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Summary The actinopods Ciliophrys marina and Heterophrys marina both have membrane bounded extrusomes attached to their cellular and axopodial membranes. The extrusomes of C. marina, the muciferous bodies, are fairly simple in structure and contain a homogeneous osmiophilic substance. Their attachment site is characterized by a rectangular array of freeze fracture particles in the cell membrane. The extrusomes of H. marina, the conicysts, are more complex and contain a two-part osmiophilic body. The attachment site of conicysts is characterized by a rosette of 8 freeze fracture particles very similar to the 9-particle rosette found at the mucocyst attachment sites in Tetrahymena. Furthermore, intracytoplasmic bridges connect the conicyst and cell membrane faces, and a specialized fibrillar structure is found on the cell membrane in the region of conicyst attachment. The various possible roles for such particle arrays are discussed and their presence in virtually all extrusomes is predicted.Supported by USPHS GM01021 and HL13849  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of a marine, free-living heterotrophic kinetoplastid Cruzella marina was investigated with special attention being paid to the mitochondrion and flagellar organization. The flagellates have a polykinetoplastidal mitochondrion. Two flagella emerge from the pocket; one of these turns anteriorly being forward-directed, while the other is posteriorly directed to be adjacent to the ventral cell surface. The transition zone of both the flagella includes central filaments. The cytostome opens on the tip of the rostrum. The cytostome leads to the channel of cytopharynx, which penetrates the rostrum and proceeds into the flagellate body cytoplasm. The comparison of the relevant morphological and molecular data suggest that C. marina may arise early in the Kinetoplastidea lineage, before divergence of the majority taxa of the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stephanonympha nelumbium is a large trichomonad measuring 45–60 μm in length and 20–40 μm in width. It is a member of the multinucleate and multiflagellate family Calonymphidae. While the numerous flagella arise in groups of four at the anterior cell pole, the posterior body portion is covered with attached spirochetes and rod-like bacteria. Generally, in the apical body portion of S. nelumbium , 50–100 nuclei are arranged in five to seven circular rows. Each nucleus is associated with a typical mastigont system, comprised of three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum being attached to the cell surface for a certain distance, and several typical root structures. Akaryomastigonts and costas do not occur. The fine structure of S. nelumbium corresponds with that of other calonymphids. The main difference to Calonympha is that the axostyle does not embrace the nucleus but passes it in form of a flattened rod.  相似文献   

A morphological analysis of the plasma membrane and peripheralendomembrane components of the unicellular chlamydomonad flagellate,Gloeomonas kupfferi, was performed. Conventional fixation, freezesubstitution, and rapid freeze-deep etch processing protocolsfor electron microscopic analyses revealed the following. Theplasma membrane is highlighted by distinct infoldings whichdo not appear to be sensitive to changes in osmotic or cellcycle conditions. These infoldings are irregularly-spaced androughly 200-225 nm apart. Each elliptical infolding is 400-440nm long and 90-115 nm wide. The exoplasmic face (EF) of eachinfolding is highlighted by an aggregation of 130-160 nm intramembranousparticles (imps) that are 9.1-10·5 nm in size. Theseinfoldings are associated with the peripheral endoplasmic reticulumnetwork and microtubular network internally and the inner walllayer externally. It is suggested that these infoldings maybe associated with cell wall maintenance.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Gloeomonas, plasma membrane, infoldings, freeze fracture  相似文献   

The structure of the cyst wall of the heliozoon Echinosphaerium nucleofilum has been investigated using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis. The cyst wall is a composite structure of seven or eight layers. These are: an enveloping gelatinous layer; a layer of siliceous spheroidal bodies; an electron-dense supporting membrane; a broad electron-lucent zone; an electron-dense layer; a layer of helicoidally packed material; and one or two layers with a granular appearance lying next to the plasma membrane of the encysted organism. The structure of the cyst wall closely resembles that of Actinophrys sol, confirming the close relationship of these actinophryid heliozoa while emphasizing their distinctiveness from other amoeboid protista.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Oxymonas has the characteristic structures and organization of other oxymonads including two separated pairs of basal bodies/flagella, a preaxostylar lamina, a paracrystalline axostyle, and an absence of mitochondria and Golgi. Like other Oxymonadinae genera it possesses a long proboscis, the rostellum which is terminated by the holdfast. Like the genera Pyrsonympha and Streblomastix, Oxymonas possesses a holdfast which permits it to attach to the cuticle of the termite hind-gut. This holdfast is subdivided into rhizoids and is filled with microfilaments. The rostellum is variable in length and contains two distinct microtubular bundles. One bundle is composed of convoluted microtubular ribbons which originate at the base of the holdfast and extend posteriorly along the rostellum and before penetrating into the cell body. The second bundle is composed of flexuous free microtubules which originate at different levels of the rostellum, increasing in number from top to base. They occupy the axial part of the rostellum and incorporate into the axostylar rows at the basal body/flagellar level. Microtubules of the paracrystalline axostyle are cross-linked by bridges forming parallel rows like in the contractile axostyles of other oxymonads such as Pyrsonympha and Saccinobaculus . Most of the microtubules of the axostyle originate at the flagellar/preaxostylar level but some originate from the axial flexous free microtubules of the rostellum, as indicated above. The possibility of an extension/retraction of the rostellum, suggested by other authors, is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cryptobia vaginalis (Hesse 1910) occurs as long thin and short broad forms in the vagina of the gnathobdelliform leeches Haemopis sanguisuga (Linnaeus) and Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus. Cytochemical staining for DNA and transmission electron microscopy of sectioned material indicate that in the thin forms the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) is dispersed irregularly through the mitochondrial network ( pankinetoplastic condition) rather than concentrated in the adbasal region of the mitochondrion ( eukinetoplastic condition) as in trypanosomatids and most other kinetoplastid flagellates. Light-microscopic studies on the rare broad forms, however, suggest that these have conventional adbasal location of the kinetoplast. Binary fission appears to occur in the thin forms, suggesting that the dispersed kinetoplast is either highly polyenergid or lacks a genetic function. In other features of its microanatomy, C. vaginalis is a conventional kinetoplastid. The flagellate has an incomplete corset of pellicular microtubules which may have a role in the cortical contractility characteristic of the genus Cryptobia . Feeding is by pinocytosis of vaginal colloids through a microtubule-lined cytopharynx, possibly after binding to a prominent filament-coated preoral ridge. A pulsatile (contractile) vacuole is present and appears to be responsible for defecation as well as osmoregulation. Some individuals have elongate bacterial epibionts attached to the body in parallel with the cortical microtubules. All individuals have 2–8 spheroplast-like endobiotic bacteria in the prenuclear cytoplasm.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The fine structure of Pneumocystis carinii Delanoë is described in detail and is compared to the fine structure of protozoa and fungi. Pneumocystis does not have ultrastructural affinities to Protozoa but rather to fungi. Specifically, the process of intracystic body formation in the cyst is similar to the formation of ascospores inside a yeast ascus. The significance of the structural similarity between Pneumocystis and fungi is discussed. It is concluded from the ultrastructural evidence that Pneumocystis may indeed be a yeast or have a yeast-like stage in its life cycle. However, Pneumocystis is not completely similar to any fungus whose ultrastructure has been described so far. Perhaps its particular structure may be an adaptation to the parasitic way of life in mammalian lungs. It should be cultivated in order to be sure of its exact taxonomic position.  相似文献   

Summary— Oxyrrhis marina, like all dinoflagellates, possesses one transverse and one longitudinal flagellum, which show structural differences. The transverse flagellum contains a small fibre, 20 nm in diameter, associated with doublet no.7, whereas the longitudinal flagellum is substantially by a large (200–300 nm) hollows structure closely resembling the paraflagellar rod described by several authors in kinetoplastidae and in euglenoids. This structure is made up of a hemicylindrical network of filaments which are often linked on one side to the outer doublet no. 4, and on the other side to a dense plate. Another thinner filamentous network closes this hemicyclinder. In cross-section, the wall of this structure is made up of 8 filaments 2–4 nm in diameter that show a thicker periodic structure. In longitudinal section the same filaments appear arranged in periodic rhombus meshes or a helicoidal pattern, depending on the orientation of the section relative to the axoneme.  相似文献   

Hypotrichs are a highly differentiated and very diverse group of ciliated protists. Their systematics and taxonomy are challenging and call for detailed investigations on their general morphology, ultrastructure, ontogenesis, and molecular phylogeny. Here, a comprehensive study is conducted on a brackish water population of Parabistichella variabilis using light and electron microscopy and phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence data. Its morphology, including the infraciliature, pellicle, nuclei, buccal seal, and extrusomes, is documented. The present findings indicate that in P. variabilis: (i) the cortical granules are extrusomes, which differ from those of other hypotrichs; (ii) the buccal seal is bounded by the plasma membrane and contains a single layer of longitudinal microtubules; (iii) two contractile vacuoles might be present rather than one; and (iv) the pharyngeal disks are bounded by a single membrane. Early‐to‐middle stages of ontogenesis are described for the first time, enabling the complete characterization of this process. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that Parabistichella variabilis is closely related to several species from different genera, such as Orthoamphisiella breviseries, Uroleptoides magnigranulosus, and Tachysoma pellionellum. However, ultrastructural and gene sequence data for more taxa are needed in order to resolve the systematics of Parabistichella.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The systematic relationships and taxonomic positions of the traditional heterotrich genera Condylostentor, Climacostomum, Fabrea , Folliculina, Peritromus , and Condylostoma , as well as the licnophorid genus Licnophora , were re-examined using new data from sequences of the gene coding for small subunit ribosomal RNA. Trees constructed using distance-matrix, Bayesian inference, and maximum-parsimony methods all showed the following relationships: (1) the "traditional" heterotrichs consist of several paraphyletic groups, including the current classes Heterotrichea, Armophorea and part of the Spirotrichea; (2) the class Heterotrichea was confirmed as a monophyletic assemblage based on our analyses of 31 taxa, and the genus Peritromus was demonstrated to be a peripheral group; (3) the genus Licnophora occupied an isolated branch on one side of the deepest divergence in the subphylum Intramacronucleata and was closely affiliated with spirotrichs, armophoreans, and clevelandellids; (4) Condylostentor , a recently defined genus with several truly unique morphological features, is more closely related to Condylostoma than to Stentor ; (5) Folliculina, Eufolliculina , and Maristentor always clustered together with high bootstrap support; and (6) Climacostomum occupied a paraphyletic position distant from Fabrea , showing a close relationship with Condylostomatidae and Chattonidiidae despite of modest support.  相似文献   

The difficulty in achieving a consensus on the phylogenetic relationships of lemuriform primates has been due largely to the lack of a lemur fossil record and to the lack of an appropriate outgroup that would facilitate polarization of character states. Recent findings allow us to polarize some of the bony characters, but to a large extent this problem still remains. In the past, phylogenetic analyses have focused on specialized character sets such as dentition or basicranial traits, or they have employed differential weighting schemes to a more variable set of characters. In the analysis presented here, I combined all relevant characters available in the literature into one data set but restricted my selection to those traits having discontinuous states and for which no contradictory coding schemes were published. I reduced the assumptions in this analysis by removing most external weighting and ordering effects on these data sets. The available data from the literature were supplemented with data from my own observations at the Duke University Primate Center. Data were collected for 25 characters and 20 taxa and were submitted to a cladistic analysis. Some important findings from this study include support for (1) a sister-group relationship between Lepilemur and the Indridae, (2) a sister-group relationship between the Lemuridae (except Varecia) and the Indridae/Lepilemur clade, (3) a monophyletic genus Eulemur, and (4) the exclusion of Varecia from the Lemuridae.  相似文献   

From a study of the perforations in the heterostracan carapace and the impressions on the inner surface of the bony plates it is suggested that the Heterostraci in most features belonged to a structural stage from which it was possible to derive both the gnathostomes and the cyclostomes (including the cephalaspids and anaspids).
However, the structure of the gills and the presence of a spiracle in the Heterostraci indicate that they were more closely related to the gnathostome stock.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Marine goniomonads have a worldwide distribution but ultrastructural information has not been available so far. An isolate of the heterotrophic marine nanoflagellate Goniomonas (G. aff. amphinema) from North Wales (UK) has been studied, providing information on its morphology and cellular structure using video, electron, laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), and atomic force microscopy. Here, we describe a new feature, a granular area, potentially involved in particle capture and feeding. The binding of the lectin wheat germ agglutinin to the granular area of cells with discharged ejectisomes indicates the adhesive nature of this novel feature. The presence of a microtubular intracellular cytopharynx, apparently also used for feeding, has been revealed by LSCM. The small subunit rRNA gene of the isolate has been sequenced (1,788 bp). Phylogenetic results corroborate significant genetic divergence within the marine members of Goniomonas. This work highlights the need for integrated morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular investigation when describing and studying heterotrophic nanoflagellates.  相似文献   

A small free‐living freshwater bacteriotrophic flagellate Neobodo borokensis n. sp. was investigated by electron microscopy and analysis of its SSU ribosomal RNA gene. This protist has paraxonemal rods of typical bodonid structure in the flagella, mastigonemes on the proximal part of the posterior flagellum, two nearly parallel basal bodies, a compact kinetoplast, and discoid mitochondrial cristae. The flagellar pocket is supported by three microtubular roots (R1, R2 and R3) originating from the kinetosome. The cytopharynx is supported by the root R2, a microtubular prism, cytopharynx associated additional microtubules (CMT) and cytostome associated microtubules (FAS) bands. Symbiotic bacteria and small glycosomes were found in the cytoplasm. Cysts have not been found. The flagellate prefers freshwater habitats, but tolerates salinity up to 3–4‰. The overall morphological and ultrastructural features confirm that N. borokensis represents a new species of the genus Neobodo. Phylogenetic analysis of SSU rRNA genes is congruent with the ultrastructure and strongly supports the close relationship of N. borokensis to Neobodo saliens, N. designis, Actuariola, and a misidentified sequence of “Bodo curvifilus” within the class Kinetoplastea.  相似文献   

This report provides a detailed ultrastructural study of the life cycle, including proliferative and sporogonic developmental stages, of the first Pleistophora species (microsporidium) obtained from an immune-incompetent patient. In 1985, the organism obtained from a muscle biopsy was initially identified as belonging to the genus Pleistophora, based on spore morphology and its location in a sporophorous vesicle. Since that initial report, at least two new microsporidial genera, Trachipleistophora and Brachiola, have been reported to infect the muscle tissue of immunologically compromised patients. Because Trachipleistophora development is similar to Pleistophora, and as Pleistophora was only known to occur in cold-blooded hosts, the question of the proper classification of this microsporidium arose. The information acquired in this study makes it possible to compare Pleistophora sp. (Ledford et al. 1985) to the known human infections and properly determine its correct taxonomic position. Our ultrastructural data have revealed the formation of multinucleate sporogonial plasmodia, a developmental characteristic of the genus Pleistophora and not Trachipleistophora. A comparison with other species of the genus supports the establishment of a new species. This parasite is given the name Pleistophora ronneafiei n. sp.  相似文献   

A new model of sperm axoneme with 16 + 0 doublets is described. The spermatozoon of Acerentulus confinis (Apterygota : Protura) has a short conical acrosome, a long helicoidal nucleus, well-developed centriolar adjunct material, and a long flagellum. Using fixation with a glutaraldehyde-tannic acid mixture, without osmium post-fixation, doublet protofilaments, inner dynein arms, radial spokes, nexin bridges, and Y-links of the sperm axoneme of A. confinis and Acerentomon italicum were clearly observed. Optical observation shows that the proturan flagellate spermatozoa are motile cells. The process involving the transformation of the spermatozoa from a coiled to an elongated swimming form was studied by scanning electron microscope. The findings confirmed that flagellar motility is due to the presence of a single dynein arm on doublets in spite of the unusual axonemal pattern.  相似文献   

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