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S K Buehler  W L Parsons 《CMAJ》1997,157(5):521-526
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a simple call/recall system in improving compliance with cervical cancer screening among women not screened in the previous 3 years. DESIGN: Prospective randomized controlled study. SETTING: Two family medicine clinics (1 urban, 1 rural) affiliated with Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John''s. PARTICIPANTS: A sample of women aged 18-69 years who were listed as patients of the clinics but who had not had a Papanicolaou test (Pap test) within the 3 years before the start of the study. Of 9071 women listed as patients 1360 (15.0%) had not undergone screening in the previous 3 years. A random sample of 650 were selected, 209 of whom were excluded because they had had a hysterectomy, had had a recent Pap test, had moved or had records containing clerical errors. This left 441 women for the study. INTERVENTION: The 221 women in the intervention group were sent a letter asking them to seek a Pap test and a reminder letter 4 weeks later. The 220 in the control group were sent no letters. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of women who had a Pap test within 2 months and 6 months after the first letter was sent. RESULTS: Within 2 months, more women in the intervention group than in the control group had been screened (2.8% [5/178] and 1.9% (4/208] respectively). There was also a difference between the overall proportions at 6 months (10.7% [19/178] and 6.3% [13/208] respectively). None of the differences was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: A letter of invitation is not sufficient to encourage women who have never or have infrequently undergone a Pap test to come in for cervical cancer screening. The effectiveness of added recruitment methods such as opportunistic screening by physicians, follow-up by telephone and the offer of a specific appointment should be evaluated.  相似文献   

Background: To date, there is no screening programme for colorectal cancer (CRC) in Flanders, Belgium. However, The European Code Against Cancer (2003) recommends a population-based approach for CRC screening. This study aimed to obtain information about potential participation rates for a population-based screening programme for CRC in Flanders, and to compare two invitation strategies. Methods: In 2009, a trial programme for CRC screening was set up in three Flemish areas for all average-risk people aged 50-74 years, using an immunochemical faecal occult blood test (iFOBT) with a cut-off value set at 75ng/ml of haemoglobin. The faecal sampling set was sent at random by post (mail group) or provided by the general practitioner (GP group). Results: In total, 19,542 people were invited to participate. Of these, 8229 provided a faecal sample, resulting in an overall participation rate of 42.1%. Participation by mail and through the GP was 52.3% (95% CI, 51.3-53.2) and 27.7% (95% CI, 26.7-28.6), respectively. The difference of 24.6% was statistically significant (95% CI, 23.3-25.9, p<0.001). Before the reminder letter was sent and the other invitation strategy was offered, the overall participation rate was 26.5% (n=5176); 36.4% (95% CI, 35.5-37.4) for the mail group and 16.6% (95% CI, 15.8-17.3) for the GP group. The odds of participating in CRC screening was almost three times higher for people invited by mail as opposed to people invited through a GP (OR=2.96, 95% CI, 2.78-3.14, p<0.001). Women were more likely to participate in CRC screening than men (OR=1.22, 95% CI, 1.15-1.30, p<0.001). In addition, we found that inhabitants from residential (OR=1.98, 95% CI, 1.85-2.11) and rural (OR=2.90, 95% CI, 2.66-3.16) areas were more likely to participate than those in urban areas. Of the 8229 people who submitted a faecal sample, 435 (5.3%) had a positive iFOBT, and of those, CRC was diagnosed in 18 (5.7%) individuals. Compliance for follow-up colonoscopy was 72.9%, and did not differ between the mail (72.4%, 95% CI, 67.5-77.3) and GP groups (74.3, 95% CI, 66.2-82.5). Conclusion: Inviting people for CRC screening by means of a direct-mail invitation, and including a faecal sampling set (iFOBT), results in much higher participation rates than inviting people through the GP.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the uptake of cystic fibrosis carrier testing offered through primary health care services. DESIGN--Carrier testing for cystic fibrosis was offered to patients of reproductive age through primary health care services. SETTING--Three general practice surgeries and four family planning clinics in South West Hertfordshire District Health Authority. SUBJECTS--Over 1000 patients aged 16-44 attending two general practices and four family planning clinics and a stratified random sample of patients aged 16-44 from one general practice''s age-sex register. RESULTS--When screening was offered opportunistically the uptake was 66% in general practice and 87% in family planning clinics. Ten per cent of those offered a screening appointment by letter took up the invitation. Of the screened population, 76% had previously heard of cystic fibrosis, 35% realised it is inherited, and 18% realised that carriers need not have any family history. If they found themselves in an "at risk" partnership 39% would consider not having children and 26% would consider terminating an affected pregnancy, but in each case most people were unsure how they would react. CONCLUSIONS--Most people offered a cystic fibrosis test opportunistically wish to be tested, and the responses of those tested indicate that knowledge of carrier state would be considered in future reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the acceptability and feasibility of screening for carriers of cystic fibrosis in a primary care setting. DESIGN--Follow up study over 15 months of patients offered carrier testing by mouthwash. SETTING--A general practice in inner London. SUBJECTS--5529 patients aged 18-45 invited by various methods and combinations of methods (letter, booklet, personal approach) for testing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Uptake of screening, anxiety, and knowledge of test. RESULTS--957 (17%) invitees were screened over the 15 months. 28 carriers and no carrier couples were detected. Uptake rates were 12% (59/502 patients) among patients invited by letter and tested by appointment; 9% (47/496) among patients invited by letter, with leaflet, and tested by appointment; 4% (128/2953) among patients invited by letter six weeks before the end of the study and tested by appointment; 17% (81/471) among patients offered passive opportunistic testing; 70% (453/649) among patients offered active opportunistic testing; and 25% (22/88) among patients offered active opportunistic testing by appointment. A short term rise in anxiety among those given a positive test result had dissipated by three months. At three months about one fifth and one third of those given positive and negative results respectively did not understand their results correctly. CONCLUSION--These results suggest that the strongest variable in determining uptake of screening is the active approach by a health professional offering immediate testing. It remains to be resolved whether the high uptake rates achieved by active recruitment indicate a supply push for this new test rather than a demand from the population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To test patient compliance for faecal occult blood testing in suburban and inner city general practice. DESIGN--Prospective opportunistic trial using the Haemoccult test kit. Tests were offered during routine surgery attendance. SETTING--Three group general practices in Birmingham. SUBJECTS--All patients aged 40 years or older on the start date who routinely attended surgery during two years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Numbers of patients approached for testing and the numbers refusing, accepting, and returning the test kits. RESULTS--Only 26.3% (1230/4677) of the potential target population had been screened within the two years, although 988 (39.3%) of the suburban practice target were screened. However, 55.7% (1230/2207) of patients actually offered a test returned completed kits, with only 6% (133) refusing the kit. 683 (61.6%) patients aged 50-69 returned kits, compared with 343 (54.3%) aged 70 or over and 204 (43.8%) aged 40-49. These differences were significant (p less than 0.001). Patients from the inner city practice were significantly less likely to be offered the test than those in suburban practice (242 (11.2%) v 988 (39.9%), p less than 0.001) and return the samples (242 (38.8%) v 988 (62.4%), p less than 0.001). Patients from the inner city practice were also more likely to refuse the test (78 (12.5%) v 55 (3.5%), p less than 0.001). CONCLUSIONS--Opportunistic testing for occult faecal blood in asymptomatic patients was reasonably acceptable to patients, especially those in a suburban practice. If the test is shown to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer then formal screening would probably achieve acceptable target rates, especially among patients aged 50-69, who represent the prime risk group.  相似文献   

General practitioners screened 4284 asymptomatic people aged over 40 to compare the incidence of large bowel cancer and polyps with a control general practice (4288 patients). Compliance was best in young women (60%), and overall it was 42%. Twenty six patients who had a positive Haemoccult test result (1.5% of those screened) were examined by colonoscopy and 10 had polyps. The incidence of cancers in the two groups was similar but in the control (unscreened patients) practice no polyps were found.  相似文献   

A recognised problem with the cervical screening programme in the United Kingdom is the failure to include women who have never had a cervical smear test, who are a high risk group. The implementation of a district based call scheme in East Berkshire in 1986 is described whereby women aged 20-64 with no record of a cervical smear test who were judged to be eligible for testing by their general practitioner were sent a personal invitation from their general practitioner to attend for a test. A list of high risk unscreened women was kept by each practice, and a duplicate sent to the cytology laboratory to update the central records. Six months after each batch of invitations had been sent the resulting number of women having a smear test was assessed. Forty three of 51 practices approached agreed to participate in the five year scheme. During the first year lists were sent to the 43 participating practices. The first list was returned to the cytology laboratory by 37 practices and the second by 33; practices varied in their responses, however, some needing considerable persuasion to return the lists. Of 972 identified unscreened women from the total 3757 women listed in the lists of the family practitioner committee, 247 (25%) had a cervical smear test in response to the invitation, representing an overall increase of 7% in the screened population. The preliminary findings of the five year study have shown that screening can be improved by a systematic call scheme. Coordinated support from the area health authority in health education, monitoring of screening, and feedback of data from the scheme to practices is required to reduce the proportion of unscreened women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether there is sufficient benefit to be gained by offering screening for breast cancer with mammography to women aged 65-79, who are not normally invited for screening. DESIGN--Pilot study of women eligible for screening but not for personal invitation. The results of this study were compared with the results of routinely screened younger women (aged 50-64) from the same general practice. SETTING--One group general practice in south Manchester. PATIENTS--The 631 women aged 65-79 on the practice list. A total of 42 (7%) were excluded by the general practitioner, and 22 (4%) invitation letters were returned by the post office. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Response rates to invitation for screening assessed by three indices: crude population coverage ratio, crude invited population coverage ratio, and corrected invited population coverage ratio. RESULTS--344 Patients aged 65-79 (61% of those invited, excluding those who could not be traced) were screened compared with 77% of women aged 50-64. The three response indices were higher for younger women than older: crude population coverage ratio = 66.5%, crude invited population coverage ratio = 69.3%, corrected invited population coverage ratio = 76.8% for women aged 50-64, compared with 54.5%, 58.4%, and 60.7% respectively for women aged 65-79. All four biopsies done in the older women gave positive results, giving a cancer detection rate of 11.6/1000 compared with 4.1/1000 among younger women. CONCLUSIONS--These results show that there is a potential for high attendance at routine screening by older women if they are invited in the same way as younger women. If these results are found elsewhere the costs and benefits of screening older women should be reassessed.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of continuing medical education (CME) on compliance with the recommendations of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on high serum cholesterol levels in adults, we randomly assigned primary physicians in 174 practices to 3 groups, 2 that underwent either standard or intensive CME and a control group. The standard CME group was offered a free 3-hour seminar on high serum cholesterol levels; the intensive CME group was offered in addition follow-up seminars and free office materials. After 18 months, we audited 13,099 medical records from the 140 practices that remained in the study. There were no significant differences (P > .15) in screening for high serum cholesterol or compliance with guidelines between the groups receiving continuing medical education (51% screening; 33% compliance) and the control group (57% screening; 37% compliance). In the prespecified subgroup of patients with hypercholesterolemia, there was a trend toward a modest benefit from the continuing medical education interventions: compliance was 21% in the control group, 23% in the standard CME group, and 27% in the intensive CME group (P = .07 overall). These results emphasize the need for better ways to change behavior in practicing physicians and the importance of studying the implementation of preventive health recommendations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To introduce and monitor a screening programme for first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer based on their calculated lifetime risk. DESIGN--Lifetime risks were calculated for first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer and used to offer screening based on estimated risk. SETTING--A family cancer clinic was set up as part of the North East Thames Regional Genetic Service for relatives of patients who had developed colorectal cancer before the age of 45 and members of families in which multiple cancer had occurred. PATIENTS--Self referrals as well as patients referred by general and hospital practitioners. INTERVENTION--Relatives with a lifetime risk of 1 in 10 or greater (high risk group) were offered screening five yearly by colonoscopy, and those whose risk was between 1 in 10 and 1 in 17 were offered yearly screening for faecal occult blood. Women with family histories compatible with Lynch type II cancer family syndrome were offered screening for breast and pelvic tumours. RESULTS--In four years 715 patients were seen. Acceptance of screening was 90% (644 patients). Of 151 patients screened for faecal occult blood, two were found to have polyps. This screening test was unsatisfactory for the high risk group, having a negative predictive value of 78% in 59 patients tested. Regular screening by colonoscopy was offered to 382 high risk patients; 62 patients with polyps and five with colonic cancer were found. One hundred and ten pedigrees were identified with the Lynch type II cancer family syndrome, and four of 35 women screened were found to have breast cancer. Of 14 relatives aged over 65 with a 1 in 2 risk of site specific colonic cancer or Lynch type II cancer family syndrome, seven were found to have polyps, one of whom had carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSIONS--Family history can be used to identify those at risk of colonic cancer and to target appropriate screening. Colonoscopy detected a high number of premalignant colonic polyps, but faecal occult blood testing was unsatisfactory for those at high risk of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether a booklet given to patients being discharged from hospital giving details of their admission and treatment increased their knowledge and recall when reviewed in outpatient clinics. DESIGN--Patients alternately allocated to receive a booklet or to serve as controls. Assessment by a questionnaire at first attendance at outpatient clinic after discharge. Data were collected over nine months. SETTING--One general medical and cardiological ward in a large teaching hospital and associated outpatient clinics. PATIENTS--One hundred and thirty one patients discharged taking at least one drug and scheduled to return to clinic within 12 weeks. Patients stratified by age and by the number of weeks between discharge and outpatient appointment. INTERVENTION--A booklet was given to 65 patients at discharge from the ward; 66 patients served as controls. MAIN RESULTS--Of the patients who received the booklet, 56 (86%) knew the names of their drugs, 62 (95%) the frequency of the dose, and 55 (85%) the reasons for taking each drug. The numbers in the control group were 31 (47%), 38 (58%), and 28 (42%) respectively. These differences were highly significant (p less than 0.001). Twenty six (40%) who received the booklet brought all their drugs to clinic compared with 12 (18%) control patients. Appreciably more of the first group of patients than control patients knew the reason they had been in hospital, and more of the first group indicated that they would take the correct action when their prescribed drugs ran out. Most general practitioners thought that the booklet was a good idea, that it was helpful, and that it was better than the existing interim discharge letter. CONCLUSIONS--Giving patients an information booklet at discharge from hospital appreciably increased the accuracy and thoroughness of their recall of important medical details concerning their illness and its treatment. The booklet was shown to be feasible, helpful in the outpatient clinic, and preferred by most general practitioners.  相似文献   



Screening for type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and individuals at risk of diabetes has been advocated, yet information on the response rate and diagnostic yield of different screening strategies are lacking.


Studies (from 1998 to March/2015) were identified through Medline, Embase and the Cochrane library and included if they used oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and WHO-1998 diagnostic criteria for screening in a community setting. Studies were one-step strategy if participants were invited directly for OGTT and two, three/four step if participants were screened at one or more levels prior to invitation to OGTT. The response rate and diagnostic yield were pooled using Bayesian random-effect meta-analyses.


47 studies (422754 participants); 29 one-step, 11 two-step and seven three/four-step were identified. Pooled response rate (95% Credible Interval) for invitation to OGTT was 65.5% (53.7, 75.6), 63.1% (44.0, 76.8), and 85.4% (76.4, 93.3) in one, two and three/four-step studies respectively. T2DM yield was 6.6% (5.3, 7.8), 13.1% (4.3, 30.9) and 27.9% (8.6, 66.3) for one, two and three/four-step strategies respectively. The number needed to invite to the OGTT to detect one case of T2DM was 15, 7.6 and 3.6 in one, two, and three/four-step strategies. In two step strategies, there was no difference between the response or yield rates whether the first step was blood test or risk-score. There was evidence of substantial heterogeneity in rates across study populations but this was not explained by the method of invitation, study location (rural versus urban) and developmental index of the country in which the study was performed.


Irrespective of the invitation method, developmental status of the countries and or rural/urban location, using a multi-step strategy increases the initial response rate to the invitation to screening for diabetes and reduces the number needed to have the final diagnostic test (OGTT in this study) for a definite diagnosis.  相似文献   

Background: Australian guidelines allow women to cease having Papanicolaou (Pap) tests at the age of 70, providing they have had two negative smears in the previous 5 years. In Victoria, a standard reminder letter system is in place and women receive one reminder letter 27 months after their last Pap test. Methods: A targeted letter informed by qualitative research was developed to specifically encourage older women to have a final Pap test. The Victorian Cervical Cytology Registry (VCCR) was used to identify 15,000 women aged 65–69 who had not had a Pap test for at least 3 years and up to 17 years. Women were randomly allocated to receive either no letter (control group), the targeted letter or a personally addressed general reminder letter. Results: At 11 weeks follow-up, 4.3% of women (CI 3.7–4.8%) who received the targeted letter had attended for a Pap test compared with 4.7% (CI 4.1–5.3%) of those receiving the general letter and 1.6% (CI 1.2–1.9%) of the control group. Effectiveness was limited to women whose test was no more than 10 years overdue, and was particularly strong for those whose test was 3–5 years overdue. Conclusions: This suggests that a reminder letter was effective, but that targeting the information in the letter did not further improve screening attendance. A second reminder letter sent to women before their Pap test is more than 5 years overdue has potential for increasing the number of women attending for screening.  相似文献   

Objective To determine whether screening Danish men aged 65 or more for abdominal aortic aneurysms reduces mortality.Design Single centre randomised controlled trial.Setting All five hospitals in Viborg County, Denmark.Participants All 12 639 men born during 1921-33 and living in Viborg County. In 1994 we included men born 1921-9 (64-73 years). We also included men who became 65 during 1995-8.Interventions Men were randomised to the intervention group (screening by abdominal ultrasonography) or control group. Participants with an abdominal aortic aneurysm > 5 cm were referred for surgical evaluation, and those with smaller aneurysms were offered annual scans.Outcome measures Specific mortality due to abdominal aortic aneurysm, overall mortality, and number of planned and emergency operations for abdominal aortic aneurysms.Results 4860 of 6333 men were screened (attendance rate 76.6%). 191 (4.0% of those screened) had abdominal aortic aneurysms. The mean follow-up time was 52 months. The screened group underwent 75% (95% confidence interval 51% to 91%) fewer emergency operations than the control group. Deaths due to abdominal aortic aneurysms occurred in nine patients in the screened group and 27 in the control group. The number needed to screen to save one life was 352. Specific mortality was significantly reduced by 67% (29% to 84%). Mortality due to non-abdominal aortic aneurysms was non-significantly reduced by 8%. The benefits of screening may increase with time.Conclusion Mass screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms in Danish men aged 65 or more reduces mortality.  相似文献   

We performed two studies using only written and video materials to educate people about cystic fibrosis (CF) and carrier screening. Participants were randomized to receive written or video materials. All received a brief questionnaire. Subjects in group I (n = 238) were (1) individuals in steady relationships and their partners, (2) > or = 18 years old, and (3) not pregnant. Those who accepted free screening and were not demonstrable carriers were sent a letter explaining their results and another questionnaire. Subjects in group II (n = 108) were parents seeking well child care in a university clinic. The main outcome measures were ability to answer questions correctly about (1) health status of CF carriers and people with CF, (2) the possibility of false-negative results, and (3) for those who had screening, the implications of their own results. Written and video materials were equally effective in conveying information. Prior to screening, subjects answered an average of 86% of questions correctly. Subjects with less formal education answered fewer questions correctly; 60% of those with less than a high school education had adequate knowledge of the health consequences of having CF or being a carrier, compared with > or = 94% of college graduates. Performance improved after screening. Where neither partner was a demonstrable carrier, 88% knew their own and their partner's test results, and 90% indicated that their risk of having a child with CF was not zero. Written and video educational materials can be used without face-to-face counseling to inform most people about carrier screening and their test results. These materials may be less effective for those with lower educational backgrounds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To discover whether systematic methods of call and recall are more effective than a non-systematic method and to see which of the two systematic methods was more effective. DESIGN--Prospective randomised controlled trial over a year. SETTING--One group general practice. PATIENTS--416 Women over 35 eligible for a smear test who had never had a cervical smear test or in whom a smear test was overdue (previous test more than five years before). INTERVENTIONS--One group received written invitations to have a smear taken. The second group had their notes tagged so that the doctor would remind them (when they attended for another reason) to have a smear test. No special intervention was made in the third group. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Performance of a cervical smear test during the year of the study. RESULTS--32% (45/140) of the screened group, 27% (39/142) of the tagged group, and 15% (20/134) of the control group had a smear test during the year. The percentage of women having a smear test in the screened group was not significantly different from that in the tagged group, but the percentages in the two groups were significantly different from that in the control group. Whether a woman had had a previous smear test significantly affected the uptake of the invitation to have a smear test independently of the method of invitation. CONCLUSIONS--The systematic methods of call and recall were more effective than a non-systematic method. There was no significant difference between the two systematic methods (sending letters or tagging the notes) at one year.  相似文献   



Very few studies examined the issue of regret on choosing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening tests. We evaluated the determinants of regret and tested the hypothesis that regret over screening choices was associated with poorer screening compliance.


A bowel cancer screening centre invited all Hong Kong citizens aged 50-70 years who were asymptomatic of CRC to participate in free-of-charge screening programmes. Upon attendance they attended health seminars on CRC and its screening, and were offered an option to choose yearly faecal immunochemical test (FIT) for up to four years vs. one direct colonoscopy. They were not allowed to switch the screening option after decision. A self-administered, four-item validated survey was used to assess whether they regretted over their choice (> 2 = regretful from a scale of 0 [no regret]-5 [extreme regret]). A binary logistic regression model evaluated if initial regret over their choice was associated with poorer programme compliance.


From 4,341 screening participants who have chosen FIT or colonoscopy, 120 (2.8%) regretted over their decision and 1,029 (23.7%) were non-compliant with the screening programme. Younger subjects and people who felt pressure when making their decision were associated with regret. People who regretted their decision were 2.189 (95% C.I. 1.361-3.521, p = 0.001) times more likely to be non-compliant with the programme.


This study is the first to show that regret over the initial CRC screening choice was associated with later non-compliance. Screening participants who expressed regret over their choice should receive additional reminders to improve their programmatic compliance.  相似文献   

To determine whether a cervical screening call system based in general practice in a deprived inner city area would increase the numbers of women who came forward for cervical smears the response to letters of invitation for screening was monitored for one year in one general practice in the Paddington and North Kensington district of London. Women aged 20-64 were identified from the computerised age-sex register. Only 16% of these women had had a smear test. A total of 750 call letters was sent out. Initially the response was poor (57 women; 22%), and 85 (32%) letters were returned marked "address unknown." After the age-sex register was updated the response to call was 330 women (44%). The response of women aged over 35 was better than the response of women aged 35 and under (229 (53%) v 101 (32%)). In the year of the study the number of women aged 20-64 on the revised register who had been screened rose by 330 (14%). A general practice based call system can improve uptake of cervical screening even in a highly mobile, socially underprivileged population.  相似文献   



Guidelines recommend hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening for all people living with HIV (PLWH). Understanding HCV testing practices may improve compliance with guidelines and can help identify areas for future intervention.


We evaluated HCV screening and unnecessary repeat HCV testing in 8,590 PLWH initiating care at 12 U.S. HIV clinics between 2006 and 2010, with follow-up through 2011. Multivariable logistic regression examined the association between patient factors and the outcomes: HCV screening (≥1 HCV antibody tests during the study period) and unnecessary repeat HCV testing (≥1 HCV antibody tests in patients with a prior positive test result).


Overall, 82% of patients were screened for HCV, 18% of those screened were HCV antibody-positive, and 40% of HCV antibody-positive patients had unnecessary repeat HCV testing. The likelihood of being screened for HCV increased as the number of outpatient visits rose (adjusted odds ratio 1.02, 95% confidence interval 1.01–1.03). Compared to men who have sex with men (MSM), patients with injection drug use (IDU) were less likely to be screened for HCV (0.63, 0.52–0.78); while individuals with Medicaid were more likely to be screened than those with private insurance (1.30, 1.04–1.62). Patients with heterosexual (1.78, 1.20–2.65) and IDU (1.58, 1.06–2.34) risk compared to MSM, and those with higher numbers of outpatient (1.03, 1.01–1.04) and inpatient (1.09, 1.01–1.19) visits were at greatest risk of unnecessary HCV testing.


Additional efforts to improve compliance with HCV testing guidelines are needed. Leveraging health information technology may increase HCV screening and reduce unnecessary testing.  相似文献   

This report covers the outcome of the first three invitation rounds of the organised mammography screening programme in the county of Fyn. The programme started in November 1993, and the third invitation round ended on 31 December 1999. The screening takes place either at a special clinic located at University Hospital Odense or in a mobile unit. Women living in and around the city of Odense are examined at the clinic (about 55%), while the rest are examined in the mobile unit. Two-view mammography is used at the first screening. Women with dense breast tissue will continue to have two-view mammography (about 60%), whereas the rest will have singleview mammography at the subsequent screens. All screening images are exposed at the mammography-screening clinic and evaluated with double reading in the clinic. The programme targets women aged 50-69, except those undergoing treatment for breast cancer or going for regular check-ups following breast cancer. Based on the updated population register, the IT-Centre of the county of Fyn issues the invitations. Invited are all women aged 50-69 and living in the county of Fyn when their general practitioners' patients are invited. During the first 3 invitation rounds, 136,079 screening tests were made. Of these, 129,375 tests were made in the women aged 50-69 targeted by the programme. In addition, 6682 screening tests were made in women aged 70 and above, and 22 screening tests were made in women below the age of 50. As a consequence of the mammography screening 2657 assessments were made, 1145 women had surgery, 782 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and 109 women were diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ. A participation rate for the first invitation round was calculated immediately after the end of the round based on the number of participants divided by the number of women invited. This percentage was 88%. Invitation data are, however, not stored. It is therefore not possible now to calculate the participation rates in previous invitation rounds based on the same method. We have therefore chosen to calculate the participation rate as the coverage, i.e. the number of participants divided by the average number of women in the county of Fyn during a given invitation round. Calculated in this way, 84% participated in the first round, 84% in the second round, and 82% in the third round. It should be remembered that these figures do not take into account that some women are not invited because they 1) were undergoing current treatment for breast cancer or going for regular check-ups following breast cancer, or 2) did not participate in the previous round (and never actively informed the programme that they wanted an invitation to the next invitation round), relevant only for the second and third invitation round. For the second and third invitation rounds, the programme only invited women who participated in the previous invitation round, asked the clinic for an invitation, or entered the target population since the last invitation round. Therefore the participation rate in the second invitation round among actually invited women will be close to 94%, as 94% of those participating in the first round came for the second round. For the third invitation round, the participation rate among actually invited women will be close to 96%, as 96% of those participating in the first and second rounds came for the third round. One per cent of the participants in the first invitation round were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ. The detection rate was 0.5% in both the second and third invitation rounds. Ductal carcinoma in situ cases constituted 14% of the detected cases in the first and second rounds, and 10% in the third round. The percentage of invasive breast cancer 10 mm of less was 38%, 31%, and 32%, respectively, and 68%, 74%, and 73%, respectively, were node-negative. The screening programme of the county of Fyn fulfilled all the quality assessment parameters specified by the European guidelines on breast cancer screening, except two. The proportionate interval cancer rate was higher than specified in the guidelines, probably mainly due to the fact that the Fyn programme operates without early recalls. The proportion of stage II+ cancers was higher than specified in the guidelines, which seems, however, to be due to inconsistency between some of the performance indicators in the European guidelines. This analysis of the outcome from the first three invitation rounds of the mammography screening programme in the county of Fyn thus showed that it is a programme of high quality with a favourable profile of the prognostic indicators. The screening programme is hopefully well on its way to reducing breast cancer mortality in the county of Fyn.  相似文献   

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