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两极虫属Myxidium和楚克拉虫属Zschokklella在形态上非常相似,形态鉴定界限模糊。为进一步厘清两者的分类学关系,本研究对采自涪江重庆市潼南县江段的楔形两极虫M.cuneiforme Fujita,1924进行了形态学重描述,并对其分子系统学进行了研究。楔形两极虫孢子壳面观呈长条形,中部稍凹陷或孢子一边突出,壳瓣上有6~8条与缝嵴平行的条纹;缝嵴直,缝面观呈梭形。孢子长12.5μm±0.3μm,宽5.4μm±0.3μm(n=20)。极囊2个,呈梨形,分布于孢子两极端;极囊长4.3μm±0.2μm,宽3.1μm±0.2μm(n=20),极丝细长且明显,盘曲5~6圈。以18S rDNA为分子标记,对楔形两极虫及其近缘种进行了保守区变异、遗传距离、序列相似度和分子系统发育分析,结果表明:两极虫属和楚克拉虫属均非单系发生,两属间物种相互交叉聚支;两极虫属与楚克拉虫属物种间具有很近的亲缘关系。本文基于形态和分子数据的研究结果支持将两极虫属和楚克拉虫属合并为一个属的观点。  相似文献   

研究从中国东海的青石斑鱼 Epinephelus awoara Temminck & Schlegel 1842和褐带石斑鱼E. bruneus Bloch 1793的胆囊中检获了石斑角形虫 Ceratomyxa epinephela Wu, Wu et hua, 1993, 首次提供了其SSU rDNA和ITS1 rDNA序列, 并基于形态学和分子数据进行了重新描述。石斑角形虫成熟孢子的孢子长(4.8±0.5) μm (3.6—5.6 μm), 孢子厚(31.8±4.8) μm (23.3—37.5 μm); 孢子壳瓣光滑且等大, 由垂直的缝线连接; 极囊长(2.9±0.2) μm (2.4—3.7 μm), 极囊宽(2.6±0.2) μm (2.2—3.1 μm); 孢子夹角处稍微凹陷, 延伸至两端逐渐变平坦, 夹角为 (175.9±3.7)° (165.5°—179.7°)。基于SSU rDNA序列构建的系统发育树显示石斑角形虫与诺兰角形虫C. nolani Gunter & Adlard 2009, 卡特莫尔角形虫C. cutmorei Gunter & Adlard 2009和横山角形虫C. yokoyamai Gunter & Adlard 2009 有很近的亲缘关系, 且其宿主均为石斑鱼属物种。结果表明, 类群关系较近的宿主其寄生的同属黏孢子虫可能具有更近的系统发育关系。基于SSU rDNA和ITS1 rDNA的遗传分析显示, 石斑角形虫的4个分离株已发生了明显的遗传分化(形成了4个基因型), 形成了不同的种群, 但在不同宿主种类间并未形成特有的分化。  相似文献   

本研究利用形态性状和2个分子标记(ITS和RPB2),对国产厚壳桂属(Cryptocarya)物种进行系统发育研究,并简要分析其物种多样化的成因。结果显示,形态和分子证据均支持将国产厚壳桂属物种划分为两个组:离基三出脉组和羽状脉组。云南、海南、广西和广东地区可能是国产厚壳桂属物种分化的“摇篮”,这些地区分布着我国90%以上的厚壳桂属物种。大多数国产厚壳桂物种形态特征十分相似,分子序列也没有显著差异,推测可能是近期物种快速分化形成所致。  相似文献   

【目的】了解黑龙江省大豆田大豆胞囊线虫胞囊可培养细菌的多样性。【方法】运用稀释平板法和16SrDNA基因序列的系统发育分析对胞囊可培养细菌多样性进行研究。【结果】用NA培养基从胞囊上分离90株具有不同菌落形态的细菌。16S rDNA序列分析结果表明:90株菌株分属于7个属22个种。46株属于变形菌门γ亚群(Gammaproteobacteria),32株属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),10株属于变形菌门β亚群(Betaproteobacteria),2株属于变形菌门ɑ亚群(Alphaproteobacteria)。假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为优势菌属。【结果】黑龙江省大豆胞囊线虫胞囊中存在丰富的细菌物种多样性,这些细菌对大豆胞囊线虫可能具有一定的生理生态作用。  相似文献   

海城碘泡虫原始描述中形态数据较为简单,且存在多个宿主及寄生部位,其有效性有待确定。利用现行主流的黏孢子虫形态特征和基因标记系统分析相结合的分类学方法,对采自太湖棒花鱼鳃丝的海城碘泡虫进行了补充描述。该碘泡虫孢囊呈白色,圆形,大小为(0.6—1.1) mm。成熟孢子正面观近似椭圆形,上端稍尖,侧面观呈纺锤型,孢子长(10.8±0.7) μm (10.1—11.5 μm),孢子宽:(8.1±0.5) μm (7.5—9.0 μm),孢子厚:(5.7±0.4) μm (5.2—9.0 μm);两极囊呈梨形,大小存在细微差别,极囊顶端存在突起,大极囊长:(4.7±0.5) μm (4.8—6.7 μm),宽:(2.5±0.2) μm (3.2—4.3 μm),小极囊长:(4.4±0.2) μm (4.1—4.8 μm),宽:(2.2±0.1) μm (2.0—2.5 μm);极丝盘绕4—5圈。基于18S rDNA序列(GenBank登录号:KY965936)比对分析,该碘泡虫与放射孢子虫Hexactinomyxon type 2相似率最高,为97%。系统发育分析表明,该碘泡虫与Hexactinomyxon type 2、Hexactinomyxon type 1、Hexactinomyxon type SH-2006、Myxobolus pfeifferi、Myxobolus caudatus和Myxobolus squamae聚为独立分支,和其他已报道的黏孢子虫亲缘关系较远。研究在补充了海城碘泡虫形态学、基因标记序列信息基础上,推断了该虫生活史。  相似文献   

李鹏  习丙文  陈凯  谢骏 《水生生物学报》2017,41(6):1251-1256
在洞庭湖岳阳地区开展鱼类寄生虫调查中,发现一种寄生于鲤Cyprinus carpio L.肠道的黏孢子虫。该黏孢子虫的孢囊呈白色,椭圆形,大小为(1.0±0.2) mm (0.8—1.2 mm)。成熟孢子具有壳瓣,壳面观近似圆形,后端有4—6个“V”形褶皱;缝面观呈纺锤形,缝脊直而粗;孢质均匀,含有一个嗜碘泡;孢子长(9.8±0.6) μm (9.6—10.0 μm),孢子宽(8.2±0.3) μm (8.0—8.5μm),孢子厚(7.3±0.1) μm (7.0—7.5 μm);2个极囊梨形,位于孢子顶端,大小相等,呈“八”字形;极囊长(4.4±0.4) μm (3.8—5.1 μm),宽(2.7±0.2) μm (2.2—3.2 μm),极丝4—5圈。该黏孢子虫与肠膜碘泡虫、丑陋圆形碘泡形态特征非常相似,但其极囊/孢子小于1/2;与文献已报道的鲤肠道寄生北京碘泡虫和鲤肠碘泡虫相比较,其在孢子形态、孢子和极囊大小方面分别存在明显差异。基于该黏孢子虫18S rDNA基因序列(GenBank登录号KY203795)比对分析,该黏孢子虫与山东碘泡虫相似率最高,仅为96%。系统发育分析发现,该黏孢子虫与山东碘泡虫、倪李碘泡虫、住心碘泡虫、Myxobolus encephalicus、Sphaerospora molnari、多涅茨尾孢虫和Henneguya zikaweiensis聚为独立分支,和其他已报道的黏孢子虫亲缘关系较远。综合形态学和18S rDNA基因序列数据,文章报道的鲤肠道寄生黏孢子虫为碘泡虫属一新物种,将其命名为岳阳碘泡虫。  相似文献   

杨祝良  冯邦  郝艳佳 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):127-132
根据形态和分子系统发育证据,描述采自我国西南的新种长孢假小蜜环菌Pseudoarmillariella bacillaris.与假小蜜环菌属Pseudoarmillariella已知分布于北美-中美洲和大洋洲的2个物种相比,该新种的突出特征是担孢子杆状.在亚洲发现假小蜜环菌属真菌,表明该属的地理分布范围与过去已知的相比要广泛得多.  相似文献   

褚栋  刘国霞  付海滨  徐卫 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1261-1265
过去约20年间扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley在许多国家造成严重危害。近年来该害虫传入我国, 对农业生产构成严峻威胁。外来入侵物种的快速准确鉴定是科学研究及其管理的基础。本研究对来自海南三亚和陵水地区的扶桑绵粉蚧的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶I (mt COI)测序并与美国佛罗里达州的扶桑绵粉蚧序列进行了比较。系统发育树表明该物种存在两个遗传支系, 即海南支系与佛罗里达支系; 这两个支系的遗传距离约3%。这是利用mt COI分子标记对我国扶桑绵粉蚧的首次分子鉴定. 这些结果提示:(1)扶桑绵粉蚧可能是至少含有两个隐存谱系或姊妹种的复合种; (2)新入侵我国海南三亚和陵水地区的扶桑绵粉蚧是该复合种内的一个隐存谱系或物种, 且海南三亚和陵水种群可能不是来自美国佛罗里达州。扶桑绵粉蚧隐存谱系的发现对于该物种的分子鉴定及其入侵生态学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

单星藻隶属于绿藻纲环藻目栅藻科, 多为单细胞或聚合群体, 属内已知种类多发现于气生、亚气生生境, 在天然抗氧化剂和食品色素生产等领域具有广阔应用前景。但目前关于该类群的基础分类学研究相对薄弱, 阻碍了这些优质藻种资源的进一步开发利用。本研究从重庆市及周口市采集到2株单星藻, 经形态学及18S rDNA、ITS和tufA三个分子标记鉴定为单星藻属一新种, 命名为重庆单星藻Coelastrella chongqingensis sp. nov.。重庆单星藻显著的形态特征是细胞壁近似光滑或仅具细微皱纹, 不具有典型单星藻类群纵向分布的肋纹, 幼期细胞多呈椭球形或卵形, 末端钝圆, 细胞大小约(6—9) μm×(5—7) μm。成熟细胞多呈圆球形或椭球形, 直径约8—14—(18) μm。系统发育分析结果显示重庆单星藻与另外2种细胞壁近似光滑的藻株液泡单星藻Coelastrella vacuolata和薄壁单星藻Coelastrella tenuitheca具有最近的亲缘关系, 三者在基于tufA序列的系统发育分析中形成独立单系分支, 代表单星藻属第三种形态型, 即细胞壁近似光滑或仅具细微网纹, 无单星藻属典型的纵向肋纹。新种的发现扩充了单星藻属第三种形态型的物种组成, 为该属进一步的分类学修订打下基础。  相似文献   

洪平杏(Armeniaca hongpingensis C. L. Li)是杏属的一个狭域分布种,基于形态观察被推测为杏(A.vulgaris Lam.)和梅(A. mume Sieb.)的天然杂交种,但目前尚无该种与杏、梅亲缘关系的分子系统学研究。本文以洪平杏的成株和实生苗以及包括杏、梅在内的6种(含1变种)杏属植物为研究材料,分别采用核基因(ITS和SBEI)和叶绿体基因(mat K和ycf1b)序列构建系统发育树,并采用mat K、ycf1b和SBEI基因序列构建单倍型网络图,探讨该物种与杏、梅及杏梅(A. mume Sieb. var. bungo Makino)之间的亲缘关系。基于核基因和叶绿体基因序列分别构建的系统发育树均显示,洪平杏的成株及其全部实生苗个体单独聚为一支,且具有较高的支持率(分别为99/79、71/81),独立于杏属其他种之外。而基于核基因ITS序列的系统发育分析结果表明,洪平杏除极少数成株与杏、杏梅聚为一支外,其余所有成株与实生苗聚为2大支(支持率分别为0.82和0.97),而没有克隆的与梅聚在一起。单倍型分析结果表明,该物种的成株与实生苗在SBEI和ycf1b基因序列中均未检测到杏或梅的单倍型,仅有少数(2/9)的实生苗个体在叶绿体mat K基因序列中检测到杏的单倍型。研究结果不支持将洪平杏定为杏和梅的天然杂交种的观点,推测洪平杏应为一个独立的物种,与杏之间的亲缘关系更近并且存在可检测到的基因流。  相似文献   

Ochromonas sensu lato is the largest genus in the Chrysophyceae, containing over 100 names. Ochromonas species are biflagellate, naked, plastid-bearing single cells, distinguished from loricate, scaled, colonial and colorless genera. Most, if not all, species of Ochromonas are mixotrophic, i.e., they photosynthesize but they also engulf bacteria and other small prey. Preliminary evidence from SSU rRNA sequences show that Ochromonas is a polyphyletic genus. Ochromonas tuberculata is the most distinct from all other Ochromonas species. The other Ochromonas species (examined thus far) are scattered in three clades. For example, O. danica and O. sphaerocystis are sister to Poterioochromonas stipitata and P. malhamensis . Four additional species (identified by light microscopy as O. elegans Doflein, O. globosa Skuja, O. ovalis Dolfein, O. sociabilis Pringheim ) have SSU rRNA sequences identical to P. malhamensis . Of these, only O. sociabilis has been transferred to Poterioochromonas . Thus, at least some species may be synonymous with others. Two clades of marine species are also known, one containing coastal species and the other containing open ocean species. A number of genera (some also polyphyletic) are interspersed amongst the Ochromonas species (e.g., Chrysolepidomonas, Chrysonephele, Chrysoxys, Cyclonexis, Dinobryon, Epipyxis, Uroglena, Uroglenopsis ). The goal of this research (just beginning) is to establish a monophyletic Ochromonas , probably by assigning some species to other genera (existing or new). One major problem is that the type species, O. triangulata Vysotskii , hasn't been observed in over 100 years, and it is unclear which of several clades of Ochromonas contains the type. Results will be discussed.  相似文献   

关于石杉科Huperziaceae植物的分类,一直存在一些争议。在旧的分类体系中石杉科植物被包含在一个混合的石松科Lycopodiaceae和多谱系的石松属Lycopodium中。本文利用叶绿体rbcL基因和psbA-trnH基因间区序列探讨石杉科植物的系统位置及石杉科内部的分类关系,用最大简约法和邻接法对自测序列结合由GenBank下载的rbcL及psbA-trnH基因间区序列进行系统发育分析。结果显示,石杉科与Phylloglossum属关系较近,与石松科关系较疏远。在石杉科中热带石杉属Huperzia植物和马尾杉属Phlegmariurus植物的关系要比它们与其他石杉属植物更近。所以,我们的rbcL基因数据不支持秦仁昌关于石杉科分为石杉属和马尾杉属的分类处理。但是,因为我们的psbA-trnH序列没有包括热带种类,对石杉属植物和马尾杉属植物的关系无验证。因此需要更多的样品和序列数据进一步探讨石杉科的演化关系。  相似文献   

The species-rich genus Polyalthia has previously been shown to be highly polyphyletic, with species represented in at least five different clades. The Polyalthia species that are associated with Marsypopetalum and Trivalvaria (as revealed either by previous phylogenetic studies or inferred on the basis of comparative morphology) were included in a molecular phylogenetic study based on three chloroplast DNA regions (matK, rbcL and trnL-F). Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses consistently revealed that several Polyalthia species form a well-supported clade with Marsypopetalum pallidum, and that this clade is sister to Trivalvaria. Diagnostic morphological characters for the clades are re-evaluated and shown to be congruent with the molecular phylogeny. Five Polyalthia species (P. crassa, P. littoralis, P. lucida, P. modesta and P. tristis) are accordingly transferred to Marsypopetalum.  相似文献   

A preliminary phylogenetic analysis is presented forLomariopsis based on sequence data from the chloroplast intergenic spacertrnL-trnF. The analysis includes 27 (60%) of the approximately 45 species in the genus. A strict consensus of six most parsimonious trees supports two main clades—theSorbifolia-group and theJapurensis-group—previously proposed based on heteroblastic leaf development. TheSorbifolia-group is entirely neotropical and includes all the Antillean species. The species in this clade had either smooth or crested spores, but the tree was ambiguous whether these spore types define two separate clades. TheJapurensis-group consists of two clades, one primarily neotropical and the other entirely paleotropical. Within the neotropical clade nests a clade of two African species, which have long-spiny spores typical of the neotropical clade and unlike those found in the African-Madagascan clade. The occurrence of these two species in Africa is best explained by longdistance spore dispersal of their ancestral species from the neotropics to Africa. Within the paleotropical clade of theJapurensis-group, a clade of three African species is nested among seven species from Madagascar (all the species from that island). Within the genus as a whole, a derived character—the abortion of the rachis apex and its replacement by the distal lateral pinna assuming a terminal position—was found to have evolved separately in each of the four species with this kind of leaf apex. A scanning electron microcope study of the spores revealed five types, and a transformation series for these different types is proposed. Characters of spore morphology and heteroblastic leaf development agreed with many of the clades in the phylogenetic tree. This study represents the first phylogeny for the genus.  相似文献   

A new marine microalga from the Mediterranean Sea, Crustomastix stigmatica Zingone, is investigated by means of LM, SEM, TEM, and pigment and molecular analyses (nuclear‐encoded small subunit [SSU] rDNA and plastid‐encoded rbcL). Pigment and molecular information is also provided for the related species Dolichomastix tenuilepis Throndsen et Zingone. Crustomastix stigmatica has a bean‐shaped cell body 3–5 μm long and 1.5–2.8 μm wide, with two flagella four to five times the body length. The single chloroplast is pale yellow‐green, cup‐shaped, and lacks a pyrenoid. A small bright yellow stigma is located in the mid‐dorsal part of the cell under the chloroplast membrane. An additional accumulation of osmiophilic globules is at times seen in a chloroplast lobe. Cells lack flat scales, whereas three different types of hair‐like scales are present on the flagella. The main pigments of C. stigmatica are those typical of Mamiellales, though siphonein/siphonaxanthin replaces prasinoxanthin and uriolide is absent. The pigment pool of D. tenuilepis is more similar to that of Micromonas pusilla (Butcher) Manton et Parke and of other Mamiellales. The nuclear SSU rDNA phylogeny shows that the inclusion of C. stigmatica and D. tenuilepis in the Mamiellales retains monophyly for the order. The two species form a distinct clade, which is sister to a clade including all the other Mamiellales. Results of rbcL analyses failed to provide phylogenetic information at both the order and species level. No unique morphological or pigment characteristics circumscribe the mamiellalean clade as a whole nor its two daughter clades.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Klebsormidium have cosmopolitan distribution and occur in a very wide range of freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Due to its simple filamentous morphology, this genus represents a taxonomically and systematically complex taxon in which phylogenetic relationships are still poorly understood. The phylogeny of Klebsormidium and closely related taxa was investigated using new ITS rRNA and rbcL sequences generated from 75 strains (isolated from field samples or obtained from culture collections). These sequences were analyzed both as single-marker datasets and in a concatenated dataset. Seven main superclades were observed in the analyses, which included sixteen well-supported clades. Some species of Klebsormidium, including the type species Klebsormidium flaccidum, were polyphyletic. Interfilum was recovered with high statistical support as sister taxon to a clade of Klebsormidium formed mainly by strains identified as K. flaccidum. Whereas some clades could be easily associated with described species, this was not possible for other clades. A new lineage of Klebsormidium, isolated from arid soils in southern Africa and comprising undescribed species, was discovered. Several morphological characters traditionally used for taxonomic purposes were found to have no phylogenetic significance and in some cases showed intra-clade variation. The capacity to form packet-like aggregates (typical of Interfilum), features of the morphology of the chloroplast and the type of habitat were the main phylogenetically relevant characters. Overall, Klebsormidium and Interfilum formed a more diverse algal group than was previously appreciated, with some lineages apparently undergoing active evolutionary radiation; in these lineages the genetic variation observed did not match the morphological and ecological diversity.  相似文献   

为对眼裸藻属Euglenaria Karnkowska, Linton&Kwiatowski进行分类学修订,研究以采自中国的12株3种眼裸藻属物种为材料,基于形态学和分子生物学手段对眼裸藻属进行系统发育研究,鉴定了3种眼裸藻属物种,分别是尾眼裸藻Euglenaria caudata (Hubner) Karnkowska et Linton、项圈眼裸藻Euglenaria anabaena(Mainx) Karnkowska et Linton和棒形眼裸藻Euglenaria clavata (Skuja) Karnkowska et Linton,提供了它们的形态特征及分子数据。基于最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建了系统发育树,以亲缘关系较近的双鞭藻科Eutreptiaceae Hollande物种为外类群,其余的裸藻类分为扁裸藻科Phacaceae Kim, Triemer&Shin和裸藻科Euglenaceae Dujardin物种两大支,眼裸藻属位于裸藻科分支(0.84/-),共包含28株眼裸藻属物种,主要分为3个小分支,每个小支的支持率均高达99%以上,项圈眼裸藻和尾...  相似文献   

Infective juveniles of entomopathogenic nematodes in the genus Steinernema harbor symbiotic bacteria, Xenorhabdus spp., in a discrete structure located in the anterior portion of the intestine known as the 'bacterial receptacle' (formerly known as the bacterial or intestinal vesicle). The receptacle itself is a structured environment in which the bacteria are spatially restricted. Inside this receptacle, bacterial symbionts are protected from the environment and grow to fill the receptacle. Until now, no comparative study across different Steinernema spp. has been undertaken to investigate if morphological variation in this structure exists at the interspecific level. In this study, we examined the bacterial receptacles of 25 Steinernema spp. representatives of the currently accepted five evolutionary clades. Our observations confirmed the bacterial receptacle is a modification of the two most anterior cells of the ventricular portion of the intestine. Size of the bacterial receptacle varied across the examined species. Steinernema monticolum (clade II) had the largest receptacle of all examined species (average: 46×17 μm) and S. rarum (no clade affiliation) was noted as the species with the smallest observed receptacle (average: 8×5 μm). At the morphological level, species can be grouped into two categories based on the presence or absence of vesicle within the receptacle. The receptacles of all examined species harbored an intravesicular structure (IVS) with variable morphology. All examined taxa members of the 'feltiae' (clade III) and 'intermedium' (clade II) clades were characterized by having a vesicle. This structure was also observed in S. diaprepesi (clade V), S. riobrave (clade IV) and S. monticolum (clade I).  相似文献   

The genus Platycerium is one of the few pantropical epiphytic fern genera with six species in Afro-Madagascar, 8-11 Australasian species, and a single species in tropical South America. Nucleotide sequences of four chloroplast DNA markers are employed to reconstruct the phylogeny of these ferns and to explore their historical biogeography. The data set was designed to resolve conflicting hypotheses on the relationships within the genus that were based on previous phylogenetic studies exploring morphological evidence. Our results suggest a basal split of Platycerium into two well-supported clades. One clade comprises species occurring in Africa, Madagascar, and South America, whereas the second clade contains exclusively Australasian species. The latter clade is further divided into a clade corresponding to P. bifurcatum and its putative segregates and a clade of seven species occurring from Indochina throughout the Malesian region to New Guinea and Australia. The Afro-Madagascan clade includes a clade of two species found in tropical Africa and a clade of four species that includes three species endemic to Madagascar. The single neotropical species of this genus, P. andinum, is nested within the Afro-Madagascan clade but is not closely related to any extant species.  相似文献   

To study the phylogenetic relationships, evolutionary history, and molecular systematics of firs (genus Abies), the phylogenetic reconstruction, based on nuclear multilocus markers—amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)—was conducted. Using seven combinations of selective primers, 84 samples of 39 taxa were genotyped for 553 polymorphic AFLP loci. A comparison with our earlier chloroplast and mitochondrial phylogenies of the genus (in 2014) shows that the nuclear phylogeny generally is more congruent to the chloroplast tree. Most of the clades resolved by the chloroplast phylogeny were supported also in the AFLP tree. Employing the nuclear DNA-based tree, we revealed the presence of new groups and the differences in the topology of several clades. AFLP confirmed the monophyly of Asian species of section Balsamea and their sister position in relation to the American group of species of this section. As shown by the tree of chloroplast DNA, Asian species of section Balsamea do not form a monophyletic group, but belong to the clade comprising the majority of Asian species. Phylogenetically mitochondrial DNA data to a large extent are not congruent to the nuclear and chloroplast DNA trees, and are more in line with geographical distribution of species. Conflicts between nuclear and cytoplasmic phylogeny were analyzed. Taking them into account, we consider the hypothesis of a hybrid origin of particular groups of firs, including ancient hybridization in section Balsamea. A comparison of molecular data with traditional taxonomy of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

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