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彭泽鲫卵源致病性水霉的鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
从患病的彭泽鲫卵上分离3株丝状真菌,经人工感染试验证实其中1株丝状真菌JL1对彭泽鲫卵具有致病性,并进一步研究了其形态与生长特性,开展了ITS rDNA序列分析。实验结果表明,菌株JL1菌丝为透明管状结构,中间无横隔,分枝较少;游动孢子囊多数呈棒状,游动孢子呈多排排列,发育成熟后从孢子囊中释放出来,并迅速游离;藏卵器呈球形,与雄器同枝或异枝。菌株JL1的ITS rDNA序列与GenBank基因库中水霉属菌株自然聚类,同源性高达99%,与Saprolegnia sp.H(登录号:EF460351)的亲缘关系最近。结合形态特征与ITS序列鉴定的结果,判定菌株JL1为水霉菌(Saprolegnia sp.)。此外,菌株JL1在5°C-30°C、pH 4-11范围内均能生长,最适生长温度和pH范围分别为25°C-30°C和6-9。同时菌株JL1对NaCl敏感,质量分数为2%的NaCl即可抑制其生长,可以作为该病防治的依据。  相似文献   

Levicoleps biwae n. gen., n. sp. was discovered in organic mud on the shore of Lake Biwa, Japan. Its morphology and small subunit rRNA gene sequence were studied with standard methods. Further, we established a terminology for the colepid armour and selected four features for genus recognition: the number of armour tiers, the structure of the tier plates, the presence/absence of armour spines, and the number of adoral organelles (three or five). The Japanese colepid, a barrel-shaped ciliate with an average size of 75 x 45 microm, has six armour tiers and hirtus-type tier plates, but lacks armour spines, both in the environment and in laboratory culture. Thus, it is considered to represent a new genus. This rank is supported by the considerable genetic distance (7%) from the common Coleps hirtus. Although L. biwae looks quite similar to C. hirtus in vivo, it is very likely most closely related to Coleps amphacanthus, a species with conspicuous armour spines, as indicated by body size, the number of ciliary rows and, especially, the multiple caudal cilia. Lake Biwa is about four million years old and inhabited by many endemic organisms, ranging from algae to large fish. Thus, we suspect that L. biwae is restricted to Lake Biwa or, at least, to Asia. Based on literature data and the generic features established, we also propose the new genus Reticoleps for Coleps remanei Kahl, 1933, and resurrect the genus Pinacocoleps Diesing, 1865 to include Coleps incurvus Ehrenberg, 1833, Coleps pulcher Spiegel, 1926, Coleps tessalatus Kahl, 1930 and, probably, Baikalocoleps quadratus Obolkina, 1995a. Nine colepid genera are diagnosed and dichotomously keyed.  相似文献   

Fluvial–lacustrine migrations of a landlocked goby, Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form) in the Lake Biwa water system were traced using stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. The 15N values of Rhinogobius sp. individuals in the lake were significantly higher than those of large individuals in a tributary river (1+ age) without overlap of the range, although there was little difference in the 13C values between these two locations. Because these values reflected those of the corresponding prey organisms in either location, it was revealed that none of the large individuals had migrated from one location to the other. The 15N values of the small individuals in the tributary river (0+ age) were too high to be fluvial residents. This result indicated that all of the small individuals studied had spent their larval periods in the lake, and that immigrant individuals can be distinguishable by measuring the 15N values retaining the effect of foraging in the alternate location. We conclude that the 15N value works as a useful tracer to clarify the fluvial–lacustrine migration pattern of the fish.  相似文献   

The state of populations of the crucian carp Carassius carassius L. and the copepod parasite Lernaea cyprinacea L. was studied after 10 years of a sharp decrease in their abundance. Only one generation of Lernaea cyprinacea species was recorded each year. The alteration of the parasite generation occurred in the second half of July. Changes in the age structure of the copepod population did not affect the distribution pattern of its abundance in the host population, but the values of the K exponent changed in accordance with alterations of the parasite generations. By 2007 the sex ratio in the population became equal, males and females differed in their lengths and weights, and three dimensional groups were found in the catches. It is thought that males and females of the crucian carp have different roles in the maintenance of the L. cyprinacea abundance. The dominating fish sizes and the level of the host infection by copepods remained the same as in 1997–2003.  相似文献   

Gonad development was studied in young carp of the European and Chinese (big-belly) races. The effects of age and body weight on gonad and egg size were partitioned and the following findings were made: (i) Gonad weight was correlated, in both males and females, with body weight, but proportional gonad weight, i.e. the ratio gonad weight divided by body weight, was independent of body weight, (ii) Proportional gonad weight had reached its maximum value in one year old males, but it more than doubled in two year old females, (iii) Egg size of two year old females was more than twice the size of eggs of one year old females, (iv) The European and Chinese races of carp differed in several aspects of gonad development. In particular, the Chinese matured earlier and their relative gonad sizes were considerably larger, (v) Genetic variation in gonad development was also found within the European race, where faster rate of development is dominant over slower rate. The evolutionary implications of the above differences were discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, photoperiod and powdered carp pituitary on ovarian development (measured by change in diameter of intraovarian eggs and gonadosomatic index), ovulation and ovarian ascorbic acid have been studied in crucian carp in winter. Short photoperiods stimulated ovarian development but long photoperiods were inhibitory. Photoperiod seemed to exert this effect by altering the release of pituitary gonadotropin. Temperature affected ovarian development independently of photoperiod. High temperatures were stimulatory and overcame the negative effect of a long photoperiod. The results suggested that temperature acts at the level of the gonad rather than the pituitary. On the basis of these findings a hypothesis is suggested to explain gonadal cycles in cyprinids and similarities to previous findings in other fish groups are discussed.
Levels of ovarian ascorbic acid varied according to treatments. Ovulation was associated with a decreased level. The results suggested that this vitamin aids biosynthesis of sex steroids in a similar fashion to that observed in higher animals. The results also demonstrated that measurement of gonadal ascorbic acid can provide a useful indication of physiological events at the level of the gonad.  相似文献   

All 44 described species of the subgenus Acanthosentis Varma & Datta, 1929 are recognised as valid. These include two new species, Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis)alternatspinus n. sp. from Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus (Kner) (Cyprinidae) and A. (A.) parareceptaclis n. sp. from Cobitis biwae Jordan & Snyder (Cobitidae) in the Lake Biwa drainage, Japan. These are the first representatives of the subgenus Acanthosentis recorded from Japan. Most other species are found in the Indian subcontinent, but a few have been reported from China, elsewhere in Asia, Africa, Europe and Central America. Only A. (A.) alternatspinus has the lateral proboscis hooks in the apical and middle circles markedly displaced posteriorly but of equal size to the other hooks in the same circles and multi-branched lemnisci. Acanthogyrus (A.) parareceptaclis uniquely possesses parareceptacle structures in both sexes as well as a pair of cone-shaped genital jackets flanking the vagina (vaginal sleeve). Two new names are provided: Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) adriaticus nom. nov. for A. (A.) lizae Orecchia, Paggi & Radujkovic, 1988 nec Wang, 1896, and A. (A.) cheni nom. nov. for A. (A.) coiliae (Yamaguti) sensu Chen et al. (1973). A review of the species composition of Acanthosentis is provided and a key to its species and zoogeographical notes are included.  相似文献   

Two species of Anabas Cuvier, 1816 (Osteichthyes: Anabantidae): A. testudineus (Bloch, 1795) and A. oligolepis Bleeker, 1855 are widely distributed in India. Since both species are represented in one habitat — Lake Kolleru, and are very closely related, they were compared using starch gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic separation of proteins of eye lens, skeletal muscle and heart muscle revealed differences such as i) absence of one protein fraction in one of them, ii) mobility and iii) staining intensity of some of the bands. The esterase (non-specific) patterns of serum, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, heart muscle and eggs also showed differences. The LDH fraction of eye lens showed a difference in mobility.  相似文献   

Fauchea guiryi Selivanova sp. n. (Rhodymeniales, Faucheaceae) from the Commander Islands (Russian Pacific coast) is described and illustrated. The new species is compared with closely related taxa of the family Faucheaceae and the genus Fauchea, among them those from the Pacific coast of North America.  相似文献   

When cultured alone or concurrently with Trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep faeces, Ostertagia circumcincta produced fewer infective larvae per 100 eggs than did T. colubriformis. Averaged over five trials 60% of T. colubriformis eggs were recovered as infective larvae while for O. circumcincta the figure was only 39%. This result was observed for two strains of O. circumcincta and was independent of when larvae were harvested from culture (days 6-10 at 25 degrees C). The mortalities of both species occurred at the first and second larval stages. These observations are of concern when using larval differentiation from faecal culture to make quantitative estimates of worm egg numbers for each species present. Species such as T. colubriformis which have a low mortality during culture are likely to have their egg numbers overestimated when cultured with a species, like O. circumcincta, that suffers high mortality in culture.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of a 26-mer antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to a 69-mer DNA hairpin with a 13 base pair stem, bearing an Rsa1 restriction site. The 5' part of the 26-mer annealed to a stretch of six purines at the bottom of the hairpin. The 3' part was designed to fold back to form a triplex with both the stem of the hairpin and with the sequence paired to its own 5' region. Using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, melting curves (Tm) and chemical footprinting, we were able to show the formation of a 'double-hairpin' complex between the 69-mer and the 26-mer antisense oligopyrimidines. The association was both sequence and pH-dependent. The formation of a double hairpin complex was shown to prevent the alkylation of the 69-mer DNA target by an oligonucleotide-nitrogen mustard conjugate and to selectively inhibit the action of Rsa1.  相似文献   

1. Although laboratory studies of the behaviour of aquatic macroinvertebrates are common, there has been little critical evaluation of the importance of test conditions to them. We used a common Australian leptophlebiid mayfly, Nousia sp., to investigate responses to light, wavelength of light, presence or absence of cover and still or flowing water.
2. Nousia sp. showed substantial qualitative differences in behaviour, as measured by movement, when there was no refuge (in the form of a crevice beneath a tile) present in the experimental arena.
3. We found no evidence of diel periodicity in activity in Nousia sp.
4. Nousia sp. did not respond to infra-red, red or green light at a flux density of 18–19 μmol m–2 s–1.
5. Nymphs were three times more likely to remain stationary in flowing water (mean velocity 0.10 m s–1) than in still water.
6. We conclude that generalized assumptions about test conditions for experiments designed to quantify laboratory behaviour in benthic macroinvertebrates are unjustified and that evaluation of the individual requirements of test species should be conducted routinely.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of a range of biological polymers and synthetic surfactants on the adhesion of a marine Pseudomonas sp. strain NCMB2021 to hydrophilic glass and hydrophobic polystyrene has been investigated. Brij 56 (polyethylene oxide (10) cetyl ether) was the only compound that had a significant effect, almost totally inhibiting the adhesion of Pseudomonas sp. NCMB2021 to hydrophobic polystyrene, but having little or no effect on hydrophilic glass. The surfactant was demonstrated to be effective both when present in the bacterial suspension at low concentrations (approx. 5 ppm), and when pre-adsorbed onto the substratum. Brij 56 was shown to prevent the adhesion of a range of marine and fresh-water bacteria to polystyrene.
It is proposed that on a hydrophobic substratum Brij 56 is adsorbed via its hydrophobe in such a way that the polyethylene glycol chains are pointing outwards into the aqueous phase giving a surface with a high density of uncharged, highly hydrated hydrophilic chains, forming a steric barrier which inhibits the adhesion of bacteria.  相似文献   

Polaromonas sp. strain JS666 can grow on cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) as a sole carbon and energy source and may be useful for bioremediation of chlorinated solvent-contaminated sites. Analysis of the genome sequence of JS666 (5.9 Mb) shows a bacterium well adapted to pollution that carries many genes likely to be involved in hydrocarbon and xenobiotic catabolism and metal resistance. Clusters of genes coding for haloalkane, haloalkanoate, n-alkane, alicyclic acid, cyclic alcohol, and aromatic catabolism were analyzed in detail, and growth on acetate, catechol, chloroacetate, cyclohexane carboxylate, cyclohexanol, ferulate, heptane, 3-hydroxybenzoate, hydroxyquinol, gentisate, octane, protocatechuate, and salicylate was confirmed experimentally. Strain JS666 also harbors diverse putative mobile genetic elements, including retrons, inteins, a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element, insertion sequence transposases from 14 families, eight genomic islands, a Mu family bacteriophage, and two large (338- and 360-kb) plasmids. Both plasmids are likely to be self-transferable and carry genes for alkane, alcohol, aromatic, and haloacid metabolism. Overall, the JS666 genome sequence provides insights into the evolution of pollutant-degrading bacteria and provides a toolbox of catabolic genes with utility for biotechnology.  相似文献   

Twelve species ofNephtys now known from northern Europe are described, including one new species,N. pulchra sp. n. A key is provided to the 14 species of Nephtyidae, from the region. Geographic changes in the setiger in which interramal cirri first occur are recognized inN. caeca (Fabricius),N. ciliata (Müller),N. hombergii Savigny andN. pente Rainer.  相似文献   

Species 6 of the Australasian Anopheles farauti sibling species complex (Diptera: Culicidae) is described and formally named Anopheles oreios Bangs & Harbach, sp. n. Adult, pupal and fourth‐instar larval specimens collected in the Baliem Valley, Papua Province, Indonesia, are characterized and compared with those of Anopheles farauti, Anopheles hinesorum, Anopheles irenicus and Anopheles torresiensis (formerly informally denoted as species 1, 2, 7 and 3, respectively). The variable wings of adult females, the male genitalia, the pupa and the fourth‐instar larva of An. oreios are illustrated and DNA sequence data are included for regions coding for sections of the mitochondrial COI and COII genes. The biology of An. oreios and its relation to malaria transmission are discussed in detail and contrasted with the biology and disease relations of some members of the An. farauti and Anopheles punctulatus sibling species complexes.  相似文献   

The rapid conversion of cholesterol to cholestenone by Nocardia in the presence of high proportions of water-immiscible solvent has been demonstrated. At high agitator speeds, the reaction rate was not limited by the rates of transfer of oxygen or cholesterol to the microorganisms. Using 100 g of thawed cells in 200 ml of carbon tetrachloride containing 16% (w/v) cholesterol, at 20 degrees C cholestenone was formed at 7 g/hr. Cells could be separated easily from the organic solvent and reused. After 7 runs (69 hr) the reaction rate had fallen only to half the value for the first run.  相似文献   

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