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We demonstrate a clear example of local adaptation of seasonal timing of spawning and embryo development. The consequence is a population of pink salmon that is segmented into spawning groups that use the same limited habitat. We synthesize published observations with results of new analyses to demonstrate that genetic variation of these traits results in survival differentials related to that variation, and that density‐dependent embryo mortality and seasonally variable juvenile mortality are a mechanism of selection. Most examples of local adaptation in natural systems depend on observed correlations between environments and fitness traits, but do not fully demonstrate local adaptation: that the trait is genetically determined, exhibits different fitness in common environments or across different environments, and its variation is mechanistically connected to fitness differences. The geographic or temporal scales of local adaptation often remain obscure. Here, we show that heritable, fine‐scale differences of timing of reproductive migration in a pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) resulted in temporal structure that persisted several generations; the differences enable a density‐dependent population to pack more spawners into limited spawning habitat, that is, enhance its fitness. A balanced trade‐off of survivals results because embryos from early‐migrating fish have a lower freshwater survival (harsh early physical conditions and disturbance by late spawners), but emigrant fry from late‐migrating fish have lower marine survivals (timing of their vernal emergence into the estuarine environment). Such fine‐scale local adaptations increase the genetic portfolio of the populations and may provide a buffer against the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Melanism is an important component of insect cuticle and serves numerous functions that enhance fitness. Despite its importance, there is little information on its genetic basis or its phenotypic and genetic correlation with fitness‐related traits. Here, we examine the heritability of melanism in the wing dimorphic sand cricket and determine its phenotypic and genetic correlation with wing morphology, gonad mass and size of the dorso‐longitudinal muscles (the principle flight muscles). Previously demonstrated trade‐offs among these traits are significant factors in the evolution of life history variation. Using path analysis, we show that melanization is causally related to gonad mass, but not flight muscle mass. Averaged over the sexes, the heritability of melanism was 0.61, the genetic correlation with gonad mass was ?0.36 and with wing morph was 0.51. The path model correctly predicted the ranking of melanization score in lines selected for increased ovary mass, increased flight muscle mass, an index that increased both traits and an unselected control. Our results support the general hypothesis that melanization is costly for insects and negatively impacts investment in early reproduction.  相似文献   

The tissue of glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida) is unique among metazoans in being largely syncytial, a state that arises during early embryogenesis when blastomeres fuse. In addition, hexactinellids are one of only two poriferan groups that already have clearly formed flagellated chambers as larvae. The fate of the larval chambers and of other tissues during metamorphosis is unknown. One species of hexactinellid, Oopsacas minuta, is found in submarine caves in the Mediterranean and is reproductive year round, which facilitates developmental studies; however, describing metamorphosis has been a challenge because the syncytial nature of the tissue makes it difficult to trace the fates using conventional cell tracking markers. We used three‐dimensional models to map the fate of larval tissues of O. minuta through metamorphosis and provide the first detailed account of larval tissue reorganization at metamorphosis of a glass sponge larva. Larvae settle on their anterior swimming pole or on one side. The multiciliated cells that formed a belt around the larva are discarded during the first stage of metamorphosis. We found that larval flagellated chambers are retained throughout metamorphosis and become the kernels of the first pumping chambers of the juvenile sponge. As larvae of O. minuta settle, larval chambers are enlarged by syncytial tissues containing yolk inclusions. Lipid inclusions at the basal attachment site gradually became smaller during the six weeks of our study. In O. minuta, the flagellated chambers that differentiate in the larva become the post‐metamorphic flagellated chambers, which corroborate the view that internalization of these chambers during embryogenesis is a process that resembles gastrulation processes in other animals.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing data can be mined for highly informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to develop high‐throughput genomic assays for nonmodel organisms. However, choosing a set of SNPs to address a variety of objectives can be difficult because SNPs are often not equally informative. We developed an optimal combination of 96 high‐throughput SNP assays from a total of 4439 SNPs identified in a previous study of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) and used them to address four disparate objectives: parentage analysis, species identification and characterization of neutral and adaptive variation. Nine of these SNPs are FST outliers, and five of these outliers are localized within genes and significantly associated with geography, run‐timing and dwarf life history. Two of the 96 SNPs were diagnostic for two other lamprey species that were morphologically indistinguishable at early larval stages and were sympatric in the Pacific Northwest. The majority (85) of SNPs in the panel were highly informative for parentage analysis, that is, putatively neutral with high minor allele frequency across the species’ range. Results from three case studies are presented to demonstrate the broad utility of this panel of SNP markers in this species. As Pacific lamprey populations are undergoing rapid decline, these SNPs provide an important resource to address critical uncertainties associated with the conservation and recovery of this imperiled species.  相似文献   

The genetic and environmental homogeneity in agricultural ecosystems is thought to impose strong and uniform selection pressures. However, the impact of this selection on plant pathogen genomes remains largely unknown. We aimed to identify the proportion of the genome and the specific gene functions under positive selection in populations of the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. First, we performed genome scans in four field populations that were sampled from different continents and on distinct wheat cultivars to test which genomic regions are under recent selection. Based on extended haplotype homozygosity and composite likelihood ratio tests, we identified 384 and 81 selective sweeps affecting 4% and 0.5% of the 35 Mb core genome, respectively. We found differences both in the number and the position of selective sweeps across the genome between populations. Using a XtX‐based outlier detection approach, we identified 51 extremely divergent genomic regions between the allopatric populations, suggesting that divergent selection led to locally adapted pathogen populations. We performed an outlier detection analysis between two sympatric populations infecting two different wheat cultivars to identify evidence for host‐driven selection. Selective sweep regions harboured genes that are likely to play a role in successfully establishing host infections. We also identified secondary metabolite gene clusters and an enrichment in genes encoding transporter and protein localization functions. The latter gene functions mediate responses to environmental stress, including interactions with the host. The distinct gene functions under selection indicate that both local host genotypes and abiotic factors contributed to local adaptation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neogene palaeoshore sediments are abundantly represented along the Mediterranean coast of Iberia. An outcrop north of the Sierra Tejeda, named La Resinera, exposes concentrations of pebbles and boulders of marble, comprising an upper Miocene marine beach deposit. The high diversity of bioerosion trace fossils present in these boulders includes structures produced by polychaete annelids, demosponges, echinoids and endolithic bivalves, which indicate a shallow shoreface environment. The ichnotaxa represented are Maeandropolydora sulcans, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Entobia geometrica, Entobia ovula, Circolites kotoncensis, Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites ornatus and Gastrochaenolites turbinatus. The borings are Tortonian (late Miocene) in age. Also present, and particularly abundant, are large sponge borings that have a single chamber from which radiating canals emerge. This trace fossil is designated as Entobia resinensis isp. nov.  相似文献   

Although a growing number of studies have documented the evolution of adult dispersal‐related traits at the range edge of poleward‐expanding species, we know little about evolutionary changes in immune function or traits expressed by nondispersing larvae. We investigated differentiation in larval (growth and development) and adult traits (immune function and flight‐related traits) between replicated core and edge populations of the poleward‐moving damselfly Coenagrion scitulum. These traits were measured on individuals reared in a common garden experiment at two different food levels, as allocation trade‐offs may be easier to detect under energy shortage. Edge individuals had a faster larval life history (growth and development rates), a higher adult immune function and a nearly significant higher relative flight muscle mass. Most of the differentiation between core and edge populations remained and edge populations had a higher relative flight muscle mass when corrected for latitude‐specific thermal regimes, and hence could likely be attributed to the range expansion process per se. We here for the first time document a higher immune function in individuals at the expansion front of a poleward‐expanding species and documented the rarely investigated evolution of faster life histories during range expansion. The rapid multivariate evolution in these ecological relevant traits between edge and core populations is expected to translate into changed ecological interactions and therefore has the potential to generate novel eco‐evolutionary dynamics at the expansion front.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. In animals with a complex life cycle, larval stressors may carry over to the adult stage. Carry‐over effects not mediated through age and size at metamorphosis have rarely been studied. The present study focuses on the poorly documented immune costs of short‐term food stress both in the larval stage and after metamorphosis in the adult stage. 2. The present study quantified immune function [number of haemocytes, activity of prophenoloxidase (proPO) and phenoloxidase (PO)] in an experiment where larvae of the damselfly Lestes viridis were exposed to a transient starvation period. 3. Directly after starvation, immune variables were reduced in starved larvae. Levels of proPO and PO remained low after starvation, even after metamorphosis. In contrast, haemocyte numbers were fully compensated by the end of the larval stage, yet were lower in previously starved animals after metamorphosis. This can be explained as a cost of the observed compensatory growth after starvation. Focusing only on potential costs of larval stressors within the larval stage may therefore be misleading. 4. The here‐identified immunological cost in the adult stage of larval short‐term food stress and associated compensatory growth strongly indicates that physiological costs may explain hidden carry‐over effects bridging metamorphosis. This adds to the increasing awareness that the larval and adult stages in animals with a complex life cycle should be jointly studied, as trade‐offs may span metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The adaptation of herbivorous insects to new host plants is key to their evolutionary success in diverse environments. Many insects are associated with mutualistic gut bacteria that contribute to the host's nutrition and can thereby facilitate dietary switching in polyphagous insects. However, how gut microbial communities differ between populations of the same species that feed on different host plants remains poorly understood. Most species of Pyrrhocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) are specialist seed‐feeders on plants in the family Malvaceae, although populations of one species, Probergrothius angolensis, have switched to the very distantly related Welwitschia mirabilis plant in the Namib Desert. We first compared the development and survival of laboratory populations of Pr. angolensis with two other pyrrhocorids on seeds of Welwitschia and found only Pr. angolensis was capable of successfully completing its development. We then collected Pr. angolensis in Namibia from Malvaceae and Welwitschia host plants, respectively, to assess their bacterial and fungal community profiles using high‐throughput amplicon sequencing. Comparison with long‐term laboratory‐reared insects indicated stable associations of Pr. angolensis with core bacteria (Commensalibacter, Enterococcus, Bartonella and Klebsiella), but not with fungi or yeasts. Phylogenetic analyses of core bacteria revealed relationships to other insect‐associated bacteria, but also found new taxa indicating potential host‐specialized nutritional roles. Importantly, the microbial community profiles of bugs feeding on Welwitschia versus Malvaceae revealed stark and consistent differences in the relative abundance of core bacterial taxa that correlate with the host‐plant switch; we were able to reproduce this result through feeding experiments. Thus, a dynamic gut microbiota may provide a means for insect adaptation to new host plants in new environments when food plants are extremely divergent.  相似文献   

Unravelling the mechanisms underlying variation in life history traits is of fundamental importance for our understanding of adaptation by natural selection. While progress has been made in mapping fitness-related phenotypes to genotypes, mainly in a handful of model organisms, functional genomic studies of life history adaptations are still in their infancy. In particular, despite a few notable exceptions, the genomic basis of life history variation in natural populations remains poorly understood. This is especially true for the genetic underpinnings of life history phenotypes subject to diversifying selection driven by ecological dynamics in patchy environments--as opposed to adaptations involving strong directional selection owing to major environmental changes, such as latitudinal gradients, extreme climatic events or transitions from salt to freshwater. In this issue of Molecular Ecology,Wheat et al. (2011) now make a significant leap forward by applying the tools of functional genomics to dispersal-related life history variation in a butterfly metapopulation. Using a combination of microarrays, quantitative PCR and physiological measurements, the authors uncover several metabolic and endocrine factors that likely contribute to the observed life history phenotypes. By identifying molecular candidate mechanisms of fitness variation maintained by dispersal dynamics in a heterogeneous environment,they also begin to address fascinating interactions between the levels of physiology, ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Anadromous Chinook salmon populations vary in the period of river entry at the initiation of adult freshwater migration, facilitating optimal arrival at natal spawning. Run timing is a polygenic trait that shows evidence of rapid parallel evolution in some lineages, signifying a key role for this phenotype in the ecological divergence between populations. Studying the genetic basis of local adaptation in quantitative traits is often impractical in wild populations. Therefore, we used a novel approach, Random Forest, to detect markers linked to run timing across 14 populations from contrasting environments in the Columbia River and Puget Sound, USA. The approach permits detection of loci of small effect on the phenotype. Divergence between populations at these loci was then examined using both principle component analysis and FST outlier analyses, to determine whether shared genetic changes resulted in similar phenotypes across different lineages. Sequencing of 9107 RAD markers in 414 individuals identified 33 predictor loci explaining 79.2% of trait variance. Discriminant analysis of principal components of the predictors revealed both shared and unique evolutionary pathways in the trait across different lineages, characterized by minor allele frequency changes. However, genome mapping of predictor loci also identified positional overlap with two genomic outlier regions, consistent with selection on loci of large effect. Therefore, the results suggest selective sweeps on few loci and minor changes in loci that were detected by this study. Use of a polygenic framework has provided initial insight into how divergence in a trait has occurred in the wild.  相似文献   

Different components of heritability, including genetic variance (VG), are influenced by environmental conditions. Here, we assessed phenotypic responses of life‐history traits to two different developmental conditions, temperature and food limitation. The former represents an environment that defines seasonal polyphenism in our study organism, the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, whereas the latter represents a more unpredictable environment. We quantified heritabilities using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedures within an “Information Theoretical” framework in a full‐sib design. Whereas development time, pupal mass, and resting metabolic rate showed no genotype‐by‐environment interaction for genetic variation, for thorax ratio and fat percentage the heritability increased under the cool temperature, dry season environment. Additionally, for fat percentage heritability estimates increased under food limitation. Hence, the traits most intimately related to polyphenism in B. anynana show the most environmental‐specific heritabilities as well as some indication of cross‐environmental genetic correlations. This may reflect a footprint of natural selection and our future research is aimed to uncover the genes and processes involved in this through studying season and condition‐dependent gene expression.  相似文献   

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