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The insertion of soluble proteins into membranes has been a topic of considerable interest. We have studied the insertion of bovineα-lactalbumin into single-bilayer vesicles prepared from egg phosphatidylcholine (PC). Fluoresence studies indicated rapid and tight binding of apo-α-lactalbumin (apo-α-LA) to PC vesicles as a function of pH. The binding was maximal at pH values which favor the formation of the molten globule state. As an increase of hydrophobic surface is observed in the molten globule state, this conformational state can provide a molecular basis for insertion of soluble proteins into membranes. The membrane-bound complex formed at low pH (3.0) could be isolated and was found to be stable at neutral pH. The structural characterization of the apo-α-LA-PC complex was studied by fluorescence quenching using iodide, acrylamide, and 9,10-dibromostearic acid. The results obtained indicated that some of the tryptophans of apo-α-LA were buried in the membrane interior and some were exposed on the outer side. Fluorescence quenching and CD studies indicated the membrane-bound conformation of apo-α-LA was some conformational state that is between the soluble, fully folded conformation and the molten globule state.  相似文献   

α-Lactalbumin is a globular protein containing helical regions with highly amphiphathic character. In this work, the interaction between bovine α-lactalbumin and sonicated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles has been compared in different circumstances which influence the protein conformation i.e., pH, ionic strength, decalcification, guanidine hydrochloride denaturation. Above the isoelectric point the interaction is mainly electrostatic; improved electrostatic interaction results in better contact with the apolar lipid phase. Below the isoelectric point, hydrophobic forces dominate the interaction and the vesicles are solubilized. The mode of interaction is not determined to a great extent by the demetallization of the protein. However, by a more explicit unfolding of the globular structure with guanidine hydrochloride, micellar complexes can be formed with the lipid, even at neutral pH. From this study it is obvious that the presence or capability for formation of helices with high amphipathic character is not a sufficient condition for lipid solubilization by a globular protein. Also, the capability of a globular protein to unfold its tertiary structure seems to be a prerequisite for its capability to lipid solubilization.  相似文献   

1. The synthesis of three substrates of alpha-chymotrypsin of closely similar steric requirements but different charge type is reported. 2. The interaction of these compounds [SS-dimethyl-(l-3-carboxymethyl-3-acetamido)propyl sulphonium iodide, l-2-acetamido-5-methylhexanoic acid methyl ester and N-acetyl-l-glutamic acid alpha-methyl ester] with alpha-chymotrypsin has been studied. 3. For the charged substrates, values of k(0) are two orders of magnitude smaller than, and values of K(m) two orders of magnitude larger than, the corresponding values for the uncharged isostere. 4. The results are interpreted in terms of the known specificity of the enzyme, and the relationship between binding and kinetic specificities is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between α-lactalbumin and sonicated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine at pH 4 and different temperatures. (1) At 23°C and lipid-to-protein molar ratios below 170, the interaction results in a disruption of the original vesicles to form smaller complex particles. By the sedimentation velocity method we determined for this particle a molar mass of (1.05 ± 0.16) · 106 g·mol?1. The lipid-to-protein molar ratio within the complex particle is 70/1, as earlier estimated. It follows that there are approximately 1200 lipid and 17 α-lactalbumin molecules per particle. At molar ratios above 170, α-lactalbumin strongly associates with the vesicles. In this case the vesicle entity remains. The ability of α-lactalbumin to break up the vesicles at this temperature is determined by the number of protein molecules which are required in the complex particle. (2) By means of fluorescence polarization of the lipophilic probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and energy transfer of the tryptophan groups of the protein to 1,3-(1,1′-dipyrenyl)propane located in the hydrocarbon region of the vesicles, it is shown that with increasing temperature above 25°C, complexes of decreasing internal lipid-to-protein molar ratio are formed. However, by electron microscopy we show that the overall size of these complexes remains approximately the same, i.e., bars with dimensions 70 × 220 A?. A temperature-reversible transformation occurs between these complexes, which cannot be isolated by gel chromatography. In contrast, the complex of molar ratio 70/1 remains stable at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Aggregation of α-synuclein is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Studies of in vitro aggregation of α-synuclein are rendered complex because of the formation of a heterogeneous population of oligomers. With the use of confocal single-molecule fluorescence techniques, we demonstrate that small aggregates (oligomers) of α-synuclein formed from unbound monomeric species in the presence of organic solvent (DMSO) and iron (Fe3+) ions have a high affinity to bind to model membranes, regardless of the lipid-composition or membrane curvature. This binding mode contrasts with the well-established membrane binding of α-synuclein monomers, which is accompanied with α-helix formation and requires membranes with high curvature, defects in the lipid packing, and/or negatively charged lipids. Additionally, we demonstrate that membrane-bound α-synuclein monomers are protected from aggregation. Finally, we identified compounds that potently dissolved vesicle-bound α-synuclein oligomers into monomers, leaving the lipid vesicles intact. As it is commonly believed that formation of oligomers is related PD progression, such compounds may provide a promising strategy for the design of novel therapeutic drugs in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of a-lactalbumin to transglutaminase reactions was studied using an enzyme from Streptoverticillium which can catalyze the reactions irrespective of the presence or absence of Ca2+. Transglutaminase-catalyzed polymerization of a-lactalbumin in the native state occurred to a very limited extent. Transformation from the native state to the molten globule state brought about by Ca2+-removal from holo-a-lactalbumin enhanced the polymerization of the protein catalyzed by transglutaminase. The incorporation of Carbobenzoxy-Gln-Gly into a-lactalbumin through the enzyme reaction was investigated to determine the amounts of lysine residues which are present at molecular surface and available to the enzyme. There was no significant difference in the amount of available lysine residues between the native: and the molten globule molecule. However, the amount of surface glutamine residues incorporated with monodansylcadaverine by transglutaminase was remarkably higher in the molten globule state than that in the native state. The monodansylcadaverine-incorporated site of a-lactalbumin in the molten globule state was identified as Gln-54 by amino-acid sequence analysis of fluorescence-labeled peptides separated from chymotryptic digests of the protein. Possible reason for selective labeling of Gln-54 in molten globule a-lactalbumin was proposed.  相似文献   

Glycolipid biosurfactants (GBS) are promising environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical surfactants. Surfactants interact with proteins in many applications, often leading to significant changes in protein properties. Given GBS' marked difference in structure compared to traditional chemical surfactants, it is of interest to investigate their impact on protein structure and stability. Here we combine spectroscopic and calorimetric studies to analyze the interactions between the anionic GBS rhamnolipid (RL) and two model proteins α-lactalbumin in the Ca2 +-free apo-form (αLA) and myoglobin (Mb), whose interactions with traditional surfactants are well known. RL denatures αLA at sub-cmc concentrations (0.1–1 mM) while Mb is only denatured above the cmc, i.e. in the presence of RL micelles. Denaturation leads to increased α-helicity, similar to the effect of SDS. The proteins bind approximately the same amount of RL by weight as SDS. However, RL employs a denaturation mechanism which combines features from non-ionic surfactants (very slow unfolding kinetics and few unfolding steps) with those of SDS (unfolding below the cmc in the case of αLA and the ability to unfold stable proteins in the case of Mb). We ascribe these features to RL's weakly acidic carboxylic head group and complex hydrophobic tail, which lead to a low cmc and low protein affinity. These features restrict the concentration range where RL monomers can bind and denature proteins while still allowing micelles to bind and denature to a significant extent.  相似文献   

We describe a novel physical state of a protein molecule which is nearly as compact as the native state and has pronounced secondary structure, but differs from the native state by the large increase of thermal fluctuations (in particular, by the large mobility of side groups). This state has been characterized in detail for the acid form of bovine -lactalbumin as a result of the study of physical properties of this state by a large variety of different methods (hydrodynamics, diffuse X-ray scattering, circular dichroism and infrared spectra, polarization of the luminescence, proton magnetic resonance, deuterium exchange and microcalorimetry). It has been shown that bovine -lactalbumin can be transformed into a similar state by thermal denaturation. This process is thermodynamically two state (i.e. all-or-none transition), which means that this state differs from the native one by a phase transition of the first order.Abbreviations B-LA bovine -lactalbumin - Gu·HCl guanidine hydrochloride - CD circular dichroism - UV ultraviolet - IR infra-red - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance. Differen forms of B-LA are abbreviated as follows - N native form - A acid form - T temperature-denatured form - U unfolded form (by 6 M Gu·HCl or 8 M urea). All forms have intact S-S bonds  相似文献   

α-Lactalbumin and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine were used as a prototype to study the influence of a protein conformational change, induced by the pH, on the interaction between that protein and a phospholipid.The enthalpy changes associated with the interaction of α-lactalbumin with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles were measured as a function of the molar ratio of phospholipid to protein, pH and temperature. Gel-filtration, electron-microscopic and fluorescence data for the same experimental conditions were also obtained. At pH 4 and 5, the enthalphy changes (ΔH) are not only larger than at physiological pH, but also show a maximum at about 23°C in the ΔH vs. temperature graph. At pH 6 and 7, on the contrary, ΔH increases with decreasing temperature without a maximum in the curve. Gel-chromatographic and electron-microscopic data show that at pH 6 and 7, the morphological characteristics of the vesicles are unchanged upon addition of α-lactalbumin, while at pH 4 and 5 at 23°C an extra peak appears in the gel-filtration graphs between the pure vesicles and α-lactalbumin. The new fraction contains lipid-protein complexes. Electron micrographs show that bar-shaped entities are formed. A red shift at 23°C and a blue shift at 37°C, both to 336 nm, are observed for λmax of the fluorescence emission spectra at pH 4 when α-lactalbumin is brought into contact with the phospholipid. At the same time, a strong increase in the fluorescence intensity is observed. The chromatographic and fluorescence data indicate that a lipid-protein complex with a molar ratio of approx. 80 is formed. At pH 7 and different temperatures, the emission maximum remains at the wavelength of pure α-lactalbumin, the change in the fluorescence intensity, however, indicates that interaction with the lipid occurs.The results can be explained on the basis of an electrostatic interaction at pH 6 and 7, and a hydrophobic interaction at pH 4 and 5.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet fluorescence of α-lactalbumin was shown to be markedly altered during the 2 distinct conformational changes which this protein undergoes. The more subtle of these, which occurs at pH 6 as the temperature is lowered from 25° to 1°, involves contraction of the “crevices” housing the 2 ‘exposed’ tryptophan groups and is accompanied by a short-wavelength shift of about 10 mμ of the emission spectrum. The more drastic process, denaturation below pH 4, results in a long-wavelength shift of 10–18 mμ and an increase in the apparent quantum yield of about 40%. The molecular origins of these spectral shifts have been interpreted in terms of a model derived from a recent theory which explains shifts in the emission spectrum of tryptophan in terms of an excited state complex. According to this model, the thermal transition which occurs at pH 6 for α-lactalbumin produces a short-wavelength shift due to inhibition of complex formation resulting from hindered rotation of tryptophans in the contracted “crevice”. The low pH denaturation of α-lactalbumin, which we have shown earlier to involve molecular swelling but no enhanced exposure of tryptophans, produces a long-wavelength shift of the emission spectrum due to enhanced complex formation resulting from increased freedom of rotation of the 3 “buried” tryptophans.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made of the amino acid sequences of 11 different -amylases. The 6 animal -amylases tested were found to be highly homologous (about 80 to 90%, depending on the species compared). Amino acid sequence of Bacillus stearothermophilus -amylase was fairly homologous (about 60%) with that of a thermostable -amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Homology was least among the thermolabile amylases from Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus oryzae, plants and animals. Nevertheless, four highly homologous regions were found in the amino acid sequences of all the enzymes, despite their widely different origins. It was inferred that these four homologous regions were likely to be the active and/or substrate-binding sites.  相似文献   

It was reported that bovine α-lactalbumin (BLA) as an important whey protein can be utilized as valuable vehicle for metal ions. The goal of this study was to investigate the interaction of BLA with bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC), Diacetylcurcumin (DAC), and diacetylbisdemethoxycurcumin (DABC) as three bioactive compounds by fluorescence quenching measurements and docking studies. It was observed that these ligands come closer to tryptophan residues and quench their emission without any change in their micro region polarity. The Stern–Volmer equation which is the best model to provide information about the interaction between small bioactive molecules and proteins was used to obtain the binding constants and the binding stoichiometry. Information about the extent of resonance energy transfer and Förster’s distance between donor and acceptor was estimated. Thermodynamic parameters confirmed that the final BDMC–BLA complex was stabilized by hydrogen bonds, whereas the final DABC–BLA and DAC–BLA complexes were stabilized by hydrophobic bonds which are in accordance with their chemical structures. Both the synchronous and docking studies verified that theTrp-26 which is the most exposed Tryptophan residue has the most contribution in the binding process. The Förster’s distances between bound ligands and tryptophans were in agreement with the measured distances by docking studies. The obtained achievements confirmed that there are considerable binding interactions between these curcuminoids and BLA.  相似文献   

Summary Whether both casein and noncasein (serum or whey) proteins of milk are contained within the same secretory vesicles of milk secreting mammary epithelial cells was explored. Antibodies to a major casein and to -lactalbumin of rat milk were localized in thin sections with colloidal gold-conjugated second antibodies. Antibodies to the casein component bound to an antigen present within lumina of Golgi apparatus cisternae and within secretory vesicles. This antigen was also recognized in structures within secretory vesicles and within alveolar lumina which were ultrastructurally identified as casein micelles. Antigens recognized by antibodies to -lactalbumin also were present in Golgi apparatus cisternae and within secretory vesicles. Both anti-casein and anti--lactalbumin antibodies recognized antigens within the same secretory vesicles. These observations show that one major noncasein protein of rat's milk is present in casein-containing secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein, an intrinsically-disordered protein associated with Parkinson's disease, interacts with mitochondria, but the details of this interaction are unknown. We probed the interaction of α-synuclein and its A30P variant with lipid vesicles by using fluorescence anisotropy and (19)F nuclear magnetic resonance. Both proteins interact strongly with large unilamellar vesicles whose composition is similar to that of the inner mitochondrial membrane, which contains cardiolipin. However, the proteins have no affinity for vesicles mimicking the outer mitochondrial membrane, which lacks cardiolipin. The (19)F data show that the interaction involves α-synuclein's N-terminal region. These data indicate that the middle of the N-terminal region, which contains the KAKEGVVAAAE repeats, is involved in binding, probably via electrostatic interactions between the lysines and cardiolipin. We also found that the strength of α-synuclein binding depends on the nature of the cardiolipin acyl side chains. Eliminating one double bond increases affinity, while complete saturation dramatically decreases affinity. Increasing the temperature increases the binding of wild-type, but not the A30P variant. The data are interpreted in terms of the properties of the protein, cardiolipin demixing within the vesicles upon binding of α-synuclein, and packing density. The results advance our understanding of α-synuclein's interaction with mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

The subjects were divided into two groups according to the α1 and α2 spectral powers in the occipital derivations of the EEG recorded in the initial state with their eyes closed. Group I included subjects whose α1-rhythm spectral power (7–10 Hz) was more than 70% of the total α-rhythm band power. Group II included subjects whose α2-rhythm spectral power (10–13 Hz) was more than 70% of the total α-rhythm band power. It was established that, in the tasks requiring prediction of the subsequent result (memorizing a certain sequence of signals and its subsequent reproduction on the monitor screen), group I subjects differed from group II subjects in fewer sequence errors and a greater number of accurate predictions. In group II subjects, a decrease in the ϑ-band spectral power in the EEG of the central and frontal cortical areas was observed compared to the baseline. Therefore, the EEG ϑ-rhythm power at the memorizing stage was lower in them than in group II subjects. The results suggest that the baseline characteristics of ϑ-activity can be regarded as prognostic criteria of similar types of activity.  相似文献   

Aim Intuitively, species in which the individuals migrate long distances between summer and winter quarters should be more likely to disperse and colonize new breeding areas than resident species. However, it has repeatedly been noted that many bird species with large ranges are residents. This paradox was tested on land birds breeding in the boreal forest of the Palaearctic, the largest uninterrupted stretch of habitat on earth. Methods The longitudinal distribution of two land bird communities on each side of the Eurasian continent, in Scandinavia and eastern Siberia, were used to test whether migratory birds indeed have a lower colonization success than resident birds. Results The migratory species are significantly less likely than resident species to have a range including both regions. The pattern held true even after controlling for latitudinal effects and local abundance, and was also observed at the level of genus and family. Main conclusions The relatively low colonization success of migratory species into new breeding areas may be because these new areas require novel migratory programs (migratory distance, direction and timing) in order for the birds to reach suitable wintering grounds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to understand the influence of pH and effect of cosolvent (glucose) on the stabilization of bovine α-lactalbumin by using ultrasonic techniques. Values of density, ultrasonic velocity and viscosity were measured for bovine α-lactalbumin (5 mg/ml) dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH 2, 5, 7, 9 and 12) solutions mixed with and without the cosolvent at 30 °C. These measurements were used to calculate few thermo-acoustical parameters such as adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance, relaxation time, relative association constant, the partial apparent specific volume and the partial apparent specific adiabatic compressibility for the said systems. The obtained results revealed a strong comparison between the effects of acidic and alkaline pH values on protein denaturation, i.e., the acidic pH are instantaneous and are of less magnitude whereas alkaline pH are slower but sharper. Further the present study supports the fact that the presence of glucose stabilizes α-lactalbumin against denaturation due to pH variation, which may be due to the strengthening of non-covalent interactions and the steric exclusion effect.  相似文献   

HAMLET/BAMLET (Human/Bovine α-Lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumors) is a tumoricidal substance composed of partially unfolded human/bovine α-lactalbumin (HLA/BLA) and several oleic acid (OA) molecules. The HAMLET mechanism of interaction involves an insufficiently understood effect on the membrane or its embedded components. We examined the effect of BLAOA (bovine α-lactalbumin complexed with oleic acid, a HAMLET-like substance) and its individual components on cells and artificial lipid membranes using viability staining and metabolic dyes, fluorescence spectroscopy, leakage integrity assays and microscopy. Our results show a dose-dependency of OA used to prepare BLAOA on its ability to induce tumor cell death, and a correlation between leakage and cell death. BLAOA incorporates into the membrane, tightens the lipid packing and lowers their solvent accessibility. Fluorescence imaging reveals that giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) develop blebs and eventually collapse upon exposure to BLAOA, indicating that the lipid packing reorganization can translate into observable morphological effects. These effects are observed to be local in GUVs, and a tightly packed and solvent-shielded lipid environment is associated with leakage and GUV disruption. Furthermore, the effects of BLAOA on membrane are pH dependent, with an optimum of activity on artificial membranes near neutral pHs. While BLA alone is effective at membrane disruption at acidic pHs, OA is ineffective in a pH range of 4.5 to 9.1. Taken together, this supports a model where the lipid, fatty acid and protein components enhance each other's ability to affect the overall integrity of the membrane.  相似文献   

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