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In a sample of 24 skulls of the rare colobine monkey of China,Rhinopithecus roxellana, agenesis of the permanent upper third premolar was observed in 8 specimens (33%). Two of the individuals (8% of the sample) showed unilateral agenesis, while six (25%) showed bilateral agenesis. All of the affected individuals appear to have originated from two areas in central Sichuan Province in China, Moupin (Baoxing) and Wen Chuan, that lie approximately 120 km apart on the western rim of the Sichuan Basin. In this species agenesis of the upper third premolar was generally accompanied by rotation of the upper fourth premolar, but not by any other observable variation in tooth size, morphology, or number. Further, dental agenesis in this species appears to have had no effect craniofacial morphology. In certain human populations, a high prevalence of dental agenesis has been associated with small population effects and genetic isolation. Premolar agenesis inR. roxellana can probably be traced to a similar origin. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the species indicates that a severe reduction of the geographic range of the species occurred as a result of climatic deterioration during the Late Pleistocene. Although large numbers of populations appear to have become extinct, others survived to give rise to the modern populations of the species that inhabit China today. The two populations showing a high prevalence of premolar agenesis appear to have originated from one that passed through a population bottleneck and suffered the consequences of founder effect in the Late Pleistocene. This interpretation is supported by evidence of dental agenesis in a population of an insectivore species from the same region and by the fact that premolar agenesis is not found in any of the other species ofRhinopithecus. There is no evidence to support the interpretation that dental agenesis inR. roxellana is due to natural selection, mutation or an evolutionary force other than a small population effect.  相似文献   

There are three endogamous subdivisions of the Hutterite population, a North American religious isolate. These individuals live on communal farms, and residence is strictly patrilocal. We report on the distributions of HLA-A and B alleles and haplotypes in 203 married women from one subdivision--the Dariusleut--in Alberta, Canada. We demonstrate that there is significant linkage disequilbrium among a large fraction of the distinct haplotypes in the Dariusleut Hutterite data; there is a restriction in the number of distinct haplotypes present in the Dariusleut; the Hutterites and the Old Order Amish (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania) are the most genetically distant pair of populations in an ensemble of 11 Caucasian populations; and, finally, the Old Order Amish and the Hutterites are approximately as distant from the Indiana Amish as they are from the eight other Caucasian populations, which are tightly clustered in the space of gene frequencies. These results are consistent with the fact that the Amish and the Hutterites are genetic isolates with small numbers of founders. Certain haplotypes show significant linkage disequilibrium in these as well as in other Caucasian samples. Thus, some of the linkage disequilibrium antedates the formation of these Anabaptist sects.  相似文献   

Host genetic diversity can mediate pathogen resistance within and among populations. Here we test whether the lower prevalence of Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in native North American house finch populations results from greater resistance to the causative agent, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), than introduced, recently‐bottlenecked populations that lack genetic diversity. In a common garden experiment, we challenged wild‐caught western (native) and eastern (introduced) North American finches with a representative eastern or western MG isolate. Although introduced finches in our study had lower neutral genetic diversity than native finches, we found no support for a population‐level genetic diversity effect on host resistance. Instead we detected strong support for isolate differences: the MG isolate circulating in western house finch populations produced lower virulence, but higher pathogen loads, in both native and introduced hosts. Our results indicate that contemporary differences in host genetic diversity likely do not explain the lower conjunctivitis prevalence in native house finches, but isolate‐level differences in virulence may play an important role.  相似文献   

The acquisition of masticatory capability by mammals allowed a better processing of food and a consequent increase in the efficiency of nutrients intake by the digestive system. The development of tooth classes and variations in tooth number can be considered intrinsic characteristics of mammalian dentition. These features allowed species to develop specialized dentitions, creating new adaptive zones. Comparative developmental data from knockout mutant mice and human tooth agenesis present new insights on the molecular strategies that permitted rapid phenotypic differentiation, adaptation and speciation of mammalian dentition.  相似文献   

The distribution and prevalence of mandibular osteomyelitis, lumpy jaw, and other dental anomalies in wild sheep were investigated and their biological and evolutionary implications were assessed. Our survey was based on 3,363 mandibles of wild sheep and 1,028 from domesticated varieties. Lumpy jaw is widespread in wild sheep of North America, but it is rare or absent in wild sheep from Eurasia. Among the subspecies of Ovis spp. in North American, the thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli) were the most seriously impacted, with a prevalence in Dall's sheep (O. dalli dalli) of 23.3% and 29.3% in Stone's sheep (O. dalli stonei). Among the bighorns (O. canadensis), the Rocky Mountain subspecies (O. canadensis canadensis) had a higher rate (12.1%) than other subspecies. Lumpy jaw was not documented in the desert sheep of Baja California (O. canadensis cremnobates, O. canadensis weemsii). Based on data from affected thinhorn sheep, it appears there is an inverse relationship between age of a subspecies in a long term evolutionary context and susceptibility to lumpy jaw. In Eurasian wild sheep lumpy jaw is rare or absent with prevalences ranging from 0 to 7.1% among suspecies, and in domesticated breeds the prevalence averaged 5.0%. The impact of lumpy jaw on different age classes or longevity is equivocal, although females are more susceptible than males. Lumpy jaw appears to effect horn development in males.  相似文献   

Although first permanent molar hypoconulid absence, third molar agenesis, and small tooth size are all part of the evolutionary trend of dental reduction, each bears a different relationship to dental caries. Caries prevalence in the maxillary and mandibular permanent first molars of the Burlington Research Centre serial experimental group at age 16 years was less in the children whose first molars were missing the hypoconulid. Conversely, caries prevalence in mandibular first molars was greater in the children who had agenesis of third molars. The extraction of first molars due to caries was more frequent in children with agenesis of third molars, less frequent in those with absence of hypoconulids of the first molars and unrelated to tooth size. Caries prevalence was less in small teeth, and occurred least in the small mandibular first molars with four cusps. Whereas this is in harmony with the hypothesis that evolutionary dental reductions resulted from the pressure of caries, the increased prevalence of caries and extractions coinciding with third molar agenesis does not support this view. In addition, agenesis of hypoconulids and agenesis of third molars were related to changes in structures unrelated to caries.  相似文献   

The Hutterite Brethren comprise a religious isolate and live on communal agricultural farms (colonies) in North America. In 1976 there were approximately 15,000 Canadian Brethren living in 179 colonies of the three endogamous subdivisions, the Dariusleut, Lehrerleut, and Schmiedeleut. Dariusleut and Lehrerleut colonies are located in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, and the Schmiedeleut are in Manitoba. Brethren were identified on population-based cancer registries of the three Prairie Provinces and among death registrations in the vital statistics of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The method of ascertainment was by a search for the 15 contemporary surnames and verification by address. 89 male and 91 female Brethren were identified who had cancer during the period, 1956--1975. The numbers of observed cancers were less than expected from provincial incidence rates for males and females in each province. The largest deficits were for female Brethren in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. There is a marked deficiency of cancer of the uterine cervix among female Brethren. In males there is a significant deficit of lung cancer. The Hutterite way of life contributes to a low risk for cancers of smoking-associated sites. However, there is evidence that male Brethren in Alberta may be at relatively increased risk for stomach cancer and leukemias. The site distribution patterns of cancers among the three endogamous leut are similar.  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the expression frequency and sexual dimorphism of 16 non-metric crown traits on the sample of permanent dentitions of the living Druze population (a Near Eastern genetic isolate) in Jordan, and to assess the biological affinity of this sample to 21 regional groups, and to the living general Jordanian population, based on these traits. Druze schoolchildren (46 males, 40 females; mean age = 16.0, sd = 0.5 years) were studied in 2011. The traits were classified using the Arizona State University dental anthropology system, counted with the individual count method, and dichotomized according to the criteria of Scott and Turner for the purpose of group comparisons. Fisher's exact test for dichotomized scores was used to assess sexual dimorphism in these traits. Smith's mean measure of divergence was used to measure all pairwise distance values among the groups. Sexual dimorphism was found in five traits (i.e., UI2 interruption grooves, 3-cusped UM2, UM1 Carabelli's tubercle/cusp, 4-cusp LM1, and LM2 Y-groove pattern). This study revealed that the dental pattern of living Druze, which is similar to that of the general Jordanian population, is sufficiently distinct from the Western Eurasian pattern and all other known dental patterns to form a distinct dental pattern for the regional group or subcategory to which these two populations belong. Moreover, the relatively large distance values of the living Druze and Jordanians from the other world groups considered, including the Western Eurasian groups, suggest a similar major genetic difference of these two populations from the Western Eurasian ancestry.  相似文献   

Although the hymenopteran sex-determining mechanism generally results in haploid males and diploid females, diploid males can be produced via homozygosity at the sex-determining locus. Diploid males have low fitness because they are effectively sterile or produce presumably sterile triploid offspring. Previously, triploid females were observed in three species of North American Polistes paper wasps, and this was interpreted as indirect evidence of diploid males. Here we report what is, to our knowledge, the first direct evidence: four of five early male-producing Polistes dominulus nests from three populations contained diploid males. Because haploid males were also found, however, the adaptive value of early males cannot be ignored. Using genetic and morphological data from triploid females, we also present evidence that both diploid males and triploid females remain undetected throughout the colony cycle. Consequently, diploid male production may result in a delayed fitness cost for two generations. This phenomenon is particularly relevant for introduced populations with few alleles at the sex-determining locus, but cannot be ignored in native populations without supporting genetic data. Future research using paper wasp populations to test theories of social evolution should explicitly consider the potential impacts of diploid males.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the prevalence of xerostomia in an English population, attending general dental practice and relate it to age. medication and gender. Design Study: Cross‐sectional. Setting: Five General Dental Practices in Merseyside, North of England. Subjects: 1,103 adult patients attending for routine dental care. Intervention : Questionnaire administered by dentists. Main Outcome Measures: Age, gender, systemic medication, reported oral dryness. Results: 1,103 patients (654 females) were recruited, of whom 427 (39%) were aged 60 years or older, 26% of patients reported taking medication. The overall prevalence of xerostomia was 12.7% (males‐10.3%, females 14.4%). Age. medication and female gender were found to be significant risk factors for xerostomia, using logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: The prevalence of xerostomia (12.7%) in an English population was lower than reported in previous North American and Swedish studies. Medication was a significant risk factor for xerostomia and a better predictor of risk status, than either age or gender.  相似文献   

We conducted a large population-based survey of fragile X (FRAXA) syndrome in ethnically diverse metropolitan Atlanta. The eligible study population consisted of public school children, aged 7-10 years, in special education-needs (SEN) classes. The purpose of the study was to estimate the prevalence among whites and, for the first time, African Americans, among a non-clinically referred population. At present, 5 males with FRAXA syndrome (4 whites and 1 African American), among 1,979 tested males, and no females, among 872 tested females, were identified. All males with FRAXA syndrome were mentally retarded and had been diagnosed previously. The prevalence for FRAXA syndrome was estimated to be 1/3,460 (confidence interval [CI] 1/7,143-1/1,742) for the general white male population and 1/4, 048 (CI 1/16,260-1/1,244) for the general African American male population. We also compared the frequency of intermediate and premutation FRAXA alleles (41-199 repeats) and fragile XE syndrome alleles (31-199 repeats) in the SEN population with that in a control population, to determine if there was a possible phenotype consequence of such high-repeat alleles, as has been reported previously. No difference was observed between our case and control populations, and no difference was observed between populations when the probands were grouped by a rough estimate of IQ based on class placement. These results suggest that there is no phenotype consequence of larger alleles that would cause carriers to be placed in an SEN class.  相似文献   

While understanding somatic variability among wild primates can provide insight into natural patterns of developmental plasticity, published data for living populations are rare. Here we provide such information for two distinct wild populations of Lemur catta. Variants observed include microtia, athelia, and female virilization. Dental variants observed include individuals with supernumerary teeth, rotated teeth, maxillary incisor agenesis, and severe malocclusion. There was a sex bias in incisor agenesis, with 5 of 7 examples (71%) found in males. The frequency of dental variants in our sample is lower than that seen in many other lemuriformes, as well as other primates. This may be a product of their less derived dental formula and/or their relatively fast dental development. Amassing such data is a critical first step to assess if wild primate populations are exhibiting normal variability or are being affected by potential inbreeding and/or environmental effects.  相似文献   

The lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) has been kept in North American zoological parks since 1930 but has never been a common species in collections. In 1987 this population totaled 28 animals: 15 males and 13 females. A pedigree evaluation in 1987 of the existing population indicated that eight effective founders and one potential founder were represented in the North American herd. Three new potential founders from European captive populations were added to the population in 1987 to increase the number of existing founder lines to 12 animals. As this species is not endangered or threatened in its native habitat, it is not a high priority to qualify for designation as an SSP species. Because of this, the institutions holding lesser kudu in North America decided to join informally and draft a breeding program to better manage this small captive population. This program was designed to minimize inbreeding and equalize genetic representation of founder animals to maximize genetic diversity. It requires a shift in management philosophy to establish stable groups of breeding females at participating institutions while rotating appropriate breeder males through these herds in a controlled manner to ensure minimization of inbreeding and maximization of genetic diversity. It is hoped that this program can serve as a model for the management of other small captive populations of non-SSP species.  相似文献   

The Druze population is a small-sized Near Eastern genetic isolate with high rates of consanguineous marriages. The present study aimed at investigating prevalence, pattern and distribution of hypodontia in the permanent dentition, excluding wisdom teeth, amongst this population. Panoramic radiographs, dental casts, and anamnestic records of 85 un-admixed Druze schoolchildren (45 males, 40 females; age range = 14–18 years, mean age = 16 years, SD = 0.5 years) were examined for evidence of hypodontia. Those with any type of facial clefts or craniofacial syndromes were excluded. Hypodontia prevalence was 11.8% (11.1% for males, 12.5% for females) with no statistically significant difference between sexes. The average number of missing teeth per child was 1.4 (1.2 for males, 1.6 for females). The majority (90%) of affected individuals exhibited minor hypodontia (one or two teeth missing). The most commonly missing teeth were upper lateral incisors and canines, followed by lower and upper second premolars. Asymmetrical hypodontia was more prevalent. Maxillary, left side, and anterior segment predominance were observed. The distinct features of hypodontia among the Druze population are the relatively high prevalence of minor hypodontia, and the upper lateral incisors and canines being the most commonly missing teeth.  相似文献   

The teeth of over 5,000 Teso schoolchildren members of a Nilo-Hamitic tribe in East Africa, were examined for morphological traits. There was a significant difference between the sexes in the number of cusps on the lower first and second molars, in the prevalence of the cusp of Carabelli, and in variability and agenesis of the upper lateral incisor. The results showed that females consistently favoured tooth reduction. There was also a tendency among those possessing extra cusps on one molar to have extra cusps or other molars. Records kept of the prevalence of the tribal custom of extracting lower central incisors indicated that this practise is rapidly dying out. On another group of teeth which had been extracted from adults common variations of root morphology were noted, together with the fissure pattern of the lower molars. Measurements were made of those teeth which were unworn and were not broken down by dental decay, and the lower third molar was found to be the largest tooth of the series. Observations on the pattern of molar tooth wear showed that the buccal as well as the occlusal surface was strongly affected.  相似文献   

Labial talon cusp, or dens evaginatus is a very rare dental anomaly of unclear etiology and significance. It can occur as an isolated finding or be associated with other dental anomalies or some syndromes. The present report describes two Caucasian males with labial talon cusp on maxillary permanent left central incisors. In both cases accessory cusp caused plaque accumulation and marginal gingivitis. One case displayed affected tooth to be in cross bite position causing occlusal trauma. No other dental anomalies in either case, neither association with some syndromes were noted. This rare anomaly requires careful dental and physical examination of the affected patient since its finding can be of clinical and genetic significance.  相似文献   

Lesions were noted in 7.0 and 4.4% of mandible pairs collected from the Western Arctic caribou herd of northwestern Alaska in 1959-61 and 1975-77, respectively. The prevalence of mandibular lesions in the 1959-61 collection is believed to be the highest reported in wild caribou herds of North America. The frequency of occurrence of mandibular lesions was highest in caribou 7 years of age and older, and there was a higher prevalence in adult males than in adult females. Trauma, dental abscesses, and periodontal disease were the probably cause of most lesions. Pathogenic bacteria were not isolated from mandibular lesions from an 11 year-old female. Thirty-three of 98 (33.7%) mandibles with lesions were missing one tooth, while ten (10.2%) were missing more than one tooth. The first molar (M1) was the most common tooth lost in association with lesions, although the loss of two or more teeth was more common among premolars than among molars.  相似文献   

The incidence of tooth wear was studied in a wild troop ofM. fuscata, that had previously been transplanted from Arashiyama, Japan, to Texas. This study was undertaken to determine differences of attrition between males and females, and between maxillary and mandibular dentitions. Contrary to other findings, the rate of wear was not found to be an expression of sex difference, but seemed rather related to function. The following observations may suffice as examples: The mandibular third premolars function as a honing surface for the maxillary canines, and experience greater wear over time in males due to their proximity to smaller canines which leave their neighbors more vulnerable to wear. The degree of attrition intensity is neither the same for males and females, nor the maxillary and mandibular dentitions. Certain maxillary and mandibular teeth “pair up”; although all “pairs” are identical in males and females, they rank differently in the degree of wear experienced. Overall, females express greater attrition in the maxillary, and males in the mandibular dentitions.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological and metrical study of San and Central Sotho dentitions indicates that the teeth of the two samples are significantly different from one another. The San dental complex contains traits that add mass to the occlusal surface of microdontic dentitions: moderate low-grade UI1 (13.5%) and UI2 shoveling (24.7%), high Bushman canine (43.1%), fairly low UM2 hypocone reduction (23.3%), high UM2 cusp 5 (55.6%), high LM1 cusp 7 (35.2%), LM1 distal trigonid crest (7.1%), and LM2 deflecting wrinkle (5.3%), lack of reduction of LM1 and LM2 cusp number, in the presence of very low UM1 Carabelli's trait (6.7%) and high LM2 Y-groove (86.3%). Culturally, males occasionally exhibit filed UI1 and females are missing LI1. Conversely, mesodontic Central Sotho dentitions display a more simplified morphology, with the exception of moderately high incidence of UM1 Carabelli's trait (41.0%) and very high LM1 cusp 7 (71.3%). Discriminant analysis of mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters and tooth crown surface area data for the left maxillary teeth supports classification of San dentitions as microdont and Central Sotho dentitions as mesodont. Additionally, metrical analysis indicates that San teeth are more sexually dimorphic than are those of Central Sotho.  相似文献   

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