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刺五加的有性生殖与营养繁殖   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
刺五加 Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.)Maxim,既可进行有性繁殖,又可进行营养繁殖。本文报道其三类花丝长度不同的植株每个花序的花朵数量、座果率、饱满种子率及根茎形态和形态发生的某些特点。通过人工受精,检测了其繁育系统。结果表明:长花丝植株不座果,短花丝植株座果,但不同年份、不同生境中座果率不同,中花丝植株也座果但饱满种子率教低。在正常年份,短花丝植株的座果率接近40%,并且林缘的座果率稍高于皆伐迹地和次生林下的。考虑到中花丝植株在所研究地区居群数很少,我们认为绝大多数刺五加种子是异花传粉的产物,其有性生殖与营养繁殖相配合,在无人为破坏的前提下,该物种不应该濒危。  相似文献   

刺五加花的形态学及雄蕊异长现象的观察   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
刺五加Eleuthercoccocus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.)Maxim.具有花丝长度不同的三种植株类型,本文报道了其花序和花的形态结构,开花式样,异长雄蕊现象及相应的花柱长度。结果表明:长花丝长3.96~4. 44mm ,短花丝长0.45~0.93mm,中花丝长2.16~3.08mm。伴随异长雄蕊特征的其它表现在于花药大小、花药形状和颜色、花粉大小、花粉数量、柱头宽度和雌雄蕊育性。其中,长花丝对应的花药饱满、白色、花粉量大、花柱较短、雌性败育;短花丝对应的花药小、黄褐色、无花粉、花柱较长、雌性可育;中花丝对应的花药中等、花粉粒较大、雄性半不育、雌性可育。据此,刺五加被认为是单全异株的,其长花丝类型是雄性、短花丝类型是雌性、中花丝类型是两性的。另外,对三种性别形态类型的关系进行了讨论,并认为将雌株作为变种“短蕊刺五加”var.brevistaminea 显然是不恰当的。  相似文献   

刺五加(Eleutherococcus sentincosus)会成为濒危种吗?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刺五加是阔叶红松林及其次生林下的重要灌木。因其优良的药用功能和疗效,自70年代末进行工业生产以来,资源消耗与日俱增,1992年出版的《中国植物红皮书———稀有濒危植物》中,被列为渐危植物。本文通过野外调查、长期定位观测和实验生态学的试验,对影响刺五加种群持续和发展的内外因素进行了研究。认为造成刺五加种群迅速缩小的主要外因是不合理采挖。刺五加结实的植丛少,种子产量低、质量差、传播动力弱,并具有先天性休眠及自毒现象等一系列种群过程,是制约刺五加种群持续和扩展的内在因素。无性繁殖是维持现有种群的主要途径。长期无性繁殖可能导致遗传多样性下降,从而减弱了它对多变环境的抗逆性,若在外因的作用下可能使种群进一步缩小,进而增加其濒危的程度。  相似文献   

刺五加种子结构,后熟作用及其细胞化学研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刺五加种子为扁肾形,种皮由一层细胞构成。种子脱落时,胚处于心形胚期,胚周围的胚乳细胞解体形成囊腔包囊胚,胚细胞原生质浓厚,胚乳细胞中贮存大量蛋白质和脂类,但两者均未见贮存多糖,有萌发潜能的种子只占全部种子的12.80%,种子经变温层积处理6个月即可完成后熟过程,其细胞化学特点是:处理1.5个月时胚细胞中开始积累多糖颗粒,至4个月时达最大量并一直保持至种子萌发。试验地种植条件下饱满种子经18-20个  相似文献   

四合木种群生殖对策的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 通过研究四合木(Tetraena mongolica Maxim)种群的生殖对策,发现四合木既可进行有性生殖,又可进行营养繁殖,以有性生殖为其主要的生殖方式。有性生殖过程中具以下特征:1)具有自交和异交相结合的交配系统,异交比例(50%)高于自交比例(15%);2)具有花多果少的生殖格局,其开花率与生境、降水、植株年龄关系密切,不同种群的开花率有一定差异,种群的年龄结构对开花率有较大影响。在3~5月降水丰富的情况下,不仅开花比例高(40%~80%),且每一植株的花量很大。不同年份种群结实率普遍偏低,3~5月降雨较少的1996年平均结实率为19.8%;3~5月降雨较多的1998年为12.2%。只是由于开花基数大,对四合木种群种子的总产量不会造成较大威胁;3)胚胎发育过程中败育比率极高,只有约10%~20%的胚能发育成熟。  相似文献   

为什么自然条件下沙地柏种群以无性更新为主   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
 基于调查、实验和文献资料,作者探讨了沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)种群的繁殖特征和更新特征。1)根原基是沙地柏进行营养繁殖的结构基础,由根原基发育而成的不定根能够吸收充足的土壤资源供给萌生苗需要,因此定居的萌生苗能够独立维持。2)沙地柏同时具有营养繁殖和有性繁殖,因而沙地柏种群可通过无性更新和有性更新实现维持。3)种子质量极差、萌发率低和实生苗存活率低是制约沙地柏种群有性更新的3个“瓶颈”。4)沙地柏的营养繁殖力强、萌生苗存活率高、繁殖体的产生途径多样,这使自然条件下沙地柏种群以无性更新为主。  相似文献   

Growth and reproduction of spring ephemerals inhabiting deciduous forests progress simultaneously during a short period from snowmelt to canopy closure. To clarify the mechanism to mitigate the cost of reproduction, contributions of foliar and non-foliar photosynthetic products to seed production were examined in a spring ephemeral Gagea lutea. Leaf growth, foliar and non-foliar photosynthetic activities, and total assimilated products were compared among reproductive-intact, floral bud-removal, and vegetative plants. Translocation of current photosynthetic products to individual organs was quantified by 13CO2-trace experiment. Bulb growth was compared between hand-pollination and floral bud-removal treatments. Finally, seed set was compared between intact, leaf-clipping, and bract-clipping treatments. Fruit-forming plants retained leaves longer than vegetative and floral bud-removal plants, but the assimilative contribution of extended leaf longevity was negligible. Carbon supply by bract photosynthesis was large enough for fruit development, while carbon supply by fruit photosynthesis was offset by the high respiration loss. Foliar photosynthetic products were largely transported to bulbs, while translocation to reproductive functions was negligible. Because the floral bud-removal increased the bulb growth, lack of reproduction could lead to more storage. The leaf-clipping had no effect on seed production, while the bract-clipping significantly reduced the seed production. Therefore, current photosynthesis of leafy bracts might be a major carbon source for fruit development. This self-compensative mechanism of reproductive structure enables the continuous reproductive activity in this species.  相似文献   

植物有性繁殖与资源分配的关系研究对于揭示植物生活史特征及繁育系统进化具有重要意义。新疆郁金香(Tulipa sinkiangensis)是新疆天山北坡荒漠带特有的一种多年生早春短命植物。在自然生境中,该物种仅以有性繁殖产生后代,每株能产生1-8朵花,且不同植株上的花数及果实数以及花序不同位置上的花与果实大小明显不同。本文通过对新疆郁金香有性繁殖与营养生长及植株大小的关系以及花序中不同位置花及果实间的资源分配研究,旨在揭示营养生长、个体大小及开花次序对其繁殖分配的影响。结果表明:在开花和果实成熟阶段,新疆郁金香植株分配给营养器官(鳞茎和地上营养器官)与繁殖器官的资源间均存在极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),说明其植株的营养生长与生殖生长间存在权衡关系。多花是新疆郁金香的一个稳定性状,其植株上花数目、花生物量、果实生物量和种子数量与植株生物量间均呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),说明新疆郁金香植株的繁殖分配存在大小依赖性。在具2-5朵花的新疆郁金香植株中,花序内各花的生物量、花粉数和胚珠数、结实率、果实生物量、结籽数、结籽率及种子百粒重按其开花顺序依次递减,说明花序内各花和果实的资源分配符合资源竞争假说。植株通过减少晚发育的花或果实获得的资源来保障早发育的花或果实获得较多的资源,从而达到繁殖成功。  相似文献   

The effects of a rust infection (Sphenosphora saphena, Basidiomycetes) on several fitness components of the orchid Tolumnia (Oncidium) variegata were quantified in a subtropical moist forest of Puerto Rico. Infected and uninfected plants of two size categories were observed and manipulated by increasing natural levels of fruit production to determine the effects of infection on short and long-term sexual reproduction, subsequent vegetative and reproductive growth, and mortality. Under artificially high levels of fruit production, infection had no effect on short or long-term reproduction through male or female function except for a modest decline in seed viability in small plants. Under natural levels of fruit production, infection was only related to a reduction in the number of leaves per shoot. At artificially high levels of fruit production, infection reduced leaf length, leaf width, and the number of live shoots. Survival was not associated with rust occurrence. The rust appears to have minor ecological impact on this orchid population.  相似文献   

Abstract Life history characteristics, e.g., stage class structures of natural populations and associated reproductive characteristics, were studied for six sessile-flowered, diploid Trillium (Liliaceae) species that are restricted to the Coastal Plain region of the southeastern United States.
These sessile-flowered species reproduce primarily by vegetative propagation. Leaf area measurements were used to categorize stage class distributions of natural populations. Populations propagating mainly by vegetative reproduction had non-sigmoidal, convex-shaped population structures with most plants being in the intermediate stage classes. Low numbers of individuals in smaller stage classes and an abundance of intermediate sized individuals are due to the fact that vegetative propagules are the primary method for maintenance of local populations.
Characteristics associated with sexual reproduction were also examined. Seed output averaged about 20 seeds per plant, except for T. lancifolium which produced 9.7 seeds on the average. Seed setting rates varied between 15.61–44.15% and mean seed weight varied from 4.89 to 10.75 mg. The dominance of vegetative versus sexual reproduction may be due to the fact that all six species occur in ecologically unstable flood plain habitats.  相似文献   

Because monocarpic perennial plants have only one reproductive opportunity in their entire life, they need to ensure offspring production. Some plants reproduce both sexually and vegetatively, and vegetative reproduction could possibly compensate for seed production. Therefore, the role and significance of these reproductive modes is likely to differ between monocarps and polycarps, which can reproduce many times. Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii is a monocarpic perennial that reproduces both sexually and vegetatively (bulblet formation). Here, we investigated the characteristics and contribution to population maintenance of sexual and vegetative reproduction to reveal the significance of these two reproductive modes in this species. First, we found that bulblet formation occurred in plants after the three‐leaved rosette stage. Second, resource allocation experiments revealed that although resources were mainly invested in fruit maturation after the flowering season, resource allocation was switched from sexual reproduction to vegetative reproduction if seed production was insufficient. Third, the outcrossing rate in this species varied greatly according to the environment surrounding the population. However, reproductive assurance by selfing kept seed production stable even if flowers did not receive sufficient pollen for full seed set via outcross pollination, and moreover, there was no intensive inbreeding depression. Finally, genotypic identification of ramets suggested that daughter ramets derived from vegetative reproduction received the space that the mother flowering ramet had occupied until the previous year.  相似文献   

The dependence of vegetative propagation on the production of individual plants was examined inDisporum smilacinum A. Gray on the basis of shading experiments and field surveys. This species typically showed four types of reproductive behavior: sterile plants producing one plantlet (no propagation), sterile plants producing more than two plantlets (vegetative propagation), fertile plants producing one plantlet (sexual reproduction) and fertile plants producing more than two plantlets (both sexual reproduction and vegetative propagation). The propagation ofD. smilacinum was clearly related to the annual net production of each individual plant. The probability of a mother plant producing more than two vegetative propagules (plantlets) increased with net production of the plant in the current year. The number of propagules per plant and runner length increased with net production. It was possible to explain the types of reproductive behavior of this species on the basis of both the initial plant size before sprouting and its net production during the growing season. There was a critical initial plant size for sexual reproduction and a critical level of production for vegetative propagation.  相似文献   

Available resources could influence the trade-offs among different reproductive components in plants. Here, we created three nutrient levels to test the nutrient effects on trade-offs among sexual reproduction, clonal propagation and vegetative growth in a monoecious clonal herb Sagittaria pygmaea. The results of this study showed that the plant exhibited different trade-off patterns among different nutrient levels. When the nutrient level was low, there were weak trade-offs between sexual reproduction and vegetative growth and between clonal propagation and vegetative growth; when the nutrient level was moderate, we found a strong trade-off between sexual reproduction and clonal propagation; but when the nutrient level was high, we found no trade-offs among these three different reproductive components. These results indicated that the plant could adjust its trade-off patterns to fit the nutrient variation and suggested that trade-offs are unlikely to constrain the evolution of reproductive strategy in this species.  相似文献   

Seeds of Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms were flat-kidney-shaped and their seed coats were only composed of one layer of cells. Embryos with abundant protein in their cells were just at the heart-shaped stage and were capped by sacs formed from degenerating endosperm cells when seeds shed from their maternal plants. A large amount of stored protein grains and lipids existed in endosperm cells but no polysaccharide grains were present either in endosperm cells or in embryo cells. Viable seeds were only 9.27% of the total. The plump seeds germinated in the cultivated field after 18~19 months and their germinating rate was 1.67%. Besides, the content of protein decreased gradually and a few polysaccharide grains were stored in embryo cells during the process. The afterripening process of seeds stratified at different temperatures ended after 6 months and the cytochemistry features of the seeds were that the content of protein decreased gradually and numerous polysaccharide grains had been stored in embryo cells at the late heart-shaped embryo stage and retained till the mature embryo stage. The structure, afterripening and cytochemistry of seeds were compared between Eleutherococcus brachypus and Eleutherococcus senticosus. The poor quality of the seeds, longer time of afterripening in a natural state and much lower germination rate of E. brachypus are considered to be important reasons for the endangerment of this species. Somemeasures are suggested for its conservation based on the above facts.  相似文献   

Ecological invasions are a major issue worldwide, where successful invasion depends on traits that facilitate dispersion, establishment, and population growth. The nonnative succulent plant Kalanchoe pinnata, reported as invasive in some countries, is widespread in remnants of seasonally dry tropical forest on a volcanic outcrop with high conservation value in east‐central Mexico where we assessed its mating system and demographic growth and identified management strategies. To understand its local mating system, we conducted hand‐pollination treatments, germination, and survival experiments. Based on the experimental data, we constructed a life‐stage population matrix, identified the key traits for population growth, weighted the contributions of vegetative and sexual reproduction, and evaluated management scenarios. Hand‐pollination treatments had slight effects on fruit and seed setting, as well as on germination. With natural pollination treatment, the successful germination of seeds from only 2/39 fruit suggests occasional effective natural cross‐pollination. The ratios of the metrics for self‐ and cross‐pollinated flowers suggest that K. pinnata is partially self‐compatible. Most of the pollinated flowers developed into fruit, but the seed germination and seedling survival rates were low. Thus, vegetative propagation and juvenile survival are the main drivers of population growth. Simulations of a virtual K. pinnata population suggest that an intense and sustained weeding campaign will reduce the population within at least 10 years. Synthesis and applications. The study population is partially self‐compatible, but sexual reproduction by K. pinnata is limited at the study site, and population growth is supported by vegetative propagation and juvenile survival. Demographic modeling provides key insights and realistic forecasts on invasion process and therefore is useful to design management strategies.  相似文献   

在2007和2008年对大花百子莲(Agapanthus praecox subsp.orientalis‘Big Blue’)在群体、果序和单果水平上的结实和结籽格局进行了观测,并依据每花序单花数、单花胚珠数和单粒种子质量推算其单株潜在种子产量;此外,采用人工补充授粉方法研究了不同授粉方式对大花百子莲结实和结籽的影响,并对其种子产量的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:从始花期、盛花期至末花期,随开花时间的延迟,大花百子莲植株的每花序单花数和座果率均逐渐降低,其中始花期开花的植株每花序单花数和座果率均最高。从果序基部、中部至顶端,座果率和结籽率均逐渐减小且差异显著。在果序基部和中部,果实内种子败育率沿果实基部至顶端依次降低,而单粒种子质量则依次增加;且果序基部的果实各部位的种子败育率均低于果序中部的果实,而单粒种子质量则差异不大。大花百子莲的单株潜在种子产量约为43.18 g,而其单株实际种子产量约为2.87 g,远低于其潜在种子产量。自然授粉的大花百子莲每柱头花粉数为27.5粒,而自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的每柱头花粉数均超过100粒;与自然授粉、自花授粉和同株异花授粉植株相比,异株授粉植株的座果率和结籽率均显著增加。研究结果显示:大花百子莲的结实和结籽格局呈现非随机分布规律,在引种地存在有性繁殖障碍;养分和授粉状况是制约大花百子莲种子产量的重要因素。  相似文献   

川八角莲繁殖生态学初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对川八角莲(Dysosma veitchii)3个种群进行的繁殖生态学研究结果表明:川八角莲主要分布在常绿阔叶林下,个体在种群内呈片丛状分布或为散生。川八角莲只进行有性生殖,由种子萌发至性成熟约需要5~6年。性成熟植株的花芽在开放前一年8月上旬开始形成,至11月上旬营养生长结束时花各部分已分化完全。川八角莲为自花受粉植物,限制结实率与结籽率的主要因素是花的构造不利于授粉以及营养竞争。果实与种子的近距离散布主要通过重力和蚂蚁,远距离散布主要通过鸟和啮齿类食用果实来进行。在自然条件下,川八角莲不进行营养繁殖,但在人工条件下,可用根来进行营养繁殖。  相似文献   

紫茉莉入侵特性及其入侵风险评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在实验室条件下测定了紫茉莉(Mirabilis jalapa)的有性繁殖能力、营养繁殖能力、化感作用和耐盐特性,对其入侵特性进行了初步研究,并对其入侵风险进行了评估,结果表明:(1)紫茉莉种子繁殖能力强,根和茎亦具有营养繁殖能力;(2)紫茉莉种子萌发期间耐盐性强于耐盐植物蜀葵;(3)紫茉莉对其它植物具有较强的化感作用潜能,对小麦和白菜的种子萌发及幼苗生长产生明显的抑制作用.因此,紫茉莉具有较高入侵风险,是一种能对入侵地生态系统安全和生物多样性构成威胁的外来物种,必须对其严格加以控制.  相似文献   

Clonal spread is favoured in many plants at the expense of seed production in order to expand rapidly into open habitats or to occupy space by forming dense patches. However, for the dynamics of a population in a patchy landscape seed dispersal remains important even for clonal plants. We used a spatially explicit individual-based metapopulation model to examine the consequences of two trade-offs in Hieracium pilosella L: first, between vegetative and sexual reproduction, and second, between short and far-distance dispersal of seeds. Our main question was, what are the environmental conditions that cause a mixed strategy of vegetative and sexual reproduction to be optimal. The model was parameterised with field data on local population dynamics of H. pilosella. Patch dynamics were given firstly by disturbance events that opened patches in a matrix of a clonal grass that were colonisable for H. pilosella, and secondly by the gradual disappearance of H. pilosella patches due to the expanding grass. Simulations revealed opposing selection pressures on traits determined by the two trade-offs. Vegetative reproduction is favoured by local dynamics, i.e. the need for maintenance and expansion of established populations, whereas seed production is favoured by the necessity to colonise empty habitats. Similar pressures act on the proportion of seeds dispersed over short and far distances. Optimum reproductive and dispersal strategies depended on habitat quality (determined by seedling establishment probability), the fraction of dispersed seeds, and the fraction of seeds lost on unsuitable ground. Under habitat conditions supporting moderate to low seedling establishment, between 20% and 40% of reproductive effort in H. pilosella should be devoted to sexual reproduction with at least 10% of the seeds dispersed over distances suitable to attain empty patches. We conclude that in a spatially heterogeneous landscape sexual seed production in a clonal plant is advantageous even at the expense of local vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Sylvi M. Sandvik 《Oikos》2001,93(2):303-311
If reproduction involves costs, preventing reproduction one year should result in increased growth and/or reproduction the next year. Costs of reproduction in the late-flowering perennial alpine herb Saxifraga stellaris were studied in an experimental field study. To determine whether cost of reproduction differed between two contrasting temperature regimes, I examined plants in Open Top Chambers (OTCs) and control plots. One year before measurements all flower buds on the experiment plants were removed. There was no impact of the flower bud removal or the interaction between flower removal and temperature on prefloration time or seed maturation time. However, cost of reproduction influenced growth (somatic cost), vegetative propagation, flowering frequency, number of stem per ramet, number of fruits, and seed mass (demographic cost). However, significant interaction effects of flower removal and temperature on growth and fruit production revealed that the cost of reproduction differed between the two temperature regimes. The warmed plants showed reduced cost of reproduction compared to plants growing under natural temperature.  相似文献   

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