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台湾太鲁阁(Truku)族群肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道台湾太鲁阁(Truku)的肤纹参数, 样本包括100名男性和100名女性。研究方法以《ADA标准-CDA版本》为依据、项目以《CDA标准》的Ⅱ级模式样本为依据。还有atd、tPD、猿线、指三角、同名指指纹对应的情况等, 见到非随机组合的现象。这是首次对太鲁阁人肤纹作Ⅱ级模式样本的调查, 为医学、遗传学和人类学等提供Ⅱ级模式样本。肤纹是人类的生物学性状, 由遗传和环境所致。指纹花样有每人每指各不相同和终身稳定两大特点, 成为个人身份鉴定的证明。肤纹在群体间有特异性, 在民族间有明显的差异。研究群体或民族的肤纹, 可以发现人类肤纹的遗传标记。  相似文献   

山西上党地区汉族肤纹研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道中国中原山西省上党地区汉族群体肤纹模式样本的参数。样本包括500名男性和500名女性。技术分类用《ADA标准-CDA版本》, 项目参数用《CDA标准》。分析了指纹总嵴线数(TFRC)、指三角a和b间嵴线数(a-bRC)、手掌轴三角t到指三角a和d角度(atd)、轴三角t百分距离(tPD)、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等项目的二级模式样本。还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况,非随机组合的现象。山西东南部自古称为"上党", 地处黄河流域中下游广大的中原地带的中心区域,在远古时期就有原始人类聚集生息, 是中华民族发祥地之一, 是研究中原汉族肤纹参数的较具代表性地域。我们建立中原汉族肤纹的模式样本, 为体质人类学等学科研究提供较完整的资料。  相似文献   

台湾闽南汉人肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报导台湾闽南汉人的肤纹参数,样本包括100名男性和100名女性。研究的项目有TFRC、a-b RC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等,并且还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况,见到非随机组合的现象。这是对闽南汉人肤纹较详尽的调查,为人类学、遗传学和医学等提供了较完整的肤纹数据。  相似文献   

本文首次详细报道了巴藏门巴族正常人群的肤纹参数,样本包括101名男性和116名女性。本样本和中国其他14个民族肤纹参数作了比较,并绘制了聚类图。本样本与白色人种作对比,见到人种间肤纹有明显的差异。  相似文献   

青海土族肤纹学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文报道土族人群的肤纹参数,在知情同意手续下捺印对象的手纹和足纹,样本包括106名男性和108名女性,研究的项目有TFRC、a-b RC,atd,tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际,猿线,大拇趾球纹,趾间纹,足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。为人类学,遗传学和医学提供了较完整的数据集。  相似文献   

台湾原住民噶玛兰人肤纹学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国台湾噶玛兰人的肤纹参数, 样本包括50名男性和50名女性. 研究的项目有: 指纹总嵴线数(TFRC)、指三角a和b间嵴线数(a-b RC)、手掌轴三角t到指三角a和d角度(atd)、轴三角t百分距离(tPD)、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、指三角等. 还分析了同名指指纹对应的情况, 见到非随机组合的现象. 对台湾原住民(高山族)噶玛兰人的肤纹进行了详尽的调查, 为人类学、遗传学和医学研究提供了较完整的资料.  相似文献   

本文报道台湾原住民(高山族)阿美人男性和女性的肤纹参数,研究项目包含指纹总嵴线数(TFRC)、手掌的指三角a和b间嵴线数(a-b RC)、手掌的轴三角到指三角a和d角度(atd)、手掌的轴三角百分距离(tPD)、指纹、指间纹、手大鱼际纹、指三角以及猿线等参数.阿美人是台湾原住民最大的族群,因此他们的肤纹数据特别具有代表性,然而早期的研究却仅有少数肤纹参数的描述.本研究是阿美人自1960年以来首次详尽的阿美人肤纹调查,以期为人类学、遗传学和医学研究提供较完整的肤纹参数数据.  相似文献   

复旦大学生命科学院遗传工程系三年级学生李辉在卢大儒、金力两位教授指导下,对“指间区纹的进化和遗传”进行了研究,在国内外首次发现人的手掌皮肤纹路与人的基因和智商有关,由单一基因起决定作用,并且存在单基因遗传。这一发现推翻了人体肤纹由多基因遗传的经典学说。受到著名的遗传学家、中国科学院院士谈家桢教授的高度评价,认为该项研究已达到国际先进水平。所谓指间区纹是指与手指相连的手掌部分的花纹。它比其它肤纹变化多样,又比指纹等的观察分析简单,因此特别适合作为肤纹的模式型,为肤纹的各项研究提供突破口。李辉调查了…  相似文献   

中国人肤纹研究 Ⅰ.汉族10项肤纹参数正常值的测定   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
我们的祖先对指纹早有观察,新石器时代陶器上的雷云纹即由指纹脱胎而来。在近代科学中,Galton(1892)首先提出指纹的系统分类。尔后Cummins等修订了肤纹分析方法。肤纹分析在医学上的应用首推Cummins,他最早描述了先天愚型患儿的肤纹特征。迄今大量的材料表明,异常肤纹组合可作为某些遗传病的辅助诊断指标。对我国人群的肤纹参数正常值,1933年Takeya曾有报道,近年来董悌忱、李崇高和王京美等人也进行了这方面的工作,但尚缺乏比较全面的肤纹参数正常值。本文报道1,040例汉族人10项肤纹参数正常值,为医学肤纹学和人类学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

本文研究与整理海峡两岸汉民族与南岛民族的肤纹数据,来比较与探讨目前他们的肤纹形态上的异同。研究群体包含台湾的汉人与原住民族群,以及大陆的汉族与海南的回辉人。研究结果显示两岸非官话(亦作北方方言)区汉族虽然在肤纹参数上有些许不同,但皆属于北方群。而南岛民族的回辉人和台湾原住民则分属南方和北方群,并且在肤纹参数上有非常显著的不同。这是第一个两岸南岛民族的肤纹比较研究,也是第一个非官话区汉人群体的肤纹比较研究。  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphics of 100 phenylketonurics and 200 controls matched for ethnic origin and sex were compared. The present study of dermatoglyphics in phenylketonurics is consistent with results showing that single gene disorders have fewer and less striking anomalies of ridge development than diseases with gross chromosomal defects.Analysis revealed a decreased frequency of whorl patterns on the finger tips and a wider mean summed atd angle among affected females as compared to normal females. The males showed no significant differences. Limited as they were to one sex, the differences seem unlikely to be attributable to the effect of the phenylketonuric gene.This research was supported by the Minnesota Association for Retarded Children, The Graduate School of the University of Minnesota and United States Public Health Service Grant Number HD 01507-01.  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted with the arginase (l-arginine amidinohydrolase, EC of two legumes: jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC., a l-canavanine-containing plant and soybean, Glycine max, a canavanine-free species. Analyses of the arginase obtained from gradient-purified mitochondria of these legumes revealed that the arginine-dependent (ADA) and canavanine-dependent activities (CDA) were localized within this organelle.  相似文献   

A total of 203 couples with unexplained habitual abortions and 364 consecutive normal puerperae along with their live-born babies were studied. The analysis of wife-husband joint ABO blood group distribution in couples with habitual abortion showed an excess of A incompatible mating type and a defect of B incompatible type as compared with expected proportions assuming random mating. The joint wife-husband ABO blood group distribution was further analysed in relation to the adenosine deaminase (ADA) genotype. A defect of O-A and A-O couples when the wife carries the ADA*1/*1 genotype and the husband carries the ADA*2 allele, and a defect of O-O and A-A when the wife carries the ADA*2 allele were observed. In the sample of normal puerperae, analysis of the joint mother-newborn ABO distribution in relation to the ADA genotype showed a pattern similar to that observed in couples with habitual abortion, i.e. there is a defect of O-A and A-O when the mother carries the ADA*1/*1 genotype and the newborn carries the ADA*2 allele and a defect of O-O and A-A types when the mother carries the ADA*2 allele. Altogether the data suggest an early loss of O-A and A-O zygotes when they carry the ADA*2 allele and an early loss of O-O and A-A zygotes when the mother carries the ADA*2 allele resulting in a deficit of these zygotic classes among both spontaneously aborted fetuses and live-born infants. The pattern of association observed in the mother-fetus type O-A (incompatible according to conventional terminology) appears similar to that observed for the reciprocal A-O type (compatible according to conventional terminolgy). Therefore strictly conventional immunological mechanisms cannot explain the whole pattern of associations. Cell to cell interactions involving ABO antigens may have an important role at implantation: ADA, through the control of local adenosine concentration, could modulate these interactions influencing the probability of successful implantation.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2012,18(2):146-151
ObjectiveTo explore the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), defined by the previous criteria of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), as well as the criteria suggested by the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG), in an unselected group of urban Mexican pregnant women and to analyze the frequency of large for gestational age (LGA) newborns in this same group of women with use of both diagnostic criteria.MethodsA cross-sectional study included 803 consecutive Mexican urban women with a singleton pregnancy, without concomitant diseases and no prior history of GDM, who underwent a 2-step screening protocol for diagnosis of GDM at admission to prenatal care.ResultsThe ADA criteria identified 83 women (10.3%) whereas the IADPSG criteria diagnosed 242 women (30.1%) having GDM (P = .0001). Fasting glucose concentrations during the 100-g 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test were abnormal in 116 women (14.4%) and in 160 women (19.9%) on the basis of ADA and IADPSG criteria, respectively (P = .004). The frequency of LGA newborns was 7.4% based on IADPSG criteria and 6.0% based on ADA criteria—no significant difference (P = .64).ConclusionWith use of the IADPSG criteria, the prevalence of GDM increased almost 3-fold in comparison with that for the ADA criteria. Nevertheless, no significant difference was found in the prevalence of LGA newborns. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:146-151)  相似文献   

The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of community standards and formats in computational systems biology and related fields. This report summarizes the topics and activities of the fourth edition of the annual COMBINE meeting, held in Paris during September 16-20 2013, and attended by a total of 96 people. This edition pioneered a first day devoted to modeling approaches in biology, which attracted a broad audience of scientists thanks to a panel of renowned speakers. During subsequent days, discussions were held on many subjects including the introduction of new features in the various COMBINE standards, new software tools that use the standards, and outreach efforts. Significant emphasis went into work on extensions of the SBML format, and also into community-building. This year’s edition once again demonstrated that the COMBINE community is thriving, and still manages to help coordinate activities between different standards in computational systems biology.  相似文献   

B Turowska 《Human heredity》1975,25(6):506-508
Genetic variants of PGM1, AK and ADA were studied in a sample of unrelated individuals from the Polish population. The gene frequencies observed are: PGM1/1: 0.715, AK1: 0.962 AND ADA1: 0.940.  相似文献   

Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias (CDA) are genetic disorders characterized by anemia and ineffective erythropoiesis. Three main types of CDA have been distinguished: CDA I and CDA III, whose loci have been already mapped, and CDA II (MIM 224100), the most frequent among CDAs, which is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and is known also as "HEMPAS" (hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity with positive acidified serum). We have recruited a panel of well-characterized CDA II families and have used them to search for the CDA II gene by linkage analysis. After the exclusion of three candidate genes, we ob-tained conclusive evidence for linkage of CDA II to microsatellite markers on the long arm of chromosome 20 (20q11.2). A maximum two-point LOD score of 5.4 at a recombination fraction of .00 was obtained with marker D20S863. Strong evidence of allelic association with the disease was detected with the same marker. Some recombinational events established a maximum candidate interval of approximately 5 cM.  相似文献   

Xu X  Duan W  Huang M  Li G 《Carbohydrate research》2011,(13):2024-2027
A new type of cellulose derivative, cellulose dehydroabietate (CDA), was synthesized by the O-acylation reaction of cellulose with dehydroabietic acid chloride (DHAC) using ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([bmim]Br) as a solvent and 4-dimethyl-aminopyridine (DMAP) as a catalyst. The resulting CDA was characterized by means of FT-IR, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), and elemental analysis. Also, some properties of CDA were determined. These results showed that CDA has better solubility, water-repellency, and resistance to acids and bases than raw cellulose, and these properties increase with the DS of CDA.  相似文献   

A sample of the South Sardinia population was studied with respect to adenylate kinase (AK) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) enzymes. The gene frequencies were: AK1 0.975 and ADA1 = 0.933. The results were compared with those of other Italian populations.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphics of schizophrenics, patients with Down's syndrome and mentally retarded males were compared with those of normal Australian Europeans. A computer programme of multivariate analysis of fifteen dermatoglyphic features was utilized. This analysis produces two significant variates of each of the populations plotted in two-dimensional space. The distance, measured in arbitrary units, between any two populations was studied for its significance. It was noticed that the patients with Down's syndrome separated significantly from the rest of the groups. The importance of multivariate analysis in the study of dermatoglyphics in comparing two or more populations is discussed.  相似文献   

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