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In order to assess the biological function of proteins and their modifications for understanding signaling mechanisms within cells as well as specific biomarkers to disease, it is important that quantitative information be obtained under different experimental conditions. Stable isotope labeling is a powerful method for accurately determining changes in the levels of proteins and PTMs; however, isotope labeling experiments suffer from limited dynamic range resulting in signal change ratios of less than approximately 20:1 using most commercial mass spectrometers. Label-free approaches to relative quantification in proteomics such as spectral counting have gained popularity since no additional chemistries are needed. Here, we show a label-free method for relative quantification based on the TIC from peptide MS/MS spectra collected from data-dependent runs can be used effectively as a quantitative measure and expands the dynamic range over isotope labeling experiments allowing for abundance differences up to approximately 60:1 in a screen for proteins that bind to phosphotyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Metabolic labeling techniques have recently become popular tools for the quantitative profiling of proteomes. Classical stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) uses pairs of heavy/light isotopic forms of amino acids to introduce predictable mass differences in protein samples to be compared. After proteolysis, pairs of cognate precursor peptides can be correlated, and their intensities can be used for mass spectrometry-based relative protein quantification. We present an alternative SILAC approach by which two cell cultures are grown in media containing isobaric forms of amino acids, labeled either with 13C on the carbonyl (C-1) carbon or 15N on backbone nitrogen. Labeled peptides from both samples have the same nominal mass and nearly identical MS/MS spectra but generate upon fragmentation distinct immonium ions separated by 1 amu. When labeled protein samples are mixed, the intensities of these immonium ions can be used for the relative quantification of the parent proteins. We validated the labeling of cellular proteins with valine, isoleucine, and leucine with coverage of 97% of all tryptic peptides. We improved the sensitivity for the detection of the quantification ions on a pulsing instrument by using a specific fast scan event. The analysis of a protein mixture with a known heavy/light ratio showed reliable quantification. Finally the application of the technique to the analysis of two melanoma cell lines yielded quantitative data consistent with those obtained by a classical two-dimensional DIGE analysis of the same samples. Our method combines the features of the SILAC technique with the advantages of isobaric labeling schemes like iTRAQ. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting as well as possible ways to improve it.  相似文献   



Global metabolomics analyses using body fluids provide valuable results for the understanding and prediction of diseases. However, the mechanism of a disease is often tissue-based and it is advantageous to analyze metabolomic changes directly in the tissue. Metabolomics from tissue samples faces many challenges like tissue collection, homogenization, and metabolite extraction.


We aimed to establish a metabolite extraction protocol optimized for tissue metabolite quantification by the targeted metabolomics AbsoluteIDQ? p180 Kit (Biocrates). The extraction method should be non-selective, applicable to different kinds and amounts of tissues, monophasic, reproducible, and amenable to high throughput.


We quantified metabolites in samples of eleven murine tissues after extraction with three solvents (methanol, phosphate buffer, ethanol/phosphate buffer mixture) in two tissue to solvent ratios and analyzed the extraction yield, ionization efficiency, and reproducibility.


We found methanol and ethanol/phosphate buffer to be superior to phosphate buffer in regard to extraction yield, reproducibility, and ionization efficiency for all metabolites measured. Phosphate buffer, however, outperformed both organic solvents for amino acids and biogenic amines but yielded unsatisfactory results for lipids. The observed matrix effects of tissue extracts were smaller or in a similar range compared to those of human plasma.


We provide for each murine tissue type an optimized high-throughput metabolite extraction protocol, which yields the best results for extraction, reproducibility, and quantification of metabolites in the p180 kit. Although the performance of the extraction protocol was monitored by the p180 kit, the protocol can be applicable to other targeted metabolomics assays.

Bin Liu 《Proteomics》2016,16(9):1341-1346
Microglia play important and dynamic roles in mediating a variety of physiological and pathological processes during the development, normal function and degeneration of the central nervous system. Application of SILAC‐based proteomic analysis would greatly facilitate the identification of cellular pathways regulating the multifaceted phenotypes of microglia. We and others have successfully SILAC‐labeled immortalized murine microglial cell lines in previous studies. In this study, we report the development and evaluation of a SILAC‐labeled primary rat microglia model. Although the isotope labeling scheme for primary microglia is drastically different from that of immortalized cell lines, our de novo and uninterrupted primary culture labeling protocol (DUP‐SILAC) resulted in sufficient incorporation of SILAC labels for mass spectrometry‐based proteomic profiling. In addition, label incorporation did not alter their morphology and response to endotoxin stimulation. Proteomic analysis of the endotoxin‐stimulated SILAC‐labeled primary microglia identified expected as well as potentially novel activation markers and pro‐inflammatory pathways that could be quantified in a more physiologically relevant cellular model system compared to immortalized cell lines. The establishment of primary microglia SILAC model will further expand our capacity for global scale proteomic profiling of pathways under various physiological and pathological conditions. Proteomic MS data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD002759.  相似文献   

Quantification of the biosurfactants produced by a variety of microorganisms is a time taking and difficult task due to the lack of rapid, efficient and accurate methods. This work presents a simple turbidometric method for quantification of crude biosurfactants based on their property to become insoluble at low pH values. Biosurfactants obtained from a Bacillus sp. using different carbon substrates showed a good linear correlation (R(2)>0.99) between biosurfactant concentrations and turbidity in the range of 1 to 10 g L(-1) of crude biosurfactants. The substrate specific equations (SSE) and generalized equations (GE) developed in this work effectively predicted the amount of crude biosurfactant produced in different sets of fermentation experiments validating the method. A similar linear correlation was also observed with biosurfactants obtained from two other strains, Bacillus circulans and Pseudomonas sp. This simple method may prove to be effective in fast, accurate and inexpensive quantification of crude biosurfactants produced by diverse bacteria.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the novel proposed endocannabinoid, noladin ether (2-arachidonyl glyceryl ether, 2-AGE) in various rat organs and brain regions, and its inactivation by intact C6 glioma cells, were studied. 2-AGE was measured by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry, with a detection limit of 100 fmol. A compound with the same mass and chromatographic/chemical properties as 2-AGE was found in whole brain, with the highest amounts in the thalamus and hippocampus. Synthetic [(3)H]2-AGE was inactivated by intact rat C6 glioma cells by a time- and temperature-dependent process consisting of cellular uptake and partial incorporation into phospholipids. Further data suggested that 2-AGE is taken up by cells via the anandamide/2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) membrane transporter(s), and biosynthesized in a different way as compared to 2-AG.  相似文献   

Mycothiol (MSH) was reported to be the dominant low molecular weight thiol in members of the Actinobacteria. In this study, a simple, fast, and sensitive method for qualitative and quantitative determination of MSH molecules was developed based on maleylpyruvate isomerase (MPI) from Corynebacterium glutamicum. The principle of this method is that the activity of MPI from C. glutamicum was dependent on MSH molecules. It was found that this MPI activity displayed a linear response (R 2 = 0.9928) at MSH amounts ranging from 0.12 to 3.98 pmol in the defined assay system. This observation was applied to calculate the MSH levels, and the newly developed method was compared with thiol-specific fluorescent-labeling high-performance liquid chromatography method. Forty-eight genera of Actinobacteria were screened for MSH and 43 genera were reported for MSH occurrence, and the MSH levels in Actinobacteria were determined to be 0.01 to 9.69 μmol/g of residual dry cell weight.  相似文献   

Microscopic discrimination between extracellular and invasive, intracellular bacteria is a valuable technique in microbiology and immunology. We describe a novel fluorescence staining protocol, called FITC-biotin-avidin (FBA) staining, which allows the differentiation between extracellular and intracellular bacteria and is independent of specific antibodies directed against the microorganisms. FBA staining of eukaryotic cells infected with Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Neisseria or the Gram-positive pathogen Staphylococcus aureus are employed to validate the novel technique. The quantitative evaluation of intracellular pathogens by the FBA staining protocol yields identical results compared to parallel samples stained with conventional, antibody-dependent methods. FBA staining eliminates the need for cell permeabilization resulting in robust and rapid detection of invasive microbes. Taken together, FBA staining provides a reliable and convenient alternative for the differential detection of intracellular and extracellular bacteria and should be a valuable technical tool for the quantitative analysis of the invasive properties of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.  相似文献   

The differences among individual bile acids (BAs) in eliciting different physiological and pathological responses are largely unknown because of the lack of valid and simple analytical methods for the quantification of individual BAs and their taurine and glycine conjugates. Therefore, a simple and sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 6 major BAs, their glycine, and taurine conjugates in mouse liver, bile, plasma, and urine was developed and validated. One-step sample preparation using solid-phase extraction (for bile and urine) or protein precipitation (for plasma and liver) was used to extract BAs. This method is valid and sensitive with a limit of quantification ranging from 10 to 40 ng/ml for the various analytes, has a large dynamic range (2500), and a short run time (20 min). Detailed BA profiles were obtained from mouse liver, plasma, bile, and urine using this method. Muricholic acid (MCA) and cholic acid (CA) taurine conjugates constituted more than 90% of BAs in liver and bile. BA concentrations in liver were about 300-fold higher than in plasma, and about 180-fold higher in bile than in liver. In summary, a reliable and simple LC-MS/MS method to quantify major BAs and their metabolites was developed and applied to quantify BAs in mouse tissues and fluids.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics is increasingly applied in a quantitative format, often based on labeling of samples with stable isotopes that are introduced chemically or metabolically. In the stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) method, two cell populations are cultured in the presence of heavy or light amino acids (typically lysine and/or arginine), one of them is subjected to a perturbation, and then both are combined and processed together. In this study, we describe a different approach--the use of SILAC as an internal or 'spike-in' standard--wherein SILAC is only used to produce heavy labeled reference proteins or proteomes. These are added to the proteomes under investigation after cell lysis and before protein digestion. The actual experiment is therefore completely decoupled from the labeling procedure. Spike-in SILAC is very economical, robust and in principle applicable to all cell- or tissue-based proteomic analyses. Applications range from absolute quantification of single proteins to the quantification of whole proteomes. Spike-in SILAC is especially advantageous when analyzing the proteomes of whole tissues or organisms. The protocol describes the quantitative analysis of a tissue sample relative to super-SILAC spike-in, a mixture of five SILAC-labeled cell lines that accurately represents the tissue. It includes the selection and preparation of the spike-in SILAC standard, the sample preparation procedure, and analysis and evaluation of the results.  相似文献   

The measurement of intracellular concentrations of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin was performed by the application of a simple cell extraction technique combined with a rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic separation. Quantitation was done by fluorescence detection. The extraction procedure was non-degradative and the mean recovery of drug was 95%. A high drug extraction efficiency was confirmed with radiolabeled [3H]doxorubicin. The method is applicable to normal and neoplastic tissue.  相似文献   

A limiting dilution assay (LDA) was developed for the quantification of Trypanosoma cruzi in the heart and blood of infected mice. Three groups of swiss mice were injected ip with "CL", "Colombiana," and "Y" strains. At 1-day intervals after infection, blood and the heart were removed. Serial blood dilutions in LIT medium were performed and distributed in four groups of 24 microplate wells. The growth of parasite was visually checked in an inverted microscope. It was found that curves of parasitemia obtained by parasite counting in a hemocytometer or estimated by LDA were similar. A similar method was used to quantify parasites in the heart of mice. The heart was cut, washed, dried, and its weight was determined. The heart pieces were disrupted by passage through a mesh stainless-steel screen into LIT. Serial dilutions of the heart homogenate were made in LIT and added to at least 24 replicate microplate wells. Parasites were detectable earlier in the heart of mouse infected with Y strain when compared to CL and Colombiana strains. Parasites were detected in the heart of mice of all strains by 6 days after infection. This LDA for quantification of T. cruzi permits a more precise evaluation of the number of living parasites in infected tissues.  相似文献   

Quantification is an essential step in biomarker development. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) is a new modified mass spectrometry-based quantification technology that does not require antibody development. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a positive acute-phase protein identified as a lung cancer biomarker in our previous study. Acute SAA exists in two isoforms with highly similar (92%) amino acid sequences. Until now, studies of SAA have been unable to distinguish between SAA1 and SAA2. To overcome the unavailability of a SAA2-specific antibody, we developed MRM methodology for the verification of SAA1 and SAA2 in clinical crude serum samples from 99 healthy controls and 100 lung adenocarcinoma patients. Differential measurement of SAA1 and SAA2 was made possible for the first time with the developed isotype-specific MRM method. Most healthy control samples had small or no MS/MS peaks of the targeted peptides otherwise, higher peak areas with 10- to 34-fold increase over controls were detected in lung cancer samples. In addition, our SAA1 MRM data demonstrated good agreement with the SAA1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data. Finally, successful quantification of SAA2 in crude serum by MRM, for the first time, shows that SAA2 can be a good biomarker for the detection of lung cancers.  相似文献   

Ong SE  Mittler G  Mann M 《Nature methods》2004,1(2):119-126
Protein methylation is a stable post-translational modification (PTM) with important biological functions. It occurs predominantly on arginine and lysine residues with varying numbers of methyl groups, such as mono-, di- or trimethyl lysine. Existing methods for identifying methylation sites are laborious, require large amounts of sample and cannot be applied to complex mixtures. We have previously described stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) for quantitative comparison of proteomes. In heavy methyl SILAC, cells metabolically convert [(13)CD(3)]methionine to the sole biological methyl donor, [(13)CD(3)]S-adenosyl methionine. Heavy methyl groups are fully incorporated into in vivo methylation sites, directly labeling the PTM. This provides markedly increased confidence in identification and relative quantitation of protein methylation by mass spectrometry. Using antibodies targeted to methylated residues and analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we identified 59 methylation sites, including previously unknown sites, considerably extending the number of in vivo methylation sites described in the literature.  相似文献   

Precise in-gel quantification of total protein amount of bands or spots in gels is the basis of subsequent biochemical, molecular biological and immunological analyses. Though several methods have been designed to evaluate relative amounts of proteins, these methods are of limited reliability because (semi-) quantifications depend on the amount of protein migrating into the gel and different proteins may lead to different absorptions/intensities of stained bands or spots. In the present study, we described a method to quantify both, hydrophilic and hydrophobic proteins using in-gel digestion with proteinase K, subsequent extraction and acid hydrolysis followed by the use of the ninhydrin reaction. The protocol is accurate and compatible with mass spectrometric characterization of proteins. Reproducible in-gel protein quantification was performed from SDS-PAGE and IEF/SDS-PAGE gels using bovine serum albumin as a standard protein. Bacteriorhodopsin separated on SDS-PAGE gel was quantified in addition in order to show that the method is also suitable for quantification of hydrophobic protein. This protocol for reliable in-gel protein quantification, which not only provides “arbitrary units of optical density”, can also be completed in a minimum of 4 days or maximum 1 week depending on the type of electrophoresis with the disadvantage of being time consuming.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways are tightly controlled by positive and negative regulators. We have previously identified Odin (also known as ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing 1A; gene symbol ANKS1A) as a negative regulator of growth factor signaling; however, the mechanisms through which Odin regulates these pathways remain to be elucidated. To determine how Odin negatively regulates growth factor signaling, we undertook a proteomic approach to systematically identify proteins that interact with Odin using the SILAC strategy. In this study, we identified 18 molecules that were specifically associated in a protein complex with Odin. Our study established that the complete family of 14-3-3 proteins occur in a protein complex with Odin, which is also supported by earlier reports that identified a few members of the 14-3-3 family as Odin interactors. Among the novel protein interactors of Odin were CD2-associated protein, SH3 domain kinase binding protein 1 and DAB2 interacting protein. We confirmed 8 of the eighteen interactions identified in the Odin protein complex by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Finally, a literature-based network analysis revealed that Odin interacting partners are involved in various cellular processes, some of which are key molecules in regulating receptor endocytosis.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid HPLC method for quantification of mitoxantrone in mouse plasma and tissue homogenates in the presence of a liposome entrapped mitoxantrone formulation (LEM-ETU) is described. Sample preparation is achieved by protein precipitation of 100 microl plasma or 200 microl tissue homogenate with an equal volume of methanol containing 0.5 M hydrochloric acid:acetonitrile (90:10, v/v). Ametantrone is used as the internal standard (i.s.). Mitoxantrone and i.s. are separated on a C18 reversed phase HPLC column, and quantified by their absorbance at 655 nm. In plasma, the standard curve is linear from 5 to 1000 ng/ml, and the precision (%CV) and accuracy (percentage of nominal concentration) are within 10%. In mouse tissue (heart, kidney, liver, lung, and spleen) homogenates (5%, w/v), the standard curve is linear from 25 to 2000 ng/ml, with acceptable precision and accuracy. The method was used to successfully quantify mitoxantrone in mouse plasma and tissue samples to support a pharmacokinetic study of LEM-ETU in mice.  相似文献   

Availability of rapid quantitative protein-expression analysis is often the bottleneck in high throughput screening applications. A real time biosensor was employed to establish a quantitative assay for FLAG fusion proteins using FLAG-tagged bacterial alkaline phosphatase as standard. A range of FLAG-tagged bacterial alkaline phosphatase concentrations were injected over the anti-FLAG M2 antibody surface of the biosensor and used as standards to determine the concentration of different FLAG-tagged proteins with a molecular mass of 18.1 kDa respectively 49.3 kDa from yeast culture supernatants. The M2 immobilized chip was found to retain binding capacity following regeneration for at least 120 cycles. This real time biosensor method allows the quantitation of proteins from culture supernatants using a calibration curve obtained with a different protein. Further benefits include the short assay time of approximately 5 min, the small amount of sample required (35 μl per injection) and the ability to monitor the binding event in real time.  相似文献   

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