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目的:探讨能量平台在腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术中的应用价值,为指导临床治疗提供参考依据。方法:按照随机数字表法将2012年3月~2014年3月我院收治的结直肠癌患者分为两组,观察组行能量平台腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术,对照组行传统开腹结直肠癌根治术,术后比较两组的手术效果及并发症情况。结果:观察组的手术时间、术中出血量以及术后住院时间均小于对照组,淋巴结清扫数量大于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),两组的术后引流量比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。手术后两组的并发症主要有切口感染、吻合口瘘、局部病灶复发、肠梗阻以及腹腔内出血,其中观察组切口感染发生率为1.85%,低于对照组的14.55%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),两组的其它并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:能量平台辅助腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术能有效地减少术中出血量、手术时间以及术后住院时间,术后感染几率小,因此在临床上有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨吲哚菁绿荧光显像技术在腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术中的临床应用价值。方法:选取2020 年6月到2021年6月于我院行腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术的患者112例,按照随机数字表法分为研究组和对照组,每组各56例。两组均采用腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术治疗,研究组术中应用吲哚菁绿荧光显像技术观察吻合口肠段血运情况。比较两组患者手术相关指标、术后并发症发生率、吻合口漏、吻合口出血发生率及围手术期死亡率。结果:两组患者术中均无死亡,两组患者术中出血量、手术时间、首次肛门排气时间、下床活动时间及术中死亡率比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。研究组腹腔出血、腹腔感染、吻合口漏、吻合口出血发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.05),两组肠梗阻、切口感染、围手术期死亡率比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:应用吲哚菁绿荧光显像技术可以显著降低腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术患者腹腔出血、腹腔感染、吻合口漏、吻合口出血发生率,在腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术与小切口胆囊切除术治疗胆结石的临床效果及对应激反应的影响。方法:选取2016年1月至2016年12月于我院行胆囊切除术治疗的胆结石患者80例作为研究对象,根据治疗方案不同将研究对象分为腹腔镜组和小切口组,腹腔镜组采用腹腔镜胆囊切除术,小切口组采用小切口胆囊切除术,比较两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、肛门排气时间、住院时间以及术后并发症的发生情况,检测并比较两组患者术前、术后1d、3d的白细胞(WBC)计数、中性粒细胞(NE)百分数、空腹血糖(Glu)、血清皮质醇(Cor)含量、C-反应蛋白(CRP)含量。结果:腹腔镜组的手术时间、术中出血量、肛门排气时间、住院时间均明显短于小切口组(P0.05),并发症发生率显著低于小切口组(P0.05)。术前,两组的WBC、NE、Glu、Cor、CRP水平比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);腹腔镜组术后1 d的WBC、NE、Glu、Cor、CRP水平均显著高于术前(P0.05),术后3 d的Glu、Cor、CRP恢复至术前水平(P0.05),WBC、NE也有所降低但仍高于术前(P0.05);小切口组术后1 d的WBC、NE、Glu、Cor、CRP水平均显著高于术前(P0.05),且高于同期腹腔镜组(P0.05),术后3 d的WBC、NE、Glu、Cor、CRP水平有所降低但仍高于术前(P0.05),且高于同期腹腔镜组(P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜胆囊切除术引起的应激反应更轻,并有利于胆结石患者术后快速恢复,并减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的:分析腹腔镜结直肠癌根治手术与传统开腹术治疗结直肠癌的临床效果,探讨腹腔镜手术的特点及优势,为临床外科手术提供参考。方法:选择2009年7月至2013年5月在我院进行腹腔镜手术的186例结直肠癌患者的临床资料进行分析,并与择期接受开腹手术的181例结直肠癌患者的临床效果进行对比。比较两组患者的平均手术时间、平均术中出血量、术后肛门排气时间、下床活动时间、平均住院时间及并发症的发生率等。结果:与传统手术组相比,腹腔镜组患者的平均手术时间短、平均术中出血量少、术后肛门排气时间早、平均住院时间短,差异显著且具有统计学意义(P0.05);腹腔镜组患者术后出现下肢静脉血栓1例、皮下气肿9例、高碳酸血症8例,并发症的发生率为7.14%;传统手术组术后出现切口感染10例、消化道出血13例,吻合口漏11例、并发症的发生率为12.90%。腹腔镜根治术患者术后并发症的发生率明显低于传统开腹手术组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);腹腔镜组患者的平均住院时间为(8.34±2.12)天,明显短于传统开腹手术组的(11.58±1.98)天,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术具有很好的临床效果,术中出血少、术后恢复快,能够减少手术对患者机体造成的损伤,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜下结直肠癌根治术围手术期肠外营养的运用.方法:对我院收治的98例接受腹腔镜下结直肠癌根治术的患者作为研究对象,将其分为实验组以及对照组,实验组患者采用卡文进行营养支持,对照组患者采用自制营养液进行治疗,对两组患者术前2d以及术后5d营养学指标进行评价.结果:术后实验组血红蛋白、总蛋白、血清白蛋白以及前白蛋白含量明显高于对照组(P<0.05),实验组患者其肛门排气时间、住院时间、arnofsky评分、Zubrod-ECOG-WHO分级明显优于对照组(P<0.05).结论:采用卡文进行腹腔镜下结直肠癌根治术围手术期肠外营养有助于改善患者术后营养不良,提高患者预后.  相似文献   

目的:探讨开放和腹腔镜直肠癌根治术患者术后早期全身与腹腔炎性的反应。方法:选取我院直肠癌患者210例,开放直肠癌根治术为108例,腹腔镜根治术患者102例,开放直肠癌根治术组为对照组,腹腔镜根治术患者为实验组。对比手术一般指标以及术后炎症反应指标。结果:手术一般指标:对照组的切口长度、手术时间、排气时间、并发症发生率、住院时间和4天引流量均显著大于实验组,此6项差异存在统计学意义(P0.05);对照组的术中出血量、术后第1天引流量略高于实验组,此2项无统计学意义(P0.05)。炎症指标:术前2组4项炎症指标均无统计学意义(P0.05)。血液检查:术后第1天差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);术后第4天差异无统计学意义(P0.05);腹部引流物检查:第1天对照组的炎症指标均高于实验组,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05),术后第4天对照组的炎症指标均显著高于实验组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:对比于传统直肠癌开放手术,腹腔镜直肠癌根治术具有创伤小、住院时间短及恢复快等优势,同时腹腔镜手术在术后炎症消退速度更快,更有利于患者恢复。  相似文献   

目的:探讨结直肠癌高龄患者经腹腔镜实施结直肠癌根治术对胃肠功能产生的影响。方法:选取92例接受结直肠癌根治手术的结直肠癌患者,将其随机数字表法随机分为试验组和对照组两组,其中对照组患者均采用开腹手术进行治疗,而试验组患者则采取腹腔镜下结直肠癌根治手术。观察比较两组患者的术中情况和术后的胃肠功能。结果:两组患者之间的淋巴结清扫数目和标本切除长度均无明显差异(均P0.05),试验组患者的术中出血量以及手术时间均低于对照组患者(t=10.394,P0.05;t=6.983,P0.05)。胃泌素和胃动素水平和患者术后的肛门排气时间以及腹胀持续时间呈显著的负相关关系;试验组患者的术后肛门排气时间和腹胀持续时间均低于对照组患者,并且其胃泌素和胃动素含量均明显高于对照组患者(均P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜下结直肠癌根治手术较开腹手术具有创伤小的优势,并且对于高龄结直肠癌患者术后的胃肠功能具有较好的恢复效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨围手术期补充双歧三联活菌胶囊对结直肠癌术后炎症反应及肠道微生态的影响。方法选取拟行结直肠癌根治术的患者70例,随机分为观察组和对照组。两组患者均予以根治性结直肠癌术,对照组术前予以常规禁食、传统肠道准备,术后予以围手术期常规治疗,并予以等氮量等热量的营养支持。观察组在对照组基础上术前5d加用双歧三联活菌胶囊630mg/次,3次/d,温水口服,替代术前肠道抗生素的使用,术后24h继续使用双歧三联活菌胶囊至术后1周,剂量和方法同术前。评估两组患者入院时及术后1周肠道菌群(双歧杆菌、乳杆菌、大肠埃希菌和粪肠球菌)数量和血清炎症因子[超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)]水平的变化,并比较感染并发症的发生率。结果术后1周,观察组双歧杆菌、乳杆菌和肠球菌数量较入院时均有不同程度的上升(P0.05),大肠埃希菌数量变化不明显(P0.05);对照组双歧杆菌、乳杆菌和肠球菌数量较入院时均有不同程度的下降(P0.05),大肠埃希菌数量较入院时有不同程度上升(P0.05)。术后1周,观察组双歧杆菌、乳杆菌和肠球菌数量较对照组更多,大肠埃希菌数量较对照组更少(P0.05)。同时两组血清hs-CRP和TNF-α水平均较入院时均有不同程度的上升(P0.05或P0.01),其上升幅度观察组低于对照组(P0.05)。在感染并发症发生率上观察组较对照组更低(χ~2=4.20,P0.05)。结论围手术期补充双歧三联活菌胶囊不仅能纠正结直肠癌患者术后肠道微生态失调,提高肠道内乳杆菌和双歧杆菌的数量,重建肠道菌群平衡,还能有效减轻患者术后炎症反应,减少术后感染并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜对结直肠癌患者血清基质金属蛋白酶、胃肠激素及应激激素水平的影响。方法:将110例结直肠癌患者纳入本研究,随机分为对照组和观察组,均55例,分别给予对照组和观察组患者开腹手术治疗和腹腔镜手术治疗,对比治疗前后患者的血清基质金属蛋白酶、胃肠激素及应激激素水平。结果:治疗前,两组血清基质金属蛋白酶(Matrix metalloproteinase,MMP)MMP-2、MMP-9、血清胃动素(Motilin,MTL)、胃泌素(Gastrin,GAS)、皮质醇(Cortisol,Cor)、去甲肾上腺素(Noradrenaline,NE)水平比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);与组内治疗前相比,两组治疗后血清MMP-2、MMP-9、MTL、GAS水平均显著降低,血清COR、NE水平均显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);观察组治疗后血清MMP-2、MMP-9、NE、COR水平均明显低于对照组,血清GAS、MTL水平均明显高于对照组,差异对比均有显著性(P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜治疗结直肠癌可有效降低患者血清基质金属蛋白酶水平,促进胃肠功能恢复,减轻机体应激损伤。  相似文献   

目的:探讨快速康复外科理念应用于结直肠癌根治术患者的疗效及其对机体应激反应的影响。方法:选取2012年1月-2013年6月我院收治的180例结直肠癌患者为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,每组各90例。两组患者均进行结直肠癌根治术治疗,对照组患者围手术期采用传统处理措施,观察组患者围手术期采用快速康复处理措施,对比两组患者术中出血量、手术时间、术后住院时间、住院费用、术后排便时间、首次排气时间,同时比较两组患者手术当日、术后1 d、5 d血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、C反应蛋白(CRP)及血清淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)的水平,并观察两组患者并发症发生情况。结果:与对照组相比,观察组患者的术后住院时间、术后排便时间及首次排气时间均缩短,住院费用降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),两组患者术中出血量、手术时间对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。术前,两组患者的血清IL-6、CRP、SAA水平对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05),术后1 d、5 d,两组患者血清IL-6、CRP、SAA水平均高于术前,术后5 d血清IL-6、CRP、SAA水平低于术后1 d,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),观察组患者术后1 d、5 d血清IL-6、CRP、SAA水平均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组并发症总发生率为6.67%,与对照组的7.78%比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:快速康复外科理念应用于结直肠癌根治术患者能够有效加快患者术后康复,降低术后应激反应,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

Estrogens along with progesterone/progestins, and other hormones, are important determinants of cancer in the breast, endometrium and ovary. Estrogens may increase the risk of breast cancer through various mechanisms and at various phases of life, with a possible synergistic effect of progesterone/progestins. Exposure to high doses of placental hormones, such as estrogens and/or progesterone, during pregnancy may play a pivotal role in reducing subsequent breast cancer susceptibility. Estrogens cause endometrial cancer, an effect that can be reduced, prevented or reversed by progesterone/progestin — if allowed to act for a sufficiently long period of each cycle. The role of sex hormones seems important for ovarian carcinogenesis. Intake of combined oral contraceptives has a substantial and well-documented protective effect on endometrial and ovarian cancer risks. Epidemiological observations and experimental data from an animal model indicate that estrogens may have an adverse effect, while progesterone/progestins have a risk reducing effect directly on the ovarian epithelium. Thus, estrogens and other sex hormones have potential effects on the three most important female cancers. Research has yet to define how some of the risk factors can be modified or treatment regimens can be improved to reduce these cancer risks.  相似文献   

Cancer comprises a collection of diseases that occur in almost any tissue and it is characterized by an abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth that results in tumor formation and propagation to other tissues, causing tissue and organ malfunction and death. Despite the undeniable improvement in cancer diagnostics and therapy, there is an urgent need for new therapeutic and preventive strategies with improved efficacy and fewer side effects. In this context, purinergic signaling emerges as an interesting candidate as a cancer biomarker or therapeutic target. There is abundant evidence that tumor cells have significant changes in the expression of purinergic receptors, which comprise the G-protein coupled P2Y and AdoR families of receptors and the ligand-gated ion channel P2X receptors. Tumor cells also exhibit changes in the expression of nucleotidases and other enzymes involved in nucleotide metabolism, and the concentrations of extracellular nucleotides are significantly higher than those observed in normal cells. In this review, we will focus on the potential role of purinergic signaling in the ten most lethal cancers (lung, breast, colorectal, liver, stomach, prostate, cervical, esophagus, pancreas, and ovary), which together are responsible for more than 5 million annual deaths.  相似文献   

Whilst investigators have clearly shown that non-hereditary factors dominate the aetiology of human breast cancer, they have failed to identify quantitatively important causes, and prospects for prevention remain indeed. However, progress in epidemiological and basic research has taken place during the last few years. Current evidence suggests that breast cancer may be affected by the intra-uterine environment, that exposures during adolescence are particularly important, and that pregnancy has a dual effect on breast cancer risk: an early increase followed by long-term protection. Great variation exists in the structural development of the breast ductal system already in the newborn — and by inference in utero — and a pregnancy induces permanent structural changes in the mammary gland. We suggest that these observations fit into an aetiological model with the following key components: (1) breast cancer risk depends on the number of cells at risk, the susceptibility of individual cells to malignant transformation, and on the degree of cellular proliferation, notably cells which can act as founders of breast cancer; (2) the number of target cells is determined by the hormonal environment mainly early in life, perhaps already in utero; (3) in adult life, hormones which are non-genotoxic, increase breast cancer risk by increasing selective cell proliferation and thus number of target cells and the risk of retention of spontaneous somatic mutations; (4) while a pregnancy stimulates the growth of already malignant cells to malignant transformation (and thereby entails a short-term risk increase) the dominating long-term protection occurs due to permanent structural changes, terminal differentiation and perhaps decreased cell proliferation and carcinogen-binding in combination.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) and prostate cancer (PC) are the second most common malignant tumors in women and men in western countries, respectively. The risks of death are 14% for BC and 9% for PC. Abnormal estrogen and androgen levels are related to carcinogenesis of the breast and prostate. Estradiol stimulates cancer development in BC. The effect of estrogen on PC is concentration-dependent, and estrogen can regulate androgen production, further affecting PC. Estrogen can also increase the risk of androgen-induced PC. Androgen has dual effects on BC via different metabolic pathways, and the role of the androgen receptor (AR) in BC also depends on cell subtype and downstream target genes. Androgen and AR can stimulate both primary PC and castration-resistant PC. Understanding the mechanisms of the effects of estrogen and androgen on BC and PC may help us to improve curative BC and PC treatment strategies.  相似文献   

微生物与人体共生共存,主要分布在口腔、鼻腔、阴道、肠道、皮肤等部位,目前的研究已经表明微生物的分布特异性、种群的动态变化在人体恶性肿瘤的发生发展过程中发挥着重要的作用,为该领域今后的临床诊疗带来了全新的机遇和挑战。因此,笔者着重阐述微生物在口腔癌、胃癌、胆囊癌、胰腺癌、结直肠癌等常见恶性肿瘤中的作用及临床研究进展。旨在帮助临床医师了解目前微生物肿瘤学的发展现状及机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

BackgroundHead and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) have not been fully examined in the Asian diasporas in the US, despite certain Asian countries having the highest incidence of specific HNSCCs.MethodsNational Cancer Database was used to compare 1046 Chinese, 887 South Asian (Indian/Pakistani), and 499 Filipino males to 156,927 Non-Hispanic White (NHW) males diagnosed with HNSCC between 2004−2013. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the association of race/ethnicity with two outcomes – site group and late-stage diagnosis. Temporal trends were explored for site groups and subsites.ResultsSouth Asians had a greater proportion of oral cavity cancer [OCC] compared to NHWs (59 % vs. 25 %; ORadj =7.3 (95 % CI: 5.9–9.0)). In contrast, Chinese (64 % vs. 9%; ORadj =34.0 (95 % CI: 26.5–43.6)) and Filipinos (47 % vs. 9%; ORadj =10.0 (95 % CI: 7.8–12.9)) had a greater proportion of non-oropharyngeal cancer compared to NHWs. All three Asian subgroups had a higher likelihood of being diagnosed by age 40 (14 % Chinese, 10 % South Asian and 8% Filipino compared to 3% in NHW; p < 0.001). Chinese males had lower odds of late-stage diagnosis, compared to NHWs. South Asian cases doubled from 2004 to 2013 largely due to an increase in OCC cases (34 cases in 2004 to 86 in 2013).ConclusionAsian diasporas are at a higher likelihood of specific HNSCCs. Risk factors, screening and survival need to be studied further, and policy changes are needed to promote screening and to discourage high-risk habits in these Asian subgroups.  相似文献   

The occupational epidemiological studies of trichloroethylene (TCE) exposure and kidney cancer are reviewed. Seven occupational cohort studies, conducted in the U.S., Finland, and Sweden involving over 130,000 workers, do not report statistically increased risks of kidney cancer among TCE-exposed workers. These studies were based on well-defined cohorts and exposure assessments involving urine biomonitoring or some type of job exposure matrix. In contrast, two German studies reported eight- to eleven-fold increased risks for renal cancer among TCE-exposed workers. However, numerous methodological and analytical shortcomings severely limit any interpretation of the German studies. We conclude that the more reliable epidemiologic data do not support a causal relationship between kidney cancer and TCE exposure.  相似文献   

Backgroundsome recent studies have suggested that the risks of colon and rectal cancer increase with exposure to higher concentrations of nitrates in drinking water. This study is a meta-analysis of relevant studies.Methodsliterature published up to June 2021 was accessed and final results abstracted. Two cohort studies and seven case-control studies were analysed, and one case-control study not used because of limited data. Mixed effects meta-regression analysis was used to assess trends in colon cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer considered together, with nitrate concentrations in drinking water.ResultsThe usually accepted exposure upper limit for nitrates is 11.3 mg/l NO3-N. However most studies assess a lower range, with only one study providing data over 8 mg/l. Colorectal cancer risk increased by 2.4% (95% limits 0.4–4.5%) per unit increase in nitrate concentration, over a range from very low values to mid-range values. Extrapolation to higher dosages has insufficient data. The trend for rectal cancer is less than that for colon cancer.ConclusionThe increase in colorectal cancer risk with increasing nitrate concentration is lower than in some recent studies, and applies only over a small range. Extrapolation of these results to higher nitrate levels is not warranted. The studies vary greatly in their design, the nitrate concentrations assessed, and in their results. This association is weak and inconsistent, and may be influenced by bias and confounding factors. Any association of drinking water nitrates with colorectal cancer risk is small, and is uncertain.  相似文献   

Aberrant microRNA (miR) expression is implicated in multiple human malignancies. miR-21, acting as a proto-oncogene, is involved in a variety of cellular processes and tumorigenesis and is frequently overexpressed in some cancer types. Several tumor suppressors, metastatic, and apoptotic genes have been identified as miR-21 targets, including Ras homolog gene family member B, PTEN, Sprouty2, programmed cell death 4, Integrin-β4, and E-cadherin thereby regulating tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. There is a growing evidence that miR-21 expression is associated with clinical outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). In this review, we summarize the potential diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic values of miR-21 in CRC progression for a better understanding and hence a better management of this disease.  相似文献   

BackgroundTobacco use is a well-established risk factor for head and neck cancer (HNC). However, less is known about the potential impact of exposure to tobacco at an early age on HNC risk.MethodsWe analyzed individual-level data on ever tobacco smokers from 27 case-control studies (17,146 HNC cases and 17,449 controls) in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using random-effects logistic regression models.ResultsWithout adjusting for tobacco packyears, we observed that younger age at starting tobacco use was associated with an increased HNC risk for ever smokers (OR<10 years vs. ≥30 years: 1.64, 95% CI: 1.35, 1.97). However, the observed association between age at starting tobacco use and HNC risk became null after adjusting for tobacco packyears (OR<10 years vs. ≥30 years: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.80, 1.19). In the stratified analyses on HNC subsites by tobacco packyears or years since quitting, no difference in the association between age at start and HNC risk was observed.ConclusionsResults from this pooled analysis suggest that increased HNC risks observed with earlier age at starting tobacco smoking are largely due to longer duration and higher cumulative tobacco exposures.  相似文献   

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