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Interactions between parasitic cuckoos and their songbird hosts form a classical reciprocal “arms race,” and are an excellent model for understanding the process of coevolution. Changes in host egg coloration via the evolution of interclutch variation in egg color or intraclutch consistency in egg color are hypothesized counter adaptations that facilitate egg recognition and thus limit brood parasitism. Whether these antiparasitism strategies are maintained when the selective pressure of parasitism is relaxed remains debated. However, introduced species provide unique opportunities for testing the direction and extent of natural selection on phenotypic trait maintenance and variation. Here, we investigated egg rejection behavior and egg color polymorphism in the red‐billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), a common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) host, in a population introduced to Hawaii 100 years ago (breeding without cuckoos) and a native population in China (breeding with cuckoos). We found that egg rejection ability was equally strong in both the native and the introduced populations, but levels of interclutch variation and intraclutch consistency in egg color in the native population were higher than in the introduced population. This suggests that egg rejection behavior in hosts can be maintained in the absence of brood parasitism and that egg appearance is maintained by natural selection as a counter adaptation to brood parasitism. This study provides rare evidence that host antiparasitism strategies can change under parasite‐relaxed conditions and reduced selection pressure.  相似文献   

Automated analysis of acoustic communities is a rapidly emerging approach for the characterization and monitoring of biodiversity. To evaluate its utility, we should verify that such ‘bioacoustics’ can accurately detect ecological signal in spatiotemporal acoustic data. Targeting the ‘Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project’ sites in Brazil, we ask: What is the relative contribution of the spatial, temporal and habitat dimension to variation in bird acoustic communities in a previously fragmented tropical rainforest? Does the functional diversity of bird communities scale similarly to space and time as does species diversity, when both are recorded by bioacoustics means? Overall, is the imprint of landscape fragmentation 30 years ago still audible in the present‐day soundscape? We sampled forty‐four sites in secondary forest and 107 sites in old‐growth forest, resulting in 11 000 h of audio recordings. We detected 60 bird species with satisfactory precision and recovered a linear log–log relation between sampling time and species diversity. Sites in primary forest host more species than sites in secondary forest, but the difference decreased with sampling time, as the slope was slightly higher in secondary than primary forests. Functional diversity, as exposed by vocalizing birds, accumulates faster than does species diversity. The similarity among local communities decreases with distance in both time and space, but stability in time is remarkably high: two acoustic samples from the same site one year (or more) apart prove more similar than two samples taken at the same time but from sites situated just a few hundred meters apart. These findings suggest that habitat modification can be heard as a long‐lasting imprint on the soundscape of regenerating habitats and identify soundscape–area and soundscape–time relations as a promising tool for biodiversity research, applied biomonitoring and restoration ecology.  相似文献   

Understanding the dietary consumption and selection of wild populations of generalist herbivores is hampered by the complex array of factors. Here, we determine the influence of habitat, season, and animal density, sex, and age on the diet consumption and selection of 426 red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) culled in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Our site differs from studies elsewhere both in habitat (evergreen angiosperm‐dominated forests) and the intensity of hunting pressures. We predicted that deer would not consume forage in proportion to its relative availability, and that dietary consumption would change among and within years in response to hunting pressures that would also limit opportunities for age and sex segregation. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we evaluated the relative importance of different drivers of variation in diet consumption assessed from gut content and related these to available forage in the environment. We found that altitude explained the largest proportion of variation in diet consumption, reflecting the ability of deer to alter their consumption and selection in relation to their foraging grounds. Grasses formed a high proportion of the diet consumption, even for deer culled several kilometres from the alpine grasslands. In the winter months, when the alpine grasslands were largely inaccessible, less grass was eaten and deer resorted to woody plants that were avoided in the summer months. Surprisingly, there were no significant dietary differences between adults and juveniles and only subtle differences between the sexes. Sex‐based differences in diet consumption are commonly observed in ungulate species and we suggest that they may have been reduced in our study area owing to decreased heterogeneity in available forage as the diversity of palatable species decreased under high deer browsing pressures, or by intense hunting pressure.  相似文献   

Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lep: Pyralidae), were released into sweet corn (Zea mays L.) fields to study the effects of weather, plant size and distribution of egg masses on egg parasitism by the wasp. Sentinel European corn borer eggs were stapled onto leaves located in the upper, middle and lower third of sweet corn plants 5 to 35 meters away from the wasp release point in either a radial or grid manner. Weather conditions and plant architecture were monitored during the experiments. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that percentage of eggs parasitized was negatively related to an increase in leaf area as well as an increase in distance eggs were located from the point of release of wasps. Eggs distributed on plants at different directions from the release point received different levels of parasitism. Eggs that were stapled onto leaves in the upper third of a corn plant received much less parasitism than those on the middle and lower third of the plant. Higher mean temperature adversely affected the level of parasitism during hotter times of the season and conversely, lower temperatures (<17 °C ) reduced the egg parasitism during cooler times of the season. The longer the exposure of eggs to wasps, the higher the level of egg parasitism. However, the levels of egg parasitism for 2 day's exposure were almost the same as that for 3 day's exposure due to the limited longevity and egg-laying behavior of the wasp. These results suggest that inundative releases of T. ostriniae should be made every two to three days, with multiple release points per hectare. In addition, weather conditions and plant architecture, especially temperature, plant height and leaf area must be taken into consideration to optimize levels of parasitism.  相似文献   

Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) parasitoids have been commonly used as biological control agents in insect pest management. Host quality is believed to influence parasitism, host preference, and suitability for parasitoids. To date, limited studies have compared the parasitism of Trichogramma parasitoids on fertilized, unfertilized, and sterilized host eggs. Hence, we studied the performance of three Trichogramma egg parasitoids, Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead, Trichogramma chilonis Ishii, and Trichogramma leucaniae Pang & Chen, on fertilized, unfertilized, and ultraviolet (UV)‐irradiated fertilized (UVF) eggs of rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). In a no‐choice test, T. japonicum and T. leucaniae parasitized significantly more fertilized or UVF than unfertilized hosts, and T. chilonis parasitized significantly more UVF than either fertilized or unfertilized hosts. In a choice test, all three Trichogramma parasitoids parasitized UVF hosts the most, and unfertilized hosts the least. There were similar percentages of adult emergence and female progeny among fertilized, unfertilized, and UVF hosts for all three Trichogramma parasitoids, except that T. japonicum had significantly lower adult emergence on fertilized hosts. We also found that all three Trichogramma parasitoids developed slower on unfertilized hosts. Regardless of host treatments, T. leucaniae had the longest developmental time and T. chilonis had the shortest. We conclude that Trichogramma parasitoids prefer parasitizing UVF eggs of C. cephalonica without negative effects on their emergence and sex allocation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian brood parasites usually remove or puncture host eggs. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the function of these behaviors. Removing or puncturing host eggs may enhance the efficiency of incubation of cowbird eggs (incubation‐efficiency hypothesis) or reduce competition for food between cowbird and host chicks in parasitized nests (competition‐reduction hypothesis) and, in nonparasitized nests, may force hosts to renest and provide cowbirds with new opportunities for parasitism when nests are too advanced to be parasitized (nest‐predation hypothesis). Puncturing eggs may also allow cowbirds to assess the development of host eggs and use this information to decide whether to parasitize a nest (test‐incubation hypothesis). From 1999 to 2002, we tested these hypotheses using a population of Creamy‐bellied Thrushes (Turdus amaurochalinus) in Argentina that was heavily parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). We found that 56 of 94 Creamy‐bellied Thrush nests (60%) found during nest building or egg laying were parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds, and the mean number of cowbird eggs per parasitized nest was 1.6 ± 0.1 (N= 54 nests). At least one thrush egg was punctured in 71% (40/56) of parasitized nests, and 42% (16/38) of nonparasitized nests. We found that cowbird hatching success did not differ among nests where zero, one, or two thrush eggs were punctured and that the proportion of egg punctures associated with parasitism decreased as incubation progressed. Thus, our results do not support the incubation‐efficiency, nest‐predation, or test‐incubation hypotheses. However, the survival of cowbird chicks in our study was negatively associated with the number of thrush chicks. Thus, our results support the competition‐reduction hypothesis, with Shiny Cowbirds reducing competition between their young and host chicks by puncturing host eggs in parasitized nests.  相似文献   

The spatio‐temporal dynamics of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was investigated to evaluate the effect of the landscape elements and host plants on pest distribution, in an agricultural landscape of 500 ha located in Central Italy. Two farms (farm 1 and farm 2) are located in the experimental area, composing mixed fruit orchards and surrounded by hedgerows, small woodlots, private gardens and cereal fields. Ceratitis capitata population fluctuation was monitored, from 2006 to 2008, using traps baited with trimedlure. Geostatistical methods such as Inverse distance squared weighted were used to obtain distributional maps of adults, mainly males. Results showed that the adult Mediterranean fruit flies were primarily distributed inside farm 1, with the maximum density found in the months of September and October. Away from the principal host plants, particularly in cereal fields, the number of trapped individuals was always low or zero. In both farms, flies were caught sequentially in traps located on host plants (i.e. peach, apple, pear, oriental persimmon and prickly pear) at varying times of maturation, especially when fruits remained on the trees. Distributional maps provided evidence that allowed to identify habitats in which the fly developed early in the season (mixed peach orchards) and afterwards during the periodic flights.  相似文献   

  • 1 The allocation of defensive compounds of transgenic Bt (cv. GK‐12) and nontransgenic cotton (cv. Simian‐3) grown in elevated CO2 in response to infestation by cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was studied in closed‐dynamics CO2 chambers.
  • 2 A significant reduction in foliar nitrogen content and Bt toxin protein occurred when transgenic Bt cotton grew under elevated CO2. A significantly higher carbon/nitrogen ratio as well as condensed tannin and gossypol contents was observed for transgenic Bt (cv. GK‐12) and nontransgenic cotton in elevated CO2, in partial support of the carbon nutrient balance hypothesis as a result of limiting nitrogen and excess carbon in cotton plants in response to elevated CO2.
  • 3 The CO2 level and infestation time significantly affected the foliar nitrogen, condensed tannin, gossypol and Bt toxin protein contents of cotton plants after feeding by H. armigera. The interaction between CO2 levels × cotton variety had a significant effect on foliar nitrogen content after injury by H. armigera.

Among the great diversity of insect–fungus associations, fungal mimicry of termite eggs is a particularly fascinating consequence of evolution. Along with their eggs, Reticulitermes termites often harbour sclerotia of the fungus Fibularhizoctonia sp., called ‘termite balls’, giving the fungus competitor‐free habitat within termite nests. The fungus has evolved sophisticated morphological and chemical camouflage to mimic termite eggs. To date, this striking insect–fungus association has been found in eight temperate termite species, but is restricted to the lower termite genera Reticulitermes and Coptotermes. Here, we report the discovery of a novel type of termite ball (‘Z‐type’) in the subtropical termite, Nasutitermes takasagoensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Z‐type termite ball is an undescribed Trechisporoid fungus, Trechispora sp., that is phylogenetically distant from Fibularhizoctonia, indicating two independent origins of termite‐egg mimicry in sclerotium‐forming fungi. Egg protection bioassays using dummy eggs revealed that Reticulitermes speratus and N. takasagoensis differ in egg‐size preference. A comparative study of termite ball size and egg‐size preference of host termites showed that both fungi evolved a termite ball size that optimized the acceptance of termite balls as a unit investment. Termite‐egg mimicry by these fungi offers a model case of parallel evolution. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 531–537.  相似文献   

Parasitoids play an important role in ecosystem functioning through their influence on herbivorous insect populations. Theoretical and experimental evidence suggest that increased species richness can enhance and stabilize ecosystem function. It is important to understand how richness‐driven functional relationships change across environmental gradients. We investigated how temperature affected the relationship between parasitoid richness and parasitism rate in a guild of gall‐parasitoids along an elevational gradient. We collected galls at 15 sites along five elevational gradients (between 762 m and 1145 m asl) on six occasions over a year. A total of 1902 insects, including 1593 parasitoids, were reared from 12 402 galls. Parasitism rate increased significantly with temperature on all sampling occasions, except December and February. We found a significant, positive richness–parasitism relationship. This relationship, however, was weaker at higher elevations which may be linked to decreased functional efficiency of parasitoids at lower temperatures. Temporal variability in parasitism rate and parasitoid richness were significantly related, regardless of temperature. A stable functional guild of this kind may provide a more reliable ecosystem service under environmental changes.  相似文献   

Inundative releases of Trichogramma minutum Riley were made in a commercialblueberry field in British Columbia, Canada, todetermine the extent of dispersal of adult wasps, andto determine whether complete parasitism of eggswithin egg masses of the target host [oblique-bandedleafroller (OBLR), Choristoneura rosaceana(Harris)] occurred. Three weekly releases of waspswere made from a single release point in the center ofeach field during the flight of first generation OBLRadults. Sticky trap, sentinel egg mass andtarget-host egg mass data all indicated only a limitedrange of dispersal of T. minutum within thefield. In addition, only partial parasitism of eggmasses of the target host occurred even in closeproximity to the release point. We discuss theimportance of determining the response of Trichogramma females to previously-parasitized eggswhen using Trichogramma wasps for biologicalcontrol of lepidopterous species that oviposit largeegg masses.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the effect of herbaceous layer on seedling establishment of three woody pioneer species in open areas of central Chile under a semi‐arid mediterranean climate? How do inter‐annual and habitat conditions (slope aspect) modulate this effect? Under high stress conditions such as the drier year and habitat (north‐facing slope) do herbs reach low abundance and have neutral effects on woody seedlings? Under medium stress conditions for these woody species, such as the wetter year and south‐facing slope, does the herbaceous layer reach greater abundance and have positive effects on woody seedlings due to increasing soil water content? Location: A watershed on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile, subjected to clearing of woody vegetation through firewood extraction and human‐set fires. Methods: In spring 2007, we set up 20 plots (3 m × 2 m). Half of each plot had herbs removed manually and by application of herbicide. In both halves of each plot, one seedling (8 months old) of each of the three native woody species (Colliguaya odorifera, Schinus polygamus and Quillaja saponaria) was planted and survival monitored subsequently. The experiment was repeated in two consecutive growing seasons (2007–2008 and 2008–2009) that differed significantly in total precipitation (152 and 256.5 mm, respectively), and replicated in two sites that differed in aspect and abiotic conditions: a moister south‐ and a drier north‐facing slope. Results: In the first and drier year, the herbaceous layer had low cover and no significant effect on seedling survival of woody species. During the second year, herbs had greater cover and a significant positive effect on spring survival of C. odorifera in the north‐facing slope, which was lost after summer. During this wetter year on the south‐facing slope, herb cover had a positive effect on survival of S. polygamus (mainly during summer). Conclusions: The role of mostly ruderal herbs on woody seedling establishment depended on the species, rainfall of the current year and slope aspect, and may be explained by soil moisture patterns. This suggests that the effect of ruderal herbs on woody seedlings shifts from neutral under high stress conditions produced by drought to positive under moderate stress conditions. Our results contribute to understand interactions between ruderal herbs and woody species under contrasting abiotic conditions. Therefore, control of the herbaceous layer may not be needed in restoration programmes for this region. Moreover, herbs may benefit restoration of woody cover in mesic habitats.  相似文献   

Understory plants are an important component of the high plant species diversity characteristic of neotropical rain forests. Herbs, shrubs, understory trees, and saplings of canopy trees occupy a broadly uniform environment of abundant rainfall, low light levels, and high humidity. We asked whether this community at the La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica was structured by environmental filters such as soil origin, topographic position, and understory light availability. We used nested quadrats to assess effects of soil origin (recent alluvium, weathered alluvium, residual volcanic soil) and topographic position (ridges, mid‐slopes and flats) on species composition, density, and diversity and measured six edaphic and understory light parameters. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordinations were based on frequency of occurrence in 20 quadrats for 272 species in the shrub size class and 136 species in the small‐tree size class for 17 sites. Three axes were correlated with composite environmental variables produced by principal component analysis representing slope, extractable phosphorus, and light. NMS site positions also reflected soil origin, topographic position, and geographic location. The analyses illustrated a complex community structured by species responses to environmental filters at multiple, interdigitated spatial scales. We suggest that light availability affected by canopy dynamics and dispersal limitation provides additional sources of variation in species distributions, which interact with edaphic patterns in complex ways. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Abstract Determining total annual seed loss from seed predators is an important step in quantifying the role they have in modifying plant populations. Total seed loss is typically estimated with a single, well‐timed survey. However, this overlooks the potential importance of within‐season patterns of seed availability and insect activity, particularly where seed gain and loss are not synchronous and where insects are multivoltine. In Australia the introduced legume weed, Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpinaceae) is one such example. A replicated survey was conducted throughout a single cropping season in two contrasting habitats (uplands and wetland) to estimate total annual seed loss from seed predation and to test the relative importance of seed availability, seed feeder abundance, seed feeder behaviour and parasitism in determining total seed loss. Two seed feeders were present, the introduced biological control agent Penthobruchus germaini (Pic) (Bruchidae) and the moth, Mesophleps palpigera (Walsingham) (Gelechiidae). Seed availability patterns differed with habitat, with a greater proportion of seeds being available for longer in uplands, and resulted in total seed consumption by the beetle being twice as high in the uplands (5.2%) and no difference between habitats for the moth. Total seed loss from beetle predation was restricted by the egg parasitoid Uscana sp. (Trichogrammatidae), which was abundant throughout the season, and also by unexplained larval mortalities. This study highlights the potential importance of within‐season interactions between plant, seed feeder, natural enemies and environment in determining total seed loss through predation. The possible population and evolutionary consequences of such interactions for both the plant and the seed feeder require further consideration.  相似文献   

Many organisms rely on synchronizing the timing of their life‐history events with those of other trophic levels—known as phenological matching—for survival or successful reproduction. In temperate deciduous forests, the extent of matching with the budburst date of key tree species is of particular relevance for many herbivorous insects and, in turn, insectivorous birds. In order to understand the ecological and evolutionary forces operating in these systems, we require knowledge of the factors influencing leaf emergence of tree communities. However, little is known about how phenology at the level of individual trees varies across landscapes, or how consistent this spatial variation is between different tree species. Here, we use field observations, collected over 2 years, to characterize within‐ and between‐species differences in spring phenology for 825 trees of six species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Fagus sylvatica, Betula pendula, Corylus avellana, and Acer pseudoplatanus) in a 385‐ha woodland. We explore environmental predictors of individual variation in budburst date and bud development rate and establish how these phenological traits vary over space. Trees of all species showed markedly consistent individual differences in their budburst timing. Bud development rate also varied considerably between individuals and was repeatable in oak, beech, and sycamore. We identified multiple predictors of budburst date including altitude, local temperature, and soil type, but none were universal across species. Furthermore, we found no evidence for interspecific covariance of phenology over space within the woodland. These analyses suggest that phenological landscapes are highly complex, varying over small spatial scales both within and between species. Such spatial variation in vegetation phenology is likely to influence patterns of selection on phenology within populations of consumers. Knowledge of the factors shaping the phenological environments experienced by animals is therefore likely to be key in understanding how these evolutionary processes operate.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that leaf‐cutting ant populations benefit greatly from living in or near the edges of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. One of the mechanisms responsible for this rise in population density is an edge‐mediated increase of pioneer plants, resulting in increased food availability for the ants (i.e., less bottom‐up control). Here, we hypothesized that the release from natural enemies (i.e., less top‐down control) may also contribute to the phenomenon. We investigated whether parasitism of phorid flies on leaf‐cutting ants decreases in colonies located along the forest edge vs. the interior of a large tract of Atlantic forest in northeastern Brazil. For this, we assessed abundance and rates of oviposition attack by phorids in bimonthly intervals over a period of 1 year in 10 adult colonies of Atta cephalotes (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), five at the forest edge and five in the forest interior. The number of phorids attracted by ants at edge colonies was 40% lower than that at interior colonies. The temporal variation in phorid attraction was also significant, with approximately 35% fewer flies in the dry months as compared to the rainy months. As a result of lower phorid abundance, ant workers of edge colonies suffered three times fewer oviposition attacks than those of interior colonies. There was a tendency for fewer attacks during dry months, but the difference in the temporal variation was not significant. Our findings suggest that edge creation contributes to increased leaf‐cutting ant abundance, not only via the attenuation of bottom‐up forces, but also through an environmentally triggered depression of parasitoid abundance/efficiency, possibly because of adverse environmental conditions in edge habitats.  相似文献   

A. Kruess  T. Tscharntke 《Oecologia》2000,123(1):129-137
Effects of habitat fragmentation on species diversity and herbivore-parasitoid interactions were analyzed using the insect community of seed feeders and their parasitoids in the pods of the bush vetch (Vicia sepium L.). Field studies were carried out on 18 old meadows differing in area and isolation. The area of these meadows was found to be the major determinant of species diversity and population abundance of endophagous insects. Effects of isolation were further analyzed experimentally using 16 small plots with potted vetch plants isolated by 100–500 m from vetch populations on large old meadows. The results showed that colonization success greatly decreased with increasing isolation. In both cases, insect species were not equally affected. Parasitoids suffered more from habitat loss and isolation than their phytophagous hosts. Minimum area requirements, calculated from logistic regressions, were higher for parasitoids than for herbivores. In addition, percent parasitism of the herbivores significantly decreased with area loss and increasing isolation of Vicia sepium plots, supporting the trophic-level hypothesis of island biogeography. Species with high rates of absence on meadows and isolated plant plots were not only characterized by their high trophic level, but also by low abundance and high spatial population variability. Thus conservation of large and less isolated habitat remnants enhances species diversity and parasitism of potential pest insects, i.e., the stability of ecosystem functions. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 September 1999  相似文献   

1 Species of bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae and other families) that are parasitized by the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in the soybean agricultural system on the Darling Downs in south-eastern Queensland, Australia, are reported. The degree to which eggs of each bug species are used by T. basalis is quantified, which allows assessment of the role of these alternative host species in the biological control of the green vegetable bug Nezara viridula (L.). 2 Egg masses of nine species of pentatomid bugs and one unidentified bug species were collected. Parasitism rates of egg masses of all species averaged 50–70% but were significantly lower for the more important pest species, including the green vegetable bug, than for some of the agriculturally less important species. 3 Trissolcus basalis emerged from nearly all species collected and was the major parasitoid to emerge from most species. A number of native species were parasitized heavily by T. basalis and parasitism of such species may enhance biological control of the green vegetable bug, but may also pose environmental concerns. Parasitism of predatory bugs by T. basalis may have a negative impact on the biological control of other pests, especially lepidopterous pests. 4 Although the impact of T. basalis on native and predatory host species was not directly quantified, these host species remain abundant and therefore do not appear to be affected adversely by such high rates of parasitism.  相似文献   

In tropical forest communities, seedling recruitment can be limited by the number of fruit produced by adults. Fruit production tends to be highly unequal among trees of the same species, which may be due to environmental factors. We observed fruit production for ~2,000 trees of 17 species across 3 years in a wet tropical forest in Costa Rica. Fruit production was modeled as a function of tree size, nutrient availability, and neighborhood crowding. Following model selection, tree size and neighborhood crowding predicted both the probability of reproduction and the number of fruit produced. Nutrient availability only predicted only the probability of reproduction. In all species, larger trees were more likely to be reproductive and produce more fruit. In addition, number of fruit was strongly negatively related to presence of larger neighboring trees in 13 species; presence of all neighboring trees had a weak‐to‐moderate negative influence on reproductive status in 16 species. Among various metrics of soil nutrient availability, only sum of base cations was positively associated with reproductive status, and for only four species. Synthesis Overall, these results suggest that direct influences on fruit production tend to be mediated through tree size and crowding from neighboring trees, rather than soil nutrients. However, we found variation in the effects of neighbors and nutrients among species; mechanistic studies of allocation to fruit production are needed to explain these differences.  相似文献   

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