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Landscape connectivity analysis is a major tool in supporting biodiversity conservation. Several methodologies have been developed to tackle it by following two main paths. The first path exploits graph approaches and models focal nodes’ connections on a resistance/conductance matrix depending on focal species’ movement potential. The second path considers geometrical pattern analyses based on the calculation of structural landscape metrics. These approaches separately investigate functional and structural features of the landscape, and may come short of a total definition if used separately. Here we propose a new scalable, modular, participative and open-source procedure based on Fuzzy logic to combine the functional and structural aspects of connectivity. We applied this method on the highly fragmented landscape of the Po Plain, focusing on its rare and endangered plain springs named fontanili. We identified an expert panel and involved it in the assignation of permeability values of land use classes with respect to the capacity of movement of animal species typical of fontanili. We concurrently performed a quantitative evaluation of the landscape fragmentation with a moving window. We found that the functional and structural evaluations were poorly correlated in the area under study (Pearson's r = −0.35, p < 0.001). We thus integrated these two non-overlapping analyses of the landscape by Fuzzy logic using thresholds and combination weights obtained from questionnaires proposed to the expert panel. The resulting index, termed Fuzzy Functionality Index (FFI), improved the level of information associated with landscape classification. By merging functional and structural aspects of the landscape, the FFI allowed us to discriminate different functional values of equally permeable parcels and vice versa. We demonstrate that FFI may act as a conductance measure in a circuit theory approach, highlighting ecological corridors between focal points of species’ distribution. We present FFI as an effective predictive index to inspect complex and non-linear landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Rapid increase in protein sequence information from genome sequencing projects demand the intervention of bioinformatics tools to recognize interesting gene-products and associated function. Often, multiple algorithms need to be employed to improve accuracy in predictions and several structure prediction algorithms are on the public domain. Here, we report the availability of an Integrated Web-server as a bioinformatics online package dedicated for in-silico analysis of protein sequence and structure data (IWS). IWS provides web interface to both in-house and widely accepted programs from major bioinformatics groups, organized as 10 different modules. IWS also provides interactive images for Analysis Work Flow, which will provide transparency to the user to carry out analysis by moving across modules seamlessly and to perform their predictions in a rapid manner. AVAILABILITY: IWS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE URL: http://caps.ncbs.res.in/iws.  相似文献   

The server‐based program gener performs the two‐generation analysis of pollen flow for data consisting of mother/offspring arrays using genetic markers. The gener program decomposes the genetic variance sampled by maternal individuals within and among pollen pool components of genetic variance and is accessible from http://dyerlab.bio.vcu.edu . These estimates are used to construct the test statistic, Φft , whose significance is tested via permutation. The Φft statistic can subsequently be used to quantify genetic effective pollen donor population size (Nep), effective mating area and dispersal distance. Furthermore, the gener program can calculate Φft values for all pairs of substrata within the data set.  相似文献   

Kinetics and equilibria of cyanine dyes thiazole orange (TO) and benzothiazole orange (BO) self-aggregation and binding to CT-DNA are investigated in aqueous solution at 25 degrees C and pH 7. Absorbance spectra and T-jump experiments reveal that BO forms J-aggregates while TO forms more stable H-aggregates. Fluorescence and absorbance titrations show that TO binds to DNA more tightly than BO. TO stacks externally to DNA for low polymer-to-dye concentration ratios (C(P)/C(D)) while dye intercalation occurs for high values of C(P)/C(D). T-jump and stopped-flow experiments performed at high C(P)/C(D) agree with reaction scheme D+S <=> D,S <=> DS(I) <=> DS(II) where the precursor complex D,S evolves to a partially intercalated complex DS(I) which converts to the more stable intercalate DS(II). Non-electrostatic forces play a major role in D,S stabilization. Last step is similar for both dyes suggesting accommodation of the common benzothiazole residue between base pairs. Experiments using poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) confirm base pair preference for TO.  相似文献   

PAS domains are widespread in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryota, and play important roles in various functions. In this study, we aim to explore functional evolutionary relationship among proteins in the PAS domain superfamily in view of the sequence‐structure‐dynamics‐function relationship. We collected protein sequences and crystal structure data from RCSB Protein Data Bank of the PAS domain superfamily belonging to three biological functions (nucleotide binding, photoreceptor activity, and transferase activity). Protein sequences were aligned and then used to select sequence‐conserved residues and build phylogenetic tree. Three‐dimensional structure alignment was also applied to obtain structure‐conserved residues. The protein dynamics were analyzed using elastic network model (ENM) and validated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The result showed that the proteins with same function could be grouped by sequence similarity, and proteins in different functional groups displayed statistically significant difference in their vibrational patterns. Interestingly, in all three functional groups, conserved amino acid residues identified by sequence and structure conservation analysis generally have a lower fluctuation than other residues. In addition, the fluctuation of conserved residues in each biological function group was strongly correlated with the corresponding biological function. This research suggested a direct connection in which the protein sequences were related to various functions through structural dynamics. This is a new attempt to delineate functional evolution of proteins using the integrated information of sequence, structure, and dynamics.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate if finite element (FE) analyses of human trabecular bone architecture based on 168 μm images can provide relevant information about the bone mechanical characteristics. Three human trabecular bone samples, one taken from the femoral head, one from the iliac crest, and one from the lumbar spine, were imaged with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) using a 28 μm resolution. After reconstruction the resolution was coarsened to 168 μm. First, all reconstructions were thresholded and directly converted to FE-models built of hexahedral elements. For the coarser resolutions of two samples, this resulted in a loss of trabecular connections and a subsequent loss of stiffness. To reduce this effect, a tetrahedral element meshing based on the marching cubes algorithm, as well as a modified hexahedron meshing, which thresholds the image such that load carrying bone mass is preserved, were employed. For each sample elastic moduli and tissue Von Mises stresses of the three different 168 μm models were compared to those from the hexahedron 28 μm model. For one sample the hexahedron meshing at 168 μm produced excellent results. For the other two samples the results obtained from the hexahedral models at 168 μm resolution were poor. Considerably better results were attained for these samples when using the mass-compensated or tetrahedron meshing techniques. We conclude that the accuracy of the FE-models at 168 μm strongly depends on the bone morphology, in particular its trabecular thickness. A substantial loss of trabecular connections during the hexahedron meshing process indicates that poor FE results will be obtained. In this case the tetrahedron or mass-compensated hexahedron meshing techniques can reduce the loss of connections and produce better results than the plain hexahedron meshing techniques.  相似文献   

Barth S  Fischer M  Schmid RD  Pleiss J 《Proteins》2004,55(4):846-855
Epoxide hydrolases (EC are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of epoxides to the corresponding vicinal diols. More than 100 epoxide hydrolases (EH) have been identified or predicted, and 3 structures are available. Although they catalyze the same chemical reaction, sequence similarity is low. To identify conserved regions, all EHs were aligned. Phylogenetic analysis identified 12 homologous families, which were grouped into 2 major superfamilies: the microsomal EH superfamily, which includes the homologous families of Mammalian, Insect, Fungal, and Bacterial EHs, and the cytosolic EH superfamily, which includes Mammalian, Plant, and Bacterial EHs. Bacterial EHs show a high sequence diversity. Based on structure comparison of three known structures from Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1 (cytosolic EH), Aspergillus niger (microsomal EH), Mus musculus (cytosolic EH), and multisequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of 95 EHs, the modular architecture of this enzyme family was analyzed. Although core and cap domain are highly conserved, the structural differences between the EHs are restricted to only two loops: the NC-loop connecting the core and the cap and the cap-loop, which is inserted into the cap domain. EHs were assigned to either of three clusters based on loop length. By using this classification, core and cap region of all EHs, NC-loops and cap-loops of 78% and 89% of all EHs, respectively, could be modeled. Representative models are available from the Lipase Engineering Database, http://www.led.uni-stuttgart.de.  相似文献   

Aim Natural and human‐induced differences in frugivore assemblages can influence the seed dispersal distances of trees. An important issue in seed dispersal systems is to understand whether differences in seed dispersal distances also affect the genetic structure of mature trees. One possible approach to test for a relationship between seed dispersal and the genetic structure of mature trees is to compare the genetic structure of two closely related tree species between two biogeographical regions that differ in frugivore assemblages and seed dispersal distances. Previous studies on two Commiphora species revealed that Commiphora guillauminii in Madagascar has a much lower seed dispersal distance than Commiphora harveyi in South Africa. We tested whether the lower seed dispersal distance might have caused decreased gene flow, resulting in a stronger genetic structure in Madagascar than in South Africa. Location Madagascar and South Africa. Methods Using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers we investigated the genetic structure of 134 trees in Madagascar and 158 trees in South Africa at a local and a regional spatial scale. Results In concordance with our hypothesis, kinship analysis suggests that gene flow was restricted mostly to 3 km in Madagascar and to 30 km in South Africa. At the local spatial scale, the genetic differentiation among groups of trees within sample sites was marginally significantly higher in Madagascar (FST = 0.069) than in South Africa (FST = 0.021). However, at a regional spatial scale genetic differentiation was lower in Madagascar (FST = 0.053) than in South Africa (FST = 0.163). Main conclusions Our results show that lower seed dispersal distances of trees were linked to higher genetic differentiation of trees only at a local spatial scale. This suggests that seed dispersal affects the genetic population structure of trees at a local, but not at a regional, spatial scale.  相似文献   

F K Brown  J C Hempel  P W Jeffs 《Proteins》1992,13(4):306-326
Structures of the protein, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), have been derived from NMR data using distance geometry and subsequent energy refinement. Analysis of the sequential NOE distance bounds using a template algorithm provides a check for consistency in the calculation of bounds, stereospecific assignment of prochiral centers, and secondary structure assignment. Application of the template algorithm to the long range NOEs found within the NMR data sets collected at pH 6.3 and pH 3.4 is used to assess the confidence levels for the accuracy of the structures obtained from modeling. The method also provides critical insight in differentiating regions of the structure that are well defined from those that are not. Use of the restraint analysis protocol is shown to be a powerful adjunct to currently used methods for the assignment of protein structures from NMR data.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA is a common marker not only for the molecular identification of different taxa and strains, but also for the analysis of population structure of wild microparasite communities. Importantly, the multicopy nature of this region allows the amplification of low‐quantity samples of the target DNA, a common problem in studies on unicellular, unculturable microparasites. We analysed ITS sequences from the protozoan parasite Caullerya mesnili (class Ichthyosporea) infecting waterflea (Daphnia) hosts, across several host population samples. We showed that analysing representative ITS‐types [as identified by statistical parsimony network analysis (SPN)] is a suitable method to address relevant polymorphism. The spatial patterns were consistent regardless of whether parasite DNA was extracted from individual hosts or pooled host samples. Remarkably, the efficiency in detecting different sequence types was even higher after sample pooling. As shown by simulations, an easily manageable number of sequences from pooled DNA samples are sufficient to resolve the spatial population structure in this system. In summary, the ITS region analysed from pooled DNA samples can provide valuable insights into the spatial and temporal dynamics of microparasites. Moreover, the application of SPN analysis is a good alternative to the well‐established neighbour‐joining method (NJ) for the identification of representative ITS‐types. SPN can even outperform NJ by joining most of the singleton sequences to representative sequence clusters.  相似文献   

Mattos C  Cohen JD  Green DF  Tidor B  Karplus M 《Proteins》2004,55(3):733-742
The effect of the mutation Arg 96 to His on the stability of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme has been previously studied by calorimetric experiments, X-ray crystallography, and free energy simulation techniques. The experimental and calculated values for the difference between the free energy of denaturation of the mutant and the wild type are in reasonable agreement. However, the two approaches led to different explanations for the loss in stability. To analyze the differences, a series of refinements based on the crystallographic data were performed, a number of aspects of the simulations were reexamined, and continuum electrostatic calculations were done to complement the latter. The results of those comparisons provide a better understanding of the origin of the free energy difference in this mutant. Furthermore, they show the importance of the combined use of simulations and crystallography for interpreting the effects of mutations on the energetics of the system.  相似文献   

In social animals, fission is a common mode of group proliferation and dispersion and may be affected by genetic or other social factors. Sociality implies preserving relationships between group members. An increase in group size and/or in competition for food within the group can result in decrease certain social interactions between members, and the group may split irreversibly as a consequence. One individual may try to maintain bonds with a maximum of group members in order to keep group cohesion, i.e. proximity and stable relationships. However, this strategy needs time and time is often limited. In addition, previous studies have shown that whatever the group size, an individual interacts only with certain grooming partners. There, we develop a computational model to assess how dynamics of group cohesion are related to group size and to the structure of grooming relationships. Groups’ sizes after simulated fission are compared to observed sizes of 40 groups of primates. Results showed that the relationship between grooming time and group size is dependent on how each individual attributes grooming time to its social partners, i.e. grooming a few number of preferred partners or grooming equally or not all partners. The number of partners seemed to be more important for the group cohesion than the grooming time itself. This structural constraint has important consequences on group sociality, as it gives the possibility of competition for grooming partners, attraction for high-ranking individuals as found in primates’ groups. It could, however, also have implications when considering the cognitive capacities of primates.  相似文献   

A method of calculating relative growth rates (RGR) and net assimilation rates is presented. The method is based on the fitting of a polynomial through the relative growth rate values calculated by the 'classical' approach rather than through the In-transformed plant weights as in the 'functional' method. Additional ways of reducing the harvest-to-harvest variation characteristic of the classical approach are discussed. The main advantages of the present approach over the functional one are: (1) The degree of the polynomial can be increased (within certain limits) without inducing spurious fluctuations in RGR. Thus, quite complex trends in RGR can be described. (2) There is little interference between RGR values in different parts of the experiment. The main advantages over the classical approach are: (1) The erratic fluctuations in RGR are dampened. (2) As frequent small harvests are allowed, the workload at each harvest can be diminished and a more reliable impression of ontogenetic drift in RGR can be obtained. (3) RGR is described by a continuous function, thus facilitating further calculations and compilations.  相似文献   

Plant lectins have been studied as histological markers and promising antineoplastic molecules for a long time, and structural characterization of different lectins bound to specific cancer epitopes has been carried out successfully. The crystal structures of Vatairea macrocarpa (VML) seed lectin in complex with GalNAc-α-O-Ser (Tn antigen) and GalNAc have been determined at the resolution of 1.4 Å and 1.7 Å, respectively. Molecular docking analysis of this new structure and other Tn-binding legume lectins to O-mucin fragments differently decorated with this antigen provides a comparative binding profile among these proteins, stressing that subtle alterations that may not influence monosaccharide binding can, nonetheless, directly impact the ability of these lectins to recognize naturally occurring antigens. In addition to the specific biological effects of VML, the structural and binding similarities between it and other lectins commonly used as histological markers (e.g., VVLB4 and SBA) strongly suggest VML as a candidate tool for cancer research.  相似文献   

Individual-based computer models show that simple heuristic governing individuals’ behavior may suffice to generate complex patterns of social behavior at the group level such as those observed in animal societies. ‘GrooFiWorld’ is an example of such kind of computer models. In this model, self-organization and simple behavioral rules generate complex patterns of social behavior like those described in tolerant and intolerant societies of macaques. Social complexity results from the socio-spatial structure of the group, the nature of which is, in turn, a side-effect of intensity of aggression. The model suggests that a similar mechanism may give rise to complex social structures in macaques. It is, however, unknown if the spatial structure of the model and that of macaques are indeed similar. Here we used social networks analysis as a proxy for spatial structure of the group. Our findings show that the social networks of the model share similar qualitative features with those of macaques. As group size increases, the density and the average individual eigenvector centrality decrease and the modularity and centralization of the network increase. In social networks emerging from simulations resembling intolerant societies the density is lower, the modularity and centralization are higher, and the individuals ranking higher in the dominance hierarchy are more central than in the social networks emerging from simulations resembling egalitarian societies. Given the qualitative similarity between the social networks of the model and that of empirical data, our results suggest that the spatial structure of macaques is similar to that of the model. It seems thus plausible that, as in the model, the spatial structure combined with simple behavioral rules plays a role in the emergence of complex social networks and complex social behavior in macaques.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing culture-dependent bacterial community structure by liquid cultivation was established using 96-well microplates. Using 96-well microplates, this method can easily provide accurate enumeration of viable microorganisms and simultaneous separation of bacteria, which allowed us to analyze the bacterial community. Bacteria in diluted surface seawater were separated using 96-well microplates and cultivated with 1/5 ZoBell 2216E liquid medium. The 98 cultures obtained were subsequently applied to phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The bacterial diversity, evaluated by the Shannon–Weaver index, was relatively small but comparable to previously reported bacterial communities of several environments. The most abundant group was the family Rhodobacteraceae , which has been frequently detected in marine environments. Most bacteria were phylogenetically related to bacteria or uncultured clones detected in marine environments, but distant from published species. The analysis of bacterial community structure by liquid cultivation would be useful as an alternative culture-dependent approach.  相似文献   

A consensus approach for the assignment of structural domains in proteins is presented. The approach combines a number of previously published algorithms, and takes advantage of the elevated accuracy obtained when assignments from the individual algorithms are in agreement. The consensus approach is tested on a data set of 55 protein chains, for which domain assignments from four automated methods were known, and for which crystallographers assignments had been reported in the literature. Accuracy was found to increase in this test from 72% using individual algorithms to 100% when all four methods were in agreement. However a consensus prediction using all four methods was only possible for 52% of the dataset. The consensus approach [using three publicly available domain assignment algorithms (PUU, DETECTIVE, DOMAK)] was then used to make domain assignments for a data set of 787 protein chains from the Protein Data Bank. Analysis of the assignments showed 55.7% of assignments could be made automatically, and of these, 13.5% were multi-domain proteins. Of the remaining 44.3% that could not be assigned by the consensus procedure 90.4% had their domain boundaries assigned correctly by at least one of the algorithms. Once identified, these domains were analyzed for trends in their size and secondary structure class. In addition, the discontinuity of each domain along the protein chain was considered.  相似文献   

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