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Connexin31.1 (Cx31.1) is a gap junction protein associated with apoptosis. In the skin, apoptosis is modulated by diabetes. A HaCaT skin model investigated whether normal (NGI) and high glucose and insulin (HGI; diabetic) conditions altered Cx31.1 expression, and if these were apoptosis linked. Cx31.1 was found in HaCaT and HeLa Ohio cells, with HaCaT Cx31.1 protein increased in HGI conditions, and around apoptotic cells. HeLa Cx31.1 channels were noncommunicative. Post scrape‐wounding, Cx31.1 increased at wound edges. Caspase 3/7 in scrape‐wounds media (containing cells) elevated in HGI. UV exposure raised Cx31.1, and caspase 3/7, in NGI and HGI. UV reduced cell viability in NGI cells, although not significantly in HGI. Cx31.1 is modulated during HaCaT cell wound closure, and associated with ‘diabetic’ conditions. Cx31.1 expression matched apoptosis levels, higher in HGI cultures. Cx31.1 is noncommunicating, modulated after wounding, linked to apoptosis, and may be associated with tissue turn‐over around diabetic wounds.  相似文献   

The ability to heal wounds is vital to all organisms. In mammalian tissues, alterations in intermediate filament (IF) gene expression represent an early reaction of cells surviving injury. We investigated the role of keratin IFs during the epithelialization of skin wounds using a keratin 6alpha and 6beta (K6alpha/K6beta)-null mouse model. In skin explant culture, null keratinocytes exhibit an enhanced epithelialization potential due to increased migration. The extent of the phenotype is strain dependent, and is accompanied by alterations in keratin IF and F-actin organization. However, in wounded skin in vivo, null keratinocytes rupture as they attempt to migrate under the blood clot. Fragility of the K6alpha/K6beta-null epidermis is confirmed when applying trauma to chemically treated skin. We propose that the alterations in IF gene expression after tissue injury foster a compromise between the need to display the cellular pliability necessary for timely migration and the requirement for resilience sufficient to withstand the rigors of a wound site.  相似文献   

Poor healing of DFUs (diabetic foot ulcers) is a major clinical problem that can be extremely debilitating and lead to lower limb amputation. In the normal acute wound, the Cx43 (connexin 43) gap junction protein is down-regulated at the wound edge as a precursor to cell migration and healing. In fibroblasts from the human chronic DFU wound edge there was a striking and significant 10-fold elevation of Cx43 protein, as well as a 6-fold increase in N-cadherin and a 2-fold increase in ZO-1 (zonular occludin-1), compared with unwounded skin. In streptozotocin diabetic rats, Cx43 was found to be up-regulated in intact dermal fibroblasts in direct proportion to blood glucose levels and increased 2-fold further in response to wounding of the skin. To mimic diabetes, NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were cultured under different concentrations of glucose or mannitol and Cx43 protein intercellular communication and migration rates were determined. Cultures of fibroblasts in very high (40 mM) glucose conditions showed significantly elevated Cx43 protein levels, as shown by immunostaining and Western blotting, and significantly increasing gap junctional communication, as shown by dye transfer. In scratch wound-healing assays, increased levels of Cx43 from high glucose resulted in repressed filopodial extensions and significantly slower migration rates than in either standard conditions (5.5 mM glucose) or the osmotic control of mannitol. Conversely, when glucose-induced Cx43 up-regulation was prevented with Cx43shRNA (Cx43 short-hairpin RNA) transduction, the fibroblasts extended long filopodia and migrated significantly faster. Cx43 protein was up-regulated in fibroblasts in DFUs as well as after high glucose exposure in culture which correlated with inhibition of fibroblast migration and is likely to contribute to impaired wound healing.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication may be modulated by the rather rapid turnover and degradation of gap junction proteins, since many connexins have half-lives of 1–3 h. While several morphological studies have suggested that gap junction degradation occurs after endocytosis, our recent biochemical studies have demonstrated involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway in proteolysis of the connexin43 polypeptide. The present study was designed to reconcile these observations by examining the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions in rat heart-derived BWEM cells. After treatment of BWEM cells with Brefeldin A to prevent transport of newly synthesized connexin43 polypeptides to the plasma membrane, quantitative confocal microscopy showed the disappearance of immunoreactive connexin43 from the cell surface with a half-life of 1 h. This loss of connexin43 immunoreactivity was inhibited by cotreatment with proteasomal inhibitors (ALLN, MG132, or lactacystin) or lysosomal inhibitors (leupeptin or E-64). Similar results were seen when connexin43 export was blocked with monensin. After treatment of BWEM cells with either proteasomal or lysosomal inhibitors alone, immunoblots showed accumulation of connexin43 in both whole cell lysates and in a 1% Triton X-100-insoluble fraction. Immunofluorescence studies showed that connexin43 accumulated at the cell surface in lactacystin-treated cells, but in vesicles in BWEM cells treated with lysosomal inhibitors. These results implicate both the proteasome and the lysosome in the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions.  相似文献   

Irrespective of underlying chronic wound pathology, delayed wound healing is normally characterised by impaired new tissue formation at the site of injury. It is thought that this impairment reflects both a reduced capacity to synthesize new tissue and the antagonistic activities of high levels of proteinases within the chronic wound environment. Historically, wound dressings have largely been passive devices that offer the wound interim barrier function and establish a moist healing environment. A new generation of devices, designed to interact with the wound and promote new tissue formation, is currently being developed and tested. This study considers one such device, oxidised regenerated cellulose (ORC) /collagen, in terms of its ability to promote fibroblast migration and proliferation in vitro and to accelerate wound repair in the diabetic mouse, a model of delayed wound healing. ORC/collagen was found to promote both human dermal fibroblasts proliferation and cell migration. In vivo studies considered the closure and histological characteristics of diabetic wounds treated with ORC/collagen compared to those of wounds given standard treatment on both diabetic and non-diabetic mice. ORC/collagen was found to significantly accelerate diabetic wound closure and result in a measurable improvement in the histological appearance of wound tissues. As the diabetic mouse is a recognised model of impaired healing, which may share some characteristics of human chronic wounds, the results of this in vivo study, taken together with those relating the positive effects of ORC/collagen in vitro, may predict the beneficial use of this device in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Gap junctions, composed of connexins, have been shown to suppress transformation in a variety of malignancies and transformed cell types. In addition, transforming factors such as the src oncogene have been shown to directly phosphorylate some connexins (e.g., Cx43) and inhibit coupling. To investigate the role of gap junctions in cell transformsation by v-src, we utilized a clonal cell line derived from Cx43 knockout mice (KoA) that was immortalized, but not transformed. Transfection by v-src induced a marked transformed phenotype characterized by growth in low serum and anchorage-independent conditions. Subsequent transfections by Cx43, Cx32 or vector alone were then tested for their effects on growth. Activity of pp60v - src was confirmed in all transfectants as well as the ability of pp60v - src to phosphorylate Cx43 in several clones. Despite the documented effect of pp60v - src on Cx43 channel closure, modest coupling was still retained in many of the Cx43 and Cx32 transfectants. However, none of the four Cx43 transfected clones showed significant inhibitory effects on proliferation in either anchorage-independent or low serum growth conditions. Of the Cx32 clones, only one in five showed effects on growth in both assays, which was the same ratio observed for the control transfectants. Thus, based on the levels of expression achieved, which were comparable to endogenous levels in established cell lines, neither Cx43 nor Cx32 serve as effective suppressors of the transformed growth phenotype of this v-src expressing cell line.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus‐1 (HIV) is a public health issue and a major complication of the disease is NeuroAIDS. In vivo, microglia/macrophages are the main cells infected. However, a low but significant number of HIV‐infected astrocytes has also been detected, but their role in the pathogenesis of NeuroAIDS is not well understood. Our previous data indicate that gap junction channels amplify toxicity from few HIV‐infected into uninfected astrocytes. Now, we demonstrated that HIV infection of astrocytes results in the opening of connexin43 hemichannels (HCs). HIV‐induced opening of connexin43 HCs resulted in dysregulated secretion of dickkopf‐1 protein (DKK1, a soluble wnt pathway inhibitor). Treatment of mixed cultures of neurons and astrocytes with DKK1, in the absence of HIV infection, resulted in the collapse of neuronal processes. HIV infection of mixed cultures of human neurons and astrocytes also resulted in the collapse of neuronal processes through a DKK1‐dependent mechanism. In addition, dysregulated DKK1 expression in astrocytes was observed in human brain tissue sections of individuals with HIV encephalitis as compared to tissue sections from uninfected individuals. Thus, we demonstrated that HIV infection of astrocytes induces dysregulation of DKK1 by a HC‐dependent mechanism that contributes to the brain pathogenesis observed in HIV‐infected individuals.


Connexin43 (Cx43) is a ubiquitously expressed member of the gap junction protein family that mediates gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) by allowing exchange of cytosolic materials. Previous studies have used Cx43 truncated at the cytoplasmic tail (C‐tail) to demonstrate that the C‐tail is essential to regulate cell growth and motility. Therefore, the aim of our study was to delineate the respective role of the truncated Cx43 and the C‐tail in mediating Cx43‐dependent signaling. A truncated Cx43 expressing the channel part of the protein (TrCx43, amino acid 1–242) and a construct encompassing only the C‐tail from amino acid 243 (243Cx43) were transduced into LN18 human glioma cells. Our results showed that the ability of Cx43 to suppress growth was independent of GJIC as assessed by dye transfer, but was dependent on the presence of a rigid extracellular matrix. We further demonstrated that the C‐tail alone is sufficient to promote motility. Surprisingly, Cx43 is also able to increase migration in the absence of the C‐tail, suggesting the presence of at least two distinct signaling mechanisms utilized by Cx43 to affect motility. Finally, we used time‐lapse imaging to examine the behavior of migrating cells and it was apparent that the C‐tail was associated with a lamellipodia‐based migration not observed in either mock or TrCx43 expressing LN18 cells. Our study shows for the first time that a free C‐tail is sufficient to induce Cx43‐dependent changes in cell morphology and that Cx43 signaling is linked to the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 589–597, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mouse is currently widely used as a model organism in the analysis of gene function but how developmentally regulated patterns of connexin gene expression in the mouse compare with those in the human is unclear. Here we compare the patterns of connexin expression in the heart during the development of the mouse (from embryonic day 12.5 to 6 weeks postpartum) and the human (at 9 weeks gestation and adult stage). The extent of connexin43 expression in the ventricles progressively increased during development of the mouse heart. The developmental pattern of expression for connexins 40 and 45 in the mouse heart was similar, but not identical, and in the ventricles showed a progressive and preferential expression in the conduction system. In general, these dynamic changes of connexins 43, 40 and 45 during mouse cardiac development appear to be mirrored in the human.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(2):228-235
Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum ) may heal their skin wounds scar‐free in both paedomorphs and metamorphs. In previous studies on small punch skin wounds, rapid re‐epithelialisation was noted in these two axolotl morphs. However, large wound size in mammals may affect wound healing. In this study, large circumferential full thickness excision wounds on the hind limbs were created on juvenile paedomorphic and metamorphic axolotls. The results showed re‐epithelialisation was more quickly initiated in paedomorphs than in metamorphs after wounding. The migrating rate of epidermis on the wound bed was faster in paedomorphs than in metamorphs and thus completion of re‐epithelialisation was faster in paedomorphs than in metamorphs. Within these re‐epithelialisation periods, neither basement membrane nor dermis was reformed. Epidermal cell proliferation was detected by EdU‐labelling technique. In the normal unwounded skin, epidermal proliferation rate was higher in paedomorphs than in metamorphs. After wounding, the epidermal proliferation rate was significantly lower in the migrating front on the wound bed than in the normal skin in paedomorphs. The EdU‐labelling rate between normal skin and migration front was not different in metamorphs. Lacking of more proliferating epidermal cells on the wound bed indicated that the new epidermis here derived rather from migrating epidermal cells than from cell proliferation in situ. In conclusion, re‐epithelialisation in the large wound might be fully completed in both morphs despite it was initiated earlier and with faster rate in paedomorphs than in metamorphs. The new epidermis on the wound bed derived mainly from cell migration than by cell proliferation in the re‐epithelialisation period. J. Morphol. 278:228–235, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal elements may be important in connexin transport to the cell surface, cell surface gap junction plaque formation and/or gap junction internalization. In this study, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was used to examine the role of microfilaments and microtubules in the recruitment and coalescence of green fluorescent protein-tagged Cx43 (Cx43-GFP) or yellow fluorescent tagged-Cx26 (Cx26-YFP) into gap junctions in NRK cells. In untreated cells, both Cx26-YFP and Cx43-GFP were recruited into gap junctions within photobleached areas of cell-cell contact within 2 hrs. However, disruption of microfilaments with cytochalasin B inhibited the recruitment and assembly of both Cx26-YFP and Cx43-GFP into gap junctions within photobleached areas. Surprisingly, disruption of microtubules with nocodazole inhibited the recruitment of Cx43-GFP into gap junctions but had limited effect on the transport and clustering of Cx26-YFP into gapjunctions within the photobleached regions of cell-cell contact. These results suggest that the recruitment of Cx43-GFP and Cx26-YFP to the cell surface or their lateral clustering into gap junctions plaques is dependent in part on the presence of intact actin microfilaments while Cx43-GFP was more dependent on intact microtubules than Cx26-YFP.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal elements may be important in connexin transport to the cell surface, cell surface gap junction plaque formation and/or gap junction internalization. In this study, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was used to examine the role of microfilaments and microtubules in the recruitment and coalescence of green fluorescent protein-tagged Cx43 (Cx43-GFP) or yellow fluorescent tagged-Cx26 (Cx26-YFP) into gap junctions in NRK cells. In untreated cells, both Cx26-YFP and Cx43-GFP were recruited into gap junctions within photobleached areas of cell-cell contact within 2 hrs. However, disruption of microfilaments with cytochalasin B inhibited the recruitment and assembly of both Cx26-YFP and Cx43-GFP into gap junctions within photobleached areas. Surprisingly, disruption of microtubules with nocodazole inhibited the recruitment of Cx43-GFP into gap junctions but had limited effect on the transport and clustering of Cx26-YFP into gapjunctions within the photobleached regions of cell-cell contact. These results suggest that the recruitment of Cx43-GFP and Cx26-YFP to the cell surface or their lateral clustering into gap junctions plaques is dependent in part on the presence of intact actin microfilaments while Cx43-GFP was more dependent on intact microtubules than Cx26-YFP.  相似文献   

Gap junctions form channels that allow exchange of materials between cells and are composed of transmembrane protein subunits called connexins. While connexins are believed to mediate cellular signaling by permitting intercellular communication to occur, there is also increasing evidence that suggest connexins may mediate growth control via a junction-independent mechanism. Connexin43 (Cx43) is the most abundant gap junction protein found in astrocytes, and gliomas exhibit reduced Cx43 expression. We have previously observed that restoration of Cx43 levels in glioma cells led to increased expression of CCN3 (NOV) proteins. We now report that overexpression of Cx43 in C6-glioma cells (C6-Cx43) also upregulates the expression of CCN1 (Cyr61). Both CCN1 and CCN3 belong to the Cyr61/Connective tissue growth factor/Nephroblastoma-overexpressed (CCN) family of secretory proteins. The CCN proteins are tightly associated with the extracellular matrix and have important roles in cell proliferation and migration. CCN1 promotes growth in glioma cells, as shown by the increased proliferation rate of CCN1-overexpressing C6 cells. In addition to its effect on cell growth, CCN1 also increased the motility of glioma cells in the presence of extracellular substrates such as fibronectin. Gliomas expressing high levels of Cx43 preferentially upregulated CCN3 which resulted in reduced growth rate. CCN3 could also be observed in Cx43 gap junction plaques in confluent C6-Cx43H culture at the stationary phase of their growth. Our results suggest that the dissimilar growth characteristics between high and low Cx43 expressors may be due to differential regulation of CCN3 by varying levels of Cx43.  相似文献   

There is a long‐standing association between wound healing and cancer, with cancer often described as a “wound that does not heal”. However, little is known about how wounding, such as following surgery, biopsy collection or ulceration, might impact on cancer progression. Here, we use a translucent zebrafish larval model of RasG12V‐driven neoplasia to image the interactions between inflammatory cells drawn to a wound, and to adjacent pre‐neoplastic cells. We show that neutrophils are rapidly diverted from a wound to pre‐neoplastic cells and these interactions lead to increased proliferation of the pre‐neoplastic cells. One of the wound‐inflammation‐induced trophic signals is prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). In an adult model of chronic wounding in zebrafish, we show that repeated wounding with subsequent inflammation leads to a greater incidence of local melanoma formation. Our zebrafish studies led us to investigate the innate immune cell associations in ulcerated melanomas in human patients. We find a strong correlation between neutrophil presence at sites of melanoma ulceration and cell proliferation at these sites, which is associated with poor prognostic outcome.  相似文献   

Attenuating oxidative stress‐induced damage and promoting endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) differentiation are critical for ischaemic injuries. We suggested monotropein (Mtp), a bioactive constituent used in traditional Chinese medicine, can inhibit oxidative stress‐induced mitochondrial dysfunction and stimulate bone marrow‐derived EPC (BM‐EPC) differentiation. Results showed Mtp significantly elevated migration and tube formation of BM‐EPCs and prevented tert‐butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)‐induced programmed cell death through apoptosis and autophagy by reducing intracellular reactive oxygen species release and restoring mitochondrial membrane potential, which may be mediated viamTOR/p70S6K/4EBP1 and AMPK phosphorylation. Moreover, Mtp accelerated wound healing in rats, as indicated by reduced healing times, decreased macrophage infiltration and increased blood vessel formation. In summary, Mtp promoted mobilization and differentiation of BM‐EPCs and protected against apoptosis and autophagy by suppressing the AMPK/mTOR pathway, improving wound healing in vivo. This study revealed that Mtp is a potential therapeutic for endothelial injury‐related wounds.  相似文献   

Cutaneous wounds are among the most common soft tissue injuries and are particularly hard to heal in aging. Caloric restriction (CR) is well documented to extend longevity; pharmacologically, profound rejuvenative effects of CR mimetics have been uncovered, especially metformin (MET), resveratrol (RSV), and rapamycin (RAPA). However, locally applied impacts and functional differences of these agents on wound healing remain to be established. Here, we discovered that chronic topical administration of MET and RSV, but not RAPA, accelerated wound healing with improved epidermis, hair follicles, and collagen deposition in young rodents, and MET exerted more profound effects. Furthermore, locally applied MET and RSV improved vascularization of the wound beds, which were attributed to stimulation of adenosine monophosphate‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, the key mediator of wound healing. Notably, in aged skin, AMPK pathway was inhibited, correlated with impaired vasculature and reduced healing ability. As therapeutic approaches, local treatments of MET and RSV prevented age‐related AMPK suppression and angiogenic inhibition in wound beds. Moreover, in aged rats, rejuvenative effects of topically applied MET and RSV on cell viability of wound beds were confirmed, of which MET showed more prominent anti‐aging effects. We further verified that only MET promoted wound healing and cutaneous integrity in aged skin. These findings clarified differential effects of CR‐based anti‐aging pharmacology in wound healing, identified critical angiogenic and rejuvenative mechanisms through AMPK pathway in both young and aged skin, and unraveled chronic local application of MET as the optimal and promising regenerative agent in treating cutaneous wound defects.  相似文献   

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