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Social foraging allows individuals to scrounge, i.e. to exploit the food others have made available. The conditions promoting scrounging as an alternative foraging tactic have yet received limited attention. We presently examine whether ravens, as opportunistic scavengers, adjust their foraging tactics according to the potential costs involved in accessing a particular food source. We observed wild ravens foraging in a game park, at the enclosures of wolves, Canis lupus, and wild boars, Sus scrofa. Wolves may aggressively defend their food and even kill ravens, whereas wild boars do not. When co‐feeding with wolves, the ravens showed higher scrounging rates than with wild boars. Only at the wolves, they tended to specialize either on scrounging or on getting food directly from the site. However, scrounging techniques differed in relation to the state of food depletion. Early on, after food became available, the ravens most frequently displaced others from food, whereas towards the end, stealing, solicited sharing, and cache raiding became prevalent. These techniques differed in their profitability and their use was related to the scroungers’ age, social status and affiliative relationships. This suggests that ecological conditions, such as co‐feeding with potential predators, may influence the individuals’ decision whether or not to scrounge in competition for food. Social conditions, on the other hand, may affect the way how to get at food possessed by others and may thus, to a large extent, determine the profitability of scrounging.  相似文献   

One foraging strategy that scavengers can employ to discover unpredictable food sources is to associate directly with predators who inadvertently provide food. The common raven, a well known feeding generalist, is also a prominent scavenger of wolves' kills and is found to be in close association with this predator. We tested the hypothesis that ravens preferentially associate with wolves in winter as a kleptoparasitic foraging strategy. The presence, absence and behaviour of ravens was documented during winter observations of wolves, coyotes, Canis latrans, and elk, Cervus elaphus, as well as the landscape in the absence of these three species. Ravens were found to be in close association with wolves when they were travelling, resting and hunting prey. In comparison, ravens showed no significant association with coyotes, elk or areas on the landscape in the absence of wolves. We also compared ravens' discovery success of wolf-killed and nonwolf-killed carcasses and their behavioural response upon discovery. Ravens found all wolf kills almost immediately and remained at the carcass to feed alongside wolves after the death of the prey. In contrast, ravens were less successful discovering experimentally placed carcasses in the same study region, and did not land or feed despite the availability of fresh, exposed meat. Our results show that ravens' association with wolves is not just an incidental and proximate by-product of the presence of fresh meat. Instead, we show that ravens preferentially associate with wolves in both the presence and absence of food, resulting in the discovery of carcasses and suppression of ravens' innate fear of novel food sources. Through this mode of social foraging, ravens may experience increased foraging efficiency in the use of an otherwise spatially and temporally unpredictable food source.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

Individuals foraging in groups should develop behavioural tactics to optimise their gain. In novel feeding situations, predation risk and pressure of kleptoparasites may be particularly high and hence may constrain optimal foraging. To create a novel feeding situation, we offered common ravens (Corvus corax) equal numbers of either small (40 g) or large (160 g) pieces of meat on successive days, always in combination with the same novel object. During the first weeks, when ravens were still neophobic, small pieces were taken in larger numbers than large pieces. Intraspecific kleptoparasitism was more likely to occur when ravens carried large food items. It seems that initiating foragers were mainly innovative subdominants. Preference for small items might have decreased with increasing habituation because more dominants were then feeding directly at the source and hence were less likely to resort to kleptoparasitism as an alternative foraging tactic. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Modifying the object-choice task: Is the way you look important for ravens?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most animals seem to have difficulties in using gaze cues to find hidden food in object-choice tasks. For instance, chimpanzees usually fail in these tests, even though they are capable of following other's gaze geometrically behind barriers. Similar to chimpanzees, common ravens are skilled in tracking other's gaze but fail in object-choice tasks. We here explored whether procedural modifications, which had been used successfully in chimpanzees, would also yield positive results in ravens. In our modifications (a) the experimenter approached the cup while gazing at it, (b) the gaze cue was accompanied by a sound and (c) the experimenter could actually see the food while giving the gaze cue. Two out of seven birds performed above chance level in some of these conditions. However, we ascribe this improvement to the individuals' learning ability rather than to an understanding of the communicative nature of the task. This interpretation is further supported by results of a follow-up experiment suggesting that ravens may not rely on conspecifics' gaze cues for finding food caches in a natural foraging context. In sum, our results suggest that ravens may not transfer their gaze follow abilities to foraging situations involving hidden food.  相似文献   

Stable flies are noxious blood‐feeding pests of exotic animals at zoological parks, inflicting painful bites, and causing discomfort to animals. Stable fly management is difficult because of the flies’ tendency to remain on the host animals only when feeding. Non‐toxic traps can be efficient but traps placed around exhibit perimeters captured fewer‐than‐expected numbers of flies. By surrounding traps with square electric fence enclosures, traps could be placed in the exhibits with the host animals and compared with an equal number of traps placed along perimeter fences. During a 21‐week study, traps inside exhibits captured 5× more stable flies than traps placed along exhibit perimeters. Traps inside exhibits tended to show more fluctuations in fly populations than traps along perimeters. The increased numbers of flies captured using this technique should provide relief from this pestiferous fly and greatly improve animal health and welfare. We believe this to be the first study where traps were used to capture stable flies in exhibit yards at a zoological park.  相似文献   

Testing Problem Solving in Ravens: String-Pulling to Reach Food   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of our study was to re‐examine the acquisition of problem‐solving behaviour in ravens: accessing meat suspended from a perch by a string. In contrast to a previous study, here we: (i) controlled for possible effects of fear of the string, competition by dominants, and social learning and (ii) devised a mechanically equivalent but non‐intuitive task to test for the possibility of means–end understanding. One‐year‐old ravens confronted with meat on a string for the first time tried several ways to reach the food. However, five of six birds suddenly performed a coherent sequence of pulling up and stepping on loops of string, essential for solving the problem. Those five birds were also successful in the non‐intuitive task where they had to pull down the string to lift the meat. A second group of birds with similar exposure to strings but without any experience in pulling up meat failed the pull‐down test. These results support the idea that the ravens’ behaviour in accessing meat on a string is not only a product of rapid learning but may involve some understanding of cause–effect relation between string, food and certain body parts.  相似文献   

Abstract Water loss while foraging may affect the overall value of food to desert animals. When water is scarce, foragers may alter activity and shun certain types of food due to elevated water loss. When water is abundant, foragers can exploit food patches more thoroughly and remain active over a broader range of ambient conditions. In short, food and water may be complementary resources. The presence of water raises the marginal value of food, particularly those foods low in water content. We tested for the complementarity of food and water to foragers at a sand dune site in the Simpson Desert of arid Australia. To do so, we quantified patch exploitation of foragers in the presence or absence of bowls filled with water. In order to quantify patch use, we provisioned feeding trays with granulated peanuts mixed into a sand substrate. In these trays we measured giving-up densities (GUD; the amount of food left in a tray after a foraging bout) of diurnal (mostly Australian ravens, Corvus coronoides) and nocturnal foragers (mostly sandy inland mouse, Pseudomys hermannsburgensis). The presence of water affected the GUD of ravens but not of rodents. For the ravens, GUD dropped about 50% in response to added water. For ravens, water and food are strongly complementary. In addition, ravens had lower GUD in the open than the bush microhabitat, and lower GUD at the bottom than the tops of sand dunes.  相似文献   

Heterospecific alarm calls are typically found in situations where multiple species have a common predator. In birds, they are particularly common in mixed mixed‐species flocks. In species with highly developed social and cognitive abilities like corvids, there is the potential for differential responses to heterospecific vs. conspecific calls according to the riskiness of the habitat. We tested the responses of free‐ranging ravens (Corvus corax) to conspecific alarm calls and compared them to heterospecific alarm calls of jackdaws (Corvus monedula). We observed the proportion of ravens leaving the feeding site after the con‐ or hetero‐specific playback was presented in a situation of low threat (wild boar—Sus scrofa enclosure) and high threat of predation (wolf—Canis lupus enclosure). We show that ravens responded to conspecific calls more intensively at the wolves than at the wild boar, but the response to conspecific calls was in both enclosures stronger than to the control (great tit—Parus major song). The response to the heterospecific alarm was also stronger in the wolves’ enclosure, but it did not differ from control in the wild boar enclosure. These findings suggest that ravens are aware of the meaning of the jackdaw alarm calls, but they respond to it only in a situation of high predatory threat (wolves are present). In the wild boar enclosure, the ravens probably consider jackdaws warning against some other predator, very probably harmless to ravens. This interpretation requires further testing, as both enclosures differ also in respect to other parameters like food quality and shelter availability.  相似文献   

Numerous birds and mammals use vocal signals to advertise feeding opportunities but often such signals vary with individual and contextual factors. Non-breeding ravens call at food that is difficult to access, resulting in the attraction of nearby conspecifics. Although callers may benefit from group formation in various ways, we recently found substantial individual variation in food calling. We here explored whether this variation can be partly explained by the social dynamics in raven foraging groups, together with already known effects of age class and sex. Specifically, we expected ravens to respond to the presence or absence of affiliates that could act as cooperative partners in the forthcoming feeding event, that is they should call when other ravens were present but they themselves were alone rather than when they were also in company of an affiliation partner. We observed the vocal behaviour of individually marked wild ravens and, simultaneously, categorized their affiliative behaviour with other ravens in the minutes before experimentally controlled feedings. In line with our prediction, individuals were less likely to produce food-associated calls when they were in close contact with an affiliation partner prior to feeding as compared to when they were alone. Furthermore, sex and age class influenced food calling as females called more often than males and younger birds called more often than adult ravens. In conclusion, these results suggest that ravens attempt to find support from a particular cooperative partner by broadly advertise feeding opportunities via food-associated calls, especially when they have low chances in contest competition due to their age and sex. These findings lend further support to the assumption of raven flocks being structured by social relationships and individual birds flexibly controlling their vocal signalling according to the current flock composition.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that cattle aided by visual cues would be more efficient than uncued animals in locating and consuming foods placed in either fixed or variable locations within a 0.64-ha experimental pasture. Eight yearling steers were randomly selected and trained to associate traffic barricades and traffic cones with high- (oat-barley mixture) and low- (straw) quality foods, respectively. Initially steers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 food location/visual cue treatments: fixed locations/with cues (F/C), variable locations/with cues (V/C), fixed locations/no cues (F/NC), or variable locations/no cues (V/NC). High- and low-quality foods and their respective cue (or no cue) were placed in the experimental pasture. Individual animals were allowed to explore the pasture for 10 min twice per day every other day for 1 week. Minutes until feeding, first feed type consumed (i.e., high-quality, low-quality, or no food consumed), animal location and activity (i.e., feeding, standing, or moving), and total intake of high- and low-quality feed were recorded during each 10-min trial. At the end of each week, location/visual cue treatments were randomly assigned to another 2 steers, which permitted an independent test of each animal in each treatment over a 4-week period. Animals in the F/C and V/C treatments took about 2 min to initially locate and consume a food, compared to F/NC and V/NC animals who took nearly 4 and 6 min, respectively. The high-quality food was the first food located and consumed by F/C, V/C, F/NC, and V/NC animals during 79, 77, 67, and 54% of sampling occasions, respectively. Cued animals typically spent more time feeding (P=0.0004) and less time standing (P=0.005) than uncued animals. Cued animals had a higher mean intake than uncued animals of high- (P=0.001) and low- (P=0.04) quality food. Mean high-quality intake for F/C, V/C, F/NC, and V/NC treatments was 266, 245, 214, and 126 (+/-22) g, respectively; mean low-quality intake for the same treatments was 36, 32, 12, and 10 (+/-10) g. Cued animals also consumed more food per distance traveled than uncued animals (P=0.005). Animals located food quicker (P=0.03) and consumed more high-quality food (P=0.02) when food locations were constant than when they were variable. Our data strongly indicate that cattle can learn to associate visual cues with disparate food qualities and use this information to forage more efficiently in both fixed and variable foraging environments.  相似文献   

Other individual's head- and eye-directions can be used as social cues indicating the presence of important events. Among birds, ravens and rooks have been shown to co-orient with conspecifics and with humans by following their gaze direction into distant space and behind visual screens. Both species use screens to cache food in private; also, it had been suggested that they may rely on gaze cues to detect hidden food. However, in an object-choice task, ravens failed to do so, and their competitive lifestyle may have prevented them from relying on these cues. Here we tested closely related and cooperative rooks. Food was hidden in one of two cups and the experimenter gazed at the baited cup. In a second experiment, we aimed to increase the birds’ motivation to choose correctly by increasing the investment needed to obtain the reward. To do so, the birds had to pull on a string to obtain the cup. Here, the birds as a group tended to rely on gaze cues. In addition, individual birds quickly learned to use the cue in both experiments. Although rooks may not use gaze cues to find hidden food spontaneously, they may quickly learn to do so.  相似文献   

Conflict management strategies such as reconciliation and bystander affiliation have been described for a variety of species. A common determinant seems to be a ‘complex’ social life, with individuals relying on affiliate relationships or social bonds. Little is known, however, about the strategic and flexible use of conflict management skills in experimental settings in species other than primates. We here investigated conflict and post‐conflict behaviour of ravens by manipulating the accessibility of food and, thus, the likelihood of aggressive interactions while foraging. Specifically, we presented birds with a certain amount of highly preferred food that varied in the number of pieces (one piece, two pieces or, as a control, small pieces matching the number of participating birds) and observed their agonistic behaviour during feeding and their affiliative behaviour afterwards. The results showed that high levels of conflicts during feeding in the 1‐piece and 2‐piece conditions led to high levels of affiliation after feeding. Depending on the experimental condition, this effect is best explained (a) by the affiliative behaviour of former aggressors (1‐piece condition) and (b) by the affiliation directed to the receivers of aggression after feeding (2‐piece condition). Those dyads that engaged in allo‐preening after feeding also engaged in allo‐preening outside the experimental setting, suggesting that socially bonded individuals provided third‐party affiliation to victims of aggression. Moreover, socially bonded ravens fed close to each other in the experiment when food was clumped, indicating that they actively coordinated their behaviour when there was a high conflict potential. Taken together, these findings support the assumption that ravens use their social bonds to avoid conflicts by choosing with whom to feed, and to buffer effects of conflicts by engaging in third‐party affiliation as post‐conflict behaviour.  相似文献   

Cache recovery is critical for evolution of hoarding behaviour, because the energy invested in caching may be lost if consumers other than the hoarders benefit from the cached food. By raiding food caches, animals may exploit the caching habits of others, that should respond by actively defending their caches. The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is the main predator of lemmings and goose eggs in the Canadian High Arctic and stores much of its prey in the ground. Common ravens (Corvus corax) are not as successful as foxes in taking eggs from goose nests. This generalist avian predator regularly uses innovation and opportunism to survive in many environments. Here, we provide the first report that ravens can successfully raid food cached by foxes, and that foxes may defend their caches from ravens.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest the physical structure of a habitat has profound effects on intraspecific competition and spacing behaviour among small mammals. We compared habitat preferences and the exploratory behaviour and aggressive territorial defence of male house mice in three types of enclosure differing only in their degree of structural complexity. Each enclosure contained a nestbox placed in one corner, a central food hopper and 10 house bricks. The bricks were either placed around the outer walls (open enclosures), lined up across the middle (wall enclosures) or scattered separately across the floor (complex enclosures). In pairwise choice tests, mice showed a strong preference for wall or complex enclosures over open enclosures but no preference between wall and complex enclosures. They were more active throughout the enclosure with complex structuring and stayed near the side walls in open enclosures. Residents in open enclosures initially showed a lower rate of attack and duration of pursuit when faced with an intruder but not when faced with a second intruder. In complex enclosures, nearly all encounters ended because the residents continued pursuit but lost track of the intruder. This occurred in only half of intruder pursuits in open and wall enclosures. Our results suggest that mice prefer areas containing physical structure because this provides a degree of protection from predators but territories with complex physical structuring appear to be much more difficult to defend. Complex areas may thus support a higher density of mice than open areas or those with more simply aligned physical structuring. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Spatial memory and foraging competition were investigated in three mother/offspring pairs of western lowland gorillas,Gorilla gorilla gorilla, using a naturalistic foraging task at the Toronto Zoo. Sixteen permanent food sites were placed throughout the animals’ enclosures. All of the sites were baited and a pair of animals was free to visit the sites and collect the food. Five of the subjects collected the food with accuracy better than chance. Most of the subjects visited the sites using a pattern, and for half the subjects this was one of adjacency. The high accuracy of five of the subjects and the lack of a consistent adjacency pattern suggest that the animals did in fact use spatial memory. Furthermore, the gorillas tended to avoid visiting food sites that had been previously depleted by their partner. They also appeared to split their search of the enclosures, each visiting only a proportion of the food sites. This indicated that the animals were competing and altering their foraging behaviour based on the behaviour of their partner. Therefore, accuracy was recalculated to take this into account. When the sites depleted by either animal in a pair during a given trial were worked into the accuracy calculations for individual animals, three of the animals still maintained accuracy above chance. This suggests that the animals were not only able to remember which sites they had depleted, but those sites depleted by their foraging partner as well.  相似文献   

Group-foraging ravens scatter-hoard when they are competing for food and, to some extent, also raid the caches made by others. We investigated the effects of observational spatial memory on individual caching and raiding tactics. With captive ravens, we found visual observation was essential for locating and raiding the caches of conspecifics. Both captive and free-ranging ravens, food cachers as well as potential cache raiders, responded to each other's presence. Cachers withdrew from conspecifics and most often placed their caches behind structures, obstructing the view of potential observers. Raiders watched inconspicuously and kept at a distance to cachers close to their cache sites. In response to the presence of potential raiders or because of their initial movements towards caches, the cachers frequently interrupted caching, changed cache sites, or recovered their food items. These results suggest that ravens, regardless of whether they act as cachers or raiders, are capable of withholding information about their intentions and, hence, manipulate the other bird's attention either to prevent or to achieve social-learning opportunities. Such interactions may qualify as ‘tactical’ deception and may have created a considerable pressure selecting for social cognition in ravens. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Avian time–activity budgets are known to be affected by many environmental factors. The aim of this study was to examine whether roosting times of common ravens Corvus corax are affected by inclement weather conditions in response to increased energy demands. The study was conducted at a communal roost of ravens in Thuringia, Germany, from August 2003 to January 2005. The number of roosting ravens fluctuated substantially, ranging from zero individuals in summer to 574 in winter. During the entire study period, a composting facility served as the main feeding ground for roosting ravens. There, the feeding-to-resting ratio did not depend on flock size, indicating the ravens were not food limited. Ravens arrived at the preroost and the roost later relative to sunset on cloudless evenings and on days with shorter length of daylight. Weather conditions measured as ambient temperature, wind speed, and cumulative daily precipitation had no effect on arrival times at the preroost and the roost. Likewise, moonlight did not affect roosting times. Apparently, flexible time–activity budgets resulting from a superabundant food supply may have enabled ravens to moderate the effects of environmental conditions on arrival times at the preroost and the roost.  相似文献   

American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) were offered raw meat or animal carcasses under water or on land in experiments where only chemoreception could be used to discriminate between these and control materials. Alligators also were presented with aqueous extracts and airborne chemicals from meat. Juvenile alligators, tested in indoor tanks, opened more cheesecloth packets containing meat than control packets when these materials were placed under water and on platforms above the water surface. Adult alligators, tested in outdoor semi-natural enclosures, removed more cheesecloth-wrapped meat presented under water, and more of both meat and raccoon (Procyon lotor) carcasses placed under perforated baskets on land, than control materials. Juvenile alligators, tested in tanks partially filled with water, exhibited more lateral head movements and mouth-openings to an aqueous beef extract than to water alone. Juvenile alligators, tested in an olfactometer, exhibited more gular pumps to airborne chemicals from beef than to distilled water. These experiments indicate that alligators may use chemical cues to locate food both on land and under water, and that they detect both water- and airborne chemicals from meat.  相似文献   

Like many other herbivores, in a natural environment equids feed on rather evenly distributed resources. However, the vegetation in their vast habitats constantly changes. If food is plentiful only little competition occurs over food, and in non-competitive situations domestic horses tend to return to the same feeding site until it is overgrazed. In contrast, they compete over limited food for which the social status of the individuals appears to be important. Especially in ruminants several studies have proved an influence of social organisations, rank, sex and the depletion of feeding sites on the feeding behaviour of individuals. However, it is not yet understood whether and how social aspects affect horses' feeding decisions. Curiosity about the influence of social rank on the horses' feeding decisions between two, equally with high-quality surplus food-filled buckets placed in different social feeding conditions, led us to create the test below. The observer horses were alternately tested with a dominant and a subordinate demonstrator placed in one of the three different positions. We conclude that domestic horses use social cognition and strategic decision making in order to decide where to feed in a social feeding situation. When possible they tend to return to the same, continuously supplied feeding site and switch to an "avoidance tendency" in the presence of dominant horses or when another horse is already feeding there. Thus, the social rank and the position of conspecifics affect the feeding strategy of horses.  相似文献   

Social life is profitable, but it facilitates conflicts over resources and creates interdependence between individuals. Separating highly social animals triggers intense reactions aimed at re‐establishing lost connections. Less is known, however, about behavioural and physiological responses to separation in socially facultative species, where individuals temporarily form groups and may subsequently leave them. Non‐breeding common ravens (Corvus corax) gather in large numbers at feeding and roosting sites, but otherwise spend time seemingly solitary or in small subgroups. We here studied how ravens cope with being socially isolated, and investigated the life characteristics that might explain potential individual differences. For this, we individually separated captive subadult ravens (n = 25) and housed them in physical and visual isolation from their group members across 4 d. During the separation period, we collected behavioural data and measured the amount of immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites from bird droppings to assess the ravens’ physiological stress response. We found behavioural indicators of stress at the start of the separation, when ravens showed higher levels of tension than of comfort – a pattern that reversed at the end of the separation. Furthermore, we found that the upbringing of ravens affected their behaviour during separation. Hand‐raised birds produced more vocalisations in the beginning of the separation, and were less active at the end, while the reverse pattern occurred with parent‐raised ravens. Contrary to our predictions, we did not find differences in hormonal responses between the beginning and end of the separation period or any link between hormonal responses and behaviours. Ravens’ behavioural responses to social separation stress seem to be dependent on their arousal states, although possible links with hormonal reactions remain unclear. Our results show that behavioural reactions are not always linked with hormonal responses to stress, and further emphasise the importance of investigating effects of early‐life experiences.  相似文献   

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