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I L Dubinsky 《CMAJ》1988,138(8):683

In 7735 men aged 40-59, selected at random from general practices in 24 towns throughout Britain, pronounced differences were noted in the prevalences of smoking and drinking between the social classes. Social class differences also existed for frequency and quantity of drinking, type of beverage, and several aspects of smoking behaviour. Increasing amounts of smoking were associated with higher prevalences of moderate to heavy drinking, particularly in daily rather than weekend drinkers. Between drinking groups, however, the relation with smoking was more U-shaped, with light and heavy drinkers smoking more than moderate drinkers. The lowest rates of moderate to heavy smoking were observed in frequent light drinkers, particularly in the nonmanual workers. The proportion of moderate to heavy drinkers was no higher among ex-cigarette smokers than among current smokers. When the data were examined by town of residence social class differences persisted. Controlling for social class still showed pronounced differences between towns in both smoking and drinking behaviour. These data confirm that town of residence and social class have independent effects on smoking and drinking. The established regional and social class differences in cardiovascular disease may be due in part to the independent influences of town and social class on smoking and drinking behaviour.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study of steelworkers aged 45-55 years, smokers (n = 105; mean weight 76.1 kg) were found to weigh significantly less than non-smokers (n = 54; 81.6 kg) and ex-smokers (n = 51; 82.6 kg). The lower weight of smokers was attributable to a group with airflow obstruction (n = 37; forced expiratory volume in one second/vital capacity (FEV1/VC) less than 66%), who weighed less (4.8 kg; p less than 0.05) than smokers with normal FEV1/VC (n = 68). In smokers, but not in ex-smokers or non-smokers, body mass index and FEV1/VC ratio were closely related (r = 0.34; p less than 0.001). This association was apparently not due to an effect of body weight on lung function. Weight loss in smokers may be the consequence of impaired lung function or reflect the effect of cigarette smoking on both the respiratory tract and metabolism in susceptible subjects.  相似文献   

Six patients diagnosed as having polycythaemia vera had severe pruritus that persisted despite adequate haematological control. Iron supplementation was given when iron deficiency was noted in all six patients. The pruritus began to improve two to 10 days after the start of treatment and had completely disappeared after two to three weeks. In three patients the iron treatment was stopped because of unacceptably high haemoglobin concentrations; the pruritus recurred. Since chronic iron treatment may result in increases in red cell mass indiscriminate use of iron in patients with polycythaemia vera and pruritus is not advocated. Nevertheless, in patients with severe symptoms and evidence of iron deficiency treatment with iron, continuing for two to three weeks after the symptoms have abated, may be beneficial.  相似文献   

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