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【目的】半胱氨酸是一种重要的含硫氨基酸,广泛应用于化妆品、药品、食品等行业,微生物发酵法合成半胱氨酸已成为当前研究的热点。基于比较转录组学分析等技术,筛选并表征大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)胞内对半胱氨酸浓度变化显著响应的启动子。【方法】在Escherichia coli W3110培养基中外源添加不同终浓度的半胱氨酸,通过比较转录组学分析筛选转录水平显著响应半胱氨酸浓度变化的基因,融合目标基因的启动子片段与荧光报告基因egfp构建启动子文库,进一步测定不同半胱氨酸浓度条件下,含有不同启动子重组菌的绿色荧光蛋白(greenfluorescent protein, GFP)荧光强度。【结果】筛选并挖掘了随着半胱氨酸浓度提高而转录水平显著提升的27个基因,并将基因的潜在启动子片段与荧光报告基因egfp融合构建启动子文库,筛选获得对半胱氨酸变化具备特异性响应的启动子PE2。最后,对PE2启动子-35区间隔区域AAAT进行随机突变,最终获得在1-7g/L半胱氨酸浓度范围内特异性响应性能显著提高的启动子PE2-33。...  相似文献   

Summary Complementation and sequencing analyses revealed that the hopD mutants, which could not support stable maintenance of mini-F plasmids (Niki et al. 1988), had mutations in the hupB gene, and that the hopD410 mutation was an ochre mutation at the 5th Gln position of HU-1. Maintenance and stability of various plasmids, mini-P1 plasmids, mini-F plasmids, and oriC plasmids, were studied in the hupA and hupB mutants (HU mutants), and himA and hip mutants (IHF mutants). Mini-P1 plasmids and mini-F plasmids could not be introduced into the hupA-hupB double deletion mutant. Replication of mini-F plasmids was partially inhibited in the hupB mutants, including the hupB and hopD(hupB) mutants, whereas replication of oriC plasmids was not significantly affected even in the hupA-hupB double deletion mutant. The mini-P1 plasmid was slightly unstable in the himA-hip mutant, whereas the mini-F plasmid was stable.  相似文献   

The O antigen of the Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide is composed of repeating units of fucosylated Lewis (Le) antigens. The α(1,2)-fucosyltransferase (futC) of H. pylori, which catalyzes the conversion of Lex to Ley by addition of fucose, is subject to slipped-strand mispairing involving a homonucleotide (poly-C) tract. To explore the distribution of Le phenotypes within H. pylori cells grown in vitro, 379 single colonies of strain J166 were examined for Le expression. Two major populations with reciprocal Lex/Ley phenotypes were identified. Phenotypes correlated with futC frame status, suggesting that strain J166 represents a mixed population with respect to futC poly-C tract length, which was confirmed by a translational reporter. After hundreds of generations in vitro, phenotypes did not change significantly, indicating that the observed J166 Le diversity reflects the founding population. Since slipped-strand mispairing in the futC poly-C tract was postulated to explain the Ley phenotypic change observed in J166 derivative strain 98–169 isolated 10 months after rhesus monkey challenge, in trans complementation with in-frame futC was performed. Ley synthesis was restored and Lex expression was reciprocally lowered. From these studies, we confirmed the principal role of futC slipped-strand mispairing in Le antigenic variation in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Strains of Escherichia coli K12 carrying a tolA, tolB, lky or exc mutation located at min 16.5 on the genetic map released periplasmic proteins into the extracellular medium. Wild-type genes defined by these mutations have been cloned from E. coli genomic bank made with plasmid pBR328. Subcloning experiments and complementation studies showed that lky and exc mutations were located either in the previously described tolA and tolB genes or in the newly characterized excC and excD genes. Using minicells, excC and excD gene products were identified as proteins with a molecular mass of 19 and 21 kDa, respectively.  相似文献   

Replication patterns of the miniP1 plasmid pZC176, the miniNR1 plasmid pRR933, and the high-copy miniNR1 derivative pRR942 were examined during the Escherichia coli cell division cycle and compared to the cycle-specific replication pattern of a minichromosome and the cycle nonspecific pattern of pBR322. In E. coli cells growing with doubling times of 40 and 60 min, the miniP1 plasmid was found to replicate with a slight periodicity during the division cycle. The periodicity was not nearly as pronounced as that of the minichromosome, was not affected by the presence of a minichromosome, and was not evident in cells growing more rapidly with a doubling time of 25 min. Both miniNR1 plasmids, pRR933 and pRR942, replicated with patterns indistinguishable from that of pBR322 and clearly different from that of the minichromosome. It is concluded that both P1 and NR1 plasmids can replicate at all stages of the cell cycle but that P1 displays a slight periodicity in replication probability in the cycle of slower growing cells. This periodicity does not appear to be coupled to a specific age in the cycle, but could be associated with the achievement of a specific cell mass per plasmid. During temperature shifts of a dnaC(Ts) mutant, the miniP1 plasmid and pBR322 replicated with similar patterns that differed from that of the minichromosome, but were consistent with a brief eclipse between rounds of replication.  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant plasmids carrying ruvA, ruvB, or both were constructed and used to investigate the genetic defects in a collection of UV-sensitive ruv mutants. The results revealed that efficient survival of UV-irradiated cells depends on both ruvA and ruvB, and on a third gene, ruvC, located upstream of the ruvAB operon. Southern blotting analysis was used to locate insertions in ruv and to examine putative deletion mutants. Two Tn10 insertions were located to the region encoding ruvA. Since these insertions caused a deficiency in the activities of both ruvA and ruvB, we concluded that they must exert a polar effect on ruvB. Two putative ruv deletion mutants were shown to be the result of deletion-inversion events mediated during imprecise excision of Tn10. The relevant inversion breakpoints in these mutants were located to ruvA and ruvC.  相似文献   

果胶酶具有广阔的商业用途,在食品工业上主要用于果汁和酒类的澄清、提高植物油的提取率、提高水果的硬度和植物纤维脱胶。米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)一直用于传统发酵食品的生产,自然条件下其果胶酶的产量较低。文献报道的果胶酶的重组表达成功的例子较少,且活性较低。通过RT-PCR 的方法,获得不含信号肽的果胶酸内切水解酶A(polygalacturonase A, PGA) 的cDNA,PGA cDNA 连入pET-28a (+)载体, 构建 pET-28a (+)-pga 质粒。pET-28a (+)-pga 转化Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,得到转化子pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ,首次实现了米曲霉PGA在大肠杆菌系统中过表达,进一步对PGA在大肠杆菌系统中表达的条件进行了研究。在37℃、220 r/min条件培养pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,OD600至 0.8左右时,用500μmol/L isopropyl β-D-thiogalactogalactopyranoside (IPTG)进行诱导表达,在15℃和170r/min条件下继续培养24 h,表达效果最好,相对于每毫升培养基而言,产酶可达到70u/mL,是米曲霉自然条件产酶量的87.5倍,远优于文献报道的重组表达的PGA酶活  相似文献   

果胶酶具有广阔的商业用途,在食品工业上主要用于果汁和酒类的澄清、提高植物油的提取率、提高水果的硬度和植物纤维脱胶。米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)一直用于传统发酵食品的生产,自然条件下其果胶酶的产量较低。文献报道的果胶酶的重组表达成功的例子较少,且活性较低。通过RT-PCR 的方法,获得不含信号肽的果胶酸内切水解酶A(polygalacturonase A, PGA) 的cDNA,PGA cDNA 连入pET-28a (+)载体, 构建 pET-28a (+)-pga 质粒。pET-28a (+)-pga 转化Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,得到转化子pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ,首次实现了米曲霉PGA在大肠杆菌系统中过表达,进一步对PGA在大肠杆菌系统中表达的条件进行了研究。在37℃、220 r/min条件培养pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,OD600至 0.8左右时,用500μmol/L isopropyl β-D-thiogalactogalactopyranoside (IPTG)进行诱导表达,在15℃和170r/min条件下继续培养24 h,表达效果最好,相对于每毫升培养基而言,产酶可达到70u/mL,是米曲霉自然条件产酶量的87.5倍,远优于文献报道的重组表达的PGA酶活  相似文献   

Summary The pstS gene belongs to the phosphate regulon whose expression is induced by phosphate starvation and regulated positively by the PhoB protein. The phosphate (pho) box is a consensus sequence shared by the regulatory regions of the genes in the pho regulon. We constructed two series of deletion mutations in a plasmid in vitro, with upstream and downstream deletions in the promoter region of pstS, which contains two pho boxes in tandem, and studied their promoter activity by connecting them with a promoterless gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. Deletions extending into the upstream pho box but retaining the downstream pho box greatly reduced promoter activity, but the remaining activity was still regulated by phosphate levels in the medium and by the PhoB protein, indicating that each pho box is functional. No activity was observed in deletion mutants which lacked the remaining pho box or the-10 region. Therefore, the pstS promoter was defined to include the two pho boxes and the-10 region. The PhoB protein binding region in the pstS regulatory region was studied with the deletion plasmids by a gelmobility retardation assay. The results suggest the protein binds to each pho box on the pstS promoter. A phoB deletion mutant was constructed, and we demonstrated that expression of pstS was strictly dependent on the function of the PhoB protein.  相似文献   

祁肖肖  王丽敏  于波 《微生物学报》2024,64(5):1538-1549
耐热凝结芽孢杆菌因其对营养要求简单、发酵产物浓度高以及耐高温等特点,已成为乳酸发酵的主要菌种。在前期的研究中,我们发现磷酸盐可以激活凝结芽孢杆菌l-乳酸脱氢酶基因的转录,从而提高乳酸产量。然而,磷酸盐如何激活乳酸脱氢酶的基因表达,目前还不清楚,也未有类似的研究报道。【目的】对凝结芽孢杆菌响应磷酸盐的调控机制进行研究。【方法】通过RT-PCR分析磷酸盐添加时凝结芽孢杆菌乳酸脱氢酶转录水平变化,确定响应磷酸盐的关键元件区域,进一步通过分子生物学手段,分析凝结芽孢杆菌响应磷酸盐的关键基因片段。【结果】确定了响应磷酸盐的关键元件位于乳酸脱氢酶基因上游启动子区,解析了响应磷酸盐的l-乳酸脱氢酶启动子核心区,利用该启动子及核心区能够有效驱动外源d-乳酸脱氢酶基因的表达,实现在凝结芽孢杆菌中d-乳酸的合成。【结论】本研究有望获得一种新的响应磷酸盐的调控元件,为提高其他生物化学品的合成效率改造提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary Comparative analyses were made between plasmid pSa17, a deletion derivative of pSa that is capable of replicating efficiently in Escherichia coli and plasmid pSa3, a derivative that is defective for replication. By comparing the restriction maps of these two derivatives, the regions essential for replication and for stable maintenance of the plasmid were determined. A 2.5 kb DNA segment bearing the origin of DNA replication of pSa17 was sequenced. A 36 kDa RepA protein was encoded in the region essential for replication. Downstream of the RepA coding region was a characteristic sequence including six 17 bp direct repeats, the possible binding sites of RepA protein, followed by AT-rich and GC-rich sequences. Furthermore, an 8 bp incomplete copy of the 17 bp repeat was found in the promoter region of the repA gene. Based on the hypothesis that RepA protein binds to this partial sequence as well as to intact 17 bp sequences, an autoregulatory system for the synthesis of RepA protein may be operative. Another open reading frame (ORF) was found in the region required for the stability of the plasmid. The putative protein encoded in this ORF showed significant homology to several site-specific recombination proteins. A possible role of this putative protein in stable maintenance of the plasmid is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究通过原子力显微镜(AFM)力谱技术研究了大肠杆菌启动子与RNA聚合酶(RNAp)间的相互作用,目的是建立一种高效的体外表征启动子的新方法。【方法】优化了用于单分子AFM力谱分析的蛋白固定化策略,建立AFM力谱分析启动子的策略,以缺失识别启动子序列的σ亚基核心RNA聚合酶(RNAp-C)为对照,研究启动子/RNAp间相互作用的特异性。最后比较了序列较典型的Ls1启动子和缺失–10区的Ls2启动子的力谱。【结果】基于建立的方法,验证了Ls1与大肠杆菌RNAp结合的特异性,其相互作用力为(331.10±5.10)p N。与Ls1相比,Ls2启动子与RNAp结合显著减少。利用启动子探针质粒,以报告基因cat的表达产物氯霉素乙酰转移酶(CAT)的酶活验证Ls1、Ls2启动子强度,分别为(181.70±4.10)、(0.30±0.20)U/mg。【结论】本研究建立的基于AFM力谱技术的启动子分析技术,是一种高效的、直接定量表征启动子活性的新方法。  相似文献   

LacI mutants obtained following 2 and 6 h of thymine deprivation were cloned and sequenced. The mutational spectra recovered were dissimilar. After 2 h of starvation the majority of mutations were base substitutions, largely G: C→C: G transversions. Frameshift mutations but not deletions were observed. In contrast, following 6 h of starvation, with the exception of the G: C→C: G transversion, all possible base substitutions were recovered. Moreover, several deletions but no frameshift events were observed. The differences in the mutational spectra recovered after two periods of thymine deprivation highlight the role of altered nucleotide pools and the potential influence of DNA replication mechanisms.  相似文献   

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