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Integrating the proton circuit into photosynthesis: progress and challenges   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The formation of trans-thylakoid proton motive force (pmf) is coupled to light-driven electron transfer and both powers the synthesis of ATP and acts as a signal for initiating antenna regulation. This key intermediate has been difficult to study because of its ephemeral and variable qualities. This review covers recent efforts to probe pmf in vivo as well as efforts to address one of the key questions in photosynthesis: How does the photosynthetic machinery achieve sufficient flexibility to meet the energetic and regulatory needs of the plant in a varying environment? It is concluded that pmf plays a central role in these flexibility mechanisms.  相似文献   

This work tests two models to account for the effects of depletion of stromal inorganic phosphate (Pi), which results in down-regulation of light capture via the exciton quenching (qE) mechanism and has been proposed to act in feedback regulation of the light reactions. In both models, antenna down-regulation is activated by acidification of the lumen, despite the fact that linear electron flow (LEF) (and associated proton flux) is decreased upon Pi depletion. In one model, an imbalance of ATP or NADPH activates cyclic electron transfer around photosystem I (CEF1), increasing proton influx to the lumen. In the second, the effective conductivity of the CFO-CF1 ATP synthase to protons ( g H+) is decreased, retarding proton efflux from the lumen. Sequestering of Pi by mannose infiltration increased sensitivities of qE and pmf to LEF. The effects were attributable to decreases in g H+, but not to CEF1 and were largely reversed by subsequent Pi feeding. Rapid recovery of g H+ in the dark suggested that dark-labile metabolic pools are responsible for regulation of the ATP synthase. Overall, these results support models where accumulation of Benson–Calvin cycle intermediates or lowering of stromal Pi below its K Mat the ATP synthase, retards proton efflux from the lumen, leading to build-up of pmf and subsequent down-regulation of photosynthetic light capture.  相似文献   

张春艳  庞肖杰 《植物学报》2021,56(5):594-604
光谱技术已广泛应用于光合研究领域,如光吸收信号P515和P700氧化还原动力学以及叶绿素荧光等,可快速、准确地检测植物的光合活性。P515信号广泛存在于高等植物和藻类中,是类囊体膜上的色素分子吸收光能后,其吸收光谱发生位移造成。利用光诱导的P515快速和慢速动力学,可检测PSI和PSII反应中心的比值、ATP合酶的质子...  相似文献   

We measured the Δ Ψ and ΔpH components of the transthylakoid proton motive force ( pmf ) in light-adapted, intact tobacco leaves in response to moderate heat. The Δ Ψ causes an electrochromic shift (ECS) in carotenoid absorbance spectra. The light–dark difference spectrum has a peak at 518 nm and the two components of the pmf were separated by following the ECS for 25 s after turning the light off. The ECS signal was deconvoluted by subtracting the effects of zeaxanthin formation (peak at 505 nm) and the qE-related absorbance changes (peak at 535 nm) from a signal measured at 520 nm. Heat reduced ΔpH while Δ Ψ slightly increased. Elevated temperature accelerated ECS decay kinetics likely reflecting heat-induced increases in proton conductance and ion movement. Energy-dependent quenching (qE) was reduced by heat. However, the reduction of qE was less than expected given the loss of ΔpH. Zeaxanthin did not increase with heat in light-adapted leaves but it was higher than would be predicted given the reduced ΔpH found at high temperature. The results indicate that moderate heat stress can have very large effects on thylakoid reactions.  相似文献   

The light-dependent production of ATP and reductants by the photosynthetic apparatus in vivo involves a series of electron and proton transfers. Consideration is given as to how electron fluxes through photosystem I (PSI), using absorption spectroscopy, and through photosystem II (PSII), using chlorophyll fluorescence analyses, can be estimated in vivo. Measurements of light-induced electrochromic shifts using absorption spectroscopy provide a means of analyzing the proton fluxes across the thylakoid membranes in vivo. Regulation of these electron and proton fluxes is required for the thylakoids to meet the fluctuating metabolic demands of the cell. Chloroplasts exhibit a wide and flexible range of mechanisms to regulate electron and proton fluxes that enable chloroplasts to match light use for ATP and reductant production with the prevailing metabolic requirements. Non-invasive probing of electron fluxes through PSI and PSII, and proton fluxes across the thylakoid membranes can provide insights into the operation of such regulatory processes in vivo.  相似文献   

C4 plants can fix CO2 efficiently using CO2‐concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), but they require additional ATP. To supply the additional ATP, C4 plants operate at higher rates of cyclic electron transport around photosystem I (PSI), in which electrons are transferred from ferredoxin to plastoquinone. Recently, it has been reported that the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase‐like complex (NDH) accumulated in the thylakoid membrane in leaves of C4 plants, making it a candidate for the additional synthesis of ATP used in the CCM. In addition, C4 plants have higher levels of PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION 5 (PGR5) expression, but it has been unknown how PGR5 functions in C4 photosynthesis. In this study, PGR5 was overexpressed in a C4 dicot, Flaveria bidentis. In PGR5‐overproducing (OP) lines, PGR5 levels were 2.3‐ to 3.0‐fold greater compared with wild‐type plants. PGR5‐like PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHENOTYPE 1 (PGRL1), which cooperates with PGR5, increased with PGR5. A spectroscopic analysis indicated that in the PGR5‐OP lines, the acceptor side limitation of PSI was reduced in response to a rapid increase in photon flux density. Although it did not affect CO2 assimilation, the overproduction of PGR5 contributed to an enhanced electron sink downstream of PSI.  相似文献   

In natural variable environments, plants rapidly adjust photosynthesis for optimum balance between photochemistry and photoprotection. These adjustments mainly occur via changes in their proton motive force (pmf). Recent studies based on time resolved analysis of the Electro Chromic Signal (ECS) bandshift of photosynthetic pigments in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have suggested an active role of ion fluxes across the thylakoid membranes in the regulation of the pmf. Among the different channels and transporters possibly involved in this phenomenon, we previously identified the TPK3 potassium channel. Plants silenced for TPK3 expression displayed light stress signatures, with reduced Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) capacity and sustained anthocyanin accumulation, even at moderate intensities. In this work we re-examined the role of this protein in pmf regulation, starting from the observation that both TPK3 knock-down (TPK3 KD) and WT plants display enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the light under certain growth conditions, especially in old leaves. We thus compared the pmf features of young “green” (without anthocyanins) and old “red” (with anthocyanins) leaves in both genotypes using a global fit analysis of the ECS. We found that the differences in the ECS profile measured between the two genotypes reflect not only differences in TPK3 expression level, but also a modified photosynthetic activity of stressed red leaves, which are present in a larger amounts in the TPK3 KD plants.  相似文献   

N.P.J. Cotton  J.B. Jackson   《BBA》1984,767(3):618-626
(1) The cytoplasmic membrane potential (Δψ) of intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, measured either from the uptake of butyltriphenylphosphonium cation or from the electrochromic carotenoid band shift, increased upon illumination (negative on the cytoplasmic side) and then, within the next 20 s, partly declined while the light was still on. In the presence of the F0 inhibitor venturicidin the light-induced Δψ was increased by 30% and the partial decline was abolished. (2) From the ionic current/Δψ curves for the bacterial membranes it was concluded that the slow, partial decline of Δψ after the onset of illumination was the result of an increase in membrane conductance. The conductance increase seen in the ionic current/Δψ curves was blocked by venturicidin suggesting that it was caused by increased proton flux through the ATP synthase. (3) Analysis of the light-induced changes in adenine nucleotide levels in intact bacterial cells showed that the apparent increase in ATP synthase activity was not the result of a decrease in phosphorylation potential. The data were consistent with either an increase in the catalytic activity of the ATP synthase or with an increase in H+ flux through the enzyme without a proportionate increase in the rate of phosphorylation (increased ‘slip’). (4) This slow change in the properties of the ATP synthase, as judged by the venturicidin-sensitive partial decline of Δψ, required a minimum initial value of Δψ. When Δψ was reduced, either by decreasing the actinic light intensity or by adding carbonylcyanide trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone the partial decline in Δψ was abolished. (5) The slow change in ATP synthase properties reversed upon darkening the bacterial cell suspension. A second illumination period shortly after the first elicited a smaller initial Δψ and a smaller Δψ decline. The relaxation of the ATP synthase in the dark was measured from the dependence of the initial increase in Δψ after the second illumination period upon the dark-time between the two illumination periods.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, cyclic electron transport (CET) around photosystem I (PSI) consists of two pathways, depending on PGR5/PGRL1 proteins and the chloroplast NDH complex. In single mutants defective in chloroplast NDH, photosynthetic electron transport is only slightly affected at low light intensity, but in double mutants impaired in both CET pathways photosynthesis and plant growth are severely affected. The question is whether this strong mutant phenotype observed in double mutants can be simply explained by the additive effect of defects in both CET pathways. In this study, we used the weak mutant allele of pgr5-2 for the background of double mutants to avoid possible problems caused by the secondary effects due to the strong mutant phenotype. In two double mutants, crr2-2 pgr5-2 and ndhs-1 pgr5-2, the plant growth was unaffected and linear electron transport was only slightly affected. However, NPQ induction was more severely impaired in the double mutants than in the pgr5-2 single mutant. A similar trend was observed in the size of the proton motive force. Despite the slight reduction in photosystem II parameters, PSI parameters were severely affected in the pgr5-2 single mutant, the phenotype that was further enhanced by adding the NDH defects. Despite the lack of ?pH-dependent regulation at the cytochrome b6f complex (donor-side regulation of PSI), the plastoquinone pool was more reduced in the double mutants than in the pgr5-2 single mutants. This phenotype suggests that both PGR5/PGRL1- and NDH-dependent CET contribute to supply sufficient acceptors from PSI by balancing the ATP/NADPH production ratio.  相似文献   

The chloroplast ATP synthase is known to be regulated by redox modulation of a disulfide bridge on the γ‐subunit through the ferredoxin–thioredoxin regulatory system. We show that a second enzyme, the recently identified chloroplast NADPH thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC), plays a role specifically at low irradiance. Arabidopsis mutants lacking NTRC (ntrc) displayed a striking photosynthetic phenotype in which feedback regulation of the light reactions was strongly activated at low light, but returned to wild‐type levels as irradiance was increased. This effect was caused by an altered redox state of the γ‐subunit under low, but not high, light. The low light‐specific decrease in ATP synthase activity in ntrc resulted in a buildup of the thylakoid proton motive force with subsequent activation of non‐photochemical quenching and downregulation of linear electron flow. We conclude that NTRC provides redox modulation at low light using the relatively oxidizing substrate NADPH, whereas the canonical ferredoxin–thioredoxin system can take over at higher light, when reduced ferredoxin can accumulate. Based on these results, we reassess previous models for ATP synthase regulation and propose that NTRC is most likely regulated by light. We also find that ntrc is highly sensitive to rapidly changing light intensities that probably do not involve the chloroplast ATP synthase, implicating this system in multiple photosynthetic processes, particularly under fluctuating environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Péter Maróti 《BBA》2019,1860(4):317-324
In the native and most mutant reaction centers of bacterial photosynthesis, the electron transfer is coupled to proton transfer and is rate limiting for the second reduction of QB??→?QBH2. In the presence of divalent metal ions (e.g. Cd2+) or in some (“proton transfer”) mutants (L210DN/M17DN or L213DN), the proton delivery to QB? is made rate limiting and the properties of the proton pathway can be directly examined. We found that small weak acids and buffers in large concentrations (up to 1?M) were able to rescue the severely impaired proton transfer capability differently depending on the location of the defects: lesions at the protein surface (proton gate H126H/H128H?+?Cd2+), beneath the surface (M17DN?+?Cd2+, L210DN/M17DN) or deep inside the protein (L213DN) could be completely, partially or to very small extent recovered, respectively. Small zwitterionic acids (azide/hydrazoic acid) and buffers (tricine) proved to be highly effective rescuers consistent with their enhanced binding affinity and access to any of the proton acceptors (including QB? itself) in the pathway. As a consequence, back titration of the protons at L212Glu could be observed as a pH-dependence of the rate constant of the charge recombination in the presence of azide or formate. Model calculations support the collective influence of the acid cluster on the change of the protonation states upon extension of the cluster with the bound small acid. In proton transfer mutants, the rescuing agents decreased the free energy of activation together with their enthalpic and entropic components. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that they function as protein-penetrating protonophores delivering protons into the chain and select dominating paths out of many alternate routes. We estimate that the proton delivery will be accelerated in one pathway out of 100–200 alternate pathways. The implications for design of the chemical recovery of impaired intra-protein proton transfer pathways in proton transfer mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Triose phosphate utilisation (TPU) limits the maximum rate at which plants can photosynthesise. However, TPU is almost never found to be limiting photosynthesis under ambient conditions for plants. This, along with previous results showing adaptability of TPU at low temperature, suggest that TPU capacity is regulated to be just above the photosynthetic rate achievable under the prevailing conditions. A set of experiments were performed to study the adaptability of TPU capacity when plants are acclimated to elevated CO2 concentrations. Plants held at 1500 ppm CO2 were initially TPU limited. After 30 h they no longer exhibited TPU limitations but they did not elevate their TPU capacity. Instead, the maximum rates of carboxylation and electron transport declined. A timecourse of regulatory responses was established. A step increase of CO2 first caused PSI to be oxidised but after 40 s both PSI and PSII had excess electrons as a result of acceptor-side limitations. Electron flow to PSI slowed and the proton motive force increased. Eventually, non-photochemical quenching reduced electron flow sufficiently to balance the TPU limitation. Over several minutes rubisco deactivated contributing to regulation of metabolism to overcome the TPU limitation.  相似文献   

以蛋白核小球藻(Cholorella pyrenoidosa)为实验材料,研究了温度变化对不同光照水平下蛋白核小球藻的光能利用和生长的影响,以明确光照强度对微藻的光能利用和生长的影响是否因温度不同而发生变化。实验中共设置了3个光照强度水平(50,150,300μmol·m^-2s^-1)和2个温度水平(15℃,25℃)。实验结果表明,不同光照水平下小球藻叶绿素荧光的非光化学淬灭(NPQ)大小与温度有关,光照强度为150,300μmol·m^-2s^-1时,温度升高使小球藻叶绿素荧光NPQ提高,并且光照强度越高小球藻叶绿素荧光NPQ增大越多,50μmol·m^-2s^-1光照强度下温度升高对叶绿素荧光NPQ没有影响。实验发现,25℃培养温度下小球藻的光合电子传递速率(ETR)随光照强度增高而上升的速率要低于15℃时小球藻ETR上升的速率;随着光照强度增高,温度升高使小球藻ETR降低程度增大。实验结果还表明,15℃时小球藻培养液叶绿素a浓度随光照强度升高而增高,300μmol·m^-2s^-1培养光强下具有最高的叶绿素a浓度。但在25℃时,光照强度升高叶绿素a浓度并不一定增高,300μmol·m^-2s^-1光照强度下的叶绿素a浓度比150μmol·m^-2s^-1光照强度下要低。本研究表明,温度升高增大了高光照水平下蛋白核小球藻对光能的热耗散,使光照增强对小球藻生长的促进作用减弱。由于温度升高对小球藻光能利用和生长的阻抑作用,小球藻生长的适宜光照水平因温度升高而降低。  相似文献   

Drought-affected plants experience more than just desiccationof their organs due to water deficit. Plants transpire 1000times more molecules of water than of CO2 fixed by photosynthesisin full sunlight. One effect of transpiration is to cool theleaves. Accordingly, drought brings about such multi-stressesas high temperatures, excess photoradiation and other factorsthat affect plant viability. Wild watermelon serves as a suitablemodel system to study drought responses of C3 plants, sincethis plant survives drought by maintaining its water contentwithout any wilting of leaves or desiccation even under severedrought conditions. Under drought conditions in the presenceof strong light, wild watermelon accumulates high concentrationsof citrulline, glutamate and arginine in its leaves. The accumulationof citrulline and arginine may be related to the induction ofDRIP-1, a homologue of ArgE in Escherichia coli, where it functionsto incorporate the carbon skeleton of glutamate into the ureacycle. Immunogold electron microscopy reveals the enzyme tobe confined exclusively to the cytosol. DRIP-1 is also inducedby treating wild watermelon with 150 mM NaCl, but is not inducedfollowing treatment with 100 µM abscisic acid. The salttreatment causes the accumulation of -aminobutyrate, glutamineand alanine, in addition to a smaller amount of citrulline.Citrulline may function as a potent hydroxyl radical scavenger.  相似文献   

The tropical rainforest mesocosm within the Biosphere 2 Laboratory, a model system of some 110 species developed over 12 years under controlled environmental conditions, has been subjected to a series of comparable drought experiments during 2000–2002. In each study, the mesocosm was subjected to a 4–6 week drought, with well‐defined rainfall events before and after the treatment. Ecosystem CO2 uptake rate (Aeco) declined 32% in response to the drought, with changes occurring within days and being reversible within weeks, even though the deeper soil layers did not become significantly drier and leaf‐level water status of most large trees was not greatly affected. The reduced Aeco during the drought reflected both morphological and physiological responses. It is estimated that the drought‐induced 32% reduction of Aeco has three principal components: (1) leaf fall increased two‐fold whereas leaf expansion growth of some canopy dominants declined to 60%, leading to a 10% decrease in foliage coverage of the canopy. This might be the main reason for the persistent reduction of Aeco after rewatering. (2) The maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate at high light intensities in remaining leaves was reduced to 71% for three of the four species measured, even though no chronic photo‐inhibition occurred. (3) Stomata closed, leading to a reduced ecosystem water conductance to water vapour (33% of pre‐drought values), which not only reduced ecosystem carbon uptake rate, but may also have implications for water and energy budgets of tropical ecosystems. Additionally, individual rainforest trees responded differently, expressing different levels of stress and stress avoiding mechanisms. This functional diversity renders the individual response heterogeneous and has fundamental implications to scale leaf level responses to ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

以CO2浓度升高为主要标志的全球气候变化及由其引起的极端气候变化对陆地生态系统产生了重要的影响。利用步入式CO2生长室模拟研究了CO2浓度变化(400和700μL/L)和干旱胁迫(水分充足CK:100%FC(田间持水量);中度干旱MS:40%FC;重度干旱SS:20%FC)的交互作用对草本植物网果酸模(Rumex chalepensis)、野豌豆(Vicia sepium)、泥胡菜(Hemmistepta lyrata)、风轮菜(Clinopodium chinense)、藜(Chenopodium album)和玉米石(Sedum album)生长特性的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度升高总体上刺激了网果酸模、野豌豆、泥胡菜、风轮菜和藜这5种C3植物在任何水分条件下的生长,也刺激了玉米石在水分条件较好下的生长;干旱胁迫总体上抑制了所有6种植物的生长,但中度干旱胁迫有刺激CAM植物玉米石生长的趋势。CO2浓度升高能否缓解干旱的负面影响具有明显的种间差异:CO2浓度升高减缓了干旱胁迫对泥胡菜和风轮菜的负面影响,这种缓解作用在网果酸模和野豌豆中显著降低,对藜没有明显的促进作用,对干旱下的玉米石的生长却起到了抑制作用。CO2浓度升高总体上增加了根质量分数和干物质含量;干旱胁迫明显提高了6种草本植物的根生物量的分配比例,降低了干物质含量;但CO2浓度升高和干旱胁迫的交互作用可导致不同的物种产生不同的响应,说明植物能够通过调节生物量分配和植株本身的水分含量保持能力来适应CO2浓度和干旱胁迫的交互影响,这种调节能力取决于植物在碳的吸收和水分散失之间的平衡"trade-off"。研究结果有助于增进草本植物对未来气候变化的适应性理解,为评估和预测全球气候和水文变化对植物的生理生态影响提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The magnitude of the proton motive force (p) and its constituents, the electrical () and chemical potential (-ZpH), were established for chemostat cultures of a protease-producing, relaxed (rel ) variant and a not protease-producing, stringent (rel +) variant of an industrial strain ofBacillus licheniformis (respectively referred to as the A- and the B-type). For both types, an inverse relation of p with the specific growth rate was found. The calculated intracellular pH (pHin) was not constant but inversely related to . This change in pHin might be related to regulatory functions of metabolism but a regulatory role for pHin itself could not be envisaged. Measurement of the adenylate energy charge (EC) showed a direct relation with for glucose-limited chemostat cultures; in nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures, the EC showed an approximately constant value at low and an increased value at higher . For both limitations, the ATP/ADP ratio was directly related to .The phosphorylation potential (G'p) was invariant with . From the values for G'p and p, a variable H+/ATP-stoichiometry was inferred: H+/ATP=1.83+0.52µ, so that at a given H+/O-ratio of four (4), the apparent P/O-ratio (inferred from regression analysis) showed a decline of 2.16 to 1.87 for =0 to max (we discuss how more than half of this decline will be independent of any change in internal cell-volume). We propose that the constancy of G'p and the decrease in the efficiency of energy-conservation (P/O-value) with increasing are a way in which the cells try to cope with an apparent less than perfect coordination between anabolism and catabolism to keep up the highest possible with a minimum loss of growth-efficiency. Protease production in nitrogen-limited cultures as compared to glucose-limited cultures, and the difference between the A- and B-type, could not be explained by a different energy-status of the cells.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trichloromethoxyphenylhydrazone - DW dry weight of biomass - F Faraday's constant, 96.6 J/(mV × mol) - Fo chemostat outflow-rate (ml/h) - FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - G'p phosphorylation potential, the Gibbs energy change for ATP-synthesis from ADP and Pi - G'0p standard Gibbs energy change at specified conditions - H+/ATP number of protons translocated through - ATP synthase in synthesis of one ATP - H+/O protons translocated during transfer of 2 electrons from substrate to oxygen - specific growth rate (1/h) - H+ transmembrane electrochemical proton potential, J/mol - Mb molar weight (147.6 g/mol) of bacteria with general cell formula C6.0H10.8O3.0N1.2 - pHout,in extracellular, intracellular pH - Pi (intracellular) inorganic phosphate - p proton motive force, mV - pH transmembrane pH-difference - transmembrane electrical potential, mV - P/O number of ADP phosphorylated to ATP upon reduction of one O2– to H2O by two electrons transferred through the electron transfer chain - P/O (H+/O) × (H+/ATP)–1 - P/OF, P/ON P/O with the two electrons donated by resp. (NADH + H+) and FADH - q specific rate of consumption or production (mol/g DW × h) - rel +,rel stringent, relaxed genotype - R universal gas constant, 8.36 J/(mol × degree) - T absolute temperature - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium ion - TPP+ tetraphenyl phosphonium ion - Y growth yield, g DW/mol - Z conversion constant=61.8 mV for 310 K (37 °C) - ZpH transmembrane proton potential or chemical potential, mV  相似文献   

The effects of long‐term (4 year) CO2 enrichment (70 Pa versus 35 Pa) and nitrogen nutrition (8 mm versus 1 mm NO3) on biomass accumulation and the development of photosynthetic capacity in leaves of cork oak (Quercus suber L., a Mediterranean evergreen tree) were studied. The evolution of photosynthetic parameters with leaf development was estimated by fitting the biochemical model of Farquhar et al. (Planta 149, 78–90, 1980) with modifications by Sharkey (Botanical Review 78, 71–75, 1985) to ACi response curves. CO2 enrichment had a small reduction effect on the development of the maximum CO2 fixation capacity by Rubisco (VCmax), and no effect over maximum electron transport capacity (Jmax), day‐time respiration (Rd) and Triose‐P utilization (TPU). However, there was a statistically significant effect of N fertilization and the interaction CO2 × N over the evolution of VCmax, Jmax and TPU. Relative stomatal limitation (estimated from ACi curves) was higher (+20%) for plants grown under ambient CO2 than for plants grown under elevated CO2. There was a significant effect of CO2 and N fertilization over total biomass accumulation as well as leaf area. Plants grown at elevated CO2 had 27% more biomass than plants grown at ambient CO2 when given high N. However, for plants grown under low N there was no significant effect of CO2 enrichment on biomass accumulation. Plants grown under low N also had significantly higher root : shoot ratios whereas there were no differences between CO2 treatments. The larger biomass accumulation of Q. suber under elevated CO2 is attributable to a higher availability of CO2 coupled to a larger leaf area, with no significant decrease in photosynthetic capacity under CO2 enrichment and elevated N fertilization. For low N fertilization, the effects of CO2 enrichment over leaf area and biomass accumulation are lost, suggesting that in native ecosystems with low N availability, the effects of CO2 enrichment may be insignificant.  相似文献   

Antimycin A-sensitive cyclic electron flow (CEF) was discovered as cyclic phosphorylation by Arnon et al. (1954). Because of its sensitivity to antimycin A, PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION 5 (PGR5)/PGR5-like Photosynthetic Phenotype 1 (PGRL1)-dependent CEF has been considered identical to the CEF of Arnon et al. However, this conclusion still needs additional supportive evidence, mainly because of the absence of definitive methods of evaluating CEF activity. In this study, we revisited the classical method of monitoring cyclic phosphorylation in ruptured chloroplasts to characterize two Arabidopsis mutants: pgr5, which is defective in antimycin A-sensitive CEF, and chlororespiratory reduction 2-1 (crr2-1), which is defective in chloroplast NDH-dependent CEF. We observed a significant reduction in CEF-dependent pmf formation and consequently ATP synthesis in the pgr5 mutant, although LEF-dependent pmf formation and ATP synthesis were not impaired at photosynthetic photon flux densities below 130?μmol?m?2?s?1. In contrast, the contribution of chloroplast NDH complex to pmf formation and ATP synthesis was not significant. Antimycin A partially inhibited CEF-dependent pmf formation, although there may be further inhibition sites. Unlike in the observation in leaves, the proton conductivity of ATP synthase, monitored as gH+, was not enhanced in ruptured chloroplasts of the pgr5 mutant.  相似文献   

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