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Traditional models of sexual selection posit that male courtship signals evolve as indicators of underlying male genetic quality. An alternative hypothesis is that sexual conflict over mating generates antagonistic coevolution between male courtship persistence and female resistance. In the scarabaeine dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, females are more likely to mate with males that have high courtship rates. Here, we examine the effects of exposing females to males with either high or low courtship rates on female lifetime productivity and offspring viability. Females exposed to males with high courtship rates mated more often and produced offspring with greater egg-adult viability. Female productivity and lifespan were unaffected by exposure to males with high courtship rates. The data are consistent with models of sexual selection based on indirect genetic benefits, and provide little evidence for sexual conflict in this system.  相似文献   

According to current theoretical predictions, any deleterious mutations that reduce nonsexual fitness may have a negative influence on mating success. This means that sexual selection may remove deleterious mutations from the populations. Males of good genetic quality should be more successful in mating, compared to the males of lower genetic quality. As mating success is a condition dependent trait, large fractions of the genome may be a target of sexual selection and many behavioral traits are likely to be condition dependent. We manipulated the genetic quality of Drosophila subobscura males by inducing mutations with ionizing radiation and observed the effects of the obtained heterozygous mutations on male mating behavior: courtship occurrence, courtship latency, mating occurrence, latency to mating and duration of mating. We found possible effects of mutations. Females mated more frequently with male progeny of nonirradiated males and that these males courted females faster compared to the male progeny of irradiated males. Our findings indicate a possible important role of sexual selection in purging deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

Among a variety of fish mating systems, promiscuity with random-mating seems to be most prevalent. However, detailed studies of promiscuity have been rare due partly to the peculiar difficulty in examination of male mating and reproductive success in the random mating. Females of the armoured catfish Corydoras aeneus (no sexual dimorphism other than size of males > females) spawn 10–20 egg-clutches with multiple males at a time, but an entire egg clutch is inseminated by sperm of a single male. We studied mating system of this fish in aquarium. Males had neither mating territories nor monopolized females, never being aggressive against rival males. Evidence of female preference for certain male traits including size was not detected. Females mated a male in proportion to his relative courtship frequency among males. Courtship frequency was not related to male size, and male mating success was not different between small and large males. Clutch size and insemination rate were different neither between small and large males nor between frequently and less frequently courting males. Thus, the male reproductive success will not be related to the male size, but directly to courtship frequency, indicating the random mating in this fish. There seemed to be fecundity advantage with size in female, and the consequent sexual difference in energy allocation will be responsible to the sexual dimorphism. We also discuss the low male-GSI in this promiscuous fish in which sperm competition hardly occurred.  相似文献   

The Darwin–Bateman paradigm recognizes competition among males for access to multiple mates as the main driver of sexual selection. Increasingly, however, females are also being found to benefit from multiple mating so that polyandry can generate competition among females for access to multiple males, and impose sexual selection on female traits that influence their mating success. Polyandry can reduce a male''s ability to monopolize females, and thus weaken male focused sexual selection. Perhaps the most important effect of polyandry on males arises because of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Polyandry favours increased male ejaculate expenditure that can affect sexual selection on males by reducing their potential reproductive rate. Moreover, sexual selection after mating can ameliorate or exaggerate sexual selection before mating. Currently, estimates of sexual selection intensity rely heavily on measures of male mating success, but polyandry now raises serious questions over the validity of such approaches. Future work must take into account both pre- and post-copulatory episodes of selection. A change in focus from the products of sexual selection expected in males, to less obvious traits in females, such as sensory perception, is likely to reveal a greater role of sexual selection in female evolution.  相似文献   

Among the factors that can influence female mate choice decisions is the degree to which females differentiate among similar displays: as differences decrease, females are expected to eventually stop discriminating. This discrimination threshold, in conjunction with the magnitude of male trait variation females regularly encounter while making mate choice decisions, may have important consequences for sexual selection. If local display variation is above the discrimination threshold, female preferences should translate into higher mating success for the more attractive male. But if display variation is frequently below the threshold, the resulting increased pattern of random mating may obscure the existence of female mate choice. I investigated the interplay between female discrimination and male display variation in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) and found that call trait differences between nearest neighbour males were frequently smaller than what females are expected to discriminate. This finding has two important consequences for our understanding of sexual selection in the wild: first, low display variation should weaken the strength of selection on male display traits, but the direction of selection should mirror the one predicted from females choice trials. Second, caution is needed when interpreting data on realized mating success in the wild: a pattern of random mating with respect to male display traits does not always mean that female preferences are weak or that conditions are too challenging for females to express their preferences. Rather, insufficient display variation can generate the same pattern.  相似文献   

Major components of male and female lifetime reproductive success (LRS) were quantified for a damselfly that exhibits “scramble competition” for mates. The opportunity for selection on male reproduction was potentially 2.9 times that for females. Differential fertility/clutch and survivorship each accounted for about half of the total variation in female reproductive success. Variation in fertilization efficiency accounted for 7% of the total opportunity for selection on males. Although differences in survivorship and mating efficiency each contributed to about a third of the total opportunity for selection on male reproduction, both components appeared to be influenced by random factors. Survivorship was age-independent, and the mating distributions among males with equal mating opportunities were indistinguishable from those expected if matings were random with respect to male phenotype. Because the proportion of the standarized variance (I) in LRS that was attributed to sexual selection depended on the way the selective episodes were defined, the sample of individuals included in the partitioning analysis, and the degree of sexual selection on mated males that could be detected, my results caution against drawing conclusions about the dynamics of sexual selection on populations based on a superficial comparison of I values.  相似文献   

The mating success of larger male Drosophila melanogaster in the laboratory and the wild has been traditionally been explained by female choice, even though the reasons are generally hard to reconcile. Female choice can explain this success by virtue of females taking less time to mate with preferred males, but so can the more aggressive or persistent courtships efforts of large males. Since mating is a negotiation between the two sexes, the behaviors of both are likely to interact and influence mating outcomes. Using a series of assays, we explored these negotiations by testing for the relative influence of male behaviors and its effect on influencing female courtship arousal threshold, which is the time taken for females to accept copulation. Our results show that large males indeed have higher copulation success compared to smaller males. Competition between two males or an increasing number of males had no influence on female sexual arousal threshold;—females therefore may have a relatively fixed ‘arousal threshold’ that must be reached before they are ready to mate, and larger males appear to be able to manipulate this threshold sooner. On the other hand, the females’ physiological and behavioral state drastically influences mating; once females have crossed the courtship arousal threshold they take less time to mate and mate indiscriminately with large and small males. Mating quicker with larger males may be misconstrued to be due to female choice; our results suggest that the mating advantage of larger males may be more a result of heightened male activity and relatively less of female choice. Body size per se may not be a trait under selection by female choice, but size likely amplifies male activity and signal outputs in courtship, allowing them to influence female arousal threshold faster.  相似文献   

A model of mate selection is described in which females mate preferentially according to their probability of encounter with the males they prefer. In this model, different thresholds of response to the courtship of different male phenotypes determine the female mating preferences. Females with a lower threshold toward particular males require fewer encounters before mating with these males and more encounters before mating with any of the others. Such females mate preferentially if they encounter a male they prefer before they have been stimulated to the level of the higher threshold. At the higher threshold they mate at random. The number of the extra encounters required to raise the females' level of stimulation from the lower to the higher threshold is a parameter of the model. The frequency of the preferred males then determines the probability that a female encounters and mates with one of them before she has been sufficiently stimulated to mate at random. Sexual selection by differences in male courtship can also be described in terms of this model.The preferred characters may be determined either by dominant and recessive alleles or by each different genotype. When only one extra encounter is required before the females mate at random, the preferred males only gain a slight frequency-dependent advantage: Stable polymorphisms can only be maintained if the heterozygotes have the greater preference in their favor. When more than one extra encounter is required before random mating, the males gain a negative frequency-dependent advantage: Stable polymorphisms are generally maintained.The models are fitted to published data on the mating success of male Drosophila at varying frequencies and provide an explanation of the “rare male” effect in which less common males gain a mating advantage.  相似文献   

Male Pardosa milvina wolf spiders use their pedipalps both for copulation and courtship. Pedipalp loss is significantly more common among adult males compared to females. We measured the courtship and mating effects associated with the loss of one or both pedipalps among adult male P. milvina. Pedipalp loss significantly reduced courtship intensity, but had no influence on mounting success. Intact males were less likely to be cannibalized and suffered fewer predatory attacks by females than autotomized males. Loss of the left pedipalp resulted in significantly less intense courtship, higher female aggression levels, and delayed onset of courtship whereas loss of the right pedipalp minimally affected male and female behavior relative to intact males. Pedipalp displays may function in reducing female aggression rather than increasing female receptivity.  相似文献   

Because females often mate with multiple males, it is critical to expand our view of sexual selection to encompass pre-, peri- and post-copulatory episodes to understand how selection drives trait evolution. In Photinus fireflies, females preferentially respond to males based on their bioluminescent courtship signals, but previous work has shown that male paternity success is negatively correlated with flash attractiveness. Here, we experimentally manipulated both the attractiveness of the courtship signal visible to female Photinus greeni fireflies before mating and male nuptial gift size to determine how these traits might each influence mate acceptance and paternity share. We also measured pericopulatory behaviours to examine their influence on male reproductive success. Firefly males with larger spermatophores experienced dual benefits in terms of both higher mate acceptance and increased paternity share. We found no effect of courtship signal attractiveness or pericopulatory behaviour on male reproductive success. Taken together with previous results, this suggests a possible trade-off for males between producing an attractive courtship signal and investing in nuptial gifts. By integrating multiple episodes of sexual selection, this study extends our understanding of sexual selection in Photinus fireflies and provides insight into the evolution of male traits in other polyandrous species.  相似文献   

Male–male competition may interfere with the ability of females to choose mates by interrupting courtship or by favoring highly aggressive males who may damage females during mating attempts. Alternatively, females may benefit by mating with dominant males, and female choice and male–male competition may therefore act in unison. The same traits, including aggressiveness, may indicate male quality to females and to rivals. We investigated sexual selection in the black morph of the endemic Cuban poeciliid fish, Girardinus metallicus, to ascertain the links between morphological and behavioral traits and success in intra‐ and intersexual selection. Males conspicuously exhibit their black ventral surface and gonopodium to females during courtship. Dichotomous choice tests revealed female association preferences for certain males, and those same males were more successful in monopolizing access to females when the fish were allowed to directly interact. Dominant males followed, courted, and copulated with females more than subordinate males within a pair, and it appears that females could either assess dominance based on cues we did not measure, or could influence subsequent mating success by their behavior during the dichotomous choice trials. There was an interaction between black status (i.e., whether the male in each pair had more or less ventral black coloration than the other male in that pair) and dominance, such that low‐black dominant males courted early and then shifted to following females, whereas high‐black dominant males courted far more later in the observation period. These results hint at the importance for sexual selection of the interplay between a static morphological trait (black coloration) and a dynamic behavioral trait (aggressiveness), but the functional significance of the courtship display remains a mystery.  相似文献   

We separate the mating systems of odonates into two main groups: non-resource and resource-based systems. These two groups comprise five classes of mating system: encounter-limited mating, free female choice, resource-limitation, resource-control and female-control. These classes are consistent with previous classifications of odonate mating systems and with the overall classification of mating systems by Emlen & Oring (1977: Science, 797: 215–223). Whereas Emlen & Oring's classification of mating systems was concerned with differences in sexual selection between mating systems, our classification of odonate mating systems also addresses the influence of inter-and intra-sexual selection on males within a mating system. Predictions about such relationships are useful in multivariate analysis of odonate lifetime reproduction success. Among most odonate mating systems, much of the sexual selection on males results from male-male competition for access to mates. Sexual selection via female choice is relatively less important or operates indirectly through females' choices of times or places to mate. We place resource-control and resource-limitation at opposite ends of a resource-defence continuum and postulate female choice will have greater influence in mating systems that are more like a resource-limitation system and less influence in mating systems that are more like resource-control. Sexual selection is likely to be weak in species that resort to encounter-limited mating where longevity is likely to contribute strongly to variation in reproductive success. Females have limited opportunity to exercise choice among males in the female-control mating system and in this system selection is most likely to operate on male characters which contribute to their efficiency in searching for and capturing mates. Predictions about the differences in the intensity of sexual selection between different odonate mating systems should be made on the basis of the variation in the number of potential fertilizations per male or even per ejaculate, rather than the number of fertilizable females per male. Very different mating systems could result in similar patterns of variation in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Current concepts of sexual selection suggest that male reproductive success is determined by multiple sexual traits. As expression and production of multiple sexual traits are frequently associated with each other, positive or negative correlations among multiple sexual traits ensue. These relationships among traits associated with male reproductive success may be crucial in the evolution of male reproductive strategies. Here, we investigate phenotypic relationships among sexually selected traits in the armed bean bug Riptortus pedestris. In this insect, males with a larger body and weapon are more likely to win male–male competitions, and males with a larger weapon or higher courtship rate are more attractive to females. There was a significant positive correlation between body size and weapon size, whereas the courtship rate had significant negative correlations with body size and weapon size. Our results suggested that there was a phenotypic trade‐off between courtship rate and male morphology. In this insect, smaller males may make more effort in courtship behavior as an alternative mating tactic.  相似文献   

Previous studies on tree crickets have demonstrated female choice of males based on size and courtship feeding but less is known about sexual selection under conditions of direct mating competition. I studied courtship, aggression and mating of the black-horned tree cricket Oecanthus nigricornis (Walker) to test size-related sexual selection under conditions of direct sexual competition. Results show that larger individuals of both sexes mated more frequently than their smaller counterparts, and this was due to the ability of large individuals to out compete rivals. Large males achieved the advantage by aggressively reducing courtship by small males, whereas large females responded to male courtship more quickly but with little aggression. Although there was no evidence here for mate choice, there were advantages for having larger mates; fecundity increased with female size and spermatophores (which females consume after mating) increased with male size. Size of the specialized metanotal courtship gift, however, was not related to male size.  相似文献   

Parasite‐mediated models of sexual selection predict that females should avoid parasitized mates, thereby generating selection on male traits revealing health. The strength of this selection, however, may depend on the prevalence of parasitism among females if their infection status alters their mate preferences. We evaluated the effects of a socially transmitted parasite on male traits and female behaviour in spadefoot toads. Parasitized males were larger and in better condition than unparasitized males. Moreover, better condition males produced longer calls. Unparasitized females preferred longer calls indicative of good‐condition males that are more likely parasitized. By contrast, parasitized females as a group possessed no preference for call duration. Presumably because of reduced selection by these parasitized females, male mating success was not associated with any measured traits. Thus, when females are parasitized, sexual selection on condition‐dependent traits is potentially reduced.  相似文献   

Discriminating female mate preferences enhance the variance in reproductive success among males of a population and create a potential for sexual selection, which can account for trait evolution and diversification. Fish color patterns are among the prime targets of mate choice-driven sexual selection. Populations of the cichlid Tropheus from Lake Tanganyika display remarkable geographic color pattern variation, but the role of female choice in their rapid and rich phenotypic diversification is unclear. Males and females establish a pair bond prior to spawning monogamously, but as brood care is strictly maternal, female investment in reproduction is high and the operational sex ratio is male-biased. Therefore, variance in male reproductive success can accrue if individual males succeed repeatedly in securing a mate. To test this prediction in the red colored Tropheus moorii “Chimba”, four pairs of males were presented to a series of females and female mate preferences were inferred from pairwise interactions. There was a significant difference in mating success between the males of each pair (P < 0.001 over all trials), as—with one exception—females shared preferences for the same males. Male courtship activity was strongly correlated with female choice. Our experiment suggests that female choice contributes to the variance in male reproductive success in the tested population.  相似文献   

In sex‐role‐reversed species, sexual selection acts more strongly on females than on males, a situation that can result in the evolution of secondary sexual traits in females and strong mating preferences in males. While some research exploring mating preferences in sex‐role‐reversed species has been conducted, overall, this topic remains relatively unexplored. The Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli, is a highly polyandrous pipefish species. Sexual selection is significantly stronger in females than in males, which has led to the evolution of both morphological and behavioral female secondary sexual traits. However, because males gestate the offspring in specialized pouches and make a substantial investment in embryos during development, females may also benefit from being choosy. The goal of this study was to examine both male and female mating preferences in this species. We found that male mating preference was significantly associated with female courtship behavior. Larger females were also able to maintain these behaviors for longer intervals than smaller females. No evidence of female mating preference in regard to male size was observed but the data suggest that male behaviors may be providing positive reinforcement to courting females. This research provides further insight into how mate preferences vary among sex‐role‐reversed species.  相似文献   

All too often, studies of sexual selection focus exclusively on the responses in one sex, on single traits, typically those that are exaggerated and strongly sexually dimorphic. They ignore a range of less obvious traits and behavior, in both sexes, involved in the interactions leading to mate choice. To remedy this imbalance, we analyze a textbook example of sexual selection in the stalk‐eyed fly (Diasemopsis meigenii). We studied several traits in a novel, insightful, and efficient experimental design, examining 2,400 male–female pairs in a “round‐robin” array, where each female was tested against multiple males and vice versa. In D. meigenii, females exhibit strong mate preference for males with highly exaggerated eyespan, and so we deliberately constrained variation in male eyespan to reveal the importance of other traits. Males performing more precopulatory behavior were more likely to attempt to mate with females and be accepted by them. However, behavior was not a necessary part of courtship, as it was absent from over almost half the interactions. Males with larger reproductive organs (testes and accessory glands) did not make more mating attempts, but there was a strong tendency for females to accept mating attempts from such males. How females detect differences in male reproductive organ size remains unclear. In addition, females with larger eyespan, an indicator of size and fecundity, attracted more mating attempts from males, but this trait did not alter female acceptance. Genetic variation among males had a strong influence on male mating attempts and female acceptance, both via the traits we studied and other unmeasured attributes. These findings demonstrate the importance of assaying multiple traits in males and females, rather than focusing solely on prominent and exaggerated sexually dimorphic traits. The approach allows a more complete understanding of the complex mating decisions made by both males and females.  相似文献   

Courtship is well known for its positive effects on mating success. However, in polyandrous species, sexual selection continues to operate after copulation. Cryptic female choice is expected under unpredictable mating rates in combination with sequential mate encounters. However, there are very few accounts of the effects of courtship on cryptic female choice, and the available evidence is often correlative.Mature Argiope bruennichi females are always receptive and never attack or reject males before mating, although sexual cannibalism after mating occurs regularly. Still, males usually perform an energetic vibratory display prior to copulation. We tested the hypothesis that beneficial effects of courtship arise cryptically, during or after mating, resulting in increased paternity success under polyandry. Manipulating courtship duration experimentally, we found that males that mated without display had a reduced paternity share even though no differences in post-copulatory cannibalism or copulation duration were detected. This suggests that the paternity advantage associated with courtship arose through female-mediated processes after intromission, meeting the definition of cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the influence of female size on mating success in Drosophila melanogaster. The results that were obtained from experiments performed in mating chambers allowed us to confirm the results of previous studies, demonstrating higher mating success of larger D. melanogaster males, and to conclude that female size also affects mating success, either when considering a single male or two competing males. We observed that the advantage for larger males depends on their size relative to that of the female, demonstrating a previously unknown role for female size in mating behavior studies. This effect of female size on mating success depends on various factors: males take longer to initiate courtship toward larger females, large females receive more wing vibrations from males prior to mating, and large females tend to keep moving for longer periods during male courtship. The importance of this finding is discussed in the context of recent reports on sexual conflict in D. melanogaster, in which males were observed to depress fitness in females as a result of intercourse.  相似文献   

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