and habitat vulnerability. Our ranking constitutes the first comprehensive classification of aquatic vegetation in relation to its conservation priorities in Southern Europe. It reveals that amphibious communities are the most important vegetation target for conservation in Iberia related to oligotrophic environments with a bioclimatic Atlantic distribution. Plant communities characteristic of eutrophic waters or widely distributed were found to be cause for less concern when setting conservation priorities. Our results bring to light various discrepancies and gaps in current conservation laws affecting the Iberian Peninsula. Our study highlights the potential of plant communities in biodiversity conservation as they provide valuable information of habitat singularity, and supports that neither the sole use of species nor large scale approaches unaware of regional singularities are appropriate in setting conservation priorities.  相似文献   

The loss of a species from an ecological community can trigger a cascade of additional extinctions; the complex interactions that comprise ecological communities make the dynamics and impacts of such a cascade challenging to predict. Previous studies have typically considered global extinctions, where a species cannot re-enter a community once it is lost. However, in some cases a species only becomes locally extinct, and may be able to reinvade from surrounding communities. Here, we use a dynamic, Boolean network model of plant–pollinator community assembly to analyze the differences between global and local extinction events in mutualistic communities. As expected, we find that compared to global extinctions, communities respond to local extinctions with lower biodiversity loss, and less variation in topological network properties. We demonstrate that in the face of global extinctions, larger communities suffer greater biodiversity loss than smaller communities when similar proportions of species are lost. Conversely, smaller communities suffer greater loss in the face of local extinctions. We show that targeting species with the most interacting partners causes more biodiversity loss than random extinctions in the case of global, but not local, extinctions. These results extend our understanding of how mutualistic communities respond to species loss, with implications for community management and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes provide a variety of cultural and ecological ecosystem services to local communities. However, most of these ecosystems are globally threatened by anthropic factors. Chile is home to important dune ecosystems such as the emblematic Ritoque coastal dunes located in the hotspot for biodiversity conservation in central Chile where there is a delicate relationship between conservation and human development interests, among local communities and authorities. Here, we performed a choice experiment study to determined willingness to implement conservation measures in the Ritoque dunes. In particular, we assessed residents’ preferences for improvements of the current state of local ecosystem services such as scenic beauty, biodiversity and archaeological sites. Residents showed preferences for improvements in Ritoque coastal dunes’ ecosystem services, and a high willingness to pay for protecting biodiversity and archeological sites, rather than for recreational infrastructure. Our study highlights the importance of place-based research that specifically addresses residents and stakeholders’ conservation priorities, which could be used to design and implement effective conservation management strategies for coastal ecosystems and coastal cities near them.  相似文献   

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