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Pleistocene glacial oscillations have significantly affected the historical population dynamics of temperate taxa. However, the general effects of recent climatic changes on the evolutionary history and genetic structure of extant subtropical species remain poorly understood. In the present study, phylogeographic and historical demographic analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences were used. The aim was to investigate whether Pleistocene climatic cycles, paleo-drainages or mountain vicariance of Taiwan shaped the evolutionary diversification of a subtropical gossamer-wing damselfly, Euphaea formosa.  相似文献   



Global climatic oscillations, glaciation cycles and the unique geographic topology of China have profoundly influenced species population distributions. In most species, contemporary distributions of populations cannot be fully understood, except in a historical context. Complex patterns of Pleistocene glaciations, as well as other physiographic changes have influenced the distribution of bat species in China. Until this study, there had been no phylogeographical research on Myotis davidii, an endemic Chinese bat. We used a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers to investigate genetic diversity, population structure, and the demographic history of M. davidii. In particular, we compared patterns of genetic variation to glacial oscillations, topography, and environmental variation during the Pleistocene in an effort to explain current distributions in light of these historical processes.  相似文献   



The interaction between ecological and evolutionary processes has been recognized as an important factor shaping the evolutionary history of species. Some authors have proposed different ecological and evolutionary hypotheses concerning the relationships between plants and their pollinators; a special case is the interaction and suspected coevolution among Agave spp. and their main pollinators, the Leptonycteris bats. Agave spp. have, in general, a pollination syndrome compatible with chiropterophily including floral shape and size, nocturnal nectar production, and nectar quality and sugar concentration. Our goal was to analyze the interaction Agave–Leptonycteris and its dynamics during three different climate scenarios.


We modeled the Agave–Leptonycteris interaction in its spatial and temporal components during the Pleistocene using Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) and three climate scenarios: Current, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and Last InterGlacial (LIG). Furthermore, we analyzed the geographic correlation between 96 Agave spp. and two of the Mexican Tequila bats, genus Leptonycteris.


We found that Leptonycteris spp. interact with different Agave spp. over their migratory routes. We propose an interaction refuge in Metztitlán and Tehuacán-Cuicatlán areas, where Agave- Leptonycteris interaction has probably remained active. During the nonmigratory season, both bat species consume nectar of almost the same Agave spp., suggesting the possibility of a diffuse coevolution among Agave and Leptonycteris bats.


We propose that in the areas related to migratory bat movements, each bat species interacts with different Agave spp., whereas in the areas occupied by nonmigrant individuals, both bat species consume nectar of almost the same Agave taxa.



The hypotheses proposed to explain the high percentage of bipolar lichens in Antarctica have never been explicitly tested. We used the strictly bipolar, coastal lichenized fungus Mastodia tessellata (Verrucariaceae, Ascomycota) and its photobionts (Prasiola, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) as model species to discern whether this extraordinary disjunction originated from vicariance or long‐distance dispersal.


Coasts of Antarctica, Tierra del Fuego (Chile), Alaska (USA) and British Columbia (Canada).


Based on a comprehensive geographical (315 specimens and 16 populations from Antarctica, Tierra del Fuego and North America) and molecular sampling (three and four loci for the fungus and algae respectively), we implemented explicit Bayesian methods to compare alternative hypotheses of speciation and migration, and performed dating analyses for the fungal and algal partner, in order to infer the timing of the colonization events and the direction of gene flow among distant, disjunct areas.


Mastodia tessellata comprises two fungal species which in turn associate with three photobiont lineages along the studied distribution range. Independent estimation of divergence ages for myco‐ and photobionts indicated a middle to latest Miocene species split in the Southern Hemisphere, and a late Miocene to Pleistocene acquisition of the bipolar distribution. Comparison of migration models and genetic diversity patterns suggested an austral origin for the bipolar species.

Main conclusions

The complex evolutionary history of Mastodia tessellata s.l. can be explained by a combination of vicariant and long‐distance dispersal mechanisms. We provide novel evidence of a pre‐Pleistocene long‐term evolution of lichens in Antarctica as well as for bipolar distributions shaped by Southern to Northern Hemisphere migratory routes without the need for stepping stones.  相似文献   



The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus is one of three bat species that feed exclusively on the blood of mammals often more than 1000 times its size. Vampire bats even feed on human blood. Moreover, they tend to feed on the same individual over consecutive nights.  相似文献   



The major impact of Plio-Pleistocene climatic oscillations on the current genetic structure of many species is widely recognised but their importance in driving speciation remains a matter of controversies. In addition, since most studies focused on Europe and North America, the influence of many other biogeographic barriers such as the Sahara remains poorly understood. In this paper, climate-driven diversification was investigated by using a comparative phylogeographic approach in combination with phenotypic data in two avian species groups distributed on both sides of the deserts belt of Africa and Asia. In particular, we tested whether: 1) vicariance diversification events are concomitant with past climatic events; and 2) current ecological factors (using climate and competition as proxies) contribute to phenotypic divergence between allopatric populations.


Mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data indicated that the crested and Thekla lark species groups diverged in the early Pliocene and that subsequent speciation events were congruent with major late Pliocene and Pleistocene climatic events. In particular, steep increase in aridity in Africa near 2.8 and 1.7 million years ago were coincident with two north-south vicariance speciation events mediated by the Sahara. Subsequent glacial cycles of the last million years seem to have shaped patterns of genetic variation within the two widespread species (G. cristata and G. theklae). The Sahara appears to have allowed dispersal from the tropical areas during climatic optima but to have isolated populations north and south of it during more arid phases. Phenotypic variation did not correlate with the history of populations, but was strongly influenced by current ecological conditions. In particular, our results suggested that (i) desert-adapted plumage evolved at least three times and (ii) variation in body size was mainly driven by interspecific competition, but the response to competition was stronger in more arid areas.


Climatic fluctuations of the Plio-Pleistocene strongly impacted diversification patterns in the Galerida larks. Firstly, we found that cladogenesis coincides with major climatic changes, and the Sahara appears to have played a key role in driving speciation events. Secondly, we found that morphology and plumage were strongly determined by ecological factors (interspecific competition, climate) following vicariance.  相似文献   

The highland fish fauna of eastern North America consists of Appalachian and Ozark centers of endemism separated by the intervening Glacial Till Plains. Clades within these areas are more closely related phylogenetically to each other than to clades occurring in the intervening formerly glaciated region, suggesting that the Pleistocene glaciations fragmented a widespread highland region and its associated fauna. Alternatively, it is possible that these faunal assemblages predate the glaciations or that recent dispersals may have been more important than vicariance in determining faunal compositions. We examined the relationships among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes within five clades of highland fishes, each with a distribution suggestive of a Pleistocene vicariance event. Darters of the subgenera Litocara and Odontopholis have distributions and mtDNA relationships that are consistent with the Pleistocene integration and burial of the Teays-Mahomet valley, a major drainage of the early Pleistocene. The distribution and mtDNA relationships among subspecies of Erimystax dissimilis are not consistent with Pleistocene vicariance, but relationships among Appalachian haplotypes are consistent with the late Pleistocene integration of the modern Ohio River system. Both Cottus carolinae and the Fundulus catenatus species group have representatives in the Mobile basin consistent with pre-Pleistocene divergences. Three haplotype clusters were found in C. carolinae, corresponding to the Appalachian, Ozark, and upper Kanawha River populations. However, Appalachian and Ozark F. catenatus populations are paraphyletic with respect to each other. This, coupled with a relatively low degree of sequence divergence, suggests that no long-term barriers to gene flow exist for C. carolinae and F. catenatus. These three distinct phylogeographic patterns indicate that Pleistocene vicariance is not the only explanation for the Appalachian-Ozark distribution of highland fish communities.  相似文献   



Many studies have investigated the phylogeographic history of species on the Baja California Peninsula, and they often show one or more genetic breaks that are spatially concordant among many taxa. These phylogeographic breaks are commonly attributed to vicariance as a result of geological or climatic changes, followed by secondary contact when barriers are no longer present. We use restriction‐site associated DNA sequence data and a phylogeographic model selection approach to explicitly test the secondary contact hypothesis in the red diamond rattlesnake, Crotalus ruber.


Baja California and Southern California.


We used phylogenetic and population clustering approaches to identify population structure. We then used coalescent methods to simultaneously estimate population parameters and test the fit of phylogeographic models to the data. We used ecological niche models to infer suitable habitat for C. ruber at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).


Crotalus ruber is composed of distinct northern and southern populations with a boundary near the town of Loreto in Baja California Sur. A model of isolation followed by secondary contact provides the best fit to the data, with both divergence and contact occurring in the Pleistocene. We also identify a genomic signature of northern range expansion in the northern population, consistent with LGM niche models showing that the northern‐most portion of the range of C. ruber was not suitable habitat during the LGM.

Main conclusions

We provide the first explicitly model‐based test of the secondary contact model in Baja California and show that populations of C. ruber were isolated before coming back into contact near Loreto, a region that shows phylogeographic breaks for other taxa. Given the timing of divergence and contact, we suggest that climatic fluctuations have driven the observed phylogeographic structure observed in C. ruber and that they may have driven similar patterns in other taxa.  相似文献   



The modern wildherd of the tundra muskox (Ovibos moschatus) is native only to the New World (northern North America and Greenland), and its genetic diversity is notably low. However, like several other megafaunal mammals, muskoxen enjoyed a holarctic distribution during the late Pleistocene. To investigate whether collapse in range and loss of diversity might be correlated, we collected mitochondrial sequence data (hypervariable region and cytochrome b) from muskox fossil material recovered from localities in northeastern Asia and the Arctic Archipelago of northern North America, dating from late Pleistocene to late Holocene, and compared our results to existing databases for modern muskoxen.  相似文献   

Climate changes can have fundamental impacts on the distributional patterns of montane species, and range shifts frequently lead to allopatric divergence followed by the establishment of secondary contact zones. Many European and North American organisms have retreated to southern refugia during glacial periods and colonized northward during postglacial periods, but little is known about the evolutionary response of cold‐adapted insects to Pleistocene climate changes in eastern Asia. The scorpionfly Dicerapanorpa magna (Chou), with cold temperate habitat preference and weak dispersal ability, provides a good model system to explore how climate changes have influenced the distribution and divergence of cold‐adapted insects in eastern Asia. This study reconstructed the demographic dynamics and evolutionary history of D. magna with phylogeographic approaches, and predicted the species’ suitable areas under the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and current scenarios with the ecological niche modelling analysis. The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I resolved three phylogenetic lineages in D. magna dating back to Pleistocene, corresponding well with the geographically isolated Qinling, Bashan and Minshan Mountains. The ecological niche modelling recovered the suitable habitats for D. magna were the Qinling and Bashan Mountains under LGM and current conditions. The three lineages of D. magna might be in a process of incipient speciation, and likely derived their current distribution from separate glacial origins, followed by vicariance and divergence.  相似文献   

Aim Twentieth century biogeographers developed intriguing hypotheses involving West Wind Drift dispersal of Southern Hemisphere biota, but such models were largely abandoned in favour of vicariance following the development of plate tectonic theory. Here I present a synthesis of southern temperate marine biogeography, and suggest some new directions for phylogeographic research. Location The southern continents, formerly contiguous components of Gondwana, are now linked only by ocean currents driven by the West Wind Drift. Methods While vicariance theory certainly facilitates the development of testable hypotheses, it does not necessarily follow that vicariance explains much of contemporary southern marine biogeography. To overcome the limitations of narratives that simply assume vicariance or dispersal, it is essential for analyses to test biogeographic hypotheses by incorporating genetic, ecological and geological data. Results Recent molecular studies have provided strong evidence for dispersal, but relatively little evidence for the biogeographic role of plate tectonics in distributing southern marine taxa. Despite confident panbiogeographic claims to the contrary, molecular and ecological studies of buoyant macroalgae, such as Macrocystis, indicate that dispersal predominates. Ironically, some of the better supported evidence for marine vicariance in southern waters has little or nothing to do with plate tectonics. Rather, it involves far more localized and recent vicariant models, such as the isolating effect of the Bassian Isthmus during Pleistocene low sea‐level stands (Nerita). Main conclusions Recent phylogeographic studies of southern marine taxa (e.g. Diloma and Parvulastra) imply that passive rafting cannot be ignored as an important mechanism of long‐distance dispersal. I outline a new direction for southern hemisphere phylogeography, involving genetic analyses of bull‐kelp (Durvillaea) and its associated holdfast invertebrate communities.  相似文献   



Late Pleistocene North America hosted at least two divergent and ecologically distinct species of mammoth: the periglacial woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and the subglacial Columbian mammoth (Mammuthus columbi). To date, mammoth genetic research has been entirely restricted to woolly mammoths, rendering their genetic evolution difficult to contextualize within broader Pleistocene paleoecology and biogeography. Here, we take an interspecific approach to clarifying mammoth phylogeny by targeting Columbian mammoth remains for mitogenomic sequencing.  相似文献   



Two or more species are cryptic, if they are morphologically similar, biologically distinct, and misclassified as a single species. Cryptic species complexes were recently discovered within many bat species and we suspect that the bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii, found in Europe, northern Africa, and Asia Minor, could also form such a complex. Populations of M. schreibersii decline in most of the European countries and the species is currently listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List. Finding that M. schreibersii is not a single species, but a species complex, would have a considerable impact on its conservation strategies, as the abundance of each component taxon would be much smaller than the one estimated for the nominal species.  相似文献   



The subtropical island of Taiwan is an area of high endemism and a complex topographic environment. Phylogeographic studies indicate that vicariance caused by Taiwan's mountains has subdivided many taxa into genetic phylogroups. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellites to test whether the evolutionary history of an endemic montane bird, Steere's Liocichla (Liocichla steerii), fit the general vicariant paradigm for a montane organism.  相似文献   



Our knowledge of Pleistocene refugia and post-glacial recolonization routes of forest understorey plants is still very limited. The geographical ranges of these species are often rather narrow and show highly idiosyncratic, often fragmented patterns indicating either narrow and species-specific ecological tolerances or strong dispersal limitations. However, the relative roles of these factors are inherently difficult to disentangle.


Central and south-eastern Europe.

Time period

17,100 BP – present.

Major taxa studied

Five understorey herbs of European beech forests: Aposeris foetida, Cardamine trifolia, Euphorbia carniolica, Hacquetia epipactis and Helleborus niger.


We used spatio-temporally explicit modelling to reconstruct the post-glacial range dynamics of the five forest understorey herbs. We varied niche requirements, demographic rates and dispersal abilities across plausible ranges and simulated the spread of species from potential Pleistocene refugia identified by phylogeographical analyses. Then we identified the parameter settings allowing for the most accurate reconstruction of their current geographical ranges.


We found a largely homogenous pattern of optimal parameter settings among species. Broad ecological niches had to be combined with very low but non-zero rates of long-distance dispersal via chance events and low rates of seed dispersal over moderate distances by standard dispersal vectors. However, long-distance dispersal events, although rare, led to high variation among replicated simulation runs.

Main conclusions

Small and fragmented ranges of many forest understorey species are best explained by a combination of broad ecological niches and rare medium- and long-distance dispersal events. Stochasticity is thus an important determinant of current species ranges, explaining the idiosyncratic distribution patterns of the study species despite strong similarities in refugia, ecological tolerances and dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

Aim To elucidate the role of vicariance versus dispersal at the microevolutionary scale in annual killifish populations belonging to the Austrolebias bellottii species complex (Rivulidae). Within this complex, A. bellottii and A. apaii have low vagility and occur widely within the study area, making them excellent models for testing biogeographic hypotheses of differentiation. Location South America, in the Paraná–Uruguay–La Plata river basin. Methods Molecular data and morphometric analyses were used to reconstruct the phylogeographic history and morphological variation of 24 populations of two taxa of the A. bellottii species complex. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) model‐based methods, estimates of clade divergence times implemented in beast , non‐metric multidimensional scaling, analysis of molecular variance results, and morphological analyses elucidated the role of vicariance versus dispersal hypotheses in population differentiation in the aforementioned river basin. Results In the A. bellottii species complex from the Paraná–Uruguay–La Plata river basin, past allopatric fragmentation from vicariance events seems to be the most plausible scenario for diversification since the Late Miocene and more recently since the Plio‐Pleistocene. The Plio‐Pleistocene vicariance produced the differentiation of three major clades in A. bellottii populations. One clade from the eastern Uruguay River drainage was separated from another in western Uruguay and the Paraná–La Plata River drainages. A later vicariance event split populations to the south (lower Paraná–La Plata Basin) and north (middle Paraná) of the western Paraná River drainage. However, our results do not exclude the possibility of dispersal events among A. bellottii populations from both the Uruguay and Paraná river drainages, which could occur in these river basins during hypothesized connectivity cycles of the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Main conclusions Past allopatric fragmentation caused by different vicariance events seems to be the main driver of diversification in the A. bellottii species complex since the Plio‐Pleistocene. However, the current molecular data suggest that populations from both drainages of the Paraná–Uruguay rivers may have experienced cycles of connectivity during the Pleistocene, perhaps including multiple vicariance or dispersal events from populations located in the western lower Uruguay River drainage, which encompassed climatic and geological changes in the Paraná–Uruguay–La Plata Basin.  相似文献   



At the last glacial maximum, Fennoscandia was covered by an ice sheet while the tundra occupied most of the rest of northern Eurasia. More or less disjunct refugial populations of plants were dispersed in southern Europe, often trapped between mountain ranges and seas. Genetic and paleobotanical evidences indicate that these populations have contributed much to Holocene recolonization of more northern latitudes. Less supportive evidence has been found for the existence of glacial populations located closer to the ice margin. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a nordic conifer with a wide natural range covering much of Eurasia. Fractures in its extant genetic structure might be indicative of glacial vicariance and how different refugia contributed to the current distribution at the continental level. The population structure of Scots pine was investigated on much of its Eurasian natural range using maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms.  相似文献   



The biodiversity of the Malay Archipelago is the product of the region's rich biogeographical history with periods of island connectivity and isolation during the Pleistocene glacial cycles. Here, the case of two endemic suid species, the Javan (Sus verrucosus) and Bawean (S. blouchi) warty pigs, was used to illustrate how biogeographic processes and recent anthropogenic pressures can shape demographic histories with significant implications for species conservation.


Malay Archipelago, with focus on Bawean and Java.


We employed genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms from the Porcine SNP60 v2 BeadChip to assess interspecific genetic differentiation, to estimate divergence times and to perform demographic model selection.


In contrast to the hypothesis of recent divergence during the last glacial maximum, S. blouchi was found to have diverged from S. verrucosus at least 166 k years ago following a founder event. The contemporary S. blouchi population was characterised by a recent bottleneck that reduced the effective population size to less than 20. The genomic assessment supports the single species status of S. blouchi, as was previously proposed based on morphometrics. The demographic history of S. verrucosus showed evidence of secondary contact with the sympatric banded pig (S. scrofa vittatus) that colonised Java 70 k years ago.

Main Conclusions

While the Javan and Bawean warty pigs have persisted throughout the Pleistocene climatic oscillations, contemporary pressures from human activities threaten their survival and immediate action should be taken to grant legal protection to both S. verrucosus and S. blouchi. This study highlighted the use of demographic history modelling using genomic data to identify evolutionary significant units and inform conservation.  相似文献   

Because of its complicated systematics, the bent‐winged bat is one of the most frequently studied bat species groups. In China, two morphologically similar bent‐winged bat species, Miniopterus fuliginosus and Miniopterus magnater were identified, but their distribution range and genetic differentiation are largely unexplored. In this study, we applied DNA bar codes and two other mitochondrial DNA genes including morphological parameters to determine the phylogeny, genetic differentiation, spatial distribution, and morphological difference of the M. fuliginosus and M. magnater sampled from China and one site in Vietnam. Mitochondrial DNA gene genealogies revealed two monophyletic lineages throughout the Tropic of Cancer. According to DNA bar code divergences, one is M. fuliginosus corresponding to the Chinese mainland and the other is M. magnater corresponding to tropical regions including Hainan and Guangdong provinces of China and Vietnam. Their most recent common ancestor was dated to the early stage of the Quaternary glacial period (ca. 2.26 million years ago [Ma] on the basis of D‐loop data, and ca. 1.69–2.37 Ma according to ND2). A population expansion event was inferred for populations of M. fuliginosus at 0.14 Ma. The two species probably arose in separate Pleistocene refugia under different climate zones. They significantly differed in forearm length, maxillary third molar width, and greatest length of the skull.  相似文献   



Human activities, such as agriculture, hunting, and habitat modification, exert a significant effect on native species. Although many species have suffered population declines, increased population fragmentation, or even extinction in connection with these human impacts, others seem to have benefitted from human modification of their habitat. Here we examine whether population growth in an insectivorous bat (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) can be attributed to the widespread expansion of agriculture in North America following European settlement. Colonies of T. b. mexicana are extremely large (~106 individuals) and, in the modern era, major agricultural insect pests form an important component of their food resource. It is thus hypothesized that the growth of these insectivorous bat populations was coupled to the expansion of agricultural land use in North America over the last few centuries.  相似文献   

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