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Hair follicle stem cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The increasing use of the hair follicle as a stem cell paradigm is due in part to the complex interplay between epithelial, dermal and other cell types, each with interesting differentiation potential and prospective therapeutic applications. This review focuses on research into the environmental niche, gene expression profiles and plasticity of hair follicle stem cell populations, where many recent advances have come about through novel technological and experimental approaches. We discuss major developmental pathways involved in the establishment and control of the epithelial stem cell niche, and evidence of plasticity between stem and transit amplifying cell populations.  相似文献   

Hair follicle stem cells: walking the maze   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
The discovery of epithelial stem cells (eSCs) in the bulge region of the outer root sheath of hair follicles in mice and man has encouraged research into utilizing the hair follicle as a therapeutic source of stem cells (SCs) for regenerative medicine, and has called attention to the hair follicle as a highly instructive model system for SC biology. Under physiological circumstances, bulge eSCs serve as cell pool for the cyclic regeneration of the anagen hair bulb, while they can also regenerate the sebaceous gland and the epidermis after injury. More recently, melanocyte SCs, nestin+, mesenchymal and additional, as yet ill-defined "stem cell" populations, have also been identified in or immediately adjacent to the hair follicle epithelium, including in the specialized hair follicle mesenchyme (connective tissue sheath), which is crucial to wound healing. Thus the hair follicle and its adjacent tissue environment contain unipotent, multipotent, and possibly even pluripotent SC populations of different developmental origin. It provides an ideal model system for the study of central issues in SC biology such as plasticity and SC niches, and for the identification of reliable, specific SC markers, which distinguish them from their immediate progeny (e.g. transient amplifying cells). The current review attempts to provide some guidance in this growing maze of hair follicle-associated SCs and their progeny, critically reviews potential or claimed hair follicle SC markers, highlights related differences between murine and human hair follicles, and defines major unanswered questions in this rapidly advancing field.  相似文献   

beta-Catenin is an essential molecule in Wnt/wingless signaling, which controls decisive steps in embryogenesis. To study the role of beta-catenin in skin development, we introduced a conditional mutation of the gene in the epidermis and hair follicles using Cre/loxP technology. When beta-catenin is mutated during embryogenesis, formation of placodes that generate hair follicles is blocked. We show that beta-catenin is required genetically downstream of tabby/downless and upstream of bmp and shh in placode formation. If beta-catenin is deleted after hair follicles have formed, hair is completely lost after the first hair cycle. Further analysis demonstrates that beta-catenin is essential for fate decisions of skin stem cells: in the absence of beta-catenin, stem cells fail to differentiate into follicular keratinocytes, but instead adopt an epidermal fate.  相似文献   

In most stem cell systems, the organization of the stem cell niche and the anchoring matrix required for stem cell maintenance are largely unknown. We report here that collagen XVII (COL17A1/BP180/BPAG2), a hemidesmosomal transmembrane collagen, is highly expressed in hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) and is required for the maintenance not only of HFSCs but also of melanocyte stem cells (MSCs), which do not express Col17a1 but directly adhere to HFSCs. Mice lacking Col17a1 show premature hair graying and hair loss. Analysis of Col17a1-null mice revealed that COL17A1 is critical for the self-renewal of HFSCs through maintaining their quiescence and immaturity, potentially explaining the mechanism underlying hair loss in human COL17A1 deficiency. Moreover, forced expression of COL17A1 in basal keratinocytes, including HFSCs, in Col17a1-null mice rescues MSCs from premature differentiation and restores TGF-β signaling, demonstrating that HFSCs function as a critical regulatory component of the MSC niche.  相似文献   

Injury in adult tissue generally reactivates developmental programs to foster regeneration, but it is not known whether this paradigm applies to growing tissue. Here, by employing blisters, we show that epidermal wounds heal at the expense of skin development. The regenerated epidermis suppresses the expression of tissue morphogenesis genes accompanied by delayed hair follicle (HF) growth. Lineage tracing experiments, cell proliferation dynamics, and mathematical modeling reveal that the progeny of HF junctional zone stem cells, which undergo a morphological transformation, repair the blisters while not promoting HF development. In contrast, the contribution of interfollicular stem cell progeny to blister healing is small. These findings demonstrate that HF development can be sacrificed for the sake of epidermal wound regeneration. Our study elucidates the key cellular mechanism of wound healing in skin blistering diseases.  相似文献   

Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) normally give rise to keratinocytes, sebocytes, and transient amplifying progenitor cells. Along with the capacity to proliferate rapidly, HFSCs provide the basis for establishing a putative source of stem cells for cell therapy. HFSCs are multipotent stem cells originating from the bulge area. The importance of these cells arises from two important characteristics, distinguishing them from all other adult stem cells. First, they are accessible and proliferate for long periods. Second, they are multipotent, possessing the ability to differentiate into mesodermal and ectodermal cell types. In addition to a developmental capacity in vitro, HFSCs display an ability to form differentiated cells in vivo. During the last two decades, numerous studies have led to the development of an appropriate culture condition for producing various cell lineages from HFSCs. Therefore, these stem cells are considered as a novel source for cell therapy of a broad spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders. This review presents the current status of human, rat, and mouse HFSCs from both the cellular and molecular biology and cell therapy perspectives. The first section of this review highlights the importance of HFSCs and in vitro differentiation, while the final section emphasizes the significance of cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

The reconstitution of a fully organized and functional hair follicle from dissociated cells propagated under defined tissue culture conditions is a challenge still pending in tissue engineering. The loss of hair follicles caused by injuries or pathologies such as alopecia not only affects the patients’ psychological well-being, but also endangers certain inherent functions of the skin. It is then of great interest to find different strategies aiming to regenerate or neogenerate the hair follicle under conditions proper of an adult individual. Based upon current knowledge on the epithelial and dermal cells and their interactions during the embryonic hair generation and adult hair cycling, many researchers have tried to obtain mature hair follicles using different strategies and approaches depending on the causes of hair loss. This review summarizes current advances in the different experimental strategies to regenerate or neogenerate hair follicles, with emphasis on those involving neogenesis of hair follicles in adult individuals using isolated cells and tissue engineering. Most of these experiments were performed using rodent cells, particularly from embryonic or newborn origin. However, no successful strategy to generate human hair follicles from adult cells has yet been reported. This review identifies several issues that should be considered to achieve this objective. Perhaps the most important challenge is to provide three-dimensional culture conditions mimicking the structure of living tissue. Improving culture conditions that allow the expansion of specific cells while protecting their inductive properties, as well as methods for selecting populations of epithelial stem cells, should give us the necessary tools to overcome the difficulties that constrain human hair follicle neogenesis. An analysis of patent trends shows that the number of patent applications aimed at hair follicle regeneration and neogenesis has been increasing during the last decade. This field is attractive not only to academic researchers but also to the companies that own almost half of the patents in this field.  相似文献   

Upon wounding, multiple stem cell populations in the hair follicle (HF) and interfollicular epidermis (IFE) converge at the site of injury. Although these cells can contribute permanently to the regenerating epithelium, it remains unclear whether these contributions vary among cells originating from diverse compartments in the skin. By comparing the fates of several keratinocyte lineages, we observed here an initial decrease in both HF- and IFE-derived cells within the transient acanthotic layers of the regenerating epithelium. At the same time, the relative abundance of early-arriving IFE-derived cells specifically in the wound basal layer declined as later-arriving HF-derived cells entered the site of injury. Although laggard bulge-derived cells were typically constrained at the regenerative periphery, these cells persisted in the wound basal layer. Finally, suppressing Notch enabled IFE-derived cells to out-compete HF-derived cells. Taken together, these findings indicate that IFE-, HF- and bulge-derived cells make distinct contributions to regeneration over time. Furthermore, we speculate that extrinsic, non-genetic factors such as spatial constraint, distance from the wound, and basal versus suprabasal position may largely determine whether a cell ultimately persists.  相似文献   

Understanding how complex tissues are formed, maintained, and regenerated through local growth, differentiation, and remodeling requires knowledge on how single‐cell behaviors are coordinated on the population level. The self‐renewing hair follicle, maintained by a distinct stem cell population, represents an excellent paradigm to address this question. A major obstacle in mechanistic understanding of hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) regulation has been the lack of a culture system that recapitulates HFSC behavior while allowing their precise monitoring and manipulation. Here, we establish an in vitro culture system based on a 3D extracellular matrix environment and defined soluble factors, which for the first time allows expansion and long‐term maintenance of murine multipotent HFSCs in the absence of heterologous cell types. Strikingly, this scheme promotes de novo generation of HFSCs from non‐HFSCs and vice versa in a dynamic self‐organizing process. This bidirectional interconversion of HFSCs and their progeny drives the system into a population equilibrium state. Our study uncovers regulatory dynamics by which phenotypic plasticity of cells drives population‐level homeostasis within a niche, and provides a discovery tool for studies on adult stem cell fate.  相似文献   

Epithelial morphogenesis is important for organogenesis and pivotal for carcinogenesis, but mechanisms that control it are poorly understood. The Drosophila follicular epithelium is a genetically tractable model to understand these mechanisms in vivo. This epithelium of follicle cells encases germline cells to create an egg. In this review, we summarize progress toward understanding mechanisms that maintain the epithelium or permit migrations essential for oogenesis. Cell-cell communication is important, but the same signals are used repeatedly to control distinct events. Understanding intrinsic mechanisms that alter responses to developmental signals will be important to understand regulation of cell shape and organization.  相似文献   

Stem cells are the essential source of building blocks for tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Their behavior is dictated by both cell‐intrinsic cues and extrinsic cues from the microenvironment, known as the stem cell niche. Interestingly, recent work began to demonstrate that hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) are not only passive recipients of signals from the surroundings, but also actively send out signals to modulate the organization and function of their own niches. Here, we discuss recent findings, and briefly refer to the old, on the interaction of HFSCs and their niches with the emphasis on the outwards signals from HFSCs toward their niches. We also highlight recent technology advancements that further promote our understanding of HFSC niches. Taken together, the HFSCs emerge as a skin‐organizing center rich in signaling output for niche remodeling during various stages of adult skin homeostasis. The intricate crosstalk between HFSCs and their niches adds important insight to skin biology that will inform clinical and bioengineering fields aiming to build complete and functional 3D organotypic cultures for skin replacement therapies.  相似文献   

S M Burge  R P Dawber 《Cryobiology》1990,27(2):153-163
We have investigated the histological changes in hair follicles in guinea pig skin after standardized moderate and severe cryosurgery injuries. Hair follicles were permanently destroyed by cryosurgery, but more than one mechanism may be operative during follicle destruction and shedding. The mechanism depends upon the severity of the freeze. After a light freeze injury, the changes are predominantly within the hair follicle. The hair is shed at the surface and there is selective autolysis of follicular cells, but dermal connective tissue is preserved and there is little surrounding damage. However, after a severe cryoinjury as used in "tumor doses," there is destruction of dermal connective tissue and dermal scarring. The necrotic dermis is shed, taking with it the dead follicles and morphologically normal elastic tissue.  相似文献   

Epidermal stem cells are retained in vivo throughout skin aging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Giangreco A  Qin M  Pintar JE  Watt FM 《Aging cell》2008,7(2):250-259
In healthy individuals, skin integrity is maintained by epidermal stem cells which self-renew and generate daughter cells that undergo terminal differentiation. It is currently unknown whether epidermal stem cells influence or are affected by skin aging. We therefore compared young and aged skin stem cell abundance, organization, and proliferation. We discovered that despite age-associated differences in epidermal proliferation, dermal thickness, follicle patterning, and immune cell abundance, epidermal stem cells were maintained at normal levels throughout life. These findings, coupled with observed dermal gene expression changes, suggest that epidermal stem cells themselves are intrinsically aging resistant and that local environmental or systemic factors modulate skin aging.  相似文献   

Hair follicles (HFs) are renewed via multipotent stem cells located in a reservoir (the bulge); however, little is known about how they generate multi-tissue HFs from a proliferative zone (the matrix). To address this issue, we temporally induced clonal labeling during HF growth. Challenging the prevailing hypothesis, we found that the matrix contains restricted self-renewing stem cells for each inner structure. These cells are located around the dermal papilla forming a germinative layer. They occupy different proximodistal sectors and produce differentiated cells along the matrix radial axis via stereotyped lineages and cell behavior. By contrast, the outer layer of HFs displays a mode of growth involving apoptosis that coordinates the development of outer and inner structures. HF morphology is therefore determined by the organization of cell fates along the proximodistal axis and by cell behavior along the radial (lateral) axis in the matrix. Thus, our studies suggest that fate and behavior are organized by two systems (uncoupled), and this uncoupling may represent a fundamental way to simplify morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Hair follicles (HF) are skin appendages that develop as a result of the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. The HF mesenchymal component—dermal papilla (DP)—has an ability to induce HF growth after transplantation in afollicular epidermis; this ability is retained through several passages in culture. In the present study, early regeneration events of a human HF are designed in vitro, using DP cells and skin kerati-nocytes. An artificial hair germ model is developed to study the primary steps of the stem cell self-organiza-tion during HF regeneration.  相似文献   

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