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Chloroplast DNA replication was studied in the green, autotrophic suspension culture line SB-1 of Glycine max. Three regions (restriction fragments Sac I 14.5, Pvu II 4.1 and Pvu II 14.8) on the plastome were identified that displayed significantly higher template activity in in vitro DNA replication assays than all other cloned restriction fragments of the organelle genome, suggesting that these clones contain sequences that are able to direct initiation of DNA replication in vitro. In order to confirm that the potential in vitro origin sites are functional in vivo as well, replication intermediates were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using cloned restriction fragments as probes. The two Pvu II fragments that supported deoxynucleotide incorporation in vitro apparently do not contain a functional in vivo replication origin since replication intermediates from these areas of the plastome represent only fork structures. The Sac I 14.5 chloroplast DNA fragment, on the other hand, showed intermediates consistent with a replication bubble originating within its borders, which is indicative of an active in vivo origin. Closer examination of cloned Sac I 14.5 sub-fragments confirmed high template activity in vitro for two, S/B 5 and S/B 3, which also seem to contain origin sites utilized in vivo as determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The types of replication intermediate patterns obtained for these sub-fragments are consistent with the double D-loop model for chloroplast DNA replication with both origins being located in the large unique region of the plastome [17, 18]. This is the first report of a chloroplast DNA replication origin in higher plants that has been directly tested for in vivo function.  相似文献   

Replication of the Chinese hamster dihydrofolate (dhfr) gene initiates near a 281-bp HaeIII fragment of stably bent DNA that binds RIP60, a 60-kDa origin-specific DNA-binding protein that has been purified from HeLa cell nuclear extract (L. Dailey, M. S. Caddle, N. Heintz, and N. H. Heintz, Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:6225-6235, 1990). Circular permutation assays showed that stable DNA bending in the dhfr origin region fragment was due to the presence of five oligo (dA)3-4 tracts, designated bend elements B1 to B5, that are spaced 10 bp apart. DNA bending directed by elements B1 to B5, as assessed by anomolous migration of DNA fragments on polyacrylamide gels, was accentuated at 4 degrees C. Bend element B5, which is in inverse orientation relative to elements B1 to B4, overlaps an ATT-rich motif that comprises the RIP60 protein-binding site. Gel mobility shift assays with circularly permuted bent DNA fragments and purified RIP60 showed that RIP60 markedly enhanced DNA bending of the dhfr origin region sequences. These results suggest that, as in many plasmids, bacteriophages, and eucaryotic viruses, mammalian DNA-binding proteins may enhance DNA bending near origins of replication during initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 genome contains three origins of replication: OriL and a diploid OriS. The origin-binding protein, the product of the UL9 gene, interacts with two sites within OriS, box I and box II. A third site, box III, which is homologous to boxes I and II, may also be a binding site for the origin-binding protein. Mutations in these three sites significantly reduce OriS-directed plasmid replication measured in transient replication assays. The reduction in replication efficiency of the mutants correlates well with the decrease in the ability to bind to the origin-binding protein, as determined by Elias et al. (P. Elias, C. M. Gustafsson, and O. Hammarsten, J. Biol. Chem. 265: 17167-17173, 1990). The effect of multiple mutations in boxes I, II, and III on plasmid replication suggests that there are multiple binding sites in OriS for the origin-binding protein. These studies indicate that proper interaction of the origin-binding protein with the OriS sequence is essential for OriS-directed DNA replication.  相似文献   

Previous studies provided indirect evidence that the ability of a variety of DNA-damaging agents to induce asynchronous polyomavirus DNA replication in the H3 rat fibroblast cell line is mediated by a trans-acting factor. Using an erythrocyte insertion technique to introduce protein fractions from UV-irradiated cells into unirradiated H3 cells, we have now obtained evidence that this factor is a 60-kilodalton protein. These findings provide evidence that DNA damage in mammalian cells induces a factor that can alter the replication of a viral DNA.  相似文献   

The Herpes simplex virus type I origin-binding protein, OBP, is encoded by the UL9 gene. OBP binds the origin of DNA replication, oriS, in a cooperative and sequence-specific manner. OBP is also an ATP-dependent DNA helicase. We have recently shown that single-stranded oriS folds into a unique and evolutionarily conserved conformation, oriS*, which is stably bound by OBP. OriS* contains a stable hairpin formed by complementary base pairing between box I and box III in oriS. Here we show that OBP, in the presence of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein ICP8, can convert an 80-base pair double-stranded minimal oriS fragment to oriS* and form an OBP-oriS* complex. The formation of an OBP-oriS* complex requires hydrolysable ATP. We also demonstrate that OBP in the presence of ICP8 and ATP promotes slow but specific and complete unwinding of duplex minimal oriS. The possibility that the OBP-oriS* complex may serve as an assembly site for the herpes virus replisome is discussed.  相似文献   

M Kido  H Yasueda    T Itoh 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(11):2875-2880
The product of the rep gene of ColE2 is required for initiation of ColE2 DNA replication. The rep gene was placed under the control of the promoters, PL and PR, and the heat-labile cl857 repressor of bacteriophage lambda. The Rep protein was identified as a 35 Kd protein by the maxicell method in combination with heat-induced expression. The protein was efficiently expressed from these promoters in unirradiated cells and accumulated up to a few per cent of the total cellular proteins. It was partially purified (about 80% pure) and its properties examined. The amino acid sequence of the amino terminal portion of the partially purified protein agreed well with that predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the rep gene. One of the characteristic features of the rep gene is frequent usage of rare codons, especially those for arginine. The protein specifically stimulated replication of ColE2 DNA but not that of ColE3 DNA in crude cell extracts of Escherichia coli. Specific binding of the protein to plasmid DNA containing the origin region of ColE2 was demonstrated by the filter binding method. Neither endonuclease activity nor topoisomerase activity was detected by using ColE2 DNA.  相似文献   

Localization of replication origins in pea chloroplast DNA.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The locations of the two replication origins in pea chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) have been mapped by electron microscopic analysis of restriction digests of supercoiled ctDNA cross-linked with trioxalen. Both origins of replication, identified as displacement loops (D-loops), were present in the 44-kilobase-pair (kbp) SalI A fragment. The first D-loop was located at 9.0 kbp from the closest SalI restriction site. The average size of this D-loop was about 0.7 kbp. The second D-loop started 14.2 kbp in from the same restriction site and ended at about 15.5 kbp, giving it a size of about 1.3 kbp. The orientation of these two D-loops on the restriction map of pea ctDNA was determined by analyzing SmaI, PstI, and SalI-SmaI restriction digests of pea ctDNA. One D-loop has been mapped in the spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes. The second D-loop was located downstream of the 23S rRNA gene. Denaturation mapping of recombinants pCP 12-7 and pCB 1-12, which contain both D-loops, confirmed the location of the D-loops in the restriction map of pea ctDNA. Denaturation-mapping studies also showed that the two D-loops had different base compositions; the one closest to a SalI restriction site denatured readily compared with the other D-loop. The recombinants pCP 12-7 and pCB 1-12 were found to be highly active in DNA synthesis when used as templates in a partially purified replication system from pea chloroplasts. Analysis of in vitro-synthesized DNA with either of these recombinants showed that full-length template DNA was synthesized. Recombinants from other regions of the pea chloroplast genome showed no significant DNA synthesis activity in vitro.  相似文献   

A complementation experiment was developed to identify the protein component that is essential for the in vitro replication of a cloned template containing a chloroplast DNA replication origin of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Using this method, we have identified a DNA primase activity that copurified with DNA polymerase from the crude protein mixture. The primase catalyzed the synthesis of short RNA primers on single-stranded DNA templates. Among the synthetic templates, the order of preference was poly(dA), poly(dT), and poly(dC). The primer size range for these templates was 11-18, 5-12, and 3-11 nucleotides, respectively. On a single-stranded template containing the chloroplast DNA replication origin, the primer length range reached 19 to 27 nucleotides, indicating a better processtivity. Several initiation sites were mapped on both strands of the cloned replication origin. Some preferential initiation sites were located on A tracks spaced at one helical turn apart within the bending locus. Primase improved the template specificity of the in vitro DNA replication system and enhanced the incorporation of radioactive dATP into the supercoiled template containing the core sequences of the chloroplast DNA replication origin.  相似文献   

Geminiviruses are plant DNA viruses with small genomes whose replication, except for the viral replication protein (Rep), depends on host proteins and, in this respect, are analogous to animal DNA tumor viruses, e.g. SV40. The mechanism by which these animal viruses create a cellular environment permissive for viral DNA replication involves the binding of a virally encoded oncoprotein, through its LXCXE motif, to the retinoblastoma protein (Rb). We have identified such a LXCXE motif in the Rep protein of wheat dwarf geminivirus (WDV) and we show its functional importance during viral DNA replication. Using a yeast two-hybrid system we have demonstrated that WDV Rep forms stable complexes with p130Rbr2, a member of the Rb family of proteins, and single amino acid changes within the LXCXE motif abolish the ability of WDV Rep to bind to p130Rbr2. The LXCXE motif is conserved in other members of the same geminivirus subgroup. The presence of an intact Rb binding motif is required for efficient WDV DNA replication in cultured wheat cells, strongly suggesting that one of the functions of WDV Rep may be the linking between viral and cellular DNA replication cycles. Our results point to the existence of a Rb-like protein(s) in plant cells playing regulatory roles during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

DNA replication of the temperate lactococcal bacteriophage TP901-1 was shown to involve the gene product encoded by orf13 and the repeats located within the gene. Sequence analysis of 1,500 bp of the early transcribed region of the phage genome revealed a single-stranded DNA binding protein analogue (ORF12) and the putative replication protein (ORF13). The putative origin of replication was identified as series of repeats within orf13 and was shown to confer a TP901-1 resistance phenotype when present in trans. Site-specific mutations were introduced into the replication protein and into the repeats. The mutations were introduced into the TP901-1 prophage by homologous recombination by using a vector with a temperature-sensitive replicon. Subsequent analysis of induced phages showed that the protein encoded by orf13 and the repeats within orf13 were essential for phage TP901-1 amplification. In addition, analyses of internal phage DNA replication showed that the ORF13 protein and the repeats are essential for phage TP901-1 DNA replication in vivo. These results show that orf13 encodes a replication protein and that the repeats within the gene are the origin of replication.  相似文献   

Exposure to DNA-damaging agents triggers signal transduction pathways that are thought to play a role in maintenance of genomic stability. A key protein in the cellular processes of nucleotide excision repair, DNA recombination, and DNA double-strand break repair is the single-stranded DNA binding protein, RPA. We showed previously that the p34 subunit of RPA becomes hyperphosphorylated as a delayed response (4-8 h) to UV radiation (10-30 J/m(2)). Here we show that UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation depends on expression of ATM, the product of the gene mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia (A-T). UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation was not observed in A-T cells, but this response was restored by ATM expression. Furthermore, purified ATM kinase phosphorylates the p34 subunit of RPA complex in vitro at many of the same sites that are phosphorylated in vivo after UV radiation. Induction of this DNA damage response was also dependent on DNA replication; inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin prevented induction of RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation by UV radiation. We postulate that this pathway is triggered by the accumulation of aberrant DNA replication intermediates, resulting from DNA replication fork blockage by UV photoproducts. Further, we suggest that RPA-p34 is hyperphosphorylated as a participant in the recombinational postreplication repair of these replication products. Successful resolution of these replication intermediates reduces the accumulation of chromosomal aberrations that would otherwise occur as a consequence of UV radiation.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA is bound to the thylakoids of spinach chloroplasts. To examine a possible role for thylakoid-bound DNA in chloroplast DNA replication, vesicles formed by treating chloroplasts in 3.5 mM MgCl2 were used. Chloroplast DNA fragments are bound to the surface of these vesicles. Chloroplast DNA isolated from vesicles that had been first treated with Eco R1 contained 10% of branched fragments whereas chloroplast DNA isolated from intact chloroplasts and treated with Eco R1 contained 2% of branched fragments. This result is consistent with the growing replication fork of chloroplast DNA being associated with the chloroplast internal membrane system. Branched fragments from the chloroplast DNA digested with Eco R1 prior to the isolation from the vesicle contained fragments of unequal length. Membrane binding in chloroplasts may have a similar role in DNA replication as it does in bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary A partially purified algal protein mixture which supports in vitro DNA replication consists of soluble proteins and proteins extracted from thylakoid membrane. The membrane extract is essential for the specific initiation of replication at a displacement loop (D-loop) site previously mapped by electron microscopy. D-loop site and its flanking sequences have been cloned and sequenced. In this study, fragment-retention assays using various subclones of the sequenced region indicate that some proteins in the membrane extract bind strongly and specifically with a 494 bp restriction fragment which partially overlaps the D-loop site. Protein gel analyses of the protein-DNA complex identify three DNA-binding polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 18, 24 and 26 kDa, respectively. Treatment with chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis, for 1 h has no obvious effect on the contents of the 24 or 26 kDa polypeptides but significantly reduces the content of the 18 kDa polypeptide in the membrane extract.  相似文献   

The genome of the geminivirus tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) consists of two circular DNA molecules designated as components A and B. The A component encodes the only viral protein, AL1, that is required for viral replication. We showed that AL1 interacts specifically with TGMV A and B DNA by using an immunoprecipitation assay for AL1:DNA complex formation. In this assay, a monoclonal antibody against AL1 precipitated AL1:TGMV DNA complexes, whereas an unrelated antibody failed to precipitate the complexes. Competition assays with homologous and heterologous DNAs established the specificity of AL1:DNA binding. AL1 produced by transgenic tobacco plants and by baculovirus-infected insect cells exhibited similar DNA binding activity. The AL1 binding site maps to 52 bp on the left side of the common region, a 235-bp region that is highly conserved between the two TGMV genome components. The AL1:DNA binding site does not include the putative hairpin structure that is conserved in the common regions or the equivalent 5' intergenic regions of all geminiviruses. These studies demonstrate that a geminivirus replication protein is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein, and the studies have important implications for the role of this protein in virus replication.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the herpes simplex virus origin-binding protein (UL9) in the initiation of DNA replication, we have examined the effect of UL9 binding on the structure of the viral origin of replication. UL9 loops and alters the DNA helix of the origin regardless of the phasing of the binding sites. DNase I and micrococcal nuclease footprinting show that UL9 binds two sites in the origin and loops the AT-rich DNA between them independent of the topology of the DNA. KMnO4 and dimethyl sulfate footprinting further show that UL9 alters the DNA helix in the AT region. In contrast to the looping reaction, however, helical distortion requires the free energy of supercoiled DNA. UL9 also loops and distorts the origin DNA of a replication-defective mutant with a 6-bp insertion in the AT region. Because the helical distortion of this mutant DNA is different from that of functional origins, we conclude that an imperfect tertiary structure of the mutant DNA may contribute to its loss of replication function.  相似文献   

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