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The cobalt-labelling technique was used to investigate the termination areas of trigeminal primary afferent fibers. The familiar somatotopic arrangement of fibers and terminals of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve was recognized both in the spinal tract and in the nuclear complex of the trigeminus. The spinal tract could be traced as far as the 3rd cervical segment of the spinal cord where fibers crossed to the contralateral side. The different divisions of the nuclear complex could be unambiguously defined on the basis of the pattern of fiber terminations. The nucleus principalis was characterized by the even distribution of terminals in the nucleus. The nucleus spinalis was characterized by small bundles of fibers of intranuclear origin, which broke up the even distribution pattern of terminals. The presence of mesencephalic trigeminal fibers in the nucleus oralis distinguished this nucleus from the nucleus interpolaris. The nucleus caudalis was recognized on the ground of its striated structure. Primary trigeminal afferent fibers were located in the following sites: in the solitary nucleus, in the lateral part of the reticular formation, in the dorsal-column nuclei and in the superior vestibular nuclei. Primary fiber terminations could not be observed in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay (RIA) revealed that corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-like immunoreactivity was found to be colocalized with substance P (SP)-, somatostatin (SST)- and leu-enkephalin (LENK)-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal root- and trigeminal ganglia, the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (laminae I and II), the substantia gelatinosa, and at the lateral border of the spinal nucleus and in the tractus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve. These peptides were also located in fast blue labeled cells of the trigeminal ganglion following injection of the dye into the spinal trigeminal area. This indicates that there are possible sensory projections of these peptides into the spinal trigeminal area. Capsaicin treatment of neonatal rats resulted in a marked decrease in the density of CRF-, SP-, VIP- and CCK-containing neurons in the above mentioned hindbrain areas, whereas SST- and LENK-immunoreactivity were not changed. RIA revealed that, compared to controls, CRF, SP and VIP concentrations in these areas were decreased in rats pretreated with capsaicin, while SST levels were increased; CCK and LENK levels were unchanged. It is concluded that the primary afferent neurons of the nucleus and tractus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve are richly endowed with a number of peptides some of which are sensitive to capsaicin action. The close anatomical proximity of these peptide containing neurons suggests the possibility of a coexistance of one or more of these substances.  相似文献   

Neurotoxic effect of capsaicin in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capsaicin is now widely used to explore and/or prove the role of peptide-containing primary afferent neurones in different somato- and viscerosensory functions. The present paper deals with the morphological effects of capsaicin administered according to currently used experimental paradigms. As it has been repeatedly confirmed in the recent literature, administration of capsaicin to newborn mammals results in a highly selective degeneration of a particular population of small sized, B-type primary afferent neurones located in spinal and cranial sensory ganglia. Chemosensitive i.e. capsaicin sensitive primary sensory neurones (CPSNs) correspond to primary sensory ganglion cells which contain neuropeptides. The permanent functional impairments and the decrease in the peptide contents of the sensory neurones observed after neonatal capsaicin treatment may be accounted for an irreversible loss of CPSNs. Direct application of capsaicin to peripheral nerves results in an apparently irreversible functional impairment of unmyelinated afferent fibres implicated in nociceptive, viscerosensory and neurogenic inflammatory mechanisms. Morphological observations indicate that perineural treatment with capsaicin initiates a selective but delayed degeneration process of unmyelinated afferent nerve fibres presumably due to an inhibition of intraneuronal transport mechanisms. In contrast with perineural capsaicin treatment affecting the chemistry and function of the whole sensory neurone, injection of capsaicin into the subarachnoid space results in an irreversible abolition of the "afferent" but not the "efferent" function of CPSNs. Accordingly, noxious thermal or chemical stimuli applied to the peripheral innervation areas of the trigeminal nucleus caudalis or the affected segments of the spinal cord fail to induce nociceptive reflexes because of the degeneration of the central terminals of CPSNs. However, in these same skin areas, application of chemical irritants invariably evoked the neurogenic inflammatory response, indicating that CPSNs deprived of their central terminals maintain their capacity to synthesize and release the peptide(s) responsible for the initiation of that response. In contrast with previous findings, our recent studies furnished evidence for a selective neurodegenerative action of systemically injected capsaicin in adult mammals, as well. Therefore, some of the irreversible functional impairments produced by capsaicin in adult animals may result from the degeneration of a particular subpopulation of CPSNs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemical technique was used to examine the peripheral distribution and afferent projections of the trigeminal nerve in the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve distribute over the head via four branches. The ophthalmic branch distributes fibers to the region above the eye and naris. The maxillary and mandibular branches innervate the regions of the upper and lower lip, respectively. A fourth branch of the trigeminal nerve was demonstrated to be present in the hyomandibular trunk. Upon entering the medulla the trigeminal afferent fibers divide into a rostromedially directed bundle and a caudally directed bundle. The rostromedially directed bundle terminates in the sensory trigeminal nucleus (STN) located within the rostral medulla. The majority of fibers turn caudally, forming the descending trigeminal tract. Fibers of the descending trigeminal tract terminate within three medullary nuclei: the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract (NDTV), the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Spv), and the medial funicular nucleus (MFn). All projections, except for those to the MFn, are ipsilateral. Contralateral projections were observed at the level of the MFn following the labeling of the ophthalmic and maxillomandibular branches. All branches of the trigeminal nerve project to all four of the trigeminal medullary nuclei. Projections to the STN and MFn were found to be topographically organized such that the afferents of the ophthalmic branch project onto the ventral portion of these nuclei, while the afferents of the maxillo- and hyomandibular branches project to the dorsal portion of these nuclei. Cells of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus were retrogradely labeled following HRP application to the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve. In addition to demonstrating the ascending mesencephalic trigeminal root fibers, HRP application to the above-mentioned branches also revealed descending mesencephalic trigeminal fibers. The descending mesencephalic trigeminal fibers course caudally medial to the branchiomeric motor column and terminate in the ventromedial portion of the MFn.  相似文献   

The nucleus tractus solitarius and the spinal trigeminal nucleus receive peripheral sensory input from substance P containing afferent nerves. This study demonstrates that invitro depolarization of these nuclei in tissue slices evokes a calcium-dependent efflux of substance P immunoreactivity. Capsaicin (33μM) also elicits substance P release from the nucleus tractus solitarius and spinal trigeminal nucleus but not from the hypothalamus. The occurrence of potassium-stimulated SP release from the two medullary nuclei fulfills one of the criteria for neurotransmitter status. The capsaicin data support the contention that this agent elicits release of substance P from nuclear regions receiving peripheral afferent information in substance P nerves independent of the particular sensory modality served but is ineffective in nonsensory areas.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of GABAergic neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei was studied using a highly specific monoclonal antibody (mAb3A12) to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Immunopositive cells were relatively abundant in the marginal and gelatinosa beds of the caudal part of the trigeminal spinal tract nucleus, and in the dorsomedial areas of the oral subnucleus and the principal nucleus. A high density of GABA-immunoreactive somata was also found in the rostral part of the oral subnucleus and in the adjacent parvicellular reticular formation as well as in the supratrigeminal and intertrigeminal regions. Thus, the distribution of the GABAergic cells showed a relatively high density in areas related to the convergence of sensory stimuli, and in zones that contain interneurons inhibiting masticatory motorneurons. The results suggest, therefore, that GABA might play an important role both in discriminative sensory processing and in reflex modulation of the orofacial region.Abbreviations RF reticular formation - FRp parvicellular reticular formation - Vc trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus caudalis - Vmes mesencephalic nucleus - Vmo trigeminal motor nucleus - Vo trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus oralis - Vp principal trigeminal nucleus - Vsp spinal trigeminal nucleus - Vsup supratrigeminal nucleus  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of sugar residues in the oligosaccharide chains of complex carbohydrates in tissue sections of rat spinal cord, brainstem, and sensory ganglia using twelve lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. Glycoconjugates containing terminal galactose residues were localized apparently in the Golgi apparatus in a population of predominantly small B-type neurons in spinal and trigeminal ganglia. Large A-type neurons rarely showed reactivity with galactose-binding lectins. A cells stained for glycoconjugates with N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides and glycogen. The central and peripheral processes of the small neurons, mostly unmyelinated C fibers in sensory roots and spinal nerves, contained an abundance of glycoconjugates with terminal alpha-galactose residues. The central projections and terminals of small to medium-sized primary sensory neurons in the spinal and trigeminal ganglia were visualized in Lissauer's tract and the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord, and in the spinal trigeminal tract and the nucleus trigeminus in the lower medulla with lectins specific for terminal alpha-galactose residues. In addition, fibers of the solitary system and the area postrema were reactive with these lectins. The peripheral and central nervous system elements with affinity for galactopyranosyl-specific lectins correspond in distribution with neuroanatomical regions thought to be involved in the transmission and relay of somatic and visceral afferent inputs such as pain and temperature. Such specific localization of a glycosubstance to a distinct subpopulation of neurons and their peripheral and central processes suggests that the particular glycoconjugate may be of physiological significance.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical and radioimmunoassay studies revealed that both CGRP- and SP-like immunoreactivity in the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract, the substantia gelatinosa and the dorsal cervical spinal cord as well as in cell bodies of the trigeminal ganglion and the spinal dorsal root ganglion is markedly depleted by capsaicin which is known to cause degeneration of a certain number of primary sensory neurons. Higher brain areas and the ventral spinal cord were not affected by capsaicin treatment. Furthermore CGRP and substance P-like immunoreactivity were shown to be colocalized in the above areas and to coexist in cell bodies of the trigeminal ganglion and the spinal dorsal root ganglia. It is suggested that CGRP, like substance P, may have a neuromodulatory role on nociception and peripheral cardiovascular reflexes.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase histochemical studies of afferent and efferent projections of the trigeminal nerve in two species of chondrostean fishes revealed medial, descending and ascending projections. Entering fibers of the trigeminal sensory root project medially to terminate in the medial trigeminal nucleus, located along the medial wall of the rostral medulla. Other entering sensory fibers turn caudally within the medulla, forming the trigeminal spinal tract, and terminate within the descending trigeminal nucleus. The descending trigeminal nucleus consists of dorsal (DTNd) and ventral (DTNv) components. Fibers of the trigeminal spinal tract descend through the lateral alar medulla and into the dorsolateral cervical spinal cord. Fibers exit the spinal tract throughout its length, projecting to the ventral descending trigeminal nucleus (DTNv) in the medulla and to the funicular nucleus at the obex. Retrograde transport of HRP through sensory root fibers also revealed an ascending bundle of fibers that constitutes the neurites of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, cell bodies of which are located in the rostral optic tectum. Retrograde transport of HRP through motor root fibers labeled ipsilateral cells of the trigeminal motor nucleus, located in the rostral branchiomeric motor column.  相似文献   

Periodontal mechanosensitive (PM) units were recorded from the trigeminal spinal tract nucleus (Vst) of the cat. The Vst is divided into three subnuclei: oralis (Vo), interpolaris (Vi), and caudalis (Vc). The receptive fields of PM units in Vo and Vi were arranged in a dorsoventral sequence in the mandibular to maxillary divisions, and those in Vc were arranged in a mediolateral sequence. The majority of Vo units were single-tooth ones, whereas more than half the Vi units and all the Vc ones were multitooth units. The PM units in each subnucleus were predominantly responsive to canine tooth stimulation. Most of the PM units in Vo and Vi gave sustained responses to pressure applied to the tooth, were directionally selective, and were most actively excited by canine tooth stimulation in the caudomedial or rostrolateral direction. Vc units, however, were transient. The threshold intensity for firings by canine tooth stimulation was less than 0.05 N. These findings indicate that only the response properties of PM units in the rostral part of Vst resemble those of the trigeminal main sensory nucleus neurons and primary afferent nerves.  相似文献   

A choleratoxin B subunit transganglionic labelling technique and NPY immunohistochemistry were applied in the rat to achieve the chemoanatomical separation of myelinated vibrissal primary afferents, previously considered to be morphologically indistinguishable. Further, a special central representation pattern of supraorbital vibrissae was observed in the trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex: (1) Choleratoxin-labelled supraorbital vibrissal primary afferents terminated densely in their appropriate barrelettes in the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus, in the spinal oral subnucleus, in the caudal part of the spinal interpolar subnucleus, and in lamina IV of the caudal part of the spinal caudal subnucleus. (2) A second population of choleratoxin-labelled vibrissal afferents was also observed, terminating only in lamina III of the caudal subnucleus. (3) After peripheral nerve transection, NPY-immunoreactive supraorbital vibrissal primary afferent fibres appeared in their appropriate barrelettes in the principal sensory nucleus and the caudal part of the interpolar subnucleus, while in the caudal part of the caudal subnucleus NPY-immunoreactive vibrissal primary afferent terminals were found exclusively in the inner part of lamina II, extending over the outer part of lamina III. NPY-immunoreactive supraorbital vibrissal primary afferents were never found in the oral subnucleus. In contrast with the rules of the central representation of the mystacial (infraorbital) vibrissae, the multiple representation of the supraorbital vibrissae in the caudal subnucleus and the dense, barrelette-like terminal arborization of the choleratoxin-labelled supraorbital vibrissal primary afferents in the oral subnucleus apparently indicate an enhanced role of supraorbital vibrissae in reflexes that protect the eyes and the head from damage.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into either a single maxillary or a single mandibular primary (deciduous) cuspid tooth of 8- to 10-week-old kittens. The large apex of the primary cuspid allowed for some leakage of the HRP from the pulpal chamber to the periodontal ligament (PDL). Thus, the injection procedure resulted in the application of HRP to the PDL as well as to the pulpal tissues. The transganglionic transport of HRP resulted in discrete terminal fields within the spinal trigeminal nucleus (STN) and the main sensory nucleus (MSN). These projections were clearly somatotopically organized within the STN, but less so within MSN. Within pars oralis (PO) and pars interpolaris (PI), mandibular cuspid dental structures (MdCDS) were represented in a dorsal position relative to the maxillary cuspid dental structures (MxCDS), whereas within pars caudalis (PC) and the adjacent reticular formation the somatotopic representation was not dorsoventral, but rather mediolateral, with the MdCDS represented more medially than the MxCDS. Areas of overlap between MxCDS and MdCDS were found within MSN and to a lesser degree within the superficial laminae of PC. In addition, the fiber pathway leading to labeled somata in the mesencephalic trigeminal (Mes V) nucleus was clearly identified. The majority of the fibers traced to the Mes V nucleus exited the spinal trigeminal tract at the level of the transition from PO to the MSN and traversed the nuclear region in a position dorsal to and separate from the trigeminal motor tract. As in STN, fibers within the caudal Mes V tract appeared to be somatotopically organized, with the fibers from the MdCDS generally more dorsal than the ones from the MxCDS. Labeled fibers, some with terminal arbors, were also identified in close association with the trigeminal motor tract. The findings show a complex pattern of central representation in the immature feline central nervous system for deciduous dental structures.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent components of the facial nerve were traced within the brain stem of Rana catesbeiana, using three different neuroanatomical techniques. Primary afferent fibers could be traced to the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve and to fasciculus solitarius as far caudally as the first or second spinal segment, using silver degeneration methods. Cobalt filling of of the entire nerve showed the same distribution of afferent fibers, as well as the filling of the cells within the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal, indicating the origin of a proprioceptive component of the facial nerve. Cobalt iontophoresis and horseradish perioxidase experiments showed that the motor nucleus of the facial nerve was located just ventral to the fourth ventricle, and caudal to the motor nucleus of trigeminal. The distribution of afferent fibers to fasciculus solitarius and the spinal tract of trigeminal is similar in some respects to the distribution of afferent fibers from the trigeminal and vagal nerves in the bullfrog. The afferent fibers from the three cranial nerves are found as far caudally in the brain stem as the second spinal segment.  相似文献   

目的通过观察血管源性头痛清醒动物模型中Fos阳性细胞在三叉神经节及三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核的分布情况,明确两种非甾体类抗炎药NSAID对乙酰氨基酚及布洛芬在头痛控制中,在颅内特定区域的作用机理。方法 30只雄性SD大鼠随机分为对照组(生理盐水组)、对乙酰氨基酚组、布洛芬组,每组给药后50 min分别给予频率为20 Hz、电流为3~5 mA和脉宽为0.25 ms的电刺激,刺激后给予大鼠灌注固定取脑,分别在颅内取三叉神经节及三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核制作石蜡切片,进行免疫组织化学染色,利用Image J软件对阳性细胞进行计数统计。结果电刺激后盐水组与非甾体类药物组在双侧三叉神经节、三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核Fos蛋白表达的差异具有显著统计学意义,对乙酰氨基酚组与布洛芬组在双侧三叉神经节、三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核Fos蛋白表达未见统计学差异。结论给予非甾体类抗炎前后在双侧三叉神经节、三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核的Fos表达的改变提示三叉神经节、三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核参与了疼痛的传递和表达以及药物对疼痛控制的药理过程。  相似文献   

Intersubnuclear connections within the rat trigeminal brainstem complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior intracellular recording and labeling experiments have documented local-circuit and projection neurons in the spinal trigeminal (V) nucleus with axons that arborize in more rostral and caudal spinal trigeminal subnuclei and nucleus principalis. Anterograde tracing studies were therefore carried out to assess the origin, extent, distribution, and morphology of such intersubnuclear axons in the rat trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex (TBNC). Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was used as the anterograde marker because of its high sensitivity and the morphological detail provided. Injections restricted to TBNC subnucleus caudalis resulted in dense terminal labeling in each of the more rostral ipsilateral subnuclei. Subnucleus interpolaris projected ipsilaterally and heavily to magnocellular portions of subnucleus caudalis, as well as subnucleus oralis and nucleus principalis. Nucleus principalis, on the other hand, had only a sparse projection to each of the caudal ipsilateral subnuclei. Intersubnuclear axons most frequently traveled in the deep bundles within the TBNC, the V spinal tract, and the reticular formation. They gave rise to a number of circumscribed, highly branched arbors with many boutons of the terminal and en passant types. Retrograde single- or multiple-labeling experiments assessed the cells giving rise to TBNC intersubnuclear collaterals. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or fluorescent tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, cerebellum, nucleus principalis, and/or subnucleus caudalis revealed large numbers of neurons in subnuclei caudalis, interpolaris, and oralis projecting to the region of nucleus principalis. Cells projecting to more caudal spinal trigeminal regions were most numerous in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis. Some cells in lamina V of subnucleus caudalis and in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis projected to thalamus and/or colliculus, as well as other TBNC subnuclei. Such collateral projections were rare in nucleus principalis and more superficial laminae of subnucleus caudalis. TBNC cells labeled by cerebellar injections were not double-labeled by tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, or TBNC. These findings lend generality to currently available data obtained with intracellular recording and HRP labeling methods, and suggest that most intersubnuclear axons originate in TBNC local-circuit neurons, though some originate in cells that project to midbrain and/or diencephalon.  相似文献   

The present research shows that sensory ganglion cells are located within the oculomotor nerve of monkeys and man. Furthermore, afferent fibers have been found in the IIIrd nerve of all the animals examined (lamb, pig, cat, dog and monkey). These fibers have their perikarya prevalently in the semilunar ganglion. Their pathway could be studied after section of either the trigeminal ophthalmic branch or of the intracranial portion of the IIIrd nerve. Following these operations, degenerating fibers were found entering the brain stem through the oculomotor nerve. In the brain stem, they were traced through the pons and the medulla and were seen to end in the spinal cord, within the subnucleus gelatinosus of the nucleus caudalis trigemini. Their degenerating endings found in the neuropil of the SG Rolandi, represented peripheral axonal endings of the glomeruli, rather than central axonal endings, as was the case after trigeminal rhizotomy. On the basis of these different degenerating patterns, the conclusion can be reached that the perikarya of the afferent fibers located in the semilunar ganglion represent, in reality, a ganglion of the IIIrd nerve.  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF)-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in the trigeminal and spinal ganglia of fetal, young and adult rats by use of peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry. GRF-like-immunoreactive cells first appear during the second half of embryonic life, as early as day 17. In untreated animals the GRF-immunoreactive elements form approximately 1% of all ganglion cells in the trigeminal and spinal ganglia; their numbers do not change significantly during development. The granular immunoreaction product is confined to perikarya, especially to the perinuclear region. Nerve fibers displaying GRF-like immunoreactivity were found neither in the ganglia, nor in the corresponding central and peripheral areas of termination. The possible role of GRF in sensory ganglia is discussed.  相似文献   

Primary afferent neurons that innervate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in cats were labeled by injecting a 2-5% solution of wheatgerm agglutinin bound to horseradish peroxidase into the joint capsule and capsular tissues in 14 cats and processing the brain stem and trigeminal ganglia using the tetramethylbenzidine method described by Mesulam (1978). The perikarya of ganglion cells that innervate the TMJ ranged in diameter from 15 to 109 μm and were primarily located in the posterolateral portion of the trigeminal ganglion. The central processes of these neurons entered the brain stem in middle pons and were distributed to all portions of the sensory trigeminal nuclei. However, the majority of labeled fibers and greatest density of terminal labeling were observed in the dorsal part of the main sensory nucleus and the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Very few labeled fibers were observed in the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve below the obex. However, evidence for axon terminals was consistently observed in laminae I, II, and III of the medullary dorsal horn. These findings concur with physiological evidence showing that information from the TMJ influences neurons in rostral (Kawamura et al, 1967) and in caudal (Broton et al, 1985) portions of the trigeminal sensory nuclei.  相似文献   

With the use of an antiserum generated in rabbits against synthetic human calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) the distribution of CGRP-like immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers was studied in the rat central nervous system. A detailed stereotaxic atlas of CGRP-like neurons was prepared. CGRP-like immunoreactivity was widely distributed in the rat central nervous system. CGRP positive cell bodies were observed in the preoptic area and hypothalamus (medial preoptic, periventricular, anterior hypothalamic nuclei, perifornical area, medial forebrain bundle), premamillary nucleus, amygdala medialis, hippocampus and dentate gyrus, central gray and the ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus. In the midbrain a large cluster of cells was contained in the peripeduncular area ventral to the medial geniculate body. In the hindbrain cholinergic motor nuclei (III, IV, V, VI, VII XII) contained CGRP-immunoreactivity. Cell bodies were also observed in the ventral tegmental nucleus, the parabrachial nuclei, superior olive and nucleus ambiguus. The ventral horn cells of the spinal cord, the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia also contained CGRP-immunoreactivity. Dense accumulations of fibers were observed in the amydala centralis, caudal portion of the caudate putamen, sensory trigeminal area, substantia gelatinosa, dorsal horn of the spinal cord (laminae I and II). Other areas containing CGRP-immunoreactive fibers are the septal area, nucleus of the stria terminalis, preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei (e.g., medial preoptic, periventricular, dorsomedial, median eminence), medial forebrain bundle, central gray, medial geniculate body, peripeduncular area, interpeduncular nucleus, cochlear nucleus, parabrachial nuclei, superior olive, nucleus tractus solitarii, and in the confines of clusters of cell bodies. Some fibers were also noted in the anterior and posterior pituitary and the sensory ganglia. As with other newly described brain neuropeptides it can only be conjectured that CGRP has a neuroregulatory action on a variety of functions throughout the brain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Summary Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is a cardiac hormone with various functions in body homeostasis. It is also processed in the brain and in the peripheral nervous system where it appears to play a role as a neuromodulator. Little is known about the presence of ANF throughout the spinal cord of the guinea-pig. We therefore examined the distribution of ANF and its possible interrelation with primary sensory afferents in this species. Using enzyme- and fluorescence-immunohistochemistry on deparaffinized sections, ANF-like immunoreactivity was found to be present in nerve fibers in laminae I/II of the spinal cord and in neurons of spinal and trigeminal ganglia. Tachykinins and ANF coexisted in very few fibers of the spinal cord but did not coexist in primary sensory spinal or trigeminal neurons. Our results indicate that spinal ANF-immunoreactive fibers are of dual origin, primary sensory and non-primary sensory. The possibly heterogeneous source of the non-primary sensory ANF, its possible coexistence with other co-transmitters and functional implications are discussed.Preliminary aspects of this study have been reported at the 2nd World Congress of Neuroscience in Budapest (Weihe et al. 1987) and at the Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Zürich (Nohr et al. 1989)  相似文献   

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