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李娟娟 《生物磁学》2011,(4):780-783
采用"压力应对方式问卷"对陕西师范大学148名大四毕业生进行调查,结果发现:(1)大学毕业生面临压力时以积极应对方式为主;(2)大学毕业生在消极应对因素上存在显著的性别差异,女生高于男生;在积极应对因素上不存在性别差异;(3)大学毕业生在解决问题、求助取向、自责、幻想、合理化这5个应对因子上不存在性别差异,而在退避这一应对因子上存在显著的性别差异,女生高于男生。  相似文献   

目的:探索整体表象和局部表象的产生及其性别差异。方法:被试在足够的时间内习得20幅动物图片,主试根据每幅图片提出一个整体表象问题和一个局部表象问题并以文字形式呈现在电脑屏幕上,通过被试自主按键反应记录整体表象和局部表象产生的时间。46名大学生参加了该实验,男女各半,平均年龄为23.5(男24,女23)。结果:(1)整体表象与局部表象产生之间存在显著差异,产生整体表象明显快于局部表象;(2)在表象产生上存在显著的性别差异,女性产生表象的速度显著快于男性。(3)产生的表象类型与性别之间存在明显的交互作用,女生与男生对整体表象的产生无显著性差异,而对于局部表象的产生,则女生明显快于男生。结论:整体与局部表象的产生是由不同的加工过程完成并因性别不同表现出显著的差异。  相似文献   

大学生学习倦怠、自尊与生活满意度的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨大学生学习倦怠、自尊以及生活满意度的关系.方法:采用学习倦怠量表、自尊量表(SES)以及生活满意度量表对446名大学生进行测试.结果:(1)学习倦怠存在性别差异,大学男生在学习倦怠的成就感低方面显著高于大学女生;(2)大三学生在行为不当方面显著低于大四学生;在成就感低方面显著低于大一学生;(3)情绪低落及成就感低对自尊以及生活满意度有显著的预测作用.结论:缓解大学生学习倦怠、提高其自尊水平与生活满意度有利于提高其心理健康.  相似文献   

目的:调查某医学院校大学新生的心理健康状况.方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对1282名新生进行调查.结果:各因子中有轻度心理问题的学生所占比例最高是48.7%,各因子中有明显心理问题的学生所占比例最高是6.8%;新生强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、恐怖、偏执、精神病性因子分高于全国常模,差异存在统计学意义;女生抑郁、焦虑、恐怖因子分高于男生,城市学生恐怖和总分因子分高于农村学生.在性别和生源地上的差异有统计学意义.在抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、偏执、其它这6个因子,新生的满意、比较满意、不太满意、很不满意、无所谓的意愿之间比较存在统计学意义.结论:医学院新生存在不同程度的心理健康问题.高校应重视新生心理健康教育并有针对性的开展工作.  相似文献   

目的 考察安徽省护理管理人员的心理控制源、应对方式和主观幸福感之间的关系,探讨护理管理人员心理控制源及主观幸福感的中介因素。方法 对151名安徽省护理管理人员进行了内控性、有势力的他人和机遇量表、简明应对方式问卷、总体幸福感量表的测量。结果 (1)内在控制与积极应对成正相关,心理控制源的机遇成分与消极应对得分呈正相关;(2)应对方式中的积极应对与主观幸福感得分呈显著正相关;(3)内控者与主观幸福感呈正相关,而认为由他人决定自己命运者与主观幸福感成负相关;(4)内控性与积极应对可以预测主观幸福感;(4)积极应对是心理控制源的内控性预测主观幸福感的中介变量。结论 内控者较常采取积极应对方式,其在心理控制源影响主观幸福感中发挥中介作用。  相似文献   

高中一年级学生性意识与性道德冲突关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索高中一年级学生性意识与性道德冲突的关系.方法:采用问卷法调查了200名高一学生.结果:①高一学生性意识的发展和性道德冲突显著正相关;其中性体验与性道德冲突正相关显著;②高一学生性意识存在性别差异,其中男、女生在性认知维度上存在显著差异;性道德冲突的性别差异不显著.结论:高一学生的性意识与其性道德冲突显著正相关,他们在性认知方面存在显著的性别差异.  相似文献   

2010-2011年,作者采用指长比研究方法,调查了贵州汉族学生544人(男生132人,女生412人)指长比遗传特征。结果显示,贵州汉族学生指长比遗传特征的分布特点为3D∶5D4D∶5D2D∶5D3D∶4D2D∶4D2D∶3D,女生高于男生。指长比遗传特征2D∶4D和2D∶5D性别差异有统计学意义(P0.01或P0.05),2D∶3D和2D∶5D左右侧差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。由此提示,贵州汉族学生指长比遗传的性别差异主要存在于2D∶4D和2D∶5D,而左右侧差异主要表现在2D∶3D和2D∶5D上。贵州汉族学生指长的主要遗传特点为2D4D,男生多于女生,群体中未发现2D=4D遗传现象。国内群体的多数指长比与地区、环境等因素相关,但国内外群体指长比2D∶4D的遗传则不因地区、民族、种族的差异而有较大区别。  相似文献   

目的:了解云南某高校大学生BMI及减肥行为现状,为采用相应健康教育措施提供参考依据。方法:采用随机整群抽样的方法,对云南某高校共415名学生,使用“BMI和减肥情况调查问卷”进行调查。结果:BMI在地区和性别上分布存在差异(P<0.01);39.51%的城市男生和60.98%的城市女生认为自己需要减肥,分别高于农村男生(P<0.01)和女生(P>0.05);男女生减肥比例分别为22.32%和50.79%,女生减肥比例高于男生(P<0.01)。城市学生和农村学生的减肥比例分别为44.79%和29.37%,城市学生减肥比例高于农村(P<0.01)。调查人群中77.56%的减肥者BMI为正常;42.18%的减肥者是为了提高自信和形象而减肥,73.46%的减肥者的减肥时间不超过1个月,有氧运动减肥为大学生减肥的首选方法,89.12%的减肥者有吃早餐的习惯;二项分类Logistic回归分析表明,对减肥有影响的因素主要是认为自己有减肥需要(P<0.01)和性别(P<0.05)。结论:男生体格好于女生,城市学生体格好于农村学生。城市大学生的减肥比例大于农村,女生减肥比例大于男生。减肥人群主要集中分布在体重正常人群上,存在盲目减肥和减肥方式不当的现象。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析夏秋入伍新兵心理健康状况及其与应对方式、社会支持的关系,为针对性开展新兵心理卫生服务,提高新兵心理健康水平提供参考依据。方法:采用自编心理需求调查问卷、简易应对方式、社会支持以及症状自评量表(SCL-90)对二炮某部首次夏秋季入伍新兵进行心理测试,并进行相关回归分析。结果:新兵在应对方式上的得分与全国成人常模存在显著差异;在社会支持量表的得分与军人常模存在显著差异;在SCL-90中,与2010年新兵比较在躯体化、强迫症状、忧郁、焦虑、恐怖、精神病性6个因子之间存在显著差异,与军人常模比较在躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、忧郁、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性8个因子之间均存在显著差异。简易应对方式、社会支持与心理健康的相关分析显示,消极应对与心理健康各因子间均存在显著相关关系;主观支持与强迫症状、人际关系敏感、忧郁和敌对4个因子间存在显著相关,客观支持与人际关系敏感、敌对2个因子间存在显著相关,对支持的利用度与人际关系敏感、焦虑、敌对、恐怖和精神病性5个因子间存在显著相关。以新兵心理健康作为因变量,社会支持与应对方式作为自变量,进行逐步回归分析,最终进入回归的因子为对支持的利用度和消极应对。结论:本年度新兵整体心理健康状况良好,他们多采用积极应对方式应对应激事件,所得到的社会支持以及对支持的利用度良好,愿意在新训期间通过心理素质训练,提高心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨实验材料性质和专业背景等因素对四卡片推理问题解决的影响。方法:使用ASL-504眼动记录仪,以16名大学生为被试,采用2(材料性质)×2(专业)的二因素被试间设计。结果:材料性质主效应不显著,但材料性质在相对注视时间、相对注视次数和瞳孔直径上呈现显著差异;专业因素主效应显著,专业因素在平均注视时间和平均眼跳距离上差异显著,二因素交互作用不显著;"如果子句"和"那么子句"在所有眼动指标上不存在显著差异。结论:(1)抽象程度高的材料在理解四卡片问题时需要更多的加工,包括条件句及其组成部分;(2)不同专业背景对理解条件句有不同的影响;(3)条件句各组成部分在理解时得到同等重要的加工。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫颈癌放疗患者生活质量的影响因素及与应对方式的关系。方法:选取2018年7月2019年11月期间我院收治的宫颈癌放疗患者139例,收集患者临床资料,采用癌症治疗功能评价系统中的宫颈癌量表(FACT-Cx)对宫颈癌患者的生活质量进行评分,采用Jalowiec的应对量表(JCS)记录并评估所有患者的应对方式,并采用Pearson相关性分析生活质量与应对方式的关系。采用单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析宫颈癌放疗患者生活质量的影响因素。结果:宫颈癌放疗患者的FACT-Cx总分与面对、乐观、姑息、依靠自我应对方式评分呈正相关(P<0.05),与情感宣泄、宿命应对方式评分呈负相关(P<0.05),与逃避、支持应对方式评分无相关性(P>0.05)。不同文化程度、年龄、化疗、肿瘤病理类型情况患者之间FACT-Cx总分比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);不同家庭月收入、肿瘤分期、下肢水肿情况、婚姻状况患者之间FACT-Cx总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,家庭月收入、肿瘤分期、下肢水肿情况、婚姻状况均是宫颈癌放疗患者生活质量的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:宫颈癌放疗患者生活质量与应对方式存在密切联系,且家庭月收入、肿瘤分期、下肢水肿情况、婚姻状况均是其生活质量的影响因素,临床工作者应结合以上因素对患者放疗方案给予针对性调整。  相似文献   

X-linked and lineage-dependent inheritance of coping responses to stress   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Coping—or how one routinely deals with stress—is a complex behavioral trait with bearing on chronic disease and susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. This complexity is a result of not only underlying multigenic factors, but also important non-genetic ones. The defensive burying (DB) test, although originally developed as a test of anxiety, can accurately measure differences in coping strategies by assaying an animals behavioral response to an immediate threat with ethological validity. Using offspring derived from reciprocal crosses of two inbred rat strains differing in DB behaviors, we provide convergent phenotypic and genotypic evidence that coping styles are inherited in an X-linked fashion. We find that first-generation (F1) males, but not females, show maternally derived coping styles, and second-generation (F2) females, but not males, show significant differences in coping styles when separated by grandmaternal lineage. By using a linear modeling approach to account for covariate effects (sex and lineage) in QTL analysis, we map three quantitative trait loci (QTL) on the X Chromosome (Chr) (Coping-1, Approach-1, and Approach-2) associated with coping behaviors in the DB paradigm. Distinct loci were associated with different aspects of coping, and their effects were modulated by both the sex and lineage of the animals, demonstrating the power of the general linear modeling approach and the important interplay of allelic and non-allelic factors in the inheritance of coping behaviors.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behavioral strategies ("personalities" or coping styles) has been reported in several animal species. Recent work in great tits has shown that such traits are heritable and exhibit significant genetic variation. Free-living birds respond to environmental stresses by up-regulating corticosterone production. Behavior during mild stress can occur in accordance to two types of coping styles, i.e. active and passive. Using artificially selected lines of zebra finches that vary in the amount of corticosterone produced in response to a manual restraint stressor we ran three "personality" experiments. We show that birds in the different corticosterone lines differ in their exploratory and risk-taking behaviors. There was an increase in exploratory behavior as corticosterone titre increased but only in the low corticosterone line. Birds in high corticosterone line showed greater risk-taking behavior than birds in the other lines. Thus, in general, higher levels of circulating corticosterone following a mild stress result in greater exploratory behavior and greater risk taking. This study shows that lines of animals selected for endocrine hormonal responses differ in their "coping" styles or "personalities".  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to assess the depression of pregnant women in the aftermath of an earthquake, and to identify the social support that they obtained, their coping styles and socio-demographic factors associated with depression.


A total of 128 pregnant women from three hospitals in the epicenter area were recruited immediately after the Ya’an earthquake. Their depression was investigated using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) with a cutoff score of 14; the social support that they obtained was measured using the Social Support Questionnaire; and their coping styles were assessed using the Coping Styles Questionnaire.


Immediately after the earthquake, the incidence rate of depression in pregnant women was 35.2%, higher than that of the general pregnant population (7%-14%). The EPDS scores were significantly correlated with gestation age at the time of the earthquake, objective support, subjective support, use of support, negative coping style, and positive coping style. The regression analysis indicated that risk factors of prenatal depression include the number of children, relatives wounded, subjective support, and coping styles. A further analysis of the interaction between social support and two types of coping styles with depression showed that there was interaction effect between subjective social support and positive coping styles in relation to EPDS scores. There was an inverse relationship between low EPDS scores and positive coping styles and high social support, and vice versa.


The timing of the occurrence of the earthquake may not necessarily affect the progress of the illness and recovery from depression, and psychological intervention could be conducted in the immediate aftermath after the earthquake. The impact of coping styles on prenatal depression appeared to be linked with social support. Helping pregnant women to adopt positive coping styles with good social support after a recent major earthquake, which is a stressor, may reduce their chances of developing prenatal depression.  相似文献   



Knowledge of coping styles is useful in clinical diagnosis and suggesting specific therapeutic interventions. However, the latent structures and relationships between different aspects of coping styles have not been fully clarified. A full information item bifactor model will be beneficial to future research.


One goal of this study is identification of the best fit statistical model of coping styles. A second goal is entails extended analyses of latent relationships among different coping styles. In general, such research should offer greater understanding of the mechanisms of coping styles and provide insights into coping with stress.


Coping Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) were administrated to officers suffering from military stress. Confirmatory Factor Analyses was performed to indentify the best fit model. A hierarchical item response model (bifactor model) was adopted to analyze the data. Additionally, correlations among coping styles and self-efficacy were compared using both original and bifactor models.


Results showed a bifactor model best fit the data. Item loadings on general and specific factors varied among different coping styles. All items loaded significantly on the general factor, and most items also had moderate to large loadings on specific factors. The correlation between coping styles and self-efficacy and the correlation among different coping styles changed significantly after extracting the general factor of coping stress using bifactor analysis. This was seen in changes from positive (r = 0.714, p<0.01) correlation to negative (r = −0.335, p<0.01) and also from negative (r = −0.296, p<0.01) to positive (r = 0.331, p<0.01).


Our results reveal that coping styles have a bifactor structure. They also provide direct evidence of coexisting coping resources and styles. This further clarifies that dimensions of coping styles should include coping resources and specific coping styles. This finding has implications for measurement of coping mechanisms, health maintenance, and stress reduction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the requirements and opportunities for obtaining a doctor of medicine or master of surgery degree from a university in the United Kingdom other than the graduate''s own, particularly in the case of foreign graduates. DESIGN--Review of regulations governing the award of doctor of medicine and master of surgery degrees in British universities. SETTING--All 19 universities in the United Kingdom offering clinical courses. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Availability of degrees to graduates of other universities. RESULTS--Opportunities for obtaining a degree differed widely among the medical schools, one university (Edinburgh) not admitting graduates of other universities in any circumstance. Of the remaining universities, none would consider a graduate who had not worked in the area where the medical school was located. CONCLUSION--The wide differences in opportunity among the medical schools may put some foreign graduates at a disadvantage compared with other graduates. This problem may become more severe as the number of graduates from the European Community who settle in Britain increases.  相似文献   

Background: Although biologically based sex differences in the smoking patterns, epidemiology, biomedical markers, and survival rates associated with lung cancer are well documented, examinations of psychosocial gender differences are scarce.Objective: This cross-sectional study examined gender differences in psychosocial factors that are important in the medical management of lung cancer.Methods: A convenience sample of patients who were attending a multidisciplinary lung cancer treatment center (Markey Cancer Center, Lexington, Kentucky) were invited to complete a psychosocial needs assessment. Eligibility criteria included primary diagnosis of lung cancer, age ≥18 years, and being cognitively intact. Measures focused on psychosocial resources, treatment decision-making, social consequences of treatments, and treatment outcomes. Data were collected between the fall of 2005 and the summer of 2006.Results: A total of 47 women and 53 men (mean [SD] age, 62.81 [12.01] years; 95% white) completed the needs assessment. Gender was not found to be associated with demographic characteristics, time until diagnosis, treatment, or survival rate. Smoking histories differed significantly in the proportion of women and men who smoked or were former smokers (P = 0.01) as well as the age when they began to smoke (P = 0.02). There were no significant gender differences in social support networks, general coping, information needs, treatment decision satisfaction, functional health, life satisfaction, financial impact, or service needs. However, significant gender differences did indicate that women favored spiritual practices (P = 0.02) and religious coping (P = 0.04), and were more likely to endorse having a life mission (P = 0.03) and being part of a divine plan (P = 0.01).Conclusions: Previous research has found that religiousness and spirituality improved depressive symptoms and may ease end-of-life despair. In the present study of patients with lung cancer, gender differences in religiousness and spirituality suggest that this may be especially true for women, and that interventions should be directed toward their religious practices and coping.  相似文献   

An active coping style displayed under stress – which involves proactive investigatory responses toward environmental threats – has been associated with reduced vulnerability to psychiatric illness. However, the neurobiological determinants of coping styles are not well understood. When rats are exposed to a naturalistic stressor (cat fur) in a group, some individuals in the group show robust active investigation of the stimulus while others show a passive response involving retreat, immobility and close aggregation with conspecifics. Here we explored endocrine and epigenetic correlates of these contrasting coping styles. Male Wistar rats (n = 48) were exposed to cat fur in groups of 4 and the passive and active responders were identified and assessed for endocrine and epigenetic differences. Three days after the final cat fur exposure, active responders had substantially lower plasma levels of corticosterone and progesterone than passive responders. Plasma and testicular testosterone levels did not differ between active and passive responders. Active responders had markedly less methylation of the AVP CGCG promoter region located at base 4970 in the posterodorsal region of the medial amygdala but did not differ in the methylation status of the CCGG sequence located at base 2243. This is in agreement with prior research suggesting that AVP and progesterone act in opposition within the medial amygdala to modulate stress-related behaviors. The present study reports striking endocrine and epigenetic differences between active and passive responders, providing insight into potential systems involved in the manifestation of differing coping styles.  相似文献   

Haemodynamic responses to low levels of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) were investigated in two groups of healthy, normotensive volunteers (8 men and 8 women) during two repeated experimental runs on two occasions, the latter determined by the different phases of the menstrual cycle in the women. The data consisted of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean blood pressure (MBP), pulse rate (fc), forearm blood flow (FBF) and forearm vascular conductance (FC). The resting cardiovascular status was similar in men and women, except that women had a significantly higher fc than men. LBNP (1.3, 2.7 and 4 kPa) had no significant effect on any BP variable or on fc. However, FBF and FC were reduced at all levels of LBNP. Significant overshoots in FBF and FC were seen in all subjects following the release of LBNP of 2.7 and 4 kPa and, in most cases, after release of LBNP of 1.3 kPa. There were no significant gender differences in any of the responses to LBNP. Furthermore, none of the cardiovascular variables measured showed significant differences between the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle in women, either at rest or during exposure to LBNP, and the responses in the men on the two occasions were not different. These findings indicate that gender differences in responses to LBNP hypothesized previously are not apparent during and after exposure to low levels of LBNP.  相似文献   

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